The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, March 08, 1831, Image 1

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The Athenian. “ Q.UOT HOMINES TOT 8EMTEATl&.—(lUID DEMt QUID -Y0.Y DEM? REJfUIS TU, QUOD JUDET JILTED." VOL. V. ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1831. PUBLISHED EVERT TUESDAY, BY o. P. SHAW. JVo. 10. Team.—'Three dollars per year, payable in advance, „ r Foir dollars if delayed to the end of the year. The ;,ltcr amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to meet their payments in advance. \o subscription received for less than one year, un less the money is paid in advance; and no paper n ill be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher.—A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be con •ideredas equivalent to a new engagement, and papers •eiit accordingly. AnveaTiseHKNTS will be inserted at the usual rates. All Letters to the Editor qn matters connected with the establishment, must be post paid in order to secure attention. ’C3» Notice of the sale of Laud and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, nr Guardians, must be publish ed sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, must be published forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published four months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must be published f Airly days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. Ono Hundred Acres of Land, more or less whereon William Wallis now lives : levied on as the property of William Wallis, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. one in favor of P. J. Murray and others, vs. said Wal lis. Levy matlu and returned to me by a Constable. Three Acres of Land, more or less, in the suburbs of of Gainesville, whereon Collins Smith now lives : levied on as the property of William Laden, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of J. W. Jones & Co. vs. ssid Laden. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. March I. A. CHASTAIN, D. Sh’ff. J ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday, in APRIL next, will be add, at the Court-House in the, town of Jefferson, Jaekaon county, within the uaual houraof sale, the following property, to wit: Three Hundred Acres of Land, more or leas, adjoining Haya and others : levied on aa the pro perty of leaac Rawla, sen. to satisfy twofi. faa. one in favor of Ebenezer Newton, vs. said Rawls, the other in favor of Isaac Rawla, jun. vg.aaid Isaac sen. One Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, morn or less, adjoining Wilson : levied on as the pro perty of Elijah Bearden, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John H. Lofvc, vs. said Bearden. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. Jackson Superior Court, Term, 1830. Prossor Horton, j 1 Fletcher Horton, j Thomas Price and wife, t , _ , Vi ’ > fn Equity. Hill for The Executors and Legatees | Discovery, relief, Sfe. of Prostor Horton, deceased. J I T appearing that some of the defendants in the above case, to wit: James Hemphill, Junes Glenn and Sarah his wife, William Clements, Elijah Nunn *JJ“ "“fey his wife, Isaac Carr and Paimlia his wife, Washington Allen, Jerome T. Flansgin and William M. Fmnaoin, reside out of the county of Jackson, it is therefore ordered, that aaid defendants appear in said case at the next term of said Court, and that the publi cation of this rule oneea month for three months in the Athenian, be doomed sufficient eervice. Chambers, 26th November, 1830. A. S. CLAYTON, J. S. C. .A hj* copy from the original in the above case, this 17th Dec. 1830. „ „ EDWARD ADAMS, Clk, Dee. *1—51.—m3m. GUARDIAN’S SALE. A GRF.EABLY to on order of the honorable the In- ^• f'ujor Court of Walt,in countv, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in May next, at tlie Court House In Morgan count y, the whole of the interest in and to a ,7 ln E in said county, belonging to Mary andI Lfhah Park, orphans. Sold for the benefit of said orphans. Terms made known on the day of sale, u. - . " 'LEV SWINNEY, Guard. March 1.—9—Ids. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold, in Jefferson, Jackson county, on the first Tuesday in April next, agreeably to an order of the honorable the luferior Court, one Lot of Land lying in said county, on the waters of Allen’s Pork, containing five hundred and fifty Acres, more or lose, granted to David Peak. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of aaid deceased. _ . ELIJAH OLIVER, Adm' Feb. 1.—5—Ids. Spring Goods. IJUIE Subscriber* are now receiving their supply S P RIN a DRY GOODS, Comprising a largo and Gcnoral Assortment: which they offer at low prices. Augusts, March 1.—9-61. JOHN EDGAR & Co. SfLtSTFFS’ S ATjBS. C LARK SHERIFF’S SALE—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, at the Court House in the town of W’atkinsville, Clark county, within the lawful hours pf sale, the following property, to wit: Throe Hundred and Eighty Acros of Land more or less, lying on the waters of Call’s Creek, ad joining Mrs. Harris, Gerrsld and others, whereon Mrs. Gresham now lives. Also, two Negroes, Lucy a wo man about forty-five years of age, and Susan a girl about eleven years of age, two cows, ono while, the other a reddish color, one settee, two tables,one dozen esse knives and forks, ono carving knife and fork, ten tumblers, half dozen large wine glasses, half dozen email wine glasses, three decanters, one dozen small gloss plates, four butter plates, two fruit dishes, one cellcr stand, two sugar dishes, one tea pot and plate, three cream pots, two salt cellars, five cups, siz sau cers, finir cup plates, one bowl, two glass pitchers, four sets plates, five dishes, five tin waiters, five baking pans, three candlesticks, one pair andirons, shovel ana tonga, two jars, one cedar pail, one pine piggin, three pole axes, one broad axe, four bedsteads, four cords, three split mats, one pair wagon harnesa, three collars, Sdagon ploughs with stocks, five buxzard ploughs with stocks, one schooler plough and stock, three chairs,one mittoc, one weeding hoe, one shovel, ono spade, five achooter plough hoea, two buzzard plough hoea, five shovel plough hoes, one dagon plough hoc, two bolts, one pair licmi, one pair steelyards, five clevises, two stay chains, one pair compaiees, ono coupling bolt, two pots, one oven, one spider, one trying pan, one pair pot hooks, one gridiron, one wagon trough, one wash aland: levied on aa theproperly of William T. Brown, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Stewart & Hargraves and other fi. fas. vs. said William T. Brown. One Grey Horse, eleven or twelve years old, with a small blemish in his left eye : levied on as the properly of James M. Daveraon, to satiafy a fi. fa. in favour of George W. Moore, vs. said Daveraon. Pro perty pointed out by Joshua G. Moore. Ono House and Lot in the town of Wat- kinsville, adjoining lots of Moore, Billups and ethers, whereon Bryant Conley now lives: levied on as the properly of William James, to satisfy afi.fa. in favorof Robert R. Harden, vs. said James. Levymadc by G. W. Meriwether, my predecessor in office. One small four wheel Wagon, ono dark brown Horse, ono eye out, ten years old, and ono bay mare about six years old : levied on as the property of Moses H. Cogburn, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor ef Mur ray A Humphries, vs. said Cogbutn. “ ■ ■ -1 Out by dclcndaat. One Hundred and five Acres of Land,more or lest, lying on the waters of the Appalatcbie River, adjoining Kidgway, Jackson and others, wheroon La tin Lcgg now lives : levied on as the property of Sam’I Thomas, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor ot James Meriwe ther, adm'r. Ac. vs. 3amucl Thomas and John W. Thomas. March I. ISAAC S. VINCENT, D. Sh’fT. One Negro man by the name of Tom : levied on aa the property of John Barker, to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of Thomas G. Janes, vs. said Barker. March 1. BARNABAS BARRON, D. S. M AD/SON Sheriff’s Sale-—On the first Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold at the Court-House in the town of Danielsvillo, Madison, county, within the uitlgl hours of sale, the following proporly, to wit: One sorrel Horse, eight or nino years did, also, a Rifle Gun, .Moulds and Wipers, levied on as the property of Thomas Treble, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of Berry G. Tillman and othe rs. RICHARDSON HANCOCK, D. Sh’flf. Feb. 22. R ABUN Sheriff’s 8ale.