Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, November 11, 1809, Image 4

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sheriem, sa .e. Will be Sold, the ftrjt Tuefday in December next, at the court-houfe in Ogle thorpe county, between the hours of ten and three o'clock, the following ■property : Three hundred and fix acres of 3 ni, be the fame more or left, in (aid county in the fork, of Long creek and Broad river, granted to William Wilder, joining George tjeld and others, levied-on as. ’Serty of Nathaniel Bradford to fatiV.'y the following executions in favor of George Mathews and Robert Thompfon for the ufe of Manning &: Blob, again ft Bat Bradford, adminiftrator of Natha niel Bradford deceafed, the terms of the laid fale not b .ing complied with. ALSO, One hundred acres of land, be the fame more or Id's, on the wa ters of Long creek, joining of Joel Colley and oiliers, levied on to fa tisfy an execution in favor of Ifaac H.* 3 —— againft Garland T. Wac pfo the bran pointed out by Jofeph . n ; DJUU’ 1 • \ ~ a °y ALSO. One hundred acres of land, be the fame more Ids, on the waters of Long creek, joining of John Harden and others, taken as th property of John Pafchal, at the ififtance of George Pafchal, and re turned to me by fames Wells, con flabis. Conditions cafh. RICHARD BAILEY, D. Sheriff. 0 Bober 3 1, 1809. COLLECTOR’S SALE. Will be fold at the Court -Houfe inj ack- Jon County, on Wednesday the 20th of December next ; the following tracts of Land, or fo much thereof, as will falsify the tax due thereon with ccfisy VIZ. 467 Acres of the 3d quality (fo fays three freeholders) originally granted to William Ledford, lying in Jacklon county on the waters of the Oconee ; reported to be in de fault from the year 1805 until the year 1808, both included—tax due 2 dollars 37 cents. 400 Acres lying in Jackfon coun ty on Allen’s Fork, 50 acres of the id quality, the balance of the 3d quality, (fo fays three freeholders) granted to Lamar, joinT.g Hick man and others ; reported to be in default from the year 1806 until the year 1808, both included—tax due 1 dollar 94 1-2 cents. J. M. C. Montgomery, T. C. J. C. June 14, 1809, 56 iw 6m THE TAX COLLECTORS FOR iBcB A T aRE notified that, after the * 10th of November next, the Le gillature will be furnifhed with a ilacement, in which will be exhi bited the names of luch (and their iecurities) as fhall then be in ar rears, with the amount due by each —and that executions againft thol'e in default at that time, will imme diately thereafter iflue. ELEAZER EARLY, Comptroller - General. GEO. R. CLAYTON, | Treafurer . f MiUedgeviUe , September 8, 1809.3 CASH GIVEN FOR CLEAN CO’l TON & .LINEN RAGS, AT THIS OFFICE. NEW COAJ.MIL> ‘ON VGff.- HOJSE. STAINBACK WILSON, Having erefted Commodious Stores and Ware-lloufes on a lot fronting the River, and in the next Iquare below M < Kinnc , s; offers his fervices to the public, in the trans action of FACTORAGE (A COMMISSION BUSINESS. He flatters hfmfelf that from his punctuality and unremitting atten tion to bufinefs, he willdeicrve the encouragement of thofe, who may be pleaied to lend to his care cotton, Tobacco, or any other articles in his line of bufinefs. From the eli gible fituation of this eftablitbrnent, (being in a central part of the town and having an immediate and diredfc communication with a good landing place) it will be very convenient for thofe who may have bufinefs to tranfaftin this City; as well thofe who refide in town as in the coun tr>'* N. B. His ftore is removed to the brick building of Mr. Richard Tubman, where be intends keep ing an aflfirtment of Dry Goods £*? Groceries, which will Be Eld low to accommodate his ciiftoniers. Augu/la , September 1, 1800. PUBLIC NOTICE. ALL perfons travelling through the Greek Nation are at liberty oc crols the Chatohoochee, either at Air. John MarfoaPs ferry or at Mr. Mftntofti’s, whichever they pkafe as they are both half breeds ; and we pledge our word and honor that all travellers coming or going through our country fin all be ufied well, as this is the wilh and talk of the Chiefs of Coweto. LITTLE PRINCE, CHIEF of Cos we to Towns. N. B. The old road goes to Mr. Marfhals which is the left hand. Auguft 16, ISO 9. 66 t. f. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. Deferred from the Mail of the IJ. S. lome time laft March in the Creek. Nation (M. TANARUS.) Ifacah Bren ton, The above reward will be giv en to any perfdn who will deliver laid Brenton in MiUedgeviUe. By application to Col. B. Hawkins, agent of the U. S. for Indian affairs, he will iflue orders to the chiefs to have him delivered up. John B. Chandler, In the Poft-Office Department. June 10th, 1809. NOTICE. THE fubferiber being about to leave this Hate for the weftern country on a- lkort vifit, takes this occafion to inform all thofe who may have any bufinefs with him, during his abfence, that Auguftin S. Clayton, Efq. of Athens, is fully empowered, to tranfaft it, as effec tually as if the fubferiber himfeif were prefenc. D. W. EASLEY. September 30, 1809. AN O T I C E. LL thofe indebted to the Sub icribers either by Note or Book Ac count, are requefted to make pay ment by the 25th cf December next; if not difeharged by that time, they may expeft to find them in the hands of the proper officer for colled ion. Phinizy, Son Sr Shields. China-Grove, Oglethorpe County , September 20, 1809. 