Newspaper Page Text
— -
l. /mnilq jOnBspaptr—Ih ^utmaal mil Itot ^alifeg, Uterahm, ilmtiaranrfs, Jfitrterts, udi fanatic Stns, %t.
•i ■
BY W. T. WOFFORD, Editor and Proprietor. ‘ “BE just and feak not.” •• TWO DOLLARS, per snnum, in advance.
NO. 36.
ii rvBUiBim *vui tuoMOiV,
Oftin.—S. W. 0'oner of Ike BMc Sfmrt.
tip— Two dollar* i-jeu, in advance,
•Or Three doUanat the end of the year.
KO paper discontinued, except at the op
tion of the editor, until all arrearage* are
Miscellaneous advert bemeirt* inserted at
fofl.per square, for the first insertion, and 60
•OOnta foreaeh weekly continuance.
Legal advertise me ntt .published at the
usual fetes.
Advertisements -aofr-rateked, will be pub
lished until forbid, muDehnrgod accordingly.
on business must be addressed,
post paid, to the editor.
Will practice in tbs counties of the Cher-
skee circuit.
April 2*. \t—iy
attorney at law,
Busings* entrusted ta. bis care la any of
the- Counties of the Clierekee Circuit, will
meet with prompt attention.
Nov. 21. 42-tf
juxjuxrx u tc Bisarar,
Attorney! at Law,
March, 4, 1852. 4-tt
Will attend promptly to all business con
fided tab** care.
May M, 185*. 17—tf.
TT. T. WorronP,
E, D-Chisolm,
Cedar Town.
Spriug Place, Uco.
Refers to Keaas A Hope, Augusta, Ga.,
Wiluy, him, d co., CliarlMton, 8. C.
A. Wills * co., Sarunnah, Ua.
April 24. 12— I y.
April 24. 12-ly.
Business entrusted .to their care in any of
the counties of the Cherokee circuit, will
meet with faithful attention. April 8.
1. ft. PAKKOTT,
ATTORNEY at. law,
cAmms mo, ©a. -
March II. 6— ly.
B. Mill,
Is engaged in the practice of the law in
the counties of Casa, Floyd, Gordon, Whit-
laid and Walker, in the Cherokee Circuit,
and in Cobb, Cherokee and Gilmer of the
Bine Ridge Circuit. ♦
(ion ytcen i tie eoUecting
- ^6, 1852.
Tv.TOTjlflfflATL (pMfi’fr.,
To the Public.
" NUtttfALLY’S
In the house formerly MCopied by
Vl/.E erenow receiving and opening, di-
S 1NCE the introduction to the public of, ” rectfrom Importer's targe and well
this xtew and »*»» mode oV making selected Utock of Drags df the purest ehar-
soap, but sfew months paM. it has met with j wl “ ch ^ w,lr warw J ,t * nd IV
unusual sneccesa ’ - - pose to imH on the most accommodating terms
For cn.lapse**, it at once .addressee itself Wawouid call the
to the economy of every house-keeper, being “ " “
made at an expense of
pgr peso than One Cent pet Pound
Tor its fine and lively walking qualities, it
is interior to no other soap ; indeed, It uk;
he said tab* without a rival. It is. admira
bly tailed tc washing fine clothes ot ivery
dtpciiption—sueli as cplkoes, muslins, rich
Laces, 6c. 6c., without the slightest injury to
fabricor color.
As a toilet soap, it h unsurpassed for
damming rise skin. The most delicate and
fender female may use itwithout detriment to
the texture of the skin: and the most fastidi-?
ons gentleman will find It an exquisite shav
ing soap.
For beauty, sweetness and active washing
properties, it is equal to any sad inferior to
nu other soap. It combines at once, all that
is desirable-in this useful and indispensable
article of household economy.
The great fac.lity with which It can he
made, is a desideratum, and recommends it
to the public. . * .
By purchasing and adopting the receipt for
making rtifS soap, much time will -be saved,
much trouble.dispensed with, expenses ina-
rerially lessened, and a good, cleanly and
pleasant soap obtained, adapted to thd wants
'of the people. *
Family. Rights to manufacture SunnaUy's
Chemical Patent Soap, may be procured at
a cost of ofily THREE 1)01.1. ARS!
