The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832, January 31, 1832, Image 2

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i:Dw?i:;ct print KLr< iRT :'r M«. TiioMi’joN. or Gnoi;r;i.\ won hie CoM/MT IT.i: ON J NUJ.1N .*1 ri'-A IHH. ] 'f\r Committee on hul.r.n ///.;*rti omv'us referred a resolution ilirntnij' an inquiry m- j to the. tjpnhency of yyovid by taw Jbr j carrying into full ijfict the jnr i isions of the j ■\th (irtirlr of th> tmity of ]M?I, brtuoni the > [. .!'!•<! Staff.s mid h'i* ( nt/. Lillians m far \ ti* -’s the claim* of the citizen* of f«V*r- j •'s- , lo> injuries comm ihd j i t<>y to the y*ar j isi;2, mat* tin to!laii'io•• rt.iiort : >1 I ip,mo) !|,l Mitfctw 9 t» rpn, in fi\<* .111*11;:i! r -t, fi»«i Iml.incc ivn -I i n l»r«»\idwl, ' , of iMfi hm | »V < That, y tho 40i nrtii U* »*f the treny m »ri«*d ai me (rail »n >(111111;, m, tho Hlli tiay • 15*21. tween lh»‘ I r»iU-<i Sian j ni.<) ‘/ro ■ ('hi'.m, head !iu n, •*rxl u .trr.ors ul l! • t a »_k j | ; p ( . '• 'I Mate* bflMlIulCiJ ‘ | r<> j (■MV 1.1 the Ma:i m-t .!ir.cnnq u i'JiOiii i U r f( . fi |j |,» ftoiini j j,, , . lu ( it:* U* (T h.».|J j f .,J || ». H1.1 ol not 1\KC (1 ,ii tills ihuusanri ilr ’ ii>, iu I.u v adjiihtturrit t»> b«• 1 ;1 ^ . •TNMJo, < ohii.riaa: l< 1 re r. i,ca .i..r« «d ujion,! • il tm: <]•»» .0,(1 year i*!(#f« -»nd, between uim- | 0 |‘J r- -'ll i!u* (..irt ni in uml Um .-uni |.j 4# . I n 1 head iiit'ii and Uitrriuis ol >■••>1 11..inn • ’n . *i[i(1*i<oii that tin* s.ii'i c.»imij:s-.n*m i ,,'|0UI(1 i*x< * life a n ! ■■the to naiti n 1 • ion, ol ai , hinrs i>| cilii'riif. oi'.said Mate, "1 oliutevi. ,’(*-( ! 1 j*rh m, a^ain-1 .-aid Indian*-, it.r |»r.»jm j «_ nr troy < (1 I*) 10 ImJi..ns, jniur L ik’ .«« I (i|T"i7M>H piisx d mi 1W02, rc^u.aiuq liaiJ- jn.d in * rronr-t; with Indian irilies \|jni irn, • (•innu.sMolirr« on ihe |».iit ol G.-ur '(1 t,v I11U Mint'll I'd*M: villi inn» l > u»«* -f tiic debt due ii’oin ill.* h ni n ol Georgia ; and tho a< * r;»t.i mi Mom ia ot'ljoor^.a, ‘‘1 !..<• ■ iiiMimd t;V tin! t i.ned >’.»! on .) an tnuir 1 .\om /iihoii <»i s .uj ln- aII cluinu: ol 11*. • 1 1I1Z1 us ol l#coi*;ia it. ant jd.jrt cl I hi: 1 Jilted >laMVn hi leia'ion to t!,t: (jeoi^ia chiunanls • n wi. 11'll iid Imljaiis slootl, ailb llii.i .-tlifle ■..U 4 |»Uon : the IJiuted Males worn uol bound, •U ai v e vent, lo j»ay a s jiii ew eedin^ two hun- .Jr u fold tiltv ti.ouhund dollars ; wnerujs, Hie V r t>rugate umio'.ini ot the* clniiis o' the cmzens ot Georgia, a^attist *aid Indians, cxtttded tii a auMunl. I hat the re fere nee* by ih<* n^n ■*•- ijiont bt iueeii the <x'ror^ia coniinisHtojieiK and the rli'i he*a nw n, and warriors ol said na- fimt.tvaa in (dr it. ibc President ol the* L uucd Stnle'o, in /. 1 s rjjic.ti! clunaiter, wlm *n the* ad justment t.i the cl iiiiiH so referred, adopted a rule ol'i imstiiieliMi foreign, and eoiitinry. to • he obvious mtcnhoiiH ol tin* purties who made the relinionoe. ii is that tile treaty ro- ' tVrred to, was intended to supersede ail other freato *s iriadf with suid Indian-, in reli.rcnee ^o*sniu claim : uinl yet, tho rule of construe* Sion aooplt (i In the lhesal- ut, eotisulls oilier Crceli r.utlon of Itidlrms ? a refyrenfe 1- lilt* '>.• o‘ v , imtiM*(..U ( 1" 1 mm.* ■’ 1 the IIooh* re.ff.ncM 1 ea- llio Indians f ou-niei'-d 1 the 1’mti.d •"» fo llh t * e> /• , v/;.ii n from i!.u ( him;- ot 1 ji;Z' : I'lj'av,.!. i.t i* 1 ti.e : t rriton nml l!,a! i'i'f •• *i*(?i;«r 1 , do ant*0 ot't!j< >250.00m, w 11 tin* ;ni) :.u*ui of the *■> loiciig 1 » the nali-m ; fi r>*• • -..