The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, July 19, 1831, Image 1

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I \ “ qvor IJOMtXKS TOT SF..YTE.YTt.'E.—<lUIO DEM / XO.V DEM/ RFSTUIS TU, QUOD JUHET At.TER." VOL. V. \'riIE;\S, ((iEWMiIAJ TUESDAY, .U LY 1!), 1891. iYo. ?.(). PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, BIT O. P. SHAW. T Er ,Ms. —Three dollars per year, parable in advance, ,r l'.vir dollars if delayed to the end oftlie year. The latter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to meet their payments in advance. No sobicriptinn received for less than one year, un- *ess the money is paitl in advance; and no paper will he discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option ol the publisher. A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish- muni, accompanied w ith the amount due, will he con- jidered as equivalent to a newt engagement, and pa vers sent accordingly. Ant nr.TisF.MKN’Ts will be inserted at the usual rates. J»,MI betters to the Editor on matters connected with the establishment, must be post pqitl in order to sccu r c attention. ■[ J* Notice of the sale of band and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or liuardians, must be publish ed si r‘y days previous to the day of sale. The-ale of Personal Property, in like manner, must be published forty do i/i previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors uf an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for beavc to sell bund or Negroes, must lie puhlishcd/uir months. Notice that Application w ill bo made for bolters of Ad ministration, must be published thirty days, and for betters of Dismission, six months. SHERIFFS’ SA JES. A LARK SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will he J sold, en the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, at the Court House in the town of 'Vntkinsville, Clark county, within the lawful hours of stile, the following property, to wit; One Piano Forte and Music Stool, One sot mahogany dining tables, one mahogany s fa, one carpel and hearth rug, eight rush bottomed chairs, nine Windsor chairs, one eight (lay clock nod case, om- mahogany side board, one bureau, one pair andirons, shovel and tongs, one work stand, one pan bronze la nits two pair plated candlesticks, three beds 1 ends, three beds and furniture, one crib cradle, one Indies saddle one candle stand, one walnut table. A number of articles of glass and earthen-ware; tin waiters ; &c oots skillets, ovens and other articles of kitchen form- tor,. Books, six volumes of Anderson on Commerce, four’do Boswel’s life of Johnson, ten do Sl.aksneare, four do Burtia’woiks, between fitly and sixty volumes of miscellaneous works, one mnp of North and South America, and one gig: bevtetl on as the property of Alfred ,1. Ncsbil, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favour "I Charles W. Rockwell, Charles Kelsey, and Chailes Mc'lniyre, surviving co-partners, vs. Alfred M. Ntatnr, the other in favor of Parish, Corning, & Co. vs A1 red M, Nesbit. Property pointed nut by the defendant. One Yoke or Steers about Seven Years old. and one Hoad Wagon : levied on as the prnperl V «f Durham, to satisfy a ti. fa. *n favor of W illiam Atri igfellow tor the use of Edward Paine, vs. Joseph Durham aiul Valent in* 1 Hull. Three Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land more or less on the waters of Uw’s ^reek, a.'lj'-Jiu»P Hoherlsnn and others, whereon the defendant ' "w ilt - levied on as the property of bowrv Bryan, sundry fi.fas. from a Justice's Court,llannah E. Mil " n Executrix of John Milton deceased, vs. I.owry Bryan. June 28 ISAAC S. VINCENT, D. Sh’fi GEORGIA. WALTON COUNTY. IValtfiii Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1 S31. In Equity. Eli Guitlit Turman Walthall, ChnrlcH F. Walthall, Andrew Brown, and | Rebecca Turman. I I T appearing by tho Sheriff’** return, as the affidavit of complainant, that Chari.... - . thall and Turman