Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, December 23, 1809, Image 1

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    VOL. II.)
The following is a lift cf the Atts
p ’ fed during the fejjion of theGe
veral Ajfcmbly of this State of
To alleviate the condition of
ffTocors, and to repeal an aft to aU
*4 viafr* toe condition of debtors and
H > afT rd them temporary relief,
j afted 2 tft December 1808.
To carry into efflft the (lift fee
ti a of v\ *>ft refpefting h&ftardy
and other imnoralftits, and the
mo-e £fF; ftually to power the
Inferior C-urn to provide for the
irsainrrnance of baft&rd chddren.
To author;fe James Smith of
Cam hen county to collect the taxes
due in laid county for the year 1802.
To continue in force an aft giv
ing further tune to fortunate draw
ee in the late land lottery to take
lit their g-mts.
To enable the commtffionrrs of
the Gshnden Academy to after tain
? • 1 v.Trft the amount of the funds
of laid Y-dlitmion.
To rrukr permanent the fitc of
the public buildings in Morgan
county a: the town of Madifon, and
to incorpoi ate the fame.
for the relief of certain wharf
holders in the city of Savannah.
To exempt ordained minifters of
thegofpel from ferving as juror* or
tio'ng m litary duty.
Supplemental to the aft to ap
propriate the funds heretofore let a
p:wt fur the redemption of the pub
-1 cr'ebt.
To alter and amend foe 83 1 f*c
th\o of judiciary aft pafTtd the 9th
o’ February 1797, and to amend
the judieiarv aft pafied the i6:h of
February 1709.
To compile and arrange the lava
nrd rHoutiom of this /tare palled
foe political year 1800.
To amend the 2oih leftion of
the judiciary law cf this ftate.
To ftcure to Jofoua Grinage the
right to erect a ferry over Little
river in Lincoln county, on the
rnrin road leading from Augufta to
P< te fbu'g.
To divorce William Sorrow and
Pr f. ilia his wife.
To regulate the town of Eaton
ten in the county of Putnam.
More effrftusliy to puaUh the
crime of horfe fteaiirg.
To levy an extra tax on the ab
fsotees in the county of Glynn, to
h * applied to the erefting of bridg
€s Sic. in faid county.
To repeal an aft compelling
C-crks to keep their ofHces within
one rode cf their refptftive Court
Houfcrs, fo far as refpefts the coun
ty Scriven.
To amend the fcveral militia
la vs r,f thisftare, and to organize
the Cavalry, palled the 17th De
cember 1808.
To prohibit ducllirg.
To provide fur taking the cen-
* !
Foreign Correspondent
fus of this Rare as required by the
Further to extend the powers of
the Comptroller General fo far os
t°> relieve the heirs of William
Pierce, a foldier in the Utc State
To veR the eft Ac real 3rd per
fonai of Lewis Johnfbn, decraied,
in Eliza Lwiue, Rachel Johnion,
and Sarah Dryldak, children of (aid
Lewis Johnfon.
‘Fo alter the times of holding the
Superior Courts in this Spue.
To admit CreiVtll McDonald,
James C. W. Stew art, Georre
Walton, William Robin (bn, Job 1
R. B*own, John G. Willing ‘ian',
Thaddeus Holt, John B. Barnes
and Dav?d Sim, 10 plead and prac
tice la the fevers! ccurjts of law and
equity in this Rate.
To am horile William Garrett
and Leroy Hammond, and Walter
lee and Edward Rowell, to ere ft
toll-bridges at the pixies therein
To alter snd amend an aft enti
tled an aft, to regulate and to keep
in repair the public roads, canfways
and bridges, in the counties it
Burk*, Jeffcrfon.} Richmond, Green
and Morgan, fo hr as re'o-cU the
counties of Burke, j fflrfon and
To amend in eft, to air horiflt
the Juftic*s of the Inferior C ourts
©frhis State* to diicharge infolwn:
debtors, confined by procefs from
any court in this Rate whatever.
To amend the tax acls, now in
force, in this Rate.
For the relief of David Maddox.
To aurhorife the Inferior Court
of Baldwin county, to levy an ex
tra tax tor county purpoles.
To make permanent the feat of
the public buildings for the coun
ty of Pukfki.
To amend an aft, regulating
reads in this fta*e, 1 ; . far as rtlpt&s
the opetaticn of faid aft*, in*flic
counties therein named, pa fled Bfo
December ißc6, fo far as lefpcfts
the counties of Can den.
To.limit the junlciftion cf the
Aldermen of the City of Savannah,
fo far as relates to ihe regulation or
the market.
To amherife the Inferior Gourf,
together with the Clerk and Sheriff
of Wayne county, to draw juries
for the next er?filing term of the
Superior Court, for laid county.
To authorife the JufViccs of the
Inferior Courts of Lcureps zed Pu-
Rlki counties, to T vv an < xtra tax,
to defray the t xpe.oc-rs c f running
thedividirg lnt between iaid coun
To author'fe Sherwood M'Call
to ere ft a bridge acrofs great Oge
cher river.