*, dial the (moo. oi, 1 c| r- renti d the el.iimun ; ri**in:mc purtic*, a h^i * 1 tlr r-M, the 1 nt:< •olha ted under the -up. lit** t:o\ eminent of I* it inf;., in tin* HU r ‘A- 'He. to more \ I is \itiio '«d licit ’ I* :!• • :*!■ Iran, .icfhins . v: l*rincipi: ii ; hetonfier shail : (’»/ unil ttin ii.i. r. *• M* ce( d tii-; :.f • ii sand dolhirs. you n r t«jr tiic pr.v meet rer jiertiv* !-.. :t \<r he Paul out of the to the respc'-t.vo i)cln■ CIO" t>*-It *2- 'III'/; loh Jiaus iron: .tg.nmt (in ’im | iee»‘ S0On w *.t( d t., p/.y 4.1 m !. fnii and hu ll rei**:i-» ;ri i,l (ioinff;i |.,j •\ ceded by tor: treaty id nut look »o any bah bn h rntg’if irrnniu if- Icorgnt r.Iairns, :: 1 he ir, U is reasor.ahl* (n 1 eolmio-i- io[p*j s, who jot 1*21, ti 1*, arid p?i scut* d to'ties, as '*• duiins of ein- j (piiro tl»a* * f v; hid had 1 d» d upon :i; •« 11- »! (* fh’btfiM ob*, hi* out- j per'y, u im n Cyjd, r.AA *'.e stipi.'afio . * : a shim, |]j. n nilv Inrg' • 1 the elmr.j.- wlneli mijl*t he e-tabli-!i sin.-t the C r» < I; ua'ion ; while tin* com, on die par of tin.* I lined Slate* I'.ihoied lor th«‘ >tij». !.itir»ti **1 a- I noted a mum, j > a-. .* -111 ct r< .• f» 1 *1 In a ( otnmeiid.i;d« Iilc*r;»lity. fi. a d. -o’ t*» • ff. et •*: adj'i-tm»*j;t of a d ?h' alt. j ruin■». t;* 1 * |-i UM ijdcs of jiisiir.*, and j - of tin* Imho .1 Si * « s. w ould jusn* j e: Mid th it the Indians, snti-fn ij 1 o* re<. :vc tin* S'L'OtMdk) m nmtiey from 1• j 5'i.i;..! •;,*((■>., vi 11Ii an ent»r« fiom tin j i.’cwi^m claims, a- nit rijiiiv;,i'-nt for tin* tcin | 1 • iv ceded hy th«*m t(< lb<* ISntcd States were i*i»nb*lit, (lieret *r.-, to leave *.!;«* iidjii-timrnt »*f !de ;im'*«iiit whi* i« -hoald in* stip dated to pay !»*•>•< d.i:in . to tim IS or^i.i lii.d the United ■ I'c^* . 1....MOflcr • It I- obvious til V OUT , • ■i..’.,.•:- c, d;'!t while ; M p Indians considered i>. v.i'tMH/O stipulated, iu the treaty, to be )..*. mum y U) the nation hy the United with an entire release from all claims »f tlir cri'/enr. of (Joor :ia nn-l tin* t r«*ek '[uiiau-. a full ned lair mjuiv.»I**iu for‘tin* ’• rri- hot J |oi y reded hy the treat) ; that the United Stales considered the 8250,000. sl.pulated to he paid bv (!.cm fo tho (h*i*r fc 'i't claim.miv, with the 8200,000 stipulated Jo he pnnj by them in mo* m v to the liuhuo-', not more than an eq uva- leut (ol the ni •«1 ey so ftul. d hy the treaty. It lollo '«. :l»er- .i*..t the ( reek Indians have tw* claim to the tin. xpended halnm e il,p 8250.000 stipulated to be paid hy the United "'tales to the Georgia clunnants. TI10 qurs- iini) ihen occius, whether the Georgia claim ants have not u better rigid to stn li unexpend ed balance, or ho much of it as will pay dn m a leasonahle percent, interest from the due of the Ciiimnt mi until of tiitir claims, until final payment on the amount of churns winch been, or may be established, timn the United States have t The admission of those claims now, is conclusive evidence that tin chnniauth were entitled to have received from tho>c In lians, a» the time the property was taken <*i deMroye.l the whole amount of mori* (". which lias been, or may he adjudged to die chnmaii'iS as the then value of their property. he detenuined bv ti.e true city nt the timn it -m-- taken J ' (■r destroyed. I ft be agc'ro- J I;:!'.:-, wlin-fi have ! . • ni.d J *■ otuidisited and allowed. I" in*iv»)ii, .