The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, November 10, 1829, Image 1

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Tite Athenian. “ Ql’OT HOMINES TOT SE.YTE.YTIA!.—QUID DEM? QUID .VO.V DEM 1 RE.YU IS TU, QUOI) JUUET.1l.TER.” VOL. III. ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER I0, [829. No. 4.5. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, BY O. P. SHAW. Terms.—Three dollars per vear, payable in advance, or Four dollars if delayed to the end of the year. No subscription received for less than one year, un less the money is paid in advance; and no paper will bo discontinued until all arrearages are paid,'except at the option of the publisher.—A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish* meat, accompanied with the amount due, will be con eideredas equivalent to a new engagement, and papers sent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates, ic?» All Letters to the Editor on matters connected with the establishment, must be post paid in order to secure attention. HZJ* Notice ofthe sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or (iuurdian*, must be publish ed sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, must be published forty days previous to the day of -a'e. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land-must be published four months. Notice that Application will be made lor Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. SHtmiTFS’ SATES. C 1LARK Sheriff’s Sulcs—On the fust J Tuesday in DF.CKMBF.R nest, will he «old at tiie Court tlouse in the town of Watkiimille, Chirk county, within tho usual hours of sole, the following property, to wit; Fifteen Barrels of Corn, morn or less, and one stne.k of Fodder: levied on as the pr< pcrly of Janies Shaw, also, one sorn 1 Mare about five years old: levied on os tho property of William Shaw, all levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Nicholas E. Boyd, vs. James Shaw, Nathan Gann and William Shaw, security on stay. One Sorrel Horse, About four years old, and ten head of Cattle: levied on as the property «ff William Garner, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Edward Taine.vs. William Garner, Thomas Wood, sen. and Jo seph Derhain. Ono House and Lot in tho Town of Wat* Uinsville, adjoining Moore and others : levied on as tin property of William James, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of William Price, vs. William James. Oct. ‘27. GEORGE W. MERIWETHER, Stiff. John Sandford, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Thomas G.Janes, vs. William M. Sandford and John Sandford, and James Lindly security on stay. Property pointed out by John Sandford. Two Negroes, one named Squire, the other Washington: levied on as the property of Jeremiah Beall,deceased, to satisfy a mortgaged n. fa. in favour of Samuel & Chailes C. Ceall, issued from Wilkinson Inferior Court. Property painted out iu said fi. fa. POSTPONED S.\LE.—At the same time and place. Lot No. 74, in the 2d District of Walton county : levied on as the property of Thomas R. iVitchel, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favour ofthe Bank of Darien, vs. said Mitchell. Oct. 27. ROBERT H. WESTON, Sh’ff. J ACKSON Sheriff's Sale.—On the first Tn#'“day in JANUARY next, will be sold, at th< Court House in the town of Jefferson, Jaekson county, within the ustiul hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Hundred and Three and one half Acre of Laud, more or less, originally granted to John P. Wagnon, beginning at a Poplar on the South West side of Curry’s Creek, thence South 69, W. 40 chains, to a black f >ak, thence North 21, W. 30 chains, to a black jack, thence ' orth 69, East 28 chains, to an a-h on said Creek, thence down said.Creek to the beginning; it being a tract of land whereon Jam*- Mayo formerly lived. levied on as the property of James Mayo, to sa tisfy a mortgaged fi. fa. in favour of John S. Creswell nod Jesse Smith, vs. James Mavo. Property pointed out in said mortgage. Oct. 27. JOSEPH HAMPTON, D. Sh’ff. WWADISON Sheriff's Sole.