The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, November 30, 1830, Image 3

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dlendv nf inutriK-linsO’lr senators,and rtrqiesf •1 Tlm <'x-minisier« ofthe cx-king of France j nl! our re|>renenlii!ive• in Congrein, to opjiose j lilt. I-. t i ip,- tlm puuiilim. ii* of death (here chartering oftae United Slates Hank. for their politu iI ..tlhnces, \ debate took A bill fftw read the first time to add two as- J place in the t hanthnr of Deputies on ltie evc- •istnni trustees to the poor schools in each 1 nine of the 8th of October, on the subject* of county, nnd to require said trustees to super-, ihn total and itninediaio abolition of the pun intend annual exaininations of the poor child- j istunent of death, which ended in the adoption fen educated at said schools, select one of the j of an nincndtuont, proposing that tho Chamber most talented boys Irom each county, to re-j should address the King in order to obtain from ceive lour years instruction a* Franklin Col-, him the proposition of u law to abolish capitul lege \ lull was nlso reported providing for a con- j punishment for a great number of specified of- ! fences, especially for all political crimes. Thr vention t° revise mid amend the 3d and 4th amendment was supported hv Cnfiivclte. 'I'll ser’ions of the 1st article ol the Constitution j address was accordingly delivered to Louis offreorgia- On motion of Mr. Rvan, from Ihn commit- j Philip, who replied as follows : i “ Gentlemen—I receive with groat satis- fee on Agriculture and Internal improvement, J faction the address which you have presented Resolved, That the suin ot $51126, be up-. to me. The sentiments to which you give preprinted to pay the expenses of the public : expression have been ii long lime in my heart, hands, salaries of the superintendents and Witness, from my earliest years, of the fright- overseers, for the current quarter, and also for fill abuse of the punishment of death in politi- the purchase of suitable clot lung for said hands; ’nil matters, nnd of all the evils which have re- -1nd that his R.xcplleijey the Governor be re-/suited front it to France and humanity, I quested to pay the same out of the contingent have constanllv and warmly advocated its fund. abolition. The remembrance of these times On motion of Mr. Curry, of Washington, it J of disaster, and the melancholy feelings which was resolved, that the joint committee on | oppress me when I turn mv thoughts to them, Agriculture and Internal improvement, he in- j will aft'-rd you a sure pledge of the eagerness structed to enquire into the expediency of: with which I shall hasten In lay before you a erecting and providing for tlm endowment of a project of law conformable to your views, building for the reception of the indigeii' and U'iih resp, ,-i in mine, iliey will never bo rom- invalid poor. Sic ■ plefelv fulfilled until we have entirely educed As in committee of the whole, the llmise from our co le all those rigours and penalties spent some time in the consideration of the j at whirl, hurnanitv and the present stale of so- bill for llic taking of the Census of ibis State. Notices to prepare and report hills: To amend the act fir tlm protection of reli gious societies in the exercise of their religious dimes. To alter the manner of voting by the legis lature from the present mode to viva voce. cietv revolt If spnins probable tlint the great popiilnril of lb* King, and tl.e deserved influence, of Lafayette’s opinions, will linvo a tendency to reconcile the people of Paris to tho object im mediately intended by this proposed measure. The London Sun. speaking on tho subject, Saturday, -Von. 13. — A hill was reported says—“ The question will now he looked up- •and read the first timo, to niter and amend the; on hv the French people, ns the King’s own, 1st section of an act entitled an act to alter as one in which lie is personally interested; fid amend so much of the 32d section ol the and we doubt not his excessive popularity will Judiciary act of 1709. as respects the claim enable him in carry it through. Still it cannot of property ill the Superior nnd Inferior Courts he denied that a vast mass of tho population so far as regards the courts wherein such are bent on seeing trie severest measures of claims shall be tried. ; justice d*-a|i out In the Ex-Ministers. and that Monday, Nov. 15.