Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, November 18, 1809, Image 3

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NeW-Torb, Ncv. 2, Th? fh-p Commodore Rodger;*, C .plain G'g ‘ arrived at this port IT; evening ia the unprecedented pafifige of 22 days from Liverpool. The editor of the Mercantile Ad veriifer has received by her a regu lar li e of London papers to Oct. 6th, and Lloyd’s Lifts to the fame date. One of the nxofi impsrrant arti cles of intelligence we have receiv ed by this arrival is the hidden and unexpected charge in the Biitifh rr.intftry, which took place about i. h c ?. 2 and o f b epte mbt r . By virtue of the new arrange © • ncnc, Lord Wellefley is to be the Secretary of War ; the Earl of } I arrow by takes the fore ; gn depart ment ; Mr. Percival is to bt firft ] ,ord of the ITeafury and Chancel lor of the Exchequer. Lord Gren ville and Lord Grey were invited to co-operate with the new adafiniftra non ; bu: conceiving that their fur vices could not benefit their coun try, in support of a miniftry which they could not but defpife, they declined all participation in the ludsv rneaiures of the government; > o w * tne lame time txprtfirg their evotednets to the caule of tne na* on, whenever their talents and in luence could be employed with sd a ntcgf. Bonaparte was ft. 11 at Sehoen >runn. Mr. W. Sluder is rhe bearer of b I patches from Mr. Pir.kney, the j*'.a ini tier in London. An ex trail of a letter from Id- M vlerpooh dared October 6 h, flares, iU Our minifieria! arrange men f.s ap pHr nearly fettled for the prefcnr, t \ciugh apparently left favorable to a I retirement of the d'fferefrces be ciecn your government and our:, tlfan if the change had been ccm pffpe. The refills! of Lords Grey aid Grenville, to accept the pro !-1 { i n ons’ fii ad ego the rn p rodu -d a t mnotary brifknefs it; Cottons, and an( advance was freely given by speculators;’ that article as well as ot hers is now cVprejT-d. Pot Atti cs 6o to 6r, Pearl 66 to 67. Tur pentine 33? to 33, W. O. bbk i it ayes 19 to 21, Wheat 17 to 17 6 Fl®ur bos. Rice 74J. Tobacco frbrn 7 to 14! Cotton, Upland 17 ro sod. New-Orleans 24, Sea Ifland 25.. 3d. to 2. 6. Lho following articles are from ouit lotefl papers by the Commo dore Rodgers : London, Oct. 5. —We have teeji ved Paris papers to the 26-.11 hfti but they contain nothing of any importance. We received, this morning, Dutch papers to the ift iniT. containing Vnevus from Vienna to the 20th 1 a 11. Bonaparte was at date at Schoen hruhn, and the emperor of Auvcria Buda, for which place the Austri an Count Buhna had fet out on the liftcrath from Schcenbrunn, with for his maiter. At his etpsnure he was prefented by B >- i: *parte v ith a precious iione of value * from which circiim it ’ace it was inferred that the ne p/Kij'.rions are drawing towards a uo ‘ e <> There are, however, many 1 ,r ciir;ftances unfavorable to this r, FT'<Uuioo. Tetters from Strsf of the 22d Sep:. fta f e, that 1 lfr pernio i’ct which expired on the -■ ; h has been prolonged for a l ‘A~’* :Ll b with the additional ffcipuhi '"J>l heftilities ate not to te ll v |,r until after 6 weeks no- ([ its expiration. French I p-> -.nd military (teres had pa Ted I iroon-k . e. ‘ teat city on their way to ‘he troops, both F< t. 0,1. Buriaj arte vras alfo buffi/ employed in eftabUhmg a line of F tiegrapns from btrafburg to Vi enna, palling through Ulmand Mu nich ; by which means there would be a complete line of Telegraphs between the Aullrun and French capitals. As the immediate evacu ation cf Vienna would probably, be one or the conditions cf peace, it would feem from this circuni ftance, that luch an event is not corfidered near at hand. The ac counts from Paris, in the Dutch papers, are to the 27 th laft, and from Bayonne to the 29th. Seve ral detachments of troops had late ly palled through the latter place, on their way to Spain, Mr. Perceval, yefterday, kiff and hands on his