Walthall, two of tho defendants, re side without the limits of said county: It Jh ordern that said defendant* plead answer, or demur to sai hi l on or before the first day of next term, and that th ‘II as bv F. W ai J ACKSON Postponed Sheriff’s Sale. On first Tuesdat in ALT'.! ST next, will be sold «t the Court-house in the town of Jeflvrann, Jackson count), within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One and a Fourth Acres of Land, more or ‘ess with a Tannery there >n : levied on ns 110 F" neri'v ofCharlcs Bacon, to satisfy three fi. fas. mil '«• Sun?from the Superior Court of the county ot Jackson I I vor ,f James Tail, vs. said Bacon, the other Iwi i" uedf >m the Inferior Court of said Diem- rjf. made by Joseph Hanf Lon, former Sheiiff, and bv direction o. James Tail •> |,o has the control ol said h. las June 28. GEORGE F. ADAMS, P. Shit 'STALL Sheriff's Solo.—On the first Toes- SI ■ i :« ArcsUST next, will be sold, at the Court ■ t y the Town "ffiainesville. Hull county, witliui tho usual hours of sale, the following property- Two Hundred Actps of Lnnd.morc or less, rsJMsSsaf loan vs Phebr Robinctl. pointed out by the plaintiff Levy made and returned to me by a consta- ble. . . . Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land. „„ I... whereon John Smith now lives, l)i"g on ss^s^sgsfsxis^tsir June 2»s. n ALL Sheriff’s Sulc-On the first Tucs- i •- iiTt’HT nett will he sold at the Corn! aouaef/HmSal^Hile. 11.11 county within •.lie usual hours of sale, tho following properly, to > it. One Black Horse, five years old i levied on as Ihe property of vs. SiTRSKrT ***> 0,1, " y M " n '" n '' Part of Lot No. 23, in the lOtlt District of dseesesasmsSS ••olank* inore <>r less, and eight thousand feet pine o«e pmo 3, “ b ’ lk °"° 0 fSteers and cart: all levied furniture, o - > \y. Jackson, to satisfy a on as the P[ 0 P r *^ l .u Snoerin,Court in favor of Ster- t$rBtr«SnBS£ nw H- out by plaintiff. ftno Ruv Colt, <>no vear old, three To-vh One Boy lleifers, oneSow and six Shoals, “ami ontMan’s saddle : .11 ^ \V.'J^kson,'v» n . C .»iJ W«f, and Abner Bu.hop hi. •ciiriiy. Fifty ntaeTS tSih Pi.«ricl'of nil county : levied on a. IrECrALNO a ICES. GEORGIA, IIALL COUNTY. ClIARLUS IICLSET, 1 V . H ' , \ Ptlition and Itulr IiiF.Dr.nitK A. IlnowN and ! laotz Lewis. J for foreclosure. Hull Superior Court, .March Term, 1831. RULE NISI. To the Hon. the Superior Court of said county. PBIIII'. petition of Charles Hulsey respectfully shows. p! tliu> heretofore, to wit: on the eighteenth day ot March, eighteen hundred mid thirty, the said Frede rick A. Brown andJabez Lewis, made, executed and delivered to your petitioner,their certain deed of mort gage, hearing dale tho day and yea, aforesaid, ami tvhieli is here in Court ready to ho shown, which deed of mortgage conveyed a certain irnct nr parcel of land, situate, Iving and living in said eounlv of Hall, known as l.ot No. ninety-six, in llieniiith Distrirt of said coun ty, which tract or but of land was mortgaged by the «uid Frederick A. ftJabex, for the better securing to you r petitioner the payment of a certain promissory note made mill delivered to your petitioner, bv tIn: .-aid Ire- ilcriek A. ft .label, on the dav and year aforesaid, lor the sum ofthrec hundred dollars, and due on the twenty fifth day of December, eighteen hundred and thirty. I,gellicr with a certain other note described in raid mortgage, and which is not yet due, and which said firxt mentioned note is hc r o.witli shown *•» the Court • and tour petitioner further shows that the whole amount of principal ami interest on said note, is now dm*and unpaid. Wherefore lie prajs, that unleM the said Frederick A and Jubcz, pay into the Clerk s or of this Court, the amount of tho principal, interest and cost doe thereon, within six months front this date, • lint the equitv ofredemption in, and to the said mort gaged premises, thenceforth and forever he foreclosed. Therefore on motion ol Council f*»r the plaintin, it