The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, March 14, 1828, Image 1

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“ QUOT HOMINES TOT SEATENTHE.—QU1D DEM? QUID NON DEM? DF.NUIS TU, QUOI)» vol. ir. ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1828. No. 11. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, bv o. i*. siiAW. Terms.—Three dollars per vear, payable in advance, or Four dollars if delayed to the end of the year. No subscription received for Ices than one year, un- *ess the money is paid in advance ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages aro paid, except at tho option of the publisher.— \ failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish- jnent, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and papers sent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at the usuni. • \s. All Letters to the Editor on matters connect ed with tho establishment* must be putt paid in order 0) secure attention. Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executor**, or Guardians, must he publish ed sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, must be published forty days previous to the day of ale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will ho made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land, must be published four months. Notice that Application will he made f >r Letters *f Administration, must be published thirty days, and V Letters of Dismission, six months. SHERIFFS Si ALES. A T the Court-house in Clark county, on the first Tuesday in April next, within tlu* usual hours, ♦.he following property will be sold, to wit: One Hundred Acred of Lund, more or less, part of Lot No. ID in the Third District of W alton coun ty : levied on as the property of Absalom Hopson to satisfy a li. fa. in favour of Daniel Walker, vs. Absalom Hopson ; property pointed out by plaintiff. February 20. ROBERT H. WESTON, Sh’ff. 4 T the Court-house in the town of Monroe, Walton county, on the first Tuesday in April next, with in tim usual hours, the following property will be sold, to wit: One Negro Woinnn, by the name of Rachel: levied on as the property of Thomas Daniel! to satisfy a mo"'/age h. fa. in favour of Simon Holt vs. Thomas Darnell: property pointed out in said li. fa.— Two Hundred nnd Fifty Acres of Land, being Lot No. 103 in the First district of Walton coun ty: levied on to satisfy :i mnrtgnge li. fu. in favour of .lames C. Terrel’, administrator of Ilezekiah 'Ferrell, d ‘ceased, vs. Rowland Check. Property pointed out i* raid ti. fa. One Hundred and Forty Acres of Land, being part of Lot No. 53, in the First district of Wal urn ( • imty : levied on as the property of William Duke to satisfy a ti. fa. in favour of Leonard Bissell vs. John .M. I*, trick and W illiam Duke. Property pointed out bv ph.i.itilf. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, being Lot No. 7, in the First district of Walton county: Icvi. d on us the propcity of William W. Edwards to satisfy a li. fa. in favour of John Wingfield, indorsee, vs. William \V. Edwards, and Jesse Mitchell security Two Negroes, viz: Charles, a fellow about twenty three years old, and Duvici, a hov about efoli* years old • levied on as the property »f Lao v lijy *, to satisfy afi.fa. in favouro! John l*.Blackmon, vs. Lan- ry Bryan and Lewi*: Bryan, s ru/i’.y on stay. One negro Girl Mary, about ten years old : i levied on as the property of Buzalo ! Lnuyfo.** *. •-.•♦ifify 1 a fi. fa. ill favor of John Nesbit, vs. Buzahel Lau r for i. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, boii.g Lot No. 67 in the First district of W'alton county levied on ns the property of Joseph Hughey to satisfy a fi. fa. issuing from Morgan county Inferior court in favote o*’.Martin P. Sparks vs. said Hughey. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, be ing No. 110 in tho First District of Walton county: .as the property of Mtcuiah Sansom to satisfy a j fi. fa. in favour of William Anglin, vs. fluid Sansom ; p rope-tv pointed out by defendant. Three Hundred Acres of Lund, more or less, on ihc Oconee River, adjoining Strong a» • nt 'u» r s and one negro Boy, Reuben, *e.ii3 old: Icviud on as the property of John F. Barnett to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of James Walker, for the use of lit urge Vanbibbcr and others, vs. John F. Barnett and James Ilaynie, security on stay. One bay Horse, four years old : levied on a? the property of Thomas Campbell, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Samuel Collins, vs. Thomas Campbell. Two Houses and Lots in tho Town of Sa lem, No. not known, one whereon John Totty now lives, and the other in the occupancy of Archibald H. Scott,one