elevation to the poft or Firft Lord of the Treafury, vice the Duke of Portland, by which movement the Rt. Hen. Gent, be comes premier. This was the on ly appointment announced y.tftcr ckay at. the Levee. Lord Harrow by l as, not yet leteivtd the leak of thtr Foreign vacated by the Rt. Hon. G. Canning, and it is even laid that they have been refill ed by Earl Bathurft. ; . From Barcelona we are informed, that this city, which lately contain ed 5-20,000 inhabitants, is abandon ed by almo ft every Spaniard, and that the graft is growing in thole ftreecs which were once crowded with the productions cf every quarter of the world. In one of the letters we have juft received from Cad'z, mention is riade of a truly extiaordinary de mand which has been made to the ] uma by our am baft., dor, the Mar quis WeUcfiey, v.z. to put his Br tannic Mjjefty in the pofft ftion of the pert of Cadiz and the hi and of Cuba, as a guarantee for the ful frment of the engagement entered into by Spain with England. We cannot believe that he would dare to make fo extravagant and injuri ous a pro petition. Morning Chronicle Lord Collingwood was before Toulon on the 6th Aug. The French Beet is compoftd of 15 fail of the line, 2 Ruffian line of battle flops and 3 frigates. Four thoufand it amen have arrived at 1 ouion from Rocheforie. Rear admiral AUemand has a command in the ftjutidron. New Tcrky Nov . 6. Cipt. Kiqiiti, in 14 days from Fluvanna, informs that the 2 B’ it Ih frigates and 2 Spanifh 74’s from La Vera Cruz, (before reported) failed from Havanna to Cadiz, a* bout che 12 h of OdC having on board 17,000,000 of dollars and other valuable property. We learn farther, that the port of H&vanna was opened for the r.d miifion cf lumber on the 16 h ult. and it was fuppofed farther relaxa tions would take place in lavor of Americans. account tines, that no vdTris would be admitted to an en try that arrived after the 20th Oc tober j and all vtffels that arrived previous to that date would be ad mitted. Markets dull, though flour was 20 dollars per barrel, pork i3, btei 16. The following is taken from the PhLdelphia ft ree man’s J otirnai < Mrs. Jerome Fatterfon of Bal timore (firft wife of jereme Bona narte) has been created a duchefs of the houio of Napoleon, with a Dia ry cf 50,000 crowns per annum.-- ILr lon in created a ptioce u t tne ft topke. it fad, c< * T 0 ufare -, Imcoi” t! e A merle an R o voiudonary Army, is appointed his governor, with the rank of General, a ad a fplendid faiary. Balll sno:e is 10 be the Imperial and Royal reft dence tor the prefence.” The Irifh Legion ferving under Bonaparte, is laid to be commanded by a perfon of the name of O’Mara, and not by Arthur O’Connor, as was luppoled, who lives retired about three miles from Fare.- C’Ma r a had diftinguiihed hitnfelf in fevcral abtiofis, and on the particu lar and perfonal recommendation of general Clarke, was appointed by .Bonaparte to tiie command of his countrymen. Du 11 in paper. A? The Rev. John Hodge will preach the Funeral Sermon of Mr. IVitiinm tsharvy at the planta tion of Col. Randolph, on the H Sunday cf next month. Advertisement Extraordi nary. One 7 boiifeytd. Acres of Land on the Fotorn i: or feme other River in the Rebel Colonies of America, is hereby offered tor the body, dc.rd or alive, of one AQLTLA COLUMBUS, a native of Ivlr.fnchuletts, one of the faui Rebel Colonies, who do fereed by Iwimming from this ft ip, when 3 leagues from fhore, after having been duly and Legally itu prefthd from on board a Tankr.y vefiel, by the authority vcfhd >n me by George Canning and Grorge Guelj>h, a c uple of my Lords and Maftets. Aqulla Columbus is about 33 or 34 yeai * old-~he has no bra ad or mark, except here and there one, made by the rattans of our gen pel yound midfliipmen, fume of whom, being bleed relations to the Duke of York, had the rn< fl perfect right to do what they pleaftd with any rehei wtalforndcver. I bis runaway is fuppol’ed to be concealed ot iurk ing fomewhere about in Maliachu fetts cr Georgia or Kentucky or PennfyLania or the Miffiffitppi Territory, or in the .Allegany Mountains, or fomewhere elfe in that big country ; ror he has a wife and child in Maffachufetrs—his fa ther and mother have removed tty Kentucky, and he has fevend bro thers and fii'lets who have fettled in Georgia, Pennfylva'nia, Ohio, or home other of your Rebel States.