The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, April 04, 1828, Image 1

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QUOT HOMINES TOT SENTENTIAL.—QUID DEM? QUID NON DEMI RENUJS TU, QUOD JUBET ALTER.' VOL. II. ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1828. No. 14. PUBLISH CD EVERY FRIDAY, BY 0. P. SHAW. Terms.—Three dollars per year, payable in advance, or Four dollars if delayed to the end of the year. No subscription received for less than one year, un less the money is paid in advance ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher.—\ failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered a* equivalent to a new engagement, and papers sent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. iutP* All Letters to the Eriitoi on matters connect ed with the establishment, must be post paid in order cq secure attention. 5tCP Notice the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish ed sixth days previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, must be published forty days previous to the day of-ale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land, must be published four months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, mua! be published thirty Jay*, and tor Letters of Dismission, six ni nths. LSCJAL NOTICES. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. Hlil.K NISI. Gwinnett Superior Court, September Term, 1827. Seaborn Jones and M’Combs, vs. Patrick L. Dunlap. U PON the petition of Seaborn Jones and Robert M* Combs, praying the foreclosure of the Lquityof Re demption in anu to certain Tracts or parcels of Land 6ttuat; in the county of Gwinnett and State of Georgia, vi/. all that Tract or parcel of Land situate and being in the state and county aforesaid, containing fv.'o 1 hun dred and Forty or Three Hundred and Forty Acres, more or less, being part of a Tract granted to Caleb Russell, adjoining lands of btmdrick Bogan, John Winn, nad Isliam Williams, and Hawkin’s Old Line, and near the waters of the Suvvarru and Appalache Rivers; also, that Tract or parcel of Land containing Fifty Acres, more or less, being part of Lot No. 208, and bought by the said Dunlap, or Mrs. Mary Wilder, lying on the head waters of the Alcovy, in the county aforesaid— which said Tracts of Land were mortgaged by the said Patrick L. Dunlap, of the county of Baldwin, in said f tc, to the said Jones U M’Combs, on the 15th day May, in the year 1826, to secure the said Jones & M’Combs for any responsibility or loss which they might incur and sustain by reason of being security for the said Patrick L. Dunlap, as contractor for supplying the Penitentiary of the State of Georgia with Rations, and also to secure the payment of several notes held by the said Seaborn Jones for rent, and for other purposes, in the said mortgage specified :—And the said Patrick L. Dunlap having made default—On motion of Hines Holt, attorney for petitioner, it is ordered, That unless tho said Patrick L. Dunlap, or his representatives, do pay into the Clerk’s office of the Superior Court of siad county, the amount necessary for the purposes in the mortgage specified, together with all costs, within twelve months, that his Equity of Redemption in and to the said mortgaged premises be from thenceforth forever barred and foreclosed.—And it is further order ed, That a copy of this Rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this state once a month for twelve months, or served on the said Patrick L. Dunlap, his agent, or representatives, at least six months before the time the said sum of money is ordered to be paid into Court. I certify the foregoing to be a truo extract from tho minutes, this 25th September, 1827. JAMES WARDLAW, Clerk. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. P ERSONALLY appeared before me, Laban Lane, who, being duly sworn, saitli that ho was in the possession of a Receipt from Alexander Crawford, for the payment of Fifty Dollars, which receipt is in tho words following, as near as deponent can recollect:— Received of Laban Lane, Fitly Dollars, in pait pay ment of a fi. fa. in my favour against said Lane. (Signed) ALEXANDER CRAWFORD, and dated about the 1st October, 1825, which receipt is cither lost or mislaid so that it cannot bo tound.