The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, April 26, 1831, Image 1

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Tlie Athenian. VOL. V. “ WOTHOMWES TOTSE.YTEXTtJE.—QUID DE.V? QUIDXOJf DEM7 ItEJTUlS TU, QUOD JUBET J1LTER." PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, BY 0. P. SHAW. Taatn.—Throe dollars per year, payable in advance, nr Four dollars if delayed to tho end of (he year. The latter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to meet their payments in advance. No subscription rccoived for less than ono year, un less the monoy is paid in advance; and no paper w ill be discontinued until all arrearages arc paid, except at the option of the publisher.—A failure on the part or subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish, menl, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to n new engagement, and papers cent accordingly. Aovr.RTissMENTS will beinsorted at the usual rates. '•CJ” All Letters to the Editor on matters connected with the establishment,, must bo post paid in order to secure attention. ‘C7 9 Noticooftho sale of Laud and Negroes bv Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish ed sixty days previous to the day of sale. Tho sale of Personal Property, in like manner, must be published/orty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published four months. Notice that Application will be made lor Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. ADISON Sheriff's Salc.-On (ho first ‘.1 MAV ncx '. b " sold at eom^v ,hc, r n Danielsville, Madison *" hln . ,b » U>U! >I hours of sale, the following property, to wit: * One Bay Horse Colt, three years old thin T,IT !? T' 0 " «» the property or’Crccn Pierce, to fifil. re" from Unison Superior Court in n n ! 5 r °.T o' Ea . vl , nn ' '«• said Pierce. Property pointed out by Richard Peyton. Marcl> 23 » JOHN W. MOON,Sh’flT. Vrin l NS » (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, AP1UL 26, 1831 GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. xNo. 17. SHERIFFS’ SALES. If? VBUN Sheriff’s Sale—On the first Tuesday in MAY next, will bo sold at the 1 'onrt House in the town of Clayton, Rabun countv, the usual hours of safe, the following property, to wit: One Lot of Land, lying j n th„ I2(h District ot originally II.Tborsham, now Rabun countv, No. not known, it being the Lot whereon John Dooly now lives: levied on as the property of John Doolv, to satisfy a n. fa. in favour of John W. Houghton, va. said Doolv. Property pointed out ty defendant. Marcl! 23. JAMES BLECKLEY, D. Sh’ff. W HEREASBenjammR. McCutehens, one of the riTfROM an order fit ir dale, application will be made Administrators on the Estate of Willis Tliur- Jr couiilvuillh of <h« InfenorCourtof Oglethorpe I '? [ be honorable the Inferior Court of Clark Co, monu, dereased, applies to me for letters of Dismission C«ranl,,J ’ , b , . oU “ ,,le ''Huge of Campbellton, I , r , n *' ( ""gfor ordinary purposes, for loave to tell a from the further ./Ministration on ..destaie oflTd "v ,iri '! 1 T " rslla V «» next.lot »^er -, in ,ho 18th district of Leo These arc therefore in eiie n.s.s—.:![.» * - l“J:riA°e» G ’.! i . r *' Carroll,now Campbell countv. ““"‘J. a "'‘ •‘“■"bef - m the 5th district of Muscogee county ; also a negro woman named Phillis, belonging to the estate ol Barton Hamilton, late «f said counts deceased, for (he benefit of the heirs ond creditors of aaid deceased. MARY HAMILTON, ) „ . , KITTY HAMILTON, { Exex ’ Jan. II.—2—w4m. Given under my band tliLs 22d dav of March, 183! .. , „„ GEORGE 1IAWPE, c. c. o. March 29.-.13—niGru. LB&AL NOriCES. 'I LARK Sheriff’s Sule.