The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, February 22, 1831, Image 1

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The Athenian. “ QUOT HOMtMES TOT SEMTE.YTI.T'..—QUID DEM? QUID XO.Y DEM ? It EMU IS TV, QUOD JUI1ET .il.TEli." VOL. V. ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1831. No. 8. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, BV O.P. SHAW. Terms- - -Throe dollar, per your, payable in advance, or Four dollar, if delayed to the end of the year. The latter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to meet their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, un less the money is paid in advance ; nud no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages arc paid, except at the option of the publisher.— A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidcredas equivalent ton new engagement,and papers pent accordingly. AnvF.RTisRMr.NTS will be inserted at the usual rates. t, \H l.etters to the Editor on matters connected with the establishment, must be port paid in order to secure attention. Cj* Notice oflhe saleof Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish ed siriy days previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal Ptoperty, in like manner, must be published forty dayi previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty da vs. Notice that Application will be inad» to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published four months. Notice that Application will be inndo lor Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days, and for l.etters of Dismission, six months. mile of the Madison Spring, levied on by virtue of all. fa. issued from the Inferior Court of said county, in fa vor of Alfred llammond vs. Thuniua Dean ami Oliver C. Powell. One prey Horse, Saddle, Bridle itnd Mar tingale, levied on as the property of William Daniel, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Inferior Court of said county, in favor of Gabriel Grimes vs. said William Daniel. Property pointed out by Plaintiff. Two Hundred and Eighty-Three Pounds af Pork, levied on as the property of Green Pierce, by virtoeof a ti. f.i. issued from Madison Superior Court, against said Green Pierce, in favor ofCornelius Peyton. Property pointed out by Plaintiff One Bay Horse and Bond Wagon, levied on as the property of John Milliean, to satisfy a fi- fu issued from Madison Superior Court in favor of Elizur Wood, indorsee. Sic. against John Milliean, Whitmell H. Adair and Thomas Milliean. Property pointed out by John Milliean. JOHN W\ MOON, Sh’ff. Jan. 25.—4—tds. SHERIFFS 7 SALES. ( 1 LARK Sheriff's Sale—On Ine firs: J Tuesday in MARCH next, will be sold at the Court-House in the town of Watkinsville, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following ptoperty, to wit: One Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, in said county, lying on the North Fork oftlieOconee River,adjoining Chandler and others: levied on as the property of William and John Duncan, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s court in favor of Henry Swan, vs. William nnd John Duncan. One Negro woman by the name of Fanny, about sixty years of age : levied on as the property of Nancy Humphries, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s court in favor of Elevens Thomas, vs. Nancy H Jam23.*’ JAMES HENDON, Sh’ff R ABUN Sheriffs Sale.—On the first Tuesday in MARCH m*xf, will be sold at the Court-house in file town of Clayton, Rabun county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to nit: One Lot of Land, No. 117, lying in the 2d District of Rabun county, containing two Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less : levied on as the property of Benjamin Picquet, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from Richmond Superior Court in favor of Luke Reed & Co. vs. Benjamin Picquet as principal and Anthony Picquet as security. Property pointed out by Lewis I.evy. Feb. 1. JOHN C. MILLER, Sh’ff. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, .Vor. 7trm, 1830. O N motion of Andrew F. Woolley, stating to the Court that he holds n bond made by Ezekiel Woolley, late of said county, d<-een*«»d, for titles to a Lot of Land; a copy of which bond is tiled in the Clerks Office of said Court, and praying that this Court direct the Executors of the said Ezekiel Woolley, to executo the same; it is further ordered, that the executors of the said Ezekiel, do make titles according to the tenor and effect of said bond to said Andrew F. Woollcv, un less sufficient cause bo shewn to the contrary in three months, or at the next term of Court, after the expira tion of three months; and it is further ordered, that a copy of this order he published once a month for three months in one of the public Gazettes of this state. A true extract from the minutes this 2d Nov. 1S30, Nov. 16.