Foreign correspondent & Georgia express. (Athens, Ga.) 1809-1811, January 06, 1810, Image 1

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Vol. II,) ATHENS, GEORGIA: PRINTED BY ALEXANDER M‘DONNELL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1810. COLLECTOR’S SALE. lb'” 7 befold at the Court - Houjein Jack- Jon County , on Saturday the 24 tb of February next, the following ivadis of handy or fo much thereof , as ‘Will iatsify ihe tax due thereon ‘vuiih crfrs :—• 2 2 m Acrt’S, fecond quality, 11 t ; 2-fh d'.ftr <st of Wdicinfon county, N,>. 28 9, granted to Tur kc reamed by \V iiiam Ham 1- fo fi r 1808 —400 a-res th’rd q la )i y, in Ja kl.Ki county, granted to j res, on the waters of toe Appa i.h and the Mulberry, joining Harris, returned by faid Wdliam 11 ami Iron for 1807 and 1808—-ux doe for 1807, 10 dollars 90 1-2 c< nts, and for iBo3, 7 debars 38 cents. 127 Acres, granted to Gillum, J>’ kibn county, on the Appalache, joint-g B auchamp, returned by L’-.'-Sra.m Welker for the year 1807 —tax due 511-2 cents. 1.7 Acres, granted to Gillum, TaUuon county on the Appalache, j ia r g E. Walker—2o2 1-2 acres of .b e laid, granted to E. Walker, i apod of Wilkinfon, No. 140,00 the v;*rers of Rocky creek—both tne Lit (rafts of land were returned by Abram Walker far 1807, tax di.e 65 3 4 ces*s. 118 Acres, granted to Willlam f n, Jackfon county, on Williarn fon’s < re* k, joining Simmons, re - turned by barn net Howard for 1807 —px doe 49 i 2 cents. 2,0 A ■.4 120 feennd quality an a 130, third quality, granted to \Y il-amfo-p, Jackfon county, on V/.-iliarr-O'-’s creek, joining Mad c x, renun.*d by Sarnu 1 Shields for the > 1807 and 1808—tax due for 1807, 5 collars 25 cents, a.Ki ior 1808, 1 dollar 12 -12 cents. ico Acres, fecond quality, grant ed to Few, Jaddon county, Beach cr. ek, j doing Burfon, returned by J hn Barron for the year 1807 — tax due 80 1-2 cents. 143 3 4 Acr?s fecond qual'ty a :d <43 3 4 third quality, granted to Few, Jackfon county oa Bear creek, joining Robertfon, returned be Richard Thurmond for the year 1807 —fax dee 8 dollars So 3-4. 100 Acres fecond quality in 150 third quality, granted to Nevel, jackfon county on Bea h creek, joining Traiior, returned by Aaron Wood for the year 1807 —202 I*2 iC res fir ft quality, 26, :t ddt;:l of Wilkinfon, No. 25, granted to Aa -lon Wood, and 202 1-2 aerts of yf * V “f hu Bl iC) i \ % () n ft‘Sl:: Vi 1I>: A If 1 1 •**- A wi. (TW JL V.> JJL 2a. NSW-’ -2. -i. waL A V O 1- ■ USA t, -4 f,F oD nI A F"x PI? I?QQ .4.... ‘v/ a. ‘ow it Xa. . A 2k. V. .u C3 vjj • MANY SHALL RUN TO AND FRO, AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL BE INCREASED.” third quality, 27th diftrift of Wil kinfon, No. 249, granted to find Wood, and returned by him for rhe year 1808—tax due for 1807. 1 dol lar 47 1-4 cents, ard for ißoi, 2 dollirs 48 3 4 cents. 96 A res of fecond quality a"cl 173 1 2of third quality, granted to the Hrirs of J ofeph Nail, lying 1:1 Jackfon county on the M dd’e O conee, j Ining Shields, returned by G.orge K c h for the year 1807, a. and 202 1 2 acres in the nthdil tr ft of Baldwin, No. 138, granted to laid Kceth at)d returned by him for the year 1808 —tax due f r 1807, 1 and llar 16 t 2 cents, and La l SoS •, 2 dollars 36 1-2 rrn s. 21 iO Acres, g ;nrd to Wage on at the Husricare filial in Jai k!on county, j inirg Smith, returned by John Hampton fir the vrar 1807 -—tax due for 1807, 1 dollar 27 t 2 cents, and fer 1808, 2 dollars 37 1 4 cents. 90 Acres, fecond quality ard 60 of ih'rd quality, Jackfon county, granted to Gardner and L-gget, m the N rth Oconee, returned by Alexander Morrifoa fi r the years 1807 and 1808—tax du’e ‘or 1807, i dollar 66 1-2 for 1808, 1 5614 Cents. 20S Acres, fecond qualiry, at the Hurricane fin .liin Jackfon c ; unty, granted to \\ e.gron, Norih Oconee, on which (landsa griflm H and diftillery, joining Count D c - F.ftair g, igoo acres fecond quality, 4357 third quality, grafted to Wcgnon, cn the ware's H Curry’s creek, j ini-g Count D‘Eftait:g, re turned by j (T* Smith f t the years 1807 and 1808 —:?x due f r iB&7, 11 dollars 94 del bars 35 1 2 cents. 468 Acres, ft cord quality, grant ed to F w, on the Middle Oct nee, joining Bell, returned by John Coleman f r the years 1807 and 1808—tax due for 1807, 7 dollars 95 ceius, and fur ibo'B, 7 dciiars 8834 cents. 