—Ott tnr firs' Tuesday in MAY next, will be sold at the Court-House in flio (own of VVatkinsvillc, Clark county, within the usual hours or sale, the following property, to wit: One light ftoaj \Vagdn, Itvo pair hind har ness, and one Sorrel Mare with three white feet, about four years old i levied on as tho property of Edward Craft, to satisfy afi. fa. in favor of Saunders St Gilmore, vs. said Edward, and Daniel Crtfi, Jun. security on the stay. Three Negroes, to wit: Lizzy' a woman about 21 year* old; Harriet a girl about live years old, and Mary a girl about three years old : levied on ss the property of John Greenwood, deceased, to satisfy two fi. fas. in favour of Heard & Cook, vs. Caleb B. Greenwood and William Greenwood, admr’s. of John Greenwood, deceased. Levy tnadc by George W. Me riwether, my predecessor in office. Ono Negro woman by tho name of Mary, about thirty yoars of age: levied on as the property of Williant T. Brown, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in fa vor of Heard & Cook, vs. said Brown. Property pain ted out in said fi. fa. March. 1. ISAAC S. VINCENT, D. Sli’IE II ALL Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tues- - ' day in MAY next, will be sold at the Court House in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Sorrel Horso, nine or Ion years old, and one Yoko of Steers : livicd on as the propartvof William Grady, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall In ferior Court in favor of James Blackpool:, vs. said Grady. Property pointed out by defendant. One Lot of Land No. 116, in tho 12th District of Hall county: levied on as tho property of Gi-orgo W. Wiloy, to satisfy afi. fa. in favor of the In ferior Court, vs. William Hamilton, Tax Collector, and George W. Wiley, ono of his securities. March 29. JACOB EBEHIIART, Sh’IT. H ALL Sheriff’s Sale.—On tho first Tues day in MAY next, will be sold, at the Court House in the Town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: * One Lot of Land, No. 55, in lltn 12th Dis trict of Hall county : levied on as the property nf Wm. Moigan to satisfy a ft, fa. in favor of J. W. Jones & Co. vs. said Morgan, and Jacob Rogers security on •lay of execution. One Hundred and Eight Acres of Land, moro or leu, whereon William Cobb now lives : levied on as the property of William Cobb, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of Georgo W. Glynn and others, vs. saidCobb. Levy madeand loltirncd to tne by a Con stable. Two Acres of Land, more or less, in the suburbs of Gainesville, whereon Lewi* Lanipkins now live* : levied fin a* tho property of Lewis Lumpkin*, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of J. W. Jones & Co. va. snm Lampkins. Levy made and returned to me by a Con stable. Sixty Acres of Land, moro or less, being part orLot No. C2, in the 18th District of Hall county: levied on as the properly of Edward J, Maddox, to sa tisfy a fi. fa. in lovorof John J.. Cheatham, vs. said Maddox. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta ble. ‘ . One Lbl of Lond, No. 143, in the 12th ot Hall county t levied on as the property of Bdttoo Edwards, to satisfy two ft. fas. .-sued from Washington Superior Court, one in favor of Morgan Brown,and tho other in favor of William Uoinlings, vs. aaid Edwards. One black Stud Horso, nine or ten years old; levied on as tho property of Joseph Martin, to satisfy a li. fa. in favor of Nathaniel L. sturacs, vs. Mid Martin. Property pointed out by plaint itr. March 89. A. CHASTAIN, D. Sh’IT. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. February adjourned Term of Ike Inferior Court of raid county, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, 1831. I T appearing to the Court, that Abraham B. Carter, late of said county, deceased, in his life time, to gether with John T. Carter and Charles Ritchie, exe cuted his obligation to James Forsyth bearing date the 13 th day of March, 1830, conditioned to make untotlie said James Forsyth, his heirs and assigns, n good and sufficient title to Lot No. one hundred and fifty-two, in the nineteenth District nf the second section in the then last Land Lottery, drawn by tho .aid Abrahanj B. Carter; ami it appearing to the Court that the aaid Abrnfiam 0. Carter died without executing titles to said land in conformity t» his said obligation, which ie now herein If) the Court plictvn, and it appearing to the Court tint the consideration money for said land has been paid. It is on motion ordered, that John T. Car ter, -administrator of tho estate of the said Abraham B. Carter, do make and execute titles to said land agreea bly to said Bond and obligation, unless cause bo shewn on or before the .Inly Term of this Court next, and that a copy of this will be published for three months agree ably to the law, in such cases made and provided. A trueextract from the minutes, this 8th Feb. 1831. JONATHAN D. CHASTAIN, c. c. o. March 8.