—On tho first ifj. Tuesday in DF.CEMBF.R next, will he fold ai the Court-house in the town ol'Danielaville, Madison -■ounty, within the usual hours of sale, tho following property, to wit: One Hundred nnd Seventy-two Acres of Land, more or leas, whereon John Sanders now lives, lyinn on the waters of Brushy Creek, adjoining Charles fiims amt others, ten Barref. of Com, more or less, twelve hundred pounds Fodder, more or less, one rifle Gun : levied on as the property of Thomas Tribhle, to satisfy two fi. fas. ono in favour of Berry G Tilman, vs. said Tribble, and one in favour of Burkly Stnts, vs. “or™:’*- JAMES POWER, Sh’ff. M ADISON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will be sold at tho Court-lmusc in the town of Daniolsville, Madison county, within tho usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Hundred nnd Fifty Acres of Land, more or leas, in said county, lying on BlneStoneCreek, adjoining Millican and others : levied on ns the pro perty of Anderson Smith, to -atisfv a fi. fa. in favour of Suioman Strickland, vs. said Smith. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. One Sorrel Mare, nix yenrs old : levied on as the property of Jntnes It. Patten. Also, thirty bar rels of Corn. morn or less, between fifteen and twenty hundred weight of good Fodder, twelve hundred Rounds of seed Cotton, more or less : levied on as the property of Robert Patton; all the above property levied onto satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of James Sima, for tho use of John Sims, va. Robert Patten and James II. Patton. Property pointed out hv defendants. Oct. 27. WILLIAM L. GRIFFF.TH, D. Sli’fT. M ADISON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, will be sold, at the Court-house in the town of D»n;e *vtl e, Madison county, within the usual hours of sale, the Allowing property, to wit: One Hundred nnd Fourteen Aeres of Land, more or leas, whereon John Gossett now lives, on the the south prong of Brushy Creek, adjoining A. G. Bul lock and others: levied on as the property of John Gos- ttett, to satisfy a mortgaged fi. fa. in favour of John Ru pert, vs. naid Gossett. Properly pointed out in said m Oct. a 27! WILLIAM L. GRIFFITH, D. Sh’tT W ALTON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will bo sold, at the Court-house in the town of Monroe, Walton county, within the uaual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Negro Boy, supposed to bo between fifteen and sixteen years of age : levied on as the pro perty ofMartin Turman, deceased, to aatisfy a fi. fa in favour of Turman Walthall and Charles F. Walthall, Administrators of Edward Walthall, vs. Andrew Brown and Rebecca Turman, Executor and Executrix of Mar- tin Turman, deceased. Lot No. 102, in the 2d District of Walton county, containing two Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or leas : levied on as the property of William R. Wil liams, to satiafy five fi. faa, in favour of Jonathan Hil- dith, and three in favour of EliT. Hoyt It Co. va. said Williams, R Williams and John G. Williams. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Property pointed out by defendant. Oct. 27. WILLIAM II. RAT, D. Sh’ff. W ALTON Sheriff’s Sales.