The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, February 01, 1828, Image 1

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*'■— — 1 »-»■! f . .■ ■ ^ ^ “ (IVOT HOMINES TOT SENTENTI.E.-QUW DEM? Q.UID NOJf OEM? BENUIS TV, QUOD JURET ALTER." VOL. II. ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1828. . i .... No. 5. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, BV O. P. SHAW. Terms.—Three dollars per year, payable ill advance, or Four dollars if delayed lo the end of the year. No subscription received for lees than one year, un less the money is paid in advanceand no paper will he discontinued until all arrearages arc paid, except at the option of the publisher.— \ failure on tho part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish- ment, accompanied with tbc amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and papers sent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual ratos. iCJ* All Letters to the Kditor on matters connect, "d with the establishment, must be post paid in order (a secure attention. }C7» Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish ed sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, must be published forty days previous to tho day ofsalc. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land, must be published fbur months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty dd\js, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. SHERIFF’S SALES. A T the Court-house in the town of Monroe, Walton JMl county, on the first Tuesday in March next, be tween tho usual hours, the following property will be sold, to wit: • A Negro Boy named Wallace, about twelve years old: lovied on as tile property of Fenton St Thomas Cumtning, to satisfy u mortgage li. fa. in fa vour of H. & R. Drake.—Fropcrty pointed out in paid fi. fa. Terms, rash. January 1, 1898. WILLIAM II. RAY, Sh’ff A T tho Court-house in Clark county, on the first Tuesday in February next, within the usual hours, the following property wifi be sold, to wit: Eight Negroes, to wit: Anthony, a man about forty-fiver years of age; Mary, a woman about thirty-three years*of age, and her threo children, Isaac a boy about five years old, Hannah, a girl about throe years, and Milley, a girl about eighteen months; Irene, a girl about fifteen years old; Delilah, a girl about twelve voars old j and Greene, a boy about ten years old: le vied on as the property of Hugh Noisier to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of William Park vs. Hugh Neisler, and Thomas Mitchell, security on stay, and other fi. fa.’s vs. •said Noisier. Jan. 1, 1828. JAMF.S HENDON, Sh’ff. T the Court-house in Clark county, on the first '" hcusSLr r% Tucsdayin February next, within tb nil ' ” " A T tho Court House in Hall county, on the first Tues day in' February next, between the usual hours, the following property will be sold, to wit; One Fourth part of Lot of Land, No. 98, in the Tenth District of Hall county, adjoining Lot No. 87, grantee not known: levied on as the property of Rachel Nations and John Nations, to satisfy a u. fa. issued from a justice’s court in favour of Basil Wooley, for the use of Robert Streblin, vs. said Nations: levy made and returned to me by & constable. January 1, 1827. JACOB KBEUHART, Sh’ff. A T the Court House in Hall county, on tho first Tuesday in Fobruary next, between the usual hours, the following property will be sold, to wit: One Hundred and Twcnty-fivo Acres of Land, known as Lot No. 127, in the Tenth District of Hall county: Jevisd on as tho property of Jerry Patter son, to satisfy four fi. fa.’a issued from a justice’s court in favour of P. J. Murray vs. said Patterson: levied on and returned to mo by a constable. January 1, 1828. J. P. BROOKE, D. Sh’ff GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, John Frost, Executor of Jacob Hogue, deceased, applies to inc for Lcttc: j of Dismission trout said Estate: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tbc kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my otlicc within the time prescribed by law, to shew case, if any they may have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band, this 4th September, 1827. JOHN 11. LOWF., Clesk. One Lot of Land, No. 179, in the Second District of said county, containing 250 Acres: taken as tho property of William Horne, and William Horne, executor of Whitmill D. Horne, deceased, and Henry W. Horne, security on tho appeal, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Eli S. Shorter, against the said Whitmill D. Horne. January 1,1829. EDWARD COFFEE, Sh’ff a ,1 hours, the following property will be sold, to wit: Oue Negro Man by tbc name of Harry, aVwir-fiftv years old, awl Ono Tciith-part of 400 Acres of Land, more or less, lying on Call’s creek, adjoining' Elder and others: levied on as the