Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, November 11, 1809, Image 2

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ATHENS) NO V. i r. We have been informed by a person and fit from MilkVgeville, that Gen. }J . B. Mitchtli is ekdted Governor. The voice of the people has never been more audibly exprtfled chan nr the recent elections. In every Jdftion of the union where they J ‘°t been held* they have eventua v ted in ths r humph of the republi cans. To demrnfhare this we fiv.U curfor'ly enumerate the vari ous refuhs. With regard to iJ Ehode-Ehnd the accounts are cca r.radisbory; each file claiming a majority in the leg’/hture. But k is agreed by the federahfts, that there is a cor.ftderahle acctflion of republican members chofen. In Connecticut more republican mem bers are like wife elected than there were in the lad Affembly. In Ver mont the triumph isdecifive in ev £££ department of eke government, proj) the branches of the legifiature . cidedly republican ; and a re bnncirdcan governor is cho fen in lieu of a federalift. It New-Jcrfey,’ both hotifes of the Aflkmbly are de cidedly, republican, the republican maj rity. of members b o ig g-eater than in the laft legislature. In To only ‘ vank, not a fifth of the mem bers of the leg;nature are federal.- In Delaware the federal party is Splitting to pieces, and though her iTembLy kill remains federal, the votes given at the late ek&ion evince a great republican gain. In Maryland, in fpite of the mightieft efforts, the houfe of delegates has been rdcued from federalifm, and ir. now republican by a confiierable majority, the confequence of which is that the government in all its de partments 53 republican. In Ken tucky, Ten nr Ode & Georgia re jiublivanilm has triumphed, as is invariably the pafe, without oppofi tlon. We have thus eftabliihed the fail, that in all the recent elections rcpublicanifm has gained a victory. Tills victory ns ay well be viewed as brilliant, when ir is remarked chefe eiecHons embrace ten Bates out of the ieventeen that make up the con federacy, and all the hates, except ing two, in which feckrallfm has the 1 raft chance of force ft, in both which Hitts there are the ftrongdl indica tions of a complete republican af cendencv at the enfulng deft ions. A t prefsnt at leaft eleven, perhaps twelve, of the Hate governments are republican, and there is a probabili ty that in a few months fourteen will be fo. Well then may the friends of lib erty in the United States laugh at the empty boafts of their adverfaries, and at their alarming predictions.—• The whole have vamfhed into air.— The almoft univerfality of their de feat proves that the great body of rhe people are againft them ; and it proves more-—it proves that the people of this country are too fixed in their principles to permit their enemies to profit by its misfortunes. It is this that the oppofiticn has cal culated upon; they flattered them felves that they would reap a rich harvtft fiom the in juft ice of foreign governments. But they have been woefully difappoinred, and their diftp point men t refled: the higheft: honor on the virtu i of the people. In this commanding attitude of victory we are gratified at the dig n-y and temperance of clilcuffion f! generally cbaraftcrife the re- I bfit an prints, w hich prefects a happy central-; with the virulent indecency or contemptible crlmina tion of a few of the federal papers* Some of the He Utter are too humble for notice; but with the exception of thefe 1: is gratifying to perceive that the chief infl'ruments of po!lei - cal clamor at prefenr are a few edit ors, whole hopes of political honor or emolument are totally blafted, and whole only refource to gain ary kind of cnftir.chon is by inflaming the people. But becaufe fuch men violate every dictate of decency and habitually (port with truth, cr pompoufly dilate upon topics long fince either fettled or cor.figned ea oblivion, does it follow that the re publican prints ought r.o defeend to their level and expole themfelves to all the difad vantages arifmg from unacquaintance with weapons in the • ufe oi which their adverfaries are fo expert. It were unjuft: to extend this re mark to all, cr even the greater part of the federal prints. Many or them, a: this very time, are guided by far different principles. Indeed tiie oppofttion is at prefent fo lan guid, that in naming half a dozen prints we (hould perhaps enumerate all rhofe, to whom belong the proud faafaflion of keeping, without caufe, the fire of party alive. National Intelligencer . By the fhip Sufan, Capt. Delano, cr rived at New-York, It was reported at Amfterdam, that a peace had been concluded between Auftria and France j but the report was not generally be lieved, though this event had been expected ever lince the termination of the artniftice. Some difficulties had occurred in the negotiations, and there was a probability at one time, of the recommencement of hoftilities—and, indeed, fuch is the nature of our advices by this arri val, that it is extremely difficult to determine whether there will bes peace or a continuation of war be tween thefe two nations. Capr. Delano Ts the bearer of difpatches from Mr. Arm ft rong, which were fent from Paris by ex prels, and which reached AmHer ein m on the 14th of September, th.e day before rhe Sufan failed.