The undersigned confidently offers this in
valuable article to a discriminating public,
fully confident that it ail) give universal sat
isfaction. * .
Fkinilv and District Rights for sale by
JOHN W. BURKE, CassviHc, Ga.
Prop’r of the patent for Cass Co. „
special attention of Physicians of Cherokee
Georgia and Alabama, as We think we can
Ihrnisfi as good articles and an aa good terms
as anywhere this side of Charleston. Oar
assortment is very fine, consisting of the fol-
tttaing articles :
Alcohol, Antintonials, Mercurials, Acids,
Greasot, Calomel, Eng. and Am. Opium,
Having examined and tested a new srtWe
_ _z-—-—wf Family enap.gotten up by Messrs. 8nw-
*B» rtc A Janes, of this place, called u Nannally’s
Chemical Patent Soap,*’ we find h to be a
very beautiful andsupenor article for wash
ing and dome*tie purposes. It is made at a
coat of less than one cent per pound, and is
every way worthy of a trial by a generous
and liberal public. Messrs. S. 6 J. are the
sole proprietors'of this soap for tlte States of
Georgia and Florida; and we Can confident
ly recommend theirsoap to'tlie, pari house
wives e,C these States.
We have also examined a new and boun
tiful article of toilet and shaving soap, pro
ps red by Messrs. San trie 6 Jones, called
SannaUy't Chemical Patent Soap, gotten up,
we are assured, at a cost of less thatftmo cents
per pound, and we find it to be a very supe
rior article of shaving ereant, and can con
fidetttW recommend it totlie patronage'of- ah
enlightened community. ■*
Rome, Geo. April 14th, 1852.
Rev. J. KSpiVLES,
J. R. SMITH, M. D.
Dr. B. W. BqSS,
S. C. PEMBERTON, c. «. c.
« H. B. ROSS, c. s. c..
E. F. STARR, M. D.
July 1.1852. , ' . v -
•dfice—N. East laf the Court House,
laal. lW.50 -ly.
Drift, Medicine*,
CMMttriKc, Ga.
4. n. BUtTUBK. .
t. T. OAlMStB -
Iflrtnrt Bt .Alftli, Or.
UnLLBoatiane the Wmhonaa aalOtaB-
W mimina Emrindta in their Ibe Proof
MMh« 0* M’folaah Street, m ail its
h—MlhBhMafihaFubyatetotp -
GaatHhahUBiaataafailwha pleas hnm
fat thair hnadk to merit public fovoc.
SrOrtStW Bagging, Eopa andFi
lyaawliM fitted at ttaetoweat macks*
I T A VE the pleasure of announcing to their
fil customers and the public generally,
that they arc now receiving a large and
handsome stock of Spring *nd Summer
Goods, selected with groat care by one of
the firm in New York, Philadelphia and
Baltimore, which they are offering at unu
sually low prices. Thankful for the liberal
patCOIUtg* heretofore extended to therfi, they
wonhLash a continuance of the same, and
thi»ir they make it the interest of ail to
give them a call before buying elsewhere.
We still continue to take in exchange for
Goods, Corn, Wheat. Peas, Bacon, Lard,
Ffeathere, Beeswax, Tallow and Hags. '
Adairsville, April 14th, 1862.
IOHN-F. ARNOLD, formerly of the Ma-
J rietta Hotel, is now at the Howmd
House, where he wall ha glad to entortma
his former fciends and patrons, »nd as manv
new friends as may kim ▼»“ “, c » u -
Bieakfost always ready for the up train fc£
Care an arrirel
Marietta, Geo., May 6th, 1862.
Alcoholic extracts, a fhN variety, and a
general assortment of the latest and most
approved medicines and chemicals. Surgic-
cal instruments, Dental files and sockets,
gold and tin foil, paints,oils, dye-stuffs, var
nishes, putty, *a»h glass of every sue, per
fumery of the finest quality, brushes of ev
ery style, spipes, essential o»ls, fancy soaps
sperm and.adamamine candles, sperm and
1 in' oil. burning fluid, corn and pearl stareh,
Physicians’office furniture, stationary fine
variety, fine chewing tobacco, extra floe se-
gafs, macaboy, Scotch and rupee snaff, tm
French chocolate, garden seed of every va.-
riety, Burning fluid and camphine. a fine se
lection of brandy and choice medical wiiiesL
Also n good assortment of Thompsonian
medicines, and all the most approved and
popular patent medicines, n variety of fan
cy and alt other abides to be found ‘ in the
drug fine.
