The standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 1849-1864, September 30, 1852, Image 3
;tjtoiMreGu'>4iuei*eutetMMmro !MK Wi9tow*? > - •s(M'"'.i£<v =«P lilToUMSKC. I The Scott Meetito at-Atlanta.— The following letter is stated to have been The Atlanta Inteljgenecr states that the written ^theliarshal tf Rljode Island, to Scott Mass Meetfog beM iif that city on the ibl^ihiiiesNK The latter 14th fort. tree eh , handed over to Brown low pany at the Fair Grounds including ^Meit- We pablish both litter and, mens of Atlanta is estimated at letotiMn " hundred. Speeches were made fejy&an- vsen ead l verson L. Harris'Hbq. .. _ _ , tito^Ss- Verlmjs ? ■■ .♦Menmamnrt t-reoriafing etftJetfos j$>- ■i&MK eOWmObrntsKp - S&*' Dirmicr or Shock Island, ) ' VnormnneE, August 15th, 1862. i ,£sp. U. 8. Marshal: 11 you dome the favor to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS! Presentmenta of give yeoropinfan with regard to the State of on fhiTGeofgift Webster men, and repudia- ’ ' " i carry it forSoott \ ted ,(he idea that the Scqtt 7 and Webster and will they do it .’ There ' Whigs could pass in a fri what authority I do not know, that them is great doubt about your State, I wards. thoDsmperats claim h confidently, and say! even " ' ^ B's'majorl^y will be 10,- ■ Guo. W. Jackson, / ; ' . ‘ Marshal, R. 1. Knoxtille, Sept, 4th, 1860 Si a: Mr. MeCalleni, to'whom- your in quiries are addressed, has departed this life, Snd a friend of his has handed me yoUr letter, wfth 'a request that I answer it, which I will de In all candor. I am a whig—nev er hare been anything else—never can be— and still t choose not to vote for cither Scott or Tierce. c ' You state that « thero-is £reat doubt” as to whether' Tennessee will go for Scott. I the campaign and unite bOnuoUKNuly after Those who Wen HDclyter dien were pc^Migproug |bo Iftrm ocrats, for while the Democrats came up manfully in front and bat|M with them face to face, the Wobeter Whigs were car rying on a mast ruinous fie* to the rear.’* fflfirintileQmftoin and answm- Q.—What is double entry ? . A.—Charging the same thing twice. ft.—What is single entry ? - A.—Charging a man with goods, but not crediting the cash he pays for them. Q.'—What is book-keeping ?" A.—Forgetting to return burrowed voi le «rand Second week. Sept. Teem, 1852. T HE Grand Jurors sworn, chosen and se lected far the second week, September ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW BOOKS! J Come yuii Buy* Jest Received at the Cherokee Book Store, ^FOLLOWING new and interesting Napoleon Dynasty, by the Berkiy men,2 50 -towrenzo Dow's, complete works,*2 00. Sparks’ Life of Washington, t 00. H.vhhnrton* Yankee Stories, 1 oo. Book of Knowledge. 100. = ' Fox*$ Martyr's, 1 00. Th rifling AdVenWres, T 00. toe them the present ments of the Grand Jttry of last week, and deem it unnecessary to exanime into the condition of the public rends, buildings,, booke of the Clerks of the Superior and In ferior courts, and into the county fund,' all of wnich have, been folly investigated bv the grand jury of the spring tefm, as well * f tsratei* To the sentiments contained, in the report of last week, relative to intemperance, we hesitate not to give tuir hearty approval. Nor do we refrain from adding dut unqual ified opposition to the license law. so Ien~ disgracing our statute books, and. to the ° il of ardent ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. First in tfarket ! COME IN—ONE AND ALL"!—AND ' EXAMINE!.! JT. D. CARPEXTEB, W OULD respectfully inform his old cus tomers and the public generally, that he is now receiving his supplies of Fall and Winter Goods! HEW FASHIONS FOR FALL AND WINTER! A. O. DAY W OULD respectfully inform his . old friends and customers that he has just received bis fashions for the ensuing season, from the celebrated MhIieii’r establishment.! Pnnta^ini. _. Philadelphia, and is prepared to wait on them ; Consisting in part of the followmg pry a , his ^ 0p p 0sltc H ^timer's hotel Call i tail of ardent spirits in any manner, save for mechanical a$d medical purposes. As yn Life and works of Dean Swift , l oo. Simms* LiTe ofMarfon, 1 00 * ** Gen. Greene, 1 00 Unele Tom's Cabin is* 1 75 History of Hie Mormons, 1 00. - Leslie’s Cookery, 1 00. **■ James Montjoy, 80c. Sanford and Merton, Spc. > Wm^Teli, 5jjc. Daniel Boone, 50o. Roughing it in the Bush, by Mis, Moo- Goods: Cloths, Cassini eres, tueky Jeans, Tweeds, Winter Shawls, Ma- renos. Brocades, Deisms, Alpaccas, ’Flan- nels, Prints, Jackonet, Swiss, Cross-bwtcd,- and dotted Muslins and Cambrics, Irish Linens, Table diapers, toweling,' bed ticks and see him. and look at his fashion plates.