The standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 1849-1864, November 04, 1852, Image 3

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It flume to.
totegrity ia Inlim.
A few year* ago, remarks-the Albany! The following art Mr Everetta'a
Knickerbocker, the Dutch who conquered at ***e U ar *°8~ at Boston upon the
Holland rmfitred that they woald add to the
quantity of fertile land in the kingdom by
paaqdag Mt Harlem Lake, a lake seventy
mileo lohg and twenty miles broad, which
gave it an arts equal to Lake Champlain.
To carry oat the undertaking, three im
mense engines trees constructed in England
“lb the Call «MM7, sithoogb the pumping bu * ,to ***** difhenmt farthmg Imp tmr
did not cotnmemevtill the spring of 1848. «*we* 4jr rto many.” Thetery mention ofit
Late aceoante shy .the job. is nearly eomple- 0)081
a member. It Js a great thing to httfuAt
said ots company of bankers, or mrmdba^fH,
or any otltor aarnciathm, thatha* bans on-
gaged in
deed years, that <>of the almost
ndlliona that law psmsd through
MiUedgeTiUe, Oot. 2W, 1832 5
. By gowuK Cobb, Sorufoor of said state.
States and Communities^ like the indisid-
nals of which they are qpmposed .-should fed
and acknowledge their dependenec-upon the
Supreme Ruler of the Uniterm. As 'iarir- !
riduals we bow to the will of our Heavenly .j
Father—as individuals we raise our grateful ■
voices in acknowledgement of his mere*
so as nations are wo visited
Fashionable Tailoring
ovim non lap’s old stoke,
Who trill always be found ready to do any
. v- . kind of work in his line.
Not. 2—Im.
R EMAINING in thoFost Office at Cass-
ville. on the 1st day of October, 1852.,
Honldritch Wm '
Hall JR
Hurst Win 2
Abbott T H
Alien Nancy H
Ainsworth Wm
Arnold John
( Atwood J C
Baker Jasper
Barron John A
„ _ Sheriff Sales. D
with his chasu : n N thi^rst Tuesdsy ia December next, | p
nerve theinte^rityof thousands What'«“««* rod—and as nations are we made the j., *v, e tow ^ Cussvme, tbeXllo wfo^prot* : ® i#b ®P
i is there Wlmeb examples b r- '• - *"i partakers of his bounty and blessings. Our erty: ° Ben?
ennett B F
ted—the greater pari of the bottom being worth is thereWhush examples
onr “ I am great lymdeb ted to yon, air r <ior »**“ -*« «” «— N *”“■ '*T" Bnwnlet £ M
million tons of water had to be lifted. In g»™S “* “ opportune** join you in this obligations to the Girer'ofall good gifts for JgJ ?°*S®
• w ww,> * *o* vui • v* it • . - ^ j j g rif -■ •
exposed. To lower the lake one inch, four j /«»•* grea«rindebtod. to yon, air; «r [&»*« country are now under renewed ! 1 bS°E M ‘
— *** . . — * ;. . .. . , m .» ... uui uisirici anaoasDctiott of'iaiscouiiivrl D .. t
three jeers the lake was lowered seven feet ; dilute of respect to Aft. Barings who i*. on j his continued goodness. The earth yields Levicdon as the property of Ptaijney O’-1 " e " l ? cl1 J 'J
three Inches: in December, last year, it ground entitled to the IMontbk opfn- ! forth abottndantfy of her stores peace, ; Brien; also two lots of land in the 21<^£s- Bell Jane ^
was reduced to nine feet and a half, and ' »°d friendly regards of this company.— j P»e°*; happiness cover the land « as the Wet and 2d section of Cas? comfy, knowa {£ nt SalBBe ,
" 1 . .. ca iiih„ for a 3 . Alphias Miller s, a place now owned bv I in ■
° John T. rl’ephenson—the above levied on ‘ tj,.v. p .
to satisfy a d. fa. issued from Cass Superior . j
now it is nearly dry. It is believed that no Th “ t0 P ic uo which delicacy forbids am to j waters eover the great deep,
low than tOO,000,000 tons of water have sny.-on the present occasion, all that might j thohomageof thakful hearts. i to satisfy a h. fa. issued from Cass Superb.. . lt
Now, therefore, I Howell CoBb, do issue Court, in favor of J. D, Phillips vs. >tol iX™, - ,>, rv o
liia mv Pmolnmotinn nniiflintincr Tlinmrlar mr>r IV Rvlnn Hfinlvonl T Cr n ' — ,
bein lifted by the engines sinco they com- i with trutb ^ 88id at another time and place I N°W, therefore, I Howell CoBb, do issue Pnnrf in f.r,w nf j n i i^ rn< ‘- v
iiis is equal to a mass besides that our respected guest has made it j U*is my Proclamation, appointing Thursday mey O’Brien, Michael O’Brien, JohnT. Ste- J j} ar ^. Kj c (,/rtl
tre than three squire j almost jmptwsiMe for me to give utterance i »ke 25th day of November next, as a day- of Pj”® 8 ® 11 * Dempsey F. Bishop and Farrell | Collins Jacob >
menced operations. This i
of solid rock a little more than three square ; r e--~ , - . - - % frr . nill , - .. . v ... .. , —
miles, and one hundred feet high, that is, j to “J feelings wifhdut seeming to engage J Thanksgiving; and request that all religious ; *£V,°« e " e Pro i !Crt f Ponded ont by plain- ( Creamer Josiah
allowing fifteen cubic feet for a ton. We : W 0 ® i° exchange of compliments.—
can easily perceive what an immense amount i This, however, I may say without hnproprie-
of labor the engines performed, and what i even )n his presence, that heiis a respec-
power there is in coal applied in a state of I 10084 efficient member of a family
combustion to water, for the purpose'of rais- | an< ^ bouse which liow for nearly or quite a
ing water. Each engine was three hundred , century lias stood before the public, not
and fifty horse power, and so economical i mcrc 'J °* England and America, but of all
were their working qualities, that two and
a quarter pounds of Welch coal per hour
was all the fuel used for each horse power
of an engine. The Dutch engineers were
nearly unanimous for using the old-fash
ioned windmills, which had been so often
omployed for the same purpose, but it was
ascertained by two English engineers that
the steam engines could be built and do the
work for one half the amount of windmills;
' this has been completely fulfilled.
