The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, January 11, 1828, Image 1

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a “ (ivOT UOMIXES TOT SEXTEXTI.T.. QUID DEM f QUID .Vli.V DEM/ REXU1S TV, Q UOD JUDET.ll.TER." VOL. II. ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) FRIDAY, JANUARY II, 1828. No. 2. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, BY 0. F’. SHAW. Terms.—Throe dollar* pgr year, pay.Me in advance, or Four dollars if delayed to the end of the year. No subscription received for less than one year, un less the money is paid in advance ; and no paper will bu discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher.—A failure on the part of subscriber* to notify us of their intention of relinquish ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and papers sent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. All Letters to the Editor on matters connect ed with the establishment, must he post paid in order to jpwirc ILy Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish ed sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal P roperty, in like manner, must be published forty days Previous to the day ot-ale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days- Notice that Application will he made to the Court #.f Ordinary for Leave to sell Land, mus* be published four months. Notice* that Application will be maele for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. SHEftXFF’s SALES. A T the Court-house in the town of Monroe, Walton county, on the first Tuesday in March next, be tween the usual hours, the following property will be told, to wit: A Negro Boy named Wallace, about twelve years old: levied on as the property of IVnton ^ Ttiunw* Otinuning, to satisfy a mortgage 11. fa. in fa vour of II. It. Drake.—Property pointed out in said fi. fa. Terms, cash. January .!, 1828. WILLIAM H. RAY, SiVff A T the Court-house in Clark county, or. the first Tuesday in February next, within the usual hours, t:»c following property will be sold, to wit: Eight Negroes, to wit: Anthony, a man about fort)-five years of age; Mary, a woman about thirty-three years of age, and her three children, Isaac a boy about five years old, Hannah, a girl about three years, and Millcy, a girl about eighteen months • Irene,’a giil about fiftem years old; Delilah, a girl about twelve years old; and Greene, a boy about ten years old: le vied on as the property of Hugh Noisier to satisfy a li. fit. in favour of William Park vs. Hugh Noisier, and Thomas Mitchell, security on stay, and other fi. fa.’s vs. said Ncis or. Jan. 1, 15*28. JAMES HENDON, Sh’ff. 4 T the Court House in I fall county, on the first Tuts- least three months pluvious to the Term at which ] TTIOUK mouths after date, application wilt he n»ude L m. day in February'text, between the usual hours, the money is directed lobe paid, 17th August, 1827. j JE to the honourable the Inferior Court of CUty day in February text, between the usual hours, the following property will be sold, to wit: One Fourth part of Lot of Land, No. {78, in the Tenth District of Hall county, adjoining Lot No. 87, grantee not known: levied on as the property of Rachel Nations and John Nations, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a justice’s court in favour of Basil Wooley, for the use of Robert Ktrcblin, vs. said Nations: levy made and returned to me by a constable. January 1, 1827. JACOB KBERHART, Sh’ff. A T the Court House in Hall county, on the first Tuesday in February next, between the usual hours, the following property will be sold, to wit: One Hundred and Tiventy-fivo Acres of Land, knewn a* L**t No. 127, in the Tenth District of Hall count} : levied on ns the pioperty of Jerry Patter son, to satisfy four fi. fa.’s issued from a justice’s court in favotn of P. J. Nfunay vs. said Patterson: levied on and returned to me by a constable. January 1. 