Db. S. B. PEARCE & CO,
Jolv 1st, 1852. - - _
Georgia Sarsaparilla.
lanndice, Sick Heod-ache, Diuiness,Los« of
Appetite, Constipation ot the Bowels, Piles,
caused by Costiveness, Prfm in the Bowels,
or Rheumatism, caused by the use of Mer
cury, Syphilis, ScTofola, Boils, Ulcers, 6e.
T HIS preparation is made as pur* •• pos
sible. Its bitter taste, and beneficial ef
fects m dh cases of the Liver, and diseases
arising from an impure slate of the blood
prove it Vo he thv pWrestand most useful pre
paration -of Sarsaparilla that is made.
Those who have used the various prepanr-
tkwis of Saniaparilia will find, by the tssje
and effect, that there is more Sarsaparilla in
one bottle Of Dr. l).’s preparation, than in
half a dozen bottle* ns it is gone rally made.
That it might l>e more particularly adapted
to professional use, nothing but the pore Sar
saparilla has been used, that, fof different
diseases, physicians might combine' or pre
scribe with it, rich articles 4s they might coa-
sidgrirostappropriatc-in eases tinder their
Its alterative and mildly purgative effect
upon the bowtfls, tnake it not only a good
substitute for Mercury-, but Useful in remov
ing 9II di-eases arising frotn tho imprudeat
use of Mbrcury.
Prepared only by J.DENNIS, M. D., Au
gusta, Geo.
Sold in Casavitte by John A. Erwin; in
Cartersvilk, by J A.6S. Erwin; E Porter,
Adairsville; Young & Sims, Calbona.
Price. $L per bcttlc; 6 liottlcsfor $5.
Remember to ask for DENNIS’ GEOR
GIA saksapaRlla
Cassville, June 24—SP—rly.
AigiuifeGa. .
W OULD respectfully inform hU tddjpa-
trons, and the public general!^ amt
he has leased fora trim of years, the new
and extensive fire proof warehouse, situa
ted qp Jacksop street, between the radresjd
depot and Broad street, near the Globe Uo-
til, forutertr Weeupied by Walker and Bry
son, and more recently by G. Walker &
The location is-an excellent one, bang
convenient tothe Rail Hoads,Hotels, Banka,
and chief business houses of the city.
Having every facility for busineaa, and
the dispoeition to extend every aceqmmo r
dation to his customers, with a long ac
quaintance with the interests of the plroter.
he hopes he may have, not only a continu
ance, hutan increase of the liberal patron-
*ge heretofore extended him.
Orders for Family Supplies, Bagging, Ac.,
promptly and carefully filled at t!>e lowest
market price, -
jy Having transforrpd the lease on the
Ware House lately ocenped by its to Mr.
M.P. Stovall, in consequence ofourstaBOv-
al to Charleston, we take great jilegriie in.
July 29—26*—ly*
FAGIURBRS’ prices.
errr hotkl,
Comer Loyd and Decfitar Bto
c.w. sum
(Ahoat 100 yards from the Depbt)
rnuls retabBshment has been reeeatfv for-
x staked from the best honare in New York
dtv, and no pains will ho spared op are part
to make i! oas «f tba be* hBfisre South-
' Haw and pauwaage wOl test the above as
ulioi A liberal pauooaga feuoBeHcd.
L R B(
Feb I*. IM*.
book sixdeky
thih atiaaaa of
The Lori Fall.
Bt thoxas Davis', the Ikish rocT.
Sweet thoughts, bright dreams, my comfort
All comfort else has flown;
For every hope was false to me,
And here I am alone,
What thoughts Were mike m early.youth !
Like some old Irish aotig.
Brimful of Imre, uf life, of truth;
My spirit gushed along.