—On the first Tuesday in APRIL next, will bo sold at the Court-house in the town of Clayton, Rabun cOu'nty, within the usual houraof isle, the following property, to wit: The interest of Lew Scis D.ra left to the improvement on Lot No..14, in the third District of Rab tin county. Also, the improvement whereon Isaac Sanders lives, in the 4th DistrictofRabun county : le vied on aa tho property of said Scarlet, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of the officers of Court, va. Lewis D. Scarlet. Property pointed out by Samuel Farris. March 1. JOHN C. MILLER, Sh’ff. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS John Floyd, Administrator of the Estate of Richard Stewart, jato of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the fcirthor administration of said Estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at,my office within the lime prescribed by law, to shew pause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band this 13th day of Sept. 1830. JOSEPH LIGON, d. c. c. o. Sept. 14.—35.—m6m. R ABUN Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold at the Court-houae in the town of Clayton, Rabun county, within the uauai hours of sale, tho following property, to wit .- Lot of Land No. 33, in the 1st District of Rabun county: levied on as the property of Elizabeth Wcstimicr, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Baldwin Su- icrior Court in favour of John Crowder, agent Ike. va. Elizabeth Wcstimicr, John Westimier, Samuel M.and Jacob Mordian, securities. Property pointed out by Turner H. Trippe. March 1. JAMES BLECKLEY, D. Sh’fT. LEGAL NOTICES. C LARK Sheriff’s Sale.—On tho first Tuesday in MAY next, will be aold at the Court-House in the town of Watkineville, Clark county, within the uaual hours of sale, tho following piopcrty, to wit: One Negro woman by the namo of Mary, about thirty years of age: levied on as the property of William T. Brown, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in fa vor of Heard & Cook, va. said Brown. Properly poin ted out in said fi. fa. March, t. ISAAC S. VINCENT, D. Sh’fT. H ALL SherifPs Sale.—On the first Tues day in APRIL next, will be sold, at the Court Houso in the Town of Gaineevillc, Hall county, within the usual houra of sal* the following property, to wit: One tract of Land containing two Hundred Acres, more or less, lying on the waters of the Mulbu- ry fork of the Oconee River, adjoining lands of M’Con- nell, M'Culchen and others, granted to .fames Cleg- born : levied on as the property of Rcbeeca Scott, to satisfy aundry fi. faa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Hall county in favorof Jeaie Vanwinkle and others, v*. Simeon Christian and Rebecca Scott. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. One tract of Land No. 55, in the 10th Dis trict of HalUounty, containing two Hundred and fifty Acres, more or less: levied on as the property of Da vid Henry, to satisfy aundry fi. faa. issued from a Jus tice’s Conrt in Wilkes county, in favor of R. Booker and others, vs. David Henry. Levy mods and returned to me by a Constable. March L JACOB EBEEHART, Sh’ff ALL Sheriff** Sale.—On the first Tuea- day in APRIL next, will be aold, at the Conrt House in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the uaual houra of sale, the following property, to wit: One bnv Mare, eight or nine years old : le- vied on as the property of Ezekiel Panler, to satisfy a fi. fa in favor of J. IV. Jones, & Co. and the officereof Court, ra. George F. Fielding and Excktel Penter, ae- eerily. Property pointed out by Panter. One Lot of Land No. 30, in the 10th Dis- Met of Hall county i levied on aa tbeproperty of Isaac Witch, to satisfy two fi. faa. issued ftom a Justice* Court in Monroe county, va. said AVilcb. Levy made |sd returned to me by a Constable. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, January Term, 1831. O N the application of William N. Bishop slating to the Court, that in the life timo of Richard Vena ble, ho purchased from him all that part of Lot No. 10, in tho town of Gainesville, including all that part of said Lot lying from one foot East of the chimney of a Property pointed houeebelongingihentoTrumenKelloggonthesamelot, and to run parallel with the lines of a lot then occupied by Francis C. Andoe, that is to say, tho moat northern and southern lines of said Lot, the Eastern and Wcatem lines according to the course specified in the map of said town of Gainesville, and to include all tho aaid Lot not heretofore sold by Stephen Ricci, to Truman Kellogg, for which he holds the bond of aaid Richard Venable, in tho penalty of eight hundred dollars, dated the 15th January 1828, a copy of which bond ia filed in the Clerk's office of this Court, to cause him to execute a fee simple title as aforesaid, and further, stating that Robt.Mitchell and Robert Venable are the only qualified executors on tho estate of said Richard Venable,deceas ed, and the aaid applicant prays that an order may pass authorising and requiring the said Robert Mitchell and Robert Venable, executors aforesaid, to executo titles according to the original Contract. It is therefore or dered, that the executors of the aaid Richard Venable do make aaidtitlea, according to the tenor and effect of said bond to the aaid William N. Bishop, unless suffi cient cause be shewn to the contrary, within three months, or at the next term of thia Court after the expirationofsaidthreemonths. And it is further or dered, that a copy of this rule bo published in the Athe nian once a month for three months. A true extract from the minutes this 7th day of January, I83J. GEORGE HAIVPE, c. c Jan. 18.—3—m3m. H GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Superior Court, Sept. Term, 1830. Ann Higginbotham, Adm’x. of 1 Samuel Higginbotham, dee’d. I m f „ M „, ming James Long, Et. Al. J Assets, S;c. r ' having been stated to the Conrt, that the follow ing defendants to thia Bill, to wit: Francis Hobson, James M. Cunningham, John Jordine, William AVil- liamnon, Daniel McGahee, Milton H. Gathright, Willis Towns, Oliver P. Shaw, William Montgomery, John Talmage, Philip Ware, and Hiram Atkinson, reside out ofthe county of Madison, it is ordered, that they ap pear and file their answers, on or before the first day ofthe next term, and that • Copy of this rule be pub lished in the Athenian once a month until tho next Term. The above order ia truly copied from the minutes of said Court, thia ITtbday of Sept. 1830. ISAAC N. CULBERTSON, Clk. October 5.—40—tn6m. EXECUTOR’S SALE. 4 GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the In ferior Court of Habersham county, whan titling for ordinary purposes, will be sold, at Clartteaville, Habersham county, on the first Tuesday in April next, all the Real Estate of Georgs Vaughan, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heir*. Terms mtde known on the day of sale. BENJAMIN VAUGHAN, \ P _„; JOHN VAUGHAN, J Jan. 85.—4—tdx. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, Sept. Term, 1830. U PON the petition of Robert Evans, Adm’r. ofthe Eatateof Anderson Evans, deeeasod, staling that lie hat well and truly Administered upon said estate, and praying to be dismissed from aaid Administration, it is ordered,that publication be made of thia rule agreea bly to law, and if no cause be shown to the contrary, lottora will be granted after the expiration ofaix months. A true extract from the minutes, 7th Sept. 1830. GEORGE HAVVPE, Clk. Sept. 21.— 38.—m6m. EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL ho sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at Danielsvillo, Madison county, agreeably to the Inst will and testament of John Millican, late of fluid county, deceased, a Tract ol Land containing one hund red and twenty-five Acros, more or less, situated o Broad River in said county, and throe Negroes, to wit. a negro woman by tho name of Mog, about fifty yoy* »f ago, Mary her daughter, about fourteen, and Sidney a daughter about eight or nine years of age; also, the Household and Kitchen furniture. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. JAMES MILLICAN, Ex’r. Feb. l.—S—tde. EXECUTOR’S SALE. F ROM an order of the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, will bo sold in the village of Cainphelllon, Campbell county, on the first Tuesday in May next, lot of Laud No. 90, first Carroll, now Campbell countv, drawn by Philip Wray. Sold for the benefit of tho lietra of said deceased. Terms madeknuwn on thedav ■*1®. T. N. POULLAIN, ) „ , „ THOMAS WRAY, J E * ra ’ Feb. 22.