Newspaper Page Text
VOL,. I.
• Br O. K SHAW.
No. 50.
Terms.—Three dollars por year, if paid in ad-
vance.-^Three dollars and fifty cents, it' paid half
yearly,—Or, Four dollars if delayed to the end of
'the, year.—No subscription received for less than
me year unless the money i9 paid in advance.—The
publisher reserves to himself the right to discontinue
i subscription, or not, before arrearages are paid.
Advertisements will be inserted at the usual
All Letters to the Editor on matters connected
with the establishment must be postpaid in order to
•fcecure attention.
ICP* may be proper to inform those who shall
favour us with their advertising custom, that Notice
of the sale of Land-ahd Negroes by Administrators,
Executors, or Guardians, must be published sixty days
previous to the day of-sale.
The sal' ot Personal Property, in like manner,
must be published forty days previous to the day of
rtmice |p debtors and’creditonr of an estate must
be publis^fcd /srtji'days
Notice that Application will be made to the Court
nf Ordinary for Leave to sell Land, must be publish
ed/curnfanihs. ,
Noticl that Application will be made for Letters
of Adn jnistration, must be published thirty days, and
fbr LeJers of Dismission, six months. '
SHERIFF'S sales.
- *“
4 T the Court House in Clark county, on the first
Tuesday in January next, within the usual
nours, the following property will be soid, to wit:
One Negro Woman by the name of Lilly,
30 or 3 » years of age : levied on as the property of
Philip BriBco, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Wool
dridge & Hancock, and one in favour of Robert
Brook, vs. Philip Brisco,and Jno. F. Barnett, security
on stay. JAMES HENDON Sh’ff.
county: levied on as the property of Jacob Dilk, to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Russel & Boyd. i
Apart of Lot No. 340, formerly in the
4th district of Walton, now Gwinnett county, con
taining Forty Acres, more or less, lying on the wa- , , , . -Sr - «
ters of Haynes’ creek, adjoining Newton county, be->' ndred and forty-tour acres, adjoining Powell and
ing the land whereon Bailey Chandler now lives. homas: also the One Half of 1 ive Hundred and
Nov. 30.
A T the Court-house in Gwinnett county, on the
first Tuesday in January next, within the usual
hours, the following property will be sold, to wit:
One Lot of L nd in the Seventh District
of said county, being No. 324, containing Two hun
dred and Fifty Acres, well improved: levied on as
the property of Edward .Kent, to satisfy a fi..fa in
favour of Thomas W. Harris.
One Lot of Land in the Sixth District of
said county, containing 250 Acres, Number not
known, whereon the mills of David Rennemore are
situated, on Yellow river, adjoining Marton: levied
on to satisfy a fi, fa. in favour of Litteberry Wright,
vs. said David Renneraore.
One Lot of Land in the Seventh District
of said county, being No. 328, containing 2f50 Acres:
levied on as the property of John Barker and James
Rice, to satisfy a fi. fa. from a justice’s court of
Wilkes county, in favour of William Robertson,
administrator of the estate of William Pollard, dec’d:
levied on and returned to me by a constable.
One Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of
Land, it being the west half of Lot No. 47, in the
Fifth district of said county, whereon Joseph Cump-
ton now lives: levied on as the property of George
Lawrence, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favonr of Eli S. Shor
ter and others.
One Negro Man by the name of Stuart:
levied on as the property of William H. Tate, to sa
tisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Charles Gates, Jun.
Nov. 30. WM. NESBIT, D. Sh’ff.
O N the first Tuesday in January next, at Wat-
kinsvjlle, the HOUSE AND LOT in Watkins-
ville now occupied by Capfi Burcli. A TRACT OF
LAND, near the Hog mountain road, containing one
Seventy-five Acres upon which George W. Merri-
wether now lives, alLthc property of Dr. Win. Meri
wether, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the
heirs.-r-Tcrms, four equal annual payments, bearing
interest from the date, to be secured by approved
persona] security, and a mortgage on the premises!
October S!6, 1827.
