The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, March 07, 1828, Image 1

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“ QUOT HOMIXES TOT SENTENTIJE.—QUID DEM ? QUID MW DEM? REXUIS TU, QUOD JUMET ALTER." VOL. II. ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1828. No. 10. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, By 0. P. SHAW. Terms.—Throe dollars per year, payable in advance, or Four dollars if delayed to the end of the year. No subscription received for lei's than one year, un less the money is paid in udvancc; and no paper will be discontinued until ail arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher.—\ failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish ment, uccompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and papers sent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. SC7* All Letters to the Editor on matters connect ed with the establishment, must be post paid in order o) secure attention. fCP Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must he publish ed sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, must be published forty days previous to the day oftalc. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Laud, must be published four months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. One Hundred Acres of Land, more or leas, part of Lot No. IB in the Third Disiriet of Walton coun ty .- levied on as the property of Absalom Hopson to satisfy a ti. fa. in favour of Daniel Walker, vs. Absalom Hopson ; property pointed out by plaintiff. February 29. ROBERT II. WESTON, Sh’ff. SHERIFFS sales. A T the Court-house in Clark county, on the first Tuesday in April next, within the usual hours, the following property will be sold, to wit: Two Negroes, viz: Charles, a fellow about twenty three years old, and David, a boy about eight years old: levied on as the property of Laury Bryant, to satisfy a ft. fa. in favour of John P. Blackmon, vs. Lau- ry Bryan and-Lewis Bryan, security on stay. Ono negro Girl Mary, about ten years old : tofr A T the Court-house in the town of Monroe, Walton county, on the first Tuesday in April next, with in the usual hours, the following property will be sold, to wit: One Negro Woman, by the name of Rachel: levied on as the property of Thomas Daniell to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in favour of Simon Holt vs. Thomas Daniell: property pointed out in said ii. fa. — Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, being Lot No. 109 in the First district of Walton coun ty: levied on to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in favour of, James C. Terrell, administrator of Hezekiah Terroll, deceased, vs. Rowland Cheek. Property pointed out in said fi. fa. One Hundred and Forty Acres of Land, being part of Lot No. 53, in the First district of Wal ton county: levied on as the property of William Duke to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Leonard Bissell vs. John M. Patrick and William Duke. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, being Lot No. 7, in the First district of Walton county: levied on as the propcity of William W. Edwards to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John Wingfield, indorsee, vs. William W. Edwards, ?nd Jesse Mitchell security on stay. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, being Lot No. 67 in the First district of Walton county: levied on as the property of Joseph Hughey to satisfy a fi. fa. issuing from Morgan county Inferior court in favour of Martin P. Sparks vs. said Hughey. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, be ing Lot No. 110 in the First District of Walton county : levied on as the property of Micajuh Sunsom to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of William Anglin, vs. said Saneom ; p ropertypointed out by defendant. One Negro Roy by the name of Mat, about levied on as the property of Bazabcl Langford to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Ncsbit, vs. Bazabel Langford. ThreG Hundred Acres of* Land, more or c . _ o - i»;. _ . . a . 7 , fifteen years Old, ami one hundred and twenty five 5’ Z iZZ J Ti StlalMl 0ll "i r ?’ I Aero, of Land No. 85, in the Second District of Walton ' f ?r r . .I f. I «>»n«y : levied on a, the property of Martin Turman, * - • - m - . ‘ °. a is y £ ) PCensrt j ) t n galipfy sundry Jf. fh'F. i'ssurd from a Jn.'lice'a court of Walton cour.ty in favour of Simon Holt, vs. •i fi. fa. in favour of James Walker, for the use of George Vanhibber and others, vs.' John F. Barnett and James Ilaynie, security on stay. One bay Horse, four years old : levied on as the property qf Thomas Campbell, to satisfy a ti. to. in favour of Samuel Collins, ve. Thomas Campbell. Two Houses and Lots in tho Town of Sa lem, No. not known, one whereon John Totty now ives, and the other in the occupancy of Archibald H. Scott,one Secretary and Book c ase,89 volumes of Books, ivo Beds and furniture, Eight Candlesticks, four Brass, two plated, and two silver with Shades, twelve Windsor Chairs, six split bottom do., two Pine Tables, eighteen !vifives and Forks, one Looking Glass, two pair Tonus •iief Andirons, three Pots, two Ovens, two a nail Globes, a quantity of Crockery and Glass Ware, one Yoke Oxen, ono negro Woman Ellen, about forty years old, one negro Boy Alfred, about seven years old : all h'vicd on as the property of Archibald H. Scott to satisfy a fi. fu. issued from Greene Superior Court, in favour of the Commissioners of tho Academy of the county of Greene, vs. Archibald H. Scott and John J. ilcatic. Eleven Hundred and T wenty Acres of Land, more or less, on Green Brier Creek adjoining Graves and others, and sixteen Negroes, viz: Peter a man a- Souttwcnty-ono years old, Nancy a woman about forty, Julia a girl about eighteen, Jim, a boy about ten, John, a hoy about eight, Charles a man about twenty-four, Reuben a boy about fourteen, Letty a girl about four teen, Peter a boy about twelve, Hetty a woman about t wenty-two, and her child Moses eighteen months old, Eliza a woman about twenty two, and her child Aaron, nine months old* Sam a man about twenty, Edward a boy about twelve, Nod a man about forty-five, one yoke <»f Oxen, six head of horses, one mule, fifteen bead of •uttlo, thirty-five head of hogs and a quantity of house hold and kitchen furniture: all levied on as the proper ly of Robert Love, l > satisfy a fi; fa. in favour of King and Mathews and others, vs. Robert Love. Seventy-eight Atres of Land, moro or less, on tho waters of Green Brier Creek adjoining Love and others: levied on as the property of William McAlIum, to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of Lory Sims, vs. William McAlIum: levied and returned by a Bailiff. Two Hundred and Twenty-fivo Acres of Land, more or less, on tho waters of Robertson’s creek adjoining Bradbcrry and other#: levied on as the pro perty of Elisha Herndon to satisfy a fi.fa. in favour of Junes Langford and nthersf vs. Elisha Herndon: levied and returned by a bailiff. February 29. G. IV. MERIWETHER, Sh’ff. A T the Court-house inRie town of Monroe, Walton county, on the first Tuesday in April next, be tween the usual hours, the following property will be sold, to wit: One Negro boy by the name of Warren, about nine years old: levied on as the property of Joshua Ammons to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issuing from Clark county Inferior court in favour of William Stroud and Josiah Daniel: property pointed out in said ti. fa.—Terms, cash. Four Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, •ying on Marberry’s creek, formerly Jackson, now XValton : levied on as the property of John Moat to sa tisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Sugar .Johnston for the U3C of Gideon Johnston, vs. John Moat. Two Hundred and fifty Acres of Land, No, 184 in the Fourth district of Walton t levied on as the property of Hamuel Pullin to satisfy two fi. fa.’s in fa vour of Marshal Pitman, vt. Samuel Pullin. Returned to me by a Constable. Two Negroes, one a Boy about six or se ven year* of age by the name of Tom, the other a man abqtit thirty-live or forty years of age, named Adam : levied on as the property of Thomas Daniel to satisfy sundry fi. fa.’s in favour of William Daniel & Co. and others. Returned to me by a Constable. Part of Lots of Land No. 32 and S7 : le vied on as the property of Sugar J. Mathews to satisfy sundry fi. fa.’s in favor of Samuel McJunkin and others, vs. Sugar J. Mathews. Returned to me by a Consta ble. One Lot of Land, No. 68 in the Fourth District of Walton County: levied on as the pro perty of William Vines to satisfy a fi.fa. in favor of Eg bert B. Beall, vs. William Vines. One Lot of Land, No. 12 in the Fourth District of Walton county,containing Two Hundred and Fifty Acres, one road Waggon and four Horses, Four pair Waggon harness: alt levied on as the property of David Ray to satisfy a fi.fa. in favor of Jeremiah Butt, vs. David Ray, William 11. Ray,and James 11. Mitchell •ecurity on stay. Property pointed out by order oftbc Andrew Brown, executor, and Rebecca Turman,' trix, of Martin Turman, dcc’d. . Property pointed out by defendants, and levied and returned to mo by a Constable.' One Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of land, it hiring Lot No. 124, in the Third