Secretary and Book case, 89 volumes of Books, •jve Beds and furniture, Eight Candlesticks, four Brass, two plated, ami two silver with Shades, twelve Windsor Chairs, six split bottom do., two Pine Tables, eighteen Knives and Forks, one Looking Glass, two pair Tongs nnd Shovels, two Andirons, three Pots, two Ovens, two small Globes, a quantity of Crockery and Glass Ware, one Yoke O.xon, ono negro Woman Ellen, about forty veurs old, one negro Boy Alfred, about seven years old : all levied on as the properly of Archibald II. Scott to satisfy a fi. fu. issued from Greene Superior Court, in favour of the Commissioners of the Academy of the • ounty of Greene, vs. Archibald II. Scott and John J. Beatie. Eleven Hundred and Twenty Acres of Land, more or less, on Green Brier Creek adjoining Giaves and others, and sixteen Negroes, viz: Peter a man a- bout twenty-one year* old, Nancy u woman about forty, Julia a girl about eighteen, Jim, a hoy about ten, John, a hoy about eight, Charles a man about twenty-four, Reuben a boy about fourteen, Letty a girl about four teen, Peter o. bov about twelve, Hetty a woman about twenty-two, and her child Moses eighteen months old, Eliza a woman about twenty two, nnd her child Aaron, nine months old, Sam a man about twenty, Edward a boy about twelve, Ned a man about forty-five, one yoke of Oxen, six head of horses, one mule, fifteen head of cattle, thirty-five head of hogs nnd a quantity of house hold and kitchen furniture: all levied on as the proper ty of Robert Love, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of King and Mathews and others, vs. Robert Love. Seventy-eight Acres of Land, moro or less, on the waters of Green Brier Creek adjoining Lov* and others: levied on as the property of William McAHum. ' to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of Lory Si-.h, vs. William McAthim: levied and returned by a BnililF. Two Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of Land, more or less, on the watms of Robertson's creek adjoining Bradberry and others : levied on as the pro perty of Elisha Herndon to satisfy a ti.fn. in favour of J i:nes Langford nnd others, vs. F.ltslia Herndon: levied and returned by a bailiff. February 29. G. W. MERIWETHER, Sh’fl. A T the Court-house in the town of Monroe, Walton xm. county, on the first Tuesday in April next, be tween the usual hours, the following property will be odd, to wit j One Negro boy by the name of Warren, about nine years old: levied on as the property of Joshua Ammons to satisfy a muignge fi. fa. issuing Horn Clark county Inferior court i i favour of William Stroud and Josiah Daniel: property pointed out in said fl. fa.—Terms, cash. Four Hundred of Land, morn or less, lying on Mxrberry’s creek, formerly Jackson, now Walton : levied on as the property of John Moat to sa tisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Sugar Johnston for the use of Gideon Johnston, vs. John Moat. Two Hundred and fifty Acres of Land, No. iMio the Fourth district of Walton : levied on as the property of Samuel Pullin to satisfy two fi. fa.’s in fa vour of Marshal Pitman, vs. Samuel Pullin. Returned to ine by a Constable. Two Negroes, one a Boy about six or se ven years of age by the name of Tom, the other a man about thirty-five or forty years of age, named Adam: levied on an the property of Thomas Daniel to satisfy sundry fi. fa.’s in favour of William Daniel & Co. anil others. Returned to me by a Constable. Part of Lots of Land No. 3*2 and 87 : le vied on as the property of Sugar J. Mathews to satisfy sundry fi. fa.’s in favor of Sntnuel McJunkin and others, vs. Sugar J. Mathews. Returned to me by a Consta ble. J One Lot of Land, No. 68 in the Fourth District of Walton County : levied on an the pro perty of William Vines to satisfy a ti.fa. in favor of Eg bert B. Beall, vs. William Vines. One Lot of Land, No. 12 in the Fourth District of Walton county,containing Two Hundred and Fifty Acres, one road Waggon and four Horses, Four pair Waggon harness: all levied on as the property of David Ray to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Jeremiah Butt, vs. David Ray, William H. Ray,and James II. Mitchell security on stay. Property pointed out by order eftho olaintiff. | On?: Negro Boy by the name of Mat, about ! fiflc \ v-ars old, and one hundred and twenty five Veres ti'Land No. 85, in the Second District of Walton j couni v * levied on as the property of Martin Turman, deceas' d,to satisfy sundry fi. fa’s, issued from a Justice’s ! cou-t el Wnlton county in favour of Simon Holt, vs. ' Andrew Brown, executor, and Rebecca Turman,execu j trix, of Martin Turman, dec’d. Property pointed j out hv defendants, and levied and returned to me by a Constable. One