70 \w 2m. 2 ui * ilt R fir A. j. L. rz JL HE Subfcriber intends ered ing a Paper Mill on the Oconee near the Scull Shoals, and wants a large quantity of all kinds of RAGS, . For which a liberal price will be g ven. The great want and utility of Rich an eftablilhment in this State, in which we have no Paper Mill, it is hoped will induce its citizens to afford their co-operating aid in fuch an undertaking. ZACHARIAH SIMS. Green County , Nov. 2, 1809. NOTICE. WILL BE SOLD, On the frevtijes to the highejl bidder , on the fourth day of December next the trait where 1 now live lying in Oglethorpe county on the waters of Long creek, Containing two hundred and fmy-one acre”, would an fiver to work four or five hands to advan tage, about one hundred and fiixty or fieventy acres of which are cleared and under a good fence, a young orchard of two thoufand trees juft beginning to bear, and a final! aple orchard—-alfoone hun dred barrels of corn and a quanti ty of fodder. Twelve months credit will be given for all fums a bove fire dollars, the purchafer giving bond with approved fecu ty. JOHN T. COLQUITT. OBober 30, 1809. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. On the firfi Tuefday in January next, agreeable to an order of the honor able the Court of Ordinary for the County cf Jackfon, IVILL BE SOLD at Jefferfon in faid county , OnE tract of land containing aoo acres, lying and being in the county afore laid with a final] im provement thereon, adjoining Mid dleton Brooks and Arthur Craw ford, alio a negro man named Jack ; being part of the real effare of I homas Morgan, deceafed ; twelve months credit will be given, the purchafer giving bond and Security for the purchafe money. MARY MORGAN, Admin i Hr air lx. JOHN CARMICHAEL, ROBERT MORGAN, Adm Fiji raters. OBober 21, 1809. tds 74. SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, On the firf Tuefday in December next at the Court Houfe in Clark coun ty, between the hours of ten and three o'clock, the following proper ty - ONE hundred and fifty acres of land, be the fame more or Id's, in Clark county on the North Fork of the Oconee river, originally grant ed to Gordon, adjoining William Strong and others, levied on as the property of Lea and Armftrer.g to fiujsfy an execution in favor of J ames D. Cole. Conditions cafh. SAMUEL JACKSON, D. Sheriff. OBober 23, 1809. A FEW COPIES Of a Sermon P> cacpeei in / indication l— / -dc C /(i\ lh, Ll . ji r iV Uii (J ic producedf me of the Jr eng ejl arguments that re ligion admits cf IFCR SALE t T THIS CUiCE. V-DT XT’ XT IN x r Y 'y 1 HAT after the expiration of nine months from this cate, applfi eadon will be made to the honora ble the court of ordinary for the county of Jack fin, for leave to fell four crafts of land, the whole of rhe real eftate of Jofiah McDonald, de ceafed, to wit—one traft of.four hundred and fixty acres lying in the county of Jackfon at the time of iurvey now the county of Clarke on Green Brier creek, granted to Jofeph Carfon, joins Runnels; one hundred and twenty acres, granted to Marbury, lying on Marbdry’s creek ; one trsft of two hundred two and a half acres, granted to ParHh, in the fifth diftrift of former Wilkirifon county ; and one hun dred and ten acres, being jointly between the eftates of the deceafed and Nehenrah Smith, granted to Williamfon, lying on Will lam fin’s creek in the county of Jackfon. —> The fame being for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of laid de ceafed. GEORGE HUMPHRIES, JOHN BRADLEY, Adminiftrators. Auguft 5, ISO 9. FOR SALE nr JL HAT very valuable traft cf Land, generally known by the name of the M‘Go wan traft, ft mate in the county cf Clark fix miles to the weft of Athens, on the middle fork of the Oconee river, contain ing 525 acres—-about 200 acres of which are rich low grounds. There is about 9c or one hundred acres of open land on the plantation—A very bold fpringof excellent water, within one hundred yards of the houfe, and an orchard well flocked with fruit trees. The buildings are a dwelling houfe, a Urge bai n, a cotton machine that works by water, and other convenient and necellary our houi’es. The dwelling houfe Bands in a ft nation com manding a view of the river, and cf a large proportion of the plan tation. It is efteemed (by thefi acquainted with if) one of the moll pleafint and healthy fituations in the up country. Tire terms of fale will be made known on applica tion to the lubferibers living in Lexington. w WM. H. CRAWFORD. STEPHEN UPSON. Lexir gior, Oft. 13- IMO 9. NOTICE. NINE months from the date hereof, I fhall apply to the honora ble the Inferior Court of Clark County for an order of court to fell all rhe real eftate of the Lie William Mitchell, Jun. deceafed—for tire benefit of the heirs and creditors of laid deceafed. T. MITCHELL, Adrninifirator. April 3 c, 1809. NOTICE. iXi INE months from the date hereof application will be made to the honorable fide nor Court of Jackfon county, for leave to leil five futh of two hundred two and ;.n half a res 0! Litd, planted to the heirs i t Stephen Gardner, lying in Ranch Eh countt —ibid fur the benefit of the heirs of Stephen Gardner, deccaled. * JAMES IIENDi-UX, Guardian. Cid far 3, 1809.