1 bopad to right my native isle,
1 hoped a soldier’s fame,
I hoped t j rest in womaa's.smiie,
And win a minstrel's .name.
Oh! little have I served my land;
No laureb press my brow,
I have no woman’s heart or hrid;
No minstrel honors now-.
Rut fancy has a magic powet,
, It brings no wreath w erown,
Bat woman’s tore, the self same koto,
It smites oppression down.
Sweet thoughts, bright dreams, my comfort
I have no joy beside ?
Oh ! throng around, and be to me
Power, country, fame and bride.
€ j)t |tonj-€tHer.
TffAVEjast rereived,n-voy large supply
ii Nagto Cloth*, among which are sev
eral stvles from the anaafoctory of F. 6 H.
Fries,'of North Carolina, of superior style,
and made of good domestic Wool, aa article
greatly senerior for wrer to those made ef
(he eoarte imported woob.
Akre afoU sappjr of WRli
George Schley’s Negro Ken*™,*
rimvmvtea.aarCotroa Osa-harg., of Aa
Aagaot'a, Madisea.-Richerodd, and B«h
Sharia maaatactariea. . . ,
Aba 8hlrtmg* awdEhretiagf
gasta Manufacturing Compunv. They will
also recehe in u ftw day*, a supply tf
Plain and Twilled Negro Mersey*, foe fast of
Family Gofcnunffit;
Mr. Jones. Want some pudding, Mary ?
Mary. -Yes.
Mr. J. Then hold yonr plate.
Mary.- There's enough. 1 don't want a
Joe. I wish 1 could ever have some pep-
p«r in season. It's always eleau over to that
side of tho table. - ^ .
Ellen. Harm, make Ben set that way.
I can't get to my plate.
Mrs. J. Do, Bea, let her haV* 4 chahcC;
thare's forever a fuss. Doe* Ann* want
same tea-?
Anne. Ish—^throwing her knife oa the
Mrs. J. There, Charley, pick up siwy’s
Charley. You, Tom; you are the nearest
to it. .
Tom. I won’t. Do it yourself. •
(Mrs. Jones very sorrowfully picks it up
Rate. May I go to meeting to-day, marm:
Mary want last Sunday.
Mary. 1 am going again to-dsy. I told
Fanny Brown i would, sad she is going to
eril for me. -So abut np jour wise. *
Kate. Mind your business. That's al
ways the way. 1 never can go anywhere
but what yen'll up and say you’re going.
Mrs. J Why, my ehild, you hsin’t got
anything to wear hut your bine dress, and,
ito too roidt* hear that.
hlti. -I eeu wear my black one.
Mra. J.•-’Ttautfit.
,Kste. Yea, ’tia My eape’ll cover the
Mr*. J. Well, have your own way. *■
Mr.. J. Lot her go, motlisr. Ill stay at
homo, sad taka ears of the baby.
Mr*. J. I aha at go ualees you do.
Mr. J. Welt, we ll both stay. Pass your
dtahpot of betater this way.
Charley. Give mean big a pieca of jde
as you do Jfoll. to««PL
Mrs. J. Bold your tongue, or yo* shan't
hava any. If you’re got done breakfast,
Mary, take Rate *dress and darn that hole
in the skirt; and you, Ellen, put a flat iron
entheetore—Tom s handkerchief ain't iron
ed. -
^liiey all get up from the table. Exit
Mr. J.) -
Mr*. J. Mary, I want you iuquita of
lire. Eastman if her husband takes tatter
t should iik* to *96 some oyer.' Now de
renumber it '
Mary. I will; mayn't I wear ysur gloves
to-day ? I’ve torn mine.
Mrs J. Tea, if you'll find ’eat FU war
rant they’re foot. 1 ha vent seen them mace
rRxitMary—eater Faaay Brewm)
lire. J. Oedd marking, Faaay. Bew’e
Mnrj. So >be sat behind me two paws;
tat somebody-trid me to notice it, aa4 to I
tamed rohad.
^flefi foe door bant open, tad fit rafori
J*e, Charity, Rate, and ttlta.)
