The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, July 05, 1831, Image 1

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lie Athenian. " °' U()T rrn -vivF.s tot sr..\~rEA-ri:F..—<iu:n hem > qun .vox heu? VOL. V. itK.vns re, qcon in:nr' published every Tuesday, 3^ 0. F. S JAW. Term* • dollars per year, payable in Advance. >r Four Julia < if delayed to the end of the 'i’h» ..I'ter amount will he rigidly exacted of all who fail li a;ict tlieir payments in advance. No subscription received for lea* than one year, no- !e«s the money is paid in advance; and no paper ivili b«'disi;*nlinued until all airearagt.s are paid, except at ;.V‘option ol the publisher. A fail tire on tin* part of subscribers to notify u* of their intention of relinquish- me it. accompanied with the amount due. will be con sidered as equivalent to a now engagement, and pa pers sent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rate*. Mj^A'I Loiters to the F.ditor on matters connected '•ith the establishment, mist be pat paid in order to 3Com*e attention. ’t -J*’ Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes bv Ad- miniptrafn.s, Executors, or Guardian®, must be publish ed sir t/ days pi avion* to the day of sale. The-ah? of Personal Property, *»:t like manner, mus-t jt* V'ib\isl\>:d f>rty days previous to the day N .tire to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published/<wty days. Notice »hat Application will be mail*: to the Court of Ordinary for Leave t > sell Land or Neg-oes, must be published/ ur months. Nryice that Application will he made for Lcttei Ad uiuisiration, must he published thirty tl.vjs, :nd for Lotin® of Dismission, six months. \THKXS, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY. JULY .*>, ts:j|. (llip property ol'David Steward, lo satisfy two fi. fas. j t ; «ued from a Justice's Court, one in favor of Marinin Roberd®, and the other in favor ot tty l.oppon, »*. said Steward. Levy made and returned to nte l>v a C.msta- b '«- A. CHASTAIN," D. Sli'ft dune 28. f AMi Postponed Sheriff’s Sale.—On the ^ first Fuf'silay ill JULY' next, w illsold at the Lourt IIouro in the tonn of (iaincsvillc, Hall county, widiti the usual of sale, the following property, to w it ; Two Boxes of Ory Goods, 0110 of Cutlery, f»>r ho.vee of H.jis, one box .Medicine end Home Crock- cry ware, one !VJ;it trass and sundry other articles too ledinuato mention: levied on as the property of Al- ‘•toii Boyd, to satisfy two fi. fii*. issued trom (iwinnett Superior Court, one in favor of John & and William Kelly, and the other in favor of Dobbin & Bins, va. said Boyd. A. CHASTAIN, D. Sh’fT. June 21. No. 27. To JOHN T. WALLIS •hut all permit! interested, who reside out of the Slate of Georgia. TAKE NOTICE T HAT I sball apply lo the nest Superior Court t. Ire held in and fur the enmity of Clark, ami Stntr LE5AL NOTICES. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTX of Georgia, on the second Monday m August next, f.. : a U rif of partition to have laid oft anil assigned •nc inv dower, or one third part of ncertain tract of I.mi.I, If. ingin Clark county, Georgia, containing two hundred Acres, more or less, adj lining Lands f.»rln“ilv helono- ing to Daniel W. F.aslv, now known as the College lands, granted to William Few, and by Few conveyed to George Smith, and by Smith conveyed to Samuel Holla wav, and now in the possession of John A. Cobh. I, bring by the laws of Georgia entitled to a dower in the said Und, at w hich time you can attend and file i youi objections if to von nlwli seem fit. CLARA HOLL \WAY, teidow and relict of Samuel Hut!menu dtchl. I April 10.—16—m3m. GEORGIA, CL\ItK COUNTY. apply and Anselenm L. bonis non with the L-tute of Ge*»rge Harper, dec'd, • *d lnKuii.-hi..i) from the further mtiniiiiMraliou . f said Estate : Tli.-ware Ihcrcfure t„ r jt<, admonish all and .in- gnlar the kindred uml ereditorn of said deceased, tube mol appear at mv office wiiliiu Inc time prescribed by • n, o r. lew cause, it any they have, why *aid letters should not he granted. Liven under iny hand this 28th day of June. 1831. , , JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. lime 28—20—Cm. Charles Hulsey, -.mmTFBf SA LES. g'i LARK SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will t,n aojil, nu the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, .