—Sworn to and subscribed, this lltli March, 1828. LABAN LANE. WILLIAM ADAKE, T. P. Whereupon it is ordered by the Court, that the plain tiff in fi. fa., shew cause, ou or before the first clay of the next term of this Court, why the foregoing copy re- ceipt should not he established in lieu of the original— and that a cony of this rule and icccipt be published once a month tor three months, before the next sitting of this Court, in one of the public gazettes of this state GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. I hereby certify, that this is a true copy taken from the minutes. March 11 th, 1828. SAMUEL WILLIFORD, Clerk. MADISON SUPERIOR COURT, March Term, 182S. C harles 3. Jenkins, vs. James Alexander, Isaac Strick land, a ad Robert M. Gavin. Bill for discovery and relief &c. I V the above case, service having been perfected on all the defendants except James Alexander, and it suitici 'iitiy appearing to the Cout that said Alexander resides out ol the county of Madison, where said case* is pending -^Ordered, That the said Alexander be and appear at the next Suporior Court, to he held in and for oaid county, on the second Monday in September next, and on the first day of said Term to file such plea, an swer, or de.umrriir, m if he had regularly been served with said bill; and that the said Alexander ho personal ly served with this rule, or the same be published in a public gazette of thi* etato once a month for three months. March 29. SAMUEL WILLIFORD, Clerk. £ BORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Elizabeth Bell, vs. Thomas Bell. Libel for divorce, in Madi son Superior Court. I T appearing to tho Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant is not to he found in the county, it is therefore ordered, that the defendant be and ap pear at the next Court, to be held in and for said coun ty of Madison, on the second Monday in Sept, next, then and there to answer the shove libel,and this rule bo published in tho Athenian once a month for three months. , . I certify the above to be a true extract from the mtr jiutes of Court. March 28. SAMUEL WILLIFORD, Clerk. F OUR mouths after date, application will be made to the Honourable Inferior Court of Franklin coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes (that is subject to distribution) belonging to the Estate of Col. Russel Jones, late of said countv, deceased. „ . March 1828. RUSSEL JONES, Ex’: GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. W HEREAS, Stephen Nolan, administrator of Christopher Addison, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the further adminis tration of said estate :— These are therefore to cite and admonish al! and singular the kindred and creditors to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law', to shew cause, if any t hey have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my haud, this 25th of Nov. 1827. WM. MALTBIE, Clerk. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, John Barnett, Executor of John Adams, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said Estate,— These are then-fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office* within the tinio prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have why said lette-s should not he granted. Given under my hand, this 8th December, 1827. JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N the first Tuesday in June next, at the Court house in Clark county, will be sold, the following property, belonging to the Estate of Aaron Biggs, de ceased, to wit: One Tract of Laud, containing One Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less, on the waters of Shoal creek—Also, Fourteen and Seven-tenths Acres, more or less, on Porter’s creek : soli! for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.—Terms made known on the day of sale. FREEMAN BIGGS, Adm’r. March 21—12 tds POLLY BIGGS, Adm’x. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Nchemiah Garrison, executor of the estate of Richard Heath, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission therefrom:— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 18th day of January, 1828. GEORGE HAWPE, Clerk. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS, Valentine Warren applies to me for Letters of Dismission from tho estate of John Swillv, deceased : These* are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of the said deceased,to be and appear at my office within the time prescribedby law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, this 4th March, 1829. GEORGE HAWPE, Clerk. I ll OUR months after date application will be made to the honourable Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the whole of the Real Estate of William B. Wiliiby, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Dec. 27, 1827. JOIIN H. LOWE, Adm’r. F OUR months after date, application will he made to the Honorable the Interior Court of Gwinnett countv, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to still Lot No. 199, in the first District of Coweta coun ty ; it being the Real Estate belonging to Mahany Size more, an Idiot. January 18. ABIGAIL SIZEMORE, Guard. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the honourable Inferior court of Jackson coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tiie Tract of ’.and whereon Mrs. Obedience Ryan now lives, lying on Sandy creek, being Real estate of the lato Philip Rvan, deceased. January 25. OBEDIENCE RYAN, Excc’x. F Ol R months after date, application will he made to the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Elijah Garner, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec eased. JAMES HANSON, February 15. WILLIAM GARNER, Adm’r. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the honourable court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe county, for leave to sell a lot of Laud in the Eighth district of Hall county, No. 169, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Alexander Lester, deceased. I-cb. 15, 1828. THO. J. STAMPS, Ex’r. F OUR mouths after date application will be made to the Inferior court of Oglethorpe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell part of the Negroes of the estutc of Littlcbury Edwards, de ceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Feb. 29. THOMAS EDWARDS, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. O N the first Tuesday in May next, agreeably to an order of the Honourable the Court of Ordinary of Hall county, will he sold, at the Court-house door in said county, tho whole of the Real Estate of Abel Pear son, deceased, consisting of Several Thousand Acres of Lund, lying in Hull county. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.—Sale to con tinue from day to day until all is sold.—Terms made known on the day ot sale. March 7. ABF.I. PEARSON, Adm’r* ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. I N pursuance of an order of the honourable, the Court ot Ordinary of Franklin county, will be sold on the first Monday in May next, at the Court-house in said county, the’ following NEGROES, belonging to the Estate of Isaac J. Barrett, deceased, to wit: Jim, Sii- vey, Pomp, young.liin, Patsey, and Sarah. Also, On the first Tuesday in June next, at the Court house of the county in which a Tract of Land drawn by Isaac J. Barrett now lies, being Lot No. 32, in the Twenty-third district of Wilkinson county at the time of drawing, but now supposed to lie in Twiggs. Also, On tho first Tuesday in July next, at the Court house in Elbert county, a Lot of Land in said county belonging to tho .estate of Isaac J. Barrett, containing 250 acres, more or less.—Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Fch. 22, 1828. MICAJAII CARTER, Adm’r. EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N Tuesday, the 6th of May next, at the late resi dence of Col. Russel Jones, late of Franklin coun ty, deceased, will he sold, all the Personal Property be longing to the Estate of said deceased, consisting of Six or Seven Hundred Gallons of first rate Peach Brandy; Three or Four Hundred Gallons of good Whiskey; a quantity of Corn, Oats, and Fodder; Twelve or Filteen Bales of Cotton ; Two Stills and apparatus ; One nearly new four wheel Pleasure Carriage ; Fifteen to Twenty head of Horses; a large Stock of Cattle, Hogs, and Sheep; Household Furniture, and Plantation Tools, and various other articles, useless to be mentioned.— Terms of sale, twelve months credit, purchasers giving notes with approved security for all sums over five dol lars, and for all sums under that amount the cash will be required before the property is delivered. This sale will continue from day to day until all its sold. Morch 14.-11. RUSSEL JONES, Ex’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Inferior court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, in M»* Donough, Henry county, a Lot of Land, being No. 94, in the 11th district of said county, belonging to the estate of John G. King, late of Clark county, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of •aid estate.—Terras made known on the day of sale. February 1 STEVENS THOMAS, Adp’r EXECUTRIX SALE FOR CASH. P URSUANT to an order of the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, will be sold on tho first Tuesday in Juno next, at the Court House in the Town of Lexington,* in Ogle thorpe, Five Negroes, to wit. Bob, about 22 veara of age ; Willis, about 22 years cf age ; Peter, about 21 years of age, and Peter, about 22 years of age, and Silvev, a Girl about 14 years of age: all sold as the pro perty of James Thomas, deceased, for the benefit ol the heirs and creditors of said deceased. March 28.—13 MARY THOMAS, Exr’x. INDIAN SPRING RESERVE. I N conformity to an act of the Legislature of 22d day of December last, “to dispose of the McIntosh Reserves in the county of Butts,” the undersigned Commissioners have had tho Ocinulgcc Reserve laid off into “four lots as nearly square as practicable,” em bracing 530 acres, and have ascertained, that there will be 32 lots of two acres, on the Indian Spring Reserve— 14 do. of 4 acres—10 do. of 20 acres, and 16 do. of 30 acres— total 72 lots. They will therefore offer for sale, on Monday the 21st day of April next, the 4 lots of the Ocmulgee Reserve, at the house of Mr. Alexander, on said lands, and invito the attention of all those who wish to purchase valuable lands.