—8—Ida. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, Nov. Term, 1830. W HEREAS Ploasant Hulsey, Adm'r. ofthe Es tate of Janies Hulsey, dcc’d. applies tome for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said estate: Ordered, thet after the puo'Jtcatiort of tbi# rtilo as pre scribed by law, the aaid pleasant Hulioy will be dis missed, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, of which, all concerned, are hereby notified. A true extract from the minutes, this 2d Nov. 1830. GEORGE HAWPE, c. c. o. Nov. 16.—46—m6m. F OUR months after date application will be made to the honorable tho Inferior Court ofClark coun ty, when silting for ordinary purposes, fortlcave to sell the Real Estate belonging tothe estate of Andrew Gra ham, lalo of said county, deceased. FRANCIS IRWIN, ) ABNER GRAHAM, < Nov. 9.—44—w4m. AdmrY F OUR Months after date application will bo made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Madison county, when sitting for ordinary purpoaea, for leave to sell the Real Estate belonging to tho estate of Joshua Sorrow, ial* of said county, deceased. WILLIAM II. BARNETT, Adm’r. Jan. 11.—2—w4m. F OUR Months after dale, application will be made to the honorable tho Inferior Court of Clark Co. GEORGIA. CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Wade White, Administrator with the Will annexed on the estate of Francis Traylor, dacM „ d for , )le boilcf „ lhe hcir , and YridlVoro of deceased, applies to mo for letter, of Dismission from Mid dece ’ ai( . d . MARY HAMILTON, > p tho further administration ofsatd estate. I KITTY HAMILTON j F-xt’x. when aitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a tract of Land, number—, in the lSih district of Lee county, and number — in the 5th district of Muscogee county; also a negro woman named Phillis, belonging to the estate of Barton 'Hamilton, late of said county, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tobe and appear at my office within the timo prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand this lOthdayofDcc. 1430, JOSEPH LIGON, D. c. c. Dec. 14.—50—m6tn. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. W HEREAS Elijah Radford, Adm’r. on tho estate of John McGuire, Into of said county, deceas ed, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the fur ther administration of said estate : These are therefore tociteand admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why aaid letters should not bo granted. Given under my band this 7th day of Dee 1830. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. Dee. 14.—50.—6m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Robert Orr and Samuel Weaver, Executors of Hiram Howard, deceased, apply to me for letters of Dismission from tits further admin istration of aaid estate: These aro therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin gular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, <vlty said Letters should not be granted. Given under my band thia 7th of Feb. 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, e. e. o. Feb. 8.—6—mSm. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. W HEREAS David Lanier applies to me for let ters of administration on the estate of Willis Hogge, late of aaid county, deceased. These ate therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of aaid deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed b) law, to ahew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 19th Jan. 1831. JESSE MITCHELL, e. e. o. Jan. 25.—4—30. Jan. 11.—2— w4m. F OUR momliB after date application will be made tothe Hon. the Inferior Cuurtof Madison coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave tosoll the Real Estate of Joseph Allbright, late ofsuid county, deceased. REUBEN SIMMONS, Adm’r. Jan. 18.