-.t the Court House in the town <T U atkinsville, Clark county, within the lawful hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Or.o Piano Forto and Music Stool, Our jet mahogany dining tables, one mahogany eda, one carpet and hearth rug, right rush bottomed chairs, nine Windsor chairs, one eight day clock and case, one mahogany side hoard, one bureau, one pair andirons, shovel and tongs, one work stand, one paii bronze la ups, two pair plated candlesticks, three bedsteads, three beds and furniture, one crib cradle, one ladies' raddle, one candle stand, one walnut table. A number of article® of glass and earthen ware; tin waiters; &c. p..*s, skillets, ovens and other articles of kitchen furni ture, li nks. >ix volumes of Anderson on Commerce, do. Bosvv I’s life of Johnson, ten do. Shakspeare, fifiirdo. Burns’wotks, between fifty and sixty volume® of migeellancous works, one map of North and South America, undone gig: f.rvied on ns the property of Alfred M. Ncsbit, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favour of Ch»d *h W. Rockwell, Charles Kclsev, and Charles Mc’lniyre, surviving co-partners, vs. Alfred M. Neshit, the other in favor of Parish, Corning, & C»*. va. Alfred >/. Ncsb*t Property pointed out by the defendant. Oni* Yoke of Steers about Seven Years old. 411.1,010 Road Wagon: levied on as the property of Jo-eph Durham, to satisfy n fi. fi. in favor of William Stiiogtellow for the use of Edward Paine, vs. Joseph Dm ham and Valentine Ihill Three Hundred and Fifty Acres ot Land me e or less, on tin* waters of Law’s Creek, adjoining Hob. .taun and others, whereon the defendant now lives: !evi* d on ns the property of Lowry Bryan, to satisfy •,j.„hw fi. fa®, from a Ins'ice's Court,Hannah F.. Milton j v . fi iitrix of John Milton deceased, vs. Lowry Bryan. * j,,nc*8. ISAAC S. VINCENT, D. Sb'if. J ACKSON Postponed SlicrifT’.s Sale.—On the first Tuesdat in AUGUST next, will be sold at the Court-house in’tho town of J.fleisen, .Inckson cc.untj, within the usual bouts cf safe, the following properly, to wit : One and a Fourth Acres of Land, more or leas, with a Tannery thereon : levied on ns the pro perty of Charles Bacon, to satisfy three fi. fus. one is sued from the Superior Court of thcconnty of Jackson • n favor »f James Tail, vs. said Bacon, the other two ia ucdf .mi the Inferior Court of said comity, ot the in stance if Robert B. Duncan 1* Co. vs. Chatles Bacon a id B ; iniah Dnnhorn, the above levy made by Joseph Ham *ton, former SherifT, nn<l by direction of James fuit w ho Im3 the control of said fi. fa®. June 2S. GEORGE V. ADAMS, D. Sh’lfi ALL ShcriiFs Sale.—On the first Ttirs- dav in AUGUST next, will be sold, at the Court House in the Town of Gainesville, Hall county, n ithin the usual hours of pale, the following property, to wit: Two Hundred Acres of Land,morn or l*-ss, »VI .8 oil llic water, of «!»' Mulberry Fork of thr n,-o- -Ivor c-ant* il io Jjnipa Konnrduv : l- VHtlon oi *h<' nronortyof Pliobo Robinoti, lo aa'i>fy miudri fi. fa». •asurd from » Jnftici'i’ Court in favor of Tiuman Kcl- •o va. PKebc Ilobinrlt. Property pointed out by llic ,ff Levy made ar.d returned to me hr a consia- ah. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land. Tvorc or h as, whereon -lolir. Sn.itli now live?, lying on <V waters of the Cheftatce river:;, a » the pro- _,, tl y „f Aaron 15. Harden, to «ati-iy a fi. fa. issued ff..., Hall Superior Court, in favor of John Smith, vs. said . lartien. PropcrtV pointed mil by the defendant. 3 "J\C<>B F.BEttllAUT, Sli’lf. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. Jack-sott Superior Court. lleaden and Jane Robertson li June 2^. H VLL Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tues- ,'av in AUGUST be sold at the Comt simian m the town of Gainesville, Hall county, wrihm ”, usual hours of sale, the following property, .o w,t: One Black Horse, five years old : Ic.vied tin: property of Joseph "igley, t<> 2 ni in favor of William Bo« in and other®, va. tJS igley. Property pointed out by defendant. Part uf Lot No. 23. in the 10th Disirict of tt/county, whereon Cary W. Jackson now lives, one loos, and’Lot in the tow n of Ga.nesv d ., knowm m House an *- . , . |4 mid the Lot where- Jai' 1 *novv'stands; also, five hundred feet of Cher- r.'