A PaorHET without Honor in his
' oww Country.—The illustration of this
/♦ time presented by the Cincinnati
«* Twenty-years since, Mr. John Lea, when
Chblera. firstiraged in the West, was an
‘ J ia4WHg4nt" observer of its ravages. He
1 found thk.t the.mortality from that scourge
•■of rac<f was. limited to fchoso who used
I limestone water, and that rain water was,
Iprqphylaetic’Vif - that i?iseasc. His theory
originated here inlfbcrtSest, and since 1882
he has promulgated it iu~uublications of his
own, in medr6al" jb’imals, newspapers, in
(conversation, In every way jwssihlc; yet it
i is tlstthtod-.whethci 1 one hundred persons in
dtis own city-heife; of onc.hur.dred and thir-
,ty.thousand inhabitants,.have given credit
;to.bisgeological H'tcry»of• chdera, or have
practised upon it. 'lie lias .n^ged it upon
.ourgovernment, but without .success. lie
has communicated it to -scveral-cf the Euro-
;pean governments, and with better success,
>weJudge, than’with his own. .We find the
.fallowing paragraph in a .communication
ifrom the correspondent of tli© New York
■Ciwes, doted Loedow, Sept. 17.:
a>.‘ The report of the Franck oanmission
saye .tbot it has been fully ascertained, both
at Facts and elsewhere, that rain water is
»t&c^^^uhod:’ ?
Europe and the farthest East, in the position
of high responsibility and importance'; ex
ercising an influence on the commerce ’of the
world, and qontributihg to the stability of
its financial relations; exposed to the search
ing scrutiny of mankind, sharpened by the
strongest inducements of public and private
interests, in times of difficulty and peril;
and all this without ever having the shadow
of a reproach cast upon their good name.—
Of ail the millions, I had almost said the un
counted millions, which have passed through
their hands, not one dishonest farthing has
ever stuck by the way.. Through times in
which the governments of Europe have been
shaken to their centre—in which dynasties,
whose roots strike back to the Roman Empire;
have been overturned, and Emperors and
Kings have been driven into exile, the com
mercial house, of which onr friend is a mem
ber, connected us I believe it has sometimes
been with the great financial arrangements
of the day to the most fearful extent, has
stood firm for a hundred years on the rock
sof honor and probity, beyond reproach and
beyond fear.”
Runonr atvn •■Sincux.a.r Death.—-One
of the most sadden and singular deaths
from fright we have ever been called upon
to dmonicle, occurred at North Maiiket yes
terday morning. It appears that Mrs. Sa
rah Jane Bolton, in passing through the
market, dropped her pocket book, and a wo
man named King,-immediately behind her,
picked it up. Mrs. Dolton missed the book,
and turned andasked Mrs. King if she had
found it, whn instantly replied that she had,
and returned it to the owner. Mrs. Bolton
opened the book and declared that ten dol
lars hadbeen taken out ofit, which Mrs.
King denied, -The former insisted that she
hod, and threatened her with a policeman
if she did not return it, when Mrs. King
fainted and fell at her feet. One or two po
licemen came up and commenced hurrying
the poor pornan off towards the calaboose,
bat soon finding that life was nearly if not
qottecxttfpt, they laid her down on a cellar
door, where she soon expired. A coroner's
inquest was held soon after, and the above
facts elicited. A ten dollar bill, answering
to the one Mrs. Jones alledged to have lost,
waa found in Mrs. King's basket. Mrs. K.
is said to be the wife of a steamboatman,
and Hie mother of several children.—81.
Louit intel.
Strange Mortality—A whole Family Extin
Coi.L.vMtH, O., Oct. 4,1832.
