Newspaper Page Text
woil J die rather than ensure the
&utht rry cf any ot.e ling'e inJivi
'’dual—-ne would end Ls days in
America, for he thought there was
no liberty any where elfe. There
he foon went, and there he paid the
I debt of nature —but his memory
ihaii never perifh.
London Paper.
From an Kaftern Print.
7 be Princes of Grecian and Roman
leloquence, were Demoftbenes and Ci
cero. The orations of the former were
nervous, full of energy and fire, and
remarkable for their brevity. The
language of Cicero was more embel
ttfhed and difiufe, and the ancient cri
tics csnjured him for juperfiuity of
words and'/pirating out his orations to
a tedious length. Tet mojl of the o
rations of Cicero , as they now appear
in print, fill only thirteen or fourteen
quarto pages, and were about three
quarters of an hour, perhaps, in the
delivery. His long phiUippc again/
‘Mark Anthony was never fpoken, nor
intended to befpoken. Excellent ~s it
is, and with all his enchanting powers
cf oratory, it is queftionable whether
’ Cicero himjelf could have delivered it
before a Roman audience without
gh'ing them wearinefs from its pro
The ‘immortal Chatham, whefe elo
quence fhook the Rritijh fen ate. was
famed not for the length but for the
irfefijiible force of his fpeeches ; which
judging from the printed copies, were
commonly not more than forty sr fifty
minutes long, and Sometimes much
But it has been lamented that the
Britijh orators of the prrfent age, re
jecting the models of Greece ana Rome,
and the example cf their own illuftri
ohs Chatham, have labored to be pro
lix rather than forcible. In Dod/ley’s
Annual Rcgifer, 1800,'// is remark
, cd, ct There is nothing mere prepbjle
rous than'to Jeek the flame of eloquence
by prolixity. Grand ideas, convinc
ing truths, warm and generous fsnti
menis, are quickly communicated from
mind to mind with the Jwiflnefs of
lightning. The orations of Grattan
would lofe their charms and (field by
dilation. The time is certainly not
far diftant, when allfpeakers in Par
liament, who poffejs found l a fie and
judgment, will be ■as ft udious of bre
vity as mo ft of cur prefen t orators are
cf difiufion
But if thefe ftriblures are pertinent
and applicable, as it refpebts the ora
tors of Great Britain, they are more
eminently fo in reference to jGme of the
pubhcfpeakers of cur own country .—
ihe Vrdted States are more remarka
ble for long fpeeches than any other
portion, perhaps, of the modern or
ancient world. We have read of
fpeeches at the bar jive or fix hours
long ; andfpeeches in Congrefs nearly
of the fame length. Mercy defend us
from this new kind of inundation !
I mufi confefs that l have but a lit
tle better opinion of thefe long Con
grefiional fpeeches than I have of the
long p- ayers of the (Ad Pbar fees \as
1 cannot help fufpetiling that the one as
well as the other-, is commonly intend
ed the catch the applaufe of men. If
it be fo, the Speakers are under an
egregious mi flake ; for did they ex
prefs themfelves concifely, fitbly and
always home to the purpqfe, the effect
wmld be vaftly greater, and their
cwn b ,nor as orators proportionably
higher, than any that they can ac
quire from wire-drawn bateiagues and
laborious attempts to fill a b'ujhel with
what might be crended in a nut fhell.
But allowing their motives to be pure
and p * viatic, jiitl they wofaliy mils
,the marc. They lay an intolerable
tax on the feelings and upon the purf -
cs cf the people, hhiv cppreft 1$ a
court of juft icc, and efpec rally the jury
with unnecefiary ift dfgufting fatigue,
when a lawyer takes up two hours to
fay what m ght have been/aid as well
or better in zo or 30 minutes. In
Cotjgrefs the grievance is fttll more
heavy upon the people. The time con
futed there in fpeeches that are either
ufelefs or drawn out to an unnecefiary
length, is a prodigal wafts of tbs peo
ple's money.
We get no papers by the laft iVafh
ington City Mail.
We ha ve been informed by a perfon
direct from Milledgeville, that Thos.