—3—w4tn. JVO TARIFF OF PRICES. FREE TRADE. E ART II EN-WARE, Looking Glasses, &c. Th os. J. Barrow & Co. Importers, 88 iVater- Street, New-York. OFFER FOR SALE, T HE largest and most complete assortment of Ets- thenware, Glass, China, plain and gilt Looking Glasses, Ac. which the New-York market will afford, comprising every style and variety of tha newest pat- terns. They return their moat cordial thanks to their friends in ilia Southern States, for their support in tho Jrrsecution now rarrying on against them, lor their r»- i ussl to join a combination in fixing one U.ilTcf price, for Crockery, throughout the trade. It is mainly at tributable to the mfluenroofbur Southern friends that wa have been enabled to survive thus far, in thia moat trying situation ; excised to tho combined influence and capital of the whole trade, endeavoring to effect our ruin and cxpnlsingfrom business. IFe pledge cur- selves to our friends to give them every satisfaction incur power as regards the quality of our goods, lit excellence qf ■rur packers, and the lowness our prices fir Cash or City ■Iceeptances; end in return, solicit from them a continu ance of their patronage, and particularly request thuso who have influence with their friends to exert it in our behalf, as wc trust the cause is one tboy are all inter ested in, and much benefit will accrue to us from their friendly acts in this way. • It has been aaid, the Com bination was broken up. As it regards prices, thia i. true, and all, tor think, friends or foes tew allow that us have effected this change; but we do assure our friends, that at no period since we conimonccd our system of unshackled prices were wa in greater went of assis tance than st the preaent moment. This combination qf men are leaving no means untried for effecting our ruin, that they may revive the old system; our credit and ch*. racter are assailed in every shape, our importation, waylaid and stopped in every instance where threat, are sufficient to intimidate themanufiicturers from sup plying Us.—In lino, no vexation or trouble which tb* malice of men could devise, has been neglected in thia a le to subdue ua. Wo once more call upon ever. of a freo trade to come up to our support, nui pledge ourselves to give them no cause to repent of their liberality. T. J. BARROW & Co. „ t 88 IFotrr. Street, tAroe Old Slip. Feb. 1.—5—tf. F OUR months after dale application will bo mado to the lionoraliln tho InferiurCourt of llsll coun ty. when aitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot of Land No. 152, in the 15tl> District of Muscogee county, being the proper!^of Elizabeth Fisher, deceas ed. V. JOHNSON, Adm’r. Jan. 25.—4—w4m. F OUR months after data applicali to tho honorable the Inferior Court of Franklin :alion will he made to tho honorable the county, when sitting for ordinary proposes, for leave to sell Lot No. 34, in the 4th District of Haboraham county; aaid Lot of Land being a part of tho Real Ea- tate ofjohn Mills, deceased. NANCY’MILLS, Adm’x, Jan. 25.—4—w-4m. F OUR months after date application will bo made to the honorable tho Inferior Court of Jaekaon county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a tract of land lying in the county of Franklin, whereon Col. Russel Jones, late of said county, de ceased, last resided. Also, one Negro Woman and Child, belonging to the estate of said deceased. RUSSEL JONES, Ex’r. Feb. 15.—7—w4m. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W THEREAS Samuel Hay applies to mo (or let ters of Administration, da bonis non on the Estate of James Hay, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and tin- julir, the kindred and creditors of aaid deceased, to is and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to ahew cause, if any they have, why aaid let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand thia 20th day of January 1831 Fab. 8-6 EDWARD ADAMS, c. c. o. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be aold on the drat Tuesday in May next, agreeably to an order of the honorable the In- ferior Court of Oglethorpe county when aitting for or dinary purpoaea, at the Court House in aaid county, a Tract of Land, containing fifty-five Acre*, more or loss, adjoining John Buaben and others, being part of th* Real Estate of Jacob Buaben, late of Mid county, do. ceased. Sold for the benefit of the beira and creditors of Aaid deceased. PHILIP H. BUBFORD, Adm’r. Feb. 22.