Mr. Editor.—Three years ago there ar
rived in Clcavland, a young German, whose
name was James Hunt, but familiarly called
limber Joe. He worked in and about this
place till some three weeks ago, ..when his
parents arrived with another fan ily, num
bering in all six. They moved on their
farm some two miles from the Plank Rood;
in about a week's time one of their number
was taken sick with the cholera and died;
in a few days another was taken sick, who
ajso died. In the meantime, James, the Old
map's son, came on a visit; he Was also tak
ck.wnd dtod the fink day; kis wife
tended*.. vfiWn «6rt» the old man died; s
girl that lived in the house also died, and
three others, numbering in all nine. Ont of
the whole number none of the family were
left. It created quite ah excitement in the
neighborhood; the hottsc Was Vacated, and
the sick were left almost desolate. One wo
man lay dead in the house some thirty-six
hours, when by the humanity of a distant
neighbor she was buried, Or caused to be
buried, at considerable expense. The town
trustees have caused all things to be cleans
ed : and have taken iftto hand the personal
property of the deceased, Which amounted
to some $2,000, And aVte (o dispose bf it ac
cording to law. Feeling that the eitihe
tion of so large a -number needed some tes
timony of regard, I send yon the aboVe, as
the last .tribute to an unlortuiiite add illfa-
ted family. the State, will, on that!'^f^ a , fof lot Xo . J22 , in the otb dis-I cXSu if
day, theet at their respective places of wor- j trictand3d section of Cass county—Levied CiMnnun«s M
ship, abd acknowledge the divine goodness, on to satisfy a iL fol issued from Y'ass Supe- 1 Cline E °
and supplicate the-blessing ol Heaven- upon ^ or court, in favor of Ligon and Leak vs.! Clark- Miss £
1 Jonathan D. Philips, administrator of G. i Cantrell JsmeS
W. Underwood. Property pointed out by j Corbin John
J. I). Philips. ' * - r Cofonl John
our prosperous and bloved land.
Given under my hand and seal of the Ex
ecutive Department, at the.Capital in Slill-
edgeville, this 23d day of October, AT D.,
eighteen -hundred and fifty-two.
Editors throughout the State, - will give
the above one insertion.
^ shall be pleased to have all my friends
Lots Nos. 1290 and 1291, in the 21st dis- j Campbell James
trict and *2d section—Levied on to satisfy ! Christopher Joseph
five Justices'conrt fi. fas. all in favor ofiClardyJB
Moon «fc Thomas vs. ll-'m. J. Chastain.—
Property pointed out by defendant in li. fa.
Levies made ahd returned to hie bv a bail
iff. -
Part of Lot No. 245, in the 5th district
and 3d section of Cass county, being one
hundred acres of the east half of said lot—
Davenport John
Everedge James
Erwin Alfred
Elrod W A .
Floyd Miss N M
Fleming Francis
who are indebted for subscription, job work, j idVoflm^dsffim^dirine^^rof
advertising, or books, to call and settle at! John L. Lewis, and one in feyor of Samuel
ont*. It is absolutely necessary that they ‘ Smith and It., Cannon, administrators of
should. | H. Bullock, deceased, vs. Woodford
I have given_qut for collection all accounts gS^L^vTefaxidreSd’to 'ml
due me in the 17th district fo GCA. John iL 1 constable.
Rice, and settlements may be made With
Levied on'by three justices’ court fi. fas.— Floyd Andrew -
one in favor of Dunlap & Mitchell, control- j Faneher Robert .
nrl . # n c- .wr
him or the subscriber.
Atlanta Prices Current.
Corrected weekly from the Republican.
Com, 40
Bacon, 11J
Corn Meal,
Flour, per bbl., ■ -
Eggs, per doz.,
Lard, by the bbl.,
Chickens,, each'.'.'...
Potatoes, Irish per bu.
Peas, per bu
Salt, per sack,.
Feathers, per lb. 30
a 50
a 14
a 25
a 9
a 50
a 700
a 124
a 124
a 15
a 100
a 75
U 175
v 35
Mouth of the Mississippi.—The com-
nriminn of D. 8. officers, chiefly of the topo r
graphic*! andimilitary engineers, returned
.to the city day before yesterday, from the
jptases of the Missfcippi,where they had been
j®- 5 week examining the mouth to ascer-
itofin thr bant manner of applying the Con*
-gacnional appropriation of ^7^,000' to im-
pxsre the channel for sfca-going. vessels.—
The commission were to have remained at
the moUth n couple of weeks longer, but the
receipt of documents from Washington City,
affording much important infonqntion re-
centty obtained by n coast survey at the
very loealitica in question, saved the mem-
hersor Jhe oonnismon much labor. The
^Itimtiigetinil pT the commission have derel-
'oped many inter^ng tmA curious geologic
al phenomena —JY. O. / > ‘C.
* BiscftcCiacii's contribution to the
Waohingtbh Mounmctat was the largest indi
vidual dOUatioh ever received by the com
mittee—five hundred add -odd dollars was
the amonfifc
ii Hawkins’ Family Flonr” is making
a stir in Philideiphia—whetw’s Hiram Sinith?
We doh't khoW a lhatt We efity niobe than
Hiram; the possesses the esteem of the fair
sex throughout the lahd.
_SS~ Hon. R. C. Winthrop, R is said, will
be the Secretary of State, Vice Hon. Daniel
Webster deceased, <
jpS~ A Panorama of the New Testimcnt is
on exhibition in New York.
Mademoiselle Bret, Daughter of the
Prefect of the Rhone, recently danced with '
Corrected weekly from the Advertiser.
Bacon—new, per lb.
Beef, “ “
Corn, per bushel,
Meal, -
constable, _
A Iso the same above described part of
lot of land, will be sold under three- orders
ot sale issued from the Superior court of
Cass comity, founded on attachments, one
in favor of Lemuel Dillard, one in favor of
Sullivan & Erwin, and one Johli A. Erwin
vs. said Woodford Bumgarner, as the prop
erty of said Bumgarner.
