The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, May 17, 1831, Image 1

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Tfic Athenian. VOL. V. Terms.—'Three dollars per year, payable in advance, or Four dollars if delayed to the end of the year. Tin amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to inert their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, un less the money is paid in advance ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher.—A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish- went, accompanied with the amount due, will be con cideicd as equivalent to a new engagement, and papers rent accordingly. AnvK.uTisKMp.STS will he inserted at the usual rates. ’rj* All Letters to tho Editor on matters connected r.ith the establishment, must be postpaid in order to secure attention. ■ /J 2 * Notice of the sale of Laud and Negroes by Ad ministrators , Executors, or Guardians, must he publish ed titty days previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, must be published/orfy days previously the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of on estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will he made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published four months. Notice that Application will he made lor Letters of Administration, must bn published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. " QUOT HOMINES TOT SENTENTUH.-HUID DEM? <IV1D .VOX DEM? RF.XUIS TV, dU0DJUDET.1l.TERM ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1831. SHERIFFS’ SALES. IVI'8 ; levied on as the property nf Samuel Brown, to I GE0RG1 \ W \I TON COl’VTV alisfv a fi. fa. i„ favor of Hi. lmrd Moore, vs. aaid ’ * 1 * ' Irmvn. Property pointed out l»y plaintiff. Levy made iialton Superior Court, I'eb. Term, 1801. Eli Gaither, May 3. In Equity. live satisfy Brm and returned in me'by a Conatalile'. RICHARDSON HANCOCK, 1). Sh'IT. Truman Walthall, — I Charles F. Walthall, 'HUN Sheriff ’s Stile.—On tiie first ( Andrew Brown, and Tuesday in .11'Nf. next, will be sold at tl-c !*! b ™ ca Turman. Court-house in the town of Clayton, Rabun county, TT appearing by the Sheriff's return, ns well as bv within the usual hours of sale, the following properly, ® the affidavit of complainant, that Charles F. Waf to wit: * j thall and Truman Walthall, two of the defendants, ro- i e » • »- tt , j side without Hie limits of said county: It ia ordered, \° ■ ° nc ,Iundrcd and that said defendants plead answer, or demur to said e (10J,i in the 3d District nf Rabun county . levied I hi I on or before the first day of next term, and that this on as the property of Janies Prddy, to satisfy a li. fa. i rule be published in some public gazette in this State, issued from Capt. Turner’s District in Monroe county, once a month for three months previous to the next *n favor of Jonathan Richardson, vs. Janies Peddy. term of this Court. I ^OL’R months ufter date application will In- made t«» the honorable the Inferior Court of Italic GKO Km a, JACKSON COUNTY. llTMF.'If.tS Hubert It. Hampton, exoeetor of John ,, , .... ■— w W Johnson, deceased, applies to me for letters of < J"' . cu 8,tt, ng tor ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell dwinisuon from the further ailiiiimatrutiun of.aid estate. ,-nl No - 15:! ' ll >« Lilli Distriet of Muaeogcu, are therefore to eitc and admonish all and sin- T" 1 '' 1 "= * ),C iVn v'“"l i;:.lui, the kindred and creditors of aui.l deeeuaed, to , Bn '.JOHNSON, Adm’r. be and appear at my office within the time prescribed | _*__!! 1 tors should ilot'he granted''' I ■pOlIRmontlia after date application will he made Liven under my hand this 28lh dav of April 1831. * tolll ° numuMe the Inferior Court of Jackaon .. WILLIAM COWAN, c. e. o. May 10.—lf>—mOiii. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable JOHN LANGSTON, Sh’IT. April 2(5. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court, [ February term, I S3!. May i0.—19—m3m. V. HARALSON, Cl’k. C l LARK Sheriffs Sale.—On tno firs ' Tuesday in JUNE next, will bo sold at the Court-House in the town of Wutkinsvillc, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit : One House and Lot in the Town of Salctn, well improved,"No. 4, (number foui) : levied on as im properly of Joseph Ector, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Morgan county, in favor of Alexander M. Brown and Brown &. Akins, vs. Joseph Ector. Levy made and returned to me bv a Consta ble. JAMES HENDON, Sh’tT. May 3. J ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in JUNE next, will be sold at the Court house in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Lot of Land, containing five Acres, more or less, adjoining Jones and others : levied on as the property of Benton Starks, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court in favor of John II. Borders, vs. said Stark. I.cvy made and returned to me bv a Con- stable. GEORGE F. ADAMS, D. Sh’ff. May 3. J ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in JUNE next, will he sold, at the Court-House in the town of Jefferson. Jackson county, within the usual hours ot sale, the following property, to wit: Three Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining Hays and others : levied on as the pro perty of Isaac Rawls, sen. to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor ol Harris 4c Underwood, vs. said Isaac Rawls, sen. BARNABAS BARRON, D. Sh’IT. April 2H. H ALL Postponed Sheriff’s Sulc.