—10—m3m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, Xov. Term, 1830. W II F.RRAS Pleasant Hulsey, AdmV, of the Es- tate of James Hulsey, dec’d. applies tome for letter* or Dismission from the further administration of said estate.* a ^ cr Ih** publication of this rule as pre scribed by law, the sait! pleasant Hulsey will he dis missed, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, of which, all concerned, arc hereby notified. A true extract from the minutes, this 2d Nov. 1830. „ GEORGE HAUTE, c. c. o. Nov. 1C,—4G—mG/n, GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTV. W IIERF.AS James \V. Harris, administrator of Martin Thompson,deceased,applies tome for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said estate. These are therefore to cite ond admonishalland .-ju gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lo be and appear at my office within the time proscribed by law, to shew causa if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand this 7th day of March, 1831. „ t JOSEPH LIGON, c. e. o. March 8.—10—m6m. EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N Wednesday the 27th of April next, will he sold i|j front of Mr. Graham's Store, a new and ele* gam merry, a well broke Northern Horse, and some articles of Household and Kitchen furniture, belonging to the estate of Zenlianiah Beall, lato of Monroe coun ty, deceased. Sold on a credit until the 25th Dcccm- ’’""“I’ „ , N. F. BEALL, Ex’r. March 8.—IO—tds. IN. R. There will also bo sold at the same time, a good horse on the same terms as above. N. F. B. LIST OF LETTERS R r oMM N lMi" *' 0al 0lbcellt Gainesville let GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. O N motion of Alien Matthews, stating to the Court that F.zekicl Green, Guardian of Russel Skinner and Sarah Skinner, lias absconded from this county, and left his said wards; it is ordered that said Ezekiel shew cause at (lie next term of this Court, why his letters of Guardianship shall not bo revoked, and ano ther Guardian he appointed. On tho ground, first, that said Ezekiel has left the county, and his said Wards are now under the care and direction of no person ; second, because said Ezekiel lias mismanaged the property of said wards; third, because said Ezekiel wholly neglects the care and education of bis said wards. Arid it is further ordered, that said Ezekiel bn served with a copy ol this rule, or the same bo publish ed in one of the public Gazettes, in terms of the low. A true extract from the minutes. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. March 13—II—40d. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. Jackson Superior Court. Eli Hendon and Jane Robertson Bill for discovery, relic/ and John M. Brazicl, r.T *t.. Injunction. O N motion of Counsel fur complainants, at Cham- hers, stating that since the filing of this hill, it has been discovered that Thomas Adams, William !.. Bryant, and Jacob Braselton have effects in their hands or are indebted to said John M. It is therefore ordered, that said Thomas. William and Jacob, he made parlies lo said bill and injunction, and that they be served with a copy of said bill, together with the amendment so made, to charge as defendants aforesaid. It is fur ther ordered, that John M. Braziel who resides out of tho jurisdiction nf this Court, be served by publication of (his Rule in tho Athenian, once a month for three months, previous to the sitting nf the next Superior Court of said county. A true Copy from the original. A. S. CLAYTON, J. S. C. March 29.