Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, October 07, 1809, Image 3

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f’i } ‘■ . 5 ,l i.Oi vs <T czchj :L rv : ■* t v:) ihoußnd id ruts each week— rnu i; each fbeet is read by ten there are two million pa pers read week. Ft om papers received by laft night's r we have been only able to extrafi the following , owing to a croud of other matt a , but next week lengthy extracts will it given. New - York, September 22. Ha met Car am all 1, the ex l-Yu'v of Tripe: . has been formal mPa'Nd Day of B-rne, & has ta ken prffrffj >n of his governme ft. Ah. rough the if flue nee of Dr. Davis, agent of die U. Stares, that province was ceded to him, and its revenues (i?.,c00 fcquins) confirmed to him and his heirs foe eve r. A bitter was received in town yKuHay, ‘dated I iverpool, Auguft Bth, which was brought by a paf i mger in the fnip T f ->ixns, captain Jerry, fur New-York, who left her cfv B! v.k 111 end, and landed at New Bedford : —The latter men tons iC fr-at the Britifh had block 'd , ft-- refuft i to grant licences to go to tV C; ports, which they had been in the habit of granting j that there x 1 3s not any official news from the expedition, that there was not any } nofpe-T of getting a Cup ply of goods Iron 1 Refill, that owing to the ?m ----prtffiun that the Blush imVilDr would nut fettle the difference with Ave United Stio s, the naanuf.vflodes were pu-draft t* cotton to av, ry great at Ngh prices j and char owing to unfavorable weather for their crop?, wheat and Sower t 1 rifrn and was roach demanded. The fchooner Sea Flower, captain Gff■ rd was to fai I for Nc w- Y..t k the 9*h of Auguft.” New- York, September cy. [.hr the brig Regulator from Porto Rite.] A gentleman of the flrd refpeft rb’ ; y in this city, received the following letter vdterday from his <:oi refpont 1 v nt at p 0 rto R ico. It t o: firms the news by the arrival at T do more. • Porto Rico, Sept, 3, 1809. Three vcff-ls have juft arrived from Cadiz, ore of which is in 25 <{Lys, with the off. id and ag'-cLaHe news, (dated Aogutt 1) That on the aych and a8 ,h of July, a mo A bmody battle was fovgLt in the neigh borhood of Madrid, bet we* a The Spaaifh and Eoghfh armies, under the com mind or Cu.fta and fir Arthur Welkfley,. and the French, in which the latter were ATared with the lofs of 48,000 men in killed, wounded So pri loners. The prefumptioo therefore is, that Madrid is evacuated.” London, Auguft 1. I Letters were yetleiday received from Rotterdam till the 13 th in ft. One of them mentions that gen. Armftrong, on the part of the Government of the U, S.‘h;;d ar ranged with the minifter at Pans a Commerujl treaty, the condemns if vvhich vote all agreed and deter mined j a: and it remained only for the unification of the ruler of France and the American Po-il lerft. The letter adds, that one of rhe duplicates had been forwarded ro Napoleon for his approbation atd fignatu e. Augujl 5. —-The Pi-cu At bye boat is arrived at Hardwich ft cm Heli goland, after a paffuge of eiglit days. She was fent Ht express, with an Auftriaa Muff mgr, who was the bearer of important difpatches; /..hie of tH. letters from H< 1 g /ana IV, ffv: -ft-:* A:\ft Elbe CT dxs r* (•?> .1 to thcA.mifti ‘"’t in our omni 0, the thing is Ivy V improbable ; on the ocher hand, the eft/pitches are laid to relate co a general Congrcft for Peace a: Vienna. AM Auflrian me (finger has ar rivvd at Yarmouth with do. .;r : les to Prince Srahremberg . Theclil patches announce “ that the empe ror Francis is reduced ro the deplo rable* needfiry of accepting what ever peace Bonaparte may be dif— pofed to grant him.” Clwk County , Offober 6th } 1800. Mr. Wm. B. Burton, My abfence from the State a 1 : the tune you addrefT-d your let ter of the 4“h of Auguft la ft to me, through the medium of the Geor gia