^tk nioreor less, and ei*ht thousand feet pine plank and tea titling, “<«• Vi ,k < ase, and one or two doxi n ® / -l-»« ®e\nrt nine ch piuo or less, and eight thousand reel p less, one aerretary and ,ouks, one bureau, bed and II levied ilab, ‘one pine ol.esl, one one yoke of .leers and e.rl: K.K±;-»ir t*r*r e— out by plaintiff. n „ n«v Coll ono vear old, three Cows frsdw* and three Heifer., one Sow and six Shnats, and Sin^ddl. , .« ^ ^ ?V.'j«k.on" l v."Mid Fielding, and Abner Bushop h.s jorurity. Ffftv Acre* of Land, more or less, it heinc } Petition and Pule J for Foreclosure. Fredfruk A. Brown and Jabe2 Lewis. 11 fill Superior Court, .March Tenth 1932. BULK NISI. To the Hon. the Superior Court of said county. FSj’l'.U, petition of Charles Hulsey respectfully show W. that heretofore, to wit: on the eighteenth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty, the snid Frcdc- tek A. Brown and Jahcz Lewis, made, executed and felivered to your pfti(ionor,(h<‘ir certain deed of mort- f ige, bearing dale the day and yea. aforesaid, and which is here i i Court ready to be shown, which deed moit gage conveyed a certain tract or parcel of land, • >ulr, lying and heiupin said county of Hull, knowji Lot No. ninety-six, tn theninth District of said conn- winch tract or Lot of land was mortgaged by the <1 Frederick A. 5c Jahcz, for the bet ter securing to your put dinner ihe payment of a certain promissory note •ie and delivered to your petitioner, by the said Frc- i« k \. & Jahcz, on I lie day and year aforesaid, for the sum «fthree hundred dollars, and due on the twenty fifth day of December, eighteen hundred and thirty, ‘ gelher with a certain other note described in paid ortgage, amt which is not vet due, and which said first mentioned no'c is herewith shown to the Court : and your petitioner further shows that the whole mount of principaland interest on snid note, is now ue and unpaid. \\ hertfore lie pray t, that unless the aid Frederick A and Jabrz, pay into the Clerk’s Of ce of this Court, the amount of the principal, interest and cost chic thereon, within six months from this date, that the equity ofredemption in, and lo the said mort gaged premises, thenceforth and forever bo foreclosed. Therefore on motion of Council for the plaintiff, it is or dered 6y the Court, that the said Frederick A. Brown and Jabez Lewis, pay into the Clerk's office of this Court the amount of the principal and 'nterest due on said note, together with all legal costs, on or before the expiration of six months, otherwise the equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged premises, he forever barred and foreclosed; and thatd eopy of this rule and petition he published once a month for six months in one of the public Gazelles of this state, or that the defendants he personally served therewith, hrr.c mouths before the next sitting of this Court. A true copy from the minutes. JAMES LAW, Cl’k. April 12.—1J.—mCm. John M. Brazirl, kt Ah. Hill for discovery, relief and Injunction. O N motion of Counsel for complainants, at Cham ber®, stating that since the filing of this bill, it lias been discovered that Thomas Adains, William L. Bryant, and Jacob Bra*ellon have effect* in their hands or arc indebted to said John M. ft is therefore ordered, hat said Thomas, William and Jacob, bo made parlies to said bill and injunction, and that they ho served vith a copy of said Sill, together wdtli the amendment 'o made, to charge a® defendants aforesaid. It is fur ther ordered, that John M. Brnziel who resides out of the jurisdiction of this Court, be served by publication of this Rule in the Athenian, once a month for three ths, previous to the Pitting of the next Superior Court of said county. A true Copy from the original. A. S. CLAYTON, J. S. C. March 29.-13—m3m. I.ibtl for Divorce. GEORGIA, OGLETHORPE COUNTY Superior Court, Jlpril Term, 1931. Mary Ann Wilson, ) vs. J W illiam W ilgon. ) t T appearing to the Court by the return of th« Sheriff that the Defendant, William Wilson, is not to be mud in this county, it is ordered, that service be per- ct« d upon him by a publication of this Rule at least once a month for three months, in one of the public Gazettes of this state, and that he appear and file his defence, on or before the first day of the next term. In cose of default, the Dial in said case will proceed in term.