Kate. jOhrml eariui! Fee get that
tom oat of the buttermilk, and tkmw*d R
at me, and daubed my dree* all over.
Joe. Wed Hie atruek me with <
that IradawaH iflit, tad toremy Sachet right
an there, she did.
Kate. Idjdnt Wei the*-.
Joe. INdn’t she, BHta ?
Ellen. I don't know; I didh’t wee her
- Charley. Oh; now you've fibbed cm
you said yen with it had stack down ]
threat to pay him for pinching yon.
■Mn. J. I never did ceceueh u pack of
good-for-nothing ones in my life. You shunt
on* of you go to mooting.
- ,H«re a scream Was heard, and they run
far the cellar door; Ann* had -fallen down
Mn. Jones. Barling, Uttla thtog-fod
foe fall'and hurt her t Who had foe impu
dence to leave that door open ?
Children, all at once. Why, when- wa
come up ahe was down the collar, ami had
pa’s fiddle to play in the cream pot, and—
. (Enter Mr. J )
Mr. I. Boys, who broke my rake ban-
die? "• -
Ellen. Joe broke it yesterday. He Wil
chasing me, and hit it agin the feuoe.
Joe. 1 didn’t, neither. 1 didn’t know
’t%as broke.
Charley. What a liar. You told me . of
it yesterday..
Joe. The first I knew it, I went out to
the barn, and it laid in-the wooden home.
Mr. J. That's the way every thing gom.
(Enter Tom, with a Sabbath school hack
torn ahockingly.)
Tom. See there, pa, my book's all toew to
pieces. What shall 1 do ?
Mr.J. Who did this, children f
v Kate. Joe and Charles. 1 Wes looking
to the picture*, and Joe cam* and grabbed
it, and they ripped it u-gring.
Joe. Its no such thing; I never touched
Mr . J. I shell settle With Jo* before
you go to bed.
Mary: Where’s my hair comb, filleh? t
see you have it.
Ellen i Its out. doom on the well curb; I
see Charles haVe it.
Kate: Ben dropped it into the well; he—
Mr, I. Shut.up your noise; don’t let
aae hear any more sack stuff.
/Exit Mary.)
Joe* Where’s my hat?
•Mrs. J. Under the table; but where art
you going ?
Joei Jfowhere.
Mn. J. Then tit ‘down add keep your
clatter still; I can’t read.
Ellen, in a whisper: Joe, let’s go out and
jump on the hay.
Joe: I won't—Pa, Nell's trying to got me
out to play.
-Mr. J. Sit doer*.
(Profound silence—enter Afary.)
Jfr*. J. Well, there, I tape yen ain't a-
going out doors with that dress oa. Go
right and take itoff.
Maty: Why, marm, this is well enough;
Fll leave it to Fqpny if ’taint. .
Mn. J, Have your own way always.—
Wait for Kato. -
Kate^np stairej Where's my .shawl?
Mrs. Jones: I don't know. Hare yew
looked in, the chest
Kate: Yes.
Mrs. Jones: la the closet?
Kate: Ysa. -
Airs. Jones: In the bed
Kete* . Yen.
Mrs. Jones:
the bureau.
Kate: | have,
Mrs. Janes : I don't knew where it is,
then I'm sure.
KUe*; I know where 'tie. We had it
up stake for a carpet to onrpUy-heuee, end
1 suppose it’s there now.
(Enter Kate with the shaWV torn etaek-
Mbs. Jones s Writ wow, I should like to
kaaw whoiukheaameof common arose rid
that! I never see such work ia my Rfo,
Yoa must take Mary’s.
Mary: I don’t want tar to} ’t'.will he
all switched to pieces.
Mn, Jones: Held yew tongue. Rato
take foe shawl
(Exit Mary, Kate and Faaay.)
(Crash ia the statu-lueai—ran Mss. J.
Charles esusps oat fiffoe
J SUoa. He's gone up chamber to get 1
* corn to parch, I gnaw
Mra J.
pea in?
Bo yon knew where Mary's grid
Mia. y Brritett—taw ?
Ellen. She was pricking tales la Ben’s
Mrs. J. Well far aserey'a sake toil Mary
.yen don't know where ’tia, if she sake you,
for eta'U make task amewfiri fiesp ef work.
