The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, January 26, 1827, Image 1

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m n LY FRIDAY, & mim'' wt-; year, if paid m ad- fifty .cents, if paid half TE'.lolian; if delayed to the end of ubsqnption received for Jess than • he money is Mid in advance.—The J>v •> himself the right to discontinue id-*r not, before arrearages are paid. £\ts will be inserted at the usual r*-'b. ien»; to the Editor ishment, mi t’*' *X* ' \. Xt y iwltut con ■to \ay be proper to inform those who shall nth their advertisiing custom, that Notice of Land and Ndwoea by Administrators, , or (iuardiona, published sixty days > the day nf- - r - ' Personal ^qpperty, in like manner, ajs previous to the day of jf-htors and creditors of an estate must ttion will be made to the Court iv e to sell Land, must be publish* be made for Letters blishcd forty days. with the existence of those principles for which we have contended, and which now oMain^llic preafllfo. lion of rights essential to the rharirtagitigaifr mid mdc]>. -nee of a free people-; the exktencgpf a policy which necessity requires and reason sanctions |~~^>f jf policy justified by the suffrages of > people who know their rights, and knowing, dare maintain them, he is urged to their support by every considera tion which cap. bind him, but above all, by a para mount claim of fidelity in attachment, to principles *hich be could W abandon, without an injustice to his feelings, and an insult to Us reason and his un derstanding. M . d WVER r. SHAW. 7. • *-—*■ James to satisfy a said "■ levied oi. a s his property* ut of Willia a D. Martin vs. | defendany One D6t 6f C*>ra, supposed tribe eighty barrels: levied ori as the property of i*eshack T. Wilhite, to satfejYtwo fi. fa.’a f one in favour of Ro bert C. Oglesby ior the use of William B."'Christian vs. said Wilhite; the other m favour of Thornton and Herndon vs. Meshack T. JVilh^e, pointed ouity de ls, Jan realtors the foregoing, si first opportunity. S i will be so obliging as to insert have the favour reciprocated the i ’S SALES. W ILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday in Fe bruary next, at the Court-House of. to' .-Ht county, between the lawful hours of sale, the I ing property, to wit: v f Seven Hundred, Seventeen and a"Half fendant. One Si the name bert M. H Justice’s the use of favour of S. Adams, vs. a Hampton, vsl Legs, vs. the 1 vs. th< Boy, about' five years old, by im : 1c vied on as the property olMlo- day, to satisfy sundry fi. Ta.’s foi|p c ' one in favour of S. J. Scoggins', foi Nabers, vs. said Holliday; ij Scoggins, for the use of Richa id Holliday, one in favour off] the same; one in favour of Natl same; one in ffcvonr of John same L one in favour of the Tax Ci ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD on Tuesday the 27tb of February, next, at the late residence of Abraham Wil liams in Jahfeson county, within sale hours, ' 3The Personal Estate ^ **• of said Abraham Williams, late' of said coupty^de- ceased*, consisting of Horses, Hogs, Cows, Corn, abjjHI Fodder, and Ilouscholdand Kitchen Fumiturc.-^Salc, to continue from day to day until the whole is dis- j posed of.f-Terins made knownvon the day of sale. •J » -1 HOLLOWAY WILLIAMS,*) ABRAHAM WILLIAMS, 5 Jan. 10, 1827.