.Lot No". 823, in the 4th dist. and 3d sec
tion—Levied on to satisfy ,a ft. fa. issued
from Cass Superior court, in favor of Town
send, Arnold & Co.- vs. Moses M. Keys '
Property pointed out by plaintiff s attor
ney. .. _ . - r -f ’,
Lot of household and kitchen furhiture,
consisting of tables, chairs, beds and bed-.
«tcads, mattrasses, table dishes, looking
glasses, and other property of like charac
ter; also a double-barrel shot gun, two
cows and cdives, and one sow. levied on
to satisfy th rec ii. fas. issued from Cass Su
perior court; one in favor of Townsend,
Arnold & Co. vs. Yv m. 11. Masscngalc ; one
in favor cf Wm. Parrish vs. Wm. II. Mas-
sengale ; the other in favor of Howard and
Gardner vs. Win. H. llass'eugale. Proper,
ty pointed out by defender.tin li. fa.
One lot of land, number not known, lying
in the 5th district and 3d section, known as
the place that Alexander Williams now
lives on; also one buggy and harness. The
above property levied on to satisfy a ft. fa
in favor of John A. Erwin vs. Alexander
Williams. Property pointed out by plain
tiff in fi. 6. . • "
Lot No. 294, in the 5th district "hiSl 3d
section of Cass county. Levied on to sat
isfy two fi. fas. from the Interioc-courJ of the
828th district G. M, one in favor of John
A. 'Stuart vs. Jonathan MTiite; the other
in favor of Thomas G. Dunlap vs.’Jonathan
White. Levied on ahd returned^to ihc by
a Bailiff.
A 1 ! that.portion of lots of land Nos. 860,
861, and 862, which lies'on the. north side
of tho Etowah river, commencing at the
centre of said stream. Levied on as the
property of Vincent Brown, by virtue of a
fi. fa. from Cass Sunorior court, in favor ol
Jeffers Cothran &,Co. against the said Vin
cent Brown, and other ti. fas. from said
court, , in favor of its officers.
E. A. BROWN, D. Sh'ff
Not. 4, 1752. s
; " Cas3 Mortgage Sale.
Lots of la^tNos. 225, 2*26, 278, and 2S0.
in the 21st district and 2d section. Levii
on to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued froi
Cass Superior court, in favor of Jas. Stra;
and Alexander Stroup, administrators |»f
_ Jacob Stroup, 1 vs. Mose3 Stxoup. Propel
son's Chemical Extract of ’VOherry : and j P 01 ?^ hi Said fi. fh.
Lungwort,” which is said to be a certain cure ! _ Ono brick house and lot in the town of
Flour, “
Butter, “
10 a 11
4 a 5
5.00 to 0 50
28 a 33
S3 a 90
All Georgia bills of solvent Banks, at par.
IX?”Look out for counterfeits, SlO’s on
the Bank of. Augttsta, payable'to J. M.
Hitt, has no picture of Gen Oglethorpe',
the genuine has. Also, 8100’s on the
Bank ot the State of Gehrgia, payable
at the Branch Bank,-at Washington, ahd
dated Sept. 3d. 1848, has a red back,.with
tiie words “State Bank of Georgia.” en
graved, the ortgiual has nothing of it.
South Carolina mouey at pan- Counterfeit
8100’s ou the Merchants Bank, Cheraw,
Alabama, North Carolina and Tennessee
bills, from 3 to 5 per cent, discount.
E VERYBODY knows is a flattering dis
ease. It commences and progresses-so
iusiduously, that before one is aware of it,
the lungs are a niass of tiicers, then a sudden
exposure or change from heat to cold, pro
duces an inflammation, and in a few days or
Weeks, it is safd he or she died ofhasty Cpn-^
sumption. For ali troubled with cough or
lung complaint, wc would refer to the adver
tisement on the outside of this paper of JtTd-
Flournoy G W
Fuller Solomon
Fulerton J. S
Griswold E. G
Giles Wiley J 3
Gentrv Ekv
Graham Mrs M ,L W
Griswold J T
Grogan John
Gar'aiier. K.B.
Gordon Francis
Godwin J II
IliUff F
Henderson T C
Hall Wm
Oct. 14 ^
Hunt F $
Uaryis Isaac
Hardin J M
Henderson O E
Hall Mhomas
James R M
Jones John
King W11
Killmgsworth F
Kelly Tlp> in as
Kirkpatrick H
Kevs Miss Alary
LyouNN A
Luther. Jemithe
Ix;wis N ,
Tfintom A J .-
Leak UR
Lusk D H
Conte and Buy!
Just Received at the
Cherokee Book Store,
rpHE Following new and interesting
A, 0. DAY
~^\7 OtrLD’ rcspcctfhlfy inform liis s sM
X works: , j ” friends and customers that lie has jtoit
Napoleon.Dynasty, hy the Berkly men,2 50 ' received htsYishionslor the ensuing'season.
Lumpkin Afarv Ann i die, 50c.
\fnfCn ^ C T i 'RflSft Strff
Lorenzo Dow's complete works, 2 00.
Sparks’Lifc of Washington, 100'.
Haliburton's Yankee Stories, 1 00.
Book of Knowledge, 1 00.
Fox’s Martyr's, 1, 00.
Thrilling Adventures, 1 00.
Georgia Scenes, I 25.
Life and works of Dean Swift; I 0»>.