* Sept. >.1852 the proprietors efjthqot tablistoneat. now pryparw orders for * vary description of rmip shortest notice and in the best manner. To R. IL Co’s A Car Bnildnv We are prepare-to nuUnfaeMre LMUd railroadenrunNhengtoe wheels ofevery fend __ jequaltoany' whir la mur.almaredat A (ten lion, Lawyers! GENERAL digest index to Georgia . . . - , , ~ lam Boons’, incIndnig^eS. 3 Kellet; 4 to sheeting, shming and osnaburgs, kerseys, l0 Georgia Reports, Charlton’s and other lincevs. bed blankets, negrodo. - ' 1 v.. -m ■> v, i. , . fw»**t~ffifc Ncrthern and superior to any msiisfsiufofd i at any Southern Foundry, arid at prieerha j low as any that can he delivered- from -air other estwhltshmetot. linccys, bed blankets, negro do. A good assortment of Readt-uade and W. W. Lumpkin Clothing, consisting of: ■ Tests. Pants, * received ~ 1 ' * I -- —r----.— --™ —;v-i ALso. all other descriptions of engine and dectsiona^ Compiled by 1 lioroasR. B, Cobb ; carrastings, warehouse trucks: also, cast rma T.niiinlrin A cmell ..1.. ■ ... .. * t . •. . J _ -frock, sacks, and overcoats—neat styles and Store. W. Lumpkin A small supply just, w-tterpi^ ivatey wheehvwlqtonV and for sale a? the Cherokee Book posts, cemetery and- other raffiM* well make. BOOTS to SHOES, HATS to CAPS. Sept 2, ! 852. occupation, it is wholly uncalled foi by any ! die*50c. Gentlemea^nd. Ladies’ Saddles, Bridles, ; AUSTRIA IN 1-S48 & 1849. I . „ i C °^^J^ SS7 rZV\ aS T 't WpS *„ , I -RY Hon. WM. H, STILKS-iiargcvnls. 6> r «.-Coffco; Sugar, Rice, Molasses JJ Ilkttti -,.t«l. A few conies i,,st rLT^l assure yon she will not. If the Democrats, urns, vote fok Pierce and King, as I have no! Q.—What is a blotter ? donbt-jthey will, they will carry the State, f A'.-—An editor, because the* whlgs will not vote l^r Scott—I! Q.—What is a ledger? mean by this, that he a ill not get the whig | A.—A Counting-house companion upon vote. The majority, however, against Scott will not be so great os 10.000, though, it probably weald have been, had net the New Boston affair been brought to light! Yen would do well,'as a Government of- ieer, to post up your books, settle your ac counts, anil prepare to give up your office. Be Democrats are like the whigs have got to be—fighting for the spoils; and as a mat ter of course they have one hundred espcct- ants for every office they will have to be stow. Yon nuut, therefore, walk the plonk so soon SB Pierce is inaugurated. Yea may rely upon the information I hate given you, both as it respects this State and the Union. Very respectfully, Ac. W. G. BROWNLOW. which people often spaud their entire for tune. ■Q'.—What is a banker ? A.—The maH that has the deal. Q.—What is the business of a hanker ? A.—Catching suckers. Q.—What is an inland draft ? ' J A.—Ah easterly wind. Q.—What is a foreign draft ? A.—A glass of cognac. Q-—What is a promissory note? A.—Acceptance of on invitation. Q.—What is a negotiable note? A.—Don't know—never could Uiake one. Agrieultoral Fair. As the Fair of the <> Etowah Agricultural and Mechanical Association” is soon to be held, we deem it appropriate to call atten tion to the arrangements which are being made for conducting it successfully. The arrangement of the Grounds is far advanced toward completion—and all persons win, arc desirous of 1 exhibiting stock, will find ample acoommodation for them. The Fair will come off on WEDNESDAY, 6th OF OCTO BER, at Waleska, on the Rail Rood, nine miles from Rome. All persons who are desirous of Exhibit ing Sto$k of any-kind, must send-to the Cor responding Secretary a description of each animal to least one week previous to the dhy of Exhibition, so that arrangements maybe made for their comfort and safe ijtt will be necessary for every '' 1 article* fer exkibitisa, .-mt- fowrYrtwtx^Vter apw the Grounds ready toe eiasmficutiou m tiie day previous to that ou which the Fair ts to be held, arrangements have been made for a store of provender to bo kept for sale near the Ground, and accommodations can be had to the neighborhood for a large num ber of those who may desire to remain near the Grounds on Tuesday night. We are pleased io'see that a great deal o f interest is taken by the community in the Success of our Society, trod we can safely premise an Exhibition welt worthy* the attention of all who feel On Interest in matters. Wif con tinually hear of fine horses, cattle and hogs, Which are ready for exhibition—as well as ■any amount of fancy poultry pigeons, gath >ered-literally from the four quartern of the *Gfebe. COME ONE-COME ALL—and let each one lend a helping hand toward mak ing 'this our first show creditable to Chero- keeOeprgfa. We are authorised to say that tim Cara will run between Kingston, and Bemedneuck a way ns to accommodate all 1 whe mky-desire to go from either place and feturn upon the same day. All articles or •aioto for Exhibition atone, will be carried ' over the -road free of charge. ‘The following rates will be strictly en- - imMuiq the Fair: • ItoiSNo unruly or vicious animal will be adUtMMdvwithin the cncloeure upon any Gold Dioging in AtrsruAUA.