The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, January 04, 1828, Image 1

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“ RVOTjdo.VI.YES TOT SE.YTE.YTLE. RVII) DEM? QUID JW DEM 1 11E.YUIS TV, RUOD JUPET ALTER." 1 ' * VOL. II. ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1828. No. 1. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, BY 0. P. SHAW. Terms.—Three dollars per year, payable in adrancc, or Four dollars if delayed to the end the year. No subscription received for less than one yar, un less the money is paid in advance ; and no paptr will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, exept at the option of the publisher.—A failure on the put of ^ubecribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish- ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and puiera 3ent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rites. iCP All Letters to the Editor on matters conntct- 1 with the establishment, must be pest paid in older . secure attention. ICP Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish ed sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, mus* > published forty days previous to the day ofsalc. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must bt published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court «f Ordinary for Leave to seil Land, must be published; ^°*Noticc^hat Application will be made for Letter ? «f|VV’“ EBE ^ H .' nr y. Bwli "B. Administrator of GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, Stevens 'Aomas and Alsa Moore, Executors of Lucy <!ary, deceased, apply to me for Letters of Dismission from the estate of said deceased: These are therefore to cite aid admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditor! of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given undermy hand, this 13th August, 1827. JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, Robert Strvag, Executor of John Strong, dec’d. applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the Estate of ?id deceased: Tfjesc are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred^ and creditors cl said deceased, to be and hppear at my office within'An time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they m*y have, w hy said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 13ta August, 1827, N H. L< JOHN KL LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. Administration, must be published thirty days, and for betters of Dismission, six months. LEGAL NOTICES. Jackson Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1827. RULE NISI. N the application of L. F. E. Dugas, shewing to ♦he Court, that William Edmonson, on the 29th lary, 1824, made his certain Mortgage of that vour applicant, whereby to secure to him the nc Hundred Dollars, on or before the 29th of , he, the said William, Mortgaged to your ap- *. following described Tract of Land, to wit: being in the County of Jackson and State of containing one hundred one and one half <ig half of a grant nmdc to Elisha Lake of two .nd three acres, the half butting and bound- >llowa: beginning on a white oak corner, on ich on Jonathan Smith's line, running north pine corner on said Smith’s line, thence South itc oak corner on the branch on John Smith’s ;ncc Southwest to a post oak corner on said ine, thence on Burgin’s line, to the beginning And that there is due on said Mortgage the Hundred Dollars with interest from the of July, 1824; and praying the foreclosure of the 4 uity of Redemption of, in and to said Mortgaged pro- iscs.— On motion, Ordered, Tnat the said Mortgager ay into Com t the principal and interest due on said Mortgage, together with the cost, within twelvemonths from this date, clso the Equity of Redemption of, in ind to said Mortgaged premises will bo thenceforth orever barred and forclosed.