The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, June 21, 1831, Image 1

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The Athenian. VOL. V. “ QUOTHO.VI.VES TOT SE.\TE.VTl.T..-qUID OEM? QUID .VOX DFMT KEXUIS TU, <111011 JllliET .li.TEU." ATHENS, (KEOKKIAJ TUESDAY; JITNE~21,’ 183 iT PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, G. P. SHAW. Terms. -Three dollars per year, payable in advance, or Foot dollars if delayed to tho end of the year. The litter amount will lie rigidly exacted of all who fail tu incc.t their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, tin. less (lie money is paid in advance; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of subscribers to notify ns of their intention of relinquish ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be enu- bidcrcd ns equivalent to a new engagement, and pa pers sent accordingly. Aovcrtiseme vts will be inserted at the usual rates. : : Jj 2 * VII Letters to the Editor on matters connected w;tb the establishment, must be post paid in order to gcctt-c attention. 'CUP Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish- .•J sidy days previous to the day of sale. The tale of Persona! Property, in like manner, must be published forty dayi previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be .published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for [.cave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published/ ur months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Adumditration, must be published thirty days, and fo Letters of Dismission, six months. No. 25. Is3'tAL NOTICES. GEORGIA, IIAM. COUNTY. Charles IIui.sft, Frederick A. Brown and ^ Petition and Uiue .Iaolc Lewis. J fir Foreclosure. Hull Superior Court. .1 lurch Term, 1931. RULE NISI. To the lion, the Superior Court of said county. ipect fully shows To JOHN K. WALLIS iud all persons interested, who reside out of Ihc Stale of CSror^ia. TAKE NOTICE HAT I shall apply In tli TP bo held in a-i.l f. i Kills. SHERIFFS 7 SALES. C iLARK Sheriff's Sale.—On tap first J Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold at the Court-House in the town of U’atkinsvillc, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following properly, to wit: Four Negroes, to wit: Lizzy a woman about twenty-one yearn of age; Harriet a girl about five year* of age; Mary u girl about three yearn of age, and n young child by the name of Nicholas, about fifteen mouths old: levied on as the property of John Green wood dec’d. to satisfy two fi. fas. in favor of Heard & Cook, vs. Caleb B.’Greenwood and William Green- vood.admr’s of John Greenwood, deceased. May 31. JAMES HENDON, Sh’ff. C ^NLARK SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will he J. sold, on the first Tuesday in JULY next, at tho Court IJouse in the town of VVatkinsvillc, Clark county, within the lawful hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Two Negroes, Jinscy a woman about forty years of age, and Jack a bov, about fourteen years of age: levied on as the property of William M'Murray *o satisfy two fi. fits. oncin favor of John C. Recce vs. paid William McMurray, the other in Ihvor of William M. Reed, bearer, vs. said William McMurray. Pro perly pointed out by John McMurray, holding thc con trol of said fi. fas. m ISAAC S. VINCENT, D. Sh’ff. May 3t. IIE petition »>f Chari tS. that heretofore, to wit: on the eighteenth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty, tho said Fred rick A. Brown and Jaboz Lewis, made, executed and delivered to your petitioner,their certain deed of mort gage, bearing date tho day and year aforesaid, and vliieh is here in Court ready to be shown, which deed f mortgage conveyed a certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in said county of Hall, known as Lot No. ninety-six, in the ninth District of said coun ty, which tract or Lot of land was mortgaged by the said Frederick A. & Jahez, for the better securing to your petitioner the payment of a certain promissory note made and delivered to your petitioner, by the said Fre derick A. & Jahez, on the day and year aforesaid, for flic im of three hundred