Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, December 09, 1809, Image 1
VOL. II.) ATHENS, GEORGIA : PRINTED BY ALEXANDER M‘DONNELL, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1809. ‘MARCH TERM, 1809, SUPERIOR COURT. On the petition of Thomas Kirft, Rating that Thomas Cowan, in nis life time, mortgaged to Michael A. Gauvain a certain tra6t W parcel of iand, (being part of a five thoufand acre traft granted to Count D’Eftaing) lying and being in the laid county on the north fork of the Oconee, containing five hundred and forty-feven acres—to fecure the payment of two notes of hand, each for the fum of four hun dred and fifty-eight dollars—the one payable the 25th of December, 1807, and the other on the 25th December, 1808. The laid mort gage bearing date on the twelvch of January, 1807, and the faid notes on the 10th January, 1807—and on the ninth of February, xBoB, the faid Michael afiigned the faid Mortgage and Notes to the laid Thomas’ Hirft for value received, IT IS ORDERED, On motion, that the heirs or re presentatives of Thomas Cowan, eoeafed, pay into court, within twelve months from this date, the principal and intereft due os faid mortgage, and aifo the coft, other wile the equity of redemption of in and to the laid mortgaged premifes fix 11 be from thenceforth forever L ured and forceciofed ; and that thss rule be pubfifhed in one of the p üblic gazettes of this ftate once a month for twelve months, or ferv ed on the faid heirs or reprefenta tives of the faid Thomas Cowan at lend fix months, previoufly to the expiration of the faid twelve months. A true extraS! from the Minutes this 31 ft of March, 1809. EDWARD ADAMS, Clerk. ; y il 1, 1809. V NOTICE. fWT J 1 INE months from the date , hereof application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Jackfon county, for leave to fell five fmh of two hundred two and an half acres of land, granted to the heirs of Stephen Gardner, lying in Randolph county —fold for the benefit of the heirs of Stephen Gardner, deceafed. J AMES HENDRIX, Guardian . 0 Sic her 3, 1809. NOTICE. NINE months from the date r hereof, I fnail apply to the honora ble the Inferior Court of Clark County for an order of court to fell all she real eft ate of the late William Mitchell, Jun. deceafed—for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of faid deceafed. T. MITCHELL, Auminijlratcr, April 15, 1809. Foreign Correspondent GEORGIA EXPRESS. MANY SHALL RUN T 0 AND FRO, AND KNOWI-2DG2 BE INCREASED. NOTICE, X HAT after the expiration of nine months from this date, appli cation will be made to the honoia ble the court of ordinary for the county of Jackfon, for leave to fell four tra&s of land, the whole of the real eftate of Jofiah M'Donald, de ceafed, to wit—one trad! of four hundred and fixty acres lying in the county of Jackfon at the time of furvey now the county of Clarke on Green Brier creek, granted to Jofeph Carfbn, joins Runnels; one hundred and twenty acres, granted to Marbury, lying on Mar bury’s creek ; one trad of two hundred two and a half acres, granted to Parifh, in the fifth diftrid of former Wilkinfon county ; and one hun dred arid ten acres, being j finely between the effaces of the deceafed and Nehemiah Smith, granted o Wiiliamfon, lying on Williamfo;Ts creek in the county of jackfon,- The iame being for the benefit_ of the heirs and creditors of faid de ceafed. GEORGE HUMPHRIES, JOHN BRADLEY, Adminiitracors. Auguft 5, 1809. FOR SALE That very valuable trad of Land, generally known by the name of the IvTGowan trad, ft mate in the county of Clark fix miles to the weft of Athens, on the middle fork of the Oconee riv. r, contain ing 525 acres—about 200 acres of which are rich low grounds. There is about 90 or one hundred acres of open land on the plantation—A very bold fpringof excellent water, within one hundred yards of the houfe, and an orchard well flocked with fruit trees. The buildings are a dwelling houfe, a large barn, a cotton machine that works by water, and other coavenient and neceffary out houfes. Ihe dwelling houfe (lands In a fkuaticn com manding a view of the river, and of a large proportion of the plan tation. 