The standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 1849-1864, November 04, 1852, Image 4
GEORGIA, CASS COUNTY. GEORGIA, CASS COUNTY. , UJ. A, w OR 1852,—Present his mOI.LEO before me by Wm C. Wyly of “SZZTXfTtU Orttao of 1 d.«€*'lhl*tt£ IL.ltakm. mule, ar-'/ut four or live tfus oM, about iovr rivt or six inchcff high, no marks Honor Thomas A. SaM coomv. 1 fsmihpn assignee tLt hereto- * Ja-cuu,c i went v neond tlav ol October,, _ Appraised bv Joseph Wilungham tmdF. in the year of oar Lord, one thousand eight This G. Denman to be worth fifty dollars. Aug. 6th, 1862. HENRY McCRARY, J. P. A true extract from the Estrav book, Oc tober 22d, 1852. J. D. PHILLIPS, c. i. c. Oct. 28. hundred-ami fifty -one. that Thomas J. Alex ander. as principal. and Jonathan McDow, as sccniirv. made and executed to LuthetD. Barr aiid Charles A. Hamilton, using then firm name of Barr & Hamilton, in dne form of Hi* , their bond, (the original of which is now on file in my office.) bind mg themselves in the sum of twelve hundred dollars, con ditioned to be void if the said J. Alexander,©)-said Jonathan JIclJow tor him, x>. that, sixtvuays niter swic, * »n»»», I ms u;..- c-IqI, Ouinme Primevanate 'hernia make or cause to he ima.le a ,goodland , 0 Thomas A. Word, °«Un* ryoT j gSSfcSt^oSJfcIodS, Pota’ss!Site Sil- sufficient title in fpc simple to said Barr k . tv. for leave to sclltheland »" d ver, l*hos. Calx. Preeipt. Chloroform Hamilton or their assigns, to nan of town lonpng to the estate of tbe late John Vangn- ----- T — lot in the town of Adairsville, in saidcoanty,j „„ .deceased, forthe benefit of the heirs of' ROME DRUG STORE, htbhsw foraserty eixsspoei by STEVENSON ft DUNCAN. W E are now receiving and efening, di rect from Importers, a large and well selected stock of Drags of the pares* char acter, all of which we will warrant and pro pose to sell on the most accommodatk.-g terms at wholesale and retail, e would rail the special attention of Physicians of Cherokee Ceorgsa and Alabama,as we think we ean furnish as good articles and on as good terms j as anywhere this side of Charleston. Onr i assortment is very fine, consisting of the fid- I owing articles: Alcohol, Antimonhils, Mercurials, Arfds, GEORGIA, CASS COUNTY. _ _ _ - a t_ i Aiconoit ANumonnii?, aitTcanaisj *Ewirao, ALL perrons eoheeroed are hereby notified j Cre Calomel, Kng. and Am. Opinas, A that, sixtydaysafterdate, I shah apply Mornhin „ Quinine. Ferroeranate AUGUSTA. GEORGIA, OSMOND, GRAY A Co. H AN1NG the proprietors of the above named e» ublishment, at* now prepared to efteente all order* for every description of eastings nt the shortest notice and in the best manner. ToR- R. Co’*4Cfir Builders We are prepared to tnanethUgNi ChHIeo railroad ear and engine wheels of every kind equal to any wheels mannftetered at the Ncrthern and superior to any mannfactwod at anv Southern Foundry, and at prices as low assay that can be delivered from any other establishment. Also, all ether descriptions of engine end car castings, warehouse trucks, aleo,cast iron water wheels, columns, Lamp known as the North half of lot number six, ! Mid deceased. JAS. VAUGHAN, Adm’r ■a the plan of said town, and lot number ( g ept , 31 tin seven, in the plan of raid town, forty feet front «i;d running eighty feet osek from street; and it appearing that Thomas J. Al exander-departed this life some time in the year 1851, without making titles to said town lots above described ; nnd it appearing to the ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY toan order of the honor able Ordinary of Cass co.. will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in December, at Cass- water pipes, ... . posts, cemetery and other ratlings, bridge Alcoholic extracts, a full variety, and * : bolts of every description, pallies, shafting general assortment of the latest and most hangers of all kinds Particular attention paid to the mannfcc- ture of frogs^witches. etc. TO MILLERS AND MILL OWNERS. Mill and gin gearing of . very description, furnished of the best material and workman- inglanils* i»ir j.\o». zoo, 251, forty-eight acres of 254, half acre of 255. forty acres, more or less of the north line of 278, all in the 5th district and 3d section of Cass coun ty. Sold as the prn|icrtv of Sinclair Mc Mullen. for the benefit of the heirs. Term* on the day. JOHN A. UPSHAW,) . . . J. M. COLLIER, f Adn,r? Oct. 21—37—tds ■UnYo the court that sard Thomas Hirndton 140: Snsan.50; Litha, 38, and her boy, 8; is read? and willing*, ht any time, to pay any J Martha, 26, and her child four months old; balance that may be due upon settlement of j Adaline, 14; Jerry, 12; l’olk, 9 ; Allen 8 , Repurchase L’ncv for slid town Ms that | Caroline, 5 Ophelia, 4 ; also, the fo.low mav iremain unpaid: I *"* lan,,s ’ ^ No< 2S ^> Whereupon it is ordered by the conrt, that all persons concerned, do file their objections In writing to the Ordinary, on or bclore the first Monday ui December next, if any they have, why Jonathan McDow, executor of the said Thomas