—On the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will be sold, at the Court-houee in the tow n of Monroe, Walion county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, ty, to wit: One Negro Man by the name of Essex : Icvfod on as the property of Jeremiah Beall, deceased, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Fontaine & Hargraves, vi. Jeremiah Beall and Egbert B. Beall (security on ori ginal contract) One Lot of Land No. 47, in the 3d district of Walton county, containing 250 Acre* more or less, wheteon William Sandford, Hamilton Sandford and John Sandford n*w live: levied on u the property of C GWINNETT Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tiifpday in DECEMBER next, will bo sold at the Court-house in thetowu of Lawrencevillc, Gwin nett county, within the usual hours of sale, the follow- ing property, to wit: Lot No. 8S, in the 6th District of Gwinnett ■ounty, containing two Hundred and Fifty Acres,more or less : levied on as the property of John Mills, to »a- ♦isfv a fi. fit. in favor of John P. Hutching, vs. David Jester, > at ban Jester, John Mills, and Hugh Brew .ter, security on appeal. Property pointed out bv said Mills. Lot No. 234, in the 5th District of Guin- nett county, containing two Hundred and Fiftv A*r« s, more or less, well improved, with a Grist and Saw Mill thereon : levied on as the prope r ty of Janes L. Plun kett, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of George* Reid, vs. James Plunkett, and James L. Plunkett and Joseph N. Vlunke’t, security on stay of execution. Properly point ed out by James L. Plunkett. Oct. 27. WILLIAM MARTIN, Sh’ff. McClesky. Two Hundred and Fifty \crv.n of Land more or less, being • ot No. v *8, the plantation t' lierw Jesse Harrison esich’J in 1828 : levied on as the pm perty of Jesse Harrison, to satisfy a fi. la. iu favour of John VV. Reynolds, vs. said Harrison. Oct. 27. ' ROBERT A. B ir S, D. Sh’ff. ifgax woTr-m G WINNETT Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will be sold at the Court-house, in the town of Lawrenceville, Gwin nett county, within the usual hours of sale, the follow ing property, to wit .* Ono Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, whereon the defendant now lives, adjoin ing Dunlap and Williams, also, two threc-ycat old Heifers : levied on as (he property of Abel Winning* ha.u, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favour of Drury MoU ton, vs. said Winningham and others, and the other in favour of Gary H. Prince, vs. said Winningham. Two Hundred and Fifty Acre* of Land, more nr low, Lot No. 127, in tho 6th District of Gwin nett comity : levied on a. the property of Fleming B. Nance, to satisfy two fi fos. one in favour of Ezekiel Mathews, the other in favour of John F. Dodds, for the use of William Rowland, vs. said Nance. One Loom, ono Cow and Calf, and one man’s Saddle : levied on as the properly of George Gtuee, to satisfy a fi, fa. in favour of William H. Tait. vs. said Grace. Two Hundred and Twenty-six Acres of (.and, more or less, being Fractions Nos 174 and 175, in the 7lli District of Gwinnett county. Also, four head ofCatlle, one Cow nnd three Yearlings, one bav Horse, eleven or twelve years old, and ten harrels of Corn : levied on as the pru|ierty of William Sizemore, to aatisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Robert Mitchell, va. Wil- linm Sizemore, and George Sizemore. Property point ed out by defendants. Lot No. 48, in the 6th District of Gwinnett county, containing two Hundred and Fifty Acre.,more or less, well improved; Also, three Negroes, to wit: Charlotte a woman, abom nineteen years old, and lire two children, Harriet, seven years old, and Fanny, four years old: levied on as the property of Itirhard Richardson, to satisfy a ft. fa. in favour of Asa W. Thompson, for the use of Snmuel K. Ilodgcs, vs. said Richardson. Property pointed out by Mrs. Richard son.