dollars, and duo on the twenty fifth day of December, eighteen hundred and thirty, together with a certain other note described in raid mortgage, amt which is not yet due, and which said first mentioned note is herewith shown to the Court: and your petitioner further shows that the whole amount of principal and interest on said note, j* now due and unpaid. Wherefore he prays, that unless the said Frederick A and Jabcz, pay into the Clerk’s Of ficc of this Court, the amount of the principal, interest and cost due tlu-reon, within six months from this dale, that tho equity of redemption in, and to the said mort gaged premises, thenceforth and forever bo foreclosed. Therefore on motion of Council for the plaintiff, if is or dered by the Court, that the said Frederick A. Brown and Jahez Lewis, pay into the Clerk’s office of this Court the amount of the principal and interest due on said note, together with all legal costs, on or before tho expiration of six months, otherwise tl*o equity «»f redemption in and to the said mortgaged premises, bo forever barred and foreclosed; and that a copy of this pule and petition he published once a month for six months in one of the public Gazettes of this state, or that the defendants he personally served therewith, lirec months before the next sitting of this Court. A true copy from the minutes. JAMES LAW, Cl'k. April 12.—15.—m6m. M ALL SitprifPa Snle.—On the first Tues day in JULY next, will lie sold, al tile Court tlouae in tho Town of Gsinceville, Hnll county, within the usualhonrn of sale, tho following property, to wit: Four Hundred Acres of T.nnd, more or less, ' -f.a on the waters of the Pan pork of tho Oconee, .Lil'iouiine Mcrks and others : levied on as the proper -V of John Bail}', to satisfy a !i. ft. issued from Jack- con Superior Court in favor of Ralph Dailey,.one of Hie administrators of A. Warren, deceased, va. John Bailey and James Bailey. Two bay Marcs, one six and the othei three years old, one elay bank Colt : levied on a* the property of Eli W. Naranwre, to satisfy a fi. fa. in lo- vor of John Miller, for the use of Charles Dunkm, vs. raid Narainorc. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, known by Lot No. 37. in the Hth District of (tall county: levied on ns the property of John Mar- • in, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Russell Jones & Co. vs. jaid Martin. Two Hundred Acres or Land, more or less, and two bay Horses, eight or nine year, old : levied on os the property of William Grady, to satisfy a fi. fa. m favor of James Ulaekstock, vs. sard Grady. One Hundred Acres of [.and, more or less whereon David B. Kitchens now lives, lying on the waters of the Chattahoochee immediately bHow Con- nor's Ford : levied on as the property of David B. Hitch ■ms, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. one m favor of P. J. Mm- •ay and others, vs. said Kitchens. One Lot of I,and, No. S4, in the lith Dw- of Hall count v : levied on as the properly of .Nee- W Dob,“ to sifisty a fi. 6. M from 11.1 S,,.tenor Court in favor of Thoma^Do^y.^. Mtd ljohso. ^ May 31. __ __ ACKSON Sheriff’s Snle—On the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold, al the Court House in the town of Jefferson, Jackson count}, Sithin the usual hours of sale, the following properly. One bav Horse, three years old : levied on the properly of Middleton Cowcn, to satisfy a fn fa- - ■oftVebslor.PamKlee&Co.n. said f .o« In favm . 4 nd PavidL. Knox. Property pointed Tcltabod Drew.. aut by said Cowcn. -T,p ARAMS, D. SI' «• May 31. geo11 - „ ■— J GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. February adjourned Term of the Inferior Court of said county, silling as a Court of Ordinary, 1831. I T appearing to the Court, that Abraham B. Carter, late of said county, deceased, in his life time, to* gether with JolioT. Carter and Charles Ritchie, exe cuted his obligation In James Forsyth bearing date the I3'h day of March, 1830, conditioned to make unlothc said James Forsyth, his heirs and assigns, a good and sufficient title to l.nt No. one hundred and fifty-1 ivo, in the nineleenlli District of the second section in the then last I.and