Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, October 14, 1809, Image 1

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VOL. II.) ATHENS, GEORGIA : PRINTED BY ALEXANDER M'DONNELL, SATURDAY, OCTOBER i 4 , 1809. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 25. Arrived, fhip Superior, Capt. Butler, 5 1 days from Liverpool, with a full cargo of dry goods to iuadry. Capt. Butler failed the tenth of Auguft, and brings nothing later than already received. Spoke the fit ip Oliver Ellfworth, from Liverpool for New-York, which vdTcl failed three days after the Superior, and was informed by her, that accounts had been received in England of the complete fuccefs of the Britiih expedition—Flulhing and all the other points of attack having furrendered. OffcheWef tern Ifles, fpoke the Britifh (loop of war Nautilus, who had fell in with a cutter from Spain, carrying difpatches, conraining an account of a vidlory obtained ever the French in Spain. This mu ft re late to tivj action of the 27th and 28th July. The loft of the French as reported by the Nautilus, is but 14,000, killed and taken prifoners. The city council of London, the beginning of Auguft, had a motion before them for refeinding, their former vote of thanks to colonel Wardle. Ic is reported by the Superior that Bonaparte had returned to Pa ris. This is not likely to have oc curred fo fooq. American produce had experi enced a considerable rife in Eng land, in canfequence of the well grounded expiation that imme diately on hearing of the rejection of Mr. Erfkine*s arrangement, this government would revive the pro vifions of the non-intercourl'e. [_ Tranjlatedfrom Le Publicijle of Paris f\ The moft diftreffing intelligence is received at Conftantinople from the Holy Land. It is reported that the Armenian inhabitants in the neighborhood of Jerufalem have quarrelled with the Chriliians there , ‘and proceeded to fuch extremity that many perfons have already loft their lives. It is added that many dhafters have happened in tiie Holy City, and that levcral church es have been deftroyedF Extract from tbs hUjftna Gazette cf 7 ui y 3G I^o9. A vcfT i under a neutral flag from Civita Veccha has furmlhed us with a copy of the declaration Blued by his Holinels Pius 7th, at the time of the lacrilegious invafion of all his dominions, and of the patri inony of the church; and likewife of thefentence of excommunication iiiued again ft. Bonaparte and his k accomplices, on the lOthofjunej which aft of the Pope are herewith pubiiflied, to render them more generally known throughout the Catholic world. PIU3 POPE VII. The dilaftrous dtflgns of the foes Foreign Correspondent m GEORGIA EXPRESS. MANY SHALL RUM T© AND FRO, AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL BE INCREASED. of the Apoftolicai See are at length completed. After luffering the violent and iniquitious fpoliation of the faireft and moft confiderable portion of our dominions, we now behold ourfelves deprived entirely, under unworthy pretexts and wirh the meft grievous inj'uftices, of ail our temporial fovereignty, with which our Fp;ritual independence is clofely connected. This confolation ac companies us, under the preffure of this fevere perfection, that it has not been incurred for any wrong done to the emperor or to F inee, which has been alwavs and e .ojeht of our tender fatherly foil entile; nor on account of anv worldly political artift e; bur beraufe we would not betray our duties or our confluence. No one, who profeffes the Cath olic religion, and much lefs he, who prefides over, and is princi pally bound to announce it, can d;f pleafe God for the fake of pleafiag men. Bound moreover to God, and to the church to tranfmic our rights whole and entire, we proteft againft: this new fpoliation/ and declare it hull and void. We rejed with the moft deter mined resolution the alignment of any allowance intended f >r us or rhe members of our College (of Car dinals) by the emperor of the French. We fhould be overwhelmed with di(grace in the fight of the church, if we fubmicted to receive our fub fiftence from the hands of the ufurper of her patrimony. We refign ourfelves entirely to Divine Providence, and to the de votion of faithful fervants of God, and (half be fatisfied pioufly to con clude the bitter career of our pain ful life. We adore with profound humili ation the infcruitable defigns of God. We invoke his mercy over all our good iubptfts, who will be always our joy and our crown —and after having difeharged in thefe moft diftreliing circumftances, our duty, we exhort them to prelerve, in ail integrity, their rtligion and faith, and with fighs and tears be tween the porch and the altar, to unite them Fives with us in Repli cation to the Supreme Father of lights that he would gracioufly be pieafed to work a change in the wicked defigns of cur perfecutors. Given at our Qoirinal Apoftolicai place this 10 June, 1809. PIUS POPE VII. L. S. Ccndufion of the Sentence of excom munication. PIUS POPE VII. By authority of the Almighty God, and