Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, November 25, 1809, Image 3

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Same day* thy Prefi-Ynf, Cap*. B uribridge, and Vixen, 1 feu:. Lpd f-w} failed from New-York EAc ward to examine the different poris and harbors along the coalt cf Nan tucket and Rhode Ifland. Sain” day, the (hip John Adams, Cape. Evans, arrived at Hampton in 22 hours from Baltimore. This vefiel was, before One was repaired, confidered as a bad tailor, She i; now a ver’ faftfailer, 23 are all our other vefibls above Rated. Nat. hi. We are informed that Col. Mil ledge, has refigned his feat in the Senate of the United States. The Leg!fUture will, confequentlv, have to ekwt a Senator to fill the vacan cy. Capt. William P. Bennett, dr the 6;h regiment of U. S. I far,try, who was arretted for the (hooting cf Underhill, a defer ter from his company, in Canada, in Mav laft, has had his command and his fword re ft ore and to him, b; the decifion of a court-mar *L 1 I Ud mbled .at Fort Columbus, in the harbor or NVw- York, during the month of Aug nil Lft. The remains of the late General Anthony Wayne, which had been depofued in the neighborhood of Lake Erie, hawe been removed by Ifaac Wayne, Efcj. the fort of that iiiuftrious Pennfylvanian, to Radnor <i Litorch, in the county of Che;(ter.— Our readers will recoiled*, rhat the Pennfylvania Society of the Cincin nati, appropriated the ium of 500 dollars, for the purpoleof ere&mg a monument .0 his memory, under The dire&icn cf Colonel Johnfon, Major Jackfon and Mr. Bioney. ‘turnpike ft? Bridges —A com munication from Dr. De Witt to the Society of l. ftful Arts, exhibits a Lift of Turnpike Roads & Bridg es in the Star- of New-York, with the amount of the Capital Stock of the Companies, the diftance of the Roads to be made, &c. From this l ft, it appears that there are 67 Turnpikes over 307 1 miles of road, the flock of which is tflimated at 415,000 dollars. In all, 88 Com panies, whofe capital ftock amounts to 5,636,750 dollars S—Nearly ail the roads to the wealthieft and mod populous parts of the Rase are tuni pitSd ! What a fad and disgrace ful picture do the Southern States exhibits, when comrafted with this evidence of the public fpirst and liberality of their filler State ! Raleigh Regijler. Fori Wayne, Oct. A treaty was concluded ar this place, on the 30th ult. by his Ex cellency W. H. Harrrifon, Gover nor of Indiana Tti -isory, and Com m;dinner on the part of the United States, with the M amies, Porava taniics and EU river tribes of Li chens ; bv wnich they have ceded to the United States a trad: of land on both Ikies of Wabaih river, ex tending from the land heretofore owned by the United States around Vincennes, i-p to within twelve miles 0. the mouth cl Vermillion river. They a;lb ceded by the fame treaty a trad of twelve miles wide extending along the former boundary line, eftabiidled bv the treaty of Greer.vilir, as high up as Fort Recovery. The forego! g ceffions are com [ rt-d 0: 2>600,000 acres, and con tain lome < ■ the fined land in the U nitt q Sea its. T Y f t ....... —v*iii oe j iea.wvj t pv.^_.m ... your paper th:. letter for the Vnfjr iiiaixon (■’ .’in c ovens. Your cbecienc fervanc, John John ft on, Indian Agent. Though the Britifh could not carry on their expedition to the Schelde in ftyle, he/ arc yet 1 de iermined to carry on the enquiry into its failure in that manner ; and for this purpofe they are fitting up the Hali of Chelfea Hofpitcl. This will coil them money which might be very well laved oUy by a Being a (ingle queftion of Bernadotte. —* He would tell them as one word the whole reafon of the failure of the expedition of the Scheldt, as well as that into Spain. Strength of the People. <c It is extremely difficult to over come old bad