113 Acres, fecond quality, 113 3 4 third quality, gran ed to Kirk patrick, on Curry ‘s creek in J.ick ibn county, jouing Harris, r\t4rn ed by John Aden fi.r the’ year iBo3 —tax due fur iBcB, 11 dollars 66 3 4 cent'-, and tor 1807, 9 doilars 16 3 4 cents. 134. t 2 Acres, fi cord quality, ico ilnrd qua:it\, granted to Kirk pa'rick, or. Curry’s creek in Jack ion ccurnv, joining Jarrett, relum ed by J :mes Kikpatrick for the year 1807, u.x due 2 dollars 17 1-4 cert' —202 1-2 Acres, granted t* K ikpatrick, 28th of Wilkinfon, i t timed b James Kirkpatrick for the year 1808, tax due 2 doilars ii 3 4 cents. 130 Acres, r’urd qur.iky, g anted to fi;...i bury, 1\ ing on the waters of the in ja< kfon county, join- Lvlhe and R g rs, returned by George Fetrgrcw for 1808, tax due 7934 cen.s, and for 1807, 4 Jol iarj bo 1 2 cents. J. 1.1. C. Montgomery, T. C. J.C. December tit, 1809. Lar/S OF GEORGIA. AN ACT To amend an aft, to revive and continue in force an aft for the limitation of actions, and avoiding fulis in law, pail and D j ember i3qß, W her fas fornf; doubts exi it as to the pen a at winch bonds, notes, and open arcou rs {hall be limited, in conficp once oft 4 wordfpeciai tic s, and • t: er iiidcl.uie expre fiions being uf and i,; the fecond fedLun of the aiorelaai aft. T> UE it enabled uy the Senate and liovfe if F.t prefer.! a fives in General Aff mbly mt! t and it is hereby emitt ed by lie authority of thefume , That (rum and writer the paflieg of this aft, all actions founded on bond:, i.r rumen is under Fa), fin all b: commenced and fued within twenty years after the laid bond or other infltuinent (hall become due, and not afc’ : and that ail aftions founded up n noies and oilier ac knowledgments under the hand of the party, finals be commenced wiihin fix years trom the time luch note or acknowledgment Iliad be come due, and net after ;ad that all aftions founded upon open ac count, Hull be commenced wkhin foir years from the dme futh account accrued, and notarer. Sec. 2. And be it further enabled, Tnac all afts, and parts of afts that militate aga.nft this law, finailbe, and the fame are hereby repealed. BEN J AMIN WHITAKER, Speaker of the Ilcufe of Re prefen t a fives . HENRY MHCHELL, prefident of the Senate. Affented to , I yh December 1809. D. B. MITCHELL, Governor. AN AC r To continue in fa ice cn aft p: ff a on the 22d day of December, 1808, giving further time to the fo rtun are drawers in fh e 1 1 fe lai l fi tit'ties to o : re. V nf ‘. B'\ it em l.d by the Senate and iloufe of Kcp y e/en’ tlives 11 Ge - rural AJjembß met, and by the auih?• rity of tbs fame, I i.a. the time al fi wed by tke above recited ski for taking out grants, be, and the fame is hereby exrvrided and conii: ued unt l the 25r.11 efty o r Dccenilccr, 1810. BENJAMIN WHI f AKER, Speaker of the Houfe of Ft eprefeniati ves. HENRY MI fCHELL, Fj /yidcnt cf the Senate. Affented to, December 12,1800. D. B. MITCi IET.L, Governor. AN ACT To author!fe rhe Cfirks of rTve Su perior & Inferior C-iurts, Ck-nks cf the Court:* (and Ordinary, She i Cihy Con n is nd So - veyors, to hold their odiet s dump r n tei vtncion between fiie i cftftiti a n d coinmiffir*ning of ore u■ - tf ifijis, ar and ro regulaT? the trunf fir of pap rs and m utles, W m:Ai as r a hie c /ft ma r refulcfr. m the n of dco-s incumbent upon the clerks of t .<2 Superior and Inferior c urci, < I rka of the court of Grd nzr y :h rifft, coroners end county fan cy . . —h r remedy whereof : BE it enatl. and by the Senate arid Ilcufe of Repre/entatives in General /Jfemb'y met, and it is hereby enacted, i 'fat the afurHV.U <: (U • , flu all 1 r-rforrti all theduebs . I r n ir refpeftive r ill es during F’ r .0 intervening between the elftdoi and < cmniifijoning of th y f, a ff ots, with .all tv* refpordd .) ;.tits r which they were 1 abft, prtv.ous ki the Lid cleft or. Sec. 2. RE it Ah enaJled by the authority afo, ejaid, That it fi'.’l bo the dui.y of each and everv < fli er aforementioned, ro tr ike a fc :tl> * of ail pipers and triOtiies id • ir. hand', or appertaining to his cFi , and to exhibit the fame to che Id - rior court of his coup tv, thirty c! ’ s before the tlcftiun of county offi cers. Sec. 3. BE it farther That on the day on which the • ii (ucceir. r Ilia ! b/ virtue o r l'ir C"-.n- Hi ffiun enter 1 s of V s cfiles, his laid VcUld; Lad put (Ko. S3.