The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, June 28, 1831, Image 1

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lie Athenian. “ <IVOT IDOMIXES TOT sr.XTEXTLT..—QUID DEM? QUID .VOX DEM} RF.XUIS TU, QUOD JUDET ALTER." vol. v. ATIIMNS, (GEORGIA.} TUKSlMf, JUNE 28, 1831. No. 26. .-PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, BIZ O. P. SHAW. Terms. -Throe dollars per year, payable in advance, .j, dollars if delayed lo the esid ofthe year. The 'aMer jiinount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to Hirer their payments in advance. No s'ib«cription received for less than one year, tin- 1<-hs the money is paid in advance; and no paper will di*** mtinned until all arrearages arc paid, except a* the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of sub tuibers to notify ns of their intention of relinquish ment, accompanied with the amount due. will be con sidered as equivalent lo a new engagement, and pa pers sent accordingly. AnvfcfcTlSEMF.VTS will be inserted at the usual rates. ’•;3*\!1 Letters to the Editor on matters connected with the establishment, must be postpaid in order to inetre attention. Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must he publish 'd sidy days previous to the day of sale. The * ale of Personal Property, in like manner, must be published forty day', previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of )rdinary for Leave to sell Laud or Negroes, must be published/ur months. Notice that Application will bo made for Letters of violinist ration, must be published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. gHBMITgP SALES. dfif*\KK ShcrilPd .Sale.—On t.ic first Tuesday in JULY next, will he sold ol lie Conrt-lfonso in the town of tVatkinsville, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following piopcrty, to wit: Four Negroes, to wit: Lizzy a woman about t w enty-one years of age; Harriet a girl about five vears of age; Mary a girl about three years of age, and \ vonng chilli by the name of Nicholas, about fifteen months old : levied on as the property of John Green wood dec’d. to satisfy two fi. fas. in fayor of Heard & Cook, vs. Caleb B. Greenwood and William Green- ....,od. a-bn.’s of John Greenwood, deceased. May 31. JVMES HENDON, Sli’ff. ^IfiARK SHERIFF'S SALE.—Will Lo A ^ sold, on the first Tuesday in. JULY next, at the Court House in the town of Watkinsville, Clark ,unty, within the lawful hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Two Negroes, Jinsey a woman about forty vears *»f age, and Jack a hoy, about fourteen years of age: levied on as the properly of William M* Murray ♦o satisfy two fi. fas..onem favorof John C. Reece vs. f,aiJ Wifliatn McMurray, the other in favor of William M Uecd, bearer, vs. said William McMurray. Pro perly pointed out by John McMurray, holding the con- : "'l ” S ' U l f "“‘ . ISAAC S. VINCENT, D. 8li’ff. May 31 ZjB&ai* no i leus. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. To JOHN E. WALLIS .hid all persons interested, vhn reside, out of the Stale of Georgia. TAKE NOTICE T'boL' CllARf.KS IIULSET, “j k V Brown ami f PMio " mi Rl,le Jarez Lewis. J for Forcclo urc. Hull Superior Court, .March Term, 1S31. RULE NISI. To the Hon. the Superior Court of said county, rgniir. petition of Charles Hulsey respect fully shows, ti. that heretofore, to wit: on the eighteenth day ol March, eighteen hundred and thirty, the suid Frede rick A. Blown umlJabez Lewis, made, executed ami delivered to your petitioner,their certain deed of mort gage, hearing date tin* day ard year aforesaid, and which is here in Court ready to nc shown, which deed of mortgage conveyed a certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying ami being in said county of II.ill, known as Lot No. ninety-six, in the ninth District ofsaid conn- tv, which tract or Lotnfland was mortgaged by the ~~ ~ . ’ , said Frederick A.