is or* ilercd hv the Court, that the said Frederick A. Brown and Julies Lewis, pay into the Clerk** offic e of this Court the amount ot the and mtercst due on said note, together with all h eal costs, on or before the expiration of six months, otherwise the equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged premises, bo forever barred and foreclosed; and that a copy ot this rule and petition bo published once a month tor six months it. one oftlie public Uaxeltes of this Mute, or that the defendants he personally served therewith, three months before the next sitting of this Court. A true copy from the minutes. JAMES LAW, Cl’k. April 12.—15.—m6m. February May 10.- To JOHN F. W LUS 2nd all persons interested, ioho reside out of the State of Georgia. TAKK NOTICE fHAIIAT ! shall apply to the next Superior Court to a be held iu ami for tho county of Clark, and State of Georgia, on the second Monday in August next, for a Writ of partition to have laid ofl'aml nsMguctl me my dower, or one third pail of a certain tract of Land, ly- itq; in Clark county, fieorgia, containiny two Immlred \cres, more or less, adjoining Lands firnierly beloiq*- inc to Daniel W. F.asly. now known as the College hinds, granted to Willium Yew, and l>\ Few conveyed to (Jeorce Smith, and by Smith conveyed to Sa »oiel llollauay, and now in the possession of John A. Cohh. I, heinjf hv the laws of Georgia entitled to a doner in the said land, at which time you can attend and file your objections if to you shall seem fit. CLARA IIOLLWVAY, widow and relict of Samuel llullaway. dec'll. April 10.—1G—m3m. the property of David Steward, to satiety two fi. fas. issued from a Justice** Court, one in favor of Martain Koberd*, and the other in favor ot Iry Lesson, vs. said Steward. Levy made and returned to me bv a Consta ble. A. CHASTAIN, D. Sli’fT. June 2S. H ALL Postponed SherifPs Sale.—On the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, will be sold,at the Court House in the town of Gainesville, 11nII coun ty, within the usual hours of sale, the following proper* ty, to wit : One Hundred Acre* of Land, more or less lying‘»n the waters Ihver, inline- i 1,1 1 ■lialelv below Conner’. Ford : levied on a. the groper- , ™lo he pobli.hvd ... aon.o public gazette m thw lyof David B. Kitchen., to aalisfy .nii.hy fit. Aa. one once a month for three mon.h. previous In tho next iii favor of Patrick J. Murray and others, vs. said Kitch ens. One Lot of Land, No. 94, in tho 11th Dis trict of Hall county : levied on as llie property of .Nee ly Dobson, to satisfy a *i. fa. in favor ot Thomas Dooly, vs. said Dobson. Three Dozen Frying Pans, one Lot sundry of other remnants of Goods : levied on as the property of Alston Boyd, to satisfy two fi. fas. isMied from Gwin nett Superior Court, one in Ihvor of John & Win. Kelly, and the other in favor of Dobbins and Evans, vs. said Boyd. Two Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, whereon William Grady now lives : levied on as the properly of'', illian. Grady, to satisfy .one fi. fu. in favor of James Blackstock, vs. said Giadv. JACOB EBERIIART' Sli’ff. July 6. once a month for th term o| this Court. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court rm, lMl. V. HARALSON, Cl’k. iii3!ii. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. George \V. Moore, ) vs. > Dill for discovery, 4*c. Joseph J. Singleton, ) In Clark lSuperior Court, Feb. Term, 1831. I T appearing to the Court frooi the return ot *he Sheriff that the defendant resides out of the coun ty of (’lark. On motion of counsel for complainant, it is ordered, that service of this bill he perfected on ihe ilcfemlunt by publication of this rule once a month for three months in the Athcninn, before the next term of his Court. The above order is truly copied from the iiinuleHof the Superior Court of said county, •bis IGth day of May, 1831 ROBERT LIGON, Clk. ‘lav 21.