—And it is further ordered* That a copy of this Rule be published in some public gazette of this State or served upon the Mortgager iccording to the statute in such cases made and pm- ' Samuel Bowling, deceased, applies to me for setters of Dismission from thcEstate of said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and Angular the kindred and creditors of sail deceased to b and appear at my office wiffin the ime prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have, why,said lett rs should not be granted. • .G>cn under my hand, this 13th . \ugct, 1327. JOHN 11. LOVE, Clerk. : c l A true copy from the minutes. April 6,1827. EDWARD ADAMS, Clerk. jjlOUR months after date, application will he raade to the honourable the inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Land and Negroes belonging to the Estate of John G. King, deceased. STEV ENS THOMAS, Adm’r. September 7, 1827. F OUR months after da c, application will be made to the honourable th ; Interior Court of Gwinnett county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Willis Pearce, deceased. SUSANNAH PEARCE, Adm’x. Sept. 12th, 1827. F OUR months after date. application will be made to the Honourable the Inferior Court r.f Ogethorpe county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tho real estate of JosialiTrib!*, deceased. THOMAS TP.1BLE, Adm’r. October 5, 1827. F OUR months after date apphe,u : on will bo made to the Inferior court of Ch i'; county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for lea*, to sell a TRACT OF LAND, lying on the Appnhi' hie river, contain ing seven hundred acres, more m loss, belonging to the Estate of William Harvie, deceased. To be sold for the benefit of the heirs and Creditors of said de ceased. JAMES MERE! WETHER, Ex’r. October 22,1827. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY W lF.REAS, George Kenney, Administrator o •Xuc Kenney, deceased, appli-’s to me for Letters of Dismiston from the Estate of sail/, deceased: These x.) therefore to cite and a dmonish all and ngular th kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appnr at my office within thb time proscribed by law, to *.ew cause, if anvf hoy mnly have, why said lett ers Simula not be granted. t- Given under my hand, this 13th Auj fug ^ jg27. JOHN H. 1,0WE, Clerk. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the .Inferior Court of Clark county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Martin Thompson, deceased, ,for the benefit of the Heirs thereof. JAMES W. HARRIS, Adm’r. Sept. 12th 1627. V10UR months after date, applicatiou will be made Jiu to the honourable tho Inferior court of Clark oouty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to all Lot No. 59, in tho Seventh District of Muscogee cou-iy, belonging to the minor heirs of John Harvey, decased, to bo sold for the benefit of raid heirs. PATSEY HARVEY, Guardian. •ctober 20, 1827. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTy. W HF.RF.AS, James Meriwcthc and Frlnc ; 3 Meriwether, Executors of Da'j ( ] Meriwether dcc’d. apply to me for Letters of Disnv. s j on f rom t jje Estate of said deceased: arc therefore to cite and adir^i^ a |j an( j s j n . gular the kindred and creditors of sai deceased to be and appear at my office within the tim, prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they may ho ^ \vhy said let* ters should not be granted. 1 •' Given under my hand, thi914th Aufust, 18. JOHN H. LOWE, C rk ~M\ JJ2 to the honourable, the Inferior couit of Clark couniy, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ill the Real Estate of Chanccy Bradley deceased, for Vic benefit of the Heirs and creditors of sai l de- cea/ed. jfov. 3. GEO. W. MOORE, AdnV JpOUR months after date, application will^K r made to thv honourable Inferior court of Oglethorpe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell some of the Negroes belonging to the Estate of James Thomas, deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Nov. 2, 18Y. MARY THOMAS, Excc’x. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N Saturday, the 12th of January next, at tho lute residence of Benjamin Baker, deceased, in Gwin nett county, will be sold, all the Personal Property of said deceased, consisting of Horse, Cattle, Rc.—-Terms made known on the day of sale. Nov. 30, 1827. MARY BAKER, Adm’r. w ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ILL be sold, at tho Court-house in Jefferson, Jackson county, on the first Tuesday in Fe bruary next, the following property, viz: Two Hun dred Acres of Land, more or less, in said county, ad joining John Winters, near the Hurricane Shoals, on the waters of the north Oconee ri ver, also, 14 Negroes, con isting of men, women,and children: sold as the property oi Abraham Williams, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Terms made Uu>»wn on the day. HOLLOWAY WILLIAMS. ) ... . . ABILU! \ *i \y*t r w, j November 30. BOARDING, T HE subscriber having removed his residence to the house belonging to Mrs. King, sitna’ed in a convenient part of the town, will accommodate a few young gentlemen as private boarders, the ensuing year. Dec. 28, 1827. EDWARD LLOYD THOMAS. SPARTA FFMALE ACADEMY. T *HE First Term of the ensuing scholastic year, for . this Institution will commence on Monday tho7lh oi January next. Sparta, Dec. 13th, 1627.