Lottery, drawn by the said Abraham B. Carter; nnrl it appearing to the Court that the said Abraham B. Carter died without executing titles tosaid land in conformity to his said obligation, which is now herein to the Court shewn, and it appearing to the Court that the consideration money for said land lias been paid. It is on motion ordered, that John T. Car ter, administrator oflhe estate of the said Abraham B. Carter, d * make and execute titles to said land agreea bly to said Bond anil obligation, unless cause ho shewn on or before I he July Term of this Court next, and that a ropy of this will lie published for llirre months agree ably to Ihc law, in such cases made and providod. A trueextrac! from the minutes, this 8th Fob. 1831. JONATHAN D. CHASTAIN, e. c. o. March 8.—10—m3m. Great Bargain T"K *ubjenb« offer, ^ of JL, o P n whmh lm rrstdes, £ ihc Cherokee *£"‘cultivation, tolerably well which IS in good older t dwrl | in g House, evetv nppruvedf with i t| and a very good Apph* u,l< * necessary out-bui^ | u to p urc |,ase such* Peach Orchard. th . premises. Title situation, will du well EDWARD JONES. «XleWcounty. March -— LAW NOTICE. fWVIE under"*"** *” P"{f“,JIJL'*found irt Car- J. nerohip; on * . the t)l j ieP a t their office in Tollton, CartoU c S n ; y attend to any hu- Franklin, Heard coun j. ^ y Chattahoochee Cir- aioesi entruated in Alabama, cull, and in the adjace FAMBROUGII, of ( arrofBou, md WILLIAM II. UOVOHTOS^ GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. Jackson Superior Court. Headcn and "I Jano Robertson I /);;/y„r discovery, rtlirf and Julio M. Brazil:!, et si., j Injunction. O N motion of Counsel for eomplainauls. at Cham. bers. slating that sines the filing of this bill, it has been discovered that Tliomaa Adams, William I.. Bryant, and Jacob Brasrlton have effects in their hand* or are indebted to said John M. H is therefore ordered, that said Thomas, William and Jacob, be made parlies to said bill and injunction, and that they be served with a copy ol said hill, together with the amendment so made, to charge as defendants aforesaid. It is lur- Iher ordered, that John M. Rraziel who resides out of the jurisdiction of this Court, be served by publication of this Rule in tho Athenian, once a month For three month", previous to the silling of the next Superior Court of said county. A true Copy from the original, A. S. CLAYTON, J. S. C. March 23.—13—m3in. GEORG! A, og l e t 11 o r p e county, Superior Court, April Term, 1831. Mary Ann Wilson, vs. William W ilson I T appearing to the Court by tho return of ihcSbctiff tI,atthe Defendant, William Wilson, is not to be round in this county, ii is ordered, that service be per- .reted upon him by a publication of this Rule at least once a month for thiee months, in one r,r the public Gaieties of this state, and U,a t he appear andI file Ins defence, nn or before the first day of tho next term. In ease of default, the trial in said case will proceed in terms of the ad. A true extract from the minutes, hi, 38th April, 1831. J0 , JN landbuM> clk . May 3.—19-m3m. on, ) n. ) Libel for Divorce. of Georgia, on the second Mo ml a Writ of pariili n to liavt* laid o| lower, or one third part of ac»»r1 inff in Clark comity, Georgia, co \crrs, or Ii*****, c«lj in/i to Daniel IV. F.aslv, now land?, prantcil to William Fi n irrior Court t I Clark, and .Stat » August next, fo "If .mil assigned me nr >*rtain tniet of l.nml, lv- conJuiiinjr two hundred Lands f.riiierlv lielong- known ns the College i! bv Few conveyed to George Smith, and hy Smith conveyed to Samuel Holloway, and now inf ho po*»*e?si.m..f John A. Cohh. I, heine hv the laws of Georgin entitled to a dower in the said land, at which time you can attend and file your objection? if to you tOiull seem fit. CLARA 1IOI.L UVA Y, xehlow and relict of Samuel lloltaway, dic'd. Apiil 19.—16—m3in. HF.OIHHA, JACKSON COUNTY. P I.ItsON ALLY appeared before me Greet Steed, ’Pirate t..r Raid county, James Bradley of d Mudtmu.kul State, aforesaid, who hein« y •* :w "|n ffaitli on « afh, that Daniel Jackson of the mfy "I Morgan,did, Rometiine in the year 1821, give bond or obligation to 1iitn v tlio ?aid Hratlley,to make I Bradley, good and inilficient titles to lot IOth District of Hall county, Bradley ban or mislaid mt come at the same, and subdcribcd before me this lSth Sep tember, 1830. JAMES BRADLEY. Greek Steed, j. p. June M.