The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, March 29, 1831, Image 1

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% The Athenian. “ Q.UOT HOMINES TOT SEAT.ENTIRE.—QUID OEM 1 QUID NON OEM/ RENUIS TU, QUOD JUEET ALTER." VOL. V. ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1831. No. 13; “"published EVERY TUESDAY, BV O.P. SHAW. Three dollars per year, payable in advance, c!,,, r dollars if delayed to the end of the year. The ?'f nm onnt will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, un- , he money is paid in advance ; and no paper will L liseoidinucd until all arrearages are paid, except at b u ' lotion of the publisher.— A failure on the part of lh Llribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish. ‘“^ accompanied with the amount due, will be con eidcred as equivalent to a new engagement, and papers ’^nveariteMBSTS will be inserted at the usunl rates. , [.otters to the Kditor on matters connected with the establishment, niust be post paid in order to ’“^“Noticeofthe saleof T.aod and Negroes by Ad- ninisirators, Executors, nr Guardians, must be publish. ' 1 tirtv days previous to the day of sale. The sale*of Personal Piaiperty, in like manner, must be published forty days previousto theday of sale. b Entice to debtors and creditors of an csta .e must be ^Notice Oia' J Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell I.and or Negroes, must Entice that "Application will be made lor Letters of Administration, must be published tAirly days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. Qn«j Hundred Acres of Land, more or loss whereon William Wallis now lives : levied on as the property of William Wallis, to satisfy sundry fi. fax. one in favor of P. J. Murray and others, vs. said W’al- lis. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Three Acres of Land, more or less, in the suburbs of of Gainesville, whereon Collins Smith now lives : levied on as the property of William Laden, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of J. W. Jones & Co. vs. said Laden. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. March 1. A. CHASTAIN, D. Sh’ff. SHERIFFS’ SAVtES. C l LARK SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be J B old, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, at the Court House in the town of H atkinsville, Clark county, within the lawful hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Three Hundred and Eighty Acres of Land, more or less, lying on the waters of Call's Creek, ad joining Mrs. Harris, Gerrald and others, wheienn Mrs Gresham now lives. Also, two Negroes Lury a wo- man nbnot forty-five years of age, and Susan a girl about eleven years of age, two cows, one white, the other a reddish color, one Beltee, two tables,one dozen case knives and forks, one carving knife and fork, ten tumblers, half dozen large wine glasses, half dozen small wine glasses, three decanters, one dozen small glass plates, four butter plates, two fruit dishes, one ccller stand, two sugar dishes, one tea pot and plate- three cream pots, two salt cellars, five cups, six sau errs four cup plates, one bowl, two glass pitchers, four sets'plates, five dishes, five bn .-iters, five baking order stand! two sugar dishes, one tea pot and plate, to wit: c '*Hue runs, six sau- Xho interest of Low Scis D.ra lett to the improvement on Lot No. 14, in tho third District of Rabun county. Also, the improvement whereon Isaac Sanders lives, in the 1th District of Rabun county : le vied on as the property of said Scarlet, to satisfy a fi. fa. ill favour of the officers of Court, vs. Lewis D. Scarlet, roperty pointed out by Samuel Farris. March 1. JOHN C. MILLER, Sh’ff. nans three candlestick’s, one pair andirons, shovel and tones, two jars, one cedar paif, one pine P'8gm, three pole axes, one broad axe, four bedsteads, four co , thUe split mats, one pair wagon harness, t hree collars, 8d..aon ploughs with stocks, five buzzard ploughs with sleeks, one schooler plough and stock, three chairs,one maltoc, one weeding hoe, one shovel, one spade, five schooler plough hoes, two buzzard plough hoes, five shovel plough hoes, one dagnn plough hoe two bolls one pair hems, one pair steelyards, five clevises, two Slav chains, one pair compasses, one coupling bolt, two pots, one oven, one spider, one trying pan, one pair not hooks, one gridiron, one wagon trn"2h. "ash Stand - levied on as the properly of William T. Brown, “' satisfy afi. fa. in favour of Stewart & Hargraves and other fi. fas. vs. said iVilhain T. Brown. One Grey Horse, eleven or twelve years Old, with a s nail blemish in his left eye : levied on as the properly of James M. Dnverson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Georg. W. Moore, vs. said Davcrson. Pro perty pointed out by Joshua G. Moore. One House and Lot in tho town or Wat- kinavillc, adjoining lots of Moore, Billups and others, whereon Bryant Conley now