— V bill was reported to, in the event of their disappointment, much • alter and amend the 3d. 4th. nnd 7lh sections acrimonious party spirit will be brought into of the 1st article of the Constitution. Noti-cs for the nppnintment of committees (o prepare and report bills: To alter so much of the 2d section ofnn m t, •entitled an net tonlterand amend the several judiciary nets now in foree.ns relates Injusti ces Courts, passed December 14 1811. ns re lates to the time of serving warrants or sum mons. A bill to provide for the temporary support plav.” The Dutch portion of the province of Zo- land. on the led bank of the Sehrld, is in a stale of insurrection. The Rruhant iri-rolmir has been hoisted nt Erloce nnd many other parts of the country called Caizand. derma' > Principalities—The Augsburg Gazelle give* the following, dnted Frankfurt, Sept. 30 :—“ Fresh disturbances havo broken out in Iho d'siricl of Ysenlmrg. At Mcerhulz of tho widow and children of a man dving tes-| Hlu j IVacluersbneh. the Count of Ysenburg’s ■tale or intestate, was read the first Kmc. Tho Speaker laid before the House, n me morial contesting the right to a seat in this 11 nuse, of the Hon. \stillry Hull, Speaker, which was read, nod after some debate order ed to lie on the table tor the present. Tuesday, -Vor. 16—The House went into committee ofthe whole, on the bill to author ise the Governor to take possession of tli gold mines, lying in the Cherokee territory. &c. The hill was reported with amendments, and ordered to lie on the table. A hill was read the first tune, to repeal so much of the 14th section of an an to revise and consolidate the militia laws of this S'nte. and to repeal IhoraVHlrv laws now in force, passed December 19. ISIS. Notices given for the appointment of com mittees to prepare and report lulls : To prohibit the issuing of hank .tales under the denomination of live dollars, and lo pre. vent the saino from being received at the trea sury of this state nfler the 1st day of Decem ber, 1331. Wednesday, Nov. 17.— V lull wan reported lo alter and amend the 19lh section ofthe 1st article of the Constitution ofthe Slate of Geor gia. Mr- Black gave notice for tlm ninoiotmenl of a committee, to eremite and report a hill, lo repeal so much of iho law ol 1SP9, .tmendalo- ry ofthe Penal (Nnle. relative to gaming. A hill was read toe first time to alter mid amend the law authorizing fortunate drawers (o relinquish lands draw n hv them, and In pre scribe the duly of Receiver* of Tax Returns. Mr. Dnngherlv, from the committee on the State ofthe Republic, reported n hill to pr»- tide for tho temporary disposal of the i prnvcaients nnd posse-si-ms purchased fr aerfain Cherokee Indians nnd residents— which was rend the first time. illr. Htivnrs. from the committee on the j„d,pi-rv, presented a report on the subject of !ue compiI.i«’. : ' in ° r laws ,,f S "" p ’ whit ' h hnrread. -q—The Hr-nso resumed Thursday, .W . s „ illhfd h „. lne *, of the consideration of the w . ninmjtl( . l . „f yesterday, and again went tli. . ■„ the whole, Mr. Rates in the chan, "" bl " New York, Nov. 12—The packet ship Brighton. Cap'nin Hittlleson, arrived yester day from London. She let! Portsmouth on the 17th. and we have received London papers lo the evening ofthe 15lh ultimo. fl appears tram these, that arrangements was likely to he efleeted n-tween the Dutch and Belgians, commissioners having met to settle the terms. It is said that the King has fur tbe'mirvev^'iuHi'd'ispnVitiun 'ofthe x>ro?'e" ,-onset,led to conform to most ofthe demands . . __j i onnaii.'era- of the Belgians, and lliut the latter meet with such difi* 1 "Itv in the organization of a sepa- iat.' go v emnient. that they will now consent to receive, the Prince of Orange as their governor- lands, Sec, nnd having spent some consti ble time therein, the speaker resumed the chair, nnd Mr. Bates, from the committee, re ported the hill with amendments : the report was ordered lo lie on the table, and 300 co pies thereof to be printed. In alluding to 'he reports that Prussia was collecting a toree on iho