Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, October 07, 1809, Image 4

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i'OK bALE TWO valuable tra&s of Law 1 , in Jackfon county, i:i the neigh borhood cf Jeflerlon (nr Jackion • . Hi t- houc) c. . • ; nirr Niv/een j and 400 acres each, adjoining the 1;;.i esiitv Lands on the midd’e fork of the Oconee river—The fi ttntion of their* lands wili be'v t’i worth the attention of our chafers; one of the fad trails lying • itlrn one nd’e of TfTerfon, ih.e other a bout two. A further defeription is <ktriiied unnecefiary as no perfon, U is pre fumed, will pure halt with out viewing the premifis. For terms apply to Reuben Hill, Efq. mar Athens, or to the fubicriber m Columbia county. J. APPLING. Augi ft. 3, 1 Sep. 65 —1 w 3m. STRAYED JL ROM the fubfc riber3 about the 12th Augufi lafi, Two horfes (to wit) one Black horde about eleven yeais old & about 14. i-a hand high, blind in the right eye, a fear in the and a fmaiS fnip cn the a I’ it. >in and l ad, n*ciied main and fwab Tail, abou* 4 feet i t inches high, branded but tic brands not recollected. Whoever will de liver the above deferibed hcifes or rji hv r o f them t o either eft hefu b - in ibers living rear Lind ley’s bridge on the north fork of the Oconee River in Jackfon county, (hall be liberally rewarded bv JAMES JONES, fa JAMES CARRIGIN. Sept. sth 1809.. THE TAX COLLECTORS FOR 1808 Jfi.h RE notified that, after the T.oth of November next, the Le ohiat ure will be ftirnifhtd with a iiatement, in which will be exhi bited the names of fuch (and their (ecurities) as (hall then be in ar rears, with the amount due by each —and that ext cui ions thofe in default at that time, wili imme diately thereafter ilTbe. ELEAZKR EARLY, Comptroller- General. GEO. R. CLAY TON, Trcajurer . Milledgsviue, September 3, 1009. C N OTIC E. A A ALL per Tons having anv de mands againll the eftate of Natha niel Bridges, decesded, are requefted to exhibit them pn perly atu fled within the time preferibed by law, in order that provision may be made to uifeharge the fhmt—And hi pei ions indebted to (aid eilate are KOu.iled to make payment to WILIE J BRIDGES, AND YvM. M. STOKES, Executes. slugufi 17, 1809. NOTICE. ON Wedntfday the 2ah day of O&ober 1 cxr, wdl be ibid at the late rtfjdrnct* of Abel Howard ele ct aEd on Tread river ir. Oglethorpe county, A1 I. the k c=f cT.ttlt I elorg irg to the tfiau- <t ; • ’eccaird. GROVES I NO WARD. Ext ■ mor. Sf number 4.*’ 1 . t?o j. ENIERTAIEMIE.T. WILLIAM OLIVER respect fully acquain s his friends and the community generally, that he keeps a Houst of Entertainment, in the town of Peter fburg, (the one formerly occupied by Mrs. Rag land.) He will be thankful to thole who may pleafe to favor him with their crifb rn, and allures them they will at o-: 1 times find tne bed ac commodation and the utmofi good order and regularity in his place. Peterfburg, June iorh, 1809. N OTIC E. THIS dav the Co-partnerlhVp between Richard Eajley td Thornton Jones is diiTolved in the Tanning bufmefs. All perfons having any claims or demands zgainfi faid firm, are de iired to come forward with their accompts on or before the 25th day ef September next —And all thofe indebted are ch fired to come forward and make immediate pay ment or liquidate their accompts. The Tanning bufmefs will be continued by laid Eufley. RICHARD EASLEY. THORNTON JONES. Augufil 12, 1809. COLLECTOR’S SALE. Will be fold at the Court- Ho life in Jack - Jon County, on Wednesday the loth of December next; the following trails of Land , or Jo much thereof, as will falsify the tax due thereon with ccjis, VIZ . 467 Acres of the 3d quality (fo fays three freeholders) originally granted to William Ledford, lying in Jack Ton county on the waters of the Oconee ; reported to be in de fault from the year 1805 until the year 180S, both included—-tax due 2 dollars 37 cents. 400 Acres lying in Jackfon coun ty on Allen’s Fork, 50 acres of the 2cl quality, the balance of the 3d quality, (fo fays three freeholders) granted to Laour, joisvrg Hick man and others ; reported to be in default from the year 1806 until the year 1808, both included—tax due 1 dollar 94. 1-2 cents. j. M. C. Montgomery, T. C. J. C. jun e 14,1809. 56 1 w 6 m NOTICE, rqpi A LI AT after the expiration of nine months from this date, appli cation will be made to the honora ble the court of ordinary for the county of Jackfon, for leave to fell four trr<:T of land, tbt whole of the real c-fiatc of Jofiah M‘Donald, de ceafed, to wit—one trad, of four hundred ancU&xty acres lying in the county of jackfon at the time of furvey now the county of Clarke on Green Brier creek, granted to Jofeph Gallon, joins Runnels j one hundred and twenty acres, granted to Marbury, lying on Marbury’s creek ; one trad of two hundred two and a half acres, granted to Parifb, in the fifth diftrid of forjner Wiikinfon county ; and one hun dred and ten acres, being jointly between the ( dates of the decealed r.nd Nehemiah Smith, granted to W ilb am lon, lying on W AliamfoiVs creek in the county of Jackfon.