(bit Mia, listen eater Rea.)
Bea. How COM Charley's aqairrel eat ?
■aw him raaatog dawn towarde the weed
like Cweer.
Ellen, da let hito eat eaaas he wouldn't
give him nay sugar. Let’s toll Fauf him.
(Eater Charles aril Jus.)
Ben. Charles, Joe .went and let yonr
squirrel out, aad. te’« cleared fix *U Hieko-
xy wood* Lke emok*.
Jen. | as toe dene noanah thing.
Ellen- What a Rer I .You did too.
Jo*. You told me to, x I
here thought ef it.
Ellen, i didn't, neither.
Jos. Yoa. did too. Bat I gases yoo’d
hotter go out h foe weod-taneo aad see
where yoar rag-baby is.
(Exit Ellen.)
Jo*. Good! I tore tar oM doll allte
(Entw. Ellen.)
Ellen. Did you do that ?
Jo*. No. 1 found it so whoa 1 wont oat
Charles:. There Elian; he just said he
Joe: I didn't, did I, Bea! . .
Bri : No, I dida’t hoar you.
Ellen, crying: I U toll Pa; Ironm I will.
Joe: Cry, baby I cry baby!
(Ellen flies at Joe, aad a fight easnee,
during which Mr. Jonas eaten:)
Mr. Junes: Young ease, what ate ye
racketing ahoat here at this rate for ? Stop
year noise! (Each a cuff, which sate all
Mmty - Marm, where’s my pea ? I west
to write a letter.
Afire. Jones t 1 don’t know—childretf
where is it ? (giving each a wink.)
Children, all at once: I don’t know
nothing about it.
Mr. Joeme: Can’t yoa keep still ? I
can’t toll whether l am reading ia Moaea or
Paul. Como, I’ll read aloud, •And it
mo to pass’
Ellen: Ob!
Mr. Jobss : What's to pay ?
BUeu, crying: Jon ptactad am and Tecs
pulled my heir!
JWr. Jones: Joe,sit this way; Tom mind
your business; < And it cam* to pa**’
Charles: Let me atone, Ben, or I’H
knoek you down!
Ben! I baimt touched ye!
Charles: You have!
' Mr. Joaee ; (Cfoeiag his Bible) 1 never
aae such a pack of good-for nothiag young
ooca in my life! 1 know I’ve done my duty
but it’s no use.
Mn. Joins: Well, I hove dam mine,
anil don't see what ails thorn.
Kato: I know what aita Joe; he's got
foe iteh!
Afr. Jones: He, he, he!’ IguemPolly,
after ell, our children are ae bright asauy-
body’*—so we have ao oa«*a* to complain.
: WeH, look in the trank or
" »y,*taeheheadaily*searr
ef firetsfte
from the Korth, for a bindery,
hiameif that vraek eaa be dome ia Gmegm
eqwel tothe Nosfo, and wiH eompeiofoswr-
^ with any ottar htafoy.tathjn style
Mfo^Sta SSl^Ss ctaej* Beak
and Masse Stosu.hT ffttBAMlAY
Atinte, AgmJ^lM*.
will sail at the
FlakHre aad Gean
spocfodly invited u»
August 61862
aad all of which foey
HiTI AffB caps.
6na dtcktf B
. all thff latest styltar'of
punchy. Palm Last 6",sS
Quite well. I thank you/ Mary
Mn. J. So, she start ready. Bit dewa.
Get quite a ffafoy shawl— new, ef wans.
Well, 1 coa t stacd to get Mary ene this
(Enter Mary.)
Mary. Hallo, FUawy; you're fotulrog
I see. Whafi ! unew foawl? Weil, marm
■ays I teall have ana nest week.
'JMtiJ. I gnem wA-yemx old One'tt de.
Here yuatans Wtatl told you?
JHhsy. Tea; tad *») ***** to go te
of foe beet
ftafoT- 56 gheantdireetlyl
*Mk Dwt alb
Mrs. J. O, my soul sad body, what* ea-
por this tat' Yen-1
maul Got *
there, sadif Ieateh yfo
•gate, I’ll take year cars
(Exit Charles—oaten the
there are seated Joe, Ellen, aad Annie.)