or the Saints Peter and Paul, ve declare you Napoleon Bonaparte and all your accomplices (co-operators) in the ad, which you are now executing, to have in curred the cenfure of excommuni cation i under which by our apof tolical letters, rotemporaneoufly publifned and affixed at the ufual places in this city, we declare all thofe to have fallen who, fince the forcible invafion of this city on the id of February, 1809, have com mitted the violences, againft which not only our fucceffive fccretaries of ftate by our orders, but we our have protefted in two confif torical allocutions (difcourfes)of the i6thofMarch, and nth of July, 1808 : and the fame penalty attach es to all mandataries, fupporters, and all others who have executed themfelves or procured the execu tion of the above ufurpations and violences. Given at Rome, at the Church of S. Maria Major, June i®, 1809. PIOUS POPE VII. L. S. ■ ■■■■■' 000<g>0—■■ 1 From late London Papers . A Britilh officer writes from Me Bin a, of date the 14th April laft : —“ I returned a few days ago from a trip to Mount dEtna, where I had been to fee the effects of an eruption, which took place on the 20th ult. The preceding day, we were all much furprifed at feeing the {beets of Mefiina covered with a quantity of fire afhes fomething like gun powder, which were dri ven by a ftrong fouth wind, from the top of the mountain, a diftance of fixty miles. Ic appears, that thefe afhes are thrown up before an eruption of fire ; they corne to Mefiina in fuch quantities, that it was unpleafant to walk the ftreets, efpecially againft the wind. On the 28th ult. volumes of lava and fire, burft on from the feveral cra ters, which the volcanic matter made of itfelf, about fix miles above the village of Lingua Glafta; it is importable for words to convey, or colors to paint, the awful grandeur of this at once grand and terrific feene. Figure to yourfelf the high eft mountain in Arran vomitting fire from a dozen different places, and throwing up immenfe heaps of red hot ftoncs to the height of one thoufand feet, attended with a ter rific noife, like the roaring of many cannon. Conceive quantities of melted lava iffuing from each cra ter like metal from a furnace, and fweeping along with it, forefts, houfes, and every obfiacle that prefents itfelf to impede its pro grefs, and you may have fome fain idea of an eruption of Mount JE:- na. In three days the lava pro ceeded fix miles, but very fortu nately did not overwhelm any vil lage ; it has however deftroyed a quantity of timber, many vineyards and fome corn fieM . It was la mentable to witnefs the inhabi tants that were unfortunately floa ted in the neighborhood; they cried; tore their hair, prayed to all their faints and images, and car ried them in procefiion to the in that their prefence yic flop the devouring element, no purpofe. The wooden • feph and ail the reft: of them were deaf to their prayers, and the lava continued to roll on for more than ten days, when the volcanic matter being exhaufted, the fire became extindft. Had it continued a few days longer, feveral villages rnuft have been burnt down. I was not more than 500 yards from one of rhe craters, buc fome of the ftones flying over my head, I was obliged to fcamper off. The effid at night is beyond all defeription magnificent. , London , July 8. The Dutch pa pers contain a circular mandate, addreffed by Bonaparte, o rhe ult. to the Bifhcps, commanding them to ofier up praifes on account of the victories of Enzerdorf arid Wagram. In this inftrument, he fays—“ Though our Lord Jefus Chrift fprang from the bio id cf David, he lought no worldly em pire ; on the contrary, he required that in concerns of th s life men fhould obey Csefar. His great ob ject was the deliverance and falva tion of fouls, We, the inheritors of CeafaFs power, are firmly re folved to maintain the independence of our throne and the inviolability of our rights. We fliall perfevere in the great work of the reftoration of the woifiiip of God : we fhall communicate to its minifters that refpedabiJity which we alone can give them : we fliall liften to their voice in all that concerns fpirltual matters and affairs of confidence.” tc We fliall not be drawn afide from the great end we flrive to attain, and in which we have fucceeded in part —the reftoration of the altars of our divine worfhip i nor furfer our felves to be perfuaded that thefe principles, as Greeks, Engli/ii Pro ttftants and Calvanifls, affirm, are inconfiftent with the independence of thrones and nations. God has enlightened us enough to remove fuch errors far from us. Our fud jects entertain no fuch fear.” LONDON, Auguft 2. We have the plcafure to lay be fore the public, an account or a moPc brilliant atchievement, againft: the Kufiian flotilla in the Baltic.— \V r e ardently hope that frequent op portunities may be afforded us of making Ruffin feel cur power. About the beginning of laft month the Ruffian Florida in the Baltic took up a pofitioh Under a point called Penfaccla, E :ch v/nu * w (No. 72.