- One Thirty Saw Cotton Gin, four head of Cattle : levied on as the pro|ierty of James J. Jenkins, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Asahel R. Smith, vs. said Jenkins. One Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of Land, m»reorlcss,inthc 6th District of Gwinnett coun ty, No. not known, lying on thp waters of Jackson’s Creek, adjoining Wm. Stell and others, whereon the defendant now lives . levied on a* the property of John F.Iabcrrv, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour orNathan L. Hut- china, vs. said Els berry. Property pointed out by Mrs. Elsberry. Lot No. 327, in the 5th District of said county, containing two Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less : levied on as the property of John Dyson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Anderson Riddle, bearer, vs. Thomas J. Wheeler and John Dyson. Property point ed out by John II. Dyson. Four Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, in said county, whereon the defendant now lives: levied on as the property of Vinin* Cooper, to satisfv two fi. fat. one in favour of Russell U Bovd, vs. Vining Cooper, and the other in favour of Russell, Boyd & Co. vs. said Cooper. Oct. 27. JAMES A. JOHNSON, D. Sh’ff GEORGIA, HALF, COUNTY. RULF NInI. Fail IF. petition oi Darn'd S; Robertson respectfulv j sheweth, that John Ingram, sen. late of «ni»* county, did, on the 29tl» day of Aueuftt, eiglitreti Hun dred and twenty seven, make, execute and dcliv# • t« your petitioner, a bond for titles to lot oft and, mn lie- thirty, (30) in the seventh (7) district of Troup county, a copy of said bond bring deposited In nc Cleik’ Offine of this Court. \»*«1 «**«f J«»Hn Ii* . < <»»•• k* ving departed this life without making titles to’.our pe titioner for said lot of land, hi compliance with the con ditions of said bond— Therefore ordered by the Court, that T ittle Ingram, administrator of the said John Ingrain, d*c'*«** , *l f in testate, do at tho firm Court after tho exr.ioition of three months, and after this rule ha* b. oti publisher i some one of the public; Gazntfoa <f this *ta* • n t* iui of law', and in the public places of wait! o unty, n»»h • unto DanicIS. Robe.tson warrantee fo»* sirupl*’title*to said lot of land, in conformity with th»* conditions o! said bond, and the law in such case* made and i*ro vided, unless sufficient cause to tho contrary 1 ’.* ■hewn. Extract from the minutes. thi>21-» September, 1829. Oct. 6.-40—m3m GEORGE 11 AM PE, C k. H ALL Sheriff** Sulcs.—On the first Tues day in DECEMBER next, will be sold, at the Court-house in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, w ithin the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of Land, more or less, being part of Lot No. 49, in the lltk District of Hall county, whereon Edward Hawkins now lives: levied on as the property of David Mill*, to satisfy three fi. fas. one in favour of P. J. Murry, one in favour of E. R. Mills, and the other in favour of P. J. Murry for the use of Daniel Davis, va. said Mills. Levy unde and returned to me by a Constable. One House and Lot in the vicinity of the Town of Gainesville, whereon Mary D. Woodson now lives: levied on as the property of Mary D. Woodson, to satisfy a fi.fa. in favour of Stephen Reed, vs. Mary D. and Harriet Woodson, also, two in favour of the of ficers of Court. Also, the same, together with the House and Lot whereon Thomas Carvinnow lives: levied on as the property of John Paydon, to aatisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Alexander Craw ford and five others issued from a Justice’s Court in favour ufP. J. Murry vs. John Paydon. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. Thirty Barrels of Corn, more or less ; le vied on as the property of Thomas I.. Martin,to satis fy a fi. fa. in favour of Asa Griffin, vs. said Martin. The one half of the undivided crop of Corn, Cot ten and Fodder, now in the hands of Martin re., levied on as the property of Alexander Smith, to -itisfv a fi. fa. in favour of George Shaw, va. Ephraim Brown and Alexander Smith. One Hundred and Twenlv-fivo Acres of Land, more or less, being the one half of Lot >n. 10, in the 11th District of Hall county : levied on an (lie pio- perty of Ma'licw Leach, also, Fifty Acres, more or Ir**, hei’igthc plantation whereon * nthew Leach now livt-s; levied on as the properly nfMicajah Leach, in the ll*h District of Hall county, being