Simms* Life of Marion, 1 00
“ Gen. Greene, 1 00
Uncle Tom’s Cabin as itis. 1 73:
History cf the Mormons, 1 00.
Leslie’s Cookerf, 1 Ot). •
James Montjov, 80c. •
Sanford and Merton. SOc.
Wm. TcH, 50c. Da nip 1 Boone, 39c.
Roughing it in the Bush, hy Mrs. JIoo-
froui the celebrated Mahan’s* establishment
i Philadelphia, and is prepared to Wait on them
at.hts shop, opposite Latimer’s hotpl Cil
'< and see him. anti look at his fashion platte.
j Sept. 9, V822 .
I 7 —:—; >'-y- j- -
j v . ltfe«Usjh Lsuyers!
A flENEgAJc digest index to Georgia
'Reports, ir-elnding t, 2, 3 Kelley, 4 ip
1 to Gccrgiii Reports, ('h»iIton’s and oilier
l decisiot'3. Coffip'ilrd by Thomas' R. lf. Cobb
1 and W. IV Lumpkin A small supply jiist
i reeeived anil fur sti’e'at the Cherokee Book
jStore. 4 '
! Sept i, 1852. ^ - '
. ,McCray S T
Miles W K
McAllen Win.
Martin Aim L
MeDaniel L on A
McGuire Patrick
McGuire lieary - fc
Alatiiis Victoria
Mooney James
Montgomery David
AlcLin Hugh
Osborn Dnuiel
Pilcher It
Pew Hero . > -
Rowe Margaret 3
Rice Wm
Stewart J' J
S*wart Janies
Smith 11 '
Shepherd James G
J Sumpter J P
'Stenson It E
i Sau'itpr ll v
Stovall Airs. Naccv
Smith VV L
Taylor J W
Underwood J & It
Waldrup Airs M A
Wofford Elizabeth
Whitener A1
Wheeler C L
Whitfield F M
Wi'son Thomas
Zant W m
a: HAll^EJ*. M.
Miss Strreklafitl r s Quegns of England,
vols. S10 00.
Fifteen I ecisive Battles, 1 25.
Stewart’s Free Mason’s Manual, 1 00
Temperance Tales, &c., i 25.
JEsQp’s Fahles in Ithynie. 1 0(Tr
J avail's Lion, by. Charlotte Eltzuhctji, 50c.
Sargeift’s, Russell’s aiul Frost Speakeis.
Rollins’ Ancient History,3 5o.
Se| tcniber 2, 1852.
AUSTRIA IS 1S48 & 18f9.
B 1 ;
Iloii: WM. H. STILES—2 htrge vols.
Illustrated' A few cUplo^just received
I and for sale ar the Cherokee Bock S+ore.
'Sept. 2.’185*.
s :
Dutch B oljifys jCipffiui ' .
Sr SiHEAlt have- received
G/& M. CAMEROA 1 , . |
Crockery, CbjnaA Glassware,
N(*. 145 MEETIVu-ST.,
ClmrlcMoh, S. C.
from Newvxoik, Dutoh Boiung Cloths,
- i Ol- the best quality,-Nos <:.l. 2, 3, 4,5,6,2.
S, 9 otid lO.'ar.d to which the attention of
the pitblip is-fespeetfully invited,
June 10,-18-52.
llAV&al wayson hand a large and e.\ten-j
•ive assort n.ent of the above Goods, (stlfttt- J tj"!*
ed by one of the fit' 01 at the Manufactories ol
subscribers having opened a Family
Grocery and Candy. Store- in Calhoun,
{ England and Frailee.) which they offer for
( sale_at as low rates as they can be purchased
! in' any citv of the Union,
i Jan. lTk 1852. 49— Iv.
Geo., solicit a share of thd public patronage
They; keep on hand atiti offer at, wholesale
and retail. -Molasses, Acte OWeens •'•grwp,
Sugars.XHurt's lt:f.ned and Powdered; Mack
erel, Rice, iHo akd Java Coffee. -
Their Caiidv, VviiTeh is a uood article,:®ltl
he forwarded at 20 .rents p i |«Hi!Td. .'llfiiry
jiiso have on hand a variety xd Pickles, Prr-
[ serves, Lunon, Syrup, Sauces, Tobacco, Cigars,
i Snitjft Mustard, Matches, Raisins, he., all of
IT NOW ye that wc. Benjamin E. Green, j which will be sold cheap for cash. ' Call and
j il Robert Batov, Jamts Scott: and George ! see us. We think we can phase you., c
Notice of Copartnership.
^ this an*ful diseaso.^
ty Wk are authorized to announce A.
M. FLOYD • candidate tor Tax Receiver,
at the election fin 1st January next.
Oct. l8-4dc >' iv - - -
Books at Auetioir!