-hall 1»«* found »oex-i‘" two Inn died tind fifty ll.ou-j K commiltee tiicornineiid that, j * of the pitncipal of the claT.;^ : > tafa allow anre for mU*re.-t: unrxpc f.ded l.ahmce, any/ 1 1 laur.ntits. , " l t-se provisions of tho treaty j ^ i icc 4 1" -.1, tl*. 1 judemics liave 1*1 lllie •'()«• a,!- I lawaolallrju. f: intention- nt ti i ll as ti e pruiei; I aims e contacting j)ai- les of justice, re* of Georgia, fonn-1 r>f»j the f.hdri e ?ai.t*; mfnre , partit ,1 a* >■ wav to '•( i*-te<l at Pa nuc (lit. n*ea wi cii have preceded it in j or idioukf rxijit. uu*u- large cities, then » i» will. For it iu now a well iHceitoined ! naow, Uar-aw, Berlin, Viemm, fhirn- •lK»h*ra vn** preceded by what id (Irnom- J , «inch ia a Moldcr <oTe»*iion, hut «.i tl,f rh..Ii'in M..iIhh; iin,I, in ai rnt* j ' vip cvf n prect (!‘ »t bv the inlbion- J »oiSi:), as I 1 nnaila’d Ia*?t «pnm? on j ’. 'J he influenza, (i a gript ) Ins n Ci.oh-.ine hnseutc.*<«!« laett e Choir ra will follow ic \t iu th#t j itc/en 4 * r»f ticorgui, lotin-( v '" v ‘ V r, \ ,,,v ' I vh . v I dink it probable die Cuole-j ... , nil*: cvo»ed at Leeds, Newcasilf, ke. ac.u r.nlv t>r«*n • ! <1, ( ,, " rn ''*«! rff-i^nnon, nml upon J lhfi uf s .„ : ,, r : inH> „ r ^ ftoll, hy tlm Creek Indians, of pro- [ rim: may o*dy c*ki«r i*» tl isjatter j*!are. !i pr.Or to JfiO?, belonged to those) IncnnchiMtm, I will remark in ti.e fpitil of mi 000, | citizen«, willi the claim of interest on tho! r,,#,r a r,| '* ‘Nthat 1} 1 mount which has been or may be adjudged to f!*« r I : • If. value of their lost pro ne* lived mi'J paid nutofthr o he paid bv t!i« Ui.iM-d Georgia) tb # * cortttnifc* iueh.v Cilv. coiled In . coni'! (he «!i 1] t**p.t i d I rum i>u to person. Arniv. j PAI I. F. F.V •■fio-Maior, tic. of the late i' •U|> | } The follow iog fahhs confirm the f.hsnvction? of Pro* if-r-or W ard and Doctor Wil!» i*n W. U aridel, during • ttic few (in this climate) unpurall-dod cold day** of the I MKir-t week. The Thermometer belonging tu the for* ! tnrr, wa* ciposccj at the Kaatr rn end of the South Fol- j f C. Carter, T.. % . P<t*V SI. .Ivs!ine fy .Nomou ; J. C. Si*r»niojiv . lllarhua Mission ; t,. W. PouriuJIr {I 'trchie Mission; to ho •nipphed. If (is'i:ii~Uj:I ; (J. A. Ci)nj ?*( ii. Tallahassee District, /.. Dowling, p, [; T. P. C. f'l.c!" Lion; T. [Y.infi.y. loundis; U*. Davis. Q'lV’cy; A. With k. t'haltnhcorhi e ; ‘.V. f.ilvr r!.c ■: ,r. J. W. Uunnicu' Holme,' Valin,; n. M'PonjiM. ‘ CU - I'oi.c.c la; U . I!. |f. M„..‘ic v . r.oamhM ; C. W. Ci.lli. r. Tin l iter; J. .'•ain, \V. CrauTuu’ l'orh, ; A.-ihury M. Sha .ka, John 1 ferenco. M. n<;>!ii'l. 1:.Wvnn, V.. (Inwnwny, nml ... man, I* If w jihoci appointTRcrits by request, in c* T queue*** ft*ill hcalt 1 *. ' ' I)tlf^ciUs to dnierat C, :i'ertnee.-- ,lames O. A^dren- *'iv, S. K. Iliiil^i« *f* h Howard, J. U . . C!i«pr*l! t tran.ffrrej ioSomli Cj ‘ta.u 0u •A. tioimli, I . Pir-rco, I. Sausford, n. Pope, M. Sincl'l Willian \rnoId, A. Turner, tin/nfaur,ihiled und Horn cut Preaches.—S W «r nf »- es, At. Itaiford, It. '.ordon, ,1. Ki**!iar<Don. |\ 1 arret *r.n, I. B. Turner, B. Blanton, U*. C. Hill U \\q* wick. I.. Mvers. I.oeuted.—i*. L. Stephens,!?. WiUiaras*, N. II. Rhode# J. M. Dorris, J. JJ. Andrew*. *' o/s I 1 !”;■'•!' ! TJ11 of tjir liiiirr in 1 lif! N.'irtiierri part of has be** appointed to tako iho aanio into tnvin. We !,aw‘nnrlt'rsttii.ti tliut tiic mercury at other p'.iut of ohseivntir n, «uh found hv a citizen The Caknliatim ef free Binds.