lives: levied on as the properly of William James, to satisfy afi. fa. in fuvoror Robert R. Harden, vs. said James. Levy made by G. W. Meriwether, my predecessor in office. One sm ill four wheel Wagon, one dark brown Horse, one eye out, ten years old, and one bav mate about six years old : levied on as the properiy of Moses H. Cogburn, lo satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Mur ray& Humphries, vs. said Cogburn. Property pointed out by defendant. One Hundred and five Acres of Land,more or less, lying on the waters of the Appalatchie River, adjoining Ridgway, Jackson and others, "hereon La- tin Lecc now lives : levied on as the property of Sam Thomas', to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James Meriwe- ther, adm’r. &.C. vs. Samuel Thomas and John \\ T M™ch t. ISAAC S. VINCENT, D.SI,'IT. H J* \CKSON Sheriffs Sale.- On the first Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold, at the Court-House in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Three Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining Hays and others : levied on as the pro perty of Isaac Rawls, sen. to satisfy twofi. fas. one in favor of Ebenczer Newton, vs. said Rawls, the other in favor of Isaac Rawls,jun. vs.snid Isaac sen. One Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining Wilson : levied on ns the pro perty of Elijah Reardon, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John II. Lowe, vs. said Bearden. One Negro man by the name of Toni : levied on as th* property of John Barker, to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of Thomas G. Janes, v«*. said Barker. March 1. BARNABAS B\RRON, D. S. M ADISON Sheriff's Sale.—On the first Tuesday in APRIL next, will he sold at the Court-House in the town of Danielsville, Madison countv, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One sorrel Horse eight or nine years old. also, a Rifle Gun, Moulds and ‘-Vipers, levied on as the properly of Thomas Treble, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of Berry G. Tillman and others. RICHARDSON HANCOCK, D. Sh’ff. Feb. 22. n Tuesday in \PRIL next, will be sold at the CoiiU-house in the town of Clayton, Rabun county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. O N motion of Allen Matthews, stating to the Court that Ezekiel Green, Guardian of Russel Skinner and Sarah Skinner, has absconded from this county, and left his said wards; it is ordered that said Ezekiel shew cause at the next term of this Court, why his letters of Guardianship shall not be revoked, and ano ther Guardian be appointed. On the ground, first, that said Ezekiel has left the county, and hi* said Wards arc now under the care and direction of no person ; second, because said Ezekiel has mismanaged the property of said wards ; third, because said Ezekiel wholly neglects the care and education of his said wards. And it is further ordered, that said Ezekiel he served with a copy of this rule, or the same ho publish ed in one of the public Gazettes, in terms of the law. A true extract from the minutes. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. March 15—11—40d. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Superior Court, Sept. Term, 1S30. Ann Higginbotham, Adm’x. of "J Samuel Higginbotham, dcc’d. ( m f or Marshalling James Long, Et. Al. J .Insets, «.y*c. I T having been stated to the Court, that the follow ing defendants to this Bill, to wit; Francis Hobson, James M. Cunningham, John Jordine, William Wil liamson, Daniel Mc.Gahcc, Milton H. Gathright, Willis Towns, Oliver P. Shaw, William Montgomery, John Talmage, Philip Ware, and Hiram Atkinpon. rcsideout ofthe county of Madison, it is ordered, that they ap pear and file their answers, on or before the first day of the next term, and that a Copy of this rule he pub lished in the Athenian once a month until the next Term. The above order is truly copied from the minutes of said Court, this 17th day of Sept. 1830. ISAAC N. CULBERTSON, Clk. October 5.—40—m6m. It VBUiV Sheriff’s Sale.—On Iho first Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold at Ilia Court bouse in the town of Clayton, Rabun county, within the usual hours of sale, tho following property, to wit: Lot of Land No. 33, in tho 1st District of Rabun county: levied on as the property of Elizabeth Weslimier, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Baldwin Su perior Court in favour of John Crowder, agent &c. vs. Elizabeth Westimier, lohn Wcstimier, Samuel M.aud lacnb Mordian, securities. Property pointed out by Turner H. Trippe. _ March 1. JAMES BLECKLEY, D. Sh’ff. LE3AI. NOTICES. C LARK Sheriff's Sale.