—46—m3m. GEORGE IIAWPE, c. c. R C LARK SHERIFF’S SALE—Will ho sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, at IbeCourt House in the town nf Watkinsville, Clark county, within the lawful hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Two Negrons, Lucy a Woman about For- tv-fivo years of age, and Susan a Girl, about Ten years of age. levied on as the property of \\ iliinm T. Brown, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued upon the foreclosure of amort- gage, in favour of Charles A. Redd, vs. William T, Krowu. Property pointed out in said fi. fa. Jan. 25. ISAAC S. VINCENT, D. Sh’ff. H ALL Sheriff’s Sale—Outlie firstTocs- dav in MARCH next, will be sold, at the Court House in the town nf Gainesville, Hall county, within die usual Ilnurs of salo, the following properly, to wit: Five Hundred Acres of Land, more or lew, Ivin- on Chandler’s Creek, adjoining Riley and others: levied on as the property of Abel Pearson, to satisfy a fi fa. issued from Hall Superior Court in favor olJamc. Rylee.jun. vs. said 1’caraun. Property pointed out by O.iu plaintiff. Two Hundred Acres of Lend, more or less, adjoining Pinnionand others, including the plantation whereon Alexander Cnvin now lives: levied on as the property of Alexander Cavtn, to satisfy a fi. fit. »- sued from Hall Superior Com in favor of Thomas Byrd, son. for the nsoof Daniel Byid, vs. said Cavtn and Beniamin Wliorton, security. Jan. 25. JACOB F.BERIIART, Sh’ff. II ALL Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tnes- day in MARCH next, will lie sold, at the Court House in the town of Gainesville, llall county, within tho usual hours of sale, the following properly, to wit: One Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of Land, moro or lew, whereon Jesse Clayton now lives, adjoining Mrs. Frost and others : levied on asthepro perty of Jesse Clayton, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Inferior Court in favor of James >>. Jones & to. va. saiil Clayton. Two Acres of Land, more or less, lying on the Chestateo River, immediately abovo Leather’s Ford t levied on ns the property of llrury Hincle. o satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. said Itinclc. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta ble. Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, whereon Valentine Vance now lives : levied on a* ''j* property of Valentine Vance, to aalndy a fi. fa. issued from Hnl Superior Court in fnvnr of William Mcars, vs. said Vance. Properly pointed out by Mears. One Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, lying on the Chattahoochee River, immediately be- low Stringer's Ford: levied on as the properly of Jonas IV Shaw, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in lavnr of W iley Harbin and the other in favor of Thomas Keougti, vi. aoid Shaw. Property pointed out by the defendant. Fraction whereon David B. Kitchens now lives lying on the Chattahoochee River,immediately be- low Conner’s Ford : levied on as his property, to sa- tisfy two fi. fas. in favor of Stephen Iteed, vs. said Kitchens. Properly pointed out by plaintiff. Fifty Bar-Ms of Corn, moro or less : levied The Executors and Legatees I as the property of Simeon White, to satisfy a fi. fa. of Prossor Horton, deceased. J rssucd'fromTFall Superior Court in favor of James W. Jones & Co. vs. said White. Properly pointed out by th Jan! 3fo ant ' A. CHASTAIN, D. Sli’ff J ACKSON Sheriff’s Saie—On the first Tuesday in MARCH next, will be sold, at the Court House in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Fifty-six Acres of Land, more or less, ly ing on the waters of Park’s Creek, adjoining Morgan .ml others • levied on as the property of Henry L. Coon°, to Mtisfya fi. fa- issued*,m, a Justice’s Court in favor of John Borders, vs. Coon. Levy made and “ l ’ oSSSnY »o»ms. sw M Tuesday in MARCH next, will be .old at the Court-House in the town of Danielaviffc, Madison suunty, within the usual hours of sale, tho following property, to wit: One hundred Acres of Land, in said county, including the dwelling of Thoma* Dean, within one Tuesday in MARCH next, will bo sold at the Court-house in the town of Clayton, Rabun county, within the usual hours of*sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of Land No. 33, in tho 1st District of Rabun county: levied on as the property of Westimier, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Baldwin Su perior Court in favour of John Crowder, agent &c. vs. Elisabeth Westimier, John Westimier, Samuel M.and Jacob Mordian, securities. Property pointed out by Tumor II. Trippe. Jan. 30. JAMES BLECKLEY, D. Sh’ff GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS John Floyd, Administrator of the Estate of Richard Stewart, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said Estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindrsrl ami creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 13lh day of Sept. 1830. JOSEPH LIGON, d. c. c. o. Sept. 14.—35.