—-ts , Lcrcs of Land, river, adjoining low lives; levied uyes and Stcrlin of John Howard PROSPECTUS. Willis, about 23 years of age ; levied on as the) pro perty of John F. Barnett, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Winfield J. Wright, for the use of Edward Paine and others, vs. John F. Barnett, and James Haynie, security on appeal. ly.intellectual character of Athens—its ■nmp£*4ts rapidly increasing popula- mmcrous advantages as the seat of a Institution, and the growing in- ing,"and of public patronage in its : increasing demand for productions hav- itryj in connection with the strong solici- and * last, though hot lea**.,’ imedium of communication to .for the difiui*on of intclli- a mhfparLculaj ^subjccts, an; yhich .have induced the Editor is consult rfftion ’of the public, the Pros- new wee 5 , ly paper, the first ,’uumbcr of i)K)rewith w preseniml v t#^em^ Lracter of the will be diversified, Irthose subjects intereathyto an,American ghe lovers of political intelligence, foreign iture, of pnence, of poetry, of ii\o SEjN each be favoured, as 5nr|RS1rom the extensive ft-0, and . Oir the numerous periodical the day, with a bonouct, at which -..aagmation, tanoy, and’ reasctUan .Zgri.mW., the basis of ^^Qt—Com- nnree, the bond of national u»»pmai»d Mmfactem* tin -.import of national indc ' 'xicnce, will each re- ■ ■IMWortion to ■SkS& rt *®? s » a mc . nici . of attention. To erdrv<^0-’? ?o . ber energies of One Improved Lot in the Town of Athens, No. not known, adjoining of Newton and others, containing half an Acre, more or less ; levied on as the property of Merideth Sneed, to satisfy a fi, fa. ill favor ot Alfred M. Nesbit, vs. Moses Beard/Meri- deth Sneed, and Thomas G. White. Two tfc&s, Bedsteads and Furniture; two Pine 1 ables; one Pine Sideboard; six split bottomed Chairs ; two Pots; two Ovens ; one Cow and Calf; one Sow and six Pigs; levied^ as the property of Wiley Sledge, to satisfy a fi. jS. in favor ofMcGehce Stanfield, va. W’ilcjr Sledge. The Hirg of a Negro Man by the name of Willis, r an 5xceUent^lucksmith, about 23 years puulicj bourn M. Gathright, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Loving, vs. Ausboum M. Gathright. ' Fifteen or Sixteen Barrels of Com, more or less, and two Stacks of Fodder: levied on as the property of Enock Spinks, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John 4* W. C. Reese, vs. Enock Spinks. JAMES HENDON, Sh’ff. Jan. 4. uuhu 5.’. and uuivken into .ac^ dormant facul ties of reason, to amuse Mj^ravity of age, and the sprigktliness of youth, will J 30 be_ attempted.—-To his fair readers he will of no pledge a, though a . t.c dedicated to them. 5 ng3, the lower iiF hi* His latncnuubng, ever xcrtr~h'.a.nce theVt taste may or their tender have laboured in fa influence upon y in establishing iitions, civil anci utions, of those passions in, and a submis- ‘ ile connection thysical enjoyments xili iaries useful, not ition for eminence, atclli^ence, but useful iture and science, an Je and distinguished, in the exertions of tlie er destiny in the scale rc- and > and a restlessness and ener, mind, to exalt itself to a ’ ' of intellectual dimity./ . I The Editor flatters lurtself with the hope of i cciving contributions from gentlemen] of high a | distinguiahed attainments, whose opimtn upon lite- nry and political subjects will be of interest tp «i$ readers. With a pa/d reliance only u P°n their ai- eistahcc, but with a determination, at far as he can confide with safety in his own taste and judgment, to render the Athxnian acceptable, he confidently Jackson county, vs. the same: levy made stable,>*“ Two-Hundred and Fifty lying on the north fork <6f Ocoi Dupree, whereon Sterihi Mays on as the property of Stephen Mays to satisfy a fi. fa. in favi for the tise of Smith \Vdung vs. Itcpheri Mayes and Steriin,Mays. - ^ Four Hundred ‘and Forty Acres of Land, more or less, lying on the Middle Fork of the Oconee river, granted to Turner, adjoining Singleton ’ mid others, whercors Asa Varoum now lives, with a valua ble set of Mills thereon, and bther extensive im provements; levied on as sail Vamurn’s property to satisfy a*fi. fa. Charles Cariaf'fof'the use of A. C. Atkinson, vs. Asa Vamuir; ana Charles Miller, se curity on stay—Pointed oq/by Asa Vamum. JOSIffH HAMPTON, Sh’ff. Dec. 