—21.—m3in. duly Ii bi n the of I.and No. 85, in the and that the said Jam said Bond, so that be. cannot i GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1831. O N application of Thomas IV. Harris, administrator in right of his wife Harriet II. on tho estate of Christopher Uob.-on, deceased, stating that lie has fully administered said estate, and ptaying to be dismissed from said administration : If is on motion ordered, that said Harris, administrator as aforesaid, and bis said wife Harriet II. be dismissed nt the next November term of this Court, from their said administration, un less cause be shewn to the contrary. And it is further ordered, Jlmf this rule be published once a month in ono of the public Gazettes, until the said term. A true extract from the minutes, 4th May, 1831. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. May 10.—19—m6m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. George W. Moore, J vs. S PiU for discovery, fyc. Joseph J. Singleton, ) In Clark Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1831. I T appearing to iho Court from the return of the Sheriff that the defendant reside! on! of tho coun ty of Clark. On motion of counsel for complainant, it is ordered, that service of this hill be perfected on the defendant by publicat ion of this rule once a month for three months in the Athenian, before the next term of this Court. The above order in truly copied from the minutes of the Superior Court of said county, ’his 16th day of May, 1831. ROBERT LIGON, Clk. Mnv 21.—21—m3m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Benjamin R. McCutchcns, one of the Administrators on the Estate of Willis Thur mond, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration on said estate. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be nnd appear attny office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this22d dnv of March, 1831. GEORGE JIAWPE, c. c. o. March 29.—13—mCm. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS James W. Harris, administrator of Martin Thompson,decenscd,nnplies tome for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said estate. These are theroforo to cite ami admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time proscribed by law, to shew came if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band this 7th day of March, 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. March 8.—10—mGm. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W tlERF.AS Robert Orr and John P. Weaver, Executor, of Hiram Howard, deceased, apply to ine for letters ofDismi.aion from the further admin iteration of said estate: Thcscaro therefore tocitc and admonish, all nnd ain- gular Iho kindred and cr.ditnr. Urue«*e.l, to be and appear al my office, within the Itmo pre-rribed by law, to allow cause, ir any they have, why .aid Letter, should not be granted. Given under my hand tliia 7th ofFch. 1831 • JOSEPH LICiON, c. c. < Feb. 8 — 0—mGm. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. fl7 IIEREAS Robert B. Hampton, executor of John f , Johnson, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from tha further administration of said estate. These aro therefore to cite and udmonieh all and sin. gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear al my office within the timo prescribed hy law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not he granted. Given mider my hand Ibis 48lh day of April 1831 WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. < May 10.—19—mCm. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. W HEREAS F.lijah Radford, Adm’r. on the estate of John McGuire, late of said county, deceas ed, applies to me fot letters of Dismission from the fur. ther administration of said estate : _ These are thnrclbrc to cite nnd admonish all and sin gular the kindred sn.l ereditorsof said deceased, to hr and ap-ear at my off,re within the time prrsenhed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said loiters should nol be granted. Given under my hand tins 7tli day of Dec 1830. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. Dec. M.—50.—Cm. GEORGIA. WA1.TON COUNTY. Walton Superior Court, Feb. Tern, 1S31. Eli Gaither, 1 v ’* Turman Walthall, I j a Equity. Charles F. " althnll, j Andrew Brown, and Rebecca Turman. I , February 1931. May i0.—19—m3m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Robert Evans, Adra'r. ofthe E«<a!» of Joseph Evans, lats of Madison county, dec d. appliei to me /or letters of Dismission from the further, administration of «»'d c »ttr<K Ordered that after the publication of this rule as pre. scribed by law, the said Robert Evans w.ll he dis missed, unless cause be shewn to th* contrary, of which all concerned, arc hereby notified. A true extract from the minutes, this ftl May, 1S3I GEORGE HAWPF., c. c. o. May I7.-20—m6m. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GRF.LABI.Y lo tlio la?t Will and Testament of JiL William Wiiohl, sen. deceased, will bo sold on the first Tuesday in July next, nt the Court House in Lowndes county, Lot of Land So. 402, in the 1 Ith District offnvin county, when drawn. Sold for Iho benefit of the legatees of said deceased. Term? mode known on the dav. THOMAS A. WRIGHT Ex’r. May 2.—18—Ida. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. A GRKEABLY to nn oruerof the honorable the In- lli. fciior Court of Rabun county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will bo sold on the first Tuesday in July next* Lot No. 7, in thn 2d District of Rnhun coun ty, containing two hundred and fifty Acros, more or lc??, it being part of the Real Estate of Robert Pntter- son, late of said county, deceased. Sold for Ihc benefit of the In ir? and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOSEPH PATTERSON, Adm’r. April 19—16—Ids. ADMINISTRATORS .SALK. "WV^ILL he sold on Saturday tho 25th day of June T ▼ next, nt the residence of Rachel Ramsey in Franklin county, all the personal property belonging to the estate of Jonathan L. Ramsey, deceased, consisting of ono horse, bogs, entile, household furniture. Terms made known on the day. JAMES RAMSEY, Adm’r. May 10.—19—Ida. GUARDIAN'S SALE. bo sold on the first Tuesday in August next, V ▼ within the usual hour? of sale, in the town of Clarkesville, Ifaherslinm county. Lot of Land No. 150, in the 9th District of Carroll county. .Sold for the be nefit of Mary ^ilkerson’s, orphans. JOSEPH DOBSON, Sen. Guardian. May 31 .—-22—.ds. ■ 71 OUR months afterdate application will be made JU to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when fitting for ordinary purposes, for Isavc to sell a tract of land lying in the county of Franklin, whereon Col. Russel /ones, late of said county, de* ceased, last resided. Also, one Negro Woman and Child, belonging to the estate of ?uid derra?cd. RUSSEL JONES, Ex’r. Feb. 15.—7— wlm. ■flOUR months after date application will bn made .■J to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the Negroes belonging to the Estate of [Jbadiah W atson, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heir? nnd ereditorsof said deceas ed. JOSEPH WATSON, ) v . JOSEPH LANDRUM, j r ' xr ®' March 8.—10—w4m. TjlOUK months afterdate application will bo made I? to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when silting for ordinary purpose?,for lenve to soil a House nnd Lot in the town of Jefferson, known and distinguished in the plan of said town, ns No. 15, a? the property of Thomas Allen, late of said county, deceased. ROBERT AI.l.EN, ) Ad , JOHN W. THOMPSON, ) A0,nr *' March 29.—13—w lm. "■TtOGR months alter date application will be made S? to the Inferior Court of Itahiin County, when ait- ting for ordinary purpose! for leave lo sell the Real Es tate of Thomas Middleton, deceased. All persons con cerned will please take notice. THOMAS MIDDLETON, Adm’r. DEBORAH MIDDLETON, Adm’x. May 10. —19—>v4m. 1740DR month* after date application will be made to tho honorable the Inferior Court of Hall coun ty, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of John Ingram, Isle of Hall county deceased. _ , LITTLE INGRAM, Adm’r. March 29.