District of Walton county : levied on as the property of John Bostwickto satisfy three fi. fa’s, issuing from a Justice’s court, two in favour of Samuel McJunkin, the other in favour of Egbert B. Benll, vs. John Bostwick : levied on and returned to me bv a Constable. Two Hundred Acres of Land, being part of I.ot No. 48 in the Fourth Dis'-irt of Walton county • levied CO as tho property of Kamunl H. Swinny loulta. fy a fi. fa. in favour of I.. Johnson and Garner, va. said Swinny and Henry Swinny security on stay. One Sorrel Mare about five years old : le vied on as the property of William Amull to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of* John Walker, vs. said Arnull: property pointed out by defendant. Thirty Barrels of Corn, more or less: le vied on as the property ofPuckett Wood to satisfy aft. fa. in favour of James Brewer, vs. William P. Easley, Puckett Wood, Isaac Rosser and Robert M. Echols: property pointed out by pluintiff One Yoke of Oxen and Cart, one Grey Horse about seven years old : levied on as the. property of John Davis to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of L. Johnson and Garner, vs. said Davis: property pointed out by de fendant. February 29. WILLIAM II. RAY, D. Sh’ff. Three Negroes; viz. Pleasant, a woman about thirty-live years of age; Winney, a girl ten years of age; and Harriet, six years of age: all levied on as the property of John P. Carr and Benjamin Carr, to sa tisfy a ti. fa. in favour'of Thomas W. Williamson. One Negro Girl, named Celia, about four years of ago: levied on as t'le property of Lemuel II. Pruit to satisfy a fi. fa. from a Justice’s court in favour of Spires Smith: levied on and returned to me by constable. One Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of Land in the Sixth district of Gwinnett county, being part of Lot No. 149: levied on as the property si* Solo mon Everett to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John H. Richardson. A T the same place, on the first Tuesday in May next, within the usual hours, Ono Negro Girl, named Sylvia : levied on as the property of Talbot Rowton to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in favour of Thomas Carroll. February 29. WM. NESBIT, D. Sh’ff. 4 T the Court House m Hall county, on the first Tues day in April next, between the usual hours, the following property will he sold, to wit: Three Hundred Acres of Land, more or less: levied on ns the property of Arthur Crawfoid to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John Boyle vs. Randolph Lyle and Arthur Crawford. Ono Hundred Acres of Land, moro or less; levied as the property of Samuel I I. Everett to satis fy a fi. fa. in favour of the Justices of the Inferior court of said county acainst said Everett. Two Hundred Acres of Land : levied on as the property of Elijah Shorkly to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s court in favour of P J. Murray vs. said Shock ly. Levy made and returned to mo by a con stable. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres qf Land,. being Lot No. 66 in the Ninth district of Hall county: levied on as the property of Levi Newberry to satisfy two fi. fa.’s issued from n justice’s court in favour of H. Gibson , vs. said Newberry, l evy made and return ed to mo by a constable. One Negro Woman named Matilda: levied on ns the property of Simon White to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Kellogg Sand ford & Co. against said White. Feb. 29. AARON B, HARDIN, Sh’ff. A T the Court-house in Jackson county, on the first Tuesday in April next, within the usual hours, the following property will he sold, to wit: Three Negroes; Hannah, an old woman, Beck, an old woman, and Esther, a girl about thirteen years old; a hay Marc and Colt, two Cows and three Yearlings, four feather Beds and Furniture : levied on an the property of Eli Batchelor, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in favour of Stephen Borders vs. Eli Batcldor. February 1. JOSEPH HAMPTON, Sh’ff A T the Court-house in Gwinnett county, on the first Tuesday in April next, within the usual hours, ‘the following property will be sold, to wit: One Negro Girl, named Chancy, about thirteen years old, ond Forty Acres of Land, more or less, being part of Lot No. 340, formerly in tho Fourth District of Walton, but now Gwinnett; being all of said lot of land that lies in said county of Gwinnett. all levied on U9 the property of Tanluy 'Camp to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of James *K. Redo. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, being lot No. 25 in the Seventh district of Gwinnett county: levied on as the property of William Bennett to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Harrison & Earle, and one in favour of Tho ias Webb & Co. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Lan be ing Lot No. 234, in the Fifth District of Gwinnett county, whereon Richard riunkett now lives, and well improved, having a saw a»;d grist mill thereon : levied on a* the property! Plunkett to satisfy n fi. fa. in favour of Mathias Bates. Pointed out by the defendant. Two Hundred and Forty-eight Acres of Land, being Lot No*. 346 in tho S. vvnth District of Gwinnett county : levied on as the property of Matthew M’Night to satisfy two cost fi. fa.’s, one in favour of Martha G&rner, the other iu fuvour of Martha Garner and Martin Garner. Onu Waggon, Sixteen head of Hogs, One hundred bushels of Corn, seven head of Cattle, (two Cows and Calves, two Heifers, and one Bui 1 ,) and one bay Horse: all levied on as the property of John Hughes to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Thomas Mchaffey. One Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, ad joining William Sykes, and granted to Marbcrry: levi ed on as the property of William Berry to satisfy two fi. fa.’s from a Justice's court in favour of Wiley Pearce. Fifty Acres of Land, moro or loss, adjoin ing Watson, and granted t«» Abner Camp: levied on as the property of James Camp to nutisfy a fi. fa. in fa vour or John P. Winn. Property pointed out bv de fendant: levy made a id returned by a constable.— Terms, cash. February 29. JAMES I.OUGHR1DGE, Sh’ff. A T the Court-house in Gwinnett county, on the first Tuesday in April next, within the usual hours, the followiig property will be sold, to wit: One Negro Mm mmed Look: levied on as the property of Richard Richardson to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John Banks, and other fi. fa.’s vs. said Ri chardson. IsESAi, NOglCSo. Jackson Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1827. RULE NISI. O N the application of L. F. E. Dugas, shewing to tho Court, that William Edmonson, on the 29 th of January, 1624, made his curtain Mortgage of that date to your applicant, whereby to secure to him tho sum of One Hundred Dollars, on or before the 29th of July, 1324, he, the said William. Mortgaged to your ap plicant the following described Tract of Land, to wit: iying and being in tnoCoun’.y of Jackson and State of ueerpta, fomaiutag one nauc. «2 one uu(\ one half acres, being half of a grant mad** to Elisha Lake of two hundred and three acres, the half hutting and bound ing as follows: beginning on a white oak corner, on the branch on Jonathan Smith’s line, running north cast to a pine comer on said Smith’s line, thence South to a whitooak corner on the branch on John Smith’s line, thence Southwest, to a post oak corner on said Smith’s line, thence on Burgin’s line, to the beginning corner. And that there is due on said Mortgage the sum of One Hundred Dollars with interest from the 29th of July, 1324; and prayingthe foreclosure of the Equity of Redemption of, in and to said Mortgaged pre mises.— On motion, Ordered, Tout the said Mortgager pay into Court tho principal and interest due on said Mortgage, together with the cost, within twelvemonths from this date, else the Equity of Redemption of, in and to saiff Mortgaged premises will he thenceforth forever bar#d and forclosed.—And it is further ordered, That a copy of this Rule he published in some public gazette of this State or servod upon the Mortgager according to the statute in such cases made and provi ded. A true copy from the minutes, April 6,1827. EDWARD ADAMS, Clerk. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS, M’Connel & Dickerson apply to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Robert Westbrooks, decease d:— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my otfice within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 11th February, 1828. GEORGE IIAWP, Clerk. GEORGIA, GWIN’nLTTCOUNTY. W HEREAS, Stephen Nolan, administrator of Christopher Aodison, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the further adminis tration of said estate:— Those are therefor© to cite and admonish al. and ■ the kindred and creditors to be and appear at my ofticc within the time prem-iibcd by law, to show cause, if any they hnvc, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, tlriw 25th of Nov. 1827. WM. MALTBIE, Clerk, GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. RULE NISI. Gwinnett Superior Court, September Term, 1827. Seauorn Jones and Robert M’Comds, vs. Patrick L. Dunlai’. r l’ON the petition of Seaborn Jones and Robert M* Combs, praying the foreclosure of the Eqmtyof tie- dumj tion in und