—On the first Tuesday in JUNE next, will he sold at th c Court House in (ho tow'll of Gainesville, Hall county, within thc usual of sale, the following property, to wit; Three Acres of Land, more or less, lying in the suburbs of'Gainesville, whereon Collins Smith now lives: levied on us the properly of William Lodcn, to satisfy sundry li. Ian. in favor of J. \V. Jones & Co. vs. William Laden. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. A quantity of Drv Goods, Hardware, and Home Groceries, several boxes Hats, Shoes, Steel, one barrel Mackerel, live sacks Salt, some tin ware, u quan tity of Crockery Ware assorted, and sundry otlici arti cles too tedious to mention : levied on as the property of Atston Doytl, io-Mttuly Iwnfi. fa*. inHiii d from Gwin nett Superior Court, one in favor of John William Kelly, and the other in favor of Dobbin & Evans, vs. eaid Boyd. „ , ^ A. CHASTAIN, V. Shff. April 20. H M.L Sheriff ’s Sale—On tho first Tucs- dav in JUNE next, will lie sold, at the Court House in the town of Gainesville, Hull county, within thc usual hours of sale, thc following properly, to wit : Four Negroes, Faster a woman about twen ty-five years old; Caty a girl about six years old; Lewis a bov about four years, and a child uhout three weeks old flcvicd on as the property of John M'EIbnnnon,to satisfy ati. fa. issued from Hall Superior Court in fa vor of Wiley George for the use of Asa Yarnum, vs. aaid McElhaunon, and William Boyd, security on stay of Execution. Property pointed out by Boyd. A quantity of Goods, consisting of two box- «« of Dry (Jooils, fiv« boxes llals assorted, one box Medicine, one hex Cutlery and Lucks of oil lions, one box Weeding lines, one barrel Mackerel, hie sacks Sail, and some loose Salt, |mrt of a liogslieail ol Su-ar,several duz.l'rvina Pans, scveial doz-Spadesand Shovels, s quantity nfCrockcry and Class " are assor ted, some Tin Ware, some reap Hooks, one sytlic blade, one Matrass, one lot of Drawing Chains, anu tnindry other articles too tedious to mention: levied on as ilio property of A. Boyd, to satisfy two fi. las. one in favor Lr-tidin'& William Kelley, and the oilier in favor ol Dobbin 5t Evans, vs. said Boyd. One House and Lot in the Town of Gaines ville. known in tlmplan of said town byNo.(14.) four teen - levied onss llie property ofCary W. Jackson, to satisfy two fi fas. issued from Hall Superior Court, one m favor of Sterling II. Lester, tire other in favor of n. .1 Murray, va. said Jackson. Property pointed oul by said I.csler. A CU AST AIN, D. Sli’ff. April 20s _ \DISON Sheriffs Sale.—On the first M Tuesday in JUNE next, will be sold a. the lira..,, in the town of Daniclsville, Madison countv, within the usual hours of sale, the following pr.qiertv, to wit: One Hundred and Fifty Acres of Lund, in,i.-o- less. Ivl.i* on the caters of Brushy (r<"> whereon John A. Cl. m.nsns now lives : levied on as the property of eaid Clenunnns, t, satisfy • favor of K. Wood, vs. said Clvn.msns- 1 roperty pom' in' out bj defendant. Lc»y made and returned lo me by a Constable. Seventy-one Acres of Land, more nr less Ling on tli«? water* of Brushy Creek, adjwi.nng ' • Mcrenev and other?, whcrctm Jam* Galliher now LEGrAL NOTICES^ GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. February adjourned Term of the Inferior Court of said county, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, 1831. I T appearing to the Court, that Abraham B. Carter, late of said county, deceased, in his life time, to* gether with JohuT. Carter and Charles Ritchie, exe cuted his obligation to James Forsyth bearing date the 13th day of March, 1830, conditioned to make unto thc said lames Forsyth, his heirs and assigns, a good and sufficient title to Lot No. one hundred and fifty-two, in thc nineteenth District of the second section in thc then last Land Lottery, drawn by the said Abraham, B. Carter; and it appearing to thc Court that thc said Abraham B. Carter died without executing titles to said land in conformity to his said obligation, which is now herein to thaCnnrt fihfiwn. nnd it *m>carinfi to the Court that the consideration money for said land has been paid. It is on motion ordered, that John T. Car ter, administrator of the estate of thc said Abraham B. Carter, d* make and execute titles to said land agreea bly to said Bond and obligation, unless cause be shewn on or before the July Term of this Court next, nnd that a copy of this will be published for three months agree ably to thc law, in such casts made and provided. A true extract from the minutes, this 8th Feb. 1831. JONATHAN D. CHASTAIN, c. c. o. March 8.