1828. * J. P. BROOKE, P. ShHT. A T tie* Court-house in Clayton, Rabun county, on /m the first Tuesday in February next, within the usual hours, he following property will he sold, to wit: One Lot of Land, No. 170, in the Second District of fluid county, containing 2 JO Acres: taken as the property of William Horne, and William Horne, executor of Whitmill W. Horne, deceased, and Henry W. Horn *, security on the appeal, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Eli S. Shorter, against the said Whitmill D. Horne. January 1,18*28. EDWARD COFFEE, Sh’ff. i do certify that the above Rule is truly copied from i county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave to . r .1 . • /i .... i * j ........ i ....It .11 li. a 1 . .ill ..... I ........ a I. ..I ..lit.. •% I. I.. *T. V.'l.ln the minutes of the Suptrior Court ot said county, this 1st October, 1827. ROBERT EICON, Clerk. GKORGIA, CLARK COUNTV. W HEREAS, Stevens TltouiAs and Alsa Moore, Executors of Lucy Cary, deceased, apply to me for Letters of Dismission from the i state ot said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office w ithin the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they may hav e, why said let ter* should not he gianted. (iiven under my hand, this 3th August, 18*27. JOIf V II. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, Robert Strong, Executor of John Strong, dec’d. apple •* to mo for Letters of Dismission from the Estate ol said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditor!- of said deceased, to he and appear at iny office w*ithi:i the time prescribed hv law, to shew* cause, if any they may have, why said let ters should not he granted. Given under my hand, this 13th August, 1827. JOHN II. LOWE, Clerk. A T the Court-house in Clark county, on the first ’jL Tuesday in February next, within the usual hours, ti.j .'allowing property will be sold, to wit: One Negro Alan try the name of Harry, about fifty years old, and One Tenth-part of 400 Acres *f Land, more or less, lying on Call’s creek, adjoining Elder and others: levied on as the property of Walton E. Harris to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Murray &. Hum phreys, and others, vs. Walton B. Harris. One Hundred ’MvFifty Acres of Land, more or lei:;, on M’Nurs creek, adjoining Nixon ami others: levied cn as the property of Marcv Duke to sa tisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Gabriel A. Motlit vs. Marcy Duke. Two Beds and furniture, two Bedsteads, six split-bottomed Chairs, two pine Table?, one hay Horse, and five or nix barrels of Corn: levied on as the property of William Davenport to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa vour of Rakcstraw &. Rupert, for the use of Rohe, t Rakestraw, vs. John Andrew and William Davenport. Seventy-eight Acres of Land, more or less, on tho waters of Green-brier creek, ad joining Love and others: levied on as the property of William M’Alhnn to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a magistrate’s court, in favour of A. L. Simms vs. William M’Allutn. Levied and returned by a bailiff. One Hundred and Four Acres of Land, mons or less on the waters of Bear creek, adjoining Hancock and others: levied on as the property of Wil liam Clifton to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a magistrate’s court in favour of Francis Meriwether vs. William Clif ton. Levied and returned by a bailiff. Ono Hundred and Thirty-five Acres of -.and, more or less, on the Apalachee river, adjoining Spinks ami others: levied on as the property of Lourv Bryan to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John I*. Blackman ■v -i. Laury Bryan, and Lewis Bryan security on stay. Jan. 1, 1828. GEORGE W. MERIWETHER. 4 T the Court-house in Jackson county, on the first Tuesday in February next, within the usual hours, r^ following property will hr: Fold, to wit: Four Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of V.and, more or less, on the waters of the North Oconee river, adjoir.iug Hendeiaou, whereon Joseph J. Scott, now lives: levied on as his property, by a constable, to satisfy sundry fi. fa.’a in favour of John Borders, vs. taid Scott, aiid tundry other fi. fa.’s in favour of John Williamson, sen. vs. Joseph J. Scott and Abraham Scott, all from a justice’s court. 