30j 1826. ADJIINISTRATOR’S SALE. ^TILL BE SOLD, on Tuesday the 20th ofFebrua- y next, at the late resideuce of Thomas Hinton) Clarke coimty, deceased, all the perishable ~ty belonging to the Estate of said deceased, iBgof Hfflgts. Hogs,Cattle, Shpep,.Com,and ; TrttetBdHSiaf aiwnhtcnwi^ruTflf^^aiiri 'a number of articles too tedious to mention. • At the same time and place, the Plantation will rented, and the Negroes hired for the balance of th ^ year. Among the horses is an elegant Stallion o^ WILLIAM'C. DAWSON, will ail in thetoountics of DcKalb, in the .Chatalo^cln’ Newtonm the Flint, and Walton in Lie yfrcs' CT ' Circuits. f "1 i ^Jreensbqrough, Jan. 2. I— 3;n the finest blood which thiB country can ptodpee, now^d in liis seventh year. Persons wishing to purchase r such a one will do well to attend.—Terms made known on the day of sale. RACHEL HINTON, Adm’x. Jan. 9,1827.—2ts. . year: age, until Christmas next, and one set of Black- aith’s Tools ; levied oii^Ss the property of Aus- a fi. fa. in W ILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in/Fe- 'bruary next, at" * • ~ - the court, house in Jackson county; within the usual hours of sale, the following to wit: \ propc; . Sixty-one Acres of Land, more or 'less granrn to William Lindsey, adjoining WrighUon the wateit of Carry’s creek; one seventy-fivekgallon still, tip, and worm ; and twenty tubs: levWS on as .i u * J ' satisfy afi. fa. in Williwn Lindsey out> by one of de- JOHN PARI^Dep. Sh’ff. ■ W ILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, at the Court House of^Clark county, between the lawful hours of sale, the i ing property, to wit One Hundred and Land, more or less; on thc'.watcrp sf> adjoining Echols and oth^rsvlevied perty ofr William B. Parkcr^o satisfy vour of Shields and Manly, vi One Tenth part of Five 1 of Laud, more or less, on the y ^ creek, adjoining Oliver and others art of three Negroes, to witRal] it years; ScipiO, a man MM^ILL BE SOLD on the first sTuisday in Fe- Wj tffuary next, in GainsviDj,- P years old ■ and Jenny, a woman about , 2w tiorc or li adjoining Wisn 114, in the lCi as the property one at the insta at the instance the land point years old: all levied on as the property ot Isaac Humphris to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Martin^. Sparks, andothers/vs. Isaac Humplms: to be srid subject to the life estate of Mrs. Mary Wright, j 5 One Negro Boy, Luke, about eighteen years old: levied on as the property of Laury Bryan to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John P. Blackman, indorsee, vs. Laury Bryan One Negro Boy, Simon, about twenty years old, levied on as the property of John Tram mell to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Isaac F. Jarrell vs. John Tnunmell. Three Negroes; to wit: Ann, a woman about twenty-eight years old; Stephen, a boy about ten years old; and Albert, a boy about ten years Jan. 3d, 182L ry next, in GainsviD*, 7 Hall 'county, lawful hours of sale, tlie following pro- ! r 'mtaamm ed and Fifty Acres of Land, g on tho waters of Chestatee river, and others, and known as Lot No. District of Hall county: levied on r John Smith to satisfy two fi. fa.’s, ic of Thomas 'Whitehead, and one f James Stephens, vs. said Smith; ut by the defendant. T JACOB EBERHART, Sh’ff. W ILL B^ SOLD on the first Tnesday in Fe bruary next, in the town of Lawrenceville, Gwinnett One Lot in the seven as the within the usual hours ot sale. f Land, known as Lot No. 49, Mstrict of Gwinnqfcounty: levied on of John L. Tippan to satisfy an exe- of the Justices of the Inferior Court, S corge Pentecost vs. William Rli’Lain jpen, Three Hundred Acns of Land, more or less, lying on 1 te Mulberry fork of the OconeV river, adjoining Thoi las Garner and others: levied on as the property o John Hughs