—13—m3m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Robert Orr and John P. Weaver, Executors of Hiram Howard, deceased, apply to mo for letters of Dismission from the further admin istration of said cststo: Thcsenrc therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within tho time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th of Feb. 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Feb. 8—G—m6m. . ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold in Jefferson, Jackson county, on tho first Tuesday in June next, agreeably'to an ordcrof tho honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, a tract of land; containing one hundred Acres, more or less, ad joining Chandler and Shackleford, lying on the waters of the Oconee River, being a part of tho Real Estate of Samucj Willingham, lato of said county, deceased. Also, nine Negroes, belonging lo the estate of said de ceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. HENDERSON WILLINGHAM, WILLIS WILLINGHAM, March 15.—11—tds. Admr’s. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Wade White, Administrator with tho Will annexed on the estate nf Francis Travlnr, deceased, applies tn me for letters of Dismission from the further administration ofsatd estate. Thesearo therefore to citcand admonish altsndsin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tobe and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 10th day of Dec. 1130. JOSEPH I.IGtiN, D. c. e. < Dec. 14.—50—mGm. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. W HEREAS Elijah Radford, Adm'r. oa tlm estate of John McGuire, late of said county, deceas ed, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the fur ther administration of said estate : These arc therefore toeitcand admonish ail and sin gular the kindred and ernditorsof said deceased, to be and appear at my nlfico within tho time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand this 7th day of Dec 1S30. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. Dee. 14.—50.—Gm. J ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—Oil llto first Tuesday in MAY next, will be sold at the Court, houae in the town of Jefferson, Jackson coun ty, within tho usual bourn of talc, tho following property, to wit .- Four Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, o?<m, “« Frederick McGuire and John Hinton. Le»y made and returned to me by a L “ n, ' ab ’ c ' , M , IehS9 . JOHN RANDOLPH, Sb’ff. J ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tueadav in MAY next, will bo sold, at the Court Home hi tho town of Jeffcrion, Jack*on county, withbitheMual hours of sale, the follow,ng property, to wit: One Neoro Woman bv tho name of Pntsey: l^lC ofArchibald Bradfor , to an- tisfy five fi fas. issued from a Justice’s Court in tavor Join Borclen?vs!*aid Bradford. Levy madeand re- turned to mo by » (IdtintaMe. AUpth 89. GEORGE F. ADAMS, D. Sh ff. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. ClMRLES Hl'LSET, j „ V . 3- „ , > Petition ond Hale Fbeoemck A. Bnoirx and ( Jadez Lewis. J far Foreclosure. Hall Superior Court, March Term, 1831. RULE NISI. To tho Hon. the Superior Court of said county. nnilE petition of diaries Hulsey respeclfullvthows, 5 that heretofore, to wit: on the eighteenth day ol March, eighteen hundred and thirty, the aaid r rede- rick A. Brown and Jabcz Lewis, made, executed and delivered to your petitioner,their certain deed of mort gage, bearing dale the day and yea, aforesaid, and Tvliicli is I,ere in Court ready to be shown, which deed of mortgage conveyed a certain tract or parcel nt tana, situate, tIving and being in said county of Hall, known as Lot No. ninety-six, in I he ninth District ofsatd coun tv which tract or Lot of land was mortgaged by the said Frederick A. (i Jabez, for the better sccunngto your petitioner the