—13—w4m. TNOL'U months alter date application will be made ■' to Ihc honorable the tnlerior Court of Jackson county, when silting for ordinary purposes, fur lenve lo sell the I.and and Nefci-nes belonging lo tha Estate of Robert Moon, late of said countv, deceased. ARCHIBALD MOON, ) •VII.I.I\M MOON, > Exr’f. ROBERT MOON, ) May 17.—SO.—w4m. YNOL'Il months alter date application will lie made a* to the honorable the Inferior Court of Habersham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes and Real Eatste of (lie late Enoch Edwatrls, sen. Isle of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. ENOCH EDWARDS, Jr. Ex’r. May 2t—21—w4m. TNOL'R months after date application will be made X 1 to ths honorable the Infuior Court of Franklin county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to tell a Lot of I,and in Dooly county, belonging to the orphans of Joshua Inman, deceased. JAMES MCDONALD, Guardian. June 14.—24—w4m. "■740UR rnonthu after date applicatie.n will be made a; to tho honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to ac-il the Land and Nrgroes belonging to the Estate of James McMillan, latv nfsaid county, deceased. MARY M’MIl.LAN, Admr’x. James m’millan, Adm’r. June 14.—24—wlm. CIRCULAR. Ojjicr oj the American and Foreign Agency Jor Claims, .Vo. 49, Wall-Street •Vete- York, January, 1831. push® jsroT:ea I S hereby given l« all persons whom it may concern, having Claim?, Debts, Inheritances, he. payable or recoverable abroad, that tins Agency hascstablisherf, under the special auspices and patronago of distin* guished individuals of this country, a regular corres pondence with eminent Bankers, he. in the principal ports nnd capital? of Foreign Governments, in com mercial relation? with tire United State?; through tho . mediation whereof, such valid elnima ns may be effnfi- i ded thereto, will be expedited for settlement, and promptly ami effectively recovered; when furnished by the claimant? w ith the suitable legal proof?, and vouch ers, together n-illi the rrntimite Tower of Attorney, to betaken nnd acknowledged before any Judge of & Court of Record, nr other competent Civil Magistrate, Municipal Authority, or Notary Public; and the whole duly authenticated by the Governor of tho State, or Territory, in which tho same may be perfected, and legalized by the appropriate Foreign Consul. Having also rgtnhlidied u similar correspondence throughout the United State? and Britinh America, the like claims for recovery in any part thereof respectively, will be re ceived and efficiently attended to rn heh'alf of American ns well aa Foreign claimants. Orders for investment of funds on Mortgage of Freehold property, ortho pur chase of Public .Securities of tho United Stale?, Canal Loananf the State? of New-York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, he. punctually and faithfully egeeuted. Applications addressed to this Agency, in cases requiring the inves tigation of claims, search records, or tho intervention of legal proceedings, should be accompanied with an adequate remittance to defray tho preliminary charges and disbursements attending the same; and all letters mint he addressed, post paid, fo the undersigned, (Counsellor oft he Supreme Court of the United States,) in the Office of American and Foreign Agency, 4il» Wall-street, New-York. AARON II. PALMER, Actuary* Tho Subscriber. Attorney at Law, has boon appoint ed Agent of the above Office. All who wioh to usa its- aid in establishing claims in other States, or In Foreign. Kingdoms, or in collecting debts from runaway Debt* ore, can do so by bringing to the subscriber all paper? relative to their demands, which, with proper vouchers and certification, will be despatched to the General Office. Attention to tins Circular is especially in vited from those, whose villanous debtors have Bed to- Florida, Arkansas, Texas, &c., or whose Negroes htv? been stolen and carried away. If such creditors Snd masters will employ tho nncncy of this Office, they may yet save every dollar due from men w ho have tho? absconded; or may recover each servant that has fled* or been purloined from his employ. Parsons, also, who wibli to collect and remit dividends, drafts, pro* coeds on the sale ol stocks, &c., or who wish to invest capital in Bank stock. Canal, or Turnpike fundi, or in any other mnnncr, will find this extensive agency the safest medium for doing business, that ever accommo dated the commercial world. W. McKINLEY, Jlgent efthe American and Foreign Office of Agency, Lexington, Oglethorpe county, May 31.