to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa vour of Thom a Mehaffy vs. said Hughs. JAMES LOUGHIUDGE, Sh’ff. Jan. 3, for th'e use and John L. watc the! ter principlts guardians cered or found with in the ’87, and -Tlie jtiM re> T . . population, wisely admi- ibility of pc r- bond of union, en states, having inde- oparato interests, view*, ►>eivaA €hat no c”ils except those drwrougBwiuch cannot tor weaken the 'chain tliat lcPtroy the policy which now 'inites them. , uivioii old, : levied on as the property of Pinckney B. Thrasher, to satisfy a fi. fe in favptarjaf C. G. Bald win and others, vs. Pmckney B.^ftrashcrMevied and returned by a bailiff One Tenth part of Three Negroes, to wit: Ralph, a mau about 48. years old ; Scipio, a old; Jinny, a woman about 53 oniii the property of James Wright, ta. in favor of Thomas R. Mitchell, vs. James Wright, and Isaac Humphries; tb be sold : subject to the life estate of M&. Mary Wright. . 1 ■One Negro Woman, Luey; levied on as [flic property of Henry H. Grimes, to satisfy sund: fi. fias. issued from a MagistVatc’s Court, in favor Isaac Gerrald, assignee of Jaaies Whitlow, vs. II. Grimes, and Benj. F. GnmeB. Levied and tured by a bailiff. ^ H GEORGE W. MERIWETHER, D, abouti of James sure of a ! W fT.T. Bt SOLD, on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary aext, at the Court-House id Gwinnett county, the fo owing property, to wit: One neg o girl by the name of Celey, ears old ; levied on as the property 'aden, to satisfy a fi. fa. on the foreclo- tgage in favour of James Morris—Pro- out by the plaintiff WM. NESBIT D. S. crisis rw.our national histo y may u'ti- ive, which will require a re-assertion and tion of those rights which have been impe r- v. osteel from us by a conspiracy of rulers, mioii, however reluctantly received, the Band indulgence of which, circiuiwtoFHiCT ■will justily to a ureatbr d*less extern. To mark the limits of anfyrioD gad keep within their eonstitu-| tional bound ries the prerogatives of-,power, is the remedy wh'eh ditorction dictates, and policy ap proves j wh le a surrender of those rigtes, which it is our prir.cge to enjoy, and our duty tb maintain, will be fho knell of departing liberty. The inviola bility df[i.\oa<s- rights of particular sovercigriiy, .jssen- tial to the civil government of the states, aad/Upoii| wWoh’ the justice of their municipal regnla£>nsis founded, must fjbo be maintained, or a aneio order of things succeed to those vvhicli 'J . Postponed S&le. ® N the saino day and place, within the fore mentioned, will be sold. Two sorrel mares, one seven ye and one twenty-three years old; three 1'cathi and furniture; twenty volume?, bookif; one pc ovens; one oven fid ; one dish, and one tabic ; levied on as the property of John Andrew, to satisfy h fifa. in favor of Rake‘•fraw S,- Rupert, for the use ofRobt. | .NOTICE. BE SOljrD at the House of Sarah Waites, Gwinykt county, on the second Wedncs- ne':t, all the Negroes belonging to tlie iEstherAVaitcs, dec’d. consisting of One oman/ ana^Eer ^bildfen—Sold for the ben«H fit of the b^rs and creditorj of said Estate. TH made kno'vn on the day. ELEMANDER WARBINGTON, AdmV. January 5. "iOds Rakestraw, vs. John Andrew and Win. Dcvcnport. » O. W. MERIWET Jan, 3. m now exist. The principles of vindication of tl ■rtf' to tliat ot justice—its rejection trictions and limitations wf institution imposes, and its assumption of pi .. /es, the exercise of which, while they incrcat to, gradually diminish tho strength of her cd» ‘ branches of government, must, if unresisted, ly destroy that liberty of which she is the /and that political independence of whic h the protectress. 