payment of n certain promissory nMe made and delivered to your petitioner, bvtlie said Fre derick A. & Jabez, on the day and year aforesaid, for the sum of three hundred dollars, and due on the twenty fifth day of December, eighteen hundred and thirty, together with a certain other note described in aaid mortgage, and which is not yet due, and which raid first mentioned note is herewith show n to the Court: and vour petitioner further shows that the whole amount of principal and interest on said note, is now Hue and unpaid. Wherefore he prays, that unless the aaid Frederick A. and Jabez, pay into the Clerk a Of fice oftliia Court, the amount ofthe principal, interest and cost due thereon, within six months Trom this date, that the equity of redemption in, and to the aaid mort gaged premises, thenceforth and foreverbo foreclosed. Therefore on motion ofCouncil for Ibeplamtiff, it is or dered by the Court, that the said Frederick A. Brown and Jabez Lewie, pay into the Clerk’s office of this Court the amount of the principal and -Merest d ue on said note, together with all legal costa, on or before^ the expiration of six montha, otherwise the equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged premises, he forever barred and forcclqaed; and that a copy of this rule and petition b* published once a month for aix month* ill one ofthe public Gazette* of‘M» ««•. o that the defendant* be personally aerved therew ith, three month* before the nezt silling of Hit* Court. A true copy from the minutcs.^^ ^ m April 13.—In.-rntm, To JOHN F. WALLIS And all persons interested, who reside out of the State of Georgia. TAKE NOTICE T HAT I shall apply to the next Superior Court lo be held in and for the county of Clark, and State of Georgia, on the second Monday in August next, for a Writ of partition to havclaid off and assigned me my dower, nr ono third part of a certain tract of Land, ly ing in Clark county, Georgia, containing two hundred Acres, more nr less, adjoining Lands formerly belong ing tn Daniel W. Eatly, now known as Ilia College lands, granted to William Few, and by Few convoyed to George Smith, and by Smith convrycd to Samuel llollaway, and now in the possession of John A. Cobb. I, being by the laws of Georgia entitled to a dower in the said land, nt which time you can attend and file vour objections if to you ahall seem fit. CLARA IIOLLAWAY, widow and relict of Samttri llollaway. dec'd. April 19.—16—m3m. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, at the Court-house in Wntkinsvillo, Clerk county, agreeably to an order of the lion, the Inferior Court’of said countv, when sitting for ordinary purpo se*, the House and I.nt in the town of Athens formerly owned and occupied by Col. John A. Cobb, situated in a desirable part of the town, with an excellent Garden, Wo!l,and every necessary out building. Alsu, »l the same time two Negroes, Moacs ond Columbus, the former about 50 and the Utter ahont 12 jeara of age, belong ing to the estate of Andrew Graham, late of eaid county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and credi tor* of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. A. GRAHAM, ) Admr’s FRANCIS IRWIN, j Mml March 2D.-l3.-tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be *o!d on the first Tuesday in May next, agreeably to an order of the honorable the In. ferior Court of Oglethorpe county when sitting fir or- dinary purpose*, at the Court llonae in raid county, a Tract of fund, containing fifty-five Acre*, more or less, adjoining John Busbcn and others, bung part or tlm Real Estate nf Jacob Busbcn, lata of aaid county, de ceased. Sold fnt the benefit ol tho bar* and creditor* of said deceased. ’ , , PHILIP U. BURPOUD, Adut’r. Feb. 28.—8—Id*. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold on tho first Tuesday in Juno next, — .1- tiuurn 111 uauivutlllCi nail COUn- ty, agreeably to an order of the honorable tbo Inferior Court of said county, when ailting for ordinary purpos es, one Lot of land, No. 103, containing two Hundred and Fifty Acres, and one fractional Lot No. 109, con taining Fifty Acres, more or loss, situated on tho Chat tahoochee River, in the 10th District of said county, belonging to the Estate of Thomas Covington, late of said county, deceased. The abovo Tracts’will be solJ on a credit of three years, after the payment of one fourth cash, which will be required on tho day of sale. Good notes with approved sorority will also be requir ed. Sold for the benefit of tbo heirs and creditors of said deceased. T!IO IAS BYRD, Jan. Adm'r. March 29.—13—tds. EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold on tbo 1st Tuesday in Juno next, at tho Court IIouso in the county of Jackson, agreeably to an order of tlm honorable tho Court of Ordinary for said county, all tho lloal Estate of Samuel Y. ration, lato of eaid county, deceased, consisting of four Negroes, two men, a woman and a girl, and seven ty acres of Land, morn or loss, lying on tbo waters of North Oconee. Sold for tho benefit of tho heirs.— Terms made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM KNOX, Ex’r. March 15.—II— tds. ADMINfSMRATOR’S SALE. A GRF.EABI.Y to an order of the honorable the In- Im. ferior Court of Rabun county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will bo sold on the first Tuesday In July next, Lot No. 7, in tho 2d District of Rabun coun ty, containing two hundred and fifty Acres, more or less, it being part ofthe Real Estate nf Robert Patter son. late of said county, deceased. Sold for Ilia benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day nf sale. JOSEPH PATTERSON, Adm’r. April 19—1G—tds. F OUR months after date application will he made to tho honotable the Inferior Court of Hall coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of John Ingram, lato of Hall county, dcocascd. LITTLE INGRAM, Adm’r. March 29.—13—w4m. F OUR montha afterdate application will be mado lo tho honorable tho Inferior Court of Jackson county, when silting for ordinary purposea.for leave to sal I n (louse and Lot in the town of Jefferson, known and distinguished in the plan of said town, as No. 13, ns the property of Thomas Allen, lato of said county, deceased. ROBERT AI.LF.N, i . . , JOHN W. THOMPSON, J Aamr March 29.—13—w4m. A. James Anderson. B. Daniel Bennett, John Byrd, tVilliain Blackwell, Moses Bryan, Joseph Brown, Willis Bennett, Joseph Barton, John Byrdgc, Mark Bennett, Olive r Brintle, Rebecca Barton, John Bates, William Byrd, or N. G. Newton. C. Joseph Clayton, ■Shndrii k Casey, Rev. Wm. Christopher, William Clement*, 2. Joel Cascy, Samuel Clayton, Jesso Compton, Clerk Superior Court. D. -■•1 TV 0-..lvl, Jests Dobs, Nelson Dickerson, William Dorris, E. Dunnagan, Benjamin Dunnagan, Thomas Dalrymple, William E. Davis. E. Jacob Elrod, Robert Evans, Josiali Ellington. F. George F. Fielding, Samuel Fitzsimmons, 2. John G. Fcnn, Ruth Frost, William B. Fornet. G. Benjamin Griffin, L. 8. John Goodwin, Jano Glenn, Charles Uravit. II. Capt. Hcndley Harris, Edward Hawkins, Little Ingram, K. Robert King, W’iibam Kcfl. L. Jesse Lisle, William Larue, Lewis Lumpkin, Mathew Long. John D. Mullins, William M’Daniel, John Mason, 2. John Mullins, John Merck, Alexander M’Kcnzie, John M'Cutchen, Elisha W. Merritt, Eli Al’Connell, Samuel M’Cravy, Georgo Merks, David tl. M’Clusky, Elbert Mooney, William II. M’dealer, 2. John M’ConnoIl, 2, N. Thomas Norris, ~ o. Georgo II. Owen, P. Nathan Paget, Joaiah Prater, Martin Pugh, Elizabeth Price, Tbomaa J. Payne. R. John Richardson, James Roberts, Stephen Heed, James Uamsey, M’Neee Rogers, Enoch Rodger*, Templeton Reed. S. Brinkley Strickland, Itice Smith, Joiiaa W. Shaw, Elizabeth Sesham, Ezekiel 8. Cirbo, John Smilhic, Collins Smith, Asahel Smith, 2.* Julm Saule, Messrs. Harper & Ogletree,Beqjamin Sragravce, John Head, Tcmpy Helton, Austin Hyde, Thomas Higgs, John llawrcn, Jesse B. Hansard, 2. John T. Hardiga, F.mcrialt Hembree, M*rh Hammond, Caleb Herndon, J. Carey Jackson, Joseph Johnston, Joseph K. Irby, John Jurger, April 12.