F.sprefs, prevented me from giving that attention to it which it leeks, and which is the objeci of this reply. I have no he ft ten on in doing your family the juft ice to fay, that fo far as refpeefcs them, I have no knowledge of them, nor have I ever to my recollection, af perfed their character either by ob servations or is ftuuauons. And here 1 beg leave to remark, that whatever mav be my contempt for you, yet I Humid difdairi referting to to pitiful a mear, as an attack upon the innocent feelings of your fatrrlv, to injure yours—While I r m prompt to make .the above de claration, I feel equally fo, to llate explicitly, that fo far as refpeels yourielf, your information is cor raSc, and further, I have no doubt ye ti are truly fenfihle of it. The fob fiance of my remarks about yourfe]/ is recited in your letter, and rn v reafons for making you oc cupy fo contempt-able a ftand in try (ftimatiun, can the better be tx plamed by a perfonal interview, the narration would not only ted son fly croud this anfwer, hut become ex cel!! ‘elv irkfome to the public. If you feel folicitons fo have your character truly defined, and you will appoint a time and place, rod give me five days notice, I pledge my Alf to fatisfy even your incred ulous felf, that your regard for truth is not as ftrei g as becomes the man of honor or tr.e gentleman, and in the want of that quality is implied l conceive, the want: of con f.qirencc, her or and reputation.—* Havirg thus far fatisfted son, I re quire in return your author for my having traduced the reputation of your family, you cannot in j cilice refufe. I am, ore. j. F. COCKE. SHERIFF’S SALE. 4t>. . s-r* JM) WILL RESOLD, On iht fir ft day in November next at the Court- Hou/e hi Clark County, between the hours of ‘Pen and Three o'clock, the following pro perty, VIZ . T WO hundred acres of land, he the l.'.oie more or iefs, in Clark county, on M‘Nutts creek, origi nally g aued to Marburv, joining Hat sand others ; levied on as the prop* rty of Robert E. Echols to fatisfy an execution in favor of Richard D.cken, and pointed cut by the defendant. ALSO , Ore ftuall black horfc, fad die and bridft, executed as the proper ty of Barker Deane to fatisf an execution in favor of D imas L/le, vs. laid Deane, Green Etc & Tames Vv. Armllrong, and pointed out by Lee and Arrnftrcng. Oce h :n: ■ eel acre!) of !*n y b j tnc i, ne m e or If, A ft luk r 'Hin.y on MftNuns m\.- , pro g Cnaries M 1 an.i otne: e. anted t > Wag nor, executed as the proper ty o; Stringer to thrifty (b.idry ex ecutions in ; ■ >- :>f Wi him poiiu is vs. fa id / and returned to me by Arc - ‘ BTthn, co id able— it bring t/-* ir i wu:ro.a James Stringer now lives. sl LSO, , . _ . One hundred :.i i futv-e ?- errs of lard, be tint lame am re or lei , in Clark county on he waters e‘ \'/dh Cat cret k, originally grant ed t > V/ui'-mdo:', i hi:m M 4 Reft aid truis, muvet-d as the or?- gr rty of Wiiiicm Thurman to >l - furdry executions v?. fad ‘/airman, and returned tome hv ictchard Snnh dd, conftable, ;-nJ pointed out by la defendant i'hur rnac. ALSO, Fifty acres of End, be the fame more or iris in Clark county tun toe wafers • i Calls Creek, granted to Y/iiifam L/iomplbu, joining William George and others, execu ted as the property of William W. Earneft to iatioi v fur.dry rxecutions, ad r#*Turrird to me bv Laac Daniel, conft.ible. ALSO , . 