3 some acknowledgment of the Editor’s views in lation to the civil administration of tlie affairs of tit; te, srrd of the course intended to be pursued, will be expected, and could not in justice be he presumes that a few remarks will suf- g ever considered the past struggle, ns ' % f<» identifying 4 ay u r . bruary next, at the Court house in the tewn ol Jefferson, Jackson county, wW the lawful fiours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Town Lot, lying in 4 tho town of Jef- ferson^containing two acres more or less, on tlie south-east side of the Main street, adjoining Orr and »i ■ 1- - -«—-- feet ilk creek; formerly lived, with valuable and extensive improvements: " Charles Bacon and Be- s twoin favoOf of general admiAtroi levied on as tlie property of Cbaric- ana of the riek of D«Aam, to satisfy five fi. fa.’H justice—its rcicAori B* Dunken & Co. vs. Charles Bacon and Ben&jab no; m w s - VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. T HE suhscriber offers for sale, 10 or 12 likely yonng Negroes—Also, a Tract of Land on Jack’s creek, Walton county, adjoining lands of Simon Holt and John jSillman, supposed to be equal in quality to any lind in Walton county ; tho Tract contains Two Hundred and Fifty AcreB, and has a ■small improvement, about 40 or 50 acres cleared.— What of the above property is not sold by the 20th of February, will, on that day, be sold at public out cry in Monroe, Walton county, on a credit until the 25th December naxt. Purchasers will jbe required to givegopd security, apd indisputable* titles will be made. * i ’ ’w-., THOMAS W. HARRIS. Jan. 12, 1827. a 5t SILVEIlTiVARE, JEWELRY, &c. T HE subscriber informs the public that fie pur poses still to carry on the sil ver-smith business at his for mer stand in Athens, where he will attend to all orders in his line with tlie same thank fulness he feels for past fa- vonrs, arid solicits a continuance thereof. He also keeps for sale an assortment of Jewelry, which those who wish articles in that line are invited to call and sec.-—Watches repaired as usual. >T GAGE D. EDWARDS. Jan. 4,1827,- HOXiT & yjAVK formed a connection in the pract jS LAW, and will attend the Courts in the coun ties of Clark, Walton, Morgan, Newton, Dekalb, Favette, Coweta, Carroll, Troup, and Muscogee ana* will be thankful for any business confided tV, their l attention in those counties'. \ ALFRED B. HOLT. . >4 HUGH A. HARALSON^ Monroe, Walton county, Jan. 4, 1827. 2—3t ¥ OARDERS. REMOVAL. IE subscriber has Removed to the Building] recently occuiped by Messrs. Wood <$- Jones, two doors East ofhis'former stand.. Athene, Jan. 12, 1827. -ix- BOOKS AND STATIONARTi ^ ' mH£ subscriber constantv ' JL ly keeps on band ai General Assortment of Law, .Medical, ana Classical Books,, together (with a variety of Works of taste found in tho \ undersigned would be willing to accommo date 10,15, or 20 Students with Board for the eoaumg year. His house is commodious and in a retired part bf the town, though sufficiently conveni ent to the College. His table will, be furnished With the best the country affords and his exertions shall be the utmost to render them comfortable. T. ~ ■■ various departments of'Literature' and Science— among which are the following: * Ainsworth’s and Entick’s Latin Dictionary. Day’s Algebra. Playfair’s Euclid. Cidero de Oratorc. Schrevelii Lexieoit. Cicbro. Caesar, Virgil, and Horace Delpliini.y Leusdcibjs Greek and Latin Test araeW. . ^^1 Farrand’^VVVettenhall’S; and A alpy’.J Gre^t Gram- mars. ■ 1 Adams's,and Ruddiman’s I..'tin Gtaamars. Graeca Minora. Gra/ca Majorat % ■ Erasmus Cordcrii. Morse’s Geograpjy. Shake spear’s Works. Byron’ir Works] Robertson’s Chailcs V. Charles XILJl^ Peregrine Pickle. on Chess. Life of Paul Jones. J<jt> •'son's'Rambler. Miss-Edgeworth’s Earre 7 . vone. Fool of Quality. Thadueus of Warsaw'. Children of tlie Abbey. Mysteries of Udolphe Clarantine. ' Forre'stcre. Happiness. Marriage. Mandeville. Mefanoth. Precaution. Renegade. Wilderness Gaieties and Gravities. Rothelan Castle. Pioneers. Spy. Lionel Lincoln. Butler’s Hudibras. Tales of the Genii, Ten Year’s Exile. M’Kenzie’s Man of Feeling Lay of the Last Ministrel. Cowper’s Task. Cogan on the Passions. Pocket Layatcr. Teitofei-i l' dollars per month, payable quarterly advance;^ ,. j. MARTIN. Athens, Dec. 15, 1826.