Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, November 25, 1809, Image 4

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icr. j | 1 y AT ..after the expire lord or nine months from tit's dace, aj ©li cation will be made to die honora ble the court of ordinary for tire r county -it Jackfon, for leave to jell four i ::£s of land, the whole oft he >real efface of jofiah M‘Donald, de ?fcd, to wit—one trait of four x. hdred nnd fixty acres lying i/ithe f, .\ cy of Jackfon at the rirf.e of H el vc ■ now the county cf Clarke cr?ci'* Rn Brier creek, granted to \^ r iljif a . Jsytrfon, joins Runnels one nf ddv.o*'and twenty acres, granted ‘Wiar'bury, lying on Marbury’s < (vk ; one trad of two hundred two and a half acres, granted to ‘arifh, in the fifth diftriftof former V/iikiofon county } and one hun dred and ten acres, being jointly between the effaces of the deceafed and Nehemiah Smith, granted to WiH'amfon, lying on Wiiliamfon’s rrnrk in the county of jackfon,— The fame being for the benefit of the purs and creditors of faid de ceafed. ..jtmc y f y 10 RGE I HUMPHRIES, t ; ,‘ T-’N BRADLEY, i| r^ lr - 4 ’ Adminiftrators. I Ampdl 5, 1809. AOA SALE and! HAT very valuable trail cf Lane, generally known by the name 1 the MjGovvan trail, fituate in the county of Clark fix miles to the weft bf Athens, on the middle fork of the Oconee river, contain ing 525 acres—about acres of which are rich low grounds. There is about 90 or one hundred acres of open land on the plantation—A vt ny bold frriegof excellent water, •v\hin one hundred yards of the Louie, and an orchard well flocked v. ! ,_h fruit trees. The buildings are’a dwelling boufe, a large barn, a cotton machine that works by voter, and other convenient and net tffiry out houfes. The dwelling houft hands in a firuation com manding a view of the liver, arid of a large proportion of the plan t uson. it is (dleemed (by thofe acquainted with it) one of the mod jAafaut and healthy ficuations in the up country. The terms >f fale will be made known on applica tion to the fubferibers living in Lexington. WM. 11. CRAWFORD. STEPHEN UPSON. Lexington, Odl. 13, 1809. NOTICE. NINE from the date hereof, i fiiall apply to the honora ble the Inferior Court of Clark County for an order of court to fell all the real dlatc of the late William Mitchell, Jun. deceafed—for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of laid deceafed. T. MITCHELL, Adniiniflrator . April K, 1809. NOTICE. ivr Jl INE months frem the date hereof application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of jackfon county, for leave to fell five fixch of two hundred two and an- half acres of land, granted to the herbs of Stephen Gardner, lying in Randolph county —fold for the ram fit of the heirs of Stephen G irdner, deceafed* JAMES HENDRIX, GUllVimt&il* OfiOhr 3, ifo9. SHERIFF'S SALE. Will be Solely CIl the firfi Tusfday in December next, at the court houje in Ogle thorpe county, betw-en the hours cf ten and three o'clock, the following property : Three hundred and fix acres of land, be the fame more or lefs, in laid county in the fork cf I ong creek and Bread river, granted to William Wilder, joining George Harcsfield and others, levied or. as the property of Nathaniel Bradford to fatisfy the following executions in favor of George Mathews and Robert Thompfon for the ufe of Manning 6c Fibb, agairft Bat Bradford, adrniniftrator of Natha niel Bradford deceafed, the terms of the laft fale not being complied with. ALSO, One hundred acres of land, be the fame mote or lefs, on the wa ters of Long creek, joining of Joel Colley and others, levied on to fa tisfy an execution in favor of Ifaac Holman againft Garland T. Wat kins, and pointed out by Jofepa Darnel. ALSO. One hundred acres of land, be the fame more lefs, on the waterr of Long creek, joining of John Harden and others, taken as the property of John Eafchal, at the in fiance of George Pafchal, and re turned to me by James Wells, go ti llable. Conditions calk. RICHARD BAILEY, D. Sheriff. ORobcr %\, 1809. COLLECTOR’S SALE. JVill be fold at the Court~ Houfehi Jack - Jon County, on Wednesday the loth cf December next ; the following trails of Land , or Jo much thereof, as will falsify the tax due thereon with coJls 3 VIZ. 467 Acres of the 3d quality (fo fays three freeholders) originally granted to William Ledford, lying in jackfon county on the waters c i the Oconee ; reported to be in de fault from the year 1805 until the year 1808, both Included—tax due 2 dollars 37 cents. 400 Acres lying in Jackfon coun ty on Allen’s Fork, 50 acres of the 2d quality, the balance of the 3d quality, (fo fays three freeholders) grant*d to Lamar, join : ng Hick man and others ; reported co be in default from the year 1806 until the year 1808, both included—tax due 1 dollar 94 1-2. cents. J, M. C. Montgomery, T. C. J. C. June 14, 1809. 