—21—n»3m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Benjamin R. McCutcliens. oncoftlio Administrators on the F.state of Willis Thur mond, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration on said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be planted. Given under my hand this22d dav of March, 1831. GEORGE HAUTE, c. c. o. March 20.—13—m6m. GEORGIA, CL ARK COUNTY. WKriIF.KKVS Join, W Harper and Ans.lemn L.j * ▼ Harper, Administratms de tmni* non with tin j will annexed, on the Estate of George Harper, dee’d. , apply to me lor letter of Dismixaimi, fioin the further j administration of said F.**ate : These are iherelbre to < itc and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be | ami appear at niv office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, it any they have, why said letters ; should not he grunted. Given under my hand (hi* 2Sili day of lime, 1831. j lUSEl’ll I.1GON, c. c. o. June 28—2»»—tint. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. j P,nvvll Englan.l nml MaliMa En I J1"l In tin: uitli’* after date application will i. made honorable the Inferior Court of tamper !• Minty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the Estate of George llo* mm. late of Jasper county deceased ; for the pm pose ot making a division of said Estate, between the Legatees of said deceased. F.I.ISIIA WARE.) .... JAMES I.ONtt, < de bonis non with the will annexed. June 28—2G — w I at. land have this day made appliculi letters of administration on the Estate of Joseph Eng land, late of *iid county, deceased. These are therefore forife and ndniDiiiJi ndandain- golarthe kindred and creditors of said dei« nseo*. to be and appear at mv office *i itliin the time presriilied bv law, to shew enuse, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted Given under mv hum! this Ith of july, 1831. ./OWTIIAN I). CHASTAIN, c. c. n. ./uly 12.—28—30d. GF.OKGI V, HALL COUNTY. I umrHERE VS Pleasant Hulsey applies to me for ! V V letteis of Administration on the Kstute of An- I tu Hulsey, lute of said county deceased : I These are therefore 1o cite and admonish nil and sin- I golar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lo bo and appear at mv office within the time prescribed hv | law, (•> shew cause if any they have, why said letters ‘lould not be granted. Given under my bund this 20th day of June, 1831. < riiDi'i.’ lit ti'til* P " A. ' c&mAvI IT it] -»• O f g. i lyi:s vi i. id i:, a /*: (> n c /. i. mA IE subsetihei i* about Imilding an aildi- _|JjL fl. lion lo his House in Gainesville by which he will he enabled to uceoniinoilale double the mini- her of persons that lie can at present willi convenience, lie will us lierctolbn* refrain from rooking any pro mises whatever, and wishes only for lhat patronage which hi* house may merit. II** lake* this as the first >|)|iortunity of tendering lo his fi lends and the public generally, his ncknowleilgi unmlsfor so liberal a sliaic of the passing pair* nage. I.. CLEVELAND. Gainesville, May 3. 17-tf. GUARDIAN’S SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, within the usual hours of sale, in the low n of Clarkraville, llahershum county, Lot of Land No. laO, in the Oth District of t’urroll county. Sold lor the he ll- fit of Mary ilkerson*s, orphan*. JOSEPH DOBSON, Sen. Guardian. May 31.—22—.d*. GUARDIAN’S SALK. W ILL ho sold on the first Tuesday in September next, at the Cmirl-lnuise iu Z< Imloii, Pike county, agreeably to an order of llie honorable the In- - »r Court of Hall county, w hen sitting for ordinal v purpose*, af.ot of Land,No 51, (fifty-fimr,) ^ itunt* d in the ninth (9th) District offortueily Monroe, now Pike county. Sold as the property of laekson Grady, minor of Grigsby Grady, dec’ll. Terms made know n on the day of sale. WILLIAM GRADY, (Snaidian. July 5.