habits, aln indr tiff res fiery is told of a man who ttfed always to jlop at a certain botfie to take a dram. He formed a rejolution to pays without flopping , and on *his way faid to himfielf, (t Stick to it rejolution! flick to it, rejolution /” After he had puffed he faid. tf Well done ref elu tion ! Come back now, and I will treat you V ’ STUDY & EXERCISE. From an tfify in che .Con.;g&lcuc Courant, ct On the attention due both to mind and body.” TVs felt cl the following remarks , which we can recommend to the at ten - tion of literary men, from an experi ence, to which in all human probabi lity, we owe our exiftence at the pre font moment. Freeman’s Journal, Literary men might have the bed chance to unite in themjelves bodily and mental excellences, if prudent care were early begun and conftdntly con tinued. If there were ufied frequent excercife ‘in tbs open air , both at the commencement and throughout the whole courfe of a life cf jhidy ; if Jludy and exercife were alternate at the port intervals of two hours, or three hours at mo ft, the body would retain its vigorous tone, the mind would be relieved, and the progrefs of learning promoted rather than retard ed. But this is often revsrfed in prac tice. ObJ'erve afcholar that has juft left the occupations of agriculture t obferve his ruddy countenance and flo rid health. Obferve the fame fcholer two or three years afterwards ; fee his dim eye, his faded cheek , his ema ciated body, the debility of bis whole frame !—And what has operated this melancholy change ? Continued mental exercifes, without correfpondent extr emes of the body. He has been a hard Jludent, and has treajured up Greek and Latin, and Algebra, and Logic ■, lut, for want offt eauent intervals if vigorous excrcife in toe open air, the juices of his body have corr upted, like the water in a funding pool. We are compound beings, confiding of animal and mental parts and facul ties. It is a raofi definable thing to have “ a found mind in a found bo dy j” end therefore, whilft the prin cipal attention is to be paid to the in ielieblual, moral and religious improve ments, there is ns fmall attention due alfo to the health , fiundnefs and agi lity of the corporeal part ef our nature. (fir* The R “v. John Hodge will prets=_ii 1 lie Funeral Sermon of Mr. William I haw, at the planta tion of Col. Randolph, or. the 3d Suoda • of next month. SLR ‘-RIFF’S BLANK Til LES ICR I ALE AT TINS OFFICE. SHERIFF’S SALE. SHERIFF’S SALE. On ti ej:;fi jucfaay in ‘January next wfi be fold at the Court-Hcufs in Clark County, between the hours of tin and three o'clock, the following property, to wit — Lievc-1 and two thirds acres of la: din Clark county, on the waters or the Nor;h Fork of the Oconee river, granted to Gorham, joining J.ickF. Cocke & Thomas Moortg with a machine and machine houfe thereon, ore negro man known by tiie name of Dick—the above pro perty levied on as the property of Temple Lea to fktisfy an execution in favor of Boling Cox, ALSO, One hundred acres of land, more or left, m Clark county, lying on the Appfdachee river, granted to j joining Lane and Others’, levied on as the proper ty of Robeut Fall wood to latisfy an execution in favor of Jacob Djo forth, vc. laid Full wood and Wiiire RolT ter, and pointed cut by R, Full wood, ALSO; Fifty-five baarcls of corn, levied cn 2$ the property of Green Lea to fads'v an execution in favor of Dil -n. <s L)lt, vs, fa;c Lea and Buiket Dean. ALSO, One hundred acres of kind, fitu a:e in Clai*k county, it being the plantation whereon William tinman now lives, levied or. 2s the property cf Pet r Helton to latisfy an execu tion in favor of E. Melcon, faid land granted to Jr.fiah NYedom and James Norris, joining Mofes Wat kins and others, on tue Ikavudatii crock Conditions C-fh. SAMUEL JACKSON, 0 