—22—2t. N. B.—Soldiers and other Pensioners will find thin the best moans to draw their pensions, or disposo of their bounty lands. F OUR months slier Jstc sppkcstion wilt be mule to the honorable the Inferior Court of Greene couniV. when sitting for ordinary purposes, for !«•»« to self the Real Esute of Sherwood Stanley, late of wid county,deceased.STANLEY, Exe’x. May 31.-22.—.' Aru* W HEREAS William Lindsey applies tp me for letters of Administration on the Estate of An drew M. Lindsey, deceased V ,, , . These are therefore to cite knd admonish all andain- tular the kindred and creditors of eajd deceased^ be and appear at my office within the ttm* prerenbed by law, g/ shew «“»* > r »«y the y »» ,e * “" 1 ' cU,r * "''l^vtn underpin» hand .hi, 18.1, May 1831. 1 WILLIAM COWAN, e. e. o. May 31.-23 30*1. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. B B. LORD & Co. H AVE just received from New York, a large and splendid assortment of Gold nnd Silver Patent LeverWtleh- es. Gold and Silver Leplne do. English nnd French Silver do. Curb and Linked Welch nnd Gunrd Chains, Seals and Keye, Ladies Chains, Seals and Keys, Pearland FillsgreeEar and Finger Kings, Medallions, Lneketts.Neck Chains, Shirt Studs, Breast Pint, E. P. Pencil Cates, Silver Snnone, Musical Boxes, Snuff and Fancy do. Turkiab pipes, llodgcrs* Razors and Pen Knives, Percussion Guns and Pistols, Gamo Bags, Powder Flasks, t:o. ALSO, Will br received in a few days, a large as rudiment of Plated Castors, Fruit and Bread Baskets. Alan, Cof fee and Tea Pots, Candlo Sticks, Snuffers and Traye, and a large assortment of Plated snd Gilt Je'vbuy and a few splendid Clocks. Athens, May 10.—19—eowSm. Tewgoods.'’ J WHITE & Co* H AVE just received from New York e largr and splendid assortment of Dry Goode, consisting in part of Black Italian Lustring, Grot De Naples and Gros t)a Berlin, French and printed Muslins, figured snd plain Mandarines, Parisian figured Organdi and Crapo Dc Lyon, [Jain and printed Battratc,Fancy Ginghams, Furniture Calicoes and Prints, figured ana pllin Swiss, Book and Mull Muslins, Jaconet and erosibard do. long Lawn and Irish Linens, Furniture and Garment Dimity, 4*4 3-4 G-4 bobincl I.tce, Linen Ctmbriek Handkerchiefs and Imitation do. Spitilefield, Ponged Flagg, do. Gauze, Grenadine leisse and Crape Shawls, neck, long Gauze and Crape Scarfs, Gauge Veils, La dies embroidered Gloves, and Mitte, assorted Belt*. Hat and Cap Ribbons, gentlemen'a beat (ilk, thread and horse skin Gloves, Ladies silk, clocked and mar ble cotton Hose, gentlemen's do. Angola Rouen Ca*W meres, English end French Drilling, Mixed .CaainetW, Merino Caeimerea, Sateen Jean, silk and cotton Stripe, yellow and blue Nankeen,T.adiea Dunstable and Nava* rino Bonnets, ailk and Cotton L'mbrcltai, Parasol*. Ala ', a large assortment of Checks, Stripes, Bedticking, bleached and Brown Musljpa, Negro Cloth*. Also, ■n assortment of Ladies' Prunella Shore and Slipper*, gentlemen's Boots, Shoes end Pump*.Black and Whito lists. All of which will be sold on the most reasona ble terms. Athens, May 10.—19—cow2tn. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Betalcsl Langford and Bedford Ltnf* ford, apply to me for letter* of Administration on the Estate of Jume Langford, late of said county, deceased: , • Three arc therefore to cite and admonish all and lin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bn and appear at my office within the time pWagibed by law, to ahew cause, if any they have, why said letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand this 30th day of May. 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. e. o. May. 31—88—30d. Blanks of all descriptions tor sale at tins Office. May3l.-31-«.