-27 —rds. F‘ GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Janie. W. Harris, administrator of Martin Thompson, deconneil, ii|iplii’. to mo for |pitorn of Hi.mission from llio further aihninistration of said estute. These are therefore to cilc and admonish all and pin- gulur the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tin* time pros* ribed bv law, to shew causa if any they have, why said letters ihould not he grunted. Given under my hand this 7th day of March, 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. March 8.—10—mCrn. IOUR months after dale application w ill he made a. to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jack*on county, when silling lor ordinary purposes,for leave to gull a I louse nml Lot in the town of Jefferson, known and distinguished in the plan of said town, as No. 15, as the property of Thomas Allen, lute of said county, deceased. ROBERT AI.I.KN, * JOHN W. THOMPSON, ) • • March 23.-13 -w lm. 1 71 OUR months after date application will he made . to the Interior Court of Rahim County, w hen sil ting fiir ordinary purposes Ibr leave to sell tins Real Es tate of Thomas Middleton, deceased. All persons con cerned will please take notice. fllOMVS MIDDLETON, Adm’r. DEBORAH MIDDLETON, Adiifx. May 10.—19—wlm. GEORGIA. JACKSON COUNTY. Jaclrson Superior Court. Eli llnacloii ami 1 Jano Rnbcrtaon I fl,;/ f„r discovery, relief and John M. Braziol, KT J Injunction. O X motion of Conn.c' fir complainant., at Cliam- bor., alatimi tlial ainen Iho lilms'if *]',!" bl ' 1, . ' |, a . lo rn Ai.covriril Dial Thomas Adams, Wtllianl I.. Brvanl, and Jacob Brn.rllon have .• llifir iaiids or .ro indeblrd In .aid John M I. is therefor., orilcrcd that .aid Thomas. 'Villmn and Jacob, lie made pa m » •aid bill and iniunclion, and that they he -ervn with a copy nl said .ill, tnerthor willi tlio am.ndmcnt * m«dc?to cliargc as .iCsmlanl. aforesaid. It is fur- (her ordered, that John M. Build who resides out of tho iurisdiotion of this Court, bo sorvod by pubhca..3P of lilts Rule iu the Athenian, once a month for three months, previous to tho silling of M |R "ext Superior Court of said county. A truo Copy from the original A. S. CI.AVT0N, J. S. C. March 29.—13—ni3m. GEORGIA. OGLETHORPK COUNTY. Superior Court, April l erai* 183 L Mary Ann Wilson, ) V9 . A l.ihd for Duoree. William '■ ilsun. > f T appearing to tho Court by the return of tho Sheriff ,hit llio Defendant, William Wilson, is not to ho mood in this county, it is ordered, that service be per- .octed upon him by a publication of tin. Buie at lensl once a month for three months, in otto ot Mic public Cioxettcsnftlii. state, and tint he appear nml file his defence on or before the first day of tho nest term. In rase of default, the tiinl in aaid case «dl proceed in term, of the act. A true extract from Ino minutes, ,hi. 28.1. April, .831, ^ LA «,'p|((_ M, Cik. May 3.—18— nt3m. GEORGI A. CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Robert Orr m,..l Jolm r. Weaver, ExccuforH of Hiram Howaril, ib’ccnxn*l, apply to mo for letter* of Dinmiflflion from the further arfmiii- istrutiou of Raid entitle: These arc therefore to cite and nfinioninh, all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear at my office, within tho time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand tins 7th of teb. 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Felt. 8.—6—m6m. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. XVWniEREAS Robert B. Hampton, cxccnior of John VW Johnson, deceased, applies to me lor letters ot dismission from tho further administration »fsaid estate. ■p; ; ; t* therefore to cite and admonish all and .in- cular,'tiie kindred and creditors of laid deceased, to he and appear at my office Within the tunc preecrtbetl by law, to shew cause, if any they h«VC, *hy .aid let ters should not ho granted. Given iiiidermy hand this 28th lav of April 1831. W II.1.1 AM I OWAN, c. c. o. May 10.—19—mCni. __ GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Robert Evans, Atlm’r. nfthe Estate uf Joseph Evans, late of Madison county, dee’d. applies to too fir letters of Dismission from the further administration of said estate: Ordered, that after the publication of this role as pre- scribed by law, tho said Robert Ew.nt will hc missed tinle.s cause ho shewn to the contrary, ol which, all concerned, are hereby notified. A truo extract fromthe minutes, this 2d May, H*3i GEORGE IIAWPE, c. c. o. Mav 17.