part of flu* Lot whereon David Jay now lives • levied on as the property of Mi- rajah and Mathew satisfy a ti. fa. in lii\our of Melchesideck Charles, vs. Micajahand Mathew l.each. One Black Horse : levied on ns tl»p pro perty of Robert Dowdy, jim. to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John Me El win, jun. vm. Jacob Martin and Robert Dow dy, jun. security on stay. Forty Barrel* of Corn, more or less, nnd three Stacks of Fodder: loviidonns th» pioptri* o James Abercrombie, to sntisft n fi. fa. in fittour * f P. J Murry, vs. James Abercrombie, ai»d one hi l«»* ur *. the Central Hank, vs. James Abercrombie and Simpson Hatnbleton. Forlv Barrels of Corn, more or It* posed to be at the time of making the le\y * the field : levied on as the proper! a f Jidni satisfy two fi. fos. one in favour of Adam Sin the other in favour of Montgomery Dali Miller. POSTPONED SAI F..—At the same time nnd place Five Hundred Acres of Land- morn or lews, lying on the Oconee River, whereon Davit! It. M*( lesk\ now lives : levied on as tho property of David H. Mr Clcsky to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favour cl’ U'ilfiaij , the other in favour of Paul Fein, vs. sai- 1 ilh • Id, nnd GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. T HIS indenture made and confirmed and entered into on the firs# da. of September, (-iuhtecn hun dred and twenty-six, between Samuel Parker of the one part, nnd Jesse Compton of lh«- other, both of the coun ty af resnid: Witnesieth, that the said Samuel Pai- ker, for and in the consideration of the sum of two hundred and twenty-live dollars, to nn» in hand paid, whereof the receipt is lim it} a* know l *dped,bath b u- gained and sold, and do, by thcs< presents, s* 11 and convey all that tract or parcel of land, containing one hundred and twc uty-tlireeacres, he it mo»-«r lrsa,h* in;* tho south west half of lot N«». thre t hundred and sixty- two, (362,) in thosoventli district of Gwinti’-Ucounty, butting and boundi tg us follows: 11 B ginning at the smith west corner, thence running four hundred and eight yards on said line to poplar comer ; thence di viding by a line laid out by the parties to a eeitai i branch, to a dog-wood corner; thence op said bia ich to a persirnon corner on said branch ; * hence by a line from said corner, to the first line to a p--st-onk, conclu ded by the parties,” to have and to lu>M, nil ami singu lar, the above described one hundred and iwenty-three acres of land, be it more or less, and every part where of, as in any wise appertaining, from me, the said Sa muel Parker, iny heirs and asNigns, un»o the said Jesse Compton, bis heirs and ari»ign*., forever, in fee simple. And I, the said Samiic! Parker, dc.foi myself, mv heir- administrators and assigns, against the ImwIuI claim* of all persons whatsoever, in and to the said one hun dred and twenty-three acres of land, or any port there of, shall warrant ami forever defend the said barcained laud, unto the said Jesse Compton, his heirs, adminis trators and assigns forever. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set iny hand and affixed my seal, the du\ and date first »b *vc writ ten, In presence of SAMI EL PARKER, l. s. JOSEPH B. BOND, ROBERT MONTGOMERY, j. r. Gwinnett Superior Court, Septemher Term. 18:9 RULE NISI. f T appeanng to the Court, that Compton f aaid county, was posse-sed if a certain deed of conyeyancc, ct which the above is a substantial copv, and that the same bus been lost: On motion it isoidnred, that the said m»»y he rs .♦ blished in lieu ofthe said lost original, at *he n* nt term of this Court, unlcaa cause •«» the contrary l.esh»wn by that time, and it is further oidcred, that a topv of this rule be published once a month, for thr"* months in one ofthe public Gazettes of this State before the next Term of said Court. A true extract from the minutes, September 2*Jth, 1829. JAMES W\KDLAW,C!k. Oct. 6.