&Jahez. for the better securingto your LtLOdGiA, W ALIOIS COUN I ) petitioner the payment of a certain promissory note *-»../•*•»»• .r made and delivered to your petitioner, f»v the said Fre derick \. U JabcZfOn the day and year aforesaid, forth** sutn of three hundred dollars, and due on die twenty fifth day of December, eighteen hundred and thirty, together with a certain other note described ill raid mortgage, and which is not yet due, and which said first mentioned note is hcewith shown to the Court: and your petitioner further shows that the whole amount of principal and interest on said note, : •irf t* and, )v IT ALL Sheriff's Sale.—On the first Tues- 11 day in JULY next, will tin sold, nt the Court lousi’ in tiio Town of Gainesville, ll.itl county, rithin the usual lioura of sale, the following property, o wit: Four Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, vine on the waters of the Fan Fork of the Oconee, .homing Merit, and others : levied on ns the proper V of John Bail V, to saliffy a fi- fa. issued Fi. he li on Superior Coiiit in favor of Ralph Bailey, imu ol lie diniuiitratorsof A. Warren, deceased, vs. John Bailey md James Bailey. Two buy Mures, one six and tlic oiliet leee years old, one clay bank Colt: levied on ns the .ropertv of W. Narnninre, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa- or of John Miller, for the use of Charles Dunktn, vs. laid Naramore. Two Hundred nnd Fifiy Acres of Land, nnre nr less, known hy I.ot No. 37, in the l»l. n.s'net if Hall enmity: levied on ns the property ol John Mar- in. tn satisfy a fi. fa. in favorof Bussell Jones & Co. \s. mid Martin. Two Hundred Arrosof Land, more or less, ind two hay Horses, eight or nine years old : levied on the property of William Grady, to sn isfy a fi. fa. m favor of James Iilackstock, vs. said Grady. Ono Hundred Acres of Land, more or lest whereon David B. Kitchens now lives, lying on the water* of Ihn imnied.atejyfie'ow Con ner’s Ford : levied on nsthnproperty ofDnvid II. Kite! u,». lo satisfy sundry fi. fas. one ... favorof P. J. Mur- -ay and others, vs. said Kitchens. 'V-O Lot of Land, No. 94, tn Hie llll. Dis- "^n.intv- levied on as the property onsne- Lriet ofllat. . cl1 D . | fro ,1 Hull Superior y Dobson, to **>•»■> ' Dooly, vs. said Dobson. Court ill favor of! 'i°>“- j^pOS EBERHART, Sli'ff. May 31. WACKSON Sheriff's Sale.—On the fi»l J Tuesday "f JeireTson.'jaeksoned'inty, whhhiVhensual Lours of sale, .he following proper.;’. t0 ^' nc tay Horne, three years old : levied on ns dm property of Middleton Cowen, to .«;£ Icltnbod Browned DavidI..Knox. Property C0Wen GEQUC.F. F. ADAMS, D- Sh’fi^ mT ALL I’osIponed Sheriff’s Sale.—On the I S firsl Tuesday in JBI.Y next. will bjtooHajMk* Two Boxes of Dry Goods- one of Cutlery, r, ”' r 'Tone"uHrnsn and sundry" other "irtiel«T?«J» oryware, one Siniirn the property of Al- tedious to mention . issued From Gwinnett s. on Boyd, to satisfy two « o ras. .snn«. W itliam sn-iar’jsiss-M--*- “ Boyd. A CHASTAIN, D. Sli’lT. due mu! unpaid. Wherefore lie prays, that iitiless-llic Frederick A and Jnbrz, [i ;y into the Clerk's Of i'n.e of this Court, ;'m amount ofthe principal, interest and cost duo tlu reor., yvilhin six mtt-'hs from this date, that the equity ofredemption ill, null lo llie si.3 *nert- ga gr11 premises, thenceforth and forever be lore,doted. Therefore on motion of Council fi»r thephiinlifT, if it or* tiered (>v Ihe Court, that the sai l Frederick A. Brmvn anil Jabez Lewis, pay into die Clerk’s office rtf this Court the amount ofthe principal nnd Interest due on said note, together with nil legal costs, on nr before the expiration of six months, otherwise the equity nf redemption in ami to the said mortpageil premises, ho forever barred and foreclosed; ami that a copy of this rule nnd petition he published once n month for six months in nnn ofthe public Gazelles of this slate, or that the defendants he personally served therewith, three months before the next sitting of this Court. A true copy from the minutes. JAMES LAW, Cl'k. April 12.