property of Walton B. Harris to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Murray & Hum phreys, and others, vs. Walton B. Harris. Otic Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, on M'Nut’s creek, adjoining Nixon and others: levied on as tho property of Marcv Duke to sa tisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Gabriel A. Momt vs. Marcy Duke. Two Beds and furniture, ttvo Bedsteads, six split-bottomed Chairs, two pine Tables, one bay Horse, and five or six barrels of Cdfn: levied on as the property of William Davenport to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa vour of Rakestraw & Rupert, foi tho use of Robert ltakcstraw, vs. John Andrew and William Davenport. Sovcnty-eight Acres of Land, more or less, on the waters of Green-brier creek, adjoining Love and others: levied on as the property of William M’Allum to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a magistrate’s court, in favour of A. L. Simms vs. William M’Allum. Levied and returned by a bailiff One Hundred and Four Acres of Land, more or less, on tho waters of Bear crock, adjoining Hancock and others: levied on as tho property of Wil liam Clifton to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a magistrate’s court in favour of Francis Moriwcihcr vs. William Clif ton. Levied and returned by a bailiff One Hundred and Thirty-five Acres of Land, more or less, on the Apalachee river, adjoining Spinks and others: levied on as the property of Laitry Bryan to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John P. Blackman vs Laury Bryan, and Lewis Bryan security on stay. Jan. 1, 1828. GEORGE W. MERIWETHER. A T the Court-house in Jackson coenty, on the first Tucsdayin February next, within the usual hours, the following'property will be sold, to wit: Four Hundred nnd Twenty-five Acres of Land, more or less, on tho waters of the North Oconee river, adjoining Henderson, whereon Joseph J. Scott, now lives: levied on as bis property, by a constable, to satisfy sundry fi. fa.’s in favour of John Borders, vs. said Scott, and sundry other fi. fa.’s in favour of John Williamson, sen. vs. Joseph J. Scott and Abraham Scott, all from a justice’s court, One pied Cow, one spotted Sow, six Shouts, and fivo Pigs: levied on as the property of Zenus Hub bard, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Alexander liatchc lor, guardian, vs. said Hubbard and Charles Bacon. One Yoke of Oxen, and two Cows and Calves: levied on as the property of George William- con, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John M. Dooley vs. said Williamson.—Pointed out by defendant. One Yoke of Oxen, and One Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, on the waters of Curry’s creek, adjoining Whito, whorcon Joseph R. M’Cutchcn now lives: levied on as his property to satisfy two fi. fa.’s, one in favour of G. W. Winters for tho use of William Patton, tho other in favour of John T. Oris- • well and Jcsso Smith, vs. said M’Cutchcn.—Pointed out by defendant. One and one-fourth Acres of Land, moro or less, adjoining Adams, in tho vicinity of Jefferson, with a Tannery thereon: levied on as the property of Chailcs Bacon to satisfy two fi. fa.’s, ono in favour of Henry- Sharp for tho use of John Whitman vs. Charles Ba con & Co. and James Tail and Emanuel Moumoogh, securitv on stay; tho other in favour of Green R. Duke vs. George Shaw and Charles Bacon, and F.dward Adams, jun. security on stay. Two Hundred Thirteen and an Half Acres of Land, more or less, on tho waters of Curry’s creek, adjoining Scott i levied on by a constable to satisfy a fi. ta. from a justice’s court in favour of Charles Bacon 1 i'o. vs. Abraham Scott and John Robinson.—Taken i •he property of said Scott. January 5,1828. JOSEPH HAMPTON. Sh’ff GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS John Dunn, Administrator of Joseph Walker, deceased, applies to me for. Letters of Dismission from the estate of said dcc’d s Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prcscribedby law, to allow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 3d September, 1827. JOHN H. I.OWE, Clerk. Postponed Sheriff’s Sale. the first Tuesday in February next, at the \Jr Court-house door in Hall county, will be sold:— Two Hundred and Sixty Acres* of Land, more or less, lying on the waters of tho North Oconee river, adjoining M'Cfcskcy and Dunagin, granted to Black-stock, whereon William Adams now lives: levied on as the property of William Adams to satisfy two ft. fa.’s issued from Hall Superior court, ono in favour of Alexander Hodge, the other in favour of Elliott II. Boyd, bearer, vs. said Adams, property pointed out by de fendant. JACOB EBERHAUT, Sh’ff. “legal notices. - GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. "WM^HEUEAS, Stevens Thomas nnd Alsa Moore, T ▼ Executors of Lucy Cary, deceased, apply to inc for Letters of Dismission from tho estate of said deceased: These are therefore to cito.and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have, why said.lct- ters should not he granted. Givon under my hand, this 13th August, 1827. •JOHN II. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. ■^MTIIERKAS, Robert Strong, Exer.utor of John yy Strong, dec’d. applies to mo for Letters of Dismission from the Estate of said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and crcditont of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the timo prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 13th August, 1827. JOHN II. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. ‘W*7’HEUEAS 1 Henry Bowling, Administrator of V V Samuel Bowling, deceased, applies to mo for Letters of Dismission from tho Estato of said deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 13th August, 1827. JOHN 11. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. ’■'K7HEREAS, George Kenney, Administrator of W Jane Konney, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the Estate of said deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my oflico .vithiu tho time proscribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have, why said letters should not he grantcdL Gii on under my band, this 13th August, 1827. JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. “■TK7TIERF.AS, James Meriwether and Francis ff Meriwether, Executors of David Meriwether, dcc’d. apply to me for Letters of Dismission from the Estate of said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under iny hand; this 14th August, 1827. JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. ■**7IIF.REAS, Robert Stewart, Administrator of VT Isaac Stewart, dcc’d, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from thn Estato of said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be ami appear at my otfie.c within tho time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they may have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this l-ith August, 1827. JOHN II. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK CfiUNTY. ■M7IIEHF.AS, John Barnett, Executor of John ™ Adams, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said Estate,— These are then-fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this Sth December, 1827. JOHN H. I.OWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. ■WK7IIF.RF.AS, Stephen Nolan, administrator of V T Christopher Andison, deceased, applies ro mo for Letters of Dismission from the further adminis tration of said estate:— These are therefore to rite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors to lie and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 23tb of Nov. 1827. \YM. M ALTBIE, Cferk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. VK7HEREAS William M. Stokes, Executor of the y y Estate of William Strong, Jun. deceased, ap plies to mo for Lcttera of Dismission from the said ca- tatc: These are therefore to cite and admonish all nnd sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the timo prescribed by law, to sh*.v; cause, if any they have, why said Let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 3d September, 1827. JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. AM7HERKAS Nchcmiah Garrison, executor of the J T estate of Richard Meath, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission therefrom:— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they hare, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 18th day of January, 1826. GEORGE HAWFE, Clerk. jTIOUE months after date, application will be mado -E? to tho Honourable the Inferior Court of Ogcthorpo county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tho real estate of Josiah Triblc, deceased. THOMAS TRIBLE, Adm’r. October 5, 1827. ■ ,70UR months after date application will be made M. to the Inferior court of Clark county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leavo to sell a TRACT OF LAND, lying on the Appalatchio river, contain ing seven hundred acres, more or less, belonging to the Estate of William Harvic, deceased. To be sold hr the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. JAMES MF.RRIWETHER, Ex’r. October 22,1827. T3QUR months afim%ate, application will be made JE to tho Inferior Court of Clark countv. when sit- ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all tho Real Estate of Martin Thompson, deceased, ,for the benefit of the Heirs thereof. JAMES IV. HARRIS, Adm’r. Sept. 12th 1827. '■71 OUR months after date, application will be made JE to tho honourable the Inferior court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot No. 59, in tho Seventh District of Muscogee county, belonging to the minor heirs of John Harvey, deceased, to be sold for