Jeh Give me eeaea of that ’air.
Charley. I won’t neither—g* aad help
yeareelf,as 1 did; foe rid womam’Uonly
jaw a little.
Ams Kb me an
Ellen. Give aw aonm ef that ’air.
Charley. Ye (han’t any of y* hare it.
,Exat Charles.)
EUta Bow, Jotyeageand Wttta eqwir
■ri ate te fay him for foe*.
Jen. Yea’ll toll:
Lfire ud SMqiilan.
Good sight, dearest Sauna—may auaa-
gaTs slumber a tayoure.” wsa tta parting
banedictiaa ef Jasabel Godfrey. Esq., as be
areas from the sofa, geatly petering a lily
whit* hand, and, bowing his graeefol person
into the tworidssef an eqailateral triangle,
departed. Mr. Godfrey wsa hy profeeeioa a
Corinthian—a race*/ bipod* not very na-
•m in this goodly city of Cincinnati—
with hnge wkfoere, aad the manner* of a
daman. He loved three distinct things
—faahtaaabte clethiag, Miaa Emma * fortune
hiemelt. These so entirely filled up
tho little caverns of hie heart, that he found
t impotable to lore say other object.
The fair Emma was ate a beauty, nor n
tie, nor n belle—neither n Di Yoraoa nor
a Lucy Brandon, but a right down clever,
mischievous, pleasant little sprite
a* ererchased a butterfly or broke a heart.
Tta night to which the narrative refers, was
ene of these interesting tat eaee which are
of uafn quest eecurwnes ia tta latter
part of Juan. The fiery eaa had tank ta-
fciad the sietira hills in Ra flesriag glory,
ringing with a flood ef Crimean and pmrpte
light, the white me mu ef vapar which tat
end for op in the depths ef the tay, pna-
iag one ef tim mete gsrgeeae eanmte for
which this western werM ie narivallal, aad
whirii alike defy tta panril *f tim pamter,
and the pm* of tta past. Tta momrot, J
la ted tta towpsthsae for a* the lunatic asy
lum, thinking alternately of Emma aad his
whtikore. At last he bethought him of n
sertfeade Itue, he was unable to diaeouree
stieot amrison a feM, MR he oould ring ,
and what Ids voied lacked in melody hnhopoi
to rijply in pathos. Lore is always impul
sive. sM, m a few minutes, Mr. Jaseb's.
Godfrey Mood beneath tta Windows of hi
Bmmnti cfaadber, from whifo the fori liglit
of her lamp was ttrtygliig With tSe tfoon-
beaam. Why, thought Mr. Godfrey, has
not tkqt nightblooming Cereus sought her
pillow? Is she sleeping ? These were the
thoughts that came pleasantly arid tdfteHi-
ingly upon the mind, even as the morning
■bower cornea down upon young coni in' foe
thirsty anutkof June. For some little Hn.
after fiuau aad her jover had separated,
she remained at foe parted IHfidofi gating
oti the stare, and thiakidg ot Mr. Godfrey.
Upon retiring, ahe fonhd foe chamber win
dow opaa, tta room alive with moeqri-
toes, aad that tar staid had neglected to
put up therewen, which had that stoning
been token to the laundreae, in whose wash-
tub it was, persdventure, still reposing.
Here was aa awfiil state of thiffgff—fo"? fci'-
ma had- owe of those fair, thin skins, of
which uH fastidious, gourmand, mosquitoes
are particularly fond. She was, however,
.somewhat tenacious of her beauty—what la
dy is not ?—and the idea of having her face
sad hands covered with bites of these little
insects was horrible—absolutely shocking.'
What Was now to be done ? She must either
stand guard sH night over her face, or dis
lodge the enemy from her teat. She resolv
ed upon tta latter. She remembered to
have heard it stated, by one of tho flrtt fed'-'
threes in the Cincinnati! Lycentt, before the
dearies of font iratitntiotf, «hM the Mrt!H£
ofaroaostics woOtd infallibly pot to flight
tho most voracious army of mosquitoes, sad
she thanked tar stare that a love of foe
etfidy of natural history had carried her to'
the halt of srieaee.