To appoint comnrfTnners, to af
rertaTn the divid r g lire between
the counties cf Wayne and Cam
To attend an aft, to rereive and
continue in force, an aft for the li
m tad >n of aft ions and avoiding
ftit at law, pa fled Bth December
‘ha atithorife the Inferior Court
together with the Clerk and Sheriff
r>r the cot nry of l elfair, to draw
Grand and Petit Juries.
To authorise ihr Inferior Court
* i Pulaiki county, to draw Grand
and Pent Junes.
Fur the relief of David Ltnsber
rr -
Fo repeal an aft to compenfate
the Jußias of the Inferior Court.
‘Fo au horife Clerks, Sheriff*,
Coroners and Surveyors, to hold
their 1 tfi un 1 the conamiflion
irgof their iucct fiors, and to regu
kie ihe transfer of papers.
Fo amend an aft, to compel
Clerks to keep their ft flies at or
V' 1 1thin one mile of their relptftive
Court Houfi *, fo far ds refpefts the
counties of PuLflci and Ftifair.
Fo eme urage the Ft male A fy
liiiii or b&vannah,
ft o coiiij ti jfuftices of the Peace
to keep a fair and rogulai book of
ft o keep open the main channel
of Broad river, from the confluence
eft the fame w-rla Savannah river, ro
the mouth of Hu Hon ft river, m
Frai.kiin county.
F r the tenovalTf an audited
crrdflcace therein mentioned.
To quiet the cia.m ol Sylvanus
To divide the county cf Wi‘l
-a: cl to form om? other new
ccuiity. [( he new ccunty is call
td Twigg,.]
Securing to jofeph Hill, theex
c’liive right, to ere ft three toil
bridges acrols Savannah river and
it s branches, and caufways acrofs
l iutchudonft ifland, and other ifl
ands in laid River.
To amend an nft, to profeft the
eftate cl Orphans, and aiake per
manent prcvifion fr< r the poor.
10 auihortle Zachariuh Simrpt
to ere ft a Br dge over the Oconee
river a: his nulls.
To amend and explain 2n aft. to
incorporate the Savannah poor
Houle and HMpitsl Society.
I o regulate the rate* cf tavern
licence m thft flate.
To k'>p opin, remove and pre
ver;t..obflii;fki’ons in Savannah nwr,
fo far at relpefts the countiis cf
Richmond, Columbia, Lincoln,
Elbert ard Franklin.
Supplementary to the Judiciary
S>fam, of this (late.
To authcrife the holding an extra
fefli n of the Superior Court, in
the county of Wilkes.
ft o eflablifh an Arademy,- in the
trwn of Eacontcn by the nfiir.e of
Union Academ) ” and to incorpo
rate the lame.
To author!fe Charles R. Carre-,
to ueft a tod Bndg*, acrefs Little
(No. 3 1.
river, at the Mills of faid Carter, i n
Wilkes county.
ft o amend and continue in force *
an aft to authorise Thaddeus Holt,
Liq. to ertft a Bridge over the ‘
Oconee river, paiLd io:h Dcc o
ft o appropriate monies for the
pel deal y ar 1810.
An aft to authorif-i an ex
ft (iion of the Superior Court in tae
county of Richmond.
An aft ro give further time to
the Inferior Cdurtof Elbert ccuntr
to let the building of the Jail there”
An aft to incorporate the Corrs
mi(Turners cf the Effingham Aca-f
An aft toeflabli/h the fire csf the
public buildings in the
Laurens, ard to appropriate the v
monies arifing from the fale of lets. <
An act to amend an aft to incor
porate Augufta, and to improve the
public roads in the neighborhood,
there? f.
As aft for the relief cfThcs. V.
Sample ar and Aaron Springfield.
An aft ror the better regulation
of fences on Haris’ neek “in the
county of M‘lnc- fh.
An aft for the better regulation
and government cf th~ Town cf
Clinton in the county of J -
An aft to repeal th: aft of confif*
cation and banifoment fo far as ref
pefts the bam foment of Stephen
Corker. *
An aft to alter and cL
names cl certain perfons thmia
An aft to authorize theTruflees
of the Richmond Academy to con
vey a lot to the Society,
and K) lay off another ranreofbu
in ciry of Augufta.
An aft to alter the rzme of P*-
becca Bennett to that cf R. Tur
ner, ar.d the name JBaitkc: K r
to that of Barr If y t M'Crearv.
An udf to amend t <e third
lection eft an aft enrided an aft to
cftabbfh tiie Town of Wr ghrfo -ro’
m the county of Columb.a, aad t >
fecurc to the inhabitants thereof,
cer-ain lands appropriated for their
berefit and to incorporate the fame
luff'd tf,e hof Feb. 1799.
P A P E R M I L L.
A HE Subfcriber intends ereft
irg a Paper M 11 on the Oconee
r ear the Scull Shoals, and wants a
large quantity of z\: kinds of
For whica a liberal price will be
The want and iifTrv rf
fuch an eftabliflitnent in this Sta:*?,
in which we Oave no Paper M ii,
is hoped will induce its citizens ro
afford ile‘r- co-operating aid
luch an urdertaki'-g.