—m6ni. AI) MINISTR A TOR’S S A LK. he sold on the first Monday in March next, V ¥ at the late residence of Thomas Muldellon, deceased, all the Personal Property of said deceased, consisting of llorsee, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, House hold and Kitchen furniture, together with many other arti cles too tedious to mention. Sold for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of Haiti deceased. Suit* to con tinue lioin day to dav until nil is sold. THOMAS MIDDKLTON, ) , DEBORAH MIDDELTON, \ Jan. 25.—4—tds. EXECUTOR’S SALE. V GREE.AftLY to an order of the honorable the In ferior Comt of llahersham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold, at Clurkcsville, Habersham county, on the first Tuesday in April next, all the Real Estate of Georgo Vaughan, deceased. Sold for the benefit of *hc heirs. Terms made known on the day of sale. BENJAMIN V40OIIAN, } v , JOHN VAUGHAN, j t,V ** Jan. 25.-4—tds. EXECUTOR’S SALE GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, Sept. Term, 1830. U PON the petition of Robert Evans, Adin’r. of the Estatcof Anderson Evans, deceased, stating that ho has well and truly Administered upon said estate, and praying to he dismissed from said Administration, it is ordercd,thnt publication be made of ibis rule agreea bly to law, and if no cause he slioivn to the contrary, letters will be granted after tho expiration of six months. A truo extract from the minutes, 7th Sept. 1830. GEORGE IIAWPE, Clk. Sept. 21.—38.—m6m. LEGAL NOTICES. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, January Term, 1831. O N the application of William N. Bishop stating to the Court, that in the life time of Richard Vena ble, lie purchased from him alllliat part of Lot No. 10, in the town of Gainesville, including all that part nf said Lot lying from one foot East of the chimney of n house belonging then toTrumnnKclIngg on the same lot, and to run parallel with the lines of a lot then occupied by Francis C. Andos, that is to say, the most northern and southern lines of said Lot, the Eastern and Western lines according to the course specified in the map nf said town nf Gainesville, and to include all tho said Lot not heretofore sold by Stephen Ricd, to Truman Kellogg, for which ho holds tho bond of said Richard Venable, in the penalty of eight hundred dollars, dated the 15th January 1828, a copy of which bond is filed in tho Clerk's office of this Court, to cause him to execute a fee simple title as aforesaid, and further, stating that Robt.Mitchell and Robert Venable are the only qualified executors on thcestatcof said Richard Venable,deceas ed, and the said applicant prays that an order may pass authorising and requiring the said Robert Mitchell and Robert Venable, executors aforesaid, to execoto titles according to the original Contract. It is therefore or dered, that the executors of the said Richard Venable do make said titles, according to the tenor and effect of said bond to the said William N. Bishop, unless suffi cient cause be shewn to tho contrary, within three months, or at the next term of this Court after the expiration of said three months. And it is further or dered, that a copv of this rule he published in the Athe nian once a month for three months. A true extract from the minutes this 7th day of January, 1831. GEORGE IIAWPE, c. c. o. Jan. 18.—3—m3m. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Superior Court, Sept, Term, 1830. Ann Higginbotham, Adm’x. of Samuel Higginbotham, dcc’d. Bill for Marshalling vs. James Long, F.t. Al. Jsstls, 4~e. I T having been stated to the Court, that the follow ing defendants to this Bill, to wit: Francis llnhson, James M. Cunningham, John Jordine, William Wil liamson, Daniel McGaliec, Milton 11. Gnlliright, Willis Towns, Oliver P. Shaw, William Montgomery, John Talmagc, Philip Ware, and llirain Atkinson, reside out oftlie county of Madison, it is ordered, that they »p- pear and file their answets, on nr before the first day of tho next term, and that a Copy of this rule he pub lished in the Athenian once a mouth until the next Term. The above order is truly copied from the minutes of said Court, tins 17thdaynf Sept. 1830. ISAAC N. CULBERTSON, Clk. October 5.—40—mGm. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. Jackson Superior Court, Term, 1830. Prossor Horton, 1 Fulcher Horton, | Thomas Price and wife, V /n Equity. Bill for f Dtsemnry, relief, ((C. I T appearing that some of tho defendants in the nbovccasc, to wit: James Hemphill, James Glenn and Sarah his wife, William Clemenla, Elijah Nunn and Nancy his wife, Itaac Carr and Pamcliu his wife, Washington Allen, Jerome T. Flanagin and William M. Flanagin, reside out of the county of Jackson, it is therefore ordered, that said defendants appear in said case nl the next term of said Court, and that the publi cation of this rule once a month for three months in the Athenian, bo deemed sufficient service. Chambers, 2Cth November, 1830. A. s. CLAYTON, J. S. C. A true copy from the original in the above caae, this 17th Dec. 1830. EDWARD ADAMS, Clk. Dec. 21.—51.