She accordingly took be? Wash-bowl, de
scended quietly to her parlor, emptied a de
canter of rid Monoagehrla whiskey into it;'
then sought the medicine chest in foe store
room, aad added a goodly portion of essence,
among which, by mistake, she poured a few
ounces ef caster 611, and n phial of tincture
of aseufeetida. She fourit a buneh ef dried
penneroyal; and this the pnfteot Earn*'
crumbled between her taper fingers, and’
dropped ia tta bowl. Thus fortified with a
compound worthy of Hecate, the valiant girl
again sought her chamber, resolutely bent
an a war of «xtennin*lion against her blood
thirsty enemies. She placed the bowl on
tho weehetend, and touchedM>c obleaginons
mixture with a lamp. Distantly a low blue
flame spread over foe surface of the liquids;
from which arose a column of odoriferous
and none eating smoke. Gradually the Homo
mounted higher, and the odor of the burn
ing compound became more and more offer.'- ’
rive. Tta flames seemed likely to endanger
the tauoe; the smoke was producing a dead
ly sicknem, when at last the frightened Em-
aea seized tta howl, and turning quickly to'
the window, pound out the blazing contents;
which, coming in contact with the air, it*-
atantly failed throughout, and foil in a
glowing sheet of flame. This most unfortu
nately occurred at tta precise moment when
tta serenading lover, with eye* upturned,
and month wide open, was giving meldfoouS
articulation to foe lines :
•« Look out upon tta stare my love,
Aad team* them with thine eyee.
He saw, it is true, the fiery stream, as' it
emerged from the window, bat mistaking it
far tta purple light of lore, ta « stood still,’
until ta waa enveloped in n sheet of liquid
flame The note of song was suddenly
changed to foul ishrieka of a ony as cur bfori
iog Corinthian, firceiy .pursued by the old
watch-dog, shot like a meteor fonngh the
rase-bash and bean-pole* ef tho garden,'
leaving in his wake » lambent streak of
venation, ia which, aa denbt. poetry
WhaMfe** ffpnenew?
gallant knight, in
ttate blitefoU alnmbere of white
Ite sky—a solitary light hen amd there,
twinkled from n mmdom tta etrastodtew
tixtri, aad not a eetiad oould ta heard
hut the acta ef the lorer’e foeUMgenhe
wandered he knew net ehiitar. M*
toe happy to sleep—toe Tnteantie la aetiro
to hie chamber. He walked drwa tothe
qqay.andifoaflaaatifliy «•“**«**•
x-t——* whisk were iHfoMff rif fo*
tb. mein Street to
Tlte half-suffocated Emma, alarmed at foe
fearful cry of distress that arose from be
neath tar window, stood gssiag for n miff-
ute at foe retreating figure; but concluding
that tar Jmraiag aromatics had fortunately
started a thief, she closed tar shutters, and
boldly braving tta martial maaic of foe
murderous mosquitoes, inclined her rosy
cheek upon tta pillow. t ,
Early next morning, tta apparatus’of foe
harbor removed foe last veotige of tta singed
aereaadsr’s expanded whiskers; end thus,
■horn of hie cherished ornament, ta passed'
ip to tkfc Cincinnati iDtoDTji fo^ do
operation upon bis ophtbalmie organs.
The torch of Hymen now Ughtethe path
way of Emma, bat Jasabel Godfrey, Eeq ,
still wanders, in ,
«; Bachelor soeditat'eu fancy tm.
■T ~
Two Swaare.—Ah rid’ rifla' picked up
half a dollar in the street.
. Old arirtbtfrfofo’’ srid* keealook-
rascal, “"so hatiditover.-
,4 Did yours have a hott“Hilt r
^ Yte,” replied tta other riharply.
Then itiaaot thine,” mildly replied foe
old man; «thee mate lean* to te a little
air .>Ton ore from the country, a» you
■te. rir ” said a deafly etarfc iti • terit stara
to a heirty drested fo*** «***
M Yca. a
. Well, tars’* ew smuy fifl’l
- That,” said the
to Hite Iks store, -foe*!
to foffafo»her>