'One pied Cow, one spotted Cow, six Slioats, *.nd five Figs: levied on as the property of Zona* ILib- hard, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Alexander Batclic- */or, giardian, v*. said Hubbard and Charles Bacon. One Yoke of Oxen, and two Cows and Calves; levied on as the property of George William son, to satisfy a fi. fa. ill favour of John M. Dooley vs. said Williamson.—Pointed out by defendant. One Yoke of Oxen, and Ono Hundred Acres of Land, more or lose, on the waters of Curry** creek, adjoining White, whereon Joseph R. M’C’utehen now lives: levied on as his property to satisfy two fi. f».’S one in favour of G. \V. Winters for the use of William Patton, the other iu favour of Johu T. Cris well and Jesse Smith, vs. said M’Cutchcn.—Pointed out by defendant. One and one-fourth Acres of Land, more or !ess, adjoining Adams, in the county of Jefferson, with h Tannery thereon: levied on as the property of Charles Bacon to satisfy two fi. fa.*s, one in favour of Henrv Sharp for the use of John Whitman vs. Charles Ba con &. Co. and James Tnit and Emanuel Mournough, security on stay: the other in favour of Green ft. Duke vs. George Shaw and Charles Bacon, and 'Edward Adams, jun. security on stay. Two Hundred Thirteen and an Half Acres ijf Land, more or less, on the waters of Curry’s creek, adjoining Scott: levied on by a constable to satisfy a fi. fli. from a justice’s court in favour of Charles Bacon it Co. vs. Abraham Scott and John Robinson.—Taken as Abe property of said Scot*. January :, 1825. JOSEPH HAMPTON, SlJff LEGAL NOTICES. Jackson Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1827. HULK MSI. O N tin application of L. F. E. Dugas, shewing to the Court, that William Edmonson, on the 29th of January, 1821, made his certain Mortgage of that date to your applicant, whereby to secure to him the su n of On** Hindr'd Dollar.?, on or before the ‘29th of July, 1824, lie, tin said William, Mortgaged to your ap plicant the following described Tract of Land, to wit: lying and being in the County of Jackson and Stato of Georgia, containing or.c hundred one and ono half acres, being half of a grant made to Eli.-lm Lake of two hundred and three acres, the half butting ami bound ing as follows: beginning on n white oak corner, on the branch on Jonathan Smith’s line, running north east to a pine corner on said Smith’s line, thence South 1o a white oak corner on the branch on John Smith’s line, thence Southwest to a post oak corner on said Smith’s line, thence on Burgiu’s line, to the beginning corner. And that there is due on said Mortgage the sum of One Hundred Dollars with interest from the 29th of July, 1824; and praying the foreclosure of the Equity of Redemption of, in and to said Mortgaged pre mises.— On motion, Ordered, Tnnt the said Mortgager pay. into Court the principal and interest due ou said Mortgage, together with the cost, within twelvemonths from this datO| dse the Equity of Redemption of^ in forever barred and fbrclosod.—And it is further ordered, That a copy of this Rule be published inr some public gazette of this State or s rved upon the Mortgager according to the statute in such cases made and provi ded. A true copy from tho minutes. April 6,1827. EDWARD ADAMS, Clerk. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. RULE NISI. Gwinnett Superior Court, September Term, 1827. oE.vtioiiN’ Joses and Rodeiit M’Comds, va. Patrick L. Dunlap. U PON the petition of Seaborn Jones and Robert M’ Comb-*, praying the foreclosure of tho Equityof Re demption in and to certain Tracts or parcels of I.and situate in the county of Gwinnett and State of Georgia, viz. all that Tract or parcel of Land situate anil being in the state and countv aforesaid, containing Two Hun dred and Forty or Three Hundred and Forty Acres, more or less, Ic mg part of a Tract granted to Caleb Hu."' .11, adj lining lands of Shndrick Bogan, John Winn, Islum Williams, and Hawkin’* Old Line, and near the waters of the Snwarra and Appalaelie Rivers: also, that Tract or pure 1 of’.mil containing l it**y \ere.s, .rure - i *.