— He a)fo brings out difpatches from the U. States’ Schooner Enter prize, lieuc. Tripp, which veil'd was to fail for rhe U. States, in a botk fourteen days after the Sufan. The Montezuma had failed fevcral days before the Sufan, with dii patches for America. We have no account of the arri val of the Wafp in France. There was barely time for her to .have ar rived, and the news to have reach ed Paris and Amfterdam when the Sufan failed, as (he did not leave this port till the i6rh of Auguft. The Bricifh (till held Flufhing, and there was no expectation of their being obliged to give it up. Ex tr aft of a Utter from Far is, dated September 6. “ We are aiTured that the A merican rrfinifter has found on his return here a difpoficion to enter a new upon negotiations; that orders have been given to the Council of Prizes, to lufpend condemnations. It is faid that a difpatch Hup v/ill be expedited to carry proportions w hich have been made m fubftance as follows ; ” That if England will raife her blockade as to France, (lie will re voke the Berlin decree which de clares ail tne Britifh iflinds in a Hate of blockade ; that if the or ders in council of November ISO 7 were revoked, the decree of Mi Jan of the luh December fame year, fhou'd aha ceafc. _ * VVe have reafon to believe that thefe fades are true ; but we have hteo fo often deceived that we do not permit our. fit Ives to draw any concluderi from them.” r rhe National Intelligencer fays, ce Y/e have feen three other letters which corroborate the above ft ate ment.] Capr. Lawfon, cf the brig Mary Ann, left Malaga on the 25th cf September, at which it was reported that Sir Arthur Wellcfley, with the Britifh army (of whom, it was reported, 14 000 were miffiog) had retrea/.ed to within a fhort'dii tance of Cadiz, where they halted. The Spanifii and Porcuguelc ar m,:es, well provifioned, v/ere deter mined to refill, the French to the urmoft extremity. General Cuefla arrived a? Mala ga on the 24th of September, in high fpirits. A pilot boat fchoone-r had reach ed Cadiz from New-York, with inteliicence of the Non Intercourfe u lav/ having been renewed. Colonial produce very low in Spain and Portugal. New-York } OSI, 31. La ft evening arrived at this port, the ftft failing (hip Xenophon, 42 days from Liverpool, which pore Ihe left on the 16th of July. By her the editor of the Mercantile Advertifer has been favored with the London papers to the -nth of September, and Liverpool to the 13th, inclufive, a week la'er than our former advices from England. Cape. Ingle*, informs us, that two pilot beat fchooners, difpatched from New-York, after landing paf fengers on the coaft of England, arrived at Liverpool on the tenth of September, bringing the fir ft account of the renewal of the A merican non-intercoufe, which had a very fericus eff.Ct upon the markets for American produce.- Cotton role from feventeen pence to twenty-four and a half; wheat from thirteen to nineteen (hillings (terling j and other articles .in pro portion. The Britifh army was about leaving Flufhing, and it was faid were going to the iflind of Zea land, as troops were getting ready to reinforce them. The news of a treaty of peace between France and Auftria had reached England. Capr. Ingle has brought difpatches for govern ment. Baltimore , Nov. 1. We flop the prefs to announce the arrival of the fchr. Experiment, t apt. Hill, 30 days from Falmouth, England. Capt. H. left England 2d OTo ber and informs, that there had been a change in the Britifh mimf try— Grenville and Gray had been called to the minilh*) —the marquis Wellefley recalled from Spain, into which French troops were pouring. The Britifh troops were leaving Spain and Portugal. A duel was fought between Lord Caftlereagh and Mr. Canning ; in which the latter was wounded ; not mortally. Berne , Jure 16. An infurrt&ion lately broke cut in the Pays de Vaud , to which the taxes and the military conscription ftrvtd as a pretence; hut it .v.cs quelled by the aid of 500 French men, and two diTchargtb of medkec ry. Many of the Cantons refufcd to take (hare In tht rob? Some cf the in forge rts h\ *. u r 11 to lvl ■ ! i. . j +■ t ; : j S 5 fined at Sondfie, or have Quiet is rtftored again. Milan, jux The Senate cjfenibted this m hear the letter which had b ten ly his rnajepy the cm, king to the president. A lows : “ Monlieur, the brefidc r Senate of my kingdom cf approve of tne lentiments c iu the letter of the Senai 28th of May. I know the ■meat it bears to my per country. I defire that my of Laly may know the fa 15 . iiave lelt a: their conduc < the late occurrences. Th repelled with coritcmpfan nation the calumnious fuy and appeals to Edition anc. which have been to then - , princes of that ungrateful a jured houfe, whole leaden has, during fb many ages < our unhappy Italy. Tor; (lately by rhe factions of 1 1 of Rome and thefe of the 1 emperors, is was long divi lubjogated. Providence i ferved to me the fingular con to behold it, united under n rile again to the great and ideas which our aaceftors, among the moderns, p 0 after ag- s of barbadian. I Ids facssfied wrh the courc bravery difplayed by try troops. On the borders Baltic, and the banks of the . and the Ebro, they have fisc were of the blood of the Italians, &c. “ From my imperial camp lC at Schoer.b This letter was inunui the applaufes. The Sm quirt and it finojwld be read a time; and a c o rural at r. u pointed for making the letter to the inhabitants of the kin; On the 27th, the Senate cl. arnorg other thugs, thatch merits exprefied in the lecte tti fjft v 1 li01;v, be c o int era, an inicription uo be placen Senate, in order to preier and memory of the emperor ft i r; ur/ity. FOP SALT On the id day of January m the plantation •whereon Ahi era, deceaj and, refidtd, the : efiate of the faid deceajcd , Consisting of n< Houfe ho Id and Kitchen Fur flock, &c, and to continue tween the hours pointed o law) from day to day tint whole of the i"Td eft ire is d< of. The conditions of Lie known on the day. ALL per Tons having and > on the eft ate ol the (mo dec are required to exhibit the properly authenticated ; h al: indebted to the (aid tft ate c. quefted to make meat to the fubferibsr. GROVES HOW AT Surviving and acting IF N. B. On the fame day w rented two planradons, the y ty of the faid ceceafed, fituc Bread river in Oglethorpe o Cl a\ r v>. v \ Oglethorpe, CCcvexiter 6, 1809 CASH GIVEN FOR Cl M. COTTON & LINEN RAG AT mis. OFFICE.