—40—m3m GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Edward Paine and Jeptha V. Hama apply to me for letters of Dwuiasion from the administration ofthe estatu of n alton I .'ams, deceased. These tie therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to b« and appear at my office within f H« rim prescibed bv law, to shew cauac, if any they have, why said Isitsrs should not be granted. , ,. Given under my hand this third day of .lone, 1829, June 9.-23 JAB. MERIWETHER, c. c. o. GEORGIA, IIALL COUNTY. To the Honorable the Superior Court of said County. RULE NISI. rill IE petition of George Unapt* sheweth, that Jo* H iiHtluin Swords heretofore, lo wit: on tin: Iwen- tieihduy of Januaiy Eighteen Hundred and Twenty- 'line, made, executed vi I delivered It* your petitionor. ’'is entire deed of mortgngc, bearing date the day and y>>ar uforeMiid and now in Court shewn. Which d* ol .Mortgage conveyed n certain piece of Land, being Smith Lust part of Lot of Laud No. 164, in thi 10th I'iatrirt of Hall county; beginning on a post nul on l he North and South line of said Lot, running to a black oak, thence to a white oak, thence to a pine on the public road, thence down said road to the line of «uid I.of, thence along said line to the beginning tabling one Hundred ami Twenty-five Aeres, nvre or less, whirh Tract or parcel ofLnnd was mortgaged for e ! c securing to your petitioner the payment of a cer tain promissory noteinarlehv the said Jonathan Swords for the sum ofFiftv-six dollars, "arable on ihe first day of July in I he year aforesaid, and which hear- even date with said mortgage, nnd is now here in Court shewn. And your petitioner further shewrlli, that there is now due mi said note, the 'Guile of the principal and interns*; a**d therefore pm s, that un|i"»4tho said Jona- •h.i|» Swoidsdn pay int.i the Clerk’s office of this Court the amount of pifonpal and i'lt 'test that is now tine, o* may heroim dm-, together with all costs thnt tuny accrue within six on nth* from the date hereof, tl the !>iiD o* nd mptt«..i mai d to said mortgaged pre- s hi* them*, fiuth an*’ forever liar red nnd foreclosed. U herom on it i on motion nl the petitioner oidetcd by the Court, that orde-s the amount of the ptinripnl, 'rr**M and cos’s now due, or to become, dm- on suit) le t and Mortgage, lor paid into the Clerk’s office of ' i-Court within the time aforesaid, that the equity of • d-'nip'fon in n-d to said mortgaged premises, be the te* forth and forever barred andfotcrloscd. tod i' is further ordered flint a ropy ot this Rule b< i for six i • of he p’ ldu S ot this state, or be pcunnallv *erv- > tl on -aid Jonathan Swords three moiitltshi l«»«c the rv pirelion of this Rule. A true copy from tho minutes, thi* 15th Oct. 1^29. JAMES LAW, Clk. Oct. 20.—42 -nffm. Georgia, M adison c ounty. Court of Ordinary, September Term, 1829. RULE NISI. Jf Tapperingto th# Court, that on the dnVofSep- W te ubi r, i i the vear 1827, John Segravea entered into a certain obligation, to • nke and execute to Tho- ir*s fribble, g«w».! and lawful title to one half of a ccr- i.ii'i tract or parcel of Land, tying and being in Li e eiuiotv, i ifl known by number one hundred and niue- tv-threc in the fourteenth district of said count; and tho coot-act has been fuitly and fully carried into effurj. and that the monev has been paid; and also, that thi* unit! John Segravcs, departed this life, without < x- ecuung title* to ihe raid half 1*»t of land according to the tenor a .d effect of mud «>bli|»ati*>n: It is therefore ordered, that upon the publication of ?hw rule, •• *b- t*«v »te. A lni'ulMmttM •>! I't* •eid John Segrave*. dec eased, be directed to mnkenod . i• .■••I•• t*. the Mod Tbomas rribhle, and r%ift,- ejent fit'ea, in fee -imide, to the said half of the said ■ a.’