—And on the next day, Tuesday the 22d of April, they will commence selling the lots at the Indian Spring, on that reserve, beginning on the 2 acre lots, then the 4, and so on, in regular or der, until dll arc sold. The 2 acre lot No. 2, has on it a large house, 74 feet by 50, built for a Tavern, with a kitchen and out houses. —There are also other lots that have houses or summer tents, calculated for rent or occupancy, the ensuing season. Tho sales will be made each day, until all are sold, between 10 and 2 o’clock, and one-fifth of the amount of the purchase money must he paid on the day of sale, in terms of the law, and the balance “ in four equal an nual instalments.” A plan of the lots will be left with Col. Balcy, at the Springs, for the inspection of all persons who may call. It is expected by the Commissioners, that tho advan tages of the village contemplated at tho Indian Springs, in the use of Mineral Water, and other prospects of health, ought and will bring together a large number to compete for choice at the time of selling the lots. R. A. BLOUNT, ) BENNET CRAWFORD, > Commissioners. WMS. RUTHERFORD, ) March 7.—10 td9. TO the Heirs and Distributees of late Munford Strong, <f Clark county, in the State of Georgia, deceased:— Y OU will please take notice, that application will be made at the next Superior coiirt of Clark county, on the second Monday in August next, for a writ of partition to assign to Nancy Strong, the widow of the said Munford Strong, deceased, her dower, or that part of tho real estate of said deceased, to which she is entitled bv the laws of this stato in such eases made and provided. All persons concerned will ren der their objections if any thev have. JOSEPH T.IGON, Feb. 26th 1828. Attorney for Nancy Strong. 20,000 DOLLARS. Beers's Fortunate Lottery Office, No 241, Broad-street, Augusta. G rand consolidated lottery, 5th class, for Intnrnal Improvement, Literature, and Chari ties, in the City of Washington, and in the State, of Delaware, North-Carolina, and Louisiana: YATES & MTNTYRE, Managers. To be drawn in Washington City on Wednesday. 9th April next, and the drawing will be received in Augusta on the lCth. BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 Prize of $ 20,000 is $ 20,000 1 S s 10 20 30 St SI SI SI SI 143 1428 41475 13395 Prizes, 20S25 Blanks, The large sum cf $136,880, to be distributed in a few minutes, by the now universally approved combination system. " The subscriber will furnish, at short notice, Tirkcts and Shares in all the Lotteries under the management ol Yates ft M’Intirk, and will pay, in Augusta, all Prizes obtained through his office, when directed.—Ad. venturers will be informed by mail of the fate of their Tickets. ;C7* Orders in tho above I.ottery will be received until the 13th April—Address to March 21—3t. J. S. DEERS, Augusta. 6,QUO „ 6,000 2,500 „ 2,500 2,105 „ 2,405 1,000 „ 5,000 500 „ 2,500 200 „ 2,000 150 „ 3,000 100 „ 3,000 80 „ 4,080 CO „ 3,060 50 „ 2,550 40 „ 2,040 30 „ 1,530 20 „ 3,060 18 » 14,280 5 „ 57,375 $136,880 EAGLE HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE-XILLEDCEVIUS.. T HE iubicribcr has thought proper to let his friends and the public generally know, that in conse quence of the hardness of times and scarcity of money, he has reduced his Tavern rates to the follow ing prices: Man and Horse, per day, . - - $1 75 Man, Horae, Supper, Breakfast and Lodging, 1 50 Supper, 37 J Lodging, 12 j Breakfast, 37 j Dinner, 50 Horse-Feed, * 25 March 21-12 4t ROBERT M’COMBS. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. R ANAWAY from the subscriber, on the 23d of March, living in Walton county, near the Social Circle, LAWRENCE, a negro man about 25 years old, about 6 feet high, a little inclined to be yellow, small foreteeth, small face for a negro ; carried away with him a short coat and pantaloons of bombazine or fustian; a Short blue checked coat and yellow homespun pantaloons, with some other clothing. Said negro will probabl v travel to wards New bury, S. C.—The above reward will be given to any person who will deliver him to the subscriber, or by giving information of being wifely lodged in jail. March 2$,-13 9l WELDON JONUL NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Col Russel Jones, late of Franklin county, deceased, arc re quested to make immediate payment; and those to whom said Estate is indebted will ldease present their .laims in terms of the law*—being determined to close the business of the estate as soon as possible, indul gence cannot be given. March 14—11. RUSSEL JONES, Ex’r. NOTICE. T O Lease for a term of years, the Tract of Land situated on Green Brier creek, in the county of Clark, upon which there is a good Dwelling House, commonly known as Col. Bedford Brown’s Mill Tract.— Terms may be known by application to WILLIAM JONES, Agent for Doct. Henry Holmes. Clark county, March 39.—13 2t CAUTION. A LL persons arc hereby forewarned from trading for a certain note of band given by the subscriber to Thomas Man tooth, or bearer, for the sum of thirty-five dollars, dated the first day of February, 1829, and pay able on the 25th December thereafter, inasmuch as the consideration of said note has failed, I am determined not to pay the same unless compelled by law. March 28.