—On Inc firs Tuesday in AAY next, will be sold at the Court-House in the town of Watkinsville, Clark county, within the usual hours ol sale, the following ptoperty, to wit: One Negro woman by the name of Mary, about thirty years of age: levied on as the property nl William T. Brown, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa. in fa vor of Heard & Cook, vs. said Brown. Property pom- t 1urch. i r idfi,fa is.UC S. VINCENT, D. Sh’ff ALL Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tues day in APRIL next, will bo sold, at the Court House in the Town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property to wit: One tract of Land containing two Hundred noil, M’Cutchen and others, granted io James Ucg horn: levied on as the property of Rebecca Scott to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justice s Court of Halt county in favor of Jesse Vanwinkle and others, v*. Simeon Christian and Rebecca Scott. Levy made and returned to mo by a Constable. One tract of Land No. 55, in the 10th Dis trict of Hail county, containing twoi Hundredand fif y Acres more or less: levied on as the property of Da vit! Henry, to satisfy sundry fi. fas ..sued from a Jus- tice’s Court in Wilkes county, in tavor of R. Booker and others, vs. David Henry. Levy made and returned *° March l. COn3tabI °' JACOB EBERH ART, Sh’ff. GEORGI A. HALL COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, Nov. Term, 1830. W HEREAS Pleasant Hulscv, Adm’r. of the Es tate of James Hulsey, dne’d. applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration ofsaid estate; Ordered, that after the publication of this rule as pre scribed by law, tho said pleasant Hulsey will he dis missed, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, of which, all concerned, arc hereby notified. A true extract from the minutes., this 2*1 Nov. 1830. GEORGE HAWPE, c. c. o. Nov. 16.—46—»n6m. ADMINISTRATOR’S S\LE. W ILL be sold on the twenty-fifth dav of April next, at the late residence of Sarah Lane, de ceased, in Walton county, all the Personal Property of said deceased, consisting of one Horse, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, Bacon, Household and Kitchen Furniture, &c. on a credit until the 25th dav of December next. BRYANT LANE, Adm’r. March 15. —11.—tds. EXECUTOR’S SALE. ^AM7*lhL he sold on the 1st Tuesday in June next, V V at tho Court House in the county of Jackson, agreeably to an order of the honorable the Court of Ordinary for said county, all the Real Estate of Samue* Y. Pn»ton, late of said county, deceased, consisting of four Negroes, two men, a woman and a girl, and seven ty acres of Land, more or less, lying on the waters of North Oconee. Sold for the benefit of the heirs.— Terms made known on the dav of sule. WILLIAM KNOX, Ex’r. March 15.—11—tds. DOCT. BTCTOlSr H AS permanently settled himself in Watkinsville, and will promptly attend all calls in the line of his» profession. March 22.—12—4t. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, agreeably to an order of the honorable the In ferior Court of Oglethorpe county when fitting for or dinary purposes, at the Court House in said county, a Tract of Land, containing fifty-five Acres, more or less, adjoining John Busben and others, being part of the Real Estate of Jacob Busben, late of said county, de ceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. PHILIP II. BURFORD, Adm’r. Feb. 22.—8—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL he sold, in Jefferson, Jackson county, on the first Tuesday in April next, agreeably to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court, one Lot of Land lying in said county, on the waters of Allen’s Fork, containing five hundred and fifty Acres, more or less, granted to David Peak. Sold for the benefit of the heirs anil creditors of said deceased. ELIJAH OLIVER; Adm’r. Feb. 1.—5—tds. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS James W. Harris, administrator of Martin Thompson, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from tho further administration of said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deeensed, to be and appear at my offico within the time proscribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th day of March, 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. March 8.—10—m6m. GU ARDI AN’S SALE. A GREEABI.Y to an order of the honorable the In- * ferior Court of Walton county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in May next, at the Court House in Morgan county, the whole of the interest in and to a tract of Land lying in said county', belonging to Mary and Efiiah Park, orphans. Sold for the benefit ol said orohuns. Terms made known on theday of sale. WILEY SHINN EY, Guard. March 1.—9—tds. EXECUTOR’S SALE. U^ROM an order of the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe St. county, will he *.dd in tho village of Camphellton, Campbell count v, on the first Tuesday in .May next, lot of f.and No. 96, first Carroll, now Campbell county, drawn bv Philip Wray. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Term* made known on theday of sale. T. N. POULLAIN, ) ... THOMAS • RAY, $ r3# Feb. 22.