♦*, tjt.ingpa't °t Lot No. 2u8, and bought by tho said Dunlap, or Mrs. Mary Wilder, lying on the hood waters of t'n Alcovv, in the countv aforesaid— which said Tracts of Lav! were mortgaged by the said Patrick L. Dunlap, of the county of Baldwin, in said state, to the saic.1 Junes > •I’Comhs, on the lath day of May, in the year 1820, to secure the said Jones 4c. M’Combs tor any respon libilily or loss v^iich they might incur ami sustain nv reason of beingTecurity for the ‘said Patrick L. Dunlap, ns contractor for supplying the Penitentiary of the Statu of Georgia with Ration*, and also to secure the payment of several notes held by the said Seaborn Jones for rent, and for other purposes, in the said mortgage specified :—And the said Patrick L. Dunlap having mode default—On motion of Hines Holt, attorney for petitioiin, it is ordered, That unless the said Patrick L. Dunlap, or his representatives, do pay into the Clerk’s office of the Superior Court of siad ountv, the amount fur the purposes in the mortgage specified, together with all costs, within twelve months, that his Equity of Redemption in and to the said mortgaged premises he from thenceforth forever barred and foreclosed.—And it is further order ed, That a copy of this Rule he published in one of the public gazettes''of this stato oncu a month for twelve months, or nerved on the said Patrick L. Dunlap, his agent, or representatives, at least six months Were the time the said sum of money is ordered to b£ paid into Court. I certify the foregoing to he a true extract from the minutes, this 23th September, 1H27. JAMES W.MIDI.AW, Clerk GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, Henry Bowling, Administrator of Samuel Bowling, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the Estate of said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to bo and appear at my office within the timp prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have, Why said letters should not be granted. Given under iny hand, this 13th August, 18*27. JOHN II. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, George Kenney, Administrator of Jane Kenney, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the F.state of said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he ami appear at my office within the time proscribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have, w hy said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, this 13th August, 1827. JOHN II. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, James Meriwether and Francis Meriwether, Executors of David Meriwether, dec’d. apply to me for Letters of DUmiusion from the Estate ol said deceased: These an* therefore to cite and admonish all and gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to bo and appear ut iny office within the time prescribed by law, to shew epusc, if any they may have., whv said Int- Givcn under my hand, this 14th August, 1827. JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, Robert Stewart, Administrator of Isaac Stewart, dec’d, applies to me for Letters of Ditun'Hsion from the Estate of said deceased : These arc therefore tu cite ami admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office waliin the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under iny hand, this 1 tfL August, 1827. JOHN II. LOWE, Clerk. II all tho Land ami Negroes belonging to the Estate of John G. King, deceased. STEVENS THOMAS, Adm’r. September 7, 1827. 1 72OUR months after date, application will he made . to the honourable the Inferior Court of Gwinnett 'ounty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Willis Pearce, deceased. SUSANNAH PEARCE, Adm’x. Sept. 12th, 1827. p c to the Honourable the Inferior Court of Oge thorp* countv, when sitting tor Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Josiah Trible, deceased. THOM AS TUI BEE, Adm’r. October 5, 1827. L ETTERS remaining in the Post-office at Watkino* ville, Geo. on the 1st January, 1828, which if not taken out within three months, will l>* ssnt to the Gr- uorid Post-office. f lUUU months after date application will ho made . to the Inferior court of Clark county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for lenvo to sell a TRACT OF LAND, lyiittf on the Appalatcbio river, contain ing seven hundred acres, morn or less, belonging to the Estate of William Harvie, deceased. To be sold for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said de ceased. JAMES MEUKIWETHEU, Ex’r. October 22,1827. F OUR months after