O N Friday the 28th day of December next, at
the late residence of Martha Lester, deceased,
in Oglethorpe county, will be sold to the highest
bidder, on a credit of twelve months, all the residue
of the Estate of Alexander Lester, deceased, consist
ing of Lands, >T .ioes, Horsey, Cattle, Hogs, Corn,
Fodder, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Waggon
and Gears, Plantation Tools, and other articles too
tedious to mention.—Terms made known on the day
of sale. THOMAS J. STAMPS,
October 26, 1827.
A T the Court-house in Jackson county on the first
Tuesday in January next, within the usual
hqurs, the following property will be sold, .to wit:
Four Hundred Acres of Land, more or
less, on the wateis of Curry’s creek, adjoining King
and Harrison, whereon Charles Hemphill now lives:
•levied on as his property, to satisfy three fi. fa’s.;
one in favour of Sion Boon, the others in Civourof the
Court Officers of Jackson County, vs. said Hemphill.
One and ©no-fourth Acres of Land, more
:• or less, adjoining Adams, In the vicinity of Jefferson,
with a Tannery thereon : levied on as the property
of Charles Bacon, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of
Alexander Batchelor, guardian, vs- Zenus Hubbard
and Charles Bacon.,
_Tw Coppel Stills, one with a copper
beadVthe other ofVood, supposed to hold 60 gallons
each,’ with worms: levied on as the property of
Middleton Lowry, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of
Randolph Liles, vs. Burrel Cook and Middleton
Lot No. 18, in the Town of Jefferson, 66
feet by 166, with considerable improvements, whereon
Joshua Roberts now lives: levied on as the property
of John Boil, to satisfarj^ fi. fa’s.; one in favour
of the Officers ofCau^f tohn Roil; tWo in favour
of EarlyHicf’»nd a*.Luckie, vs. said Boil;
two in fayef.r of Jawts Sisson, vs. John Boil and
William Montgomery; and four in favour of John
Robertson, John Pendergraas, and Pleasant Turner,
vs. John Boil—all br cost.
November 30. , JOSEPH HAMPTON, Sh’ff.
A T the same on the first Tuesday in Janu-
. ary next, witin the usual hours,
A Negro Min, by the name of David,
the property of David Tailor, to satisfy a Mortgage
ii. fa. in favour of Jiseph Haynie, vs. Daniel Tailor;
pointed out in r '- , .id mortgage fi. fa and now in pos
session of said ijt-ynie,
Nov. JOS. HAMPTON, Sh’ff.
B Y order of the honourable Inferior Court: .of
Clark county, will be sold at the Court-house
door, in Watkinaville, on the first Tuesday in Janu?
ary next, between the usual hours of sale, tlye
TRACT OF LAND whereon Robert J. Cabbell, de
ceased, formerly lived, laying five miles from Athens,
on Trail Creek; it .being the Real Estate of the Mid
deceased,, and sold for the benefit of his heirs.—
Terms of sale made known on the day.
THOMAS MOORE, $ r vrs *
November 2, 1827.
O N the first Tuesday in February nex^Rt the MfHBREAS, 4>hn Pittman applies to me for
Court-house door in the county of Gri&ne, wcj f V Letters of Admiuistraiinn vL !-
be sold, a Tract of Land containing Fifty - Acres aiiowByfi^JiUman, decent * 0 tolt! °*
a half, more or less, being that part of the land be- >l - *■
longing to the Estate of James Park, deceased, on
which his late Dwelling House is situated, lying on
the waters of the Oconee river in said county of
Also,'will be sold, at the Court-house dooi in the
county of Morgan, on the first Tuesday in Mat ch
next, Forth-Two Acres and a. Quarter of Land, bein^
the fifteenth part of thp Land belonging to the Estate
of James Park, deceased, Jying on the east side of
file Oconee river in said county of Morgan. Soldby
an order of the Honourable Inferior Court of Gwin
nett county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, as
the Real Estate of Rebecca Park, a minor.
November 23, 1827.