—13.—mfim. GEORGIA, H ABERSHAM COUNTY. February adjourned Term of Ihe. Inferior Court of said county, sitting as a Court nf Ordinary, 1831. t T appearing to dm Court, that Abraham B. Cnrtcr, late of said countv, deceased, in Ilia life time, to- gclher with Joint T. Carter nm! Charles Ritchie, exe cuted his obligation tn James Forsyth bearing dale the IJ||, day nf March, 1S30, conditioned to malic unto the sniil tames Forsyth, his heirs and assigns, n good and snfficieni tide to Lot No. ono hundred iflul fifty-!wo, in the nineteenth District of the second section in the ,|,en last Land Lottery, drawn by the said Abraham B Carter; ami it appearing to the Court that the f.aji] Abraham B. Carter died without executing titlrslosaid inn.l in conformity to his said obligation, which is now herein to tlm Court shewn, nnd it nppcarmg to Ihe Court that the consideration money for said land has been paid. It is on motion ordered, Hint John 1. Car- r administrator ofthe estate ofthe said Abraham l>. Carter, d«» make nnd execute titles to said land agreea bly to 'said Bond am! obligation, unless cause bo shewn on or before the July Term of this Court next, and that a ropy of this will he published for three mont hs agree- ably to the law, in such cases made and provided. A true extract from the minutes, this 8th Feb. 1831. JONATHAN D. CHASTAIN, c. c. o. MarchS.—10--m3m. ^ GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. Jackson Superior Court. Headcn and "l Jane Robertson I jj;// J 0 r discovery, relief and John M. Brnzirl, r.r At.. J Injunction. di applv to the ro -;t Superior ■Id in a id tor the emi’ify nfClark, of Georgia, on tin* second Monday i i August next, for a Writ of partition to have laid oU’nr.d ns-uguod dower, or one third part of a certain tnirt of L* ing in Clink C’linly, Georgia, rnnfniuing two I Acre®, more or less, ndj lining Lands formerly belong ing to Daniel \V. Easly, now known n-» the* College lands, granted to William Few, an*! by Few conveyed to George Smith, and hy Smith conveyed to Samuel Holla way, am! now in the possession *>f John A. Cobb. I, bring j> v || ie | fl ivs nf Georgia entitled to a dower in the said land, at which time you ca t attend and file your objections if to you shall seem tit. CLARA IIDLL lWAY, widow and relict of Samuel ltd!away, dic'd. April Jf).—TG—m3m. r.xi:rt roR\s sale. 4 GREEABLY l»» the last Will nnd Testament of William U light, tsem. decease*!, will Im- sold on Im* fiisl Tnes.liv in.lulv next, at the Court lions l.*»l of Land No. 492, in th • oinly, when drawn. Sold fo tecs of .*<aid deceased. Term in Lo 11 tb I Hit ..f lie* I,- May *2.—18—l*h '1 i 10MAS A. WRIGHT F.x’i ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK. GRF.KABLV to ..n or.trrof the honorable the I ti lt letior Court of Rabun county, when sitting for pirposes, will he on the first Tuesday in NEW O'OODS. Jf WHITH & Co- H WT. just received from New York a largi ind Mpleiidid 'Assortment of Dry Goods, con si sting in pail of Bl.ick Italian Lustring, Grn* Dc Naples and Gros Do Berlin, French and jointed Muslim*, figured and plain Muiidaiincs, Parisian figured Orgnndi and Crape Do Lyon, plain and printed Battistc,Fancy Ginghams, Furniture Calicoes nnd Trints, figured and plain Swiss, Book and Mull Muslins, Jaconet nnd crosshnrd do. long Lawn amlliixli Linens, Furniture and Garment 4-1 15-4 fi t hohinet Luce, Linen Carnbrick Court of Ordinary, JSIay Term, 1831. O N application of Thomas W. Harris, administrator in right of his wife Harriet H. «dj the estate of Christopher Hobson, deceased, stuting that he has fully administered raid estate, and pinymg to be dismissed from said administration : It is on motion ordered, that iroui sum uummisiruinu!: if is on mnuon orncrrii, mat said Harris, administrator ns aforesaid, nnd his said wife Harriot II. he dismissed at the next November term of this Court, from their said administration, un less cans** be shewn to the contrary. And it is further ordered, that this rule he published onre a month in one ofthe public Gazettes, until the said term. A true extract from the minutes, 4th Mav, 1831. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. May 10.- 19—mCin. Jill for discovery, «$*c. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY George W. Moore, ) | Di Joseph J. Singleton, ) In Clark Superior Court, F«b. l\rin, 1831. I T appearing to the Court from the return of the Sheriirthat the defendant resides out of the coun ty of Clark. On motion of counsel for complainant, it is ordered, that service of this bill he perfected on the defendant by publication of this rule once a month for three months in the Athenian, before the next term of this Court. The above order is truly copied from the minutes of the Superior Court of said’enmity, this 16th day of May, 1831. ROBERT LIGON, Clk. Mav 24.—21—n»3m. F OUR months after date application will ho made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, wlirn sitting fir ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the Negroes belonging lo the Estate of Obadiuh Watson, late* of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. JOSEPH WATSON, JOSEPH LANDRUM, March 8.—10—w4m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Benjamin R. MeCutchen^ one of the Administrators on the Estate of Wjlhjj Thur mond, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration on said estate. These are therefore lo cbo and admonish utl and sin gular the kindred and creditors of snid deceased, to be nnd appear at my oiTice within the time prescribed by law, to shew cam e if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 22*1 dav of March, 1831. GEORGE llAWPE, c. c. o. Marcli 20.—13—niGm. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS James W. Harris, administrator of Martin Thompson,deceased,applies tome for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said nutate. Tlione am llmn-forp to cite noil ailinnni.h nil anil sin gular the liiniircil nm! croililors ofnaitl dnci-asefi, to be nnd appear at iny olficc within the time proscribed by law, to shew enuse il"any they have, why said letters should not he cranted. fjiven under my hand this 7th day of March, 1831. JOSEPH MOON, e. c. o. March 8.—10 — inGm. GUARDIAN’S SALE. TlW/’ILL lie sold on the first Tuesday in Antjnst next, V v within tho usual hours of sale, in the town of Clnikesville, Habersham comity, Lot of l.nnil No, 130, in ihe nth Disliiet of t'urrnll comity. Sold for the be- n fil of Mary i\ illierson’s, orphans. JOSEPH DOBSON, Sen. Guardian. Mav 31.-22— ds. F.xr's. F OUR months after date application will ho made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when silling for ordinary purposes,lirr leave to soil a I louse and Lot in the town nf Jeficrson, known and distinguished in the plan of said town, as No. 15, on it.. .1, -V IM iu..,m..r..;,i deceased. ROBERT ALLEN, ) ,r mr *j JOHN \V. THOMPSON, $ March 39.—13—w4m. 1 710UU months after date application will he made . to the Inferior Court of llalnin County, when sit ting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell Ihe Real Es tate of Thomas Middleton, deceased. All persons con cerned will please take notice. *' TIIOM VS MIDDLETON, Adm’r. DEBORAH MIDDLETON, Adm'x. May lO.-m—wlm. TT3X0UR months after date application will lie made B: to thft'honorable the Inferior Court ol Hall coun ty when silling fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tire Real Estate of John Ingram, Into of Hall counlv deceased. LITTLE INGRAM, Adm’r. March 2D.—13—wlm. I ^SOUIl months alter date application will he made 1 In the honorable lire Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposas, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging lo Hie Estate of Robert Moon, Info of said county, deceased. ARCHIBALD MOON, 1 Wll.I.I\M MOON, > F.xr’s. ROBERT MOON, ) May 17.—20.