—A young man, in a letter to his brother in New York-, dated Port Phillip!, March 14, states that in five weeks, he had himself dug gold to. the amount of £3,000 sterling, or nearly $16,- 000. TEMAME MEETING. The citizens of Cassville and" vicinity - will remember that the Cassville Temperance 80- city meets on next Monday night. Several addressee may be expected ou the occasion. H'o hope there will be a full attendance, as matters of deep ihterdist will be introduced for consideration. Come one, come all, Sept. 30, 1852. -2.^0*animal shall be pliced upon the 'finmto'mtil it' has first been entered at t tot Storstaty's office, when it shall be taken 'to totorgff .hy the managers, and a suitable phot given to it 8. All-Exhibitors of Animals must pro •Wtotir-ewu servants, and take charge of •Muttiluir own exptose. 4. N* dog shall to admitted upon the . ground unless chained or eonfined to some ‘wtojp toas to be entirely within ixmtrol. 6. No spirituous liquors shall be sold on or Mitt toe grooad on tiie day of Exhibition 6 All members of the Society shall be al lowed to fotikit articles without any fee 'forifoertoatittieir yearly oubaeriptiou ;.any otior passim wishing to outer articles of any ttU»ar atodt, must pay one dollar and bo- •otosa atnsmtar of the Society.* ft Triatoy-five oeuto shall be the price of vodmiarieu during the day for oil persons of the 8ociety, children and The payment of one to/ person to all the pafcrQajssof sromhsrohip, asst will admit all thrMUitoitotors of his family to the show Bsrvaato having charge of stock i free of charge, trill to dasmtotod by , hy a yellow ribbon, MMl TO ALL! - By reference t-o a Card in another column, it will be seen that I have sold out my interest id the Standard, and as a matter of course I hope all those indebted to me for subscrip tion,job-weak, advertising Or for books, will .camedbenuudjand pay up a*I am mix ions to close up my business. Having consented, to superintend the pub lication of the Standard for Capt. Wofford, I can always be found at this office. I have a large lot of- school and miscella neous books that I will sell very cheap now —some at Northern cost, With expenses add ed JOHN W. BURKE. Sept 30,1852. Atlanta Prices Current. Corrected weekly from the Republican. Corn, niifO a 50 Bacon,S. lli a 1 i Batter 15 a 25, Cotton, ! •!" 7 a 9 Cora Meal,'....!.......... 0, .XJ a 50 Fkrar, per bbl $6.00 a TOO E SgVP er doz.,: 10 • 1^4 Lard, by the obi., .11 a 124 Chickens, each 10 s 15 .Potatoes, Irish per bu. 90 a 100 Peas, per bu. .......70 a 75 Salt, per sack,.... $1.70' « 175 Fcatliers, per lb.,...... 30 v 35 COTTON DIARKET. businesspf toe jrof dialer- It does not re turn a valuable consideration to the buver but gives him that which is 'exceedingly detrimental to Jumaelf and sowty. It does not promote the welfare of the community, but is the uaquestiannblb aevree of about nine-tenths at all t’.e brime that is commit ted, and ofthe expense and litigation grow- m R to of U. It occasions pauperism and misery; makes widows and orphans; cor rupts the morals and enfeebles the intellect. Itis the parent of.a large proportion of dis ease, and often furnishes tiie most trouble some obstacle todts successful treatment.— It destroys gentleness,generates brutality, & converts the amiable citisen into the lawless roadman. It ruins reputation, destroys con fidence in human integrity,& occaswhs pocu niary embarrassment. It peoples our prisions poor houses and asylums. It is the tool of the aspiring demagogueto defraud the peo ple of their votes—thus impairing the elec tive franchise, A converting into the merest burlesque and shame tiie boasted privilege of choosing our rules. It not unfreouendy infests the bar, the bench and the jury,” and thereby perverts tiro administratipn of jus tice It roaches our legislative assemblies, invades the pulpit, and desecrates the alters of Christianity. It ensnares tiie youtit of the country, encourages dissipation, and op poses education. It makes annually to- the. United States 300,000 drunkards- of whom 75,000 are criminals, 600 insane, 200,000 paupers, and 30,000 of whom find a drunk ard’s grave—not to mention the incalcida- We evil growing,out