frontiers of Belgium, tho London Courier says : “ Nothing more has been dose by Prussia than what under I he circumstances, was indispensable to her own security- It was not in have been expect- cd that she would be indifferent lo Iho events which were acting near her own frontier, but believe we may say without fenr of contra diction, that Prussia will nut nmke any move ment calculated to retard the pacification which is at hand or to create uneasiness to the French government Every thing at present , indicates a happy terminaJton of the d.spute r r — . * | between the Dutch and iho Belgians, und tracts, it is stated that n deputy fironn the pro- j p rl|f|) j |i w ->| |)()l |, n s0 un wise as to depart visional government of Belgium to Pans, an (f . r (m |()e | |ne ol -,,etjtrality which has been pre- Ihorized to make an offer of alliance wi n j , . R j ei( j re tn maintain the peace of France, received an unfavorable answer from; p uroI)1 , ,i that government, which expressed its 'letcrrni- • ^ Cll(])Z nr , hR 25 ih Sep*, do not I, a TEST fORFIGNT. The ship Josephine, nt New York from Belfast, brings London advices to the evening of the 12th, and Paris to tho 11th ult. inclu sive. The news from the Netherlands is interesting. There does not seem to exist nny disposition among the inhabitants of Brussels to meet the King in halfway measures, or to acknowledge his authority in any manner. In one ot the paragraphs which will he found among our country residences huvo been attacked by the peasants and destroyed. In tho prnvincos of Hunno and Fold,, a I the custom-houses have been closed by force and no doty can be col- lecicd. It is reported that the Prussian cus tom-houses nt Bi kartshurg and Lutzcn have likewise been atiark--d mid set on fire ; but this rumor requires confirmation.” \V« learn from Berne, that the 20th ult. M. Fisher, the provost, w as attacked in the streets of lliir town and obliged to take refuge in a guard house. The government of Berne have called in troops, mid on il:«- 30ih, twelve pieces of run non woro planted before the Hotel de Villo. flru .swick. Sept. 28.—Yesterday morning, a deiiotv front the Duke arrived horn, who came from London with a message to Duke William. It was soon made known that the former lies transferred to itie hitler the govern ment of tho country tor an unlimited time. The Instate- have, drawn up a very long Ad dress to Duke William, in which they paint, in strong colours, the melancholy slate to which ih ’ country was reduced by the urhitru- i'V measures of the Duke. I his Address of tho F.stntes was published here yosterday evening ui C> o'clock. An immense multitude wa-- ilium dralely assembled, to whom it was read aloud by lamp-light, and received with riorliininlions of joy. X|ritzerland—Previous accounts Imd ap prized us of tho prevalence of discontent in Switzerland. To Berne und Geneva, Basic mil Zurich lire now to he ndtlod ; but we cun only regard these disturbances ns evidence of the general feeling among the people of Eu- rope, rather than ns likely to bo pruductivc *f important political events, mttnt, hut Mate that tho Captain General has been removed from office. The rumor of an intended Congress of Sovo. reigns in Italy is repealed without utiv new evidence in favor of its authenticity. Madrid, Sept. 30.—Yesterday a Cabinet order pronounced the dismissal of the Govcr- noi of Cadiz, M. de Flatxes, and invested Ye- ro, the Colonel of the King’s Regiment, with the charge. At a late interview with his Minislers, King Ferdinand took Cnloumndo aside, and. in a stale of great irritation, was overhenid to say, “ Thou shall answer to me for it with thy head !” Calomaude went away much agitated, and has been ill ever since. .Madrid, Oct. 4.