—3t e GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTJJ* \S7HEREAS Richard Richardson applies to me for ' * letters of administration on the estajejjof Sarah Perkins, late of said county, deceased :—i hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to Bhew cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 12th January, 1827. m9m JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, WARREN COUNTY. I NFERIOR Court, sitting for ordinary purposes, Sept. Term, 1826, present Robert Lazenby, Hardy Pitts, James Gray, and William Hill, Justices. On the petition of James M‘Curdy Carson, Executor on the Personal, and Administrator on the Rea! Estate of Thomas Terry, late of said county, decqpj/ ed, praying to be dismissed from the Admmistratioi of said estate—It is ordered, that after six month: publication in the Columbian Cfcntinel, the said James M'Curdy Carson be dismissed from the further ad ministration of said estate, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, of which all concerned arc required to take notice. A true extract from the minutes. Z. FRANKLIN, Clerk. 4,1826. m9m Rogers’s Poems. Perceval’s Poeths. Scottish Minstrel. ' Blackstone’s Commentaries. Foster’s Crown Cases. Hooper’s Medical Dii enlarged. Butler’s Analogy, ry* Bibles.s* V AtSO-^JCST REC Goldsmith’s, Alt bell’s, and Ossian’s Odysey. Moore’s Pope’s Works. Olive Branc*fi ■r% Cam;;*, m^ Iliad an*,I Montgomery’s nni,’, Highlanders. Fame ^ and Fancy. Conversation^ on Chemistry and Na- lcy. tural Philosophy. ArchPold’s Blackstone. Lalla Nigh 4 L 1 ' 1 ' 1 W llcabiniet. Enfiel^s^Philosophy ms. Knickerbookcr’s New Benjamin’s hy ew Family and Rookh. Young’s Arcliitccturc. Vocal Dictionary' '^■■PQ York. Scott’s Military Discipline Pocket Bibles. Albums, &c. &c. Any of the above,' All orders for Law an? on general literature, fiber for Professional or ral libraries, will. ho.jH^ptly (? itended to, bcral discount made wlVn accompanied with’ money. .% -O. P. SHAW. Jan. 12th, 1827. iks will he sold low for cash- edicril Books, 1 or for xtoi NEW FUBLI J UST received, and for s: store. ^TIONS, at the Athens Book- NOfflCE. WILL EE SOLD, at the late residence of James llul. ey, dec’d. in Hall county, on the 21st day of February next, all the Personal Property of Baid deceased, consisting of Horses, Hogs, Cows, Sheep, Corn, anti Fodder ; one Still ; one set Blacksmith’s Tools, 1 Iousehold Furniture,- and^other articles too tedious to mention. PLEASANT HULSEY, Adm’r. Jan. 2,1827. ' 2—40ds A LL persons having any demands Estate of Samucf McDowell, dec’d NOTICE. mst the are re quested to present them to me within the time pre scribed by law, and all those who are indebted to the Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, or suit will be commenced. | JOHN G. WINTER, Adm’r. Wangnton, Jan. 2, 1P®7. 2—40ds 'Administratrix’ sale. GEORGIA, WARREN COUNTY. W HEREAS, John W. Linscy applica to me for letters of Dismission from the further Ad* ministration of file estate of William Kinsey, dec’d; refore to cite and admonish all anf These arc thcr< singular the kindred and creditors to be and at my office within the time prescribed by law; to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters qhould not be granted. /. v Given under my hand, this 4th day of September, 1826.. —L. . Z. FRANKLIN. GEORGIA,IWARREN COUNTY. History of the Crusades for ihc Recoveiy and Pos session of the Holy