her,iff. Nov. 25, tSoiy. A Lifi of Defaulters in Oglethorpe County for 1809. . C apt. Jqfcph Mortohd Difir iff. No return, Connaway Gai lng ton. Capt. Robert Pope's Difir iff. ‘William Holmes, David M*- Clt fkey, Walking on Smith, Tra vis fvLCie.idon, William Ii tower, Sen. Capt. C. Edmond/on's- Difir iff. James Keddic, John S.mth. Capt. Elias Beall's Dijlricl. Peter (Lews, James Hogan, Benjamin Griffith, Aba A kins, Pe ter Caldwell, James Hid (on, ML chril Burford. Capt. George Thrajhes Difirift. Michael Culbmh. Capt. Plea fa at Compton's Difir is?. Jeremiah Stubbie field, Ec.Uin Garhngton, Jun. George Waters, Robert Armour. Capt. John G. Smith's Difilrict. Micajah-Martin, John Brad bid, James Brewer, John Smith, Wil lis Gunnels, Robert Hoof, j hn Woodley, Stephen Gunnels, jonn Hatley/ Capt. Ephraim Jackfon's Dtdrift. Sam tv-i Currv, Jacob Reed. Capt. William Hitchcock's DifiriA. Levy \Yalbs, J<<rues Cooper. Capt. jfieph J. Moore's DfiriA. Jacob B zz^rd. JOHN GRESHAM. Sen. R. T. ci. b. C. November 15, 1809. SMS'.RIFF’S SALT. WILL BE SOLD, Qn the fir ft Tuefiday in Dec ember next at the Ccu-'t- licufie in Clark coun ty. between the horn tf ton and thi ec 0 Ci /tri, li.'i j cilisWiap pros er *ro l 1 O’ ; "fi • ONE hundred and fifty c're:; of lend, le the fiautt more c. Uf-, i.i Clark county cn rhe North Fork of fht Oconee river, ’ orf-h:rJly o? ir e.I to G Uviun, r jninjrg V, 1 -,r**i . S-rung and others, levied r.n, *• property of Lea ar.d Arrnftrcn-v >-. farisfy an execution in favor c:’ James D. Cole. Conditions SAM UE L JACK SQ N/ D. Sheriff. Ofloher 23, 1809. f -* er P A P E 11 M I V’ T A HE Subfcriber inrendsTl ad ing a Paper Mill on the near che Scull Shoals, and wants a large quantity of all kinds of jy a (p q IV tWjrO, For which a libera, prke mil be given. The great want and utility cf fuch an eilablifiirnent tp this S:;.; - in which we have id p .pc.- PL Y, \z is hoped will induce its •Lrizm:, sri afiLrd their co-x’peratirg aid in luch an undertrd;i:-g. 21 AC MAR [AH ><Tx7Tias ci Green County, Nov. 2, fi, 1 .1,1. 1 , 1 AD M I NISTKA I ‘CAS CALL. There will be fold on the ninth day of January next, all the pergonalp t Dkf CtuC.y Connelly, in ccaga. P ‘ KJ ONSISTING of earth, hoi fr, h gs, Ihetn, plantation 1 vis, h ’uf*holri and kitchen furntcure with other articles tedious to nien tion, together vi.h a nop of com LIK.LW L E, N:grot:s be hired on the Erne di’y a.vd a*- the fame p iace. \ v.-e'.ve mon‘? s • /edit will be j- ‘ u, tan p.ii n.Jcr 10 givc bond tum - roved le u i ■ . WILLIAM CHRISTIAN, D. MOR GA N. Nov. 28, j 8 co. ADMINIiHATOK’i SAI.E. On the twentieth dny of next, at the late reftdence of /'hi lemon Thompfion, acceajid, Cl.irk c oyi j * t y $ WILL BE SOLD, all the per fond eft ate of de erffied, Oois’SISTIN'G of n.wfe'f, C -t ---tie, l\< g, Houfehvdd ar.c, L i chen Furniture, with the cron md other articles to<> irtbous to men toj Terms of fa 1 e rnat 1 e k.owa on the day, ar.d con.L ue fi :ay to day until all is difpq-frd of. SAMUEL HEdVER, Adminifiraior. November 6, 1809. ADMINiSTRATORS SALE. Cn the ft*ft Tuefiday in January next, agreeable to an order ufi the l crior able the Court of Ordinary for Le County of Jackfon, IFILA. Bid SOLD at JefifAjon hi fad couxfi, A V. AN E rr ?. £b r f hnd cor-’ • 1 g 2co acres, 1 irg ar.d being m county afoiefaiJ with a fina‘l v.- prqy.* mem the reon, adj 1 i diemn Brooks ar.d Arthui C'riv.v ---f >rd, alio z negro man named J j-.k ; itt’ing part or the rerd efta e of Thomas Morgan, de r eafed j tw -’e months ci edit w ill be -.Wo, * e {:-.irehaler r<ivir.r- b r,d m.d Ic.ur tv Ac the p- l haL more . TANARUS!, 1 \’ < V l-A DO . ■ A ST 1 i\. x. 1 IV+ j:. y ; L’- , sf ■ ■n, f jf J *ft t C *‘ lX m IGHN CALM vLIAiE , ROBERT MOL GAS , y ft *- r - • M - t e* - v e O. •’ ♦ 0 A Over %1, 1809. i.L 74.