Hundred nnd Twenty-five Acres of land, it being Lot No. 121, in the Third District of ’* ahon county: levied on ns the property of John Bosiwickto satisfy three fi. fa’s, issuing from a Justice’s court, two in favour of Samuel McJunkin,the other in favour of Egbert B. Beall, vs. John Bostwick: levied on and returned to me by a Constable. Two Hundred Acres of Land, being part of Lot No. 48 in t ic Fourth District of WaRon county : levied on as the property of Samuel H. Swmny to sat is- fva fi. fa. in favour of • Johnson and Garner, va. said Swinny and Henry Swe.ny entity on stay. One Sorrel Marc anout live years old : le vied on as the property of William Arnull to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John Walker, vs. said Arnull: property pointed out by defendant. Thirty Barrels of Corn, more or less : le vied on as the property of Puckett Wood to satisfy a ti. fa. in favour of James Btewcr, vs. William P. Easley, Puckett Wood, Isaac Rosser and Robert M. Echols: piopcrty pop Jed out by plaintiff. One Yoke of Oxen and Cart, one Grey Horse about seven years old : levied on as the propci ty of John Davis to satisfy a fi. fn. in favour of L. Johnson and Garner, vs. said Davis: property pointed out by de fendant. February 29. WILLIAM II. RAY, D. Sh’fT. A T the Court-house in Jackson county, on the first .im Tuesday in April next, within the usual hours, the following property will he sold, to wit: Three Negroes; Hannah, an old woman, Beck, an old woman, and Esther, a girl about thirteen years old ; a bay Marc and Colt, two Cows and three Yearlings, foui feather Beds and Furniture: levied on as the property of Eli Batchelor, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. injavour of Stephen Borders ;y a. Eli Batchlor. February 1. JOSEPH HAMPTON, Sh’fT A T the Court-house in Gwinnett county, on the first Tuesday in April next, within the usual hou the following property will ho sold, to wit: One Negro Girl, named Chaney, about thirteen years old, and Forty Acres of Land, more or loss, being part of Lot No. 310, formerly in the Fourth District of Walton, but now Gwinnett; being all of said lot of land that lies in said county of Gwinnett: all levied on as the property of Tnnley Camp to satisfy a fi. fu. in favour of James K. Redd. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, being lot No. 23 in the Seventh distric t of Gwinnett county: levied on us flu* property of William Bennett to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Harrison & Earle, and one in favour of Thomas Webb & Co. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, be ing Lot No. 231, in the Fifth District of Gwinnett county, whereon I tie haul Plunkett now* lives, and well improved, having a saw and grist mill thereon : levied on us the property fluid Plunkett to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Mathias Bates. Pointed out by the' defendant. Two Hundred nnd Forty-eight Acres of Land, being Lot No. 310 in the Seventh District of Gwinnett county : levied on as the property of Matthew M’Night to satisfy two cost fi. fa.’s, one in favour of Martha Garner, the other in favour of Martha Garner and Martin Gamer. One Waggon, Sixteen head of Hogs, One hundred bushels of Corn, seven head of Cattle, (two Cows and Calves, two Heifers, and one Bull,) and one bay Horse: all levied on as the property of John Hughes to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Thomas Mehaffey. Ono Hundred nnd Fifty Acres of Land, ad joining William Sykes, ami granted to Morberry: levi ed on as the property of William Berry to satisfy two fi. la.'s from a Justice’s court in favour of Wiley Pearce. Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, adjoin ing Watson, and granted to Abner Camp: levied on as the property of James Camp to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa vour of John P. Winn. Property pointed out by de fendant : levy made and returned by a constable.-— Terms, cash. February 29. JAMES LOUGHRIDGE, Sh’ff. 4 T the Court-houso in Gwinnett county, or, the first Tuesday in April next, within the usual hoars, the following property will be sold, to wit: Ono Negro Mnn, named Cook : levied on as the property of Richard Richardson to satisfy a ti. fa. in favour of Joint Rank”, and other fi. fa.’s vs. said Ki- chardfqn. Three Negroes i viz. Pleasant, a woman about thirty-five years of age; Winncy, a girl ten years lii age; and Harriet, six years of age: all levied on si the property of John P. Carr and Benjamin Carr, to sa tisfy a ti. fa. it, favour of Thomas W. Williamson. One Negro Girl, named Celia, about four years of age; levied on as the property of Lemuel II. Fruit to satisfy a fi. fa. from a Justice's court in favour of Spires