—20—mGm. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. Court of Ordinary, .Hay Term, 1831. O N application of Thomas W. Harris, administrator tit right of hit w ife Harriet II. on the cst.le of Chtistopher Hobson, deceased, stating that he has fully ad list' .ed said estate, and lo be dismissed from *»ai«l a*lmin»«trahon : I* itmtujn onlcred, that •aid Harris, administrator as aforesaid, and hn asid wile Harriet If. be dismissed at the nest November term of ibis Court, from Hicirsaid administration, un. |. ."cause be shewn l» the contrary. And it ordered, that tins rule bo pnblisbed once a month in one of Ihe public GaxMles. until »'<• said ter"l. , A true extract from *b-C“ O. May 10.—19—0>6m. ill hc made of Jucksou •», fot leave tho Estute f TIOL'R months alt r date application ^ lo the liouoratde tho Inferior Com county, when silting for ordinary pnrpoi lo sell the Land and Negroes belonging I of Robert Moon, lute of said county, deceased. ARCHIBALD MOON, 1 WII.I.IAM MOON, ’ l'.xt’s. ROBERT MOON, ) May 17.—20.—wlm. 20L’R months after date npplieatii II he III III" slinni I NOL ’ to the honorahle the Int'erior f?oorl ot llati county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for le sell the Negroes ami Real Estate of tho lute L F.dnurtls, ten. hit: of said comity, ileceased. Sold for tho benefit oftlie heirs nml creditors of s;iid .j. ENOCH EDWARDS, Jr. Es’r. May 21.—2t—w4m. 1 -AOL'R months after dale application will hc inadt . to llio honorable tho Inferior Court of Grimm eotiiey, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for lenvi In sell tho Real I’.slalo of Sherwood Stanley, late o said county, deceased. MARTHA STANLEY, Exo’x. Mny 31.—22.—w’4tn. J 7IOUR months after dale aiqilicnlinn will lie tnaili 1 to the honorable the Inferior Court of Krmtklii county, when sitting Ibr ordinary purposes, fur leave t- sell a Lot of Land in Dooly county, belonging 10 tin orniiS.tuf Joalina liiinan, deceased. JAMES McpONAl.D, Guardian. tine 14.—2d—w"lm. III dll- Il'IlllirillMf »III* I 1>#I wt "*"•■ county, when silting for onlinnry pur|»owH t for leave t sell the Land and Negroei belonging t«» the Estate « James McMillan, late of said county, di*r*av**l. M \RY M’.Mll.HN, Admr’x. JAMES M’MILLAN, Adm’r. lino 14.—21—wlm. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. P ERSONALLY appeared before me Green Steed, "a vtagritrate for raid county, Jam-a Bradley ol the county of Madimn, »nd Siete aforesaid, who being duly sworn sailli on o»th, that Daniel Jackson of the county of Morgan,did, somclimc in the year 1821, give his bond or obligation to him,the said Bradley,to make him the eaid Bradley, good and sufficient titles to lot nfl.andNo. 8S, in tho 10th District of llall eounlv, and that Ihe said James Bradley has lost or mislaid •aid Bond, so that he cannot come et Ihe same. Application will therefore be msde, at the next term of the Superior Court of said-county, for mice to the above 1.01 of Lend, of which, all mtereeted, will lake ^"sw orn to end eubecribed before me tliie 18th Sep tember, 1830. JAMES BRADLEY. Gmr.s Stud, t. r. une 14.—24.—mJiD. ting for ordinary purpose., ftir leave lo sell I luce r*c- groes belonging lo the Estate of D. O. Campbell, de ceased. Sold for the benefit ol the heirs and creditors. JAMES MERIWETHER, Adm’r. une 21—95—w4in F OUR months after dale application "dlbe mail to the honorable the Inferior Court of Madison county, when sitting for ordinary pun oses, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Benjamin Bnrum, late ol sant county, deceased. Sold for Ihe h. nelil ..I the heirs end creditor, of.aid deceased jAwARBi JAMES LONG, j AUmr tl ne 29.—26-w4m. June 28-211-3041. NOTICE. A 1.1, prrsnmi having dtminnila ngainfil Ilia Kstaf#* of 4 vi .l*ime* Lingfonl lalnul* Clark county, dccfii.’U'd, will |»l* iso prertcnl limn duly at tented \x itliin tho Hum l*i»•?