THE subscriber will offer for sale at
AUCTION the balance of his stock of
school and miscellaneous books—commenc
ing this (Thursday) evening, and continue
every night until all is sold-^or antRevery
the Pnnce President Emperor Napoleon, was [ body quits bidding. He respectfully invited
” ”* ' * “ ' attention to the stock, and would remark
that a better Opporuuiity will never be of
fered to get good, books cheap. Bargains
HTulmg made Easy.—%ie . “ cfoxy
folks’’ im the-toy lm at Hartford, CofcA 60 *
beat, mix a gill of alcohol with a gallon ot'
soft map, just as thqy ore going to nib it on
the clothes, which they then soak two or
throe hours, and then merely rinoe out in
deer water, and all the dirt is out os effec
tually os good sense is ont of a follow after
drilling the same qoantity of the .. poison
stair Just taO the women that this is the
eomsst vaj to moke washing ea^y, and urge
them to try it, and yon will thereafter hare
mamma* to ran away os washing day.
la Washing stairs and Faaatges, always
use a sponge instead of a cloth when Vrash-
ing the space between the cpipet and sail,
aad jaw will got soil the edgss. Sponge is
(tonsil this infonaotioa is cheap, but it
ia gains bis to aU hreaskespers.— l%e
■■ w ■-
Ceikm Mill at Milbmfy,
taken suddenly ill intmediotoly thereafter,
and in 24 hours was dead!
The course of true lore never did ran
smoothe. Reuben Lee was recently'tried ia
Livingston county, N. T„ for marrying his
Dulcina in defiance of the « auld people.”—
The young lady was bat 14 years of age, sad
the H. Y. law pronounced Lee guilty of ab
A Mrs. Collins, proprietress of a
boarding-boose in Pensacola,had her estab
lish m,wit burned to the ground, on the !?tb.
Loss $16.000—no insurance. Why don’t
people insure.
The market Stalls in Mobile rented
l for $16,000 this year.
The Astor Library, New York, will
pen wtv* 30i000 relume*.
ti Jeetnes Gordon) has gone
tower” toTwffWr UlA. Hope it
may make an impretohj* «■ kirn.
«WM0 people, 8Q0wh^!Ma, amidl,-
000 cattle, hare gens toCaliforeto ( km Joar,
by the PlaiaSTQUto. v -
Ned Boatline ia ahsutstirtiag a aew
paper at Carlyle, iHI .) which rqjstoes in
the name of ^ Ned BuntMadh Horelhit, and
Carlyle Prairie Haw.” If Ned don't kill
Itthahaams must.
y3P- Mr. Botts has boon premuted with a
ffiftraio-China trade—brought
given at private sale. Cash'required for
all books purchased.
Cassvillc, Nov. 4,1852.
Furniture for Side.
1 W1LL SELL on most reasonable rates
run cash, my entire lor of ho use!) old
and kitchen furniture, consisting of tables,
bedsteads, safe, bureau, wardrobe, chain,
crockery ware, a fine cooking stove, (new)
pots, pails, &c.dc. fall and examine.
Nor. 4—
. Falk Sharif Salea.
0 s the first Tuesday in Dtadalst
Cassville, situated .and lyiijg immediately
j east of the storehouse, and by Konkin3 F.
Fricc^Also the dwelling house,, with two
acres more or less, known as the dwelling
house of Thomas G. Dunlap. -Levied-on
to satisfy a mortgage fi,fa. issued fcom-Gbss
Superior court, in favor of Chamberlain
A Bancroft vs. Thomas G. Dunlap. Proper
ty pointed out in said fk fo.
Lot No. 2$2, in the 4th district and 3d
Action; also twenty-five hundred pounds,
more or less, of seed cottony also six barrels
more or less, of com. levied on tq satisfy
two’fi. fas. issued from CassAiperior court:
one in favor of Howell Cobb, Governor, vs.
Enos Sneat& Lemuel Philips; the other in
favor of Charles AI. •vs. Lemuel
Phillips & Wiiliafo- Heqden.
Nov. 4, 1852. -
A GAIN calls the attention of .his custoni-
cis to his new and extensive stock of
fall and winter goods, now receiving and
opening at bis old stand, efiiGraeiqg almost
every article adopted to tfic wants of the peo
ple, and eordiallv invites ore and all to an
examination ot Iiis stock. Fliort profits and
large sales to responsible buyers, arc his
Cassvillc, Oct. 7y 1S52.
» e imriK we van pnase you. , o
. y. 1) EVERETT & CO.
A N elegant stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods v known that on the 3Jth day of July,
just received p also a fine stock of glove* in the. year cf our Lord 1852, before _ me,
and hosiery, by
OOTiJ and Shoes, hats and caps, a largfe
assortment of_ali, just received bv \
TH'SXY Bagging, rope and'twine, for sale
‘Jk/YUL-WiStES, Sugar coffee, salt, iron.
ItI nail*, and-blacksmitlis tools, for sale bv
sNaburgs, stripes kerseys, blankets,
and negro shoes lor sale bv
sale by
Cutlery, and. double-
' barrel shot guns, for
Over Peeples' Store,
, October 7, 1852.
Philips, have associated ourselves .together
a body corporate, foi the puqjosc of engag- j
ingin the business of a machine- shop and j
foundry, and that we"" have adopted as our)
corporate name, by which we Will sue and j
be sued,the Dalton Mauuf.icun ing Company, j
ami by which tkc wlllhe kndwu'Stnd design a- |
jed, that ify baA l c subsiiibed a# our eorpo
rate stock the sum-, of four thousand seven !
hundredtilollas, whielr will be employed-in I and the prop;
the business before .mentioned. j’tfca't he may be found at B. B. Presley’s, *•-
(Signed) Blxjahi.v E.Gkkex, j ways ready to tloany woik in the wagon m«-
James Scott, j kisrg’liue; "also will stocktSvythes at the short-
Bohlut Bate v, j est notice, and will make them rqq as well
:Cfohce l’Htt.irs. i and save as much grain as any in Georgia.