Smith: levied on and returned to me by a constable. One Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of Land in the Sixth district of Gwinnett qounty, being part of Lot No. 149 : levied on as the property of Solo- moil Everett to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John II. Richardson. A T the same place, on the first Tuesday in May next, within the usual hours, Ono Negro Girl, named Sylvia : levied on as the proporty of Talbot Rowton to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in favour of Thomas Carroll. February 29. WM. NESB1T, ft. Slr-IT. A T the Court House in Hall county, on the first Tries. day in April next, between the usual hours, the following property will be sold, to wit: Three Hundred Acres of Land, moro or less: levied on ns the property of Arthur Crawford to sutisfv a fi. fa. in favour of John Boy le vs. Randolph Lyle and Arthur Crawford. One Hundred Acres of Land, more or less: levied on as the property of Samuel II. Everett to satis fy a fi. fa. in favour of the Justices of the Inferior court of said county agaiuat suit! Everett. Two Hundred Acrosof Land : levied on as the property of Elijah Shoddy to satisfy a fi. fn. issued from a Justice's court in favour of P .1. Murray vs. said Shock!)’. Levy made and returned to me by a con stable. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, being Lot No. 6i» in the Ninth district of Hall county : levied on as tho properly of I.evi Newberry to satisfy two fi. fa.’s issued from a justice’s court in favour of H. Gibson, vs. said Newberry. Levy made and return cd to me by a constable. One Negro Woman named Matilda: levied on as tho property of Simon White to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Kellogg Snndford & Co. against said White. Feb. 29. AARON B. HARDIN, Sh’fT. LEGAL NOTICES. Jackson Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1827. HULK NISI. O N the application of L. F. E. Dugan, abetting to the Court, that William Edmonson, on the 29th of January, 1824, made his certain Mortgage of that date to your applicant, whereby to secure to him the sum of One Hundred Dollars, on or before the 29th of July, 1824, he, the said William. Mortgaged to your ap plicant the following described Tract of Lana, to wit: lying and being in the County of Jackflon and State of Georgia, containing one hundred one and one half acres, being half of a grant made to Elisha Lake of two hundred and three acre®, the half hutting and bound ing as follows : beginning on a whito oak corner, on the branch on Jonathan Smith’s line, running north cast to a pine corner on said Smith’s line, thence South to a white oak corner on the branch on John Smith’s line, thence Southwest to a post oak corner on said Smith’s line, thence on Burgin’s line, to tho beginning comer. And that there is due on said Mortgage the sum of One Hundred Dollars with interest from the 29th of July, 1824 ; and praying the foreclosure of the Equity of Redemption of, in and to said Mortgaged pre mises.— On motion, Ordered, Tnat the said Mortgager pay into Court the principal and interest due on said Mortgage, together with the cost, within twelve month* from this date, else the Equity of Redemption of, in and to said Mortgaged premises will be thenceforth forever barred and forclosed.—And it is further ordered, That a copy of this Rule be published in some public gazette of this State or served »ij on the Mortgager according to the statute in such eases made and provi ded. A true copy from the minutes. April 6,1827. EDWARD ADAMS, Clerk. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. RULE NISI. Gicinnett Superior Court, September Term, 1827. Seaborn Jones and Robert M*Combs, vs. Patrick L. Dunlap. U PON the petition of Seaborn Jones and Robert M* Combs, praying the foreclosure of the Equityof Re demption in and to certain Tracts or parcels of Land situate in the county of Gwinnett and State of Georgia, viz. nil that Tract nr parcel of Laud situate and being in the ntate and county aforesaid, containing Two Hun dred and Forty or Three Hundred and Forty Acres, more or less, being part of a Tract granted to Caleb Russell, adjoining lands of Shadrick Bogan, John Winn, nad Isliam Williams, and Ilawkin’s Old Line, and near the waters of theSuwarra and Appalachc Rivers: also, that Tract or parcel of Land containing Fifty Acres, more or less, being part of Lot No. 208, and bought by tho said Dunlap, or Mrs. Mary Wilder, lying on the head waters of the Alcovv, in the county aforesaid— which said Tracts of Land w*cre mortgaged by tho said Patrick L. Dunlan, of the county of Buldwin, in said state, to the sain Jones & M’Coinbs, on tho 15th day of May, in tho year 182(1, to secure the said