Lqpid, by Charles Miles. Caston de Blondeville, or the Court of Henry III. keeping Festival in Ardenne, a Romance, by Mra* Radcliflb. / * Boyne Water, a Tal-J by the 'Q.’Hara Fanuly. Sandeval, or the Freemason, a Spanish Th.le. Tales Round a Winter \Heartb, by the Misses P ^ - ters. »• yt Babylon 1 the Great, a Dissection and Demonstration of Men and Things in the British Capitol, by the author of M Modern Athens.” Granby, a novcL / , >£; ,. O. P. SHAW. > NOTICE. jrflHE subscriber contemplating a new arrange- r JL ment r* his business, requests all those indebt- WHEREAS, Christian Durden appl Letters of Administratioifj with •lies to me for i the will an nexed, on the Estate of Jesse Durden, deceased : These are therefore to cito and^admonish all and singular the kindred and creditoraTof said deceased to bo and appear at my office within the time pre* scribed by law, to shew cause, if any tiiey whv said letters shoiild not be granted. Given under my hand, this 4th January, 1827. Z. FRANKLIN, Clerk. _ GEORGIA, WARREN COUNTY- ed to him, by Note or Book Account, to call and ei ther pay or liquidate the same. Those persons against whom his claims have been of standing are pac» ticularly requested to attend without delay to tueir final adjustment. OLIVER, p. SHAW. WILL BE SOLD at the late residence of Michael * * U-.Iran ikipoiiwil. rnttuinur'lf mimlv nn the TO SURVEYORS. FMIHlUSuiyeyors who authorized Mr. LoydThomas JL toXcdfi’ract for piinting Blank Plats are in- piintmg formed tha t tiiey afe\ready for dclrveiy. In the scnce of the . subscriberkipply at Mr. Grahtim’s.- "> ^—* P. L. ROBINSON. Jan.j 19,1827. V 3—2t ab ATH’A^GORLEY made Dunham; one in favour of R. B. Dunkcn & Co. vs. Charles Bacon &. Co.; one in favour of Timothy Bridgeman vs. Charles Bacon and Bcnajah Dunham, and one in favour of Elijah Clark vs. Charles Bacon ) and Benojah Dunham. _ One Hundred and Fifty Acres of Laud. I c or less, on the waters of Indian creek, adjoin- I Buckhanon, granted to Winn, whereon Jacob 1 mm gjjinow’^Tcq: levied on as his property, to sa/ A, (nfm favour of William D. Martin vs. J; ' tin, pointed out by defendant. [ Hundred and Fifty Acres less, on the waters of North Mackenu deceased, in Gwinnett county, on first Wednesday in Matoh next, * * - *** ' Al! the Pdfemal Property of the said do- t eased, conBisttng Of Hogs, a quantity of Leather, Iousehold Furtaturc, Currying Tools, fias.—Terns nown on the day of^sale. SARAH MACKEN, Adm’x. IJarf-'X 1827.—to ■ NOTICE. pe'-son-. i...’ .M-j to the Esta ' of Tliaddrue Moneylnm, dec’s, rcouoied to make im- Clerk's Office of the Court of Ordnil^kJan, 4th, 1827. A VH ERE AS, James FlewefiinJHpMfo^^tnc./E? Letters of Administre Kn Inn tn^Estale' of Nancy Fleweliin: These arltherefore to jCitc and admonish all and singular tbriifoiqtycbw^reditorB of ctpid deceased to bft and aj^Sear at my office with in the time prescribed bylaw’, and file their objections, (if any) or such letters \fill issue in terms of the law* i- Sh • THOM iS GIBSON, D. Clerk. N INE months I to the Honor county, for leave to 4 las Simonton, consis Land in said count] alters himself that sai y cail on him, A boy^of from 12 to 15 years f ail apprentice tm fair terms. etion will ensue to all Sjgh wffi bo date, application wr tl ’} Inferior Court of il thiReol Estate ofThcophi- lg of one tract of 239 acres of near Moore’s Mills, and 250 FIRE WOOD. N5LLY will furnish t’ie cirireni: of Athens >od fire wood, 'during the winter, at shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. * Jan. 3, 1827.—tf P T HE office pi an oxtensi' ~~~T m tho waten Barnes, granted to Dc Estaiqp, wl ANTING. ( ^Athenian being equipped with ^.nd entire new set of materials, pared to execute Job aiid other s much elegance as it can be done ift — * TrQBsWSEK. nHHtonaii*',