of it to the families of the victims, and the litigation and taxation, Ml of which is borne by the sober and to-’ dustrious citizen. It costs the country an nually $100,000,000. for which there is no compensation but poverty, want, curses, loathsomeness and tears. The amount of money thus annually expended, is probably more than sufficient to defray the expenses of government of every State in tiie Union, to relieve the peqrie of all. taxation, and furnish an amplefund for the education of every poor child in the land. For throe considerations, not less true than startling, and fornumerons others that might be men tioned, we earnestly request our represen tatives in the next Legislature to promote the passage of an act submitting to g vote of the people the question, whether or not ft be their will tb have'a law enacted emppreetiny the retail »f tpirittena liquors in thin State.— This question, if disconnected with all po=- litical contests.and left to the calm,sober and unbiassed expression of public sentiment, wu confidently believe Will be decided, to the affirmative, and the strong arm of the law, in obedience to popular will, can then :be justly exercised in the suppression of this “ iniquitous and destroying business.”^ Wc tender our thanks to his honor Judge Lumpkin, and to the Solicitor General .for their courtesy and kindness tdoiif body.* THOMAS HAMILTON, foreman. Fifteen decisive Batllcs, i 25. Stewart's Free Mason’s Manual, 1 0d. Temperance Tales. Ac, 1 25. -Esop’s Fables in Rhyme, l (Hfc Judah’s Lion, by Charlotte Elizabeth. 50c. StWRent’s, Bussell’s and Frost's Speakers, Rollins* Ancient History',3 5o. September 2, 1S52. School. &c., &<*-.- Hardtrare Cnthry—Nails, iron, wood ware, tubs, buckets—varnish, painted and brass hound buckets. Crockery arid Glass ware, Bagging, Rope and Twine. All of which are offered on as- favorable eopiesjust received ’ and for sale at- the Cherokee Book Store.- Sept. 2, 1852. FINE NOTE PAPER to ENVELOPES W E have just received a rich assortment ment of the above, at the C hfetokee' terms as -goons can De purchased in this ■ Book Store. place. Cassville, Sept. 23, 1825. Sept. 2,1852. Notice of Copartnership. GEORGIA*, WHITFIELD COUNTY. TO ALL PRRSOXS WHOM THESE fRESEXTS thecharge of R7F Nerly,A B. Ex-schcdar i 11 ville -' v iU attend | romprly to all calls as J ^ : ofthe University o? Ilubfin, and a Female Physician or Surgeon, hoping from a well i T/NOW yp that wc. Benjamin E. Green, School^conducted bv Mrs. Neely arc now medical cducatioii and successful I Jtk. Robert Batev, JamcsScott. and George “ * - * This rates o^Tn- ! ex P er ’ e,lce to m etit and receive a liberal! Philips,have associated ourselves together . ^ 1 share ol patronage. Particular a.ten j a- body corporateyfor the purpose of engag- tion-paid to diseases of females. I ingin the business pf’a machine - shop trad Office at H. M. Morgan's Stpre, opfioritethe foundry, and that wc have adopted as our Cnrtersvilie Haiti. " I Feb 12 corporate name, by which we Will sue and be sued,the Dalton Matiiif.u*turing Compairv, and by which we will be known and designs- ted, that we have subscribed as oitr eorprt- ratc stock the sura of fonr iltousand seven hnndred dollas, whit'll will be employed in the business before mentioned. (Signed) Bexj.imi.x’E. Gukes, James Scott, KouEitr Batev, George Philies. . Signed in the presence of VV'm.R Chester, and- Wins!Oh Gorddn, J. I. C. Recorded and certified forthedlst fray' of July. 1852. Joll.V W.-AHDERSOHjC.sit?. DR. MILES J. MURPHY, .ENTS and Guardians arc respectful- ! Z¥3X55^ ° P " B ': T ? ,C Pi,YSIClAN » ly informed that a Male School under 1 IJAVING permamntLy located atCurters- AA viile.will attend 1 romprlv to all calhs as m operation- in Cassvillei ition -are as follow*— Spelling andHeading, per quarter of eleven weeks.... ^V$4.oo Reading, Writing, Geography, and rithmotic,....»» .. .$6.(11 The foregoing Branches, with Grammar and Composition,.»I.....,..., ....$8 00 Latin, Greek, or Mathematics, $10.09 Drawing and Painting, $4.00 French, $1.00 Cassville, Sept. 10, 1852. MBW PROVISION STORE, AT ADAlllSYILLE, GEO. C 1ALL over oirthe west side of the Bail / lioml, and buy your Grocebies cheap for cash or bane-r. Here you can always find , Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice. Salt, Bacon, r« ■ T ......r~. End, Meal, FlOur, Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff. CALHOUN F0EEVER!i c, ‘ niliuSjKa,sios ’ VII M perai rs A. CKAWIOh#. -WM.JVI. PEEPLES, T8 now receiving direct from New York, A Philadelphia, &c., the most beautiful tock of staple and fancy goads ever opened in this market. The foilowrng, in part com pose this stoekDry goods of almost every variety, hard ware,boots and shoes, saddlery, ready made clothing, hats and caps, straw- goods umbrellas and parasols, books aud stotfonary, fancy goods, toys, jewelrv. crock ery, glass ware, sugar and . coffee, molasses, salt, iron, naito .meifefoe, oils paints, &c„ which he will ; aetlC«ti>: reasonable terms.