to certain Tracts or parcels of Land situate in the county of Gwiiuctt and State of Georgia, viz. all that Tract or pared of Lund Hituute and being in the state and county aforesaid, containing Two Hun dred and Forty or Three Hundred and Forty Acres, more nr less, being part of a Tract granted to Caleb Russell, adjoining lands of diudrick Bogan, John Winn, nad Iiham Williams, and Hawkm\j Old Line, and near the waters of the Suwuir.r and Appalache Rivets: also, that Tract or parcel it Land containing Fifty Acres, more or less, br ingpa. t of Lot No. 208, and bought by the said Djnlap, o* .Mrs. Mary Wilder, lying on the head wutcre of tna Alcovv, in the county aforesaid— which said Tracio of Land were mortgaged by the said Patrick L. Dtinlur*, of the county of Baldwin, in said state, to the sain Jones N. M’Combs, on the 15th day of May, in the year 1826, to secure the said Jones K M’Combs for any rcs|>onsibility or loss which they might incur and sustain by reason of being security for the said Patrick L. Dunlap, as contractor for supplying the Penitentiary of the State of Georgia with Rations, and also to secure the payment of several notes held by the said Seaborn Jones for rent, and for other purposes, in the said mortgage specified :—And the said Pat rick L. Dunlap having inode default—On motion of Hines Holt, attorney for petitioner, it is ordered, That unless the said Patrick L. Dunlap, or his representatives, do pay into the Clerk’s office of the Superior Court of siad county, the amount necessary for the purposes in the mortgage specified, together with all costs, within twelve months, that his Equity of Redemption in and to tiie said mortgaged pren'ses be from thenceforth forever barred and foreclosed.—And it is further order ed, That a copy of this Rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this state once a month for twelve months,'or served on the said Patrick L. Dunlap, his agent, or representatives, at leost six months bvfon* the time the said sum of money is ordered to be paid into Court. I certify tho foregoing to be a true extract from the minutes, this 25th September, 1627. JAMES WAKDLAW, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. Superior Court, Jhtgust Term t 1627. RULE NISI. ■WTPON the Petition of Garland W. Prince, praying a U foreclosure of the Equity of Redemption in and to a certain Lot of ground near the /£own of Athens, containing One Acre, more or less, adjoining the Lands of Mrs. Baldwin and Col. Josiali Newton, stating that William B. Taylor, on the 2d day of January, 1827, executed and delivered to him a Deed of Mortgage for the better securing the payment of a certain Promis sory Note given by the aaid William B. t*> the Kid Garland W. for tho sum of Three Hundred and Six teen Dollurs and Sixty-Five Cents, dated the 21st day of Dccembe., 1820, and made payable on or before the 25th of the same month, and nrayinga Rule Nisi for tlie foreclosure of the Equity ol Redemption in and to the said premises. On motion, it is ordered, That the said William B. do, ujtiiiti six mouths from (his date, pay into the office of the Clerk of this Court the principal and inter est due on said Mortgage, together with the costs of this application, or that the Equity of Redemption in and to said mortgaged premises be thenceforth barred and torever foreclosed.—It is further ordered, That this Rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this state once a month for six months, or that the same be served on the mortgagor, his agent, or attorney, at least three months previous tc the Term at which the money is directed to be paid, 17th August, 1827. I do certify that the above Rule is truly copied from the minutes of the Superior Court of said c'.unty, this 1st October, 1827. ROBERT >.IGON, Clerk. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS, William Tapp applies to me for Let ters of Administration on the estate of Allen Savage, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and sin* ular the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, tc be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, to shew cause, if any they may have, whysaiu Letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand this 18th January, 1628; GF.ORGE HAWPE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. 