—10 —m3m. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1831. O N application of Thomas W. Harris, administrator in right of his wife Harriet II. on the estate of Christopher Hobson, deceased, stating that he has fully administeied said estate, and praying to he dismissed from said administration : It is on motion ordered, that said Harris, administrator as aforesaid, and his said wile Harriet II. be dismissed at thc next November term of this Coart, from their said administration, un less cause be shewn to the contrary. And it is further ordered, that this ride be published once a month in one of the public Gazettes, until the said term. A true extract from the minutes, 4th May, 1831. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. May 10.—19—mGtn. A DM ININTH ATO R’S S A LK. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, ut the Court-house in li utkinsvillc, Clark county, agreeably to an order of the lion, the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting lor ordinary purpo ses, the House and Lot in thc toivn of Athens, formerly [ county, when siltino for oidiuary purposes, for Isiivo to sell a tract of luml lying in the county of Fiunklin, whereon Col. Russel Jones, late of said county, de ceased, lust resided. Also, out; Negro Woman aiul Child, belonging to the estate of suid deceased. Feb. J.».—7—w-fnt. RUSSEL JONES, F.x’r. P OUR mouths after date application will bo inad o to tho honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson owned and occupied by Col. John A. Cobh, situated in J coun, .V, when sitting tor ordinary purposes, for leave to a desirable part of thc town, with an excellent Garden, a part of tlw Negroes belonging to tho Estate of GEORGIA. JACKSON COUNTY. Jackson Superior Court. Eli Headcn and Jane Robertson John M. Brazicl, ktal. Dill for discovery, rclirf and Injunction O N motion of Counsel for complainants, at Cham bers stating that since tho filing of this bill, it has boon discovered that Thomas Adams, William I.. Bryant, and Jacob Brnaclton have effects in their hands or are indebted to said John M. It is therefore ordered, that said Thomas. William and Jacob, he made parlies to said hill and injunction, and that they be served with a copy of said hill, together with thc amendment so made, to charge as defendants aforesaid. It is fur ther ordered, that John M. Brazicl who resides out of the jurisdiction of this Court, he served by publication of this Rule in thc Athenian, once a inontli for three months, previous to the sitting of the next Superior Court of said county. A true Copy from the original. A. S. CLAYTON, J. S. C. March 29.—13—m3m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. ClURLKS llCLSET, 1 . V f* n ~ r Petition and Hide rr.EDF.nicK A. Brown and j Jaisez Lewis. J for Foreclosure. Hall Superior Court, March Term t 1831. RULE NISI. To the lion, thc Superior Court of said county. FB1HE petition of Charles Hulsey respectfully shows, B that heretofore, to wit: on tho eighteenth day of Murch, eighteen hundred and thirty, tfio eaid Frede rick A. Brown and Jabez Lewis, made, executed and delivered to your petitioner,their certain deed of mort gage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, nnd which is here in Court ready to be shown, which deed of mortgage conveyed a certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in said county of Hull, known as Lot No. ninety-six, in thc ninth Distriet of said coun ty, which tract or Lot of land was mortgaged by thc said Frederick A. 4c Jahez, for tho he! ter securing to your petitioner the payment of a certain promissory note made and delivered to your petitioner, by the said Fre derick A. &. Jabez, on the day and year aforesaid, lor tl»e sum of three hundred dollars, and duo on thc twenty fifth day of December, eighteen hundred and thirty, together with a certain other note described in said mortgage, and which is not yet due, and which paid first mentioned note is herewith shown to the Court: and your petitioner further shows that the whole amount of principal and interest on said note, is now due and unpaid. Wherefore he prajs, that unless thc said Frederick A. and Jahez, pay into the Clerk’s Of- j ficc of this Court, the amount of the principal, interest and cost due thereof■, within six months from thisdatc, that the equity of redemption in, and