P. Carnes, Ejq. has been nominated
fudge in the room cf Charles fait ,
Mr. Grant’s and,
A bill Jcr the prevention and pun
foment of Duelling being now under
conftderaiion of the 1.1 lire of
Georgia, you may perhaps aid the in
veftigaticn of that fuljecl by the pub -
Heat ion cf the following all, which
has lately pa;isd in a neighboring
fate. “ “'A. SUBSCRIBER.
An a <sl rr.ore tfi\ <sl ua ty to prevent
Sec. 1. Be it t-na&ed by the
G neral Aflku’.bly of the State of
Ten nr file, That any per Jon or per Jons
citizens of this State, who Jhall be
guiity of giving or receiving a chal
lenge for the purpofe of fighting a du
el, whether within or •without the
ft ale or jhall be the friend cf cither
party in bearing a challenge for that
purpofe, every juch perfon or per fens
jhall forever after be incapable of
holding ary cfiice cr appointment in
this government whether of honor or
prefit, and jhall moreover be incapable
of giving teftimoiiy in any court oj re
cord orferving as a furor.
Sec. Be it enabled, That if any
perfon or per fens- who may be hereafter
challenged to fgbt a duel, and may be
Unwilling or rejufe to accept the fame,
that then and in that cafe ft:cuid the
perfon cr per fens who is the author of
J aid challenge or the bearer of the fame
pressed to charge the party being jo
unwilling or reffirg to fight with be
ing a coward, paltroon or any other
words infimuating juch Sayings of ary
Juch perfon or perjens whether fpoken
to a third perfon or perjens orpubltfh
ed in a new]paper Jhall be held and
deemed as fuindercus •words, on which
an ablion may be Supported a gain ft the
Jpeaker cr publijher thereof ; any law,
ufage or cuftom to the contrary not
Sec. 3. Be it cradled, That each
and every Jubilee of the peace and 0-
tker Trail ffilers in this fate are here
by enjoined and it is exprefsly made
their duty to take cognizance of this
aft andfee the fame enforced.
See. 4. Be it tna6ted, That all
laws and parts of laws coming within
the perview cf this a£l jhall be and
the fame is hereby repealed.
Sec. 5 Be it enabled, ‘lhat this
all frail be in force from and after
thepoffing thereof.
Quober 20, 1809.
Strictures on Mr. Jack/on's conduit.
From the Aurora .
It mud be gratifying the A
merican people, that the cot fidrnte
which has been repo fed in its exe
cutive, ‘Rh a ctcifion of numbers
an *■ d.crauron of principle, at the
foundation 01 that confidence;
it mint be peculiarly graceful, aiter
the example of forbearance and
magnanimity fo long and repeatedly
given, that the executive, has ac
lergch marked the point beyond
which intolence fhpuld not be fuf
fered to travel alter injury, and ag
gravate IC.
Had the tenth congrefs behaved
with -he lame firmntls towards the
traitorous confpirators to the call
ward had chat body ipun cd the de
grading fpirit which preached up
the humiliation cf the nation and the
dr gradaiion of the laws , before the
frowns of a profligate combination
of foreign emifiants and domtflic
traitors, the neutral rights of Ame
rica would notv be untrammelled
on the ocean, and we fhould have
maintained the high character of
virtue which the admimOration cf
Jcfierfon nad titabli filed. Madifon
has however fulfilled the expecta
tions which were formed from the
fchool in which he was bred, and the
talents which in his former Hatton
he had diiplayed j and the country
has been placed on high ground
by the /nagnanimous candor with
which he- cl-jftd and acted upon the
agreement with Mr. Erfkine ; the
voice of father, cud ihe fears of the
timid were alike tremendous, on
the arrival cf the Britdh minificr,
Mr. jack ion j the faUious, fear fit
or the rejection of an timifiiry lo
notorious, and thereby the hlaftii g
of the hopes anil the ttfutioa or
their ft i pends j the timid, ihofe
wavering beings, whom every wind
clifturfcs—whom every tumor 1 tri
fles, vibrated between die appre
hended dangers of the jemial or the
reception cr juch a character ; for that juft men, and vntuous
people, never have iefs to fear than
from the agency of men who are Jo
notorious j u was by the luppic,
itimulaung, fecret, intriguing
dioufnefs of a Lift on , that wt were
lo long tiifgractu ; Merry , fchomed
in iniquity as he was, cuuld do no
harm, for he blundered forth his
contumacy as if he had been a man
cf war’s purftr or a payrnafttr
Erfkme came with the wughc of his
father's reputation, and a good
flock of private worth of his own;
thefe men were known * and their
various modes of adlionailo; but
when Jackfon came, the r.egcciatcr of
Copenhagen, then indeed 11 required
liuie iagacity to perceive that in the
very efiort of Canning to drew con
itrnpt upon us by employing fuch un
agent, our own government wss
douoly fortified in its juxhcc and in
the confidence or the people.