-8-td*. FLaAsHTBRS HOTEL. GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA. T UB Subscriber having purchased the establish ment heretofore occupied by Capt. J. W. Shaw in this place, has opened it aa a House of Entertain, ment for travellers and hoarders, where he hopes to be able by his own personal attention to business,to render general satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. Tha Planter’s Hotel ia situated on a beauti ful eminence at the corner ofthe Public Square, North of the Court-houae. The village is situated in a high healthy country, and is rapidly improving, and in the immediate vicinity ofthe guld'Rcgton, where perhaps parsons from the lower part of the State, would do aa well to spend a part of their time in the aummer, aa by travelling in the north through a people, who are con stantly reviling and slandering them. L. CLEVELAND. Jan. 25.—4—if. JUST RECEIVED BY Richards & GanahL AT THEIR Book, Stationary, and Musical Start, No. 293, Broad-Street, A large surfLT or tub following wonxs; ■> Mercer’s Cluster, Methodist Hymns,Zion’s Songster, Family Bibles, ol all descriptions, Pocket do. do. Wyeth & Smith’s, and Settel’s Music, Woodbridgc’e, Cumming’e, Smyley’a, Adams’, Mona’S, and Willard’s Geography and Atlas, Murray’s Grammar, Reader, Key, and Exercise, Smyley's A lUmley’s Federal Calculator, Ptko and Daboll’a Arithmetic, Walker’s Dictionary, With a full supply of all other Sehool, Classical Miscellaneous, Law and Medical BOOKS. THEY HAVE ON HAND ABOUT 1,200 Reams of Foolscap, Letter and other Paper, 40,000 Quills, of various quaiitiea, 200 dozen Webster’s Spelling Books, SO Gross Al manors, for 1831; And a large stock of BLANK BOOKS, of every dSo scription. Also, a good supply of Violins, Flutes, Clarionettf, Guitars, sin! Fifes; slid * good assortment of Fitno and Guitar Music. And also, a large assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, warranted fresh from the Shaken. fCT* Country merchants are invited to call and **• amine for themselves. They will find their stock com- pleta and good, and aa cheap m they can be sold in the southern country. IC7 3 All orders wilt bo punctually attended to. Augoita, Dec. 28—52—121. Mt LAFAYETTE HALL, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. HE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that tho above es tablishment has been taken by him, where Travellers and Boarders with or without Families, can at elf times be accom modated. PF.TEK J. WILLIAMS. P. S. Gentlemen having business witli the Cenlnl Bank nr Treasurer, will find the Cashier and Treasu rer at Lafayette Hall. Milledgeville, Jan. 18.—3— 8t. NOTICE. T HE person who borrowed a pair of saildle-baga from this office some few months back, but who neglected to return thpm, will be liberally lewsrded by Issnog thorn again at this office. Feb. 82. TO MECHANICS. P ROPOSALS will be received bv the Prudential Committee until the firat Monday in April next, to rebuild the College Edifice lately burnt down, at Athens. And to tho end that Mechanics may know what is required lobe done, we invito them to an in spection ofthe present rain, and to a further communi cation with the Committee on any .object connected with tha above otyect. In the firat placa .it must bo understood, that the propositions made, will not ba binding, either to tha proposer or the Committee, a* the same will have to be laid before a full meetingofth* Board of Trustees at the time aforesaid, subject to tbair ratification or such alterations as they maybe pleased to mak*. With thia understanding, it is requested that the proposer will slate the lowest sum for which b* will restore the Edifice to its former situation in oS rs- speets. Then wlist deductions will ba made, 1st toy omitting the mantle prices, which before were of the same kind of those in the old College. 2d. For chang ing the Pannel into ballon doors. 3d. For omitting the small bed rooms attached tothe diningrooms. 4th, For omitting one of thedoaeta in ■be jama ofibecbin* nies, and 5th. what difference will be made in the ceil ing or plastering ever head. Th* Edife* it ia expected will be rebuilt as strong aa it was beforo^nd in ■ work manlike manner, and to this cod, when the building ia finally let, bond and security will baisqsitet'Asus L tilding is much wanted, the shortness oftimein which will be completed, will be a great object in deciding t propositions. Tha payments required most aba bestatod. A. S. CLAYTON, JAMES NE8BIft a. walker/; . TYM. H. JACKSON, Jan. 85.—4 Prudential CeonnWre. v V