—The rivil war, which threatened us, is approaching fast. The go. vernrnent, for some time perplexed and uncer tain. is now bent on the adoption of a complete system of terror. This is equally employed against the Liberals and Apostolics. Our Ga zetio of Saturday contains a most bloody nnd savage decree, by which his majesty declares subjected to the penalty of death, nny of his objects implicated in plans directed to the establishment of a different form of govern ment, or to the facilitating to the emigrants the means of neromphshing a similar object, or giving them advices or any sort of communi cation contrary to the views of his Majesty’s Government. This sanguinary decree has produced a very different effect to the one intended hv the go vernment ; it has been received with scorn and indignation, and works powerfully on the pub lic. mind towntds Ihn desire of n change. Last night a drendful occurrence took place : the Abbot of the Convent of Saint Basil was found a corpse in his bed, tho head separated from the bodv, nnd a mattress over him. He was a moderate man—he was generally es teemed, and had occasionally preserved many lobcruls from the Apostolical wrath. lie had lately forbid his own friurs to snv mass, on ar. c umt of their licentiousness, and it is believed he has been assassinated hv them. The King has lately shown some distrust of the Royal Volunteers. Tho Cnptnin Gencrnl has been dismissed. It is attrihuled tn a misunderstand ing w ith the Minister of War. ISayonne, Oct. 8.—M. de Grouchy, who was despatched provisionally by Philip the First tn Ferdinand the Seventh, nrrived to-day. I am assured that he has given formal orders for dispersing tho Spanish Refugees nnd their roeruits. It appears certain that thesn poor men enlisted themselves under the persuasion •hot 100,000 men wi re ready to join them nnd enter Spain, whilst now it is not proved that they have mare than 4,000. ADMINISTRATOR’S S\LE. W ,M “ Mi Wcdncsdoy the 2d dav rfFe- arv next, at tin* late residence ».l John I |t*r*el*nrg, deceased, in the county ol* Gwi-tm tt, all flu* |irr*» propem *.f*,iid Hoisehurg, ami a)*#*, !»,«* plantation lo hi* on tlmt day. Trims niidt* known mi the day of salt*. Sold lor the benefit of Urn creditors. CHARLES PRICE, .fr. Adm’r. Nov. 30.—4S—tds. A DM IN1STR A TOR’S SALK. 4 (I REE ABI.V In an order of the honorable the In- terior Coml of Oglethorpe county, when witfinp j ”,jjj J Franldin Hotel\ ATHENS, GEORGIA. T HE SI. BSCRIBER respectfully inform* his friend* ami the public centrally, that he has taken »-•« house formerly kept by I.eander A. Erwin, and mom recently hv John Dawson, which lie will conduct und- r the title ot the FRANKLIN HOTEL. The house h now undergoing a thorough repair, and will be fill- <! np in a trw we* ks in a rornf irtidde style for the recep tion ot all who may lavur him with their cuMom. |i is largo ami commodious, and will he supplied with evrry ; ihjfg the rountiy affords rafrulalrd lo render comfort .jm tenor t imiiI ot Oglethorpe county, w hen mtfinp: nn .i ltl - ,• , , f • , fur uuhiinrv| S will In-sold, at l.c.xmglo,,, Oglo- 1 " L u rono ^lo h I c, "" on, 1 Pr *-. "'’I’ ,hat lliorpi- Illy,.... tl„- tint Tue.-d.iy in F, bn,ary next, l" v L f,Z ’ , *'"7 f “ r a Tract ufl.and the .'-slate of l.iltlebury % ’’ "I* 1 '. . h f.« Edwards, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit ofthe heirs. THOMAS EDWARDS, Adm’r. Nov. 30.—<1S—tdt«. NOTICK. A 1.1. persons indebted to the estate of John Horse* .'m. burg, decM. are rcuuested to make iminediutc payment, nod all persons having <}rman<ls aeatnul said estate, at«: requested to present them in terms of the law. CHARLES PRICE, Jr. Adm’r. Nov. 30.—49—40d. SHERIFFS’ SALES. f l I, ARK Sheritr* Sule.—On the first ^ Tuesday in FEBRC ARY next, will he sold nt the Court-House in the town of Wutkinsville, (’lark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to w it : Two Negro mon, to wit : Will, about twen ty-five years of age, nnd Frank, about thirty-two years of age • levied on as the property of Janies Diekin, lo satisfy a mortgage fi. In. issued from Carroll Inferior Com! in favor of John Boyle, vs. James Diekin. Nov. 30. JAMES HENDON, Sh’fl*. DIED At Monroe, Walton county, on Tuesday tho 16th inst. Col. Samuel Jackson, in the 54th year of his age. Col. Jackson was for n number of years n resident of this county, and filled the office of high Sheriff, he re moved to Monroe in the early settlement of that coun ty, and has sustained the character of a good citiznu— an honest, upright man. He has left a number of or phan children to deplore his lou. FRANKLIN COLLEGE. T HE Grammar School attached to Franklin Col lege, is expected to be opened on the 1st Monday of January, under the tutorihip of W. McKINl.EV. Nov. 30,-48-tf. FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. T HE subscribers respectfully inform their frinds and the public in general, that they liovo removed two doors above their old stand, and are now receiving ISO PACKAGES Fresh Drugs AND iffiKDZsxxras, Garden Seed, Puints, Ods, Gloss and Dye Stuffs; which in addition to their former Slock, makes their assort in* nt as complete as any in the city. They are de termined to sell at very moderate prices, and respect fully invite purchasers to call and examine for them selves. NELSON, CARTER & Co. Broad-Street, Augusta, (Geo.) Nov.30.