—Tim proprict. e- an attempt if the Coloiiizalionof llm free blm-k. nr.l mntii'ioe. of Virginia, has at Icngtli arrosted thp afia. lion of the I.ici.latiire .'f t'at Mate. A CmutniticB le:a. hi treat tot* inutlc* with Imii.iit!., long |u u;r to A! unv o! tl.i c Itim ..: ■ t - niuy liavo loot tliuir till llioirtaty of 1821. It is equally eie.ulvde- Jueil).e. Ii om iho treaty «il • i Wii 1. it ml tin tyjrot’iiie.iil between I lie Ceorgni ' OiimnsMoo- ] Crs ntni iIiojo Indiuns, that all i litnns it tin i. ; origumied prior to the pusstigc ol the net ol , 11> the (I. piedi.lions ol those Indians j in non- si-ipn nee of nInch they, perhaps, liavo ever sftce waged a ceaseless ronflft with povertv and its eoueomitant evils. i They were deprived of the use of the rnpi. Cong.ess ,iclnrv relerreil to, prodteuied upon | | U | ,, y had vested in the property which was the tiihiop or destruction hy tin: A t. InUitms, | ( [, (ls ,.tktrn awny or destioyed , and v. liielt nmv Ot property which belonged to eili/.ens ul f.eor- 11,„fornietl th ir only nienns ol bellering tlnar g)a, il s.ittslacloriiy established, wci« mteuited, I peennimy condition. * The n*c of n,i V ,.... ;; li\ t| eoiitiiteting potties, to ho allowed ami prop, nv, • r - paid Km ol the two hundred nml (>"• •' a.1; ,1., ;. l(p||o Linn n i:\ A fri** t»n:**'lff ly,b rr .Mi* iio i iUi'jpi * *'• r bonev. *r t f. tr c d liapi'V -i.u: ■ 1* ill no* in fuM.ic Education trith it was unnuu* t cd ♦. L atoniuu pn., o*fiC»i " for iDHtriti tioii in t| in agrieu'tur** and tin iw*nl w.iti inaHwrtjn' icglfctr*] until j; u pr sertiofi, as lb«* pc'IiooI v Itift. i lu ic Jure t » nml |)«»Mt*r, »vi* would slat*', jfctp * xitds- at wl irli* a two or three bourn in tin tow els, clu rts. blank* i: il.: fhVCi'.-IW from onr -*lut. in.bdp.rr.r** . reck** vunce I'.RIVlihD '♦ board, lodgii.v wu.-bn g, $‘J0 for tlio fii#=t yt ai , »;** e nd year, $7.*), The • *»tsrsi* of instruction r*rcnj*i*-i three year*. Sc.IiooIm c•*ih!uc , « d uj*on tl c plan l..-r [)ropo-*((I, !*a(*-biu’ii urj ..CCS-ful ill ti.t-r Stati.f and ivc can c tnc**tvf* nn jn. .! r i a *? m \*: V •ut.* may •;*>: !>r oquully U5 -id*anta.Tcoup m .'•■or i.cil.iris- cLc, it | ft j.f)*.., i-, t .ronn*ti ,* li;ibi»» t'ini!i .“ti V, nnd i*.< Ibid *-lioti!d l»f < ecu lunged, inn nliicb noi.^my v,i.f n .*> !• id an esper dt to nny one. •neut, :ri try J.S'.ir .lUy - rhefiicnd- ff.ct* mb* o the Suuth day break, on t»n* rut.ruin i of lb** 2G»H to be one da- -nut b* l*.« Z. P». Dining the Hiirn#: night a bottle t,f • xcellcnt Madeira was- frt'ien, indicating a degree ef 1 cold F *ldo:n f**!t in tiiifi latitude : | .la i 25th. Yu ircnbcit. dan. Silk. ; i I*. M. as ^5 H. M. 12 ! i; IH W' ** 11 12 “ *1 10 i •• 10 25lh, Hi ». 3 A. M. t) 12 r 7 (1 2<j?b | N.ioii, 2a 7 a. 0 r. M 18 8 ! 10 “ J jq “ 27tn, in •• ‘J 3 A. Ai. " I0J “ 7 “ it \oo 1, ■27 12 •• VI' 20 i r. at. 18 n i\ M. 2 “ 1" 12 a ;{ 1 “ trt 1’ “ in *1 a M- 10 t; *• 18 N.vir, 22 12 “ c j G M. 20 27lb. j r. A. m. 4 ! hj « e -<8>- F;ctn the l r* rpia ’hjisJian Repertory. THI' tl.i’ G.'A rONFEKKNCE. This Cuti.i-t' tiro r!oi:cd i’d hoi ond session on IV, lii.csJay •voiiing. tho 11th iitsl. Bl» up He... It,a |*ri •vuiofl, ttntl the business ot the I'li.f r .* *,ts nirt '"•ted with great d ■S pub’ll .