O N Wednesday the 2d January next, on the pro
mises, will be sold, to the highest bidder, on
a credit of 12 months, the purchaser giving bond
with approyed security, 569 Acres of Land, more
or less, lying on Cedar creek, in Clark county
with a good Grist Mill and comfortable Dwelling
Hobse, and other improvements thereon, lately in
the occupancy of Fanny Strong—also, 14 Negroes,
afid Stock of different kinds, late the property of
William Strong, and disposed of agreeable to his
November 9—45 4 ofWm
I Monday, the 31st of December next, at the
^to ‘it'and admoniah oll W
singularTw: kindred and creditor* of sai$ deceased
^ it my % ti,Me
scribed >jlk\w, ttoshew cause, if thevWv liave
why should not be greggladj- r ,
Given under my hand, this 25th Novx 1887
WM. MALTBIE, c. c. o.
1\TINE months after date, applications will be
1Y 1 made to the Honourable the Inferior Court of
Clark County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes
tor leave to sell the Real Estate and Four Negroes’
for the benefit of the heirs of Robert Perkins, dec’d'
. s W1LLIASVI PERKINS, Executor.
April 20, 11327.—16 m9m .
——■'uj "ii:: *,
F OUR motets after' date, application will bfr
made to th\ honourable the Inferior Court pf
Clark county, wh
for leave to sell the
August 24, 1827.
sitting for ordinary #rrposek
(eal estate of A4rc*»
mE EM AN BIGGS r Adm’i,:
F OUR month afterdate, application^ xnade
to the Honortra^i^erior Courtof Oglethorpe
county, when sittinyfo r Or
purposes, for leave
late residence of Peter Pul-year, deceased, in
( r: application will be
Clark county, will be sold, all the Personal Proper- I j!?r,.i\*?^ de to honourable the Inferior Court or
ty of said deceased, consisting of Stock of all kinds, |
Household and
of Corn and '
A T the Court House in Hall county; on the first tfeen till tUe . 1 • . . - „ .
:V Tuesday in January next, between the usual yd, ^ Court-House m Clark county, will be sold,
the first Tuesday in January next, at the
January next,
hours, the following property will be sold, to wit:
One Negro Man named Peter, about 25
years old : levied on as the property of William Dick
son, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior Court
in favour of James Save, vs. said Dickson—Property
pointed out by plaintiff.
Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land,
known as Lot No. 118 in the 12th district of Hal!
county: levied on as the property of Burgess Strick
land, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Madison Superior
Court in favour of Patrick Brown, for the use of Jin
ny Brown—Property pointed out by John Pittman,
who has the control of said fi. fa.
Two Hundred and Sixty Acres of Land,
more br less, lying on the waters of the North Oconee
river, adjoining McCleskev and Dunagin, granted to
Blackstock, whereon William Adams now lives:
levied on as the properly of William Adams, to satis
fy two fi. fa’s, issued from Hall Superior Court; one
in favour of Alexander Hodge, the other in favour of
Elliott H. Boyd, bearer, vs. said William Adams—
Property pointed out by defendant.
November 30. JACOB EBERHART, Sh’ff.
Negroes, Molly and Isham, belonging to the
estate of Presley Garner, deceased: sold agreeable
to an order of the Honou r able the Inferior Court of
said county, sitting for ordinary purposes.—At the
tame time, will be hired, the balance of the Negroes,
for one year. PEGGY GARNER, Adm’x.
November 9—45 60ds
continue from
liberal, and made known on the day.
At the same time and place, will be hired, all the
Negroes belonging to said estate.
November 9.
O N Monday, the 31st of December next, at the
late residence of Rebekah Dougherty, deceas
ed, in Clark county, will be sold, all the Perishable
Property of said deceased, consisting of Stock,
Household and Kitchen Furniture, a quantity of
Corn and Fodder, and other provender. will
continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms
liberal, and made known on the day.—Sold in con
formity to the will of the Testator.
At the same time, will be hired, the Negroes be
longing to said estate.
JOHN PURYEAR, ’ | Adm r.
November 9.