'WM/'ilEUEAS, Richard Richardson applies to inc ▼ ▼ for Letters of Administration on the Estate of David Richardson, sen. deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all anb sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to ahowcanat?, if any they hove, why said letter* of administration should not he granted. Given under my hand, this 11th of February, 1828. JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, ( LARK COUNTY. ■MTHEREAS, John Barnett, Executor of John t v Adams, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said Estate,— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of soid deceased, to be and appear at my,office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 8th December, 1827. JOHN H. LOW E, Clerk, GEORGI A, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Nchemiah Garrison, executor of the estate of Richard H' uth, deceased, applies to inc for Letters of Dismission therefrom:— These are therefore to cite anil admonish nil and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to !»c and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 18th day of January, 1828. GEORGE HAWP, Clerk. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the honourable Inferior court of Oglethorpe county, when sittinu for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell some of the Negroes belonging to the Estate of Tames Thomas, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Nov. 2, 1827. MARY THOMAS, Exec’x. B7IOUR months after date, application will be made Sl. to the honourable Inferior court of Jackson coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tho Tract of Land whereon Mrs. Obedience Ryan now lives, lying on Sandy creek, being Real estate of tho lato Philip Ryan, deceased. January 25. OBEDIENCE RYAN, F.xcc’x. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior . Court of Clark county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Reul Estate of Elijah Garner, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of suid deceased. JAMES HANSON, > A , . February 15. WILLIAM GARNER, { Aum r 1 710UR months after date, application will lm made . to the honourable court or Ordinary of Oglethorpi county, for leave to sell a lot of Land iu the Eighth district of Hall county, No. ICO, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Alexander Lester, deceased. Feb. 15, 1828. THO. J. STAMPS, Ex’r. F OUR months after date application will he mnde to the honourable, the Inferior court Of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Chancey Bradley deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Nov. 2. GEO. W. MOORE, Adm’r. F OUU months afterdate, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Gwinnett county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of Lot No. 181, in the Sixth District of said county, containing 165 acres; the same being of the Real estate of Pinson M’Daniel, deceased. Nov. 16,1827. ARCH’D M’DANIF.L, Adm’r. f NOUR months after date, application will be made to tho Honourable Inferior Court of Gwinnett co unty, when setting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Rea! Estate of George James, deceased. Nov. 16, 1827. GEORGE JAMES, Adm’r. I jqOUR months after date application will be made . to the honourable Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the whole of tho Real Estate of William B. Willihy, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Dec. 2-7, lt^T JOHN IT. L0WC, Adm’r. F OUR months after date, application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Gwinnett county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to self Lot No. 199, in the first District of Coweta coun ty ; it being the Real Estate belonging to Mahany Size more, an Idiot. January 18. ABIGAIL SIZEMORE, Guard. F OUR months after date application will he made to the Inferior court of Oglethorpe county, when sitiing for ordinary purposes, for leave to soil part of the Negroes of the estate of f.ittlehurv Edwards, de ceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heira and creditors. Feb. 29. THOMAS EDWARDS, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in April n^xt, at the Court-house in Ciarlf County, agreeable to an order of the Inferior court, when sitting for ordi nary purposes a negro girl Nancy, belonging to the ca- tatc of Sarali 0. Perkins, deceased; sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. RICHARD RICHARDSON, Adm’r. January if, 1828. . ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold, at tho Court-house door in the town of Lexington, Oglethorpe county, on tho first Tuesday in April next, on a credit of twelve months,' agreeable to an order of the Honorable, the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting for ordin ary purposes, a Tract of Laud, containing eighty acres, be the same more or less, adjoining William Beadles and others, on the waters of Cloud’s creek ; to he sold for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of George Far mer, deceased. DANIEL DUPREE, Adm’r. January 11, 1828. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLE to an order of the honourable Infe rior court of Franklin county, sitting aft a court of Ordinary, will bo sold at the Court-house door in Carnesville, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale, the TRACT OF }J\XD where on John Silman, deceased, formerly lived,- on Nail’s creek, adjoining Ford and others, containing 687$ acres. Also, Lot No. 194, in tho 19th district of Muscogee, and Lot No. 369, in the 8th district of Early: being the real estate of the said deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms of sale made known on the day. January 18th. JOHN SILMAN, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in April next at the Court-house in Greene countv, agreea ble to an order of the Inferior Court of Clark county, when silting for ordinary purposes, Sixty acres of Land, lying in **nid county, on the waters of Fishing creek, belonging to Tiioinas M. Grcgsby, minor. Sold for tho benefit oftftid minor. JOHN II. SIMS, Guard’n. January 11,1828. ADMIN 1STRATOR’S SALE. ’ W ILL he sold, in the town of Lexington or the first Tuesday in April next, all the Rcu) Estate of Alpha \Yalker, deceased, lying in thecounty of Ogle thorpe ; sold in conformity to an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said county. ELISHA WALKER, Adm’r. MARTHA WALKER, Ad/n’x. January, 18 1828. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLE to an order of the honourable Inferior court of Franklin county, sitting as a court of Ordinary, will bo Bold at the Court-house door iu Carm-svillc, on tho first ' nesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale, the TRACT OF LAND where on Win. Twecdwell, deceased, formerly live*’*, (*n Indian creek, containing SO actus, adjoining Jones and others. Also 250 acres, being Lot No, 369, in the 19th district of Early county; and Lot No. 164, in the 7fli district of Coweta co*.nty, containing 202J acres; being the real estate of the said deceased, and sold for the bene*' fit of the heirs ond creditors.—Terms of sale made known on tho day. January 18. JAMFS MITCHELL, Adm’r ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N Tuesday the 11th day of March, will be sold, all the Personal Property of Joseph M’Cutchen, lato of Hall county, deceased, consisting of Horses, Cottle, lfogs, Corn, Fodder, Fanning utensils, and other articles.—Terms made known on the day. Jan. 18. ROBERT M’CUTCHEN, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N the first Tuesday in April next, in tho town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property will bo sold, to wit: one Negro Man, named Luke, about thirty-eight years old: and one Tract of Land, known as Lot No. 39, hi the Eleventh district of Hall county. Sold an the property of James llulscy, deceased. Terms made known otr the day. January 25. PLEASANT HULSEY, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an otder ef the Inferior court of Clark county, when Hitting for ordinary purpose*, will be sold on tho first Tuesday in April next, in the town of W’atkinsville, Clark county, Three Negroes, to wit; Michael, about twenty-four years of age, Har ry, about fifty, and April, about fifty.—Also, On the first Tuesday in May next, in M’Donough, Henry county, A Lot of Land, being No. 94, in the Eleventh district of said county, all belonging to the estate of John G. King, late of Clark county, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms made known on the days of sale. February 1. STEVENS THOMAS, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N Saturday the 8th of March next, will be sold in tho town of Lexington, Oglethorpe county, be tween tho usual hours of sale, All the Personal Proper ty of Charles Brougham, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased.— Conditions cash. February 1. /AMES BROUGHAM, Adm’r. EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N tho first Tuesday in April next, will bosoid at tint Court-house in Jacluon county, within the usual hours, J) tfECRO BOV named Armstead: sold by order of the court of ordinary of said county, for tht* benefit of the creditors of Robert Moon, deceased.— Terms made known on the day of sale WILLIAM MOON,) ROBERT MOON, .>Exe,re. February 1. ARCH’D MOON, ) ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL BE SOLD, on Saturday the 8Sd dsy of March next, at tho late residence of Jami* Oates, deceased, all the Personal Property of eaid de ceased, to wit; Household and Kitchen Furniture, and Stork of different kinds. At the same time tt Negroes will be hired. Feb. 8. ANDERSON C, MIDDLEBR00K?>-