—15—31. Sarah Sanford, Baqjstnin H. Stnrges. T. Nancy Timca, Martin Thomas, Wiley Tyner. • W. Benjamin West, Dancy Wooley, John I’. Winn, Robert Wood, Benjamin Whorton* Y, Henry York. 3VILEY IIARBEN, P. M, LIST OF LETTERS R EMAINING in tho Post OfficoatJofferaon, Jaok-. son county, Geo. 1st April, 1831. .. F OUR months after dale application will be made to Ilia honorable tho Inferior Court of Jackson county, when silting for ordinary purpnsos, for leave to sell a part of tho Negroes belonging to tho Estate of Oliadiali Watson, lato of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditor* of said deceas ed. JOSEPH WATSON, I F „,. JOSEPH LANDRUM, J l,xr March 8.—10-w4in. f TIOUR months after date application will bo mode 1 to the honorable tho Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for Lave to tell a tract of land lying in the county of Franklin, whereon Col. Russel Jones, late of said county, dc- ceaserl, last resided. Also, one Negro Woman and Child, belonging lo the estate of said deceased. RUSSEL JONES, Ex’r. Feb. 15.—7—wlm. F OUR Months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Coutt of Madizon countv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tlie Real Ealato belonging to the estate of Joshua Sorrow, late of said county, deceased. WILLIAM II. BARNETT, Adm’r. Jan. 11.—2—w4m. A. Edward Adams, sen. 2. John Angling, Wade Antony. B. Augustus J. Brou n, Joseph Bair, WiJbam Bell. C. Pirainus Camp, Andrew Cunningham, 2. Jos. T. Cunningham, William L. Chery. D. James Dotihs, David Daniel, Daniel It. Dees, 2. Thomas Dosler, 2. E. Mr*. Mclvina F.skridgo. G. John C. Gathright, Samuel Gee, James Green. II. John M. Henderson, Samuel I lory. William Jolly, Howell Jarrett, Archibald J. Jackaon, N. ft 11. Jarrett, Allen Justice. K. James Kirkland. L. William Laujghlin. Peter M’Mullcn, Warren Morris, George Mark, James Montgomery, Edmund Morrison, Jcaso Murphy, Wiliam McMullen,! Martin M’Cann, E. J. M’Clusky, John J. M’Cuilock. N. F OUR months after dale application will be made to tho honorable the Inferior Coutt of Franklin count), when ailting for ordinary purposes, for leave tn sell Lot No. 34, in the 4tli District of Habersham county; said Lot of Land being a part of the Real Ea. ,a.e ofJohn Mills, d « cw & ANC Y. Mtt .L8, Adm’x. Jan. 25.—4—w lm. GUARDIAN’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the In- fciinr Court of Walton count v, will b« aoIJ, on tho first Tuesday in May next, at lh* Court House in Morgan countv, the wliote of tha mtrreat In and lo a tract of Land lying in aaid county, b ' ,on £"* B b> ¥*3 and Elfish Park, orphan*. Sold for the benefit of aaid orphan*. Tcrmi made known on the day of sale. March 1.—9—Id*. WILEY SWINNEY, Guard. F OUR months after date application will ha made deceased. , REUBEN Jan. 19.—3—w4m. F OUR month* after dale application witt he made to the honorable the Inferior Court ofllalleoUB. Jan. 25.—4—w4m. April 12-15—31. Sylvester Nelson, Thomas Nihlock. P, Jesse Pate, James Price, John Park. R. Ezekiel Rachford. 8. Samuel Smith, David Sailors, Mrs. Matilda 8andoci, Henry P. Surrett, William 8. Sanders, Abel Stizlor, Thoms* 8alfoM, Miss Millcy Surrett, M. & 8. Spile*. T. John Thomas, John Terrell, or John Davis, John Tiner, Mr*. IribclIsTsylor. John Venable, Asa Varner. W. Washington Winters, John Wattcrson, Anson B. Wilson, - Robert Williams’ orphans Mrs. Sarah Walaon, Elias. Wright, lames Wellborn. WILLIAM A. WOOD, P. M. LIST OF LETTERS B F.MAININOin the Poet Office *t Danielsvffle, Madison county, Georgls, on tbo 1st of April, ,8M ' A. . , j% James Jorden. M. John W. Moon, Esq. Woody Martin. Chartea Polk, Esq. Haley Stephens. Min Nancy Strickland. T. Joel Thompeou, W. John B. Wilson. Jacob Albright, Jun. B. Wilic Baitlstt. Lieut. Samuel Brown, C. George M. Christian, John H. Calvary, D. James Daniel. G. A. Galcy, Esq. Notley Gore. Lieut. B.mrt.Hendri.k^ r . M . April J.-I4-3. \