* d w»vh »'•! »(•< harmony which co* Id liiiv*; h« t*i» duMir d ? *V n hand of brothers uni teiJ in u good r It whs tin* first vi.ui' *■ tiic vot.viible Siipt'tinfcndent to the Suuh, uuil 'At* arc suro tl»at n ivil! In /oug icm»*tni*« r* **«.l uith feelings of p!t*a«ure lie linn Mi VMih ljis*Urftiiren •* n autc! savour’* ofalhlmt i«* ib ur t«» ?h»j (‘har.tcier «*f a MmI odist Mis- s nnurv. and I e linu tnirnr With him ttie best wish s of tlieir hearts. '•ii lute arrival ut home prevents im from tliving in detai!. the ptirtn ntars of those stdi- P ' is o'ueli would inter* >t onr friends. The i-i.rf* tr in •» e. !<'cii". s were smaller than us Mts-ioriiirifs were paid 3} pr ecu' i. e. 'bev rceei Lite d.iiii.ioos j a wr.ine-i v "rr- [•opt** «*t our iuchifllrv. V* • • f'nd r i- j* nth inn writ *v, and p'<*ini-«d to u th» ir )cdr# »-, Tb* r. n ; thi Kviin nu'di < . .... cmtjn in;.- t*»r t; .... miiiuc ot liio | wiiun they liavc HUfUamvtl hy tie sM-jiy ncloic rt hm'il t'S "itli the agreerm nl , /’u|Jv ib jirivt (1 *»f the mu* nt i!n*ir enii ri d into hetwetn tin: Ue rgiuceimmssion- j \ ' clirt ..„l evainpnilinn ef the merits of ihe! r "‘ " tin ct,lot's, item! men, nnd vvmmjfs ot; t .| a i„ 1K> f,ernded upon ti.e inr K ase of Ihn Clwrl- st- !hr i/c»k lUvlion J.’.u.ujh, n vvilJ bu (uici i-| mtt ; 0 S | S vt‘- wtiuh \vt rn lukon and carried * ’ ,* M ' 11 . von that claims i.mnded epon the dutructwa I awny t, v these Indians, wo,ml. ,t lh behev, d, j ' ,l! ' ,rl,ly ul propeity, are included, chu.ily co,.tempi,i-;, 0 „ H , who are nt " ,r ‘ CcJ. uid provide*, lor. 1 ticrviore, a.*» no but- „jj coi'(» rs;iut with the votfbtMntnutH wl.irli | “ W •n , '»azu.n, Jun. I— A isfaetety reiiuua has been, ur cun be i fi,,,,, eril, Mott by vv hi. It tlm of slave mi‘'"'.T^TeV, vhy .tins class el claims should be totally ex- j property ,s estiin.aicil, know tv much lee It- ln t]„.,,, ■ - ■ >- > - tiuded, jvisneu to the etainiaiils, as Weil its a;,., vnti.ets set on a female slave, in eonse-j die d*>.ii*s, regard In the obvious intentions ot tu u ton* . luienei*. of an antieipatnui of tnerease. There- !' " r ’ *p i " tracing parties, roqures that nil claims . om-, ;tH ,|„. elaneunt, whose female s|„ vo was j !;, he * * by those Indians mid earned away, had snuil.; die j propertv m expectaney in the issue of micli they ennni f, male slave, tirinetples ot common sense nml i ,'' eomnion jnsti* e would award in tho rightlal j v ,,n IMll |„ on i i, r' “' tn ion uf sneli increase, <*r an 1 liketlicpr. in hen thereof, especially, as hy (fccirved il tie i.u,a id tieorgni (vvlueli is a common law J I.'”,TVin d* prim ipie.) the issue of n feiinle slave; follows I ,| m , ,|„. h ,, lie condition of the tnolher : lienee, in an m - «i*d that .' I j‘lrt»Mg « vp :*P Ic Peat t 8 rj|. £*•* IM . b»8 broil, !«t* ilitl *- b'i % i l pc it:.. jO».0 iinn ti.ts description, whn It may !„. r. y established, should he ullovveu and j Sit-.: . ■ 1, is readily adtmlte'd that the Untied ai. exempted iruni me payment ol in ter. - n tin* iiistulmems, t.y mem us-, to tl.u l.< oigia claimants, l>y tin e\- Jttcss pinvistoim- ef tho treaty* ol lbl!l, your conim.ttee believe that o cmutnl inve'Migaiion >u!»*»i• ti.illv •!tin miro*»«» languogi* •j*, 8iu-*n i*ntin •*. niailiiiifsil'l*:; i if pii>nii.-L* t*i tin* **a. u il briuik* it I* : ’ ic If r.J bt i',v ;»•*«*•.. 1 ,.r l"u*tl' 11!*M : til. t n-.ui t.niir. sub it,in tint relit i;*lir*i w itli ; i!«*ull. in* ii 1 t* I h* pc*.«li iii«*u l’**».'