— Fee;ing gratified for paat favors, he hopes tha^-his old friends will continue their pat ronage, and that the public generally will call and c&amine his stock, before pnrohas- ing elsewhere. Produce taken for goods, at market prices. Store on K. Road street, formerly oecnpied by J. R. Knott Sept: ^3#— 3m June 3d, 1852.—6111. David Quallr, Leonard Morgan, Owen Lynch, Zachariah Edwards, Arthur Hairc, iFin. Solomon, James M. Veaeb, nenry Williama, . Thos. If. Brandon, Sept. 30, 1859. Robert C. Word, Joseph Willingham, Hawkins F. Price, Win. Blalock, Ilarvey S. Crawford, David Lewis, Thomas G. Barron, Joel T. Rowland, Robert H. Patton, New Orleans,... ........... .J.....94 A M4 New York .........'9| n Iff Charleston, 8| a 11 avannuh 0 « 101 Augusta........ a 104 Macdh,....^... 9 N£W ADVERTISEMENTS. New Bboks—coate and Bnfl W E have just received, the feUawioig new and interesting Books: Knowlson’s Horse an,d Cow Doctor. Duff’s Book Keeping. Pioneer’s Danghter, by Bennett, , Lore in High Life, fry Arthur. Valley Farm, by Peterson. Live in a Cottage, by Arthur. The Oxonians, by Bulwer. The Divorced Wife, by Arthur. Cruising to the lait war, by l’eterson. Aunt Phillip's Cabin, a reply to Unde Tom’s Cabin, by Mis' h«»*nr, life to the South, by C. H. AVL’ey. SoL Snath’s Recollections. Last of the Mohicans, by-Cooper. The Pilot, a sea. tale, • “ The Deer slayer, * * The Pathfinder, Josephine, or the Edect mid Groce Aqtdltor. $$ Robin Hood, iiiustratod. ^ Game Cock of the wilderness, at the Cherokee Book Store. - JOHN tY. BURKE. Sept 30,1852. Grorgin, Cats eonnty. \I7IIERKAS Wm. T. Fain and George »» J. Fain, apply to me for Lettets of Administration on the Estate of WrmFaiu, late of this cWliityi deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred andcreditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by laW and shew cause, (if any there be) whrlctters of ad ministration should not be granted the applicants. Given under my hand at office, this 24tii of September, 1852. THOMAS A. WORD, Ordinary. Sept. 30—30d* lost or Mislaid, A DUE BILL to fevor of the undersign ed. drawn by J. Bofivar Eddina aa a- relation to anid dun bill will hetirnnkfoUr GEORGIA, CASS COUNTY. VU HERE AS Jonathan D. Phillips, fof- mef clerk ofthe bouW of Ordinary fey said count}*, and having been appointed by the Justices of the Inferior court, adminis trator cum Teetamento annexo on the Estate of George W. Underwood, late of said coun ty, deceased, and having (according to a late statute) tailed to give bond and securi ty for his said administratorship, I there* fton hereby call upon all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause (if they have any) why the administration of the Estate of the said George W. Under- maod, deceased, should not be committed to Humphrey W. Cobb, clerk Of the Supe rior court for this c Given under my 'toy of September, y THOMAS *«pt. 30-ffiH NEGRO CLOTHS AT MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. SNOWDEN & SHEAR AUGUSTA GA, H AVE just received, a very large supply ot biigro (Moths.among wldrh aye sev eral styles from the manufactory ol F. & H. Fries. .«f North 'Carolina, of superior style, and made of good domestic Wool, an article greatly superior for wear to those made of the coarse imported wools. Also a full Supply of William Schley's and George Schley’s Negro Kerseys, of their va rious styles, and Cotton Usnahurgs, of the Augusta, Madison, Richmond, and High Shoals manutaotoriro. * > Also Shirtings and Sheetings of the An- gusta Manufacturing Companv. Thevwill also receive to a f.w days, a fall supply of Plain and Twilled Negro Kerseys, the fiist of a superior article, from the Augusta Manu facturing Company, and all of which they will sell at the manufacturers' prices Planters and Country Merchants are re spectfully invited to caii and examine the as sortment. . August 5 1352 Oil AS. H. DURYfiE, Forwarding. Storage ' ASD GE.NER.U, - Commission Business, SO. <5-6 , BAY S T It E ET*, Stivanual;, "jYTU. DURYEEwill, at all times.give his 1TA careful and prompt pe vonaf intention to receiving, selling, storing or forwarding whatever cottons or other produce may he consigned to him, on which the usual advan ces will be made. REFERENCES: Messrs G. \V. Garmany & Co. Savanbah. • “ - Jefl'crs, Colhran, & Co. Hamburg. -“ B-S. Dunbar 4. Co. ‘* . -S. Ci Grenville & Co. Augusta. D. Osborn-, Esq. Forsyth. Messrs. J. Norcross &*Co. Atlanta. ‘R. Wv-&- T. G Sims, Newnan* - J. WT. Burke, Esq. Cassv'He. J. A Ei-wiii, Esq. - B. Brantley, Esq. Penfield. Buns, l’iekreil & Co. Baltimore. Hollis, Stark & Co. New York. August 26-^29 GEORGIA, WHITFIELD COUNTY. Be it kuown that on the 3dth day ol July, in the year of our Lord 1852, before pity, Winston Gordon, one of the. Justices of. the Inferior Court for the county'anirSItate afore said, personally came Robert Batey, resident of the Dalton Maid'aciuiing Companv,.and having been (fitly stvuxn on the Holy"Evan gelist of Almighty God, according "to law; deposed) and saith, that the amount of cap ital stock actually paid iti and employed hv said company, is three thousand fiv e hundred dollars, anil property, tools, stqck, fcc. .of the company, are actually worth the amount. KonivKt'BATBr. Sworn to and subscribed before m. WINSTON GORDON^, i.cj Recorded this 31st day of Jtilv; 1852. JOHN W. ANDERSON, c.3. <?■ August 19 ' t f Towa property foi. Sale l J W^LL sell my houses and lots in t’al- WASHBURN, WILDER & CD. Factors and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH. GEO. W ILL eoutinue .he abttve business-, 14 Bay street, east of the Exchange. Orders ter bagging, rope and other sup plies filled promptly at lowest cash prices. Refer to Maj. Win. Sanford, Gen. S. P. Myrick, Baldwin county’: M. Dennis, S. B. Marshall, Messrs Carter and Harvey, Futna.1i) county. A. McAtlum, Ira Feck, Twiggs county. Messrs- Black & Cobh, .Messrs; Carter & Ilarvey, Rome. Maj. John S. Rowland, Cass eonnty. JAS. WASHBURN, JNO. U. WILDER, ERAS. G. DANA. Aug. 12 27 fim R w. H. SIALTBIE. S, XI. DAVIDSON hotel, Gordon county, on good terms.— The lota are Nos. 9 and 10, first section-— three houses suitable for store houses and i families, with good kitchfcns to each house, j Possession given immediately, and if not, 1st i January. Call on Robert l’rasswell, and he ! will show them, I will sell low for cash. - REUBEN SCOTT. Sept. 2 30 4w DR. DEX.XIS MALTBIE & DAVIDSON, DEAJ.fcRS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, G.R0CEIUES, HARDWARE, Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. WINDOW GLASS. &c. &c. Carlersville, Ga. July 22—24—3in. SELLING AT c6stTT~ IL E. IL—PAIN. A-BWAY'S READY RELIEF will stop the most severe pains in a few min utes. to New York, hundreds who are af flicted, call at the Medical office of Rad Way tfc Co. and ha/e the Ready Relief applied gratis. It never fails in relieving the most painful paroxysms in free minutes or less-. * to the sick or this ihstkict If you will call upon out Agents and try the Relief we Will guarantee your instant relief from Pain, and a quick cure of’ its cause. BEAR IN .MIND. R • R a Hi Radway s Ready lltutr will stop the MOST SEVERE PAINS IN \ t'BW MINUTES. And cure the most Obstinate Rheumatic, Keu- rulgic-and Xertous Complaints inafew. Hours, Internal and External. It will stop the most Extruciatihg Pains in from Three to Jive Min utes, and has cured— cemetery and- other TsSfifife#, bolts of every description, pollies, s! and hangers of all kinds. Pftriientor attention pan! to the raanafto- turc of frogs,switches, etc. TO SflLLBRS AMD MlLITOtTNlSB. . Mill an4 gin gearing of every deecriptiqp, furnished ol' the host mfttciial.aud workman- ship «t the to wpst piices. ' ' TO FLANJEltft .... . Particular attention paid to the iwito tnre of ploughs and plough casting* of «02 kinds having purchased the pauerns ofthe late liim of Taliaferro £ Torbett, a smulv will he constantly on hand. . The proprietors of tiro “ Americim Iroti Foundry,” being practical mechanic*, and huving the establishment 11 uder their' own snperintenifefccc, an tomployingnone ht»t the best woikmen, confidcn'iy assert Dwt tYity can manufacture Ulhfrcscriptu.ns ot castings and car work, equal in quality anil at ns low prices as ‘can lie furnished bv am- other es tablishment North or-Sontii.-' they hope, therefore, by stribr attention to business and punctuality in fuifiUing their cob tracts, -to meritthc patronage and encouragement of Southern railroad eompanics, aml all other parties requiring eastings, or ear work dose cheaply and expeditiotndv-. OSMOND,"GRAY £ CO Aiigsstn.Gs. \Vo are eiiaUed-torefer to the followinR named gentleman: - Hon. John P. King, President Geo. B.H F C. Arms, Esq., Snp’t Gth R. K.- Wm, Ilardin Esq.. Stap’t Motive Fowtr Hon. Win. E. Hearing, Augusta. .Wm. K. Kitchen. “ Hugh O’Neil. “ Wm. H. Goodrich, " . ,y. IVm. Baldwin, Sup't Motive Powhir,\V % A. JHk-R., Atlunra. : Richard PeterS, Atlanta. George Rohiiuon, Hamburg. 