1c is tfteemed. (by thefe acquainted with it) one of tne moft pleafant and healthy fituations in the up country. The terms of faie will be made known on applica tion to the fubferibers living in Lexington. WM. H. CRAWFORD. STEPHEN UPSON. Lexington, Oct. 13, 1809. A Lift of Defaulters in Oglethorpe County for ißcq. C apt. Jofeph Morton's DftriSt. No return, Connaway Gariing tOfi. Capt. Robert Popes DftriSt. Wi.iiam Holmes, David Mf j Ciulkey, Wafinngton Smith, Era- vis M f Clendon, William Brewer, Sen. Capt. C. Edmondfon's DftriSt. James Keildie, John Smith. Capt. Elias Beall's DftriSt. peter Crews, James Plcgen, Benjamin Griffith, Aia Atkins, Pe ter Caldwell, James Hidfon, Niit chtll Burford. Capt. George Thrajhes DftriSt . Michael Culberth. Capt. Pleafant Compton's DftriSt. Jeremiah Stubblefield, Edwin Garlmgton, jun. George Waters, Robert Armour. Cap*. John G. Smith's DftriSt. Micajah Martin, John Bradford, James Brewer, John Smith* Wil lis Gunnels, Robert Hoof, John Woodley j Stephen. Gunnels, John Plat ley. Capt. Ephraim Jackfon s DftriSt. ViaAftc Curry, Jacob Reed. Capt. miliam Hitchcock's DiftriSf. Levy Wallis, James Cor per. Ca t. Jftph J. Moore's DftriSt. j a- cb Buzzard. JOHN GRESHAM, Sen. R. T. R. O. C. November 15, 1809. AD MINER ATOR’s SALE. On the twentieth day of December next, at the late reftdence if Phi lemon Thompfon , deceafed , in Clark county , IVILL BE SOLD , all the perfonal eftate of faid de- C e 0 Ci , OoNSISTING of Horfss, Cat tie, Kegs, Iloufchold and Kit chen Furniture, with the crop and o her articles too tedious to men tion —Terms of fale made known on the day, and continue from day to day until all is difpofed of. SAMUEL HESTER, Adminftr at or . November 6, 1809 NO TICE. INLINE months after date appli cation will be made to the honora ble Juftices of the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, for leave to fell one trad of land, adjoining Janies Edmundfon, containing two hundred and fifty acres—one udier ci 3fit adjoining William Finch and ethers, containing two hundred a cres-—aifo one other trad contain ing two hundred acres, adjoining iveuben M‘Ciain and others, all on the waters of Little River—to be fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the eftate of William SwanDn, deceafed. JAMES SWANSON, Adminiftrctor. September 16, 1809. SHERIFF’S BLANK TITLES EOF SALE Al THIS OFFICE. SHERIFF’S SALE. (No. 79. Charlefton November 11. The Swedifli ihip Guftavus. Grandifon, anchored off the bar the evening before the la ft, from Li verpool, which place fhe left on the Bth of Odober. It was reported in Liverpool that the Ruffians were about to join the Auftrians, but it was not credited. authem,. A French privateer, cVi* } lJthe t Decide, out of Bordeaux, had cap- * tured feveral American veffels ; the captain of which faid that he had orders to capture all vefiVls, and thole which did doc give him a ranfom, by drawing bills and leaving with him one of the of ficers of the Hi ip captured were to be burnt. On the i2thofOdo ber, in lat. 48 long. 19 fhe cap tured the fhip Henrietta, ’ Nickells, from Liverpool to Ncw-York, with a valuable cargo of hardware and dry goods, which was lent to France—on the fame day flie cap- ‘ tured the ihip Laconia Walker, from Liverpool to Portfmouth N‘. H. which was in company with the Henrietta; fhe not having a valuable cargo onboard, v/asran foincd for 9000 dollars—alio the fhip Refolucion, Bunker, from London to New-York, in ballaft; the crew v/as taken out and the Ihip feuttkd—Five fhips were then in fight, luppofed to be Americans, one of them thought to be the Sally. Webber, from Liverpool for thi port, which failed in company wir the Guftavus. As the private;* flood for them, it is believed mol of them were ruptured. Thi. privateer aifo captured the Gufta vus, and intended to burn her, but afterwards ranfomedher for 25,000 dollars. The captain of the privateer faid it was his orders to capture all Ame rican veffels from Englilh ports; thole that were worth more than 40,000 dollars were to be fent in, others of lefs value were to be ran famed or deftroyed, as it was the determination of the French Go vernment that neutrals fhould trade with Great Britan. Tin. Mate of the Henrietta is oh board the Guftavus. The captain of the privateer informed, thac feveral other veffels were to fail from Bordeaux to cruize asainft the American commerce.— The Decide is a corvette of 18 18 pounders has a crew of 160 men, and fails very fait. The verbal reports by this fhip are, that peace was not concluded between France andAuflria; that a Miniftry had been formed in England, but it was confidered as one thac would not continue long in office. We underftand tha: there are no letter; s on board the Guftavus for this port. Our informant returned from the