date, application will lie made to the .Inferior Court of Clark county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Martin Thompson, deceased, for the benefit of the lleirs thereof. JAMES W. HARRIS, Adm’r. Sept. 12th 1827. F OUR months after date, application will he made to the honourable tho Inferior court of Clark county, wlien sitting for ordinary pmpnnaii, for lo«v© to sell Lot No. 59, in tho Seventh District of Muscogee county, belonging to the minor heirs of John Harvey, deceased, to be sold for the benefit of said heirs. PATSEY HARVEY, Guardian. October 20, 18*27. [ T^OUR months after dutt* application will »•« made 1 lo the honourable, tho Inferior court of Clark county, when Bitting for ordinary purposes, for Icavu^to sell all the Real Estate of Chancey Bradley deceased, for the benefit of *he Heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Nov. !8. GKO. W. MOORE, Adm’r. I 7IOUK months after dato, application will be made . to the honourable Inferior court of Oglethorpe county, w hen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to tfldl some of the Negroes belonging to tho Estate of James Thomas, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Nov. 2, 18*27. MARY THOMAS, F.xec.’x I lOb'll inontlm afterdate, application wdl t*c mnd» . to the Infctior Court of Gwinnett county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of Lot No. Afy. in the sixth Distrii t i»f anid comaiiuiig acicii; the Hume, oung ol the Heal i .stall of Pinson M'Danicl, deceased. Nov. Ifi, 1827. ARCH’D M’DANIEL, Adm’r. Elizabeth Aik ins, Eh/abvth Alexander, Mr. Adair B William T. BiadticM, John !'. Burnett, Samuel Blakely, John J. Ilorow, Anderson Burt, Martin Howies, P. T. Bid,Ml John 11. Brittian, Win. Uraseltnn. C Isaac Coleman, Levi Carter, Win. 1>. Charter. D Samuel I). Durham, Win. Duncan, M. S. Davenport, Peter Dudley, Isabella Dm ham, Charles Dougherty. A. W. Elder,* Joshua Elder, David Elder, John Elder. F William Fambrongh. G John IV. Graves, James Greer. II Parmenair Hnyncs, W. B. Harris, Osborn Harris, Win. Harris, Roderick Hill, Tyre Harris, Catharine Holder. L Robert Love, Richard \. Lane, William Love. M M©tv*-y j |»_ Moore ) Win. aVGau rhe v, Henry MVliell/ Hannah M«.-tin. O James Oat«\% Wyatt Oates. P David Patterson. R Daniel Ramey, Sarah Reese, William M. Rogers William Rilov. S J. Snddutli, Darnel Summer?, David Sims, John Smith. W George Walton, Reuben Wallace. Y William Yarbrough. L. !L BREWER, J\ .V. fifTKAYKI) "It STOLEN from tho imbscnhcr, tn Morjruii county, „„ the incfil ot tlic2titli nl* December, 1827 a Cream-coloured Ilo,so, nboul !t or it) years old, will, marka no folio**; black and tail, was in very excellent older when taken or strayed, rack, almost entirely when under the sad- dle, melmod to be a little skntiih, and very quick to start; had old shoe, on before—Any information ro- spec said horse, given to John Totty, in Salem 2ft£5?h5JSr lt *“ •* — A -a Jan. 4.—3t PATRICK LEONARD, 1 71 OUR months after date, application will he made 1 to the Honourable Inferior Court of Gwinnett co unty, when setting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to self nil the Real Estate of Geoigr James, deceased. Nov. IC, 1827. GEORGE JAMES, Adin’r. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, John Rn.-H-tt, Executor of John Adams, deceased, apple. • to me for Letters of Dismission from said Estate, These are therefore to cit a id admonish all and singular the kindred and credo m? of said deceased, to be and appear at iny office wiV. hi tho time prescribed bylaw, to shew cause, it an, tney have why said letters shouM not he granted. Given under tuj hand, the 8th December, 18*27. JOI N H. LOWE, Ekrk. GKORGIA, GW INNETT COUNTY. W HEREAS, Stephen Nolan, administiator of Christopher Addison, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the further adminis tration of said estate > These are therefore to c,i*o and admonish nl! and singular the kindred and creditors to be and appear a» my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he grunted. Given under my baud, this 23th of Nov. 1827. WM. MALTBIK, Clerk. 