The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, July 12, 1831, Image 1

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Tite Atiienian. 1 WOT HOMINES TOT SEMrF.XTLV.-q.Uin DRV? QUID .VOX DEM? I! F. XU IS TU, QUOD JUBET ALTER.” VOL. V. A TURNS, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1831. No. 28. PUBLISHKD F.VKRY TUESDAY, BIT O. P. SHAW. Terms.—Three dollars per year, payable in advance, ,-r Four dollars if delayed to the end of the year. The latter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to njeet their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, un less the money is paid in advance; and no paper will he discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of I lie publisher. A failure on the part of subscribers to notify os of their intention of relinquish ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa pers sent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rate.*. JC'PAII Letters to the Editor on matters connected v/ith the establishment, must be post paid in order to jecurc attention. 'CJ* Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish ed sitfy itays previous to the day of sale. The^ale of Personal Property, in like manner, must be published f>rly days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be rnadeio the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be publishrd/.ur months. Nolice that Application will be mido for Letters of Administration, must bn published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. SHERIFFS’ SA ES. C LARK SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will lie sold, on tho first Tuesday in AUGUST next, at the Court House in the town of Watkinnville, Clark county, within the lawful hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Ono Piano Forte and Music Stool, One set mahogany dining tables, one mahogany «ofa, one carpel arid hearth rug, eight rush bottomed elmirs, nine Windsor chairs, one eight day clock and caBe, one mahogany side board, one bureau, on. pair undin.ns, shovel and longs, one work stand, one pail bronze lamps, two pair plated candlesticks, three bedsteads, three beds and furniture, one crih cradle, one ladies’ -addle, one candle stand, one walnut table. A number of articles of glass and eartlfen-warej tin waiters ; kc note skillets, ovens and other articles of kitchen furni ture’ Books, six volumes of Anderson on Commerce, fuur do Boswel’s life of-Johnson, ten do. Shakspeare, *b„,do. Burns’works, between fifty and sixty volumes ;,f miscellaneous works, one map of North and South America, undone gig: Levied on as the property of Alfred M Nesbit, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favour of £!.*?' w Rockwell, Charles Kelsey, and Charles «’r , 1“dntr co-nartnere, vs. Alfred M. Nesbit, Mc’lnlyre.sur,, » c L & C o. vs Alfred the other in favor of Pariai*, , - ». . M. Nesbit. Properly pointed out By ,h< ’ defcriuant. Ono Yoke of Steors about Seven Years old, and one Road Wagon: levied on as the property of Joseph Durham, to satisfy a fi. fs. in favor of William Slringfellow for the use of Edward Paine, vs. Joseph Durham and Valentine Huff. Three Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land more nr less, on the waters of Law's Creek, adjoining Robertson and others, whereon the defendant now lives: levied on as the property of I owrv Bryan to satisfy sundry fi.fas. from a Justice’s Court,Hannah F-. Milton Executrix of John Milton deceased, vs. I.owry Bryan. June 28. ISAAC 3. VINCENT, D. Sh’ff. the property of David Steward, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from a Justice** Court, one in lavnr of Martain Robcrds, and tho other in favor of Iry I.osson, vs. paid Steward. Levy made and returned to me l>v a Consta ble. A. CHASTAIN, D. Sh’ff. June 28. LE0AL NO aICBS. GEORGIA, IIALL COUNTY. Charles IIulset, 4 FaEDFR.CK A.' Brown and } md Rule Jabez Lewis. J for Foreclosure. Hall Superior Court, March Term t 1831. RULE NISI. To the lion, the Superior Court of said county. rpilR petition of Charles Hulsey respectfully shows, n. that heretofore, to wit: on the eighteenth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty, the said Frede rick A. Brown and Jabez Lewis, made, executed and delivered to your petitioner,their certain deed of mort gage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, and which is here in Court ready to be shown, which deed of mortgage conveyed a certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lyingand being in said county of Hall, known as Lot No. ninety-six, in the ninth District of said coun ty, which tract or Lot of land was mortgaged by the said Frederick A. & Jabez, for the better securiugto your petitioner the payment of a certain promissory note