tlie benefit of said heirs. PATSEY HARVEY, Guardian. October 2G, 1827. TJIOUR months after date application will be made JC to tho honourable, tho Inferior court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all tho Real Estate of Chanccy Bradley deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Nov. 2. GEO. XV. MOOnE, Adm’r. ■MjlOUR months after date, application will be mado J? to tho honourable Inferior court of Oglethorpe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell somo of tho Negroes belonging to tho Estate of James Thomas, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs of said dcccnscd. Nov. 2,-1827. MARY THOMAS, F-xee’x. TjlOUR months after date, application will be made JF to the Inferior Court of Gwinnett county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of Lot No. 181, in tbc Sixth District of said county, containing 165 acres; tho samo being of the Real estate of Pinson M’Daniel, deceased. Nov. 16,1827. ARCH’D M’DANIEL, Adm’r. "■720UR months after date, application will be made JP to the Honourable Inferior Courtof Gwinnett co unty, when setting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estato of George James, deceased. Nov. 16,1S27. GEORGE JAMES, Adm’r. TT7IOUR month* after date application will bo made to the honourable Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leavo to Bell the whole of the Heal Estate of William B. VriHiby, de ceased, for the benefit of the heir;. Dec. 27, 1827. JOHN II. LOWE, Adm’r. "■IIOUR months after date, application will be made B*’ to the Honorable tho Inferior Court of Gwinnett countv, when .itting for Ordinary purposes, for leavo to self Lot No. 199, in the fir* District of Coweta coun ty ; it being the Real Estate belonging to Mahany Size more, an Idiot. January 18. ABIGAIL SI/.F.MOR F-, Guard. ■RT20UR months after date, application will be made A- to the honourable Inferior court of Jackson coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to scl the Tract of Land whereon Mrs. Obedience Ryan now lives, lying on Sandy creek, being Real estate of the lute Philip Ryan, deceased. January 25. OBEDIF.NCF. RYAN, F.xcc'x. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N the first Tuesday in Fcbrunry next, at the Court-house in Forsyth, Monroe county, will be sbld, LOT No. 39, in the Fourteenth district of said county^ belonging to the estate of Samuel Pittard, late of Clark county, deceased: to bo sold for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Terms will be made known oi the dav of sale. Nov. lii. THOMPSON PITTARD, Adm’r. B ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Y order of the honourable Court of Ordinary of 1 Jackson county, will be sold oil the First Tues day in February next, at tho Court-house in said county, A Tract of Land, containing 150 acres more or less, lying on the waters of Barber’s crock, adjoining Hincr and Dnkcs; being tho Real Estato of James Wallace, deceased: to bo sold for tho benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said Estate.—Terms made known at tho time of sale. Nov. 16. REUBEN WALLACE, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Elbert county, the following Negroes belonging to the Estato of Isaac J. Barrett, deceased, to wit: Jim, Sil- vcy, Pomp, young Jim, Patscy, and Sarah: at the same time, all the lands belonging to the said deceased, being in the county of Elbert. Also, on tho first Tuesday in March next, at the Court house of tho county in which a Tract of Land now lies, drawn by Isaac J. Barrett, then ill tho county of Wilkinson: sold for tho benefit of the heirs. Nov. 16. MICAJAH CARI’ER, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. I N pursuance of an order of the honourable Court of Ordinary, of Jackson county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, at the Court-housu of said county, 115 Acres of Land, lying on the Wal nut fork of tho Oconee river, adjoining Folk and oth ers, being the same whereon the late Stephen Bon- ton, deceased, lived, and to be sold for the benefit of bis heirs and creditors. Nov. 23. PARKS CHANDLER, AdmV. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B Y an ordcroftho Inferior Court of Jackson county, will be sold, on tho first Tuesday in February next, at tho Court-liousc in aaid county, FIVE NE GROES, to wit: one girl named Aggy, 17 years old, and her child, Bitha, 3 years, Bailey, a boy 7 years; Julia, a girl 4 years, and Mclissc, a giil about 10 years old, belonging to the Estato of John Lamburth, late of said county, deecased, and sold for the benefit of the htirs and creditors thereof.—Terms made known at tho timo of sale. JOHN FLANAOIN, F.x’r. SARAH LAMBURTH, Exc’x. WASH. LAMBURTH, Ex’r. December 5, 1827. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold: in the town of Lexington on the first Tuesday in April next, all the Real Estato of Alpha Walker, deceased, lying in the county of Ogle thorpe ; sold in conformity to an order of tho l lonorablo Court ofOrdiuary of said county. , ELISHA WALKER; Adm’r. MARTHA WALKER, Adm’x. January, 18 1828. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLE to an order of the honourable Infe rior courtof Franklin county, sitting as a court of Ordinary, will bo sold at the Court-house door in Carnosville, on tho first Tucsdayin April next, between- tho usual houraof sale,the TRACT OF LANDwhere on John Silman, deceased, formerly lived, on Nail’s creek, adjoining Ford and others, containing 687) acres. Also, Lot No. 194, in the 19tli district of MiiseOgcc, and Lot No. 369, in the 8tli district of Etriv: being the real estato of the said doccased, and sold tor tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms of sole made known on tho day. January 18th. JOHN SILMAN, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLE to nu order of the honourable Inferior court of Franklin county, sitting as a court of Ordinary, will be sold at the Court-house door in Carncsvillo, on the first Tuesday in April next.bolwecn the usual hours of stle, the TRACT OF liffitU where on Win. Twccdwell, deceased, formerly lited, on Indian crock, containing 80 acres, adjoining Jones nnd others. Algo 250 acres, being Lot No. 369, in the tilth district of F.srly county; and Lot No. 164, in the 7th district of Coweta county, containing 202) acres; being tho real estate of the said deceased, and sold for tho bene fit of the heirs and creditors.—Terms of sale ninde known on tho day. January 18. MITCHELL, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N Tuesday tho 11th day of March, will be sold, all tho Personal Property of Joseph M’Outehsn, late of Hall county, deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Farming utensils, and other articles.—Terms mado known on tho day. Jan, 18. ROBERT M'CUTCHEN, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N tho 29th day of February next, at the |ato resi dence of Littlebury Edwards, deceased, in Ogle, thorpe county, will be sold, all tho Personal Property of said deceased, consisting of Household and k'ilcncu Furniture, and Stock of all kinds, besides a number or articles too tedious to mention: sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.—Also, the NEGROES of said deceased will bo hired for the present year. Sale to continue from day to day until all is Bold. Toms mado known on the day. January 18. THOMAS EDWARDS, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold, at tho Court-house in Jofforson, Jackson county, on the first Tucsdayin Fc- Wuaiy next, «ho following property, vix: Two Hun dred Acres of Land, more or less, in said county, ad joining John Winters, near the Hurricane Shoals, on tho waters of tho north Oconee river, also, 1? Negroes, consisting of men, women,and children: sold ns the property of Abraham Williams, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Terms made known on the day. HOLLOWAY WILLIAMS,) ... , r . . ABRAHAM WILLIAMS, j AUm November 30. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N tho first Tuesday in April next, in thn town of Gainesville, Hall county, within tho usual hours of.salo, tho following property will be sold, to wit : ono Negro Man, named Luke, about thirty-eight years old: ana ono Tract of Land, known as Lot No.*39, in tho Eleventh district of Hall county. Sold as the property of James Hulsey, deceased. Terms made known on the day. January 25. PLEASANT HULSEY, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL bo sold, at the Court-house ia Jefferson, Jackson county, on tho first Tuesday in March next, the following property, viz: One Tract of Land containing 202) Acres, situated in Muscogco coun ty, known by Lot No. 262, in the 20th district—also, 202) Acres of Lnnd in said county, known by Lot No. ISO, in the 9th district, belonging to the heirs of Abra ham Williams, deceased. HOLLOWAY WILLIAMS, ) ABRAHAM WILLIAMS, $ Aara "’ November 30. GUARDIAN’S SALE. O N tho first Tuesday in February next, at the Court-house door in the county of Greene, will be sold, a Tract of Land containing Fifty Acres and a half, more or less, being that part of the land belonging to the Estate of Jsmcs Park, deceased, on which Ins late Dwelling House is situated, lying on tho waters of the Oconee river in said county of Greene. Also, will be sold, at the Court-houso door in the county of Morgan, on the first Tucsdayin March next Forty-Two Acres and a Quarter of Land, being the fif. teenth port of the Land belonging lo the Estate of James Park, deceased, lying on the oo’t side of the Oconee river in said county of Morgan. Sold by an ordcrof the Honourable Inferior Court of Gwinnett county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, as the Real Estate of Itcbccca Park, a minor. WILLIAM J. RUSSELL, Grtrdian November *8,1827. EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N tho first Tuesday in March next, at Fayetteville in Fayette county, will he sold, LOTNo. 