. iin v * * iiii-uiiitrrcto***! of In 4 largnpcr. but mg '< *nip Fi ll, an.; uf thu nuTits ot iho vlnim ul niuzi iis oi Goor-1 (mu of trover arid convurston, for the revovorv giu lo inlcrcst on the amount >d' their cluuns, ol u r unia | c slave who m.n have tiad issue nf- ' , ' will lend lo timeoneUtsionlhttl mteresi ..tight , Pr ,| lp conveis.on, ii the plait,nit'proves Ins'hnniiot'",. to he allowed and paid out of the ®25y,0b0,1 r i a | tt „f propettv in, Ins right of posses- ! a <!i«|.n»ni. (the. maximum stipulated to he paid hy me j s j lMI „f ,| l0 mother, he recovers so. I, issue •' rutted Null's,) on all claims winch havu tiecu | w ,ih tin: inolln r. Cm, nw are ; ut may he established, founded on the cuptnro , notice tire, of the great, imt to s., hbd oiMeidion, ns well ns upon the deairueiion ! „]| ieH which would tl*. lint H to i our *..!♦*, in r**m • tat ( % la\ *o >*t:!i*‘'ri« i y *a.d Indians, ul property w inch, prior to the | adjustment of this class of el date of tlis ael u! Congress, regu,tiling tradv: | mp ||, a i an ullotvanec of nn ,i or com- • peralde '■"pose m. eqo.iahle lathis, and hcliev- ,, -- nniiu-.l mti *i st of mid imeibOUrttf with Indian tribes, uelongou i s , x p ,, r „„ t|,e true value <0 all to Citizens lit Georgia. I!y th. treaty ol 1821, j, a k 0 n or thslroyid, will i*»i onlv he a means; , . hefrre relirred to, the Lulled Nates slipula-: bust Calonlatrd It. meet the ends uf jusliee,! ‘ ' C1, |,."t"u ted .., pay to tlm Nate .1 tn urgia, j snm uot j |)ut a t.ur compromise of", nml equivulent |dr, ixttiding (itgSO.bilU, as pint e t.s deration lorj||i 0 einims founded on tin* t: crease ot slave land wlm h the t re. k.nation ol Indians ledeu, properly. Y-mr committee therefote resoi et- I’ully leeommend. as n full and final adjust- uieiit of tin* «laniicj «ii miizcih of <»«.*orgii', un der the itli iiriu h* «*f tti«; tremv before rt*iVm*il : il • V IIIU?! r«*!|e( r r }•« rul.'itio|.( *■ tiiriir part\ * t l '*»• fi) ►nall.M.TinHt* iMtiraft* nn n A Arii . „u'*\ iu tin* view * ll I ti* .* ii* «»ri gi«L*r»*fti ! hi wc aro opprt‘8 t :>»»' *■ ” P«!i« vliiu. In* *• I'liu. ii, j ll* vt rt, J tii'iit if. •» no (*ft in H »**r arntn us and \vc «*ould Im* <*x( liutn, how t* :»r« tru ch'*id.s w hi* ii bifid • il-ni\ei»t r.A*;,-sti:r «>f Goilki ;out th * rji;)( ui.d tf,i*.-t* who In ve * cjiau , • v ouh* lifftl n.)(l roiTuntbor •|v«* h» rs sv.*r.* julmtited on hiLM* r«.-*nlitii?ipd "» h *.* tt in- Ci.ur«.b r.‘‘ »*vrin?*:vo of !•*. »*v( Imd 's in.d renit*vain, is *1019.— t’* • i i * * \V . , il I hi* x noNi* :*-r 1 11V* i*uj: vuukus. ..usta l ixinct,* Ari.oJtl, 1*. h. • .<la, J U \ mrr\\ y <i V. F I’ii-iee. * tihih , L. - iiulnir. «■/;j • v \\ M rs<v*..r !.v, .1. I.. Mfiiltria, ii-1 fion— to that committee a proposition !iaa been • trd, with a view40 ihe accQiupliHliment of ibis •.Lji'ct, The Co!o*iy nt Liberia has been iMignntrd n3 a itiitt- Mp place of .<c‘.«?*'menf, ami an appropriation i.f ion. OOU dollars annually by the* state, proposed for defray. i*sg the expenses of franpportatinn. No poH’itc »» i'a\ ptir**s have, Imwevei been adopted in rufareace *.» ♦’ ^ important question, The IlicbmonJ Enquire* • *^ w 7!1» inpt, extendinir i’s phiiantliropic viown, n . j rf giU(li*ig (lie snbj*'( t in connexion with the futur 1 to- rcst and prosperity of i!.c Ssiuthern States, and in cc.& lcm(>l.i , i«*n i f’bc 1 hi ate conacqurnceii of a n* sti jr. which, in t!*e view of the editor ofthat paper, retard* if; stead of accelerating our onward march to wotltf* hold8 the t-)Hov\ing strong nnd unequivocal langue^* i( It is probable, from wliat we hour, that tho Committor on tho rolored population report some plan for getting iid of the fr 06 people of color.