made and delivered to your petitioner, hvthe said Fre derick A. & Jabez, on the day and year aforesaid, for the sum of three hundred dollars, and due on the twenty fifth day of December, eighteen hundred and thirtv, together with a certain other note described in *aid mortgage, and which is not yet due, and which said first mentioned note is herewith shown to the Court: and your petitioner further shows that the whole amount of principal and interest on said note, is now due and unpaid. Wherefore he pra\s, that unless the said Fiedcrirk A and Jabez, pay into the Clerk’s Of fire of this Court, the amount of tho principal, interest and cost due thereon, within six months from this date, that the equity ofredemption in, and to the said mort gaged premises, thenceforth ami forever he foreclosed. Therefore on motion of Council for the plaintiff, it is or dered by the Court, that the said Frederick A. Brown and Jahez Lewis, pay into the Clerk’s office of this Court the amount of the principal and mterost due on said note, together with all legal costs, on or before the expiration of six months, otherwise the equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged premises, bo forever barred and foreclosed; ami that a copy of this rule and petition be published once a month lor six months in ono of the public Gazettes of this state, or that the defendants be personally served therewith, three months before the next sitting of this Court. A true copy from the minutes. JAMES La\V, Cl’k. April 12.—15.— m6m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Benjamin R. MeCutchens, one of tho Administrators on the Estate of Willis Thur mond, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration on said estate. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tho time proscribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 22d dnv of March, 1831. % GEORGE IIAWPE, c . c. o. March 29.—13—mOm. J 'CKSON Postponed Sheriff’s Stile.—On |V,„ first Tucsdat in AUGUST next, will b<- sold at :he Court-house in tho town of count' within tho usual hours of sale, the following con property, to Wit : One and n Fotirlh Acres of Land, more or 1... with a Tannery theroop : levied on es the pro- March 29.—13—m3m. irerl’v of Charles Bacon, to eatrsfy three fi. fa*. one ts- eur/from the Superior Court of (Ire county of Jackson in favor ,f James Tail, vs. said Bacon, the other two issued f .m tho Inferior Court of said county, at drern- stance .f Robert B. Duncan &. Co. v». Charles Bacon and B • rajah Dnnham, the above levy made by Joseph .. . _ e cknviir nnJ bv direction of James GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. Jacfoon Superior Court. Eli Hradcn and 1 Jsno Robertson 1 Mil for discovery, relief i.’ttl John M. Braziel, XT al. J Injunction. O N motion of Counsel for complainants, at Cham bers, stating that since the filing n f this bill, it has been discovered that Thomas Adunis, William 1.. Brvant, and Jacob Brnsellon have effects in their hands or are indebted to said John M. It is therefore ordered, that said Thomas, William and Jaenb. ho made parties to said bill and injunction, ami that they be served with a copy nt said hill, together with the amendment so made, to charge ns defendants aforesaid. It is fur ther ordered, that John M. Braziel who resides out of the jurisdiction of this Court, be served by publication of this Rule in tho Athenian, once a month for three months, previous to the sitting of tho next Superior Court of said county. A trnc Copy from the original. A. S. CLAYTON, J. S. C. Ham don, formor Sheriff, and by direction of .lames Tail who has the control of said ft. las. Juno 28. GEORGE F. ADAMS, P- Sit If. H " ALL ShorifTs Snle.—On the first Tucs- dnv in AUGUST next, will bo sold, at the Court it in the Town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the usual hours of sale, the following propc-y, to wit: . , , • Two Hundred Acres of Lnnd.tnoro or less, tying on the waters of the Mulberry Fork of the Oco- nee river, granted to James Kenned.y : lev.rd on as the D onerty of Phcb.e Robinett, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. , P , from a Justices’ Court in favor of Truman Kel- } 0 vs. Pliebe Robinett. Property pointed out by the plaintiff Levy made and returned to me by a consta- blc. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Lond mere or less, whereon John Smith now lives, lying on IB® rd,o chedatoe river: levied on as the pm- Juno 28. H ALL Sheriff’s Sole.