Calhoun, Geo, April 15th, 1852.
Good 2§Tews!'
; Li ESI’ECTFULLY informs his friends
Xl/ and the ]>enple oi the neighborhood,
Signedib the preserve ot Wm. P. Chester,
and Winston-Golden,'J: 1. C. .
Recorded and certified for the 31st day of
July T852.' John W. .-'.xdeksox,c s.c.
Eah-irfoe, Jan. 22, 1852.—11
Winston Gordon, one of the Justices of the
Inferior Court for the'conntv anu State aforc-
Y 1AT-L ovor on the west side of *1)0 RflR
\J Road, and buy yonr U'focEKtRS.cIto^!
f oh cash or barter. Here yon can al'.vays jind
Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Salt, Bacon,
Lard, Meal, Flour, 'Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff,
said, personally came Robert Baley, resident Candies, R.-usins, Cheese, Pickle*, &r.,-&c.
of jhc Dalton Alghfacttiring Company, and j D. A. CRAWFORD,
having been dfiTy savorn on the Iloly Evan- j June 3d, 1852'.-
gelist of Almighty . God. according to law.; !
deposeth and-saith, that 'the amount ot cap- i
itnl stock actually paid in and employed -by j
said company, is three thousand tivehmidreil;
dollars, and property, fools, stock, &c. of the .
eompany, are actually worth rlie amount. |
K on vet Batev.
Sworn to and subscribed before in.
Recorded this 31st day of July. 1852.
JOllN W. ANDERSON, c.s. c-
August 19 28 tf
Forwarding, Storage
Admioistratar’s Sale.
A GREEABLY to an order of thfe OrSi-
narylSf Gwinnett couu’y', will be sold
on tie fir»t Ttteodfy iiv January' nexty- be
fore the court-house door in Caasvflte,- the
following: Lot, No. 98, in the 16th
district and 3d section of Cass cop contain
ing 16f acres, more or less. • Sold, os the
property of James Loekndge, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs. Terms on the day
DAN E LtiCKRlDGfc, Adm’r. '
Noy. 4—tds.
1 M1E copartnership heretofore existing.tin-
. der the name of Cantrell anil Higdon
in the hotel business, was diseolred in Au
gust. by mutual consent.
flMlE undersigned would most respectful
■A ly announce to the citizens of Cherokee
Georgia, that he has established a Book
Store at this point, and can supply on the
mo3t reasonable terms:
Medical, School_ and Miscellaneous
Books, Stationery, Blank Books, Magazines,
Sic., See. '• He wriil at all times keep a good
supply on hand, and any Book that may
not be found-in.the Store, can .be obtained
in a few days.
He solicits a share of the pubFc patron
age—believing that satisfaction can be giv
All-orders from a distance wall be prompt
ly attended to.
vrill be arid, in Cedar Town, within t> the Cherokee circuit ( except Dade.) They
usual hours of sale, the fohqwmg property: . . - .
One Rifle ko^; levied ones, the property
•f James A. Reaves, to sotialy a ft. fa. in
Jn%e Sharkeyvraa to Irerearibdffir p»-
vana on Tuesday.
favor of James W. Wooldridge re James A.
Renves. Btoa^ pdand out by Jacob
Hogue, now thaeatfirofer at said-fi fa. y"
k One anaU wraeon: -levied on aa the psop-
Jolm Wnght, to aabafy a ft. to. J. C
Yoik W. Wright, and Allen Fhilpnk.
J. C. KASBCRY, Dtp. Sh’ff
^ wi-'Kciire to aalfaffymmt.
Aff). WHITE, D Sh'ff.
Nor. 2, l»Si:
Win*, practice Law in all the counties of
trill both personally, a
W. u. Underwood will attend the conns of
Jacksbn and Habersham counties of the Wes-
tern eirenit. Both will attend the sassioes
of the Snpreme Coart atCassrilleamd Giinro-
ri'lle. Ali bosinass entrrsted to them will
he promptly and'faithfully attended to.
Office next door to Hooper A Mitchell,
u Buena Vista House;’’ Rome, Ga., at winch
plaeereoeor btoh will always be found, ex
cept when absent on professional bosinesa.
April 24—12— ly.
- M’Daniels. Mitchel A fiulsey
~ Ware-house convonietltly sitttatod oil
Planter 'street, ■ Strictly Fire-Proof, •
In Dry Goods Groceries, and the various
necessary articles.desire to return thanks for
liberal patronage heretofore, and will trust
a continuance. I. O. McDANIEL,
Atlanta,' Sept, g. 3ff iv
Gomniissiaa- Business;
M R.DUllYET! will, at all Jmrcs,gi vp tits.
careful aiul prothpl pe st?*ial attention
j to receiving,seiliig. storing or forwarding
have just received the following 1 whatever cot loos or other produce may be
;w and interesting Books : | unsigned to him, on which the usual advan
ces war bethadc.
Messrs. G. W. Gar many & Co. Savannah.
“ Jeffers, Colhran, & Co. Hamburg.
“ B. S. Dunbar & Co. ' “
“ S. C. Grenville & Co. Augusta.
I). Oshorn, Esq Forsyth.
Messrs. J. Norcross &'c«. Atlanta.