—But is ibis all tlm* car. be •done ? Are wo forever to softer the grt-a!(?«'• evil, which rnn scourge our laud, not on \ t remain, but to increase in its ilirncn-ioi.~ J “ W«* ma*' shut our eyes nnd aw rt our fanji if m #* p!- n^e,” (wrtes* an eloquent South olinint;, on bis return from *he nortl a fe*r weeks ago)—“ But there it is, the dark an* growing evil, nt our doors; and meet tho question we must, nt no dis-jin* duv. onlv knows "but it is tho part of v.jye rneutc* do nn that nnd npp.illtn^ siil*jec». Of this I am very sure, that the difference-^ (•.fithir/T short of frightful—between all that ex ists on one side of the Potomac, and all on th* other. R owing to that course alone. The di*. ojisp is deep-sent* d—it *« nt tho heart’s corn it is consuming, nnd has all along Keen con suming: our vitals, nnd I could laugh, if ? could laugh on such n subject, nt the ignorance and *» Hv of the politician, who ns* rih**-' Muxl to an act of' the government, which is t.,* in* evitable cfterl, of the eternal laws **f N o ne What is to he done? Oh ! mv God—I m u 1 ' knew, but something must ho done.” Ye«—something mu-t lie done—and it (.-• the part of no tv-no** man t<» d»*fiy it — of rr? free press to affect t«» rotic.eiil it. \\ ben t'uk dark pop-ilah' n glowing upon us ; whet everv new census is but gatlu ring its n ipal nd *(*ru*we(J 'ling nun'.bovs upon us ; when within a permff •***1111111101) tboni. T rutl and < reuse o» 0 "il! Its. Cl U n T.n 1 to 1 . I* Am-* I CS . I, Vi *> •o u:g, ’! hi'n:a= II. : I'Crii tn Cour.lits ; Jtthins Districts VV. J. Barits, P. C. ./I'oiM am! I adiff't: r,«vi**k F:* ret*. nrotui HU'tr; L. Obvtr, ti. . Tart r. Cron; It. L I.*lv*;nd-. Itub.rshiint , .1 .bn D. Fliupfi II. CniU iVinu ; S CkhuII*-. /iu i.iuttt; .1. I.u >. For I, A Mao.i*^ I*/.'.to Hirer; I R(-IS.*b, t' A. Brr.w.l. jy.tltun; \ IMIV, T. I*' * : J.*t« %’lppatiichif; tc-a*.-', .N- C. ; >. .J- Mission to SI V rn, Uriel t. ir :• • '■ . At. \an.b*r. /VaaV.V'n Colin:? /V* *,.(«.■t .ip; SVpb* .. Oh... *d, Mi.di by fc » u treaty, to the Umieii t.iteo. L nder the- i p .itiioii o* the iulo of c onstruc tion udop- # .eo t>) !n»» President of tlio United Males, m the u/ e'fnent ot ilto ciuin s u j» m il to him, t)»f »* :m. . 6101,31 U 22 ilium* Im.- (i tn appli- CO ’**{ t « payment 01 those rlu.nm, loavi g of lib*62o» OOO,an unexpended balance ol 614S,- GBh.'lb. It Loin n.t cl;.u:■» .rovideu for! by - , uu*.,. :i ,. tii \VOU;u :t . , h t . i.. . . ~<XP~ I The Cholera.—" ith r»*sj '*t t to flat discaae,which baa li.r nv. e nsontln* j* pt bcc.i ih« terror ami the sc*on^r j of F.unipe, tl*ere bCMiu* (t> be \iirioa*» « pit iona among | im* c< nterd it a <f i.tagu us, j mu ui)« ati’d by ; tic* air. IN hicli «ln • J I orv ib cot reel «e pr* tend t ot to •*■»%; In | ot 'hi' di«eoM* t'o.• ti*ini- c graiionMy uw • iinci. Kb ,‘jibt o ct nt *pp*a*ai*« *, ri tl I f arrived in tnpbnd. t country v. eh t\ ■ mercitt! iiUeic u 0 * ;a mtitontt ai d cvtc coi.tiiiei.i|\ «.Xitel, iu ••ji‘ *i cb* Milted ■ Mecoi 1; \ Monti-i; Houston; -//an, I I * Ltiartu I.i Xiu villa ftirtricl. .T„!'n Ilawarii, T. I) rquii! to tint in which llii< Frdrral C, an* tinn tins liccn 'tv t'xiatPiice. ttu*sc ra11rn*• a s vti,• inc-caso to mum timn two miliidna vviuin Yirerinia ; xvlii-tt car Sister t 'tat**« nrc cl* -m* tlu* r d.iur# iinnti u*ir Macks Hir s:;. - '. and " her* our whites aft* nmviiig )Vi*«t«artiiy. *n grt* i‘f v miniln r« tha*i we lilui to li«ar of—(Vlvct* ti*(- thc fairest land on all tins Continent, for <oi! mu! climate ami situation romnined, n.ichV liernu'** u sort t*fgniih.