—On Ihe first Tues day in AUGUST next,will be sold at the Court House in’ho town of Gainesville, Hall cnunty. wt hin tire usual hours of sale, the following property, to «it - One Black Horse, five r«* old : levied on os the oropertv of Joseph AAigley, to ntisfy ihm fi fas one infavor of William Bowm and others, vs. said AVigley. Properly pointed out by defendant. Part of Lot No. 23, in the 10th District of Hall county, whereon Cary W. Jackson now lives, one House and Lot in the town of Gainesville, known m K ni.n nfsaid town bv Lot No. 14, and the Lot where- lhB |En Jail now stands: also, five hundred feel ofCher- iv nhfnffmoro or less, and eight thou.and feet pine { P ? ,„d scantling more or less, one aecretary and r'i, ea« ?nd one or two dozen books, one bureau book case, ana one or chegt one be ,| .„rt one pine »l . of P teer8 an< ) c ,rt: all levied furniture, “ * Cary W. Jackson, to satisfy a issued from’ 'all Superior Court in favor of Star- n„g H L«..CL vs. said Jackson. Property pn.n.ed out by plaintiff. One Bay Colt, one year old, three Cow* lhrpp iipifprB, one Sow tnd six Shoats, ln 1 : all levied on as the property •curity. , ... Fifty issxsgtsstrssiw,. i..w «•• I.ibel far Divorce. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1831. O N application of Thomas \V. Harris, ailininistrntor in right of his wife Harriet 11. on tho estate of Christopher Hobson, deceased, stating that he has fnll v administered said estate, and praying to be dismissed from said administration : It is on motion ordered, that said Harris, administrator ns aforesaid, and his said wife Harriot II. bo dismissed nt tho next November term of this Court, from their said administration, un less cause he shewn to the contrary. And it is further ordered, that tins rule bn published once a month in one of the public Gazettes, until tho said term. A true extract from the minutes, 4th May, 1831. JESSE MITCHELL, c. c. o. May 10.—19—infiin. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. George W. Moore, f vs. > Dill for discovery, <$-c. Joseph J. Singleton, ) In Clark Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1831. I T appearing to the Court from t lie return of tho Sheriff that tho defendant resides out of tho coun ty of Clark. On motion of counsel for complainant, it is ordered, that service nf this bill he perfected on the defendant by publication of this rule once a month for three months in tho Athenian, before the next term of this Court. The above order is truly copied from the minutes of the Superior Court of said county, ' his 16th day of May, 1831. ROBERT LIGON, Clk. Slav 24.—21—m3m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS James VV. Harris, administrator of Martin Thompson, deceased, applies tome for letters of Dismission from the further aoministration of said estate. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to bo and appear at my office within the time proscribed by law, to phew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th day of March, 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. March 8.—10—mfim. GEORGI A. CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Robert Orr and John P. Weaver, Executors of Hiram Howard, deceased, apply to rnc for letters of Dismission from the further admin istration of said estate: Thcscnro therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin- £...» ar tf„. kind rod mttrl ortstli lOitt t»ri*inn TlruntBecf, to h*» ami appear at my o^ cc ' within the time prescribed by law, to shew eaiise, ifanytiioy have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under myhand this 7tls ofFrb. 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. P- o. Feb. 8.—6—-m6m. GEORGIA, OGLETHORPE COUNTY Superior Court, April Term, 1831. Mary Ann Wilson, v., William Wilson. I T appearing to the Court by the return of I he Sheriff that tlin Defendant, William Wilson, is not to be found in this countv, it is ordered, that service be per fected upon him by a publication of lilt. Rule at least oneca month fir three months, in one of the public Gazettes of this state, and that lie appear and file Ins defence, on or before llm first day of the next term. In case of default, the tiial in said case will proceed in terms of the act. A Irue extract from tho minutes, this 28lh April, 1831. JQI , N LAND ruM, Clk. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. YKTHEKEAS Robert B. Hampton, exernter of John Yv Johnson, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the further administration nfsaid estate These arc therefore to cite and admonifh all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie nnd appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why eaid let ters should not be granted. Given undermy hand this 28th day of April 1831. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. May 10.—19—niGm. May 3.