—8—tds. H [ \lL Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tues- X"l boor* of-ale, the following propsrty to wrt: One bav Mare, eight or nine years old : le- tric^ofHiJhcourily^Uv^ado^M^e Wilcb, to satisfy two fi. fas- » Lcvv roadc Conn in Monroe county, v». said >v and returned to me by a Constable. GEOUGIA, HALL COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, January Term, 1S31. O N the application of William N. Bishop stating to tho Court, that in the lift- limo of Richard Vena ble, he purchased from him all that part ofl.ot No. 10, in tho town of Gainesville, including all that part of said Lot lying from one foot East of the chimney of a house belonging then toTrumaiiKcllngg on thesamclot, and to run parallel w ith the lincsof u lot then occupied by Francis C. Andoc, that is to say, the most northern and southern lines of said Lot, the Eastern and Western lines according to the course specified in the map of said town of Gainesville, and to include all tho said T.ot not heretofore sold by Stephen Hied, to Truman Kellogg, for which lie holds the bond of said Rickard Venable, in the penally of eight hundred dollars, dated the 15th January 1828, a copy of which bond is filed in tho Clerk's office of this Court, to cause him to execute n fee simple title us aforesaid, and further, atating that Rolit.Mitchell and Robert Vcnuble arc the only qualified executors on the estate of said Richard Venable,deceas ed and the said applicant prays that an order may pass authorising and requiring the said Robert Mitchell and Robert Venable, executors uforeaaid, to cxcculo titles according to the original Contract. It is therefore or dered, that tho executors of I lie said Richard Venable do make said titles, according to the tenor and effect of said bond to the said William N. Bishop, unless suffi cient cause be shewn to the contrary, within three months, or at the next term of this Court alter the expiration of said three months. Audit i3 further or dered, that a copy of this rule be published in (lie Athe nian once a month for three monlhs. A true extract from the minutes this 7th day of January, 1831. GEORGE HAWPE, c. c. o. Jan. 18.—3—m3m. georgiZTTabersham county. February adjourned Term of llie Inferior Court oftaul county, silling as a Court of Ordinary, 1831. I T appearing to the Court, that Abraham B. Carter, late of said county, deceased, in us ™ time, to gether with John T. Carter and Charles Ritchie, exe cuted his obligation to James Forsyth hearing date the 13th day of March, 1830, conditioned to make unto the said James Forsyth, his heirs and assigns a good and sufficient title to Lot No. one hundred and fifty-two, in the nineteenth District of the second section in the then last Land Lottery, drawn by the said Abraham B Carter; and it appearing to the Court that the said Abraham B. Cartcrdied without executing titles to said jand in conformity to his Baid obligation, which i« now herein to the Court shewn, and it appearing to the Court that the consideration money for saidJand has been paid. It is on motion ordered, that John T. Car ter, administrator of the estate of the said Abraham B. Carter, do r ake and execute titles to said land agrees- bly to said Bond and obligation, unless cause be shewn „„ or before the July Term of this Court next and that a copy of this will be published for three monlhs agree- ably to thelaw, in such cases inadc and prevK ed A trueextract from the minutes, this 8th Feb. Ie31 JONATHAN D. CHASTAIN, c. c. o. March 8.—10—m3m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Robert Orr and John P. Weaver, Executors of Hiram Howard, deeensed, apply to »nc for letters of Dismission from tho further admin istration of said estate: These aro thoreforo to cite and admonish, all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bn and oppear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th of Feb. 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Feb. 8.—6—m6in. GEORGIA. CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Wade White, Administrator with the Will annexed on the estate of Francis Traylor, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish ull and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tobe and appear at my offico within the time prescribed by law, lo shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 10th day of Dec. 1430. JOSEPH LIGON, d. c. c. o, Dec. 14.—50—m6m. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. W HEREAS Elijah Radford, Adm’r. on the estate of John McGuire, late of said county, deceas ed, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the fur ther administration of said estate : These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 7th day of Dec 1830. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o Dec. 14.—50.—6m. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL ho sold on Saturday the twenty-third day of April next, at the late residence of Willis Hogge, deceased, in Walton county, all the Perishable Property belonging to the Estate of-aid deceased. DAVID LANIER, Adm’r. March 92.