*n spot, if it were vv ars ed hv the hands of the white men alone, rev ice. ovi;ht ter, to sit q* i.*tly down, feld ;’ir- arms, and guv to raeli other, “ (Veil, >• cli this thina will not eonrm to the worst ill m:r day (Vo wall leave it *o our children and cutv prnml ehildri n, and joreat crand-ehildreu. to lake «*:*i** of themselves—and to linive tho si. rm !” Is this »•> net like wise men? Hea eril.ntivvs! tie arc no fanatics—((odetee; *i* niadne-s which actuated tho .fmti n’rtt .V ira I'm something ought to lie «l<*n*— n *:.s sure. 1**11 gradual, systematic, htu ,lia t uught to he adopted, for reducing tins . I.f evil which is Dressing upon tho South will still more press upon her, the longi : " .. tf (Vc * :"ht not to shut <nr oyey* n *i\ *tt our filers. \pd though we spoa.i ..In,■*.iihout a hape. tint tho Committee of 'hr l.egis|.,ttire. will do any thing at me ruv.srtit session, to meet thi.i question, yrt we .-a, noa, in the utmost -i ***'rilv of our hearts, that our wisest men cannot .give too much 0? then* iitteiitniii to this s.d.v.'t—nor ear. they give *i too soon.” *8 Ih ii'ir. John It .. I'ait. ... Z...*h:i* Ti e nugin'nf a State u> a Citv ahvitya ran ms with il intense interest. (Ve love to oea“ ! the IM .tin I'r.lher- -of tho •,dvent .ru ■- tg:e;h'.ir]:e-- , !;e vvt'cP’np.—but it is 'tre rdm.i'v llmt i*ur cuuosilv is it: strong * o: : il to gratify it- uctua'h to, that an annual mt. rot of six per rent. In, f ro .„ j,. ,i ri . a ji u | ,„,taii,.n. allowed and paid on nil claims of citizens <>t ; v,ii! a.lvl ia.trriat to the suh; Georgia, which have been nr nmv be eslub- J ma'ion i!,.* bly arerpisbh I'flird (tgbinst the CrrrU Indians, under till* j lemng utract ef ■ letter ft* provisions uf the neats .,*•' 1821 h* IVI ecu the guUhr.i rl ,nVn . f l.ciagi: • !1 T 1 * 5 -' 11011 J l luted 'suites and he I iei u .,*i *u ol iiidtai'g, Army, t.. j Northvtn | '■ t. „ , , . B l * •»“■*•(." bi, *a;ei 1 |..u,| tr *i. >h, ,! * ot r »> •ig ii v-T w ill he ..tis-rved "(gtltlnlly jticlengs. tho L'nttul of lh"j UW) , h , C | BIII „ lJ81» onabipj) |ir«tii*\ . and Jital.f any U> **r- tbcri J rt- ^i\*- t!.«; Iti!- »'i iisioii to Suva o ..In*.-*' ■.,[>. Mission i sneer Mian , J. '-'i.i. In:. ( uiiniibi h ILahict, \. Ua>m!!. I\ Com \ F * rti's; Harris; I. t)m*w ■< dv, A. I •. N *»* r I -« ; a (.’ranee ; J. Nmman, W. S. U il!u C* nr H; •». Bi^noo ecu' to; W " . Sfc.ii!!. I'n tUf * It- tli p, VV. T). Vfcttl*! I ;ison : * ’■ U i I i-|i. Kan.'-lnh .** t S'*. (Pf'once Distr: Uvans \\ E ■*vtv, the uO’Junt of i nre but crumui :‘A■) (*>■ Im Ql'i’Cs' r.vrj : Uii -■)<- i ira.-t with Iu" mean | tiic ancient record or the manuscript h** pul •'into our hands, vie road wit It delight—but we j * are not to hunt them up—to pry into foreign ! i otmtr es—or among musty papers for *n **f ! mation winch when obtained is so gratify if" I to all. I he truth of what vie say is pr**vcc j by tho little knowledge which aur citizens gr ; nerully possess of the origin and early formticf | of the city in which vve live. Who can tel j when (ugtisla was founded and hy whom' W Im rau point to the sites where tort Angus : ta col |ott Moore stood I W ho cart no*, o * till in US where tl .• Traders fixed their e ' ib !! t.ii.i ijth and the indians theit lude tent 1 j U no is tin-re can pass along the D.'..git> 1 I the »,yasrr*. frc'ri Ilawhts* Q,A*. to 1**