—m3m JOHN H. SIMS. Operations on the Teeth. WATURAL TEETH set with gold fastening, Arti- 1 \l ficial do. do.; Teeth .stopped with gold, and effec tually prevented from farther decay; Cleansing the Teeth; Teeth or stumps extracted ; Discoloured Teeth whitened ; Decayed portions removed; Teeth separated from esen other; Irregularities remedied ; Changing of Children’s Teeth ; Affections of tho Gums relieved, fcc. DR. AMBLER tenders his thanks to the citizens of Athens for the patronage he has received in tho line of Iiis profession during his stay, and informs tiicm that he intends returning to this place sometime during the summer, and will thereafter regularly visit it, which will secure to those who inav favour him with their calls all the advantages of a constant residence by tho frequent opportunities afforded for examining the previous operations, and should any require attention, it will be given with much chcerftfinoss and free of charge. Athens, March 28.—13 tf F OR SALE—Lot No. 81, in the Sixteenth district of Leo county, marked first quality oak and hickory. Lot No. 276, in the Fifth district of Troup, marked second quality oak and hickory. One half of Lot No. 216, in the Twenty-second district of Lee, marked pine land.—These lots are offered for sale on the most reasonable terms for cash or approved notes. Persons wishing to purchaso will do well to apply soon if they wish a good bargain. Athens, March 7.—3t RODMAN SISSON. PROPOSALS For publishing once a week, from the 1st of March until the Ibth October, for One Dollar, The U. S. Telegraph—Extra. A NDREW’ JACKSON is the Candidate of the People. But union and concert of action are necessary to 9ucccBR. The organized efforts of the administration are fitted for effect, and vigorous exertions arc required to counteract them. In aid of such oxertions, the un dersigned have been advised to issue a Weekly Paper, on terms that will enable thorn merely to defray the ex pense of publication.—Located at the Seat of Govern ment, having access to the public libraries, and the command of official documents, possessing already a large share of public confidence, and the advantages of a central position and extensive correspondence, they may aver that in issuing such publication, they can aid, in some degree, the great cause of truth and the people. If numerous individuals throughout the country, and the corresponding committees in tho several states, counties, and townships of the Union, should unite in giving it circulation, the undersigned will be more than compensated for the labor that will devolve on them bv the facility which it will afford for disseminating truth among the people. They therefore pfoposc to publish The United States* Telegraph, Extra, weekly, until the 15th of October next, for One Dollar, payable, in all cases, in advance.— This paper will be devoted exclusively to the Presidential election, and will contain official documents, and such essays, original and selected, as, in the judgment of tho Editors, will most promote the election of tho Democra tic Republican candidates, Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun. Tho United States’ Telegraph, F.xtra will he printed in a pamphlet form and stitched, to render it more con venient for circulation. Tho first number w ill appear about the first of March. Editors with whom we exchange, are requested to publish this notice, and all w ho approve the plan arc so licited to procure and forward the names of subscribers. They will see that we cannot afford to pay postage. DUFF GRF.EN, RUSSEL JARVIS. •rZP Subscriptions received at this office.—Persons subscribing after the 1st of March, may expect to re ceive the first numbers. To the Publisher9 of Newspapers and Periodi cal IVotks throughout the United Slates : I T is intended before, or certainly by the first day of May next, in a Pamphlet, with other statistical mat ters, to notice all the Newspapers and Periodicals in the United State*, and the City or Town where they are published, by whom, and the conditions of publica tion, 4tc. A copy containing the above, shall be faithfully forwarded to curb of you, who will insert this notice once, and forward u pap* r, or a copy of the work you publish to Philadelphia, directed to “TIIE TRAVELLER.” Pluladcphio, March 17, 1828. T HF. subscriber* have connected themselves in the practice of the law. Their office is at the Falls ol the Chattahoochie. JAMES N. BF.TIHTNE. Nov. 2, 1827. ALBERT Y. GRESHAM. FOR SALE, A HANDSOME first rate DKARBON WAGON.— For further particulars apply at Uqs pfticvv Much Sir | GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS, Mary Ann Greer and John James ap. ply tome for Letters of Administration on tiie Estate of Asa Greer, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular tli«j kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew can?