—m3m. EXECUTOR’S POSTPONED SALE. W ILL bo aold, on Wednesday the 23d dayofFeb- ruary next, in the town or Monroe, all the Per- nimble Property belonging to the estate of Samuel Jack- son, late of Walton county, deceased. Terms made known on the day, and tlie sale to continue from day to day until all the property is soH. 7 JOHN JACKSON, F.x’r. Jan. II.—2—tdsv GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, Nor. Term, 1830. W HEREAS Pleasant Hulsey, Adin’r. of the Es tate of James Hulsey, dcc’d. applies to rne for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said estate: Ordered, that aftor the publication of this rule as prn scribed by law, tho said pleasant Hulsey will he dis missed, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, of which, all concerned, are hereby notified. A true extract from the minutes, this 2d Nov. 1830. GEORGE IIAWPE, c. c. o. Nov. 1C.—46—m6m. the last will and testament of John Milliean, late ofsaid county, deceased, a Tract ol Land containing one hund ml nnd twenty-five Acres, more or less, situated on Broad River in said county, and three Negroes, to wit: a negro woman by the nnme of Meg, about fifty years of age, Mary her daughter, about fourteen, and Lydia a daughter about eight or nine years of age; also, the Household and Kiteheu furniture. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. WILLIAM M1LLICAN, F.x’r. Feb. 1.—5—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. “WW^ILIs he sold, in Jefferson, Jackson county, on ¥ ¥ the first Tuesday in April next, agreeably to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court, one Lot of Land lying in said county, on the waters of Allen’s Fork, containing five hundred nnd fifty Acres, more or less, granted to David Peak. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors »*f «uitl dcceuscd. ELIJAH OLIVER, Adm’r, Fob. l.—5—tds. NEW YOKE MEDICAL ACADEMY. CIRCULAR. T HE happy effects of the .System of Pr.ic- lice, more especially of late, employed in the cure ol Diseases, are such as entitle it to a high rank among modern implements. The opinion long entertained in its fnvor, by many oftlie jodicimi*, u thorough ex perience has now demonstrated lobe well founded; and with tho number and variety of its .salutary achieve ments, its reputation is increasing. It must be evident to every discerning mind, that the present prevailing practice of medicine, which re jects this Botanical aid, is at variance with our nature and our happiness. MERCURY, the LANCET, nnd the KNIFE, are chiefly relied upon by Physicians and Surgeons of the present day, for the removal of almost all the diseases incident to the human body, notwithstanding the ef fects of these deleterious agents are evidently fatal to multitudes. Deeply impressed with these fact.--, and with a view of reforming the science and practiee of medicine, an individual in this city, in the year 1847, procured a lot of ground, and erected a Imndsomo and W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in April next, ror,v °nient edifice for an institution^ denominated the at Daniclsvillc, Madison county, agreeably to J r, iitcd States Infirmary, expressly for employing a re* formed system of Practice in the treatment ol diseases, the remedial sources being chiefly derived from tho productions of our own country. The course of treat ment adopted by this institution, was principally tho result of near forty years experience of a distinguished medical reformer; which course, we are happy to state, hah been crowned with success, and proved to*ademon stration, that, without Mercury, that boasted champion of the Materia Modicn, or other poisonous drugs, dis eases generally, may be cured by those more safe and salutary means which the God of Nature has so libe rally scattered around us. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Wade White, Administrator with the Will annexed on the estate of Francis Travlor, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said estate. These aro therefore to cite and admonish nil and sin gular the kindred and creditors of snid deceased, tobe and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under rny hand this 10th day of Dec. 1430. JOSEPH LIGON, o. c. c. < Dec. 14.—50—m6m. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. W HEREAS Elijah Radford, Adm’r. on tho estate of John McGuire, late of said county, deceas ed, apnlics to me for letters of Dismission from the fur ther administration of said estate : These ore therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gulur the kindred and creditorsof said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th day of Dec 1930. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. Dec. 14.—50.—6m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Robert Orr and Samuel Weaver, Executors of Hiram Howard, deceased, apply to ine for letters of Dismission from the further admin istration of said estate: These arc therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of *aid deceased, to bo and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th of Feb. 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o Feb. 8.