* of land, and filly a •«! Ia* r lv to perform -aid c>ui- tiact n i<l agreement of tin* said John S< g*lives, to nil ioietit* and purpose*, as fiillv and effectnallv ns said »obn Seg-avc* might or could have don*' when i*i fife. A true extract from th« minutes, *hi* 9th day ofScp- Mnher, 1 **29. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c.o. Sept. 22.-38 3m GEORG I \. GWINNETT COUNTY. LiciniuU Superior Court, September Term, 1829. RULE NISI. JT appearing to th" Court, »u* the petition of James U Burton, that a certain deed of conveyance, the prop- r#y of said Burton, signed, s ided and Irfivered to N\ ill ii • Kcv, *<f <iwiniiet»eiuinty,hy John D Re *vea of Wilkes coil* ty, o t the sixth da' of \ arch, in the ea • ighteen Itipidred and tweuU-rix, warranting and • Iffi odii g tiie tit!" to a ccrtutn lot of land in the fifth district of Gwinnett eoimtv, said lot being known and distinguished in the plan of said district, ns In* number three hundred and twenty-seven, has been lost out of the Clerk’* Office ofthe Superior Court, without being recorded : It is therefore ordered bv the Court, that unless cause h" shewn to tiierontrarv, bv the next term ot this Court, the copv of said (food herewith filed in office, bo eatabli- Ji«‘d in lieu of -aid lost original: And it is further or dered, that this iuln be published in one of the public Gazettes in I'iib state, once a month, for three months. \ true extract from the minute*, September 29th, ib29. JAMES WAUDLAW, Clk. Oct. 6. -40—m3in GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. •RULE NISI. ppesrir.g to the Court, that William Wright, de- f Tsp era- cea-cd, in'hi* lifetime, executed a bond to l.t Wright, to make till a lo a Tract of Land, containing Lift v-five Acre.-, more »r fo**,a copy of which bond in tirreiuib anufxetl, nod the said William having depart- oil thi Iff" v iilmiit "Xeculing titles for the same: It is therefore ordered, that Samuel Burnsahew cause at the January term of this Court, (if anv) why he «|,nu!d not be directed and required to exerute title* to {In* same, agreeably to said hoed, and that thin rule be published in terms of the law, in such case* made and provided. A t»u«- copy from the minutes of tho Court of Ordi nary of Jack-on county, at September Term, 1829. EDWARD ADAMS, c .c.o. Sept. 29.--39—m3m GEORGIA, MADISON COIJ.Y1 Y. Superior Court. September Term, 1829. Jjv.Mr.a Stkarukg, ’) and I Hill for Discovery, JA.VNk* Tiiompkok, / llelitfand v*. J Injunction. Daviri. Carrington. J f r appearing that the defendant in the above case, resides out ofthe county of Madison, It im ordered, that service be perfect ml by publishing of this rule in o e of the public Gazettes of this Slate, •jnre »• month, for three months, and that defendant ap- near in said case at the next March Term of aaid Court. SAMUEL WILLIFORD, Clk. Oct. C.—40—m3m gkorgia, ci.abk county. -rnwyilERFAS Tyree Harris, Administrator in right f f of hi* wife on the Estate of Thomas ceased, applies to me for Letters of I)isinis4on from the further Administration of said Estate: These arethrreforcto cite and admonish all and sin* gular, the kindred and and creditor* of said deceased.lo be and appear at my office within the time p e-rrihed by law, to shew ratise, if any theybavr, why aaid let tera should not be granted,. Given under my bar »* thi»7tbday of Sept. 1829. JAMES MEUItt ETHER, c. c. e. Unit Superior Court, September Term, 1829. Simon Tv.kkeli, ) vs. \ In Equity. Pun ir Martin-, et. al. \ being Mated to the Court, that the several defen- si dunis in the above ras»', who have not been served, hv** without the limits of th a county: L •*, on motion, ordmed, that they aeverally appear at t|u* next Teim i.fthis Court, on the thiid Monday in March next, in defend the -aid case; and that a publi cation of this rule, mice a month for three month* bo- for* naid Court, in one of tin public Gazettes of this 8*ate, he deemed a soflieient service of said Bill. A true copy from the minutes. Oct. 6.