—3t ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. -Knu. bo sold, at the Cour'-house in Jefferson, ,, Jackson county, on the first Tuesday in March next, tho following property, viz : One Tract of Land containing 202} Acres, situated in Muscogee coun ty, known by Lot No. 262, in tho 20th district—also, 202j Acres of Land in said county, known by Lot Nc. 150, in the 9th district, belonging'to the heirs of Abrn. ham Williams, deceased. HOLLOWAY WILLIAMS,) ... ABRAHAM WILLIAMS, j r ’ November .10. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y an orderofthc Inferior Court of Jackson county, w ill he sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, at tho Court-house in said county, FIVE NE GROES, to wit: one girl named Aggy, 17 years old, and her child, Bitha, 3 years, Bailey, a boy 7 years; Julia, a girl 4 years, and Melisse, a gill about 10 years old, belonging to the Estate of John Lamburth, late of said county, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the |,ciis nn«l ucuiluta iIiuimoC.—*Tehub mud<> time of sale. . JOHN FLANAGIN, Ex’r. SARAH LAMBURTH, F.xc’x. WASH. LAMBURTH, Ex’r. December 5, 1827. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N Thursday the 25th of January next, will he sold at the late residence of John Alexander, in Clark, county, all the Personal Properly belonging to said deceased, consisting of two 1 lorscs, one (low and Calf, one yoke of Oxen and Cart, one Sow and Pigs, Corn, Fodder, &e. .sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.—Terms made known on the day of sale. Dec. 14,1827. JOS. ALEXANDER, Adm’r. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. RULE NISI. Gwinnett Superior Court, September. Term, 1827. Seaborn Jones and Robert M’Combs, vs. Patrick L. Dunlap. WTPON the petition of Seaborn Jones and Robert M* Combs, praying the foreclosure of tho Equityof Re demption in and to certain Tracts or parcels of Land situate in the county of Gwinnett and State of Georgia, viz. all that Tract or parcel of Land situate and being in the state and county aforesaid, containing Two Hun dred and Forty or Three Hundred and Forty Acres, more or less, being part of a Tract granted to Caleb Russell, adjoining lands of Shadrick Bogan, John Winn, n-id Isham Williams, and Hawkiti’s Old Line, and near the waters of the Suwarra and Appalachc Rivers: also, f’iat Tract or parcel of Land containing Fifty Acres, ore or le39, being part of Lot No. 208, and bought by e said Dunlap, or Mrs. Mary Wilder, lying on the ead waters of the Alcovy, in the county aforesaid— vhich said Tracts of Land were mortgaged by the said Patrick L. Dunlan, of the county of Baldwin, in said tate, to the saw Jones &. M’Combs, cn the 15th day GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, Robert Stewart, Administrator of l3aa-2 :nuwau, fiw tr u*o for Lettoig of Dismission from the Estate of said deceased : These arc therefore to cite and ad:noni<Ji all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, io nfiev eaua?, ‘f a.iv Ik-/ ** a) nave, why letters shouH not be granted. Given und«r my hand, this 14th August, 1827. JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk. "KflOUR months after date, application will he made pj to the Inferior Court of Gwinnett county, when e r r «*‘ for Ordinary purpose, for leave to sell a par* 01 V 1 '■>*. Sfc-A District of said county, contaim. //-ac.eajtnu.^w/.x,. , 0 r ,V; licit r tate of Pinsorf ’.I’Daniel, deceased. Nov. H, 1827. ARCH’D M’D.YNIBl| Adm’r. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, John Barnett, Executor of John Adame, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said Estate,— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew' cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under tny hand, this 8th December, 1827. JOHN II. LOWE, Clerk. itenfi&ry of the State of Georgia with Rations of ! c . veral notes held h’ P _ , - -- motion ol utorney for petitioner, it is ordered, That unless the said Patrick L. Dunlap, or his representatives, do •ay into the Clerk’s ofiice of the Superior Ceurt of sind vounty, the amount necessary for the purposes in the mortgage specified, together with aP costs, within twelve montlie, that hie Equity of Redemption in and to the said mortgaged premises bo from thenceforth oreveb barred end forecloscd.-^And it is further order- That a copy of this Rule be published ip one of the public gazettes of thic state once a inop^h for twelve months, or served on the said Patrick L. Dunlap, his igent, or representatives, ut lepst *ix months before the time tho said suin of money i« ordered to be paid into Court. I certify the foregoing to b« a true extract from the minutes, this 25th September, 1827. JAMES WARDLAW, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. Suptrlor Court, .lugutf Term, tb27. RULE NISI. TTPON the Petition of Garland IT. Prince, praying a OJ foreclosure ot tho Equity of Redemption in and to a certain Lot of ground near the Town of Athena, containing One Aero, more or lea?, adjoining tlic Lands 'ff M/s. Baldwin and Col. Josuili Newton, stating that William B. Taylor, on the 2d day of Januarv. 1827, executed and delivered to him a Deed of Mortgage for t‘. .0 better securing the payment of a certain Promis sory Note given by the said William B. to the said Garland \\. for tho sum of Three Hundred and Six- ‘.eon Dollars and Sixty-Five Cents, dated the 21st day >( December, 1628, and made payable on or before ne 25th of the same month, and praying a Rule Nisi or .he foreclosure of tho Equity of Redemption in and tho said premises. On motion, it is ordered, That thosaL fcVilKam B. lo, within six months from this date, pay into the juice of the Clerk of this Court the principal and inter- st due on said Mortgage, together with the costs of •Ins application, or that the Equity of Redemption in ind to said mortgaged premises he thenceforth barred md forever foreclosed.—It is further ordered, That this tiule be published in one of the public gazettes of this ‘.ate once a month for six months, or that the same be <ervedon the mortgagor, hia agent, or attorney, at cast three monthw nreviou* to the Term at which lie money m directed to he paid, 17th August, 1827. I do certify that the above Rule is truly copied from nc minutes of the Superior Court of said countv. this !=t October, 1627. . GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. W HEREAS, Stephen Nolan, administrator of Ch.istor/\v Addison * -.if.applies to r.c for Lc’tcr of liimussion from the further adminis tration of 'aid estate These are tin re Tore to cite and admonish al. and singular the kindred and creditors to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, 'un^ they have, wliy said letters should not be grantei. Given under my hand, this 25th of Nov. 1827. WM. MALTBIF., Cicrk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, John Frost, Executcr of facob Hogue, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from xwtate ; There are therefore to cite and admonish Jl and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at in 'ffico within the time precribed by law. to shew cm/ *f>ov they nmv have, why said letters should not bd gn »%t * . , Given under my hand, us 4th September, la*/.”" J JOHN h; LOWE, Clerk. %>t0Lirni JP to the untv, when sell all the Nov. 16, It EXECUTOR S SALE. O N the first Tuesday in March next, at Fayetteville in Fayette county, will l»o Bold, LOTNo. 142, in the MVrict nf said county, containing 10i A a'Tcs, inom o*-Ice**. Sold V»r the benefit of the heirs and creditors o» John Liunburth, deceased, by dcr of the Inferior court of Jackson county.—Terms, cash. . .— Report On the Tariff and Internal Improvement. The Committeo on the State of Republic, to . u-i. „ muck of.