"■HI OUR months after application will be
— • .■ .. mode to the Inferior Court of Clark county,
sold on the first Monday in February next, at Moses I when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to self
llayne’s in Elbert county, the following Negroes be-1 all the Real Estate of Martin Tiinxm^n
longing to the Estate of Isaac J. Barrett, deceased,
to wit: Jim, Silvey, Pomp, young Jim, Patsey, and J JAMES W. HA (RIS, Adm’r.
Sarah: at the same time, all the lands belonging to J Sept 12th 1827.
the said deceased* being in the county of Elbert. I _ “ —
Also, on the first Tuesday in March next, at the BNOUR months after date, applica will be
‘ act of Land I made to the Honourable the .Intern ffourt of
Court house of the county in which a Tract
now lies, drawn by Isaac J. Barrett, then in the
county of Wilkinson: sold for the benefit of the heirs.
Nov. 16. MICAJAH CA&TER, Adm’r.
c ' Id, one du; i
A T rturvO'' house in Jefferson, Jackson county,
on the t Tijesdav in January next, within
the usual htwiro .1 «9e, the following p
he sold, ’
d and Thirty Acres of Lands
aid county, granted to Black, ad-
it'f' 1 St ,s of Cedar creek: levied on as
(a® J Fulcher, to satisfy a fi. fa. in
" - iHalc, for the use of Tandy Key,
"her^ Jesse Coay, and Jas. Fulcher.
Ui Horse, ten or twelve years
. Cow and Yearling, Three barrels of
Com, and 7,wo stacks of Fodder : levied on as the
property of iiandolph Edes, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa-
‘ jr of Samuel Smith, hj^rer,vs. said Edes.
OSTPONED SALE.—At the same time and
olacc, will be sold,
five Acres of Lffnd, more or less,
n the waters of Cabin creek, gran-
ljoining Pittman: levied on as the
Royal, to satisfy a ii fa. ia favour
er,vs. said Royal;
1 .Veres of Land, more or
•antee not known, omthe wa-
■ee river, adjoining Chandler:
•y of Careless Strickland, to
r of Nathaniel Shotwell vs.
eioss Stricklandi.
A T the Court House in Hall county, on the first
Tuesday in January next, between the usual
hours, the will be sold, to wit:
TXvo Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land,
more or less, known as Lot No. 95, in the 10th dis
trict of Hall county: levied on as the property of
William Edwards, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of
Thomas Garvin, vs. said Edwards—Property pointed
out by the defendant
Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land,
known as Lot No. 24, in the 10th district of Hall
county; one Sorrel Horse; two Cows and one Calf,
all levied on as the property of Jesse Clayton, to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Brewster and Prescot, vs.
Jesse Clavton and F. H. Walker—property pointed
out by plaintiff’s attorney.
Sixty Barrels of Corn, and one set of
Blacksmith’s Tools: levied on as the property of
Isham G. Griffis, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of P. J.
Murray, vs. saia Griffis—property pointed out by the
Thirty Barrels of Coni: levied on as the
property of James Pront, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour
of Samuel Langston, vs. said Pront—Property point
ed out by the defendant.
Fifteen Barrels of Com: levied on as the
property of Freeman Overby, to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favour of the Officers of Court, vs. said Overby—
Property pointed out by the defendant.
On% Tract of Land, whereon James Oli
ver, Jr. now lives, lying on the waters of the Oconee
river, grantee unknown, containing Five Hundred
Acres, more or less: levied on as* the property of
Charles Bacon, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Rhoda
Rogers, vs. said Bacon.
November 30. J. P. BROOKS, D. S.
A T the same place, on the first Tuesday in Janu
ary next, within the usual hours,
Four Hundred and Seventy-two Acres of
Land, lying on . the waters of the Mulberry fork of
the Oconee river: levied on a~ the property of Wine-
fred Steward, William Steward, Nancy Steward, and
William Cleghorn, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Ja
cob Mvres, for the use of William Beall,, issued for
the foreclosure of a mortgage iu Hall superior court.