Jones M’Coinbs for any responsibility or loss which they might incur and smt&in by reason of being security for the said Patrick L. Dunlap, as contractor for supplying the Penitentiary of tho State of Georgia with Rations, and also to secure the payment of several notes held by the said Seaborn Jones tor rent, and for other purposes, in the said mortgage specified :—And the said Patrick L. Dunlap having made default—On motion of Hines Holt, attorney for petitioner, it is ordered, That unless the said Patrick L. Dunlap, or his representatives, do pay into tho Clerk’s office of the Superior Court of siad county, the amount necessary for the purposes in the mortgage Ppeciti<ii, together with all costs,.within twelve months, tint his Equity of Redemption in and to the said mortgaged premises be from thenceforth fo/ever barred and foreclosed.—And it is further order ed, That a copy ci* this Rule bo published in one of the public gazettes’of this state once a month for twelve mouths, or served on the said Patrick L. Dunlan, his agent, or rcprcacitatives, at least six montln before the time the said iu./i of money is ordered to be paid into Court. I certify the foreioing to be a true extract from the minutes, this 25th September, 1827. JAMES WARDLAW, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. Superior Court, August Term, 1827. RULE NISI. U PON the Petition of Garland W. Prince, praying a foreclosure of tho Equity of Redemption in and to a certain Lot of ground near the Town of Athens, containing One Acre, more or less, adjoining the Lands of Mrs. Baldwin and Col. Josi.ih Newton, stating that William B. Tavlor, on the 2d day of January, 1827, executed and delivered to him a Deed of Mortgage for the better securing the pay men (of a certain Promis sory Note given by the said William B. to the said Garland W. for the sum of Three Hundred and Six teen Dollars and Sixty-Five Cents, dated the 21st day of December, 1626, and made payable on or before the 2.1th of the same month, and praying a Rule Nisi for the foreclosure of the Equity of Redemption in and to the said premises. On motion, it is ordered, That the said William B. do, within six months from this date, pay into the office of the Clerk of this Court the principal and inter est duo on said Mortgage, together with the costs of this application, or that the Equity of Redemption in and to said mortgaged premises be thenceforth barred and forever foreclosed.—It is further ordered, That this Rule be published in one of the publiiLgnzcttCfl of this state once a month for six months, or tliat the same be served on the mortgagor, his agent, or'attorney, at least three months previous to the Term at which the money in directed to he paid, I7th August, 1927. I do certify that the above Rule i« truly copied from the minutes of the Superior Court ot said county, this 1st October, 1827. ROBERT LIG0N, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. 11TII ERE AS, Richard Richardson applies to me ▼ w for Letters of Administration on the Estate of David Richardson, sen. deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all anb sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters ot administration should not he granted. Given under iny hand, this lltli of February, 1828. JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. VJK^IIGREAS, M’Conncl & Dickerson apply to me T ▼ for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Robert Westbrooks, deceased:— These aro therefore to cite and ndmonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have, wliy iafd Letters should not he granted. Given under iny hand, ibis lltli February, 1828. GEORGE IIAWP, Clerk. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. m*THEREAS, Stephen Nolan, administrator of Tv Christopher Addison, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the further adminis tration of said estate:— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, this 25th of Nov. 1827. WM. MALTBIF, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. WVTHEREA3, John Barnett, Executor of John Ww Adams, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said Estate,— These ore therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at iny office within tho time proscribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 8th December, 1827. JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. WS^TIEREAS Nchemiah Garrison, executor of the ▼ ▼ estate of Richard Heath, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission therefrom:— These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 18th day of January, 1828. GEORGE HAUTE, Clerk. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. 