-w-1in. 1 710UB months after dote application will he mndn ■* to the honorable the Inferior Cmrrl ofllahershnin county, when silling for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes and Real Estate „f the lalo Enoch Edwards, sen. lain of said county, deceased. Bold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of sard tlcccas. r ,| t ENOCH EDWARDS, Jr. Ex’r. May 21,-21-n 1m. A 1*40, a! r*’.*, .Saturn Juan, pilU and cotton Stripe, Nankeen,I.n*/i(’A Dunstable and Nava- •ilk and Cotton Umbrellas, Parasols, .nun, u ..iigiT HNMirtment **fChecks, Stripes, Bedticking, hlenclied ami Brnwn Muslins, Negro Cloths. Also, an assortment of Ladies* Prunella Shoes nnd Slippers, gentlemen*!* Boots, Slums and Pumps,Black and \Vhito lint*. All of which will he sold on lift most reasona ble terms. Athens, May 10.—19—row2m. O N motion of Counsel fiir complainant*, at Cham ber®, stating that sinen tlm filing of this hdl, it Ins been discovered that Thomas Adams, W L. Bryant, and faeoh Braselron haveefieetsm (heir hands or'arc indebted tn said John M. It is therefore ordered, that said Thomas. William and Jacob, he made parties to said bill and injunction, and that thoy he served with a copy <>l said hill, together with the amendment so made, to charge as defendants aforesaid. It is fur- thcr ordered, that John M. Braz.el who resides out 0 r the jurisdiction of ihis-Court, bo served by publication of this Buie in Iho Athenian, once a month Tor three months, previous lo the rilling of the next Superior Court of said county. A true Copy from the original. A. 8. CLAYTON, J. S. C. March 29.—13—m3m. GEORGIA, OGLETHORPE COUNTY. Superior Court, .1pril Term, 1S31. Mary Ann Wilson, ) William Wilson. $ GEORGIA. CLARK COUNTY. "■TBrilEREAS Robert Orr and John P. Weaver, f f Executors or Hiram Howard, deecased, apply to me for letters of Dismission trnm the further admin istration of said estate r These are therefore to oil e nnd admonish, all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said d: ceased, to ho nnd appear nt rnv office, within the lime prescribed by law, toshow cause, if any they have, -vliy said Let tern should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th of Fell. 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, r. c. ■ Feb. 8.—0—mOm. GEORGlA, JACK80N C0UNTY. W HEREAS Robert B. Hampton, executor nf John Johnson, deccasod, applies tn me for letters or dismission from the further administration ofsatd estate. These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and sin- gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, o he and appear at my office within Iho tune prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under iny hand this28llr day of April 1S..I WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. i May 10.—10— mOm. Dibit for Divorce. I T snonaring to the Court by the return of the Sheriff flinMhe Defendant, William Wilson, is not to he „ i, eon I V, it i» ordered, that service be per- lound in >’ publication of this Rule at least .Voted upon nm by “ P" 1 ’ ", ; (>no t |, 0 pnhlic oneea mon ' 1 ; !’ J I at'he appear and file his Onzeltesofthis sla e, and that n T term . dcfenC ?,I°fLo t the Dial in «»id case will proceed in term"of the Let. A true extract from the minutes, this 88H. April, 1831. J0(JN j. ANDRU M, Clk. Mav 3.—18—m3m. June 21. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. IVallon Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1S31 LAW NOTICE. r HE undersigned am uJVound at"tar- 2S5 Gaither, ~| Turman Walthall, . /„ Charles F. Walthall, j Andrew Brown, nnd | Itehecra Turman Equity. tOUIt months after rla cation will he tnnile I NiJUIl monies .-j-r-"- ’ to the honorable the Interior Court of rrankhn county, when silling for ordinary purposes, for leave to ■ell a l.ot of Lund in lh oly county, belonging to the orphans ol Joshua Inman, deceased. 1 JAMES McDonald, Guardian. June 11.