1 7IOUU months after date application will be made . to the honourable Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to sell the whole of the Real Estate of William IL Williby, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Dee. 27, 1827. JOHN II. LOWE, Adm’r. BOARDING. T HE subscriber having removed his residence to the house belonging to Mrs. King, situated m a convenient part of the town, will accommodate a lew young gentlemen as private boarders, the ensiling v«*ar. Dec. 28, 1827. EDWARD LLOYD THOMAS. TT F.TTV.US remaining in the Po>*-offiee at A’hens- 1 A (Geo.) on the first day of January, 1-828, which, if not taken out GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. Superior Court, August Twin, 18*27. RULE NISI. I TPON the Petition of Garland W. Prince, praying a J foreclosure of the Equity of Redemption in nnd to a certain Lot of ground near t!ie Town ot* Athens, containing One Acre, n»»rc or less, adjoining the Lands of Mrs. Baldwin and Col. Josiuh Newton, stating that William B. Tavlor, on the 2d day ol January, 1827, executed and delivered to him a Deed of Mortgage for the better securing the payment of a certain Promis- sory Note given by the said William B. to the said Garland W. for the sum of Three Hundred and Six teen Doha ’s and Sixty-Five Cents, dated the 21st day of December,- 182»i, and made payable on or before the 23t!i of the same month, and riraying a Rule Nisi for the foreclosure of the Equity ot Redemption in and to the said premises. On motion, it is ordered, That the said William B. do, within pix months from this date, pay into the office of the Clerk ol* this Court the principal and inter est due on t»aid Mortgage, together with the costs of this application, or that the Equity of Redemption in and to said mortgaged premises be tbencefoi tli barred am! forever foreclosed.—It is further ordered, That this Rule 1m» published in one of the public gazette- of this state once a month for six months, or that the same b< nerved on the mortgagor, his a"«nt, or a*.t .rn r y, at GKORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, John Frost, Executor of Jacob Hogue, deceased, applies to me lor Letters of Dismission from said Estate: These nrc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew ease, if any tli ?y may have, why said letters should not he granted. - Given under iny hand, this 4th September, 1827. JOHN II. LOWE, Clerk. GKORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS John Dunn, Administrator of Joseph Walker, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the estate of said dec’d: Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of the said deceased,to be and appear at my office within the time pre«crihedhy law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 3d September, 1827. JOHN IL LOWE, Clerk. GKORGIA, CLARK COUNTY^ W HEREAS William M. Stokes, Executor of the Estate of V\ illiaiii Strong, Jun. deceased, ap plies to me for Letters of Dismiss.on from the said cs- tate: These are therefore to citr and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors rf said deceased to he and uppear at my office Within tho time prescribed by law, to sh*.v; cause, if any th*y hast, why said Let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this y September, 1827. JO LN II. LOWE, Clerk. TVINE months after date,'application will he made Jl to the Honourable tho Inferior Court of Clark County, to s* II the Real Fsta’^and oit of the heirs of Robert P. rk Negroes, for the hen* ilc-’d. WILLIAM PERKINS Executor -1C the General Post-office. A M William E. Afiamn, tier. Barkley Martin, Richard W. Adams. Mrs. Annahr lln Martin, 2 B Joseph Maddox, 2 John A. Byrd, Willmm Matthews, Joseph Banks, 2 Jercmiafi M.itlhrWK, Elizabeth Burke, 2 James A. Meriwether, Timothy <». Barnard, Walter Mitel.