56 iw 6m THE TAX COLLECTORS FOR iS.oS jA.RE notified that, after the 10th of November next, the Le gillature will be furniflied with a icatement, in which will be exhi bited the names of fuch (and their iecuricies) as fhall then be in ar rears, with the amount due by each —and that executions againil thofe in default at that time, will imme diately thereafter iflfue. ELEAZER EARLY, Comptroller - General. GEO. R. CLAY lON, Treafurer. Milledgmilie, 7 September 8, 1809. J CASH GIVEN FOR CLEAN COTTON U LINEN RAGS, AT THIS OFFICE . MARCH TERM iLo, SUPERIOR COURT. A.A N the petition of T homes Hirll, Rating that Thomas Cowan,, in his life time, mortgaged to Michael A. Gauvain a certain tract or parcel of land, (being part of a five thoufand acre trail granted to Count D’Eftaing) lying and being in the faid county on tne north for it of the Oconee, containing five hundred and forty-feven acres—co fecure the payment of two notes of hand, each tor the fum of four hun dred and fifty-eight dollars —the one payable the 25th of December, 1807, and the other on the 25th December, 1808. The faid mort gage bearing date on tke twelvth of Jaaua’y, 1807, and the faid notes on the 10th January, 1807—and cn the ninth of February, 1808, the faid Michael affigaed the faid Mortgage and Notes to the laid Thomas Hirft for value received, ITI-S ORDERED, On motion, that the heirs or re prefsntatives of Thomas Cowan, deceafed, pay into court, within twelve months from this date, the principal and interdl due on faid mortgage, and alfo the coll, other wife the equity of redemption of in and to the faid mortgaged premifes fhall be from thenceforth forever barred and forceclofed •, and that this rule he publiihed in one of the public gazettes of this Irate once a month Ter twelve months, or Liv ed on the laid heirs or reprefema tives of the faid Thomas Cowan at leaft fix months, previbufiv to the expiration of the faid twelve months. A true extract from the Minutes this jijl of Mar ch t 1809. EDWARD ADAMS, Clerk. April 1, 1800. NN O T I C E. INE months after date appli cation will be made to the Inferior Court of Greene County, for leave to fill a trail of land in faid county, on the waters of Town creek, con taining five hundred acres, being the real efface of James Sanfom, deceafed—-to be fold for the benefit cf the heirs and creditors of faid deceafed. EZEKIEL PARK, JOHN LAMAR, April 7, 1809. Executors. Nn one e. INE months alter date appli cation will be made to the honora ble Juftices of the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, for leave to fell one trail of land, adjoining James Edmundfon, containing two hundred and fifty acres—one other trad adjoining William Finch and others, containing two hundred a cres—alfo gne other tract contain ing two hundred acres, adjoining Reuben M c Clain and others, all ou the waters.of little River—to be fold rur the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the c(late of William Swanlon, deceafed. JAMES SWANSON, Admimflrator. September 16, 1809, A N O T I C E. J. XLL thofe indebted to the Stib feribers either by Note or Book Ac county are rtqudled to make pay ment by the 25th of December next}’ if not difeharged by that time, they may exped to find them in the hands c f the proper offiter for colk&ion. Phtnizy, Son 8t Shields. China- Grove } Oglethorpe County, September 20, 1809. 70 12 zm. N U 1 . ■_ S.. npjlE fubferiber Ik big'Four to Jl leave this Rate for the wtfiera country on a fijort vifit, taKvs- ’his occation to Inform ad who may have any bufinefs with him, during his abfence, that iiugufciii S. Clayton, Efq. cf Athens, is faily ■ empowered, to tranlacl it, as efiec tually as if the iublcriber himfclf were prefent. D. W. EASLEY. September 30, 1809. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. Defer ted from the Mail of the U. S. iome time laft March in tke Creek Nation (M. TANARUS.) Ifacah Bren ton, The above reward will be giv en to any perfon who will deliver faid Bren ton in Mdledgeville. By application to Col. B. Hawkins, agent of the U. S. for Indian affairs, he will ifflie Orders to the chiefs to have him delivered up. [ohn B. Chandler, In the Poll-Office Department. June 10th, 1809. PUBLIC NOTICE. ALL perfons travelling through the Creek Nation are at liberty oc crofs the Chatohoochee, either at Mr. John f larlhaPs ferry cr at Mr. MTntolLß, whichever they pleafe as they are both half breeds j and v*e pledge our word and honor that all travellers coming or going through our country Ihail be ufed wed, as this is the wlfh and talk of the Chiefs of Coweto. LITTLE PRINCE, CHIEF of Coweto Towns. N. B. The old road goes to Mr. Marfhais whim is the left hand. Auguft 26, 1809. 66 t. f. NOTICE. ALL perfons having demands a gainlt the eflate of Thomas Cowan, deceafed, of Jackfon county, are requeued to fend them in properly authenticated, agreeable to law— and thofe indebted to faid eftate are requeued to make immediate pay ment. GEO. W. MOORE, , November 14, 2809. i w 6w. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be fold to the highejl bidder 0,1 the 12th of December next , on the Plantation whereon Samuel Ewing, deceafed , rejidsd , (thefale to con tinue from day to day until the whole is fold) all the perfonal pro perty of faid deceafed, Confifting of houft hold and kit chen furniture, flock of horfes, cattle, amongft which is a prime yoke of oxen, hogs and fheep, a cart, a good road waggon, a Let of blackfmith’s to ■’?, with a number cf other articles too tedious to men tion—for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.—The terms cf Lie will be made known on that day. ALL perfons Uv’.i * cMms a ga-nlt laid < Ra:e ace requefted to bring them forward properly an themieated in the time picfcTbed by law, and all thofe indebted are re quelled cn make inupt diace pay ment as fur the: iadulgmce will not be given. JAMES D. EhvdNG, li-N D; i IvV b . LWI is’ G, .Ad m? ni t*. r i. o s. November 17, 1809. SHERIFF’S [E.aRK ‘H fiLEi F'Oil SALE AS ’LAA OFFICE. SUL A. 11l SALE.