“ K. W. & T. G •Sims, Ncwnatr'
J. \V. Burke, Esq. Cb.ssv'Hc.
J. A. Erwin, Esq. “
B. Brant icy. Ksq.'Peuficl'd,.
Butts, I'kUfcll & Co. Baltimore.
Hollis, Stark & Co. New York.
. AiiiiOit 26- 29
Kbw Books—come and Buy!
»” tiew
Knowlson’s Horse and Cow Doctor.
Duff 's Book Keeping.
Pioneer’s Danghter, by Bcnnfctt.
Love in High Life, by Arthur.
Yailev Farm, by Peterson.
Love in a Cottage, by Arthur.
The Oxonians, by Buiwer.
The Divorced ife, by Arthur.
Cruising in the last war, by Peterson.
Aunt Phillip's Cabin, a reply to
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by ilrs .Eastmar.
Life in the South, by C. II. .n y
SdL Smith’s Recollections.
Last of the Mohicans, by Cooper.
The .Pilot, a sea tale, “
The Deer slayer, “
The Pathfinder,
Josephine, or the Effect and Escape, by jEAlYi.lL A
Grace Aquillar. ; .
Robin Hood, illustrated.
Game Cock of the wilderness,
at the Cherokee Book Store.
Sept. 30*1852.
F R sale 500 acres of Land, lying on the
Western & Atlantic Railroad, adjoinin
A fine stock of Hats and Caps, embracing
ali the latest styles of Silk, Beavers,
Cassimere and Leghorn, Kossuth, Cam-
peachy, Palm Leafi Sur, at
AdalnciUc, April 14,1852.
Insure.Tour Frcpety!
, TM1E undersigned, agent for the Southern
>1 Mutual insqrrere Cotripaur, continues
to ipamt rim lirea cf white persons' slaves,
or any species of propeny. All oidcrs by
mail attended to promptly.
JOHN . BUfcKE, Ag t.
Sept. 2,183*.
Fatten and Commission Merchants,
All ILL coaimae the above basine ss, 1
jT Jtsj street-east of the Exchange.
Ordin (or bagging, rope and other sup-
T IIE subscribe/i-'still in Calhoun, where
lie offers ali articles in his line, at thp
lowest cash prices. Buy here, and thereby
save aItigli per ccuiage for hooking, and
then there is
I ino buns for money.
n. . , i i We arc determined to keep as. good articles
a f us the market.affords.
Wc about receiving a new supply of
the various kinds of
nyinv' pr.Esrnvns,,
C 5 a A R-S .4 rs I> T; i> U A € C O ;
CAI:;±jiP.o TC& './i.-'I.OU jSj^TAIT-.
Call anff sec ns if you-want the articles.
-Wethiisk we can .-ni! '«a.
October 21st, 1852. 37 2m
the town of Cassville, with 150 acres clear
ed Land, and $3500 worth of improvements
on it, consisting of a new framed gin house,
and cast-gearing find packing screw, good
fra tried negro houses, dwelling; See, &c.;
409 acres Of good-level valley Land. Don’t
enquire, but fail and look at the crop on it.
It can be bought, lot fort j-tive'jiunffred dol
Sept. 30, lS5:£-6»r
— .Vs „ , - Fnticy Prints.
T AI'lEs hummer Dress Goods, consist- j V ' ’
±J ing pf Muslins. Bareges, Tissues. &c. at O A A-different patterns of-Fancy Prints,
JNO. A. ERWIN’S. iwUU of all colors and prices, justre-
Julv 8. i ceived by
=—W—: ; i PATTON <k TRIMBLE.
A. J. BHAD\ i i Adairsville, April 14, 18-52.
( Whits Hall Street,) A PLANT A, Geo. i
D EALER in Hardware. Carriage Trim-!
tilings, Mechanics arid Fanners’ Tools, 1 . j
Groceries, liquors. See. [April 15. ;
[April 15.
F OR sale at Sets per pound—^An excel
lent article for washing purposes;
at this office.
July 15, 1852.
fine e^sortment o.’Boots and Eiibes,
at 37A cents a pair, jutt received by
-1kajiociilc, April 14th, 1852.
Hollow ware and Pig
Town Property for Sale!
I T WILL sell mv houses and lots in Cal- , .
j A boon, Gordon county, on good terms.— . S 00 '^ assortnren. of
I The lots are Nos. 9 and 10, first section— j HOLLOW WARE AND FIG HION,
j three houses suitable for store , a superior article, laanafactuied at the above
j families, with good kitchens to each house, i \y or ks,uhirli he wiil.sell on good terms.’ ,■■■
, i Possession given immediately, audit not, 1st; The pig metsT is Hot blast. Hofiow Witte.
; January. Gallon Robert Brass well, and ho | tfcrec cents ^ nound, deiivefed al C«“^'
4 will show them. I vnU sell low for^h. yille De l)0t .
1 i-Culi. Orders may be addressed to him at
Sept. 2
sngWden & shear;
tersville, Geo.
April S), 1852. Vh . - , Pri,
■» a j fcX7ILL» frotnftna day, sell theii present few thousand Sne, Cigar*,'j
- *1 «f stock of colored; tinted Mus.ins, col- Xa. Che wing. Tobacco, for sala'to
Aug. 12
. Rowland, Cass
27 fim
otari printed Borages, Tissues. Crape de Par-
' owatta Grenadines^st aoot. The assortment
soiae oltSeJgtre’. sfyies and