® of the act. A true extract from the minutes, this k 28th April, 1931. May 3.—18— ro3m. JOHN LANDRUM, Clk. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. Wallon Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1S3I. Ell Gaither, 1 lit Equity. Turman, Chnrlm F. Walthall, Andrew Brown, and |{ehncca Tinman. I T appearing bv the Sheriff's return, »a well as by the affidavit <if complainant, that Charles F. '\al thrill and Turman Walthall, two of ilm defendants, re- «j,le without the li.. its of saiJ county: It it ordered, t !,al soi l defendant.plead answer, or demur to said hi | „ r before the (list day or next term, »nd that this ml,, he published in some public palette io this Slate, one a month for three months previous lo Ihe next ""'"'trile ext met from the minute, of the Superior Court, February term, ISJI. V. HARAI.SON, Clk. Mnv |0 - 19—m3m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. George \V. Moore, 1 vs. > Hill for discovery, ^-r. Joseph J. Singleton, ) In Clark Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1831. I T appearing to the Court from the return of the Sheriff that the defendant resides out of the coun ty of Clark. On motion of counsel for complainant, it s ordered, that service of this bill he perfected on the lefendant by publication of this rule once a month for three months in the Athenian, before the next term of this Court. The uhnvr order is truly copied from the minutes of the Superior Court of said countv, this 16th day of May, 1831. ROBERT l.IGON, Clk. Mav 24.—21—m3m. GEORGIA, IIALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Benjamin R. McCutchens, one of the Administrators on the Estate of Willis Thur mond, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration on said estate. These are therefore to ci’o and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law*, to shew cause if nny they have, why nahl letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this22d dnv of March, 1831. GEORGE liAWl'E, c. c. o. March 29.—13— m6m. I ^OUR months after date application will he mad' 4 to the honorable the Inferior Conrt of Jasper c mn»v, when silting for ordinary purposes for leave to •••ll Hi** Negroes belonging to the Estate of George Bo- rum. late of Jasper count* deceased ; for the putpose of making a division of said E®ta f e, b^tveen the Legatees SWt—* 5U?re."S- de bo,ns non with the trill annexed. | June 23—2C—v; Irn- GEORGI A, 'y A .?; T °N COUNTY. Court of Oriiiniii’tj, May Term, JS3L O N application of Thomas W. Harris, administrator in right of his wife Harriet II. on t’^e tmtate «»f Christopher Hobson, deceased, stating that he lets fully administered said estate, and praying to he dismissed from said administration : It is on rnoti«>n ordered, that said Harris, administrator as aforesaid, and his said wife Harriet II. be dismissed at the next November term of this Court, from their said administration, less cause he shewn to the contrarv. Ami it is further ordered, that this rule he published once a month one of the public Gazettes, until Ihe said term. A true extract from the minutes, 4th Mav, 1831. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. May 10.—19—m6in. GEORGIA, CL ARK,COUNTY. W HEREAS James W. Harris, administrator of Martin Thompson, deceased, applies tome for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time proscribed by law, to shew cause if any they liave^ why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 7th day of March, 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. March 8.—10—mCtn. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Robert Orr and John P. Weaver, Executors of Hiram Howard, deceased, apply to me f«>r fetters of Dismission from tho further admin- iptrntion of said estate : Thesoarc therefore tocite and admonish, oil and sin gular the kindred and creditors of paid deceased, to he ond appear at my office, within the time pre®rribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th of Feb. 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Feb. 8.—6—m6tn. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. WK7IIF.KEAS Hubert B. Hampton, executor of John f , Johnson, ih-ccaaod, applb-s to me for lettcrao) dismission from the further administration of .aid estate. These are therefore tn cite and admonish nil and sin- pttlar, the kindred and creditors of aatd deceased, tn lie and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if uny they have, why said Icl- tersshnnld not he granted. Given undermv hand this 28th dav of April I8J1. \\ II.1.1 AM COWAN, c. t. o. May 10.—13—niff tn. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HF.UF. AS Robert Evans, Adin’r. of the Estate of J iseph Evans, late of Madiaon county, dcc’d. applies to me lor letters of Dismission from the further administration of said estute: Ordered, that after the publication of this role as pro. scribed by law, the Baid Robert F.vons will he dis missed, unless cause lie shewn to the contrary, of Inch, nil concerned, are hereby notified. A true extract from the minutes, this 2d May, 1*31. GEORGE IIAWPK, c. c. o. Mav 17.—20—mCm. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. P ERSONALLY appeared before me Green Steed, a Oacistrate for said county, Janies Bradley of the county of Madimn, ami S'ato afore.aid, who hemp duly sworn saitli on ..ath, that Daniel Jackson of the county of Morpan.did, sometime in the year 1821, give his bond or obligation to him,the said Bradley,to make him the laid Bradlev, good and sufficient titles to lot of Land No. 83, in ihe 10th District of llall countv, ami that th« said Jainca Bradley has lost nr mislaid said Bond, ao that lie cannot come at the same. Sworn to and eubfcribed before me thiv I6tk Sep- tember, 1830. JAMES BRADLEY. STr.rP, J. P. June 14 —21.—mlm. F OUR months a tier date application will lie roam to the honorable the Inferior Court of Greene coumy, when aitting for ordinary purposes, for lease lo sell the Real Estate of she. Wood Stanley, late or said county.deceased. y, MARTHA STANLEY, F.xe’x May 31.—22.—w4nt. EXECUTOR’S SALE. I A GREEABLY to the lust Will and Testament of ' V "tlliam Wright, pen. deceased, will he sold on the t,rnt Tuesday in July next, at the Court limine ju Lowndes county, J.ot of Land Ao. 4Ud, i.» the 11th District of Irwin county, when drawn. Sold fi»r the benefitf.f the legatee* of *aid defeated. Terms made kimun on the dnv. TI10MAS A. WRIGHT Ex’r. May 2.—13—tds. AI)?.!! N! ST IIA TO R’S S YLK. A GRF.E.YBLf its artlrmf the liortoralde the In- . ferior Court of Kuhun county, silling for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the fust Tueaday in July next, Lot No. 7, in the 2d District of Rabun coun ty, containing two hundred and fifty Acres, more or less, it being part of the Real Estate of Robert Butter- son, late of said county, deceased. Sold for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOSEPH PATTERSON, Adin 1 April 19—1C —Ids. GUARDIAN’S SALE. W ILL ho sold on the first Tuesday in August next, withijithc usual hours of sale, in the town of riarkesville, Habersham county, l.nt of Land No. 150 in the 9th District of Ourroll county, hold for iho be lt fit of Mary U ilkerson’a, orphans. JOSEPH DOBSON, Sen. Guardian. May 3J.-22-.d3. P OUR months after date application will he made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purpose®, for leave to sell n part of the Negroes belonging lo the Estate of Ohudinh Unison, lufn of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. JOSEPH WATSON, ) v , JOSEPH LANDRUM, j'-xra. March 8.—10—w4tn. OUR months afterdate applicate c application will he made to the honorable tho Inferior Court of Jackson nty, when Bitting for ordinary purposes,for leave to H'lll a Houbo and Lot in the tow n of Jefferson, known and distinguished in the plnn of said town, as No. 15, ns the propert) of Thomas Allen, late of said county, deceased. ROBERT ALLEN, ) . , , JOHN 4V. THOMPSON, j A “ r "‘ March 29.—13—w4in. F OUR months flfler date application will he made to the Inferior Court of Rabun County, when sif ting for ordinary ptirpnsm for leave to sell ihe Real Es- tato of Thomas Middleton, deceased. All person* cou nted will please take notice. THOMAS MIDDLETON, Adin’r. DEBOBAII MIDDLETON, Adm’x. Mny 10. —19—w4in. I ^OUR months nflcr dntc application will he mude . to the honorable the Inferior Court of llall coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave lo sell the Real Estate of John Ingram, lute of Hull county deceased. LITTLE INGRAM, Adm’r. March 29.