*’-- u c;,T’or’3 inmumcation as relates to the powers of the General Government, claimed and exercised for the purposes of encouraging domestic ma nufactures, and effecting a system of internal improvement, beg leave to make tho following REPORT: Tho committee arc aware that it is assumed hy the General Government, as expressed in the decisions of the Federal Court, that Staie Legislatures have no right to complain of its usurpations however formidable or fatal. That, the General Government is said lo bo “ truly and emphatically a go'crnment of the People,” and therefore entirely out of the reach of rep resentative bodies whose sole duty it is to keep within the sphere of their own delegated trust. It would seem that if even such a prelcnsioti were admissible, it should ho considered no great breach of decorum, for a sovereign state throuch its hierhost known mithorrtv •« apnrooel' government it had contributed to establish, with a subject of complaint, especially when it i3 perceived that much inferior bodies arc pa- ticntly listened to, and listened to with efTcct. While manufacturing companies and sclf-crc- nted delegates, pretending to represent whole States, assemble for tho purposo of directing the Congress what measures they must adopt, surely the Legislature of u State without much violence to any known rule of modesty, may respectfully offer a counter remonstrance to such a growing temper of dictation. But it is not in tins humble manner that your committee would recommend tho Legislature to prefer their just complaints to the General Govern ment. They claim it as a right to remonstrate with that Government on all measures which they may conceive violative of the fundamen tal principles of its institution. They affirm that those who create a delegated '-overn- ADM1 I N pursuance o ofOniinary o. first Monday in Ft*l>. Erbert county, the fob. Estate of Isaac J. Barn vcy, Pomp, young Jim, Fa time, all the lands belongin in the county of Elbert. Also, on the first Tucsd" Court house o r lies, ADMi O N the first Court-house xr. sold, LOT No. 39, n county, belonging to of Clark county, doceaseu of the heirs of said estate, i on the diy of sale. Nov. 16. THOMPSON I ADMINISTRATOR’S I N Gwinnett county, on the Fo January next, will be sold, at tl bald M’Daniel, all the Personal P M’Dar.iel, deceased, consisting of a Bridle a quantity of com Fodder, ton, three head of Hogs, one Rifte g: mo^ v wn * u * * f - .wiofTu.’T ROBERT MG0.Y, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS John Dunn, Administrator of Joseph Walker, deceased, applies io me for Betters of Dismission from the estate of said dee’d: Tlies- are therefore to citu and admonish ail and single lar lire kindred and credilors of the said bo and appear at my office within the tune pre icribndhv law, In show cause, if any they have, uhv said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand, this 3d September. 1827. JOHN if. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS William M, Stokes, Executor of the E.tateofWillianiStrong. Jim. deceased, ap. plies to me for Letters of Dismission from tiio said es tate .* These are therefore to eite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and credilors of said deceased to be and appear nt my olii-e within the time prescribed hy law, to shr.v: cause, it any they have, why said Let- ters should not be granted. Given under my hand, thw 3d September, 1627. JOHN H, LOWE, Clerk. MTINE months after date, application will be mad< to the Honourable the Interior Court of Clark County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate and Four Negroes, for the ben- tilt of the heirs of Robert Perkins, dec’ll. WILLIAM PERKING, Executor. April 20, 1827.—16 m9m I JIOUR month after date, application will he made to . the Hononrabie Inferior Court of Ojlethorpecoun- Ordinary purposes, for leave to veil of George l farmer, .lee’d. lying on li’a creek, if\Jhe county aforesaid. DANIIX DUPREE, Adm’/. ty, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to *c!l all the Real Estate o'* “ the waters of Cloud' August 3!.—Itt ADMINISTRATOR* B Y order of tho honoura!/ Jackson county, will h day in February next, at co-inty, A Tract of Land, a or lese, lying on the waters c Hincr and Dukes; being th Wallace, deceaeed: to be heirs and creditors of said £* si i\c of aJc. Nov. 16. REUBE ADMINISTRAT I N purstfanre of an order o Ordinary, of Jackson co» first Tuesday in February n of said county 115 Acres of nut fork of tho Oconee river, ers, being llio 8*;mo w.icv ton, deceased, live I, " * his heirs and ere Nov. 23. O N t! Coi sold, a Tr more or 1 the Estate Dwelling Oconee ri Also, % county ot Forty-Tw teenthn*. Pork, »1 *•*’ river in®” Honoitf^'' f itting ^ Rebecr 4 * No-nih