8. C. ?. G. T..Oglesby, Gin Manufactuicf; Afigoa- w - [doly 29—25—6m4 Spring and Summer Goods!! L J. PARR, . ( Atlanta, Ga; R espectfully informs itis old custo mers and die public generally, that h# bus ju,it rtcelvett h iiirgc and writ selected stock oF Georgia Sarsaparilla. ! TADIES; Summer Dress Goods, consist- ... | XJ ing of Muslins. Bareges, Tissues. &c. at at, office, this 25th 1852 A. WORD, Ordinary. Whereas, \JT Jehu PhiRipa applies to me for { are there for* to cite aud admonish all persons eoncerned, to be and appe office, within the time proserfoed bv wr to -tr-ffr "' Gwen under toy hand at office. <?**■ w«. ft A^SIBOW, faundice, Sick Head-ache, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite,-Constipariorf of the Bowels. Pries, caused by Costiveness, Pain in the-JBowrls, or Rhenmatisin. caused by the use of Mer cury, Syphilis, Scrofula, Boils, Ulcers, 4c- Ffi^HlS preparation is made as pure as pos- X sible. Its bitter taste, and beneficial ef fects in diseases of the Liver, and diseases arising from an impure slate of the blood, prove tit to be the purest and most useful pre> pare (ion of Sarsaparilla that is made. ' Those uh-t have used the various prepara tions of Sarsaparilla will find, by the taste and effort, that there is more Sarsaparilla in one bottle of Dr. D.’s preparation, than in half a dozen battles as it is gcncrafiy made. That it might be more particularly adapted (^professional use, nothing but the pure Sar saparilla has been toed, that, for different diseases .physicians might coqibine or pre scribe wiflrtosuch articles as they might coh- sider most appropriate in cases muler their treatment. , Its alterative ajul auddly purgative affect ten th# frowels, make it .not only a good betitute fer Mercury, bat asefulin remov ing aR diieases arising from thT imprudent weof Mercury. epared ouly by J. DENNIS, ML D-, An . Sold m CassriHe by John A- Erwin ; in CsrtererilR.bvJ A.AS.Erwin; fc Porter, 'KviUe;Yenng A Sisas,Calhoan. nu- fil per htttle; 6 hotties for Ji. Julv 8. JNO. A. ERWIN’S. Insure Your Property! T HE undersigned, agent for the. ^Southern Mutual Insurjn’cd Company, continues to insure'the lives cf iihite persons, slaves, or any species of property. Ail biders bv nlail attended to prompilv. „ JOHN W‘. BURKE, Ag’t. Sept. 2,18S2. BOOTS' AND SHOES. . A fine assortment of Boots and Shoes, some at 374 cents a pair, just received bv PAT ION & TitlAiBLij. AkarrsriUr, April 14th, !8o2. j. n. SIMPSON. Z. T: CARDIXER SIMPSON k GARDINER, WAREHOUSE —AND— Commission illculjaiits, McIntosh St, Augusta, Ga. trtp.aukifoc DENNIS’ GEQR- ^PAKLLA KLLA CaasrHte, done *«—*tv—ly. mission Business in their Fire Proof Bnildmg on M’totosh Street, in ill its branches, and hope by strict personal atten tion Co the interests ot all who place business in. their hands, to merit public favor. EF* Orders for Bagging, Rope and Fami- ly supplies filled at the lowest market rates. flash advances made when required on produee tit store. July 22—Si—6m BARGAINS IN LADIES DRESS GOODS. SNOWDEN A SHEAR, AUGUSTA, GEO. D7UX, from Una day, sell their present •W stock nf colored printed Muslins, col ored pnmted Borages, Tissues. Crepe de P v - u, mid Grenadines, at cost. Th i r iitwidl 1 mnhsaces aoaae of the latest styles and toast ! el^pant articles of the season. Rheumatism In Four Hours, Neuralgia In One Hour, Croop • In Ten minutes, Diarrhoea In Fifteen minutes T oothacke In One second, Spasaius j[n Three minutes, Cramps In Three minutes, j Sick Headache In Fifteen minutes, | ChiliFeser In Fifteen minutes’ Chill Blains In Ten minutes, Sore Throat in Four hours, Iuiiuenza In Twenty hours, Spinal -Complaints, Stiff Joints, Strains, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Frost Bites, Chole ra Morbus, TicBolorenx, and aliothcrcom- plaints where there are severe pains, ltad- way s Ready Relief will instantly stop the pain, and quickly cure the disease. 