—4b—6t. C iLARK SHERIFF'S SALK.—Will be ^ sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at the Court House in the town of Wntkinsville, Clnrk county, within the lawful hours of sate, the following property, to wit: One I (mulled nnd five Acres of Land,more nr less, lying on tho waters of the ApaUtchie River, adjoining Prewry, Ridgnnv, Jackson and others, now in the possession Levin W. Thomas : levied on as the property Samuel Thomas, to natisfy a fi. fa. in favour of James Meriwether, adm’r. &c.. vs. Samuel Thomas and John W. Thomaj. Properly pointed out bySamur] Thomas. One Hundred und Eighteen Acres of Lund, more or less, lying on the waters of Bather’s Creek, adjoining Wise, li. W. Meriwether and others: levied on os the properly of J*»shua Grior, to satisfy three fi. fits, issued from u Justice's Court, two in favour of W illiain Mm ray, and one in favour ofL. R. Brew vs. Joshua Grier, and Olmdiuh Jackson, indorser, ami -lames G. Martin and Reason Whitehead, security on stay of execution. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. One Negro woman, about twenty-two years ofage ; levied on as the property of Jay el t Davenport, to satisfy three fi. fus. in fuvuur of Sanders & Gilmore, vs. said Davenport. Nov. 30. ISAAC S. VINCENT, D. SliTT. w ill he his indefatigable study to sustain. The uilua- lion is adjacent to the College, and caleulnted'to or. commodate forty students with convenience. Travel ler* and all who visit this place, are invited to call, the Subscriber feeling confident that his hnuso w ill be in ferior to hone in the up-country. Nov. 21.- 47-51. JOHN JACKSON. WATKINSVILLE HOTElT’ T HE undersigned beinu desirous of elunging his present occupation of business, now* offers for rent for a term of year* the WATKINSVILLE HOTEL. In the course of the present year, the establishment lias undergone considerable repairs, consequently, is now us convenient for the accommodation ofcustom, os any tavern in the up country, &c. A good well upon the premises afiurding exeelent water. And on Satorday the Iblhdu* of Decmher next, he w ill offer for sale (if not disposed of sooner) all the Furniture belonging to the cstahlifhmerit, upon a credit. Also, some Corn, Fodder and Oats Persons wishing to embark in th« line ofTavetn keeping business, will do well to aiail themselves of this opportunity Possession will he giv en the 251 It Dee 1830 WILLIAM MANLEY. Watkins*i!le, Nov. 9. —45—4t. PLJ.1TTEP.S HOTEL, -Athens- Georgia. rjlHE subscriber having purchased the intc- ^iJJL B rent of Mr. John \;artm, in the house for merly known nnd kept as the 4 * Athens Tavern,” has opened a HOUSE of ENTERTAINMENT, where he is prepuml to accommodate Boarders and Travellers. The house bus recently undergone some improvements; nnd is situated in a desirable part of tho Town. No ixcrlions will bo spnrcd to render the situation of his guests at ull times pleasant. His stables which arcus good as any in tho country, have been fitted up at considerable expense, and aro well furnished. Persons w ishing lo hire horses, «>r to obtain keeping lor the same, can be accommodated at all times upon reasonable, and he trusts satisfactory terms. JOHN A. BYRD. July 6.-27-tf. M ADISOX ShurifPs Sule.—On tlm first Tuesday in JANUARY next, will be sold lit the Court-House in the town of Damelsville, Madison county, within thu usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One tract of Land, containing two Hundred and Twenty Acres, more or less, lying in said county, on North Broad River, adjoining Hendrick, Ashley and others : levied on as the property of Isaac Callaway, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of said county, in favor of William P. Arnold, vs. said Callaway. Property pointed out by defendant. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. One Ifousc and Lot in the town of Daniel*- ville, known and distinguished in the plan of said town by Lot No. 5, occupied at present by Thomas I .tie : levied «m as the propeity ot Samuel Williford, to satis fy a fi. fu. in favor of Stephen W. Stephens, issued from the Inferior Court of Madia ui county, vs. said Willi ford. Nov. 30. JOHN W. MOON. Sh’fl*. STOLEN F ROM my Gig near the Church on Sahhath m ing the 21*t inst. a Plaid Cloak, collar lined with black Satin, and bound with the same plaid round the tail in order to lengthen it; and lined with green baize. The colour* as bright a* when new. Any information respecting it, left nt the office ofthe Athenian will he thankfully received. WILLIAM NICHOLS. Nov. 30.-48.—It. NOTICE. T HE Copartnership formerly existing between H AMMOND & TATE, has this day dissolved hv mutual consent. Those indebted to said firm, will find their notes and accounts in the bauds of an officer for collection, provided they do not make immediate payment, and all tlio-e having demands against said firm, will please present them to Thomas S. Tale, at Gainesville for payment. HAMMOND L TATE. Nov. 30.—48.—It. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W IIKREAS Charles II. IUr<I\ appli.-s to me for letter, of admini.tration on the mate oftieorfe Ope. Ute of .lid county, deceased. These «rc therefore to ci'e nnd ndmoni.h all nnd sin gular the kindred and creditor, of .aid deccawd, to he and appear at my olfice within the time pre.rrihed by law, to shew cause if any they hare, why .aid letlei. should not lie granted. Given under my hand this 23rd day of Nov. 1830. JOSEPH LIGON, o. c. c. o. Nov. 30.—48—30d. R ABUN ShcrifFd Sulo.—On tiie firut Tuesday in JANUARY next, will be sold nt tho Coml-house in the town of Clavton, Rabun county, within the usual hours of sab*, the following property, to w it: One* Lot of Land No. 86, in the 5th Dis trict of Rabun county, containing four Hundred and ninety Acres, more or less : levied on «s the property of Robert Mil gon, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. one in fa vour of Ruffin Ginn, v«. James I). Powell and Robert Miligan, one in favour of Jacob Cupehurt, vs. William W. Wellborn and Rob* rt Mihusn, one in fuvour of Pe ter Ledford for the use of Jacob f’.iprhart, vs. Robert Miligan and James B. Powell, and one in favour of the Tax Collector of Kuhiin county, v*. Robert Miligan. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Nov. 30. JAMES BLKAKLEY, D. Sh’fT Georgia Gold Watches and Jewelry. B. B. LOUD & Co- H AVE just received from N. 1’oik u huge and splendid . assortment of IVatchca fy Jewelry, Which they will warrant to he of 1 the first qualify, and made from Georgia Gold, Consisting of Ladies and Gentlemen*! Patent Lever Watches, Watch Chains, Seals, Key*, Neck Chains, And finger Rings, Brea«t Pin*, hair and miniature Lockets. Gold Thimbles, &c. Together with a large assortment of Silver Lever ami common Watches, *il- i, Spectacles, Thiuibb w, Coral B* a«L, Rraec- lets, Mu-ic BoXf», Bead Purse*, Ever Pointed Pencil «, Rodgers line Knives, Razors ami Straps, Scia Walking Canes, ixc. a lew Marble and Brays Clucks. Athens, Nov. 9.—40—3t GEORGIA, RABUN COUNTY. W HEREAS Deborah Middleton and Thomas Middleton, apply to me for lefters of Adminis tration on the estate of Thomas Middleton, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, lo oliew cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 17th day of Nov. 1830. JACOB CAPKHART, c. c. o. Nov. 30.-40-30L J UST received and for sale, at the Store of SHAW & EDWARDS, a few B-mela Superfine Cannl Flour, 2 Casks Che. se, Lump Sugar,Cavendish Tohscco, Dried Beef, Crack ers, Hyson Ten, &c. kc. Athens, .Nov. 23. — 47—it. STRAYED J^tl'lM lhe piibucrihc •iImiiiI the I2th Inrue lull .bout «-»en yearn olil, lir.nil- Innihe nhr.uUt-rwiihS. C. one while hmd, lei other mark, reeolleeied. hay, ten or eleven vc»r« old, some Saddle rn.rk., hoihliind feel white, anil one fore foot while, and has lost part <4 Iris; any person havinjr taken op will horses, will please deliver rheoi lo Frs. Rease, Monroe. Wal ton count v. or In I ie suS«.'