142, in the Seventh District of said county, containing 101) acres, moro or less. Sold for the benefit of tlm heirs and creditors of John Lamburth, deceased, by or dcr of the Inferior court of Jackson county.—Terms, cash. JOHN FI.ANAGIN, Adm’r. SARAH LAMBURTH, Admr’x. WASHINGTON LAMBURTH. Adm*. Doeembcr 28,1827. not taken out by tho first day of April next, will bo re turned to tho General PoSt-olfico ns dead letters. B Abraham Micro, Henry Baker, 3 John Mcacliam, Julius Bates, Elizabeth Morrows. Michael Branham. O C Ycarby Orsbntn, James & George Cockburn, Thnddcus Oawcns. James H. Conner. D William Dawis, Tcarcy Dickenson, Joseph Dunagan. G John Grizcl, Gcorgo Gordon, James Gillmorc. 11 Richard Hcadc, James Uamcttc, Thomas Higgs, Thomas Hitt. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL bo sold, on the first Tuesday in^April next, at the Court-house in Clark County, agreeable to an order of tho Inferior court, when sitting for ordi nary purposes a negro girl Nancy, belonging lo tho es- late of Sarah II. l’nrk ins, dccoascd; Bold for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors. RICHARD RICHARDSON, Adm’r. January 11, 1828. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold, at tho Court-house door in the town of Lexington, Oglethorpe county, on the first Tuesday in April next, on a credit of twelve months, agreeable to an order of the Honorable, the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting for ordin ary-purposes, a Tract of Land, containing eighty acres, be the same more or less, adjoining William beadles and others, on the waters of Cloud's creek ; to ho sold for the benefit of the heirs toil creditors of George Far mer, deceased. DANIEL DUPREE, Adm’r. January 11, 1823. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in April next at the Court-house in Greene county, agrees, hie to an order of the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, Six arres of Land, lying in said county, on tlie waters of Fishing crock, belonging to Thomas M. Grcgsby, minor. Sold for tho benefit of said minor. JOHN II. SIMS, Guard’n. January 11, 1828. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL bo sold at the Court hoiwc door of Wilkin. son county,on the first Tuesday in March next, agreeable to an order of Court of Oglethorpe county, W'hilc sitting far ordinary purposes, a certain Tract of (.and containing 2U2t acres, more nr ^ss,known by lot No. 46, lying in tho 21st district of said county. Sold for the benefit oflhe heirs of Benjamin Baldwin, dec’d. SAMUEL BALDWIN. Adm’r. with the will annexed. January 11,1S-J8 L ETTERS remaining villc, on the First in the Post-office at Gains- lay of January, 1828, w-hicli if day." ’ Biirwcll Johnson, Reverend Mr. Jay. K Abel Kinderick, William Kent. I. Abraham Littlejohn, Mathew Long, David Lay. M Benjamin M’Kutehcn, Henry Peplcs, Peter Presley, John Parks. R Robert Robertson, t Richard Rhodes, Page Itorkc, William Robins, Thomas Reaves, S Easter Shiirlcy, John Smith, 3 Juda Sellers. ' T James Tate, Eliza 7'atlor. 7 John G. Watkins, Nantsoy Whitten, Elisha Williams, Edmond Wood, Isnr.c Wliorlon, John Wayne, Newman Willson, John Wood, George Watts. WILEY 1IARBEN, P. M. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. . W HEREAS, William Tapp applies to me for Let ters of Administration on tho estate of Allen Savage, deceased: These a re therefore to cite and admonish aJI and sin gular the kindred and creditors of aaid deecased, to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may lutvc, why said Lcttera should not be granted. Given under my hand this 18th January, 1826. GEOUGfc HAWFE. Clerk. B ROUGHT to Jail, in Hali coun ty, Geo. on tho 16tb inst. a Ne gro man, apparently about 30 years '' ‘ lack, says hi Id, very black, says his name is Jack, nd that he belongs to James Mitchc), of Newton county, Geo.—The owner ia requested to attend, comply with tho law, and take his property. » WILEY HARDEN, Jailer. January 25.—3t • NOTICE. A LL persons are forewarned from trading for two promissory Notes given by the subscribers to John Scull, or bearer, one for ono hundred and sixty, two dollars and fifty cents, the other the amount not recollected, but between twenty and thirty dollar:’, both dated 10th Joly, 1827. The consideration Tor which the above notes ware given has failed, and I am determined not to pay them unless compelled by law. JOHN ALLBRITTEN. Carncsvillo, Jan. 3d, 1828.—3-4t LAW. T HE subscribe™ have connected themselves in th*- nracticc of the law. . Their office is at the Falls o' the Cnattahoochie. JAMF.S N. BETHUNE. JfO*..2, 1887. AIJIKRT Y. GRESHAM