*«• ill••■«! i*y law, and ail thono indebted to naid e»• late, will |»h uar inuk*’ immediate payment. IIEDFOIU) EANGFOllD, Adm’r. July 12.-28—Util v*. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. Jlthrn*, June 21, 1831. COM MEM i: ME 1ST TOT ‘E linnl Examination of tho Senior Clana in flii* B Institution will commence oil Thursday the 30ih inataiit. The rxerciMca oftlie approaching commencement w ill lie in tho following order, viz : do Uoilni’Hilay, 1 hnnuluy and Friday, the 27lli 28th ami 21H h of July,the Frcshiunn, Sophomore and Jtiviior chirtort will bo examined in the order in which ihoy Miami. On Suluriliiv.cnnilnloti’f* will brrxuminnl for nduiirtrtion into College. On Sablmth the Sermon. <>o Momlay ihe |*t Aueuni, tin* Board of Truitrcs will convene. On Tuenday the Exhibition of the Junior Class, and on Wednesday, the annuul Commencement. ASIIUKY HULL. Secretary. June 21. 25—tf. LIST OF LETTERS. ITB T.M AIMNG in the Post Office at Alliens, on llio a a 1st July, 1831. A. K. Solomon Adams. Francis B. Kilgore. u. L. Samuel Roll, Miss Athena l.uckie, T. Bryan, John 1*. (1. Lamar, jr. AI* xundcr Bacon. J. I.osrtoter, C. I.ahaii l.ane, Mr. Candy, John S. Linton, JanioH Cook, John O. H. Lillebridue. Mr. Crawford, M |)r. JoHcpIi Ureal, Joseph Maddox, 2. John II. Culver, ti. W. Meriiwether, Mirtrt entoria B. Cox, A. N. Myian, ■Mrs Ann II. Cnbcll, John Moore, Clark 6c Young, Benj. fl. MortlccMt, Edward Carter, llenry K. Morgan, George Clifton. Willium Mathews, d. It. j. Meigs. James O. Dirkrton, N. Thoni.i:* DoiigliiHS, Josiah Newton. Ih iiianiin Duvi*, O. William Daniel, Harvey Oliustcai]. John II. Daviihon, P. Mrs. Sarah Davis. Samuel Payne, K. Krasins Peck, James Espy, 2. Hcv. James Pattcrsuii, G. Charles 1). I’nrr, Mr*. Tabitha tirovos, Thomas T. Park. John 1> tionekee, It. Jordan (ibrnsip. John Robinson, 1 llenry P. Richard#. llezekiah Hunt, S. William H. Hunt, J. J. Singleton, 2. Mrs Eliza Hodge, T. Willis Mouse, Joseph T. Tully, Miss Delia A. Haynes Richardson Tuck. Samuel Hancock, u. \\illium II. Ilasellinc, Francis Upson. Mrs. S. 1). Ilarnlelt, W. Air. Ililhurn. If. Si XV. Willingham. J. y. (a’rorge Jordan, 4. Benjamin Young. (ieorge B. Judd. W. L. MITCHELL, P. M. July 5.-27.—Jt. A LIST OF LETTERS ■ -REMAINING in he Post Office at Watkinstill**, B (A- GeOigia, oil the tsl July, 1831, which If not tu- ken out by the 1st of October next, will be sent to tho General Lost Office as dead letteis. A. Joseph Hodges, Thomas Allen, Mosch Hopkins. John Adams. J. B. Ilartwcll Jackson,2. Mrs. I.nrv Runner, Froncirt Jackson. Nathan Barnett. K. c. Jacob Klnlls. George Clifton, M. Isaac Crow, Jason Minton, Moses II. Cngburn. Smilhlield Masting, i>. Garrett Morris. Charles Dougherty, p. William Durham. Garland Prince. F. wattntrttr-fciryetfr- Lewis Fields, K. John A. I’ainbrouoh. Coleman Reynold*. G. S. . Maltha Gann, Jarret Suddnth, Mrs. Ann Greer, Temple Stuart, Mrs. I.ncimla Gillespie, 2. Ethelilrcd Sorrel#, James Greer. James I>. Smith, h. Reuben Stewart, Micujuh llilsinan, 2. David Smith. Ilenrv H. J. llilsinan, W. Dr. E. G. Harvey, Williamsnn WhileJ. L. R. BREWER, P. M. July 5.-27-31. __ A LIST OF LETTERS 51 E'l AINI'O in the Post Office at Danirlsvillr, F OI R months after date sppltraf.on will be made to the honorable llio Inferior Court of Hall coun ty when sitting for ordinary, for leave lo sell the Ileal Estate of John, late of llall county de* eased. LITTLE INGRAM, Adm’r. M»rch 29.—19--wtm. » ’u in in*. * www Mudinon county, Ga. on tho 1st July, 1631. William Arnold, William P. Arnold. B. Magncss Brook, Richard II. Bullock, John Bone, Nathaniel Baxter, William Brawn. C. Mr. Sarah Cobe.rd, William Connelly, Jamee Coil, John Curdy, Mr*. JaneCrellendon. D. James Daniel, John Gosect. II. Human. M. John Meed. T. tram Pierce. R. Royal Richard*. T. Delarnelt Tucker. W. July 5.—27.—It. Green W are. WILLIAM MKRONEI.f. V.