— d'he fame being for the benefit of tlte heirs anti creditors of faid de cea fed. G } t.ORGE HU oiFHRIES, JOHN BRADLEY, Adm i r. ill raters. Auguft 5, 1809. Tugitg no 1 id, ALT. perfons travelling tl.rough the Creek Nation are at liberty oc cr Is the Chatohoochee, either at Mr. John Marfnal’s ferry cr at Mr. MTncofh’r, whichever they pleafe as they are both half breeds ; and v?e pledge our word and honor that all travellers coming or going through our country (hall b.e tiled well, as this is the wifh and talk of the Chiefs of Coweto. LITTLE PRINCE, CHIEF of Coweto Towns. N. B. The eld road goes to Mr. Marfhals which is the left hand. Atigud 26, 1809. 66 r. f. FI FT Y DOLLARS REWARD. Deferred from the Mail of the U. S. lorne time lad March In tfee Creek Nation (M. TANARUS.) ifacah Bren ton, The above reward will be giv en to any perfon who wili deliver kid Brcmton in Milledgeville. By application to Col. B. Hawkins, agent of the U. S. for Indian affairs, lie will idue orders to the chiefs to have him delivered up. John B. Chandler, In the Pc ft-Office Department, j one 10th, 1809. NOTICE. HJ TIE fubferiber being about to JL leave this date for the wtdern country cn a fhert vide, takes this occafion to inform ail thofe v/ho may ‘uve any bufmefs with him, dur ~ his abfence, that Auguftin S. . ;;-,ton, Efq. of Athens, is fully ern >c wered, to rranlact it, as < ffec tuady as if the fubferiber himftlf were prefect. D. W. EASLEY. September 30, 1809. NOTICE. That cn Saturday ike Qpth day of November next , will be fold at the boufe of John Griffith, deceafed , late of the county cf Oglethorpe an Broad river, 1 HE dock of ITorfes, Cows, Hogs, &c. with Houfehold and Kitchen furniture, and funclry other articles too tedious to mention. AN N G RIF FI FH s Executrix. o Sober 3, 1809. EISSOLUTION OF PART NERSHIP. rr*i il HE Co- parenerihip of Carne# & Clayton in the practice or the Law in the VVtftern Circuit having been -diffidved by mutual confent on the fecondday cf July lad; the fubferiber notifies thole who wilh his profeffional At vices in the Wti tern Circuit of this State, or in the Diftridts of Abbeville and Pendle ton in South-Carolina, that letters addrefled to h m at Carnesvilie in Franklin county between this time and the drd of January next and at this place after that date will be promptly and diligently attended to. THOs. P. CARNES. Athens, September 18, 1809. A notl ce. T L thofe indebted to die Sub (cribers either by Note or Book Ac count, sue requeded to rr-akc pay ment by the 25th of December next ", if not did barged by that time, they may expedt to find in the hands of the proper officer for collodion. Phinizy, Son Shields, China-Grove, Oglethorpe Ctumy, Sept cm hr 0.0. 1.809, 70 iw 2m. SI-EaT 0 S SALE. WILL BE SOLD 0,7 the fufi 7 uefday in November next, cn the Bub He Square in the Town of Maui;on, Morgan county . between lbs ufual hours, , 202 i-2 Acres of land, No. 265 in the fideentb and I drift of Baldwin, now M.-.rgan countv, levied upon as the property ol Robert Jones to fatisfy three executions in favour of Jonathan Lewis, Efq. Terms of fair cafn. JOSEPH MORROW, D. S. September 30, 1809. N OTIC E. T\T X vi INE months after date appli cation will be made to the honora ble Juftices of the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, for leave to fell one trad! of land, adjoining James Edmundfon, containing tvvo hundred and fifty acres.—one other tr?6t adjoining Wiiliar:: Finch and others, containing tvvo hundred a cres—alfo one otrc r t adb contain ing two hundred acres, adjoining! Reuben M'Ciain and others, all qit the waters of Liu It River—to be” fold for the bent Hi of the heirs and creditors of the dlatc of William S wan fon, deceafed. JAMES SWANSON, Admimflrator. September 36, 1809. SHERIFF’S SALE. On the fir ft 7 u fid ay in November next, at the Court- Houfe in Ogle thorpe County, between the ujual hours, WILL EE SOLD, Two beds and furniture, one cheft, a drc&cr, a fmali book cair, fDe chairs, two pit.e tables, one fleet*, one brafs tea- kettle, a pair of! fiat irons, two axes, two weeding 1 hoes, tvvo pots, a pair of pot-hooks, 1 a Dutch oven, tvvo bread trays,: three water pails, tvvo meal bar-? r ls, a tin cofLe pet, one pewter! difh, one grid iron, two (hovel ’ pioighs, one drawing knik, one pair ot il:fh forks, two pewter ba fons, one earthen pitcher, five ear then plates, one large earthen bowl, one (mall pitcher, one decanter, four cups and faucets, one earthen tea pot, one tin bucket, one large jug, 1 two tin waiters, half a dozen knivesb and forks, tvvo coulters, a boric cel- 1 is, a pair of bames and iron traces,> one pair of candle molds and a fmali trunk, all levied on as the property of William Brewer a; the in fiance of Harris Smith. a j Qr> 100 Acres ofland, more or lefg, joining of Joel jolly and others, alfo one (tore-houfe in the town of Lexington, levied on as the pro perty of Garland T. Watkins at the infiance of Ear: Holman, and point ed out by the plaintiff’s attorney. Conditions cafh. THOMAS S. BAILEY, Sheriff. Septsm b:r 26, 1809. N O T I C ‘£. ItmwrsMsa* NINE months after the date hereof, apphcaiion will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of O glethorpe county, for leave to fell one tmdl of lend lying in the county cf Wiikinfon, the ptopertyof Mi chael Whciin and known in (aid county by jot No. 24, 2ad dtfiridt lord (or the benefit of the heirs and Cicditoisol laid deceafed. JOHN M. SIMS, JOSEPH BAUGHAN^. Arlminiftrators. July 29, 1809., 1