—18—m3m. GEORGI A, WALTON COUNTY. fValton Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1831. Eli Gaither, 1 vs. 1 Turman Walthall, i /„ Equity- Charles F. Walthall, | Andrew Brmvn, ami j Rebecca Turman. I I T appearing by the Sheriff’s return, as well ii by the affidavit of complainant, that Charles F. Ual lhall and Turman Walthall, two of the defendants, re side without the iin its of said county: It is ordered, thai said defendants plead answer, or demur to said hi I an or before the first day of next term, and that this rule he published in some public gazette in this State, once a month fur three months previous to tile next term ol this Court. „ , _ . . \ true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court, February term, 1831. V. HARALSON, Cl’k. Mav 10.—19—mJm. To JOHN F. W LLIS And all persons interested, who reside out of the State of Georgia. take notice T HAT 1 shall npplv lo tho next Superior Court to be held in and for the county of Clark, and State nf Georgia, on the second Monday in August next, for a Writ of partition to have laid off and assigned nic my dower, or one third pari of acertain tract u r Land, ly ing in Clark count v. Georgia, containing two hundred Acres more nr le.i, adj .inmg Lands formerly belong ing to Daniel W. F.asly, now known as Ine College lands, granted tr, William Fev , and by Few conveyed to George Smith, and by Smith conveyed to Samuel I lolls wav, and now in the possession of John A. tobh. I being bvthe law« of Georgia entitled to a dower in the said which lime von can attend and hlc your objections if lo you shall seem fit. CLARA MOLL Art AY, tcidoto and relict of Samuel Hollatro,, dic’d. April 19.—IS—m3in. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. MT 11 F.REAS Robert Evans. Adm’r. of tho Estate Vt of Joseph Evan., tote of M.dlMn Bounty, rfuc’d. applies to me for letter, of Dismission from Ihe furllisr administration of said ostato : Ordered, that after the publication of thia rulo as pre scribed by low, tho said Robert Evans will bo dis missed, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, of winch, all concerned, are hereby notified. A true extract from the minutes, this 2d May, 1831 GEORGE IIAWPE, c. c. o. Mav 17.—20—mGm. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. P ERSONALLY appeared before me Green Stead, a Magistrate fur aaid county, James Bradley ol ihe county of Madiion, and siato aforesoid, who boing duly sworn sailh on oath, that Daniel Jacksor, of the ennntv of Morgan.did, sometime in the year 1821, give his bond or obligation to him,the said Bradley,to make him the aaid Bradley, good and sufficient titles to lot of l.and No. 85, in the 10th District of Hall couniv, and (hut the said James Bradley has lost or mislaid said Bond, so that he cannot come ot tho same. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th Sep tember, 1830..' JAMES BRADLEY. Gar.EN Stf.f.d, j. n. June 14 — 21.— m3m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS John VV. Harper and Anselemn L, Harper, Administrators de bonis non with the will annexrd, on the Estate of George Harper, dec’d. apply to me for letter of Dismission, from the further administration of said Estate : These are thcreforoto cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why aaid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 28th day of June, 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. June 28—26—6m. GUARDIAN’S SALE. "WK7ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in August next, w V within tiie usual hours of wale, in the town of ClnrkesvilJe, Habersham e-umtv, Lot of lAiml No. 150, in the 91 h District of Carroll county. Sold for the be nefit of Mary Wjlliorson’s, orphans. JOSEPH DOBSON, Sen, Guardian. May 31.— 22— .d*. F1A1YTEBS KOTIIL s GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA. ifefcrilHF. subscriber is abont building an addi- liilBL M. lion lo his House in Gainesviffe by which he will be enabled to accommodate double the num ber of per.ons that liccanal present with convenience. He will aa heretofore refrain from making any pro mises whatever, and wishes only for that patronage which hi* hou.e may merit. He takaa this as the first opportunity of tendering to his friends and the public generally, his acknowledgements for ro liberal a share of the passing patronage. L. CLEA ELAND. Gainesville, May 3,—17—tf GUARDIAN’S SALE. WM^H.T l»o sold on the first Tuesday in September ▼ ▼ next, nt tho Court-house in Zobulon, Hike county, agreeably to un order of tho honorable flic In ferior Court of Hall county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, a Lot of Land,No. 54, (fifty-four,) situated in the ninth (9th) District offormeily Monroe, now I'ikc county. Sold as the properly of Jackson (irady, minor ofUrigshv Grady, dec’d. Terms made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM GRADY, Guaulian. July 5.