Jackfon has endeav* f-d to treat
the American government with in-
Llc, he ex peeled it would have
been again borne—it was repelled
and couid be hurnc no longer.*—
The tourfe purfued is equally hon
orable to Mr. Secretary hmitb, and
creditable to the virtue and inde
pendence of odr country. If the
eleventh Congrefs a<sts but with tqual
dignity, our na:knai character re
gains what it had icfc.
We have been informed fir-rii
the btll authority, that the Brit lh
Packet now undergoing repairs
here, is ordered to lad as foon as
pcfiible to carry out Mr. Oakley,
who is hetrer of important’ dif
patcres from Mr. Jackfon. It is
Tuppofcd the Packet cannot be got
ready for fta, before Thurldty or
Friday nsxt.
Mr. jackfon intends to fp-nd
the winter jn this city, bw: w.’f. not,
it is. fax), leave W a In’ng ton till after
the meeting of Congrefs.
w) C)
xVr w-j ork Gazette.
Gentlemen of this town have
lately been very much gratified
with the exhibition of the ii genuit
of one of our citizens. A machi
has lately been invented by M r
Briknap, Elq. for the purr
making hammered nails. T
lowed by all who have icen it,
tlemen from Europe as well A3 a.
rrfricans, to be an entirely new and
difierenc combination of mechanical
powers from any thing heretofore
invented, hs operation is quick
and powerful and well timed f-r the
purpofe, as any thing that can be
conceived or wifhed. It will form
nads or fpikes of any dtfcripcion
from fiKip fpikes to fa:*.ers tacks.—
IBads may allu be formed with great
expedition, by detaching that pare
oi the machine which heads the nail,
it goes through the oper ? tj 36 jW>
forming, cutting, and heaC. anthep
in two leconds. Two nails u. fo*.
introduced at once, and two nads of
different fizcS formed at the faivfc v
ttn.e,. without impeding the opera-'c
tion of the machine. _r
It has been lo far carried into op- f 1
eration on a fmall fcalc as to exhibit
convincing proof of the ccr.tiihefs
of the principle, and will undoubt
edly become or the great* ft public •
utility of any thir g hitherto invent- ‘
td in that branch of bulintfs.
u.dci fid ad than Mr. B ikaap has
(uT on to VVafiiingtion to fecurc a
patent rignt.
T X iJ; perm ns who arc indebted
to iht: Sublcnber are hereby finally
notified, chat unit fs they make
payment to him, or make f< tdrmenc
oner be foie the tenth day 01 Janu
ary next, their nous and accounts
. will be lodged with the proper
officers for o Ite&icn-.
December 9, 1809.
INK months after date appli
cation will be made to the Interior
Court of Greene County for leave
to Icii a tia£t of la mi in laid county,
on cte waters of Town creek, con
tainirg fwe hundred being
the real efiatd of James Sanfom,
decealcd—to be fold for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors of laid
April 7, 1809. Executors.
JL HIS is to inf err: all perfon s ivhd
have biihmis with W 1 am Sh aw,
(Merchant j deceafed, late of this
county, so fend forward their accounts
for their demands again ft the eft ate
properly authenticated, in order that
proi'jion may be made for the dif
charge of the fame —and all ihofc in
debud tc the faid eft ate are rcruefted in
come for ward and fettle their accounts
immediately in order that the iaid
eft ate may be fit tied as foon as pofiibie.
Adminiftratrix .
Adminift raters.
Clarke County, zoth October , 1809. ,