.-ih> r near the Shallow Coral 0„ the C'la’i'alemclice River, in I). Kolh county, and they alu!l h-- li'ierallv rewarded. DAVID McDOW. Soy. 2? —17 — V. UNITED STATES HOTEL. f^VjJwi^UlE suhscribor respectfully informs tho * *Ji IIP i ^ public, that he has taken the UNITED ST A I ES HOTEL, which lie has this day opened for public accommodation. Being extensively, nnd lie hope* favorably known ns the conductor of similar es tablishments, he hopes his former exertions fo phase his friends, will not bo without a suitable reward in their future natronage. The United States Hotel K? well known, being situuted near the centre ofthe » ity, in the midst of its most active and rospectable biitunesa. It is Fire-proof, nnd has spacious and elegant arcom- lations, both for Families und individuals, not sur passed by any similar establishment in the Southern States. p* Persons, who atop nt the U. S. Hotel, eon be supplied with the mean* of travelling, either with car riages, gigs, sulkies, or single horses. WILLIAM G. GRIMES. Augusta, Oct. 18—43—w3tn. TO THE PUBLIC. 1 ^11 F. FACULTY of College would respectful!) no tify the Parents an<l Guardians of the StudciPi, that the conflagration of thu new building, how eve.- e- rious, will not interfere in the smallest degree with tho regular duties of College. T lie course of inetrnotion will not be affected, as every accommodation will be ready for the Students by the fust of January. The li brary has it is true hVen destroyed, but we feel confi dent from the munificence ofthe Legislature, fl at tho loss will be so far repaired by the opening of the next term,as to prevent artv injury arising from its destrno* lion. The Mathematical Instrument* can be «asily replaced. The fine Philosophical Apparatus and Che mical Instruments arc unmiured, and consequently full inst ruction in the higliot class;# can be given As lo the personal accommodation ofthe yotiny m* n, no difficulty will exist, as the old building hitherto de voted to tho residence of the two lower class* a. is uninjured, and will consequent!) contuin all who now compose these classes, or who may coni'- by the conr .cnceme nt - f the next term. The !*•» upper clas-. B will be accommodated with lodging and studv r**o»na in private families or the boarding houses in town, and that without any additional charge, until the College budding shall he repaired. The faculty therefore trust, and with full confidence, that the credit of the Institution with the Public, will not be impaired, and that th* patronage of its friend*, will not be diminished. The Faculty therefore confide in the return of all the Students on the first of Jauoary next, to resume their regular duties. By order *>f the Faculty. WILLIAM L. MITCHELL, Sc'y. Oct. 25. SALEM ACADEMY. T IIF. annual examination of the .Students i.fthia In stitution will commence oil Wednesday the l7tli inst. and close on the IHtb. Parents and Gtiatdians are requested tn attend each day of the examination. Tho cxi-rcisss of the Academy w ill be resumed on the fits! Monday in January next, under the immediate direc tion of Mr. A. II. .Scott, Rector,and Mrs. A. C. Scott, principal of the Female Department. Board and tur* Don at the usual rates. N. II. Ten or twelve boarders can be accommodated with board and lodging in the family of the Rcelor if early application is made. WILLIAM B. B ARNETT, Sec*y. Nov. 9.—44.—If TiCTOEJLOT JjYD COM MISSION BUSINESS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. aiibtcrib- i intending lo remove to Sar.nnab I ttiren-uing fall, for Iho purpose of transacting a general ( onunixsion Busmens, K-’vprrifolly -ill- ra hia .i-rvicca in his fii> ods and the public. He will devote hia prrsnnni attention i-vrli* si»ely to the bosini'S", and from Ion* evperienci , eon* tid- otlv Inures lo render entire satisfaction tn those «lio may fiiv. r him with their buaim-as. Ilis stores wilt bit airy; secure fr- in fire; and ready for the -i cepti.rn of Uoods or pr-rduce by ilia first nt October next. JOHN R. ANDERSON. August 31.—33—m5m. SHERWOOD’S GAZETTEER ~WF I ho Slato lieorgia, with a new aj> lor »»l® .3 by T. & J. CUNNINOHAMJ* Co. Oct. 19.—42.—m3m.