**, if any they have, why said letters of administration should not be granted. Given under niv hand, this 13th of March 1828. JOHN If. LOWE, Cfork. R ECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, and for sale by the Hubscribera, an assortment of Bonnets. March 21. SHAW & EDWARDS. MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTS. The evils of Taxation.—A British Review thus enumerates what ho terms in England, the inevitable consequences of being too fond of glory. “ Taxes Upon every article which enters into the mouth, or covers tho back, or is placed under the foot—taxes upon every thing which it is pleasant to see, hear. feel, smell, and tasto —taxes upon warmth, light, and locomotion— (axes on every filing on earth, and tho waters under tho earth—on every thing that comes from abroad, or is grown at homo—taxes on the raw material—taxes on every fresh va'uo tlint is added to it by the industry of man— taxes on the sauce which pampers man's appe tite, and the drug which restores him fo health on the ermino which decorates tho Judge, and the rope which hangs tho criminal—on tho poor man’s salt and tho rich man’s spice—oti the brass nails of tho coffin, and llio ribbands of the bride—at bed or hoard, couchant nr le vant. we must pay.—The schoolboy whips his tnxrt i op—the beardless youth munages his tax ed horse, with a taxed bridle,ona taxed road:— and the dying Englishman pour ng his modi- cino which has paid 7 per cent, into a spoon that has paid 15 nor cent.—flings himself hack- into a chintz bed, tvliich has paid 22 per cent. —makes his will upon an eight pound stamp— and expires in the arms of an iipotlierary, who lias paid a license of an hundred pounds for the priviledge of putting him to death—Hig whole property is then immediately taxed form 2 to 10 per cent. Besides tho probate, large fees are demanded for burying him in the chan cel, his virtues nro handed down to posterity on taxed marble, and he is then gulhored to his fathers—to be taxed no more.” Natural Phenomenon in Cornwall.—In the Parish of St. Auatel there is a singular pheno menon ; it is the hppenrance of a light near the turnpike rodo at Hill Head, about three quarters of a mile west of the town. In tho summer season it is rarely seen ; but in tho wintry weather, particularly in the months of November and December, scarcely a dark night passes in which it is not visible. It ap pears of a yellow line, and seems fo resemMo a small flame. It is generally stationary ; and when it movos it wanders hut little from its primitive spot, sometimes mounting upward, and then descending to earth. As it has visi- ted this spot from time immemorial, it is now rendered so familiar, that it lias almost ceased to attract attention. It is somewhat rcmarknblo, that although many attempts have been made to discover it in tho plnce of its, every effort has hitherto failed of success.— On approaching the spot, it becomes invisible to the pursuers, even whilo it remains lumi nous to those who watch it at a distance. To trace its exact abode, a level has been taken during its appearance, by which the curious have been guided in their researches the ensu ing day; but nothing has ever been discover ed.—Exeter Al, Liverwort—Having published Dr. Here ford’s account of tho beneficial effocts of the uso of the Liverwort in what he considered a confirmed case of consumption,—it is perhaps proper to publish also tho objections of another physician to its uso : loaving the truth to the test of time.—Neie-Ilarniowj Gazelle. This mcdicino, as described in your Iasi pa per, has been ushered into the world imfler auspices highly calculated to attract tho atten tion of the public. And I should not think I was discharging my duty, was I to pass in si- lence tho manner in which those extraordinary promises are to lie fulfilled, by the use of tho Liverwort in pulmonary consumption. Tho medicinal properties of this plant, are slightly astringent and tonic ; and this point being set tled. let us sco how far they are applicable to the disensc under consideration: That the first stage in consumption (the only One, I believe, to bo curable,) is inflammatory, no medical gentleman will deny : and if this stage was to lie treated with a medicine posessed of tiie above properties, the physician would hurry his patient prematurely to tho grave. I then con sider tho Liverwort particularly injurious io incipient consumption—1st by neglecting n in- dicious treatment, the only prospect of sooth ing, protracting,andperhapscuring tho disc so. 2dly hv using a remedy, tho properties of which have a tendency to aggravate and con firm it. For nty part, I never expect to sec any extraordinary evidence of euro by the uso of the Liverwort, except, perhaps, in protrac ted catarrhal affections, attended with debility, not only of tho lungs, but of the system general- ly,which by giving tone to the same would do what any other moderately tonic medicine could confer; and will venture an opinion, that the case of euro related by a medical gentle man, and wfjicb was copied In most papers