—27.—td*. lilOUR months filler date application will be made JE! to the honorable the Inferior Court nf Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the Negroes belonging to the F.statc of Ohadiah Watson, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of aaid deceas ed. JOSEPH WATSON, ) .. , JOSEPH LANDRUM, j 1 " 3 - March 8.—10—w4m. ■ ."10UR months afterdate application will he made M? lo the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,for leave to soil a House nnd Lot in the town of Jefferson, known nnd distinguished in the plan of snid town, as No. 15, ns the property of Thomas Allen, lute of snid county, deceased. ROBERT ALLEN, ) A , , JOHN W. THOMPSON, ] *’ March 29.—13—w4m. ■ AOUR months affer date application will be made ■7 to the Inferior Court of Rabun County, when sit- ling for ordinary purposes for leave to sell ihe Real Es tate of Thomas Middleton, deceased. All persons con cerned will please take notice. THOMAS MIDDLF.TON, Adm’r. DEBORAH MIDDLETON, Adm’x. May 10.—19— w4m. ■jiOUR months after date application will be made JL to the honorable the Inferior Court of Hall conn* tv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave lo sell the Real Estate of John Ingram, luto of Hall county deceased. LITTLE INGRAM, Adm’r. March 29.—13—w4m. Jj.lOUR months aftrr date application will be made JB2 to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when Bitting for ordinary purpose*, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to tho Estate of Robert Moon, late of said county, deceased. ARCHIBALD MOON, ) WILLIAM MOON, S Exr’s. ROBERT MOON, ) May 17.—20.—w4m. ■ alOUR months affer date application will bo made JU to the honorable the Inferior Court of Habersham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the ivegrncs and Real Estate of the fate Enoch Edwards, sen. late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of suid deceas ed. ENOCH EDWARDS, Jr. Ex’r. May 24.—21—w4m. S i OUR months after date application will ho made- IT to the honorable tho Inferior Court of Greene county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Sherwood Stanley, late of said county, deceased. MARTHA STANLEY, Exc’x. May 31.—22.—w4in. U iOUR months offer date implication will bo made m 1 to the honorable the Inferior Court of Franklin county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a Lot of Land in Dooly county, belonging to the orphans ofJoshua Inman, deceased. JAMES MCDONALD, Guardian. June 14.—24—w4m. TNOUR months affer date application will be made JT to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to ■ell the Land and Negroes belonging to tho Estate of James McMillan, lata of aaid county, deceased. MARY M’MIf.LAN, Admr’x. JAMES M’MILLAN, Adin’r. Juna 14.—24—w4in. T7JOUR months affer date application will be made .MJ to the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Three Ne groes belonging to the Estate* of D. G. Campbell, de ceased. Sold for the benefit ol the heirs and creditors. JAMES MERIWETHER, Adm’r. June 21—25—w4m TNOUR months after date application will be made JU to the honorable the Inferior Court of Madison county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Benjamin Borum, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the brnefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. ' ELISHA WARE, ) . . JAMES LONG, \ Admr a * June 28.—26—w4m. "■JJOUR months affer date application will be made JT to the honorable the Inferior Conrt of Jasper county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to •ell the Negroes belonging to the Estate of George Bo rum, late of Jasper county deceased ; for the put pose of making a division of said Estate, between the Legatees of said deceased. ELISHA WARE,) JAMES LONG, J* dmra * dt bonis non with the will annexed. June 28—20—wltn. GF.ORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. Vm/'HERF.AS John Leak applies to me for letters V ▼ of Administration on Inc Estate of John Win ters, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish alt and sin- pular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th June, 1831. VV ILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. June 14.—24—39d. CIRCULAR. Office of Ihe American and Foreign Agency Jor Claims, JVo. 49, Wall.Street New- York, January. 