87 i-2 Acres of land, be the fa 1 re more It ft, in Clark county on the warms of R fe creek, grant e to Wdharnlon, ] >ining Self and others, executed as the property of Brnja mi a Arcn and ale 1o ft t'sf yan ex - ecu non in favor of Jarnts Kirkwood for the ufe of Ben. Phillips vs laid Arondale arid j rnes Arondale, and pointed out by the Aft udant. Conditions f fti. TOI-'I M t TT T MA >J JUil.i ■ /... ... Li , Vis , h her iff, 6 Haber 4, 1809. NILW COMMISSION IN A RE NO USE. ST AIN BACK WILSON, Hav in g erc :t i C urnmod io us Stun sand Ware-Houfes on a lot ft -•ntiug.the Ui’-crj and in the next Id-.iarc neiow MKCuincds; off is h>s <2 ‘ Itrvk'f? no the public, in the tianf adtion of FACTORAGE Cr COMMISSION BUS INESS. He flitters him felf that from his puruffuality and unremittirg atten tion to bufinds, he will deierve the encouragement of thole, who may be pleafed to lend to his tare carton, Tobacco, or any other articles in Ms line of b lift re f s. From the eli gible fituation or this eftablfthment, (being in a central part of the town and having an immediate and direct communication with a good landing place) it will be very convenient for thofe who rr.ay have bufinefs ro tranfafb in this City i as wHI thole who r. file in town as in the coun try. N. B. His (lore ?*. removed to’ the brick building of Mr. Rf nard Tubman, where he intends iteep tret nn -?ff LLrcnt of Dky G ods ift Groceries, which wifi be Ibid low to accommodate his ci.ffomcrs. Auguflci , Sept ember 1, iScq. CLARK SUPERIOR COURT, September. ‘Perm, 1.309. WE, the underwritten fuoAfi ber?, the GraM B qr.eft imp.iunel leri for the body of the county of, do make die following re port, (that is to fay) Wr the Gta Jury impriff i with Pie h‘gh in porrance of having the claim ‘w r__ Mined of Wh tnc*/ ft ‘/ j!t r, c./P :g lu/ .t* ? % e> o-- (• ■ f. rv :hf -.{ nvkinij Saw w-.r.s ior > i.-/.;nr ,?r V; oh. and , theref .r", ie ''omnvud and infi.ruct theft Repre f uuui n to the General All/mbl', to u.ft their Eudeavorsto procure tlui corlent of the L'g fhcure iri other hug the Haim of the Pat eon Right. 1 me rn ftl cemtable and fair manner which t cy t \ rhetr v.ifdon\ may dwife. We alfo rcquelt thne th's r commendation may be pub-* Lft and :n t'c S*u:e Gazette. Tor Urn hi end the reft of the Jury, WILLIAM Vi RGNG, Foreman. A true rcev tab>r ‘rem the minutes* ‘’ ‘ A. AiiQfVN, Clerk. OShier r, 1 be9. NO .IJCE. IST. _ Lft ME months from the date hereof application will be made to* the ho no vla Inferior Court of JET;tun tu untv, i\#r I ate to fell ft-u fiiLih ( i tv. l hundred two and an hnlf acres of land, granted to the heirs eft Stephen Gardner, lying in R.indUph county —f >ld for the benefit of the heirs of Sryhfifw Gardner, dcceafrd. j Aj jAiftES Guardian, lava C After 3, if co. NO PICE. WILL BE SOLD On Friday the i~/b of November next, in Jack fan county, cn the pea ratten of IVilHam Morgan, ds -1 enfidy the following property, ON E Cotton Machine, one kill, ir fork s, Carrie, Sheep, Hogs, and houfehold furniture wtcia other arti cles too tedious to mention. SAMUEL HAY, Executor. ) KECILLA MORGAN, EAx. September 7c, 18 :9. NOTICE. tf^'rnrrr* NINE months ft orn the date hereof, I find apply to the honora ble tine Inferior Court of Clark County for an order of court to led all ihe real eflate of the late William, Mitchell, Jun. deceafed—for the* ben* fit of fhe heirs acd creditors of Paid deceaftd. . T. MITCHELL, Adminijlrator. April, 1009. N O T I C E. I *j' ( i INF. months after d-im appli cation will be made co the interior Court of Greene County, for leave to ft 11 a cradt of land in Ikid county, ca the waters of Town creek, con taining five f undred acres, being the real eflate of James Sanfom, deceatl-d —:o ft: feift ft:r the benefit of thf“ heirs and ‘credit- rs oft faid deceaftd. J. • ■i . -* 6 •_ l'l .•. *. * JOHN :ft MAR . April 7, 1809. Fxecnr r. . DMINIS . ■ . DR SA -E. IF til be jAd cn the thirty frft day of October next, at the late rtfdenec tf IVilliaea L, Bra-zee’, diczafsd, hi Jack/on c raft, all the pefoml elate tjjaiii dacc.'ed , p \_/ONSIS'I ING of I Ir-ril-s, Car t'L, Hog-, ! ur’auoa ‘Pools ar.d Houlchoift arc! Kirchen :: -ari*xrc. Terms eft Pale to be made know • on the day t f ; A —The Jala ro continue P's m and.; co day until di are fold. r re nix' 1 / 1 m-ipriv ATE: vie ;a;ur. September 7, 1809.