—12—tds. NOTICE. T HE person who borrowed a pair of eaddlc-bage from this office some few months back, bu who neglected to return them, wall be bb.rallv rewarded h- Icavtnj them again at this office. *« 6 - **■ ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold in Jefferson, Jackson county, on the first Tuesday in June next, ngrecoblv to nn order of the honorable the Inferior Court o( Jackaon county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, a tract nl land containing one hundred Acres, more or less, ad joining Chandler and Shackleford, Iving on the "at, rs of the Oconee River, being a part of tho Real Estate nl Samuel Willingham, late of said county, deceased. Also, nine Negroes, belonging to tho estate of said de ceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. HENDERSON WILLINGHAM, I Ad WILLIS WILLINGHAM, J March 15.—11—ids. EXECUTOR’S SALE. \ GREF.ABLY to mi order of the honorable the In ferior Court of lliihersliam county, when silting for ordinary purposes, will he sold, at Cbirkesvillo, Habersham county, on the first Tuesday in April next, allilie Real Estate of George Vaughan, deceased. Sold lor the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on tlieduy of sale. BENJAMIN VAUGIIAN, ' JOHN VAUGIIAN, Jan. 25.—4—tds. F.xr’s. EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N Wednesday the 27th of April next, will be sold in front of Mr. Graham’s Store, a tn-w and ele gant Tilberrv, a well broke Northern Horse, and some articles of Household and Kitchen furnilore, belonging to the estate of Zeplinoiah Beall, late of Monroe coun ty, deceased. Sold on a crcdil until Ihc 25th Decem ber next. N. F. BEALL, Ex’r. March 8.—10—tds. N. B. There will also he sold al tho same time, a good horse on tho same terms as above. N. F. It- j Exr’a, Medicine. fflHE subscriber has located him- ■ self in Athens, ami tenders his services to his friends and the pub lic in the various branches of his profession. FELIX G. CALLAWAY, M. D. March 15.—11—3t. DOCTOR WILLIAM WILLIAMSON r AKES this method of informing his friends and the public gene rally, that he has located himself permanently in the town of VVat- insville, where he will punctually attend to all calls ho may receive in the various branches of his profes* . . sion. Grateful for past favours, ho earnestly solicits a continuance of public patronage. His charges will be accommodated to the pressure of* the times. March 8.—10—4t. H. Hemphill H WING commenced the practice of Law, tenders his professional services to the public, and will attend the Courts in the following counties, viz : Clnrk, Hall, Jerk son, Madison and W'ilkcs. All business in trusted to his rare, will meet prompt attention. March 9.—1U—3t. i ithens Factory. I N consequence of the decline in the price of Cotton, the proprietors of the Athens Factory will reduce their prices of Yarns to the old ratep, viz : No. 4—19 cents per p-Kind, 5—20, 6—21,7—22,8—23,9—24, 10 —26, 11-28,12-29, 13—30, 14- 32,15—35,16- 37| 17—-40. They have also reduced their prices of home spuns which are of a superior quality, ami which they will s*4! very low. To Merchants and others who will purchase largely of either yarns orclothp, n liberal discount will henm. e. The above are the uriees at tho Factory. A small addition will be required at the dif ferent agencies to cover freight and commissions. They will exchange yarns and cloths for cotton, and allow eight cents for the latter JOHN JOHNSON, JJgent. March 15- 11-It. Spring Goods. T THESuhsciibors arc now receiving their supply OF S ? a I H G DRY GOODS, Comprising a largo and General Assortment; which they offer ut lov prices. JOHN EDGAR & Co. Augusta, March 1.—9- 6t. NEW MAP OF Gr 23 O A Gr Z JL. 8 U1IS0RIPTI0NS to the New Map recently pub- !i bed by Messrs. Welluun V Green, will bo re ceived at the Book Sloro of Shaw ac Edwards. Those who may wish to obtain a cop*, of this Map, can be furnished without delay, by signifying their wishes to the above Firm. Price of Maps on Rollers five Dol lars, Pocket Maps, three dollar*. Athens, Feb. 1.—5—tf. F OUR months after date application will be mad to the honorable tho Inferior Court of Jackaon county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the Negroes belonging to the Estate of Obadiah V'atson, lute, of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of tho heirs umJ creditors of said d cd. JOSEPH WATSON, JOSEPH LANDRUM, March 8.—10—w4m. F OUR months after date application will he rnudu to the honorable the Inferior Court of Hall coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for lerve to sell Lot of Land No. 152, in tho 15th District of Muscogee countv, being the property of Elizabeth Fisher, deceas ed. ' V. JOHNSON, Adm’r. Jan. 25.