—13—w4m. 5 710UR months after date application will be made „ to the honorable the Ink to the lionoruble the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purpose*, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the Estate of Robert Moon, late ofsaid county, deceased. ARCHIBALD MOON, ) WILLIAM MOON, > Ext’*. ROBERT MOON, ) Mny 17.—20.—w4m. [ jlOL'R months after dote application will be made 1 to the honorable the Inferior Court of Habersham county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes and Real Estate of the late Enoch Edward®, sen. late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. ENOCH EDWARDS, Jr. Ex’r. Muy 24.—21—w4m. I ^QIJR months after date application will ho made 4 to tho honorable the Interior Court of Frunklin county, w hen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a Lot of Land in Dooly county, belonging lo the orphans of Joshua Inmnn, deceased. JAMES MCDONALD, Guardian. June 14.—24—w4m. JjlOI'lt months after date application F c ill bn mailn to t tic honorable I lie Inferior Court of Jarkson county, when lilting for ordinary purpose., for leave to |1 the La nil anil Negroes belonging tn the Estate of Jainca McMillan, lute of said county, deceased. MARY M’MH.LAN, Admr’x. JAMES M’MILI.AN, Arlrn’r. Jnno 11.—21— w4m. OUR months after date application will be made to the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sit ting for ordinary purpose", for leave to sen Three Ne groes belonging to trie Estate of D. G. Campbell, de ceased. Sold for the benefit ol the heirs nnd creditors. JAMES MERIWETHER, Adm’r. June 21—25—w4tn 1 7YOUR month* after dale application will be' made * to the honorable the Inferior Court of Madison county, when sitting for ordinory purposes for leave to sell the Real Estate of Benjamin Borum, late uf said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the beira ind creditor! of said deceased. ELISHA WARE, ? . . , JAMES LONG, j Adnu June 28.- 20—w 1m. p-jaTTBSs si:::, G.J/.Vfi.S V!LLE, GEORGIA. HE subscriber is about building an addi- L tion to his House in Gainesville by which enabled to accommodate double the num- bcr'of person* that he can at present with convenience. He will as heretofore refrain from making any pro- nr®* s whatever, and wiehea only for that patronage which lo. house may merit, lie takes this as the first opportunity of tendering to his friends and the public generally, his acknowledgement* for w liberal a.there of the passing patn-nage. L- CLEVELAND. G«mr*rrH<\ May 3.—17—tf Mt 1 he will be eni new GOOD*. J WHITE & Co- H U E jnat received from New York a largs and ^ ^splcmiid usaurlmciit ul Dry Goods, consisting in Black lielian I.ualring, Ores De Naples andGroa Db llerl"', French ami prrnfi d Muslins, Opiirt d anil plain Mandarines, Parisian figured (lrgandi arid Craps Lyon, plain nml prinled Balliste.Fanrv Gingham., Furiutrire Cali,-m s nml Prints, figured and plain Su is., Book and Mull Muslins, Jucnnct and ernsshard do. Inng Lawn nnd Irish Linen., Furniture ami Garment Ijrmitv, 4-4 3-4 (i-4 hubinet Lacs, Linen Cambrick l landkcrcbicfs and Imilatinn do. Spittlefield, Pongee I lag., d... Gauze, Grenadine lci.«c and Crape Shawl*, ni ck, long Gauze and Crape Scarfs, Gauze Vril?, ‘‘irihroirfi rccl Gloves, anil Mitt., assorted Belts, llal ami Cap Ribbons, gentlemen’s hr?I .ilk, thread nml horse skin Gloves, I.arlica .ilk, clocked and mar ble cotton llnsc, gentlemen’s do. Angola Rouen Casi- nieri s, Eng|iah ami Frenrlr Drilling, Mixed Carincffs, Merino Co.imcrcs, Sateen Jean, silk and cotton Slrine, yellow nml blue Nankeen,Ladies Dunstable and Navn- nnn Bonnets, silk nnd Cntton Umbrellas, Parasoln. Also, a large assortment of Check", Stripes, Uedtickine. bleached and Brown Muslins, Negro Cloths. Also, a n assortment of Ladies’ Prunella Slim s ar.d Slippers, genllemen’s Boots, Shoes and Pumps,Black and White lints. All of which will be sold on the most reasona ble terms. Athens, May 10.—19—eow2m. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. B 3. LORD & Co. H AVE just received from New York, a largo and splendid assortment of Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watch* e*. Gold and Silver Lepine do. English nnd French Silver do. Cmh and Linked Watch and . Guard Chains, Seals und Keys, Ladies Chain", Seals nnd Keys, Pearl nnd Fillagrue Ear ond Finger Rings, Medallions, Locketts,Neck Chain*, Shirt Studs, Breast Pins, E. P. Pencil Cases, Silver Spoons, Musical Boxes, Snuff and Fancy do. Turkish Pipes, Rodgers* Ha2ora nnd Pen Knives, Percussion Guns and Pistols, Game Bugs, Powder Flasks, tic, ALSO, Will hr received in a few days, a large assortment of Plated Castors, Fruit and Bread Baskets. Also, Cof fee and Tea Pots, Candlesticks, Snuffers nnd Trava, and a large assort incut of Plated and Gilt Jewelry and a few splendid Clock*. Athens, May 10.—19—eow2m. CIRCULAR, Office of Ihe American and Foreign Agency Jor Claims,'JVo. 49, Wall-Street .Veto- York, January 1831. PUBLIC HOTICa B S hereby given lo nil persons whom it may concern, having Claims, Debts, Inheritances, &c. payable or recoverable abroad, that this Agency ha* eatnolishod, under the special auspices and patronage of distin* guidicd individuals of this country, a regular Corr«s* pondenre with eminent Banker*, kc. in thn principal ports nnd capitals of Foreign Government*, in com mercial relations with the United States; through the mediation whereof, such valid claim* as may ho confi ded thereto, will he expedited for settlement, and promptly and effectively recovered; when furnished by the claimants with the suitable legal proofs, and vouch* era, together with tho venuisite Power of Attorney, to he taken and acknowledged before any Judge of a Court of Record, or other competent Civil Magistrate, Municipal Authority, or Notary Public; and the whole duly authenticated by the Governor of the State, or Territory, in which tho pamo may bo perfected, and legalized by the appropriate Foreign Consul. Having alio established a similar correspondence throughout the United States and British America, the like daunt for recovery in any part thereof retpeclivtly, will be re ceived and efficientlyattcnded to in behalf of American an w ell as Foreign claimants. Order* .for investment of funds on Mortgage of Freehold property, or the pur- chase of Public .Securities of the United Stales, Canal Loansof the States of New-York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, &c. punctually and faithfully executed. Application* addressed to tliia Agency, in caaes requiring the inves tigation of claims, search records, or tho intervention of legal proceedings, should be accompanied with an adequate remittance to defray the preliminary charge* and disbursement* attending the same; and all letter* mint ho addressed, post paid, to the undersigned, (Counsellor of the Supreme Court of tho United 8tates,) in Ihe Office of American and Foreign Agency, 49 Wall-street, Ncw-York. AARON ll. PALMER, Actuary. LAW NOTICE. T IIF. iinilersiuiH’d are prartising law in Copart. norahip, one may al all timea be found at Car- redllon, Carroll coiinlv, and Ihe other at tbeir office m Franklin, Heard comity. They will attend to any bu- sinc*entrusted to tlieir rare in the Chattahoochee Cir cuit, and in the adjacent counties in Alabama. ALLEN G. FAMUROUGII, 0/ Carrollton, and WILLIAM II. HOUGHTON, 0/ Franklin. May 21—21-4t. applies to me for letters 1 the Ealata of John "in- GEORGIA, J \CKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS John Leuk op of Adminiatratinn on th tere, late < f said county, deceased : These arc therefore lo cite and admnni.h all and lin- Biilar the kindred and creditors of said decraaed, lobe and appear at my office within lire time prescribed by law to shew cauae if any they have, why laid hitters .horrid not be granted. Given under my hand tine 7lb June, 1831. t\ ILLIAM COWAN, c. c. 0. June 14.—21—50d. GEORGIA, IIALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Pleasant llulaey anplie* to me for letlere of Adminiatration on the Ettate of An* na Hulsey, late of eaid county deceased > These am therefore to cite and admonish alt and sin* pilar the kindred and creditor*’of aaid deceased, to b« and appear at my office within the timo prescribed by law, to shew cans* if any they have, why aaid letter* should not be granted. ... ... Given under my hand tliia 20th day of June, 1831. GEORGE HAWPF, c. c. 0. June 28—26—SOd. Blanks of nil descriptions for sale at tins Office-