—6—m6tn. GUARDIAN’S POSTPONED SALE. WKTII.Lhe sold on the first Tuesday in March V* next, agreeably to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Hull county, w hen sitting for or dinary purposes, at the Court-house in Zubiiloit, Pike county, a Lot of Land containing Two Hundred two and a half Acres, more or less, being No. Fifty-four (51) in the 9th District of, originally Monroe, now Pike county. Sold as the property of Jaekwon Grady, minor of Grigsby Grady, late of said county,deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM GRADY, Guardian. Dec. 2?.—52—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold at Monroe, Walton county, on the first Tuesday in March next, one Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of Land, being the north western half of Lot No. 25, in the 2d District of Walton county. Sold in pursuance of an order of the honorable the In ferior Court of said county, as the Real Estatoof Fran cis Shepherd, dcc’d. JOSEPH BANKS, Adm’r. Dec. 28.—52—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the In ferior Court of Oglethorpe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in March next, before the Court House door in the town of Lexington, in said county, all the Negroes belonging to the estate of Gen. Jno. Stewart, deceased, and that part ofhis Real Estate lying in said county, to wit: the plantation and adjoining lands on which the deceased died, and the following Negroes: Lindsey, a valuable carpenter; Jun, a smith; ami Isaac, Jack, Stephen, Washington, Nancy, Finch, Anns, Kitta and George, field and house hands. At the same time and place will be sold the residue of the Perishable Property not heretofore disposed oC Term* made known on the day of sola. 7 GEORGE II. YOUNG, Adm’r Jin. ll.-2-tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W IM. Ire sold, at the lato residence or Jn.vliun Sorrow, deceased, in Madison county, on Mon day. the 21*1 day ol" February next, all the persnnul property belonging to tho emote of eaid deceased.— Terme made known on the Huy of sale. WILLIAM 11. BAKNF.TT, Adm’r. Jan. II.—2—Ida. J]J!OL'R months after dale application will he made to the honorable the Inferior Court ofOlark coun ty, when silting for ordinary nurposo., Ibrtoavc to sell the Real Estate belonging tu the eatate Imtii, late of said count v, deceased. FRANCIS IRWIN, ABNER GRAHAM, Nov. 0.—44—w4m. s of Andrew G-a- Adinr'a F OUR months after date application will, lie made to tho hnnorsblo the Inferior Court of Jai keen county, when sitting for ordinary pnrpnaea, for leavoto sell the Real Estate and Negroes, belonging to the estate of Samuel Willingham, late of aaid county, de ceased. IIF.NDERSON WILLINGHAM, ) . , , WILLIS WILLINGHAM, JAdmra. Oct. 26.—43-w4m. F OUR Months after date application will he made to tne honorable the Inferior Couit of Madison county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave lo sell the Real Estato belonging to ihe estate of Joshua .Sorrow, late of said county, deceased. WILLIAM II. BARNETT, Adm’r. Jan. 11.—2—w4in. F OUR Months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Clark Co. when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a tract of Land, number —, in tho 18th district of Lee county, and number — in the 5th district of Muscogee county ; also a negro woman named Phillis, belonging to the estato of Barton Hamilton, lato of aaid county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditor!! of said deceased. MARY HAMILTON, > r KITTY HAMILTON, j llXC *’ Jan. II.—2—w4m. F OUR months after date application will he made to the lion, the Infcrioi Court of Madison coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Joseph Allbright, latenfsaid county, deceased. REUBEN SIMMONS, Adm’r. Jan. 18.—3—w4m. F OUR months after date application will he made to the honorable tho Inferior Court of llall coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purpose?*, for leave to tell Lot of Land No. 152, in the 15lh District of Muscogee conutv, being the property of Elizabeth Fisher, deceas ed. * V. JOHNSON, Adm’r. Jan. 25.—4—w4m. f J20UR months after date applicotion will be made ; to tho honorable the Inferior Court of Franklin •onty, when sitting for ordinary pnrposrs, for leave to II Lot N<>. 34, in the 4th District of Habcndinm county; snid Lot of Land being a part of the Real Es* tato of John Mills, deceased. NANCY* MILLS, Adm’x. Jan. 25.—4—w4m. f TIOL'R months after date application will In? made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for oidionry purpuHcn, for Isnve to sell u tract of land lying in the county of Franklin, whereon Col. Russel Jones, late of said county, de- cea«»d, last resided. Also, otic Negro Woman and Child, belonging to the estate of said deceased. RUSSEL JONES, Ex’r. FcU 15.—7—wlm. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS Mary McMillan and lames M’Millnn apply to me for letters of Administration on the estate ol James McMillan, late of said county, de ceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said general letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 27tli day of Jan. 1931. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. Feb. 1.-5.-30J CAUTION. W HEREAS my wife Polly Monn his left my bed and hoiril, this is to forbid all persons from harboring or trusting boron niv arcount, as I shall pay IJO drbtsnfhorcO'ilracting. WILLIAM H. MOON.- Coweta, IVb. 15. 1831-7-Jt. Animated by tho p:iHt success, ami with the hope of henefitting future generations, an irrepressible rlusiin has been fell, that measures commensurate with the importance oftlie object, should be taken to promul gate this valuable system of practice, and thereby ini- provo and reform the noble und inipoi taut science of medicine. After reflecting for yenrs on the most prudent and successful method of effecting so desirable an object, it bos been deemed expedient to establish a Medical School, with competent teachers; where students may receive board and education,until they arc fully quali fied to practice in the various branches of the Di aling Art, upon the reformed system. We ore now happy to announce that a building for such on institution fan been erected, tod opened for the reception of students, who can commence at any period. The building is large and commodious, situated in Emrmgo-streel, between Grand and Hroome-strrcte, adjoining the present United Slates Infirmary, it is in a healthy and retire.] part of the city, and Iml been completed at a groat espouse. The following branches are taught by Lectures, Ret citations, Examinations, ami suitable Text books .— 1. Anatomy, 2. Surgery. 3. Theory and Practice of Physic. 4. Midwifery, and Diseases of Woman and Children. 5. Materia Modics, and Practical Botany. 6. Chemistry and Pharmacy. The benefits to bn derived by an attendance at thia Institution will, we trust, be duly appreciated by those who wish to acquire a correct knowledge of tho Heal- ingArt. Here tho student will lie taught nil tho mo dern practice which is deemed necessary, in addition to tho Botanical; nnd iu consequence ofhis residing in the Institution, and pursuing a systematic course of studies, combining each ot those departments, he may acquire a knowledge of both in a short spare of time, and at a very amall expense, in comparison to that of other Medical Institutions. There being nn Infirmary contracted with the Acade my, the students will have the benefit of Clinical prac tice, by whicli the experimental part of medicine will be acquired with the theory. There will be no specified time to complete a Conran of study, but whenever a student is qualified to puss an examination, lie will receive a Diploma. Some will require one yesr, othcra two or more ycari, to com plete their studies. For the information of aome, wa wish to slits, that this system of Practice ia essentially different from that disseminate! by Dr. Samuel Thompson. REQUISITIONS. The qualifications for admission into the School w ill be:—]. A certificate of good moral character.—2. A good English education. TERMS. 1. The prirenf qualifying a person for practice io |250. One half payable in advance, or at tho lime o| entering the school; and the other half at the expira tion or cluae of his studies,or before a Diploma ia grant ed. A deduction of 825 will be made to those who pay the whole turn in advance. 2. Board (being an extra charge) is J2 SO par wash, payable weekly or quarterly. 3. Each student must supply himself with Books, Bed and Bedding. A liberal allowance will be mado to thoiein indigent circumstances. ?trP*-Wn have the pleasure to annnunea that our school is now fast filling up, and is in successful opera tion; and that there is an opening in every section ol the L'nitcii States, fir those educated in its Principle* and Practice. Those wishing further information, by address iug it letter, post paid, to the Subscriber, will receive a publication, giving an account of Ihe riaa, progress, and present state of Ihe above Inatitution. W. BEACH. -VVic York. M.rrh 10,—12—letgsl, GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. W HEREAS David Lanier applies to me for let. tors of administration on the estate of Willia llopge, la'c of said county, deceased. These are therefore to rite end admonish ad and sin gular the kindred and creditors of ssid deceased, to be and appear at my nliice within Ihe lime prescribed by law, In shew cause if any they hive, why said letten should not he granted. Given under tnv hand thia 19th Jan. 1(31. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. Jan. 25.—4—30. GEORG I IT JACKSON COUNTY. W TIIF.RF.AS Samuel llay applies to ma for lei. tersof Administration, de bonis non on tho I’alate of James Hay, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admnaisb ell and tin- gular, the kindred and creditor! of aaid deceased, to lie ami appear at my office within tho time prescribed by law, to aheweauao, if any they have, why said lot. ters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 20th day of January 18]|. Feb. 8-6 EDWARD ADAMS, c. c. o. Blanks of all descriptions for sale at this Office.