to thc said mort gaged premises, thcncetorth and forev er be foreclosed. Therefore on motion of Council for the plaintiff, it is or dered by tho Court, that the said Frederick A. Brown and Jahez Lewis, pay into the Clerk’s office of this Court the amount of the principal and 'Merest due on said note, together with all legal costs, on or before the expiration of six months, otherwise the equity of redemption in and to the said moitgaged premises, he fortvei harit-d and forec losed; and that u copy of this rule and petition be published once a month tor rix months in one »*f the public Gazettes of this state, or that thc defendants he personally served therewith, three months before the next sitting of this Court. A true copy from the minutes. JAMES LAW, Cl’k. April 12.—15.— inCin. Libit for Diver ce. GEORGIA. OGLETHORPE COUNTV. Superior Court, April Term, 1831. Mary Vin Wilson, va. William •' ilron. I T ippoaring In the Court by Ike return oftheSheriff lint the D. fendsnt, William Wilson, ia not to he mind in this county, it ia ordered, that aervice be pet- .ecli-d upo-i hint bt a publication uf tin. Rule at leaal one a month for three months, in one of the jioblic Gazette, of this stale, and that lie appear and fib hn defence, on or before thc fir«t day of the next term. In ease of default, the trial in said caac fill proceed in on.of llie act. A trn- extract from the minutes, i- 28th tp il, 1831. JOHN LANDRUM, C1X. May 3.—18—ml®. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTV. Court of Ordinary, Nov. Term, 1830. 11 ERE AS Pleasant tlulsav. s of tho Es- ff tate ol James iiuidey, aec f d. applies to me hu letters of Dismission from thc further administration of said estate: Ordered, that aftor the publication of this rule as pre scribed by law, thc said pleasant Hulsey will he dis missed, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, of which, all concerned, arc hereby notified. A true extract from tho minutes, this 2d Nov. 1830. GEORGE IIA WPP., c. c. o. Nov. 16.—46—mCm. Well,and every necessary out building. Also, at the same tint.?, two Negroes, Moses and Columbus, the formci about 50 and thc latter about 12>ears of age, belong ing to the estate of Andrew Gr.iham, late of said county, deceased. Sold for thc benefit ofthe heirs anti credi tors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. A. Gin HAM, FRANCIS IRWIN, March 29.—13.—Ids. • Admr’t GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Benjamin R. McCutchcn?, one of the Administrators on tho Estate of Willis Thur mond, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration on said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish ull and gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear ut my office within the timo proscribed by law, to show cause if uny they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 22d day of March, 1831 GEORGE IIA’.VPE, c. e. o. March 29.—13— inCin. GEORGI A, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS James \V. Harris, administrator of Martin Thompson,deceased,applies tome for letters of Dismission from thc further administration of said cstutc. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lo be and appear at my office within the time prost ribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th day of March, 1831. JOSEPH L1GON, c. c. i March 8.—10—mGm. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Robert Orr and John 1‘. Weaver, Executors of Hiram Howard, deceased, apply to me for letters of Dismission from the further admin istrution of said estate: Thescarc therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin gular thc kindred and creditor* of «uid dewmmud. to bt •n«l appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th of Fob. 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. < Fob. 8.—C—mGm. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS H ade White, Administrator with the Will annexed on the estate of Francis Travlor, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from thc further administration of said estate. Thescarc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular thc kindred and creditors of said deceased, tobe and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band this 10th dav of Dec. 1430. JOSEPH LIGON, i>. c. c. o. Dec. 11.—50—mGm. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. W HEREAS Elijah Radford, Adm’r. on the cstato of John McGuire, late of said county, deceas ed, applies to me for letters of Dismission from thc fur ther administration of said estate : These arc therefore to cite and admonish ail and sin gular the kindred and crcditorsof said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under iny hand this 7th dav of Dec 1830. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. Dec. 14.—50.