1831. P’.:- ELIO ITCT^CS I S hereby given lo all persons whom it may concern,' having Claims, Debts, Inheritances, &c. payable or recoverable abroad, (lint this Agency has established, under tho special auspices and patronage of distin guished individuals of this country, a regular corres pondence with eminent Bankers, &c. in thu principal ports and capitals of Foreign Governments, in com mercial relations with tho United States; through the mediation whereof, such valid claims us may be confi ded thereto, will ho expedited for settlement, and promptly and effectively recovered; when furnished by the claimants with the suitable legal proofs, and vouch ers, together with the requisite Power of Attorney, to be taken and acknowledged before any Jtnlgo of a Court of Record, or other competent Civil Magistrate, Municipal Authority, or Notary Public; and the whole duly authenticated by the Governor of the State, or Territory, in which tho same may he perfected, and legalized by the appropriate Foreign Consul. Haring also established a similar correspondence throughout the United Stales and British America, the like claims for recovery in any part thereof respectively, will be re ceived nnd efficiently attended to in behalf of American as well as Foreign claimants Orders for investment of funds on Mortgage of Freehold property, or the pur- choseof Public Securities of the United States, Canal Loans of the States of New-York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, &c. punctually and faithfully executed. Applications addressed to this Agency, in cases requiring the inves tigation of claim*, search records, or the intervention oflegal proceedings, should be accompanied with an adequate remittance to defray the preliminary charges and disbursements attending the same; and all letters rnufet he addressed, post paid, to the undersigned, (Counsellor of tho Supreme Court of the United States,) in the Office of American and Foreign Agency, 49 Wall-street, Ncw-York. AARON II. PALMER, Actuary. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Pleasant llul.ry applie. to me for letter, of Adminulration on the Eatate of An na Hulaoy, late of aaid county deceaaed : Theae are therefore to cite end admonish all and ain- gular the kindred and creditore of said deceaaed, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, to ahew cause if any they have, why aaid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand thia 20th day nf June, 1831. GEORGE IIAWPE, c. c. o. June 28-28—304- R A. Solomon Adams. LIST OF LETTERS. EMAINING in the Post Office at Athene, on the 1st July, 1831, K. Francis B. Kilgore. Miss Athena Luckie, John P. Q. Lamar, jr. J. Lasscter, I.sban Lane, John S. Linton, John O. H. Lillobridge. M. Joseph Maddox, 3. G. W. Mcrriwcthcr, A. N. Myaon, John Moore, Benj. H. Mordccai, llenry E. Morgan, William Mathcvva, It. J. Mciga. NS Joslali Newton. Samuel Bell, T. Bryan, Alexander Bacon. C. Mr. Candy, James Cook, Mr. Crawford, Dr. Josepit Crcal, John 11. Culver, Mias -.clitoris B. Cox, Mrs. Ann R. Cabell, Clark & Young, Edward Carter, George Clifton. D. James O. Dickson, Thomas Douglass, Benjamin Duvis, William Daniel, John II. Davidson, Mrs. Sarah Davis. E. James Espy, 2. a. Mrs. Tuliitlia Groves, John 11 Gonckce, Jordan Glossip. 11. Ilezckiah Hunt, William II. Hunt, Mrs. Eliza Hodge, Willis House, Miss Delia A. Haynes, Samuel Hancock, William H. Hardline, Mrs. 8. D. Hamlctt, Mr. llilburn. .1. George Jordan, 4. George B. Judd. July 5.— 27.—3t. Harvey Olmstctd, P. Samuel Payne, Krasins Peck, Rev. James Patterson, Charles I). Parr, Thomas P. Park. It. John Robinson, Henry P, Richards. S. J. J. Singleton, 2. T. Joseph T. Tnlly, Richardson Tuck. U. Francis Upson. W. II. & W. Willingham. Benjamin Young. W. L. MITCHELL, P.' M. A LIST OF LETTERS R EMAINING in the Post Office at Watkinaville, Georgia, on tho 1st July, 1831, which If hot ta ken out by Ihe 1st of October next, will ho sent to the General Post Office as dead letters. Thomas Allen, John Adams. B. Mrs. I.uey Bonner, Nathan Barnett, C. George Clifton, Isaac Crow, Moses II. Coghurn. D. Charles Dougherty, William Durham. F. Lewis Fields, John A. Fambrough. G. Martha Gann, Mrs. Ann Greer, Joseph Hodges, Moses Ilopkine, Hartwell Jackson, U Francis Jackson. - K. Jacob Klutts. M. Jason Minton, Smilhficld Masting, Garrett Morris. P, Garland Prince, William II. Puryear. K. . Coleman Reynolds. 8. Jarret Suddulh, Temple Stuart, Mre. Lucinda Gillespin, 2. Ethcldred Sorrels, James Greer. H. Micajah Ililsman, 2, llenry II. J. Ililsman, Dr. E. G, Harvey, July 5.—27—St. Jsmca D. Smith, Reuben Stewart, * David Smith. W. Williamson Whited, L. R. BREWER, P. M. A LIST OF LETTERS R EMAINING in the Post Office at Danielivillp, Madison county, Ga. on the tat July, 1931. William Arnold, William P. Arnold. B. Manners Brook, Richard H. Bullock, John Bone, Nathaniel Baxter, William Brown. C. Mr. Sarah Cobeard, William Connelly, Jamee Coil, John Curdy, Mrs. JaneCreltendon, July 5.—57.—SI. D. Jamee Daniel, John Gosset. If. Josiah Human. M. John Meed. P. turn Pierce. R. Royal Richards. T. Delarnett Tuckar. W. Green Ware. WILLIAM MERONEY, P. M. Blanks of all descriptions for sale at this Office-