'WWTIIF.REAS, Valentine Warren applies to me for V T Letters of Dismission from the estate of John Swilly, deceased : Those aro therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of the said deceased,to he and appear at iny office within the time prcscrihedhy law, to whew cause, if any they have, whv said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 4th March, 1628. GEORGE HAWH:, Clerk. V7IOUR months afterdate, application will he made JD to the Inferior Court of Gwinnett county, when flitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of Lot No. 181, in the Sixth District of said county, containing 165 acres; the same being of the Real estate of Pinson M’Daniel, decoaurd. Nov. 16,1827. ARCH’D M’DANIEL, Adm’r. “IIOUR months after date, application will he made ■/ to tho Honourable Inferior Court of Gwinnett co unty, when setting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell’ all the Rea! Estate of George James, deceased. Nov. 16, 1S27. GEORGE JAMES, Adm’r. TJ^Ol'R months after date application will he made JT to the honourable Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the whole of the Real Estate of William B. Willihy, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Dec. 27, 1827. JOHN II. LOWE, Adm’r. TIOUR months after date, application will he made JT to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Gw innett countv, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to self Lot No. 199, in the first Distric t uf Coweta coun ty ; it being the Real Estate belonging to Mahany Size more, an Idiot. January 18. ABIGAIL SIZEMORE, Guard. TT^OUU months after date, application will he made JL to the honourable Inferior court of Jackson coun ty, when flitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell :hc Tract of Land whereon Mrs. Obedience Ryan now ives, lying on Sandy creek, being Real estate of the ate Philip Rv&n, deceased. January 25. OBEDIENCE RYAN, F.xec’x. *■71 OUR months after date, application will he made Jl to the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Ri al Estate of Elijah Gamer, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of snid deceased. JAMES HANSON, > . , . F.brunry 15. WII.I.IAM GARM'.R, j AUm r ’ Wool'll months oftor tlstr, application will bn mailc B ’ to tho honourable court of Ordinary of Oitlrthorpc county, tor leave to noil a lot of l.amJ in the Fc'htli dirtrict of llall county, No. 1(59, for the benefit of the >>rirs and creditors of Alexander Lester, dercased. Fch. 15,1829. TIIO. J. STAMPS, F.x’r. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. W ILL he sold, on the first Tuesday in April next, at the Court-hou4c in Clark County, agreeahlu to an order of the Inferior court, when sitting for ordi nary purposes a negro girl Nancy, belonging to the es tate of Sarah B. Perkins, deceased; sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. RICHARD RICHARDSON, Adm’r. January 11, 1828. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. W ILL be sold, at the Court-house door in the town of Lexington, Oglethorpe county, on the first Tuesday m April next, on a credit of twelve* months, agreeable to an order ot tin Honorable, the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting for ordin ary purposes, a Tract of Land, containing eighty acres, be the same more or less, adjoining William Baadlra and others, on the waters of Cloud’s creek ; to bp mJd for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of George Far mer, deceased. DANIEL DUPREE, Adm’r. January 11, 1828. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. 4 GREEABLE to an order of the honuirahle Infe rior court of Franklin county, sitting os o court of Ordinary, will be sold at the Court-house door iu Carr.csville, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale, the TRACT OF f~L\'t) w .'.••re- on John SHman, deceased, formerly lived, on Nail’s creek, adjoining Ford and others, containing 687i neres. Also, Lot No. 194, in the 19th district of Mtiseog.’o, nnd Lot No. 369. in the 8th district of Early: being tho real estate of the said deceased, nnd sold lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms of sale made know n on the day. January 18th. JOHN 8ILMAN, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR'S S ALE. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in April next at the Court-house in GreemS county, agrefea- y» hie to an order of the Inferior Court of Chirk when sitting for ordinary purposes, Sixty acres ot I .nneb lying in said county, on the waterfl of’ Fishing creek, belonging to Thomas M. Uregsby, minor. Sold for the benefit of said minor. JOHN H. SIMS, Guard’n. January 11,1828. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ‘VVTILL be sold, in the town of Lexington on the ▼ ▼ first Tuesday ii^April next, all the Real Estate of Alpha Walker,'sed, lying in the county of Ogle thorpe ; sold in conformity^ an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said countv. ELISHA WALKER, Adm’r. MARTHA WALKER, Adm’x. January, 18 1828. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GRF.EABLE to an order of the honourable Inferior court of Franklin county, sitting as a court of Ordinary, will he Bold at the Court-house door iiv Carncsvillc, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale, the 'TRACT OF MIND where on Wni. Tweedwell, deceased, formerly lited, on Indian creek, containing 80 acres, adjoining .tone* and others. AIho 250 acres, being Lot No. 348, in *he 19th district of Early county; and Lot No. 164, m the 7th district of Coweta county, containing 202] acres; beirg the real estate of the said dereaKcd, and sold for the bene fit of the heirs nnd creditors.—Terms of sale made known on the day. January 18. ' JAMES MITCHELL, Adm’r ADMINLSTR ATOR'S SALE. O N the first Tuesday in April next, in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, ttithin the usual hours of sale, the? following property will be. sold, to wit: ono Negro Man, named Luke, about thirty-eight year* old: ami one Tract of Land, known os Lot No. 39, in the Eleventh district of Hall county. Fold as the property of James Hulsey, deceased. Terms niudc known on the day. January 25. PLEASANT HULSEY, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE P URSUANT to an Older of tho Inferior court of Clark county, when silting for otdina.-v pu.-n«,F* s, will he sold on the first Tuesday i:i April next, u. :hc town of Watkinsvillc, Clark county, Three Neg.nes, to wit; Michael, about twenty-four yean, of age, har ry, about fifty, and April, about fifty,—Also, On the first Tuesday in May next, in M’Donotrgh, Henry county, A Lot * of f.and, being No. TI in tho Eleventh district of said coui.rc, all belonging to the estotn of John G. King, late of Clark county, deceased, and sold for the benefit, of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms made krmvu on the days of rale. February 1. STEVENS THOMAS, Adm’r. EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N the first Tuesday in April dext, will he sold at tho Court-house in Jackson county, within tho usual hours, A NEGRO BOY named Armstead : sold by order of the court of ordinary of said ccunt \, for the benefit of the creditors of Robert Moon, deceased,— Terms made known on the day of sale WILLIAM MOON,) ROBERT MOON, J Ext js. February I. ARCH’D MOON, ) ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. MILT ILL BE SOLD, on Saturday the 22d day of VT March next, at the late residence of James Oates, deceased, all tho Personal Property of said do- ceased, to wit'; Household and Kitchen Furniture, and Stock of different kinds. At the samo time the Negroes will be hired. Feb. 8. ANDERSON (’. MIPDLEBROOKS. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N the first Tuesday in May next, agreeably to on order of tho Honourable the Court of Ordinary of Hall county, will be sold, at the Court-house door in snid county, the whole of the Real Estate of Abel Pear son, deceased, consisting of Several Thousand Acres of Land, lying in Hall county. Sold for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of said deceased.—Sale to con tinue from day to day until a!! is sold.—Terms made' known on the day ot sale. March 7. ABEL PEARSON, Adm’r* ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. I N pursuance of an order of the honourable, the Court ot Ordinary of Franklin county, will be sold on the fiiflt Monday in May next, at the Court-houso in aaicl county, tho following NEGROES, belonging to the Estate of Isaac J. ftarre.'t, deceased, to Wit: Jim, Sil ver, Pomp, young Jim, Pat soy, and Sarah. Also, On the first Tuesday’in June next, at the Court house of the county in which a Tract of Land draw,* by Isaac J. Barrett now lies, being Lot S’o. 32, in tho Twenty-third district of Wilkinson county at the thno of drawing, but now supposed to lie in Twiggs. Also, On the first Tuesday in July next, at the Court F OUR months after date application will be made to the Inferior court of Oglethorpe countv, when , sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell part of! house in Elbert eounty, a Lot of Land in said coun’y the Negroes of the estate of Littlehury Eduards, de-! belonging to the estate of Isaac J. Barrett, cor.tainmi* ceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs • 250 acres, more or lets.—Sold for tho benefit of the and creditors. j heirs ami creditors ot said ,n ceased. Feb. 29. THOMAS F.DWARI-S, Adm’r. | Feb. 82,1828. MICAJAH CARTER, Adm*