—21—wlm. F OUR month* after rlnlc application will he made to tlio lionombte Ihe Infi'rior Court of JocKs nn WATCHES AND JEWELRY. B- B. LORD & Co- H AVE just received from New York, a large nnd sjdendid assortinent of Gold and .SilverPatent Lf%'crWatch es. Gold and Silver Lonine do. English and French Silv* r d^. Curb and Linked W atch ana Guard Ciiains, Seals nnd Keys, Ladies Chain*, Seals and Keys, Pearland Fillagree Ear nnd Finger Kings, Medallions, Locketts,Neck Chains, ci,;.* Pia-i,, u„««t r u n. H .;i Spoons, Muaicnl Boxes, Snuff and Fancy do. Turkish Pipes, Dodgers* Razors and Pen Knives, Pereunaion Guns and rishds, Game Bags, Towdcr Flasks, &c, ALSO, Will hr received inn few days,a large assortment of Plated Ca-tors, Fruit nnd Bread Baskets. Also, Cof fee and Tea Pots, Candle Slicks, Snuffers and* Trays, and a largo assortment of Plated and Gilt Jewelry and a few splendid Clocks. Athens, May 10.—19—cow2ir. CIRCULAR* Office of the American and Foreign Agency Jor Claims, .Vo. 49,' IVall-Sircet JVew- York, January. 1931., blio rro.5:<w I S hereby L’ivcn to all persona whom it may concern, having Claims, Debts, inheritances, &c. payable nr recoverable abroad, that lliia Agency has established, under the special auspices and patronage of di»tin« gttitthed individuals of this country, a regular corres pondence with eminent Banker?, &c. in the principal port8 and capitals of Foreign Governments, in com mercial relations with the United States; through the mediation whereof, such valid claims os may he confi ded (hereto, will be expedited for settlement, and promptly nnd effectively recovered; when furnished by the claimants with the suitable legal proofs, and vouch ers, together with the rrouisite Power of Attorney, to he taken nnd acknowledged before any Judge of a Court of Record, or other competent Civil Magistrate, Municipal Authority, or Notary Public; and the whole duly authenticated by the Governor ofthe State, or Territory, in which the same may be perfected, and legalized hy the appropriate Foreign Consul. Having also established a similar correspondence throughout the United States and British America, the like claims for recovery in any part thereof respectively, will be re ceived and efficiently attended to in behalf of American as well ns Foreign claimants. Orders for investment of funds on Mortgage of Freehold property, or the pur- ilinso of Public Securities ofthe United States, Canal Loans of the States of New-York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, &r. punctually and faithfully executed. Applications to thn liniinralilit tlm Infi-rior Court of n ,|j r rsss>l to ibis Agency, in cases requiring tho inve*- county, when sitting f>r ordinary purposes, for leave to . of claims, acarcli record*, or III. inlcrventioD sell tlio Laud and Negroes belonging to Ihe Lstute „ ho , lM ,, e « c c„ mD .„icd with .0 James McMillan, late ofsanl comity, deceased. MAIIY M’lMll.LAN, Ailmr’x. JAMES M’MILI.AN, Adm’r. June 14.-21-wlm. I -,OL'll months after date nptiliealion will bo matin * In the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sit- tin'f for ordinary purposes, D.r leave to sell Three Nc- orrfes belonging In the Estate of I). G. Campbell, dc- cca-ed. Sold fir ihe benefit ol Hiclicirs and creditor*. JAMES, Adm’r. JitneSH—23—w4ri GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Robert Evans, Adm’r. of the Eslnte of Joseph Evans, late of Madison enmity, dee d. applies to me for letter* nf Dismission from the lurthor administration of said c*tntc: Ordered, that after the publication of Ibis role as prc. scribed by law, the said Robert Evans will be d,*- missed unless cause be shewn to the contrary, of which, all concerned, arc hereby notified. A true extract from the minutes, this 2 . May, leji. GEORGE IIAWPh, c. c. o. May 17.-20—mCm. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. P FR80N.AI.LV appeared before me Green Steed, a Magistrate fur said county. James Bradley ol the county of Ma.liton, and State, who being duly sworn saith on . alh, tint Daniel Jack'on of the rnmitv of Morgan,did, sometime in the year 1821, give , . „.i nr „h1i"atinn to him,the soi-1 Bradley,to make h m the .aid Bradlev ^ pond and sufficient title* to lot oH and NO i™in ihe 10th District of Hall county and that the said Jaute. Bradley ha. lost or mislaid said Bond, so that he cannot come at *«“"'*■. - Itenecra - , Swomtoaml subscribed bcf.r* m P 1T appearing by the Sheriff’s return, as well mi bv tember, 1630. I ikJ mtlnvit **f cotnplftintint, tliat Charles I. Wal •In »n JS “"S, ZSSStSi Sss ^aaaasK* May i0.—10—m3n GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS William Lindsey applies lo me for letters nf .Administration on the Estate of An- :ew M. Lindsey, deceased : Tlic-e ore therefore to cite nnd admonish .all and sin- mdar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear ot iny office within the lime prescribed bt law, to shew cau.-o if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under inv hand tin* loth Mav I*jl. WILLIAM COvA AN, c. c. o. May 31.—22—3ftd. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Bezalcel Langford and Bedford Lang ford. apply to me for letters of Administration no the Estate id Jamc Langford, late oi said county, deceased : . Thr«e arc therefore to cite and admonish all and fin gular the kindred and creditor* nf said deceifcd.ln he and appear at my office wit bin the time preserlhedhj law, to shew cause, if nny they have, why said letters should not he granted. ... IS .. Given under my band tbi.^lb Aa1,^1 C o. Mav. 31-22—20'!. JAMES BRADLEY. Gnr.r.N* Srzr.D, J. T. June 14.—24.—m3tn. - zSMisrssej issBs. '••• - r •aid county, deceased^ abt „ ^ s TA y{j XV( F.xc’x. May 31.—22.—w4m. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY W HEREAS John I.cuk applies to me for IcDer* of Administration on ll.cE.latc of John Wm- tcr*. late ef sniil county, deceased : These are therefore to cite anil tw.monmh all and *in- iliiiiHSS June, 1831. J*jnot4.— tiirnlion oi rimm*, acarcn rvvuium, «»• »**» ......v* ol’legal proceedings, should he accompanied with ftO adequate remittance to drfray the preliminary charges and disbursemenU ollcnding the same; and all letter* must lie addressed, post paid, to tho undersigned. (Counsellor of the Supreme Court of the United State*,) in the Office ol American and Foreign Agency, iff Wall-street, New-York. AARON H. PALMER, Actuary. •I Great liar gain T HF* subsciiber offers for sale at a very reduced price for Gash or on a short credit, the Tract of Land on which he resides, situated within two miles of the Cherokee Corner, containing 227 Acres, most o.* which is in good order for cultivation, tolerably well improved, with a comfortable dwelling House, every necessary out-hitilding, and a very Apple •**« Peach Orchard. Persons desirous to purchase such a situation, will do well to examine the premises. Titlo good. HOWARD JONES. ** Oglethorpe county, March 15.—11—covv3m Clayton Hotel. (fefkrMVIF. Subscriber* lave opened ■ House of li'tiSL .X Entertainment in Cl*yton, Rabun county, fur the accommodation of Traveller*. Tho house ban recently been refitted up in a neat and commorJtoui style, and with due regard to the comfort and conyeas ience of those who may favor them with their patron, age. Their table will be furnished with theJbe»t Iho country affmd., and their .table, will supplied. While they would refrain from thows pledge* *nd 1*™' *“* usual in such ann..nci.tion.-no <>«rtiom.-ill be .pared to give enliro satisfselton Jo tbo**, whom the calls nf busine.s, the prompting* ofeurlMUy, or the pursuit of pleasure, may & BROWN. May 3.—16—4*. - j ■ — Dudley M. Jones H AVING determined to make Daniel*»ille, Madi- son county, hi* permanent place of residence, will now practice in »beo.*e,*I CoOrt. or Uw ond Equity in thii 8Wte. All bunineo* wlth wMeh ha may be entrusted, will be assiduously attended to. May 31—22-41. WILLIAM COWAN, Book md Job Printing neatly and *ccnratffr f ly executed at thit office. May21.—21—“