—40—iu3m JAMES LAW, Clk. GEORGI A, M \DISON COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, September Term, 1829.- BULK NISI. BBfllERFAS William Mtn»n, Guardian of Sarah v v 'loon, (iio%» Sarah Hanir,) applies to this Com I for letters of dismihsion, fiom the geardianship of hi* paid ward: Ordered, that nil persons concerned, take notice, that after forty da vs' publication <*f this rule in tho Athenian, the said Guardian will he dismissed, unless cause bo shewn In the contrary. A true ext act from the minute*, thi* 0th day of Sep. tember, 1829. WILLIAM SANDERS,c. c. o. Sept. 22. -38—40d groceries! BATHS & OATS?., H AVE. Removed from tho south aid*, tn the north tndo ot Bioiul-Htrcct, first door above Messrs. Bow ic & Build, ami immediately op|tosilc the store occu pied by tiiiun the Inst year. They have now on hand, an extensive and well aborted Stock of GROCERIES, 1 which they will sell as low as any regular deaiing Home iu this city. Augusta, Oct. 27.—43—It. lf*are-IIouse kudt AND Commission Ifcrchants jllGUSTJi, GEORGIA. T HE undersigned tender their sincere thanks to their friends und Customers, for the very liberal patronage they have received, and avail thcmsclfc* of thin opportunity to inform, thep*. •muils are now nmkinf; hi thr- Wart-House estahlish- im lit, so as to render property entrusted to their caro umre secure from Fire than formerly. The extent of tlu ir Marr-llouse l.ot, together with its contirui’y to the River, renders propeity in their es- iabli*liiuiuii av safe a* in any other in th* city. Tho k part will he complctuu in ample time for early Full business. Mmehaots nnd Plantnrn who favor them with their :ii*ioiii, will have their inutiuctionfl promptly atu-od- d to. They will be prepared to make liberal advanrr* on produce in store. SIMS, WILLIAMS L WOOI.SLV. NOTICE. TFV7F. haw thia day laki'n into C.iparln.r.Viip Star.- v Y line T. Onniha. Thy blwincaa will lie con. dueled aa lieretnfbr. under thr Firm of SIMS, Wtl I.IAMS £i VV00LSF.Y. Juguitn, Srpl. 15.—37—wStn. F1UE PROOF Jf*arc-IIousc. ra*lit. WARK-HOUSE,now orocting upn. •O* *•'" lnt (furmerljr known a. ‘ Mcl.nw’.,') at tho " roruor <d' Unsl.i plnn and Itcynuld Stnclu, will bo ready for the reception of Produce and Mirdiandiat by tite let of October. ^ The establishment, from its peculiar situsl'm n and structure, nmy be considered secure from the da: per of fire.—It iit liluated in a central part nf the city, iuime. dialely upon the whirl, iHiundid on the north by the river, east hy a brick wall, which dividea it from a'large varunt lot. On Ihe aootli by an area of ISO feel, and on the weal by Ma.hinplon alreef and tiie old burying cofoind. In addition to the tire proof close ato/ato . a larfie portion of the cotton aheda will be built nl bnck and cuvcteil with .late. The Subacnber intending to occupy thi. eatablislt. merit as a factor and cotruriiasiori merchant, would b. thankful for the patronage of Ins friend, and the public pencr.lly ' Advarirca will be made upon property in .tore; and all idiarpi B confined to customary rates. Sept. 1. -35—w3m A CUMMINS. J&'arc'-House AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. film: undersigned nan this method of ma» kin; known to the Planters and Merchant, of t.i oryiu end Carolina, that they still carry on the .boy. burrincasal thei'old aland. Their WAKE-IIOl'SE & CI.0SE STOItAGF. are in ffnod order for the reception ol Cotton and Merchandize, tir.teful for p«-t lavora, they anlicit a continuation of the Mine, pi dpn; iheinselvc. tn uz« every exertion to give aaliataciion. Advances will be made on produce m .tore. IlEAKD it COOK. Sept. 15.—37—wSm JjSOUU montli. after date appliesliovt will b. made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jackano County, when Hitting for ordinary purpnaee. for leave to sell all the real estate, of Ephraim Lindsey deceased. JOHN LINDSEY, JAMES LlrCKlE, July 21—89—W4m. | AdntrV.