November 2. JOHN P. BROOKS, D. Sh’ff
O N the first Tuesday in January next, at the
Court-House in Clark county, will be sold,
agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court, sitting
for ordinary purposes, the Real Estate of Robert
Perkins, deceased, and Four Negroes, to wit: Bob,
Ritter, A'»raham, and NeHy: sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors. ,
November 9. WILLIAM PERKINS, Exc’r.
O N the 21st of December next, at the late resi
dence of Thomas Buttrell, deceased, in War
ren county, will be sold, part of the Perishable Pro
perty of said deceased.
November 9.
ise in Lawrenceville, Gwinnett
first Tuesday in January next,
ours, will be sold, the following
of Homespun of different
' 1 Bunch Tuckiug Combs -,
i Cravats; 21 Papers Needle? ;
ttons; 9 Boxes Pin? ; 4 Box
ah Sewing Silk: all levied on
atrick L. Dunlap, by an attach
; of Rowe & Newell, vs. Patrick
v order of the Court as perisha-
% ••• *
O N the first Tuesday in January next, at the
Court-house of Jackson county, agreeable to
an order of the honourable Inferior court of said
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be
sold bet ween the usual hours of sale, Two Thirds of
Garret W. Park, deceased, lived. To be sold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
RUSSEL JONES, \ Adm rs ‘
October 26, 1827.
, —
Cne’Nesro Woman named Silvy* two
Cows MJ Calves ; one Barren Cow ; tw^Feather
Beds, Kdstbada and Furniture; one Jersey Wagon
and HaAess - 250 Acres of Land, being Lot No. 128,
in the 5th district of Gwinnett county; levied on as
the property of James S. Moore, to satisfy three fi.
fit’s.; two in favour of Gabriel A. Moffitt, and one in
fovour of Elisha Winn.
Two Hundred and Fifty Agree of Land,
Sth district of Gwiai
[half of Aot mejiq
ty: levied xm as
atisfyafi. fa. in favour.
O N the 26th December next, at the late resi
dence of Allen Bonner, deceased, on the Apa-
lac‘ fie; will be sold, the Personal Estate of the dec’d.
iu part, among which there are a number of very
fmwCattle.—Terms on the day.
{ r J JAflllJtS
^November 9—45 ids
O N Friday the 2lst of December, will be sold at
the late residence of William Anderson, de
ceased, all the Personal Property belonging to the
estate of said deceased; sold for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said estate.—Also, at the same
time and place will be rented, the Plantation where
on the said Anderson formerly lived.,
Nov. 9. JAS. ANDERSON, Adm’r.
B Y order of the honourable Court of Ordinary of
Jackson county, will he sold on the Fjrst
Tuesday in February next, at the Court-house in
said county, A Tract of Land, containing 150 acres
more or less, lying on the waters of Barber’s creek,
adjoining Hiner and Dukes; being the Real Estate
of James Wallace, deceased: * to be sold for the be
nefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate.-
Terms made known at the time of sale. J '
Nov. 16. REUBEN WALLACE, Adm’r.
I N pursuance of kn order of the Court of Ordinary
of Franklin County, will be sold in said County,
on-the first Tuesday in January next, the following
Negroes, belonging to, the estate of David Calhoun
deceased, to wit:. Mike,\Cantes and her three chil
dren, Mike, Green, and raaaov. fortHe benefit of the
heirs and creditors.
WrdLIAM KING, Adm’r.
Nov. 16. M VffILDA KING, Adm’x.
months after da
Sepi^mber 7, 1S27.
'N pursuance of an order of the honourable, the I
Court of Ordinary of Franklin county, will be
F 6UR months after daft, application will he-
'made to tlje honourable the Inferior Court of
j Gwinnett county,when sitting for ordinary purposes,
[ for leave to sell thejteal Estate of Willis Pearce. fle J
| ceased. SUSANNAH PEAftCE, Adm’x.