'Principal Office W2 Fulton St., K Y- PRICES OF RAD'.VAY 8 REMEDIES: Radway’s Renovating Resolvent, $ 1 per bottle., Radway’s Ready Relief, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. Tiie Dollar Bottles contain five times the quantity of the twenty-five cent bottles. TO PLANTERS. This is the cheapest Medicine you . can p<»sibly keep, as it can be used at ail times and under all circumstances. Vot tale at CassviUa, by Joitv IV. Bvbke, Sole agent for Cass County : Sept. 2, 18-53. NEW Flaw and Ornamental BUGGIES FOB SALE! • w. entlylo cated himself m Cassville, and engaged U»e services of Mr. Robert Meison, who is well known as a first rate wood workman, and having procured a good stock ot well seasoned timber, and good fashionable trim ming, he is prepared to make or repair all kinds of Buggies, Carriages, Ac., in neat Northern style. All orders will beprompt- ly attended to, and no disappointment*wiil be made to any who may patronise him un less in case-at sickness. Please c all and see and judge for yourselves. WM. BRADLEY. N. B. He is also-prepared for Glass cut ting, Gilding and painting signs, both plain and ornamental, and other ornamental work, such as Gfeffing, Bronzing, Painting, Ac. Hirthop is near the north-east corner of the square, where he will do work low for cash; and produce wiR be taken at the May 6,1352. Dry Gdodsy Groceries, namwture. Cutlery, Farmer and Meehan- ies's Tools, which he will seii on tile most accommoda ting terms. His stock which is very extt*l. sive.nnil selected to srit ihc market, consists as follows: Rich muslin de laities, Cashmere,merino, black watered'anil colored Alpaca, Jackonet and cress-barred muslin, a fine rs- lection oflatln*" mitts, a general assort ment of ENGLISH PRINTS nnd - -CALICOES. Freneh ginghfifnSi Cashmeres, Tweeds/ Kentiic'fcy Jeans, Ker seys, Negro blankets, white anil red Flaa- nels, a general assortment of Dbmestics. . Syrup, molasses, sugars, coffee, tea, macker- - el, Tobacco, Segars, Shot, Lead, Powder. fSneff, Indigo, madder/and all kihds of Dye stuffs. Swede and English roll ed Iron. Cast, German nnd Blistered- Steel, Blacksmith Anvil*, Hammer 7 " Vices anil Bellows, Planes, Plane Irons, Cross, Hand and Mill sawsrNails, assort- ed sizes, and horse nails and shoes. N.B. Country Produce bought at/tb* highest market prices, and goods sold fts ftdr as can be afforded. Call and si « for vofrt- selves. [fp”All orders promptly attendedf8j 3 story Brick buildirg, comer of Whitehall and Alabamh streets, ATLANTA, GA. Great Attraction:! T HE- undersigned has jnst received a lot of the most useful and attractive book* ever brought to this market—among which are the following: Bunyan's Minor Works. Dealings with Dbmfcey and sdn; j Federalist. Junius’Letters. Burns’ complete works—Library style, j Goldsmith's and Moores, do. do. Ilale s Dictionary of Poetical Quotations, j Preston s System of Book Keeping/ Amelia’s Poems—Dick’s Works. Headley’s Washington and his General* “ Napoleon and his Marshalls. - Wjld Girl of Nebraska, j Texan Virago, or the Tailor of Gotham. I Katharine Wrlton,'or the lietel of Dof- I chesthr. | Love Adventures of SolomtJn ' i Scalp Hunters, hy Mayne Reid. Eoline, or the Magnolia Vale, bv Mrs:’ i nentz." j Prairie BioL' Jane Eyre. Halliburton’s Yankee Stories^ 50 cents. Cook’s Voyages round the world. Sanford and Merton. Phillips, Curran/Gratton and Emmetf. Campbell’s Poems—small ed. Marco Paul’s Travels—1 vols. Springs' Glofy of ChAs,. . Mother’s Recompense; by Grace Aquillax. Homs.Influence. * •< a it * Wild Western Scenes. Webster’s Large Dictionarj’—unabridged Also, a large lot of conuiion and fine Let* ter paper, envelopes, steel pens, inks, wa fers, &c &c t . We sell cheap for cash. JOHN W. BURKE, Agent MUSIC NOOKS. SUPPLY of the Southern Sbnncay, NBrotiOihBB^fenniHnp, always totim Chenfenn Book Store, Oms- Gnu. [April 15. ClfiARS AND TOBACCO. so Cigars also ft obacco, for aula low hr ’ FATTON k THIMBLE. AdetrsviSs, Geo. April lfith^ 1852.- Hollow ware Bod Pig Iron. T HE subscriber has bought out the Iron Works, in Cass eonnty commonly-known as EarW Fnrnsro, and ha* now on baum good assortment of = iiAHTf j NOUBW WARE AND PW ®®i. / MILITAKY NOTICE 1 Head Qcabters, 12th Div. G. 31. > , Cassville, Ga. Aug. 29. j ■ T HE Commandants of the 1st and 2d Brigades 12th Division G. M. will pat- strict attention to' the proper officering St the Regiments in their rasp ective Brigades, a^d the appointment and equipment of tbeir staff officers—particularly tif&r In spectors—preparatory to the approaching Annual Revietr and inspection of the min* tiaof thetitate. The want of interest man ifested by the superior officers in the proper organisation of their command—their almost entire neglect of their duties—has, in effect,' repealed our militia laws. Offices* of**, ery grade will be held accountable for aUr failure to perform their duties by a rigid; enforcement of the mitittelanra of the State., Uj order of Maj. Gen’i, John H. Riee,' Cote.IfftWrisioia,ML ! “ abda Johnson, Au-de-camp. August 26,1852. LIFE OP PIERCE AND LOT just received and for safe. Cherokee Book Store; CaH supply is limited. July 15, 1352. '«rvv.l Osdere may be 1 IcnrllB. Geo. JOSEPH WHISTOJf. Agiil 20, ms* sole to Seta per poimd-Afi _ lent ertteto for washing puipooes. at this office. July 1V1W2.