—4—w4m. F OUR months after date anplicot ion will he made to tho honorable the Inferior Court of Franklin county, when silling fnr ordinary pnrposi«, fur 'cave to si ll Lot No. 31, in tho 4th District of Ilnbcrshain county; said Lot ofl.and boinga partoftlio Real Es. tatc of John Mills, deceased. NANCY-MILLS, Adm’x. Jan. 25.—4—w4m. I NOUIt Months after date application w ill bn made ’ to the honorable the Inferior Court of Madison co-intv, v-hmi silting for ordinary purposes, for Inavn lo sell tile Real Estato belonging to the estate of Joshua Sorrow, lata of said county, deceased. WILLIAM H. BARNETr, Adm’r. Jan. 1I-—2—w4m. , 1 710UR Months after date, application will he made . to the honorable the Inferior Court of Clark Co. when sitting for ordinary purpose i, fnr leave to sell a tract of Land, number —, in the 18th district ot Lee county, and number — n the 5lh districl of Muscogee cnunly; also a negro woman named Phillis, belonging to tho estate of Barton Hamilton, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. MARY HAMILTON, " KI TY HAMILTON, Jan. 11.—2— w-4m. ■ Exe’x. EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in April next at Danielsville, Madison county, ngreeably to the last will and testament ol Jolm Milliean, laic of said county, deceased, a Tract ol Land containing out- hund red and twenty-five Acrca, more or less, situated on Broad River in said county, ami three Negroes, to wit: a negro woman by the name of Mop, about fifty vear. of age, Mary her daughlor, about fourteen, and Sidney a daughter about eight or nine year, ol age; also, the Household and Kitchen furniture. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. JAMES Mll.LICAN, F.x’r. Feb. 1.—5—Ids. 1 NOUR months after date- application will he made { to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Madison coun ty when silling for oidinarv purposes, for lesvc losell the Real Estate of Jos-ph Allbiight, late of said county, deceased. REUBEN SIMMONS, Adm’r. Jan. 13.—3—w4m. ■TtuL'u"months after date application will be made I* to the honorable the Inferior Court of JackBon countv, when sitting for ordinary purpose., ffir Nave to sell a trai t of land lying in the county of Franklin, wbc-con Col. Russel Jones, late of said county, de ceased, last resided. Also, one Negro Woman and Child, belonging to the estate of said dee. a-ed. ’ * RUSSEL JONES, Ex’r. Feb. 15.—'7—w4m. TO MTJ HANlf S. F UOVOS \LS will bo received bv the Prudential Committee until tho first Monday in April next, to rebuild the Colh-gi* Edifice lately burnt down, at A'liens. And to the end that Mechanics may know v hat ih required tobe done, we invite them to on in spection id the present ruin, and to a further communi cation with the Committee on any subject connected with the above object. In tjie first place it must be understood, that the propositions made, will not bo binding, ei'ljer to the uroposcr or the Committee, as tho sane will have to h ^ laid before a fnU met tiogof the Board of Trustees at the time aforcruid, subject to their raiificHii»norxuch alterations as they may he pleased to make. With thin understanding, it is requested that the proposer wilt state the lowest sum ft>r which ho w ill restore the Edifice to it* former situation hi all re- spectn. Then what deductions will bo made, 1st for omitting the mantle peiccx, which before were ot the rauifi kind of those in the old College. 2d. For chang ing the Funnel into button doors 3d. For omit'ing tho small bed rooms attached to the sitting rooms. 4th. omitting one of the closets in the jams oflhn chim- ;, and 5th. what difference will be made in the ceil- or plastering ever bead. The. Edifice it is expected will be rebuilt as strong os it was before,and in o work manlike manner, and to this end, when the building is finally let, bond and security will be required A* tho building is much wanted, the shortness eftivniit w hich it will be eompletrd, will be a great object in deciding on propositions. The payments tequired must also be staled, A. S. CLAYTON, JAMES NESBIT, A. WALKER, WM. H. JACKSON, Jan. 25.-4 Prudential Committee. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS John 0*er applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of Mary Oler» lul\ of -.aid county, deceased : These are therefore to cito and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at rny oflice within the lime prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand this 7th March 1831. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. O; March 15.—11—30d. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS Daniel Taylor applies to me for let ter* of Administration on the estate of Edmund Taylor, tatc of iiatd county, deceoced : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the lira* prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be Rianted. Given under my hand this 7th day of March 1831. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. ©. March 15-U—30d.