Sept 12tb, 1827. X >
"N Gwinnett county, on the 27th day of Decern-1
her next, will be sold at the house of the late
Oglethorpe county, when sitting for Ordi. ^
:ps, for leave to sell the real estate of Joshth ^
-cased* THOMAS TRIBI.E, Adm f. V ‘
)ctobefr 5,1827. v v
F OUR months after date application 'will be
made to the Inferior court of Clark county,
M. ber next, will be sow at me house ot me late. when sitti for ordinary purposes, for leave to sett
^. eor ", e j Jatncs ’j decca! ? e !|,__ r - ^! C !! 8< ^ a Ai^ r °? erty I a TRACT OF LAND, lying on the A PP alat C hie ri
ver, containing seven hundred acres, more dr leBs,
belonging to the Estate of William Harvie, deceased.
To be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditor*
of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs,
Household and Kitchen Furniture, &c. &c. Terms
made knowa od the day of sale.
Nov. 16. GEORGE JAMES, Aditf r.
| of said deceased.
October 22,1827.
I N Gwinnett county, on the Fourth Saturday in I
January next, will be sold, at the house of Ar-1 BT^OUR months after datt^' -spplicatiou will be
chibald M’Daniel, all the Personal Property of Pin- I _BJ made to the honourable the .Inferior court of
son M’Daniel, deceased, consisting of aHcmie, Sad- J Clark county, when sitting or
die, and Bridle, a quantity of com Fodder, Tobacco, 1 J * " ’ 1
and Cotton, three head of Hpgs, one-Rifle gun, &c
&c.—-Terms made known on the day of sale.
Nov. 16,1827. ARCH’D M’DANIEL, Adm’r.
O N the first Tuesday in February next, at the
• Court-house in Forsyth, Monroe county, will
he sold, LOT No. 39, in the Fourteenth district of |
for leave to sell Lot No. 59, in the Seventh Dii
Muscogee county, belonging tq' ithe tragor h
John Harvey, deceased, to be sold for thi
October 26, 1S27.
B OUR months after date application will ba
1)C HlIlu luc ruuilccIllI1 made t0 foe honourable, the Inferior court of
said county, belonging to the estate of Samuel Pit- L t^npU^irti^R ' tt i n p fo’, ord i n ?,iy^.purposes,^for
tan), late of Clark county, deceased: to be sold for j , , f e ?| ^ tate Lhancy Bradley,
the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Terms will! f . ’ , nefit of the Heirs and creditors
be made known on the day of sale. 1 of said deceased *
Nov. 2.
GEO. W. MOORE, Adm’r.
I N pursuance of an order of the honourable Court
ot-Ordinary, of Jackson county, will be sold on
the first Tuesday in February ,next, at the Court
house of said county, 115 Acres of Land, lying on
the Walnut fork of the Oconee river, adjoining Polk
and others, being the same whereon the late Ste
phen Benton, deceased, lived, and to be sold for the
benefit of his heirs and creditors.
Nov. 23. PARKS CHANDLER, Adm’r.
B Y'an order of the Inferior Court of Jackson
county, t w»U be-sold, on the first Tuesday in
February next,' at the Court-house in said county;
FIVE NEGROES, to wit: one girl named Aggy, i7
years old, and her child, Bitha, 3 years, Bailey, a boy
7 years ; Julia, a girl 4 years, and Melissc, a giil
F OUR months after date, application will be
made to the honourable Inferior court of Ogle
thorpe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
| for leave to sell .some of the Negroes belonging tc
the Estate of James Thomas, deceased, for the be.
nefit of the heirs of said deceased.
Nov. 2, 1827. MARY THOMAS, Exec’x.
F OUR months after date, application will be i
made to the Inferior Court of Gwinnett county, r
when setting for Ordinary purposes, fbr leave to sell
a part of Lot No. 181, in the Sixth District of said
county, containing 165 acres; the same being of the
Real estate of Pinson M’Daniel, deceased. ■
Nov. 16,1827. ARCH’D M’DANIEL, Adm’r.
jpiOUR months^ after date, application will be.
made to the Honourable Inferiqr Court of Gwin.