—Cm. To JOHN F. WILLIS And all persons interested, who reside out ofthe State of Georgia. TAKE NOTICE T H AT I shall apply lo the next Snperior Court to be field in and for the county of Clark, and State of Georgia, on the second Monday in August next, for a Writ of partition to have laid off and assigned me my dower, nr one third part of a certain tract of Land, ly ing in Clark county, Georgia, containing two hundred Acres, more or less, adjoining Lands formerly belong ing to Daniel \V. Easly, now known as the College lands, granted to William Few, and by Few conveyed to George Smith, and by Smith conveyed to Samuel Holla way, and now in the pusaesatonofJohn A. Cobh. I, being by the laws of Georgia entitled to a dower in tlie said land, at which time you ran attend and file your objections if to you shall seem fit- CLARA HOLHWAY, widow and rttict of Samuel JlMaurmj, dec'd. April EXECUTOR’S SALE. "WM7II.L be sold on the 1st Tuesduy in June next, ¥ v at thc Court lluuso in the county of Jackson, agreeably to an order of the honorable the Court of Ordinary for said county, all tho Real Estute of Samuel Y. Paiton, late of said county, deceased, consisting of four Negroes, two men, a woman and a girl, ami seven ty acres of Lund, more or less, lying on the waters of North Oconee. Sold for the benefit of thc heirs.— Terms made known on the day of sulc. WILLIAM KNOX, Ex’r. March 15.—11—tds. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to the last Will and Testament of William Wright, sen. deceased, will ho sold on the first Tuesday in July next, at the Court House in Lowndes county, Lot of Land No. 492, in the 11th District of Irwin county, when drawn. Sold for the benefit of the legatees of said deceased. Terms made known on the day. THOMAS A. WRIGHT Ex’r. May 2.—IS—tds. Ohadiah Watson, late of said county, deceased. Sold tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of nuid deceas ed. JOSEPH WATSON, ) .. , JOSEPH LANDRUM, $ l xrH * March 8.—10—w4tn. F OUR months after date application will he mado to thc honorable thc Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,for leave to soil u I louse and Lot in the town of Jefferson, kicwti and distinguished in the plan of said town, as No. 15, us the property of Thomas Allen, lute of said county, deceased. ROBERT ALLEN, \ JOHN W. THOMPSON, j March 29.—13—w4m. I TIOUII months after date application will be made to tho Inferior Court of Rabun County, when sit ting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the Real Es tate of Thomas Middleton, deceased. All persons con cerned will please take notice. THOMAS M1DDI ETON, Adm’r. DEBORAH MIDDLETON, Adm’x. May jo.—ID- -w4m. Admr’s Admr’s. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL he sold in Jefferson, Jackson county, on the first Tuesday in June next, agreeably loan order of the honorable the Inleriof Court ol Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, a tract of land, containing one hundred Acres, more or less, ad joining Chandler and Shackleford, Ivingon the waters ofthe Oconee River, being a part of tho Reul Estate of Samuel Willingham, late of said county, deceased. Also, nine Negroes, belonging to the estate of said de ceased. Sold for the benefit ofthe heirs und creditors of auid deceased. HENDERSON WILLINGHAM, WILLIS WILLINGHAM, March 15. —11—Ids. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. t C. REE ABLY lo an order of tiic honorable the In ferior Court of Rabun county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, Lot No. 7, in the 2d District of Rabun coun ty, containing two hundred ami fifty Acres, more or less, it being part ofthe Real Estate, of Robert Patter son, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of *aid deceased. Terms made known on thc day of sale. JOSEPH PATTERSON, Adm’r. April 19—IG—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold on thc first Tu«>day in Juno next, at the Court House in Gainesville, Hall coun ty, ugreeahly to an order of thc honorable thc Inferior Court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purpos es, one Lot of land, No. 108, containing two Hundred und Fifty Acres, undone fractional Lot No. 109, con tuininit Fifty Acres, more or loss, situated on tho Chat tahoochee River, in the 10th Distriet of said county, belonging to the Estute of Thomas Covington, late of said county, deceased. The above Tracts will be sold on a credit of three years, ufter the puyinent of one fourth cash, which will he required on the day of sale. Good notes with approved security will also he requir ed. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. THOMAS BYIID, Jun. Adm’r. March 29.—13—tds. GUARDIAN’S SALE. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in AuguSt next, at McDonough, Henry county, agreeably to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Frank lin county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, a Tract of Land, No. 401, situated in the Ifith District of for merly Newton county,containing two Hun dred two and one half Acres, more or less, adjoining Gurihric, Hudson and others, belonging to tho Estate of Thomas Harbour, late ofFranklin county, deceased. Sold for the benefit ot the heirs of taid deceased. Terms mads known cm tho duy of sale. DANIEL CHANDLER, Guard. April 2G.—17—3t. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL he sold on Saturday the 25th day of June next, at thc residence of Rachel Ramsey in Franklin county, all the personal properly belonging to the estate of Jonathan L. Rnin»ey, deceased, consisting of one horse, hogs, cattle, household furniture. Terms made known on the day. JAMES RAMSEY, Adm’r. May 10.-19—tds. F ~ ...... — — — - - 11 to the honorable the Inferior Court of Hall coun ty, when sitting tor ordinary purposes, for leave lo sell tiie Real Estate of John Ingram, late of Hall county, diLumil. I.ITTLE INGHAM, Adm’r. March 29.—13—wtlll. I TIOl'K month, after dale application will bn mado ^ la lira honorable I be Inferior Court of l ronklin county, w hen nittina fur ordinary |mr|K»c«, fnr lca»« to ncll |.ot No. 34, in thc 4th District of Habersham count); said Lot oft.and being a part of the Itea! ts. tate ofJohn Mills, deceased. NANCY*MILLS, Adm’x. Jan. 23.—4—w lm. F OL'It mnnlhsafter date application will bo made to the lion, the Inferior Court of Madison coun ty w hen sittinc fur ordinary purpose., for leave- tuseil the Ileal of Joseph Mlhripht, late.,fsaid county, deceased. KEl'BEN SIMMONS, Adm’r. Jan. 18.—3—tv-lm. NEW GOODS. , JOHNP. SEiZ&, A T NISI) K T T’S C 0 K N E R, Is Opnninif a very Extensive Assortment o;' Fancy and Staple Dry GOODS, ^4 UITABI.F. for the Season, and which will he sold ►3 low, wholesale and retail, for cash or town accep tances, viz : Black Italian Lustring, Grua de Naples and tiros de Berlin, Asad, cross barred und striped muslin**, Bohmctt and Thread Laces, lawurtisigtt und Edgings, Scolloped und Inserting trimmings, on thin and thick Muslins, Chumhraysor plain col’d catubricks. Striped und pluided Seersucker ginghams, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, 11-1 tabic damask Diaper, sonic extra line, Ladies best silk nnd horse skin Gloves and Mils, Gentlemen's best silk, thread and liorai skin gloves, Assd. belts and guard ribbons, corded skirts, Spittlefield, pongee and Hug hdkfs. Gauze, grenadine, Iciase k crape shawls. Neck and long gauze und crape scurfs, Russia sheeting, brown linen, Scotch dowlas, ostiuburg and crush, French, English and domestic calicoes and ginghams?, 4-4, 5-4, and G-4 Oil Cloth, French and India yellow nankeen, some 3-4 w ide, White uud fancy gentlemen's cravats, Gentlemen’s while and colored half and long cotton hose, Ladies white, black and marbled silk anil cotton hose, Imitation linen cumbrick handkerchiefs, French col’d und printed muslins, Adiianopla ginghams, Green and blue sarsnett, for covering parasols, 4-4, 5-4, G-4 bobinet luco, sumo extra fine, Head bags, fuqo, blk. Italian cravats, Furnilore calicoes, Bengal stripes, Long lawn, Irish und Flemish linen, Fine und extra fine furniture and garment dimity?, Palmuriuc, cotton fringes at ull prices, Grosde L’ulus, bishops lawn, l'rinceltus, Fine and extra fine figured und plain Swiss muslins, Marseilles vestings, American and English long cloth, Linen and cotton bcdticking, musqueto ncltipg, Brochclin, green and worsted Burugc, Green gauze veils, Shell, tucking und »idc Combs, Russia und Scotch diapers, Book and non smile muslins, French and English Bombuzilic, Silk and cotton Uiiibrtdlas, Ladies Umbrellas and Furasols, Embroidered collars and pelerines,. Imitation and real Mudrass hdkfs, Blk. and white bobinet veils, Quilting luces, cop and bonnet ribbons, Dark cotton Mixluics, ' Angola C&HScmcrcH, Polish and French Drilling, Rouen cusscmercs, Mixed eastnelx, Merino cassentercfl, Black circassiuns, Mixed Loudon drills, Sateen jeans, Vigonia casHcmcres, Silk and cotton stripes, Princetia lasting*, Printed stripes, Cotton CasHeincros and Sateens, Nankin Royal, Blue nankeeneit, Cotton Florentine, cUT'The *bovc Goods, together with his former Stock, comprise a very general assortment, and are well worth the country merchants’ examination. Augusta, April 26.—17—w4w. NOTICE. rfli IE Copartnership existing between the aubscri- ■L hers under the firm of BISSELL & C. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. LEONARD BISSELL. IV. W. SCOYELL, Monroe, Walton county, April 26 —17—3t. Li. Bissell W ILL continue business at Ins old in Moo* roe, and solicits a conilnusnce of those favors lit* has heretofore so liberally received froo* l» li ®»d fro nds and customers. Anri! 26.—17—3T.