*:l, John Barnard, Thomas Mitchell, John Blankenship, Alexander Martin, Thomas E. Bluckshcor, 2 Morris Matthews, Rees Barber, S. A. Mayers L R. A. Meri Robert Barber, wether Bradley Berry, N John M. Borders, Reuben Nance, Lemuel Brown, Trrvis Nixon, Samuel lliowi., Hugh M. Nicclcr, Miss O. P. Burch, Dr. Jan. Nishet. William M. Bangs. O C Alfred Owen, Griffin Cheerly, Miss Martha F. Ogilhy. Littlehury B. Clay, P William G. Chandler, Arthur E. Patton, James IL Carlton, 2 Miss Mary A. C. Calloway. William Price, Daniel Parr, D Benjamin Parr, William Davis, Dr. Loviek Pierce. Anniatead B Dawson. K K James G. Ringgold, Thomas Espy. F J. KunnoMn, Thomas J. Reynolds, Samuel Frost, 3 William P. Itcmhcrt, V, illiain B. Flournoy, Juniee Roger-, Miss Louisa 11. Rogers, Joaiah Elder. G Obedience Ryan. S John Gordon, Robert Gardner, Ric hard T. Sankcy, Wiley Glenn, Meredith Sneed, Miss Cclestia Goneke. Thomas L. Stapler, II James D. Stevens, John W. Henley, 3 Arthur L. Simms, John Henning, 2 Ardiihald Sheets, Richard Holt, Loviek Self, C. llughe-, l)r. Joseph J. Singleton, William P. Hi!!, Wiley Sledge, Daniel IL Ileadcn 4 James A. Strahhart, 3 Khz. I). Ilixlgc. Mrs. Jane Sihhald. 2 J T Col. Hiram Jones, John Thompson, Dudley M. James, Joshua Tucker, Mrs. Mary Emily Joni*, Robert Taylor. 2 Gcvpe B. Judd, V Henry Jamos, William J. Vtson, (ireen B. Jacks. Isaac Vasun, L W Aaron L. Lewis, Robert C. Wilson, 2 John L. l.r wh, John D. Watkins, j James Lin Is* y, \\ 'ishington Walton, 1 Huglt A. I.awrcnee, Robert Watki*.-, 1 Jasuaiy 1- L A. KUWIN, P M. MADISON HOTEL. MORG.IX COUXTY, (CEO.) !|l : : Siib.cril.or rcpcctfully inform, bis i —. , '" s , ,* ,IC public in fi t,, that Iw r . i i ci? ‘ hc formerly nrrtmiul by Cap . John in l/„. ofMadiwn, an.) that ihciioimc |» now well t.tlcil out for the reception of fa- iniiic. or any persons who think proper to favour him their company. I have also pood Lots for the ar- coinuiodatiqn of Home a«‘«l lino limvn— *• .? lotfiler wllMm hmnsjatj r», MM( „„ . . Of their pntronuee. ||„ Table on.) Par wdl ut ah i n”, he found plentifully supplied, um | Ins STABLES T:±\ , by c r r °" ,l r ,n "W'taiw, he promisrn In jnve genera! satisfaction to nil r , r.t!r- rnrn and'u'- NovlL-i , ;*; mr him Mllh ** C ° n ‘P“ n >- ,,0I,N rwitvhON. »^ ract ^ ce Physic. I" p Huhscnbero have as.ociato.1 dmmselvcs in tbo ,iow, n ,"'rr ,T' ,t,r <***»««lo iJJ£ H e! 1 '’"'Jcc Al-ore, w/„. ro one or hell, .if gaged?*" “ b ° fcund w hennot professionally t n- Lexington, C., November b LAW. T'oM,n ,w ?r;r « «• tim (i.attahoochicv* " 1 '“‘ r ° ffiCC « ,hc * . , „ JAMES N. BETHUNB. Nov. _, IdJ7. ALBEilT Y. ORF.SHART. Boots and Shoes. •T mwvrf ,V '' l d !’, V .A l o , H " l " rri fo'r», an assortment ■)? “DO | S and SHOES, constating of AtenVs Morocco and falf-skin Hoots, Men - ., and hoy’s line and conn.! Shoes, Morocco Tumps and Slippers, l adies’ Morocco Walking Shoes, Do. Pin, k and fancy Coloured I’runtllus. Also, a large supply of NEGRO SHOES, All of which they offer lor sale v. low. ’ Athens, pee. 7. Ml "V V- KDWAIWfl NOTICE? “ A ll. persons indebted to (he estate of John Alexan- dor, laic off lark cojuty, deceased, Qrcrequested to make immediate payment, and those having de mauds ngainsl estate, are likewise re,gi...trd to pr r sent them wthm the prescribed time oualifeJ as th. law dircrtH. DeeM I, ISS7. JOS. MT.XANDHI, Adl.e’r. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY? W ill RLA.S, Anderson C, Middlehroeks appli.s *’> me fin Letters of Administration on Lie Es. tate of James Oates, deceased r * These nrr therefore to cite nnd admonish all and sir., gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased t- be and appear at my ollicc within the time prescribed hv law, to shew cause, if ar.y they have, why c; id letters of administration hIiouIi! not he granted. Given nnder my hand, this L’lpl day of Januarv, 1 JOHN II. LOWE. Clerk. ADMINISTR ATOR’S SALE. O N Saturday, the C-’thof January next, at tho late residence of B. ijamin Baker, duresse.), in (.win- nett county, will he sold, all the Personal Proper’v of said deceased, consisting of Horse, Cattle, &c.—Teroti made known on the day of sale. Nov. 30, tt.j7. MARY BAKER, Adm’r. EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N the f.rst Tuesday in March next, at m ^avette county, will ho sold, LOTNo. !4v, in the Seventh Di-inrt of II I! county, containing 10IJ a'-res, more or less. Sod for the benefit ofth- heirs and ereditora of John I.amhurth, doreaaed, by or dor of tho Inferior court of Jackson county.—Tern.c cash. JOHN FL AN ALIN, Adr.i’r. SAItAII LAMBI RTH, Admr’s. AVASIIINOTO.N LAMBITiTII. Adir.Y.' December Sit 1 , IdS7.