. , ^ ,5... ^ . nett county, when setting for Ordinary purposes, fw
about 10 years old, belonging to‘the Estate of John J fok v ’ e to sell all the Real Estate of George James,
Lamburth, late of said county, deceased, and sold I '^ceased.
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors thereof.
Terms made known at the time of sale.
W ILL be sold, at the Court-house in Jefierson,
Jackson county, oh the first Tuesday in
February next, the following property, viz: Two
Hundred AcreB of Land, more or less, in said coun
ty, adjoining John Winters, near the Hurricane
Shoals, on the wafers of the north Oconee river, also,
14 Negroes, consisting of men, women,and children:
sold as the property of Abraham William, deceased,
for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Terms
made known on the day.
November 30.
perty of said deceased; consisting of Home, Cattle,
&c.—Terniamade,known on the day of,sale.
Nov. 30, 1827. MARY BAKER, Adm’r.
W ILL be sold, at ihe,Court-house in J
Jackson county, on the first To
De'cember 5, 1827.
Teegaz. notices.
UEREAS, Samuel Thompson applies to me
_ . for Letters of Administration on the Estate
of William Johnson, deceased :
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and
Nov. 16, 1627. GEORGE JAMES, Adm’r.
4 LL persons indebted to the estate of Alftu&dft.
ner, deceased, are requested’to make im
mediate payment ; and the creditors of said deceased
will render their accounts to the subscriber in terms
| of the law. ’ JAMES MERIWETHER, Adm’r. -
November 9—45 40ds
J? LL persons indebted to the estate of Thomas
nk. Buttrell, late of YVarren county, are requested
, to come forward and make immediate payment; and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased ] those having demands against said estate to present
to be and appear at -my office wfthiti the time pre- { them in forms of the law.
scribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, whv
said letters of administration ^should not be granted.
Given under my hand, this 4th day of Decem
ber, 1827. JOHN H.LOWEv Clerk.
November 9.
W HEREAS, Thpmas Edwards applies for Let
ters of Administration on the Estate of Lit-
tleberry Edwards v late of said county, deceased :—
These are tlu refore to cite and -aidmonish all and
singular the kindred and crjfcfitnrs of said deceased
to be and appear at my office within the time pre-
ocribed by lanMto shew cause, if any they may
have, why laid-Letters should not be granted.
my hand, this 3d December, 1827.
CHARLES Y. COLLIER,.!), c. c. o.
4 LL persons indebted' to the Estate of the late
William Anderson, deceased, are requested to
come forward and make fmmediate settlement; and
those having claims .thereon, to pfesebt them within
the prescribed time, qualified as the law directs.
Nov. 9. JAS. 'ANDERSON, Adm’r.
irgar-saBBfii .W. -y ■
T HE subscriber? have-connected themselves in \ \
the ptactice qf the law. Their office is at the
ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. March next/the foUowing froperty, viz:
N Saturday, the 22ddsy of'December next, Are of Larra containing 202j Abrcs, situated in
the late residence of^Wm. B.Williby, deceased, ’ .' WM" i ‘ '* —H
be sold, ali the Personal
to wit: Horses, Cattle, Hogs,
c and Simon lladli
y Acres of Land^
i district cf Gwin
FumitAre, Com,
Tools, 4c.—Terms
November 9—45 40ds
| rid containing 202; Acres, situal.i
county; known By Lot No. 262, in the
202j Acres of Land in said county, known by
No. 150, in the 9th district, belonging to the
eirs of Abraham Williams, deceased.
November 30,
HEREAS Richard Hutchinson applies to me
for Letters of Administration on the Estate
mes S. Moore, deceased :
;e are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singulkf the kindred and creditors pf said deceased,
to be amj^appear at my office within the time pre-*
scribed by lw*uto shew cause, if any they have, why
said Letters sntydd not be granted.
Given under mv hanAihi? 4tfe--day of
1827’. mW- V:<'
Falls of the Chattahoochie.
Nov. 2,1827. A
the oc-
cupancy of Nirl 0. P. Si
and Printing office, and Mr. A.
Good store.—Perhous wishing to
apply to