— I fufpefl as how this ralcaily fellow has a Jinare attachment to his native country \ for I never knew him to. get right drunk, nor curfe and I’wear, nor lidtcule religion, nor v fit the charming pretty chafte girls at the dock >aids of Ply mouth and Portfmouth as we Eng lifhmen always do—he has even been caught reading the bible.— As the fellow has been in his Ma i-fty’s ft?vice only a few ycarsy I trull that all thorough-going mo - narchifh in the ci-dcvant Colonies, will lend a hand, and ufe all dili gence to reflate him to his Majrf ty’s i\ rvice as in duly bound, in order that the fcouudrel rnav have a fa r chance for the honor of having hi-s brains dafn:d about the detks of his Majtfty’s lhip the Leopard, whenever we bombard New-York, or Bofton, or Charleflor;. The above handfeme reward cf one thoufand acres of land will be located, either on General V/nfa irgeon’s tra:ft, called Mount-’Ver non, or on Mr. JcfFerlon’s traft r.r Monticello, or on James Madden's ir.01ar.42 county in Virginia, or on ftands belonging to old Putman, or of the cur fed Rebel Gent inis, aniH t e 1 >;■ ation liiall be made, and fuil,n aoiohue and legal pofielfi m fhaii g’.vtn as ib'ui as the Duke ot YoflSf >r Arthur Welkft-y f?nII your d— -d rebel country. ( Signed ) ‘ JB|■ /i ft ML ACI IRI >TI AN fIHH < hi leer i bis Mvj • 7y\v /’ in the Led ij o ’ ihfc LOST A note of hand, amount fifty dol- A brs, made by Id ole in an and Thortias 1 S. Bailey, to Margaret Harris, V-lhriftmas next —All perfons arSf lorwarned from trading for faidfl note, and the fubferibers to the 1 fame from making payment to any ] other clan , 1 charles Baldwin. 1 November 13, iSO9. NO rICE | A! V ; ■ ‘.S ‘ gninfl the eft ate deceaftd, cf Jack lon em..u 7, requefted to fend them in propeiTH authenticated, agreeable tt) lavV-- ™ and thole indebted to laid ♦ftnee :re reqnetted co make immediate pay ment. - GEO. W. MOOR IE November 14, 2809. iw 6v. ADMiNIS i RATORN SALE. Will he fold to the bighejl bidder on the 1 2th vf December next, on the Pjanlalien whereon Samuel Ewing, deceeftd , refided, (thefile to con tinue from day to day until the whole is fold) all the perfonal pro perty of faid dcc.eafedi Confifting of houfehold a:vd kit shtn furniture, dock of l ories, ca f tle ; amongft which is n prime yoke of oxen, hogs and fh.-tp, a csrtj a quod roacj waggon, a let cf blackftPich’s tools, with a number of other articles too tedious to men tion—for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.—The tefrrts of Lie will be made known on that day. ALL perfops having claims a gaintt faid eftate are rcqueiled to bring them forward properly au thenticated in the time preferibed by hw, and all thafe indebted are 1 re quelled to make immediate pay ment as further indulgence will hot be given. JAMES D. EWING, ANDREW F. EWING, Adminiftracois. November 17, 1809. NOTICE. TftiAT ray wife Milly Hailin haa left my bed and board without any provocation, and therefore do forwarn any perfon from trading v/ith her on my credit, as lam de - termined not to pay any cf her con tracts. VALLENTINE HAULING November 13, 1809. Starks or bullivan, or feme orl*er EXECUTORS’ SALE. Will be fold or. the 2Qth and goth o r December next, at the late AweUhii houjs of Henry Ad Coy, dcceajed, of Ciat k county, A few likely Negroes, one Wag gon and Geer, feverai Horfes, with other aitides too tedious to men tion. Terms will be made known on the da/ of fide. SARAH M'COY, Executrix <S> Adndnijtralr ‘u. JOHN M f CC I', NEELY M-COY, Executors id s . NivewUr. 1 3, 1809.