J. Alexander, deceased, should not make, or cause to be made, good and sufficient titles as aforesaid, to said Thomas amiltwt,assignee of said bond; nnd upon failure to do so, the said prayer of petition will be grained A true transcript from the minutes of the court oi Ordinary, this 26;h day ol August, |g52, i’. A. WORD. Ordy. Sept. 2—SC—3m Pr’s fee 815 GEORGIA, CASS COUNTY. U 'l HERE AS, W. C. Wyly, executor on the estate of James Talbot, late of Cass county, deceased, appl ies to me for let ters of dismission from said estate: These are therefore to cite and admomsh r 11, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within ti c time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let- tom should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 2d August. 1852. T A. WORD, o c. c. Aug. 5 26 6m approved medicines and chemicals. Surgic- cal instruments. Dental files and sockets, gold and tin foil, paints, oils, dye-stuffis var nishes, putty, sash glass of every size, per fumery of the finest quality, brushes of ev ery stvle,spices, essential o«ls, f;<hey soaps 1 sperm and adamantine candles, sperm and ■ ship at the to*** 1 PJ 1 ?*!?* __ Lin.oil. burning flnid, com and pearl starch, j TO 1 LAMtKs. Physicians’office furniture, stationary fine Particular attention paid to the maanfae- varicty, fine chewing tobacco, extra fine ae- j jure of pWraghs and plough castings of all gars, iuaeaboy, Scotch and rupee snuff, line ; kinds having purchased the patterns of the French chocolate, garden seed of every va- j | afe fi IRI of Taliaferro & Torbett, a supply riety, Burning fluid and eomphine. a fine *se- j w jn he constantly on hand, lection of brandy and choice medi xrt wines, i Tbe proprietors of the “ American Iron Also a good assortment of Thompsonian . Foundry," being piactical mechanics, and medicines, and all the most approved and j having the establishment nuder their own popular patent medicines, a variety of fan-,superintendence, an i employing none but the cy and all other articles to be found i* the j fce$t workmen, confidently assert that they ding Hue-. i can manufacture all descriptions of castings Dr. S. B. PEARCE * CO. nn d car work, equal in quality and at as low July 1st, 1852. | prices as can be furnished bv any other es- -—■ _ ‘ x ,— r : tablishment North or South. They hope, DR. D Xi .N l\ lb therefore, by strict attention to business and P» flananavi Va I panctoality in fulfilling their contracts, to UvClJW ”ftl5a vftll- i merit the patronage and enconragcmeRl of Southern railroad companies, and all other ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. O N Wednesday, the first day of December next, will be sold, st the late residence of Sinclair McMullen, deceased, near Cass- villc. ihe following propelty, to-wit: Stock of all kinds, such as, horses, cows, mules, hogs, sheep, &c. &c.; also the household and kitchen furniture; also, a large lot of corn, wheat, cotton, oats, fodder, &., and the plan tation tools Sold as the property of the said dei ased,for the benefit of bis heirs.— Salt to continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms on the day. JOHN A UPSHAW, ) ... J M. COLLIER, ) Admrs. Oct. 21 —37—tds Jaundice, Sick Head-ache, Dizziness Loss of parties requiring castings, or car woik done Appetite, Constipation of the Bowels, Piles, cheaply and €xpeditioo*l^; Georgia, Dade County. W HEREAS Joel Hulsey, administrator of the Estate of Richard Chitwood, late of said county, deceased, makes applica tion to me for Letters of Dismission from said Estate: . . These are therefore to cite ami admonish •11 and singular,the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at tuy-Office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause (if any they have) why said lettey ahotild not be granted. Given tinder my hand and official si; ture at office in Trenton. April 15th, 1/ ZACHARIA1I ONEAL, Ordinary. May 13,1852.—Cm. GEORGIA, GILMER COUNTY. Gilmer Superior court, A j wi I Term, 1852 Present the 1 lonorable David Irwin,J^dgc of said court. Nancy Calihan 1 m, e j for divorce in Gil me . . X*',-. i Suiicrior Court. John Calihan, ) I T appearing to the court by the return of the sheriff', that the defendant resides out of said countv, and it further appearing to the court, that the defendant resides out of this State, it is,on motion, ordered that said defendant nppear and answer at the next term of this court, or that the case be consid ered tn dct'iult, and the plaintiff allowed to proceed; and it is further ordered, that this rule he published once a month, for four mouths, in the Cassville Standard, previous to the next term of this court. This May 5th, 1852. DAVID IRWIN.j. s- C. CYiahtaix & Young pl’ff'satt’ys A true extract from the minutes of court, this Mav 5th, 1852 II. B. PEllRY, Clerk. July 15—23—4m [Pr’s tec SIM Georgia, Cass County. T liER EAS James Strain, administrator »V of'ti.e Estate of Jacob Stroup, deed, applies to me for Letters Dismissory from said administration. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all pei sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within tbe time prescribed by law to show cause (if any exist) why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 21»t ot September, 1852. THOMAS A. WORD, Ordinary. Sept. 23 —6m—* GEORGIA, CASS COUNTY. WHEREAS Lewis Tumlin, administra- tor of the Estate of Imvi Tumlin,late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters Dismissory from said administra- tioa. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, to ■how cause, (if any exist) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand *t office, this 16tli Sept. 1852. THOMAS A. WORD, Ordinary. Sept. 23—6m. EXECUTOR S SALE. W ILL be sohl. on the first Tuesday in December next, before the court-house door in CHssville, the following negroes, to- wit: Seaborn, a man ; Charlotte, a woman ; Minerva, a woman ; Kosilla, a girl; Bill, a 1k>v ; Pcrrv, a boy; George,a boy, and a girl child of Minerva. Sold as the property of William Gordon, deceased, under his last svill and testament, for the beuefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms on the day of sale. W. C. WYLY, Ex’r. rt. 21—37-tds fl^WO months nfter date, application wil JL be made to Thomas A. Word, Ordi nary for said county, for leave to scU one 1 rouse and lot In the town of Cassville, be longing to the estate of Williamson Earp, late of Cass county, deceased. This 17th Sept. 1852. WJ1. EARP, Adm’r. Sept. 23—2m j caused by Costiveness, Paiw in the Rowels, or Rheumatism, caused by the nse of Mer- cory, Syphilis, Scrofula, Boils, Ulcers, Ac. t IAHIS prepanitaouisotaidcas pure as pos- A sible. Its bitter taste, and beneficial ef fects in diseases of the Liver, and diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, prove it to be the purest and most useful pre- pj nation of Sarsaparilla that is ufade. Those v,h i have nsed the various prepara tions of Sarsaparilla will find, by the taste and effect, that there is more Sarsaparilla in one bottle of Dr. 1) ’s preparation, than in half a dozen bottles as it is generally made. That it might !>e more particularly adapted to professional nse, nothing but the pare Sar saparilla has been used, that, for different diseases, physicians might oemtaue «r ft* scribe with it, such articles os tliey might con sider it ost appropriate in gases under their treatment. Us alterative and mildly purgative effect upon the bowels, makfe it not only a good substitute foi Mercury,'but useful in remov ing all ditea es arising from tin imprudent use of Merc iry. Prepared only by J.DENNIS, M. D., Au gusta, Geo. Sold in Cassville l>y John A. Erwin ; in Cartersville,bv J A. & S. Erwin; E Potter, Adairsville; Young •& Sims, Calhoun. Price. $1 per be tile; 6 lamlesfor $5. Remember to ask for DENNIS 1 GEOB- IA SARSAPAKLLA Cassville, June 24—20—ly. N otice.— All persons indebted to the es tate of Wm. Gordon, deceased, are re quested to come forward and make payment, & all persons having claims against said es tate, are qreuircd to present them in terms ol the law. W.C. WYLY, Ex’r. Oct 31-37-40 NOTICE! A LL persons indebted to the estate of R. M. Baanwcll, deceased, are requested to come forward and make payment, and all those having demands against said deceased, arc required to present them in terms of the law. JUDITH BARNWELL, Ex’x. Oct 7 35 40d fTIWO months after date application will A be made to the Ordinary of Cass coun ty. for leave to sell the real estate of John S. Randle, deceased. A. II. CHAPPELL, A6*’r. Sept 9 iss fiinm. TLAIN AND eB.ZXTAMESG'XAI,, M NEATLY EXECUTED AT NEW LOCATION. M. P. STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AJSTD COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augmla, Ga. W OULD respectfully inform his qM pa trons, and the public generally, that he has leased for a term of yean, the new and extensive fire proof warehouse, situa ted on Jackson street, between the railroad depot and Broad street, near the Globe Ho tel, formerly occupied by Walker and Bry son, and more recently by G. Walker & Son The location is an excellent one, being convenient to the Rail Roads, Hotels, Banks, and chief business houses of the city. Having every facility for business, and the disposition to extend every accommo dation to his customers, with a long ac quaintance with the interests of the planter, he hopes he may have, not only a continu ance, but an increase of the liberal patron age heretofore extended him. Orders for Family Su promptly and carefully market price. IT 1 Having transferred the lease op the Ware House lately occuped by us to Mr. M. P. 8tovall, in consequence of our remov al to Charleston, we take great pleasure in recommending him to our friends. G. WALKER k SOX. July 29—26—ly* OB-MONO, GRAY A CO. Augusta, Ga. We are enabled to refer to the following named gentleman: Hon. John P. King, President Gee. R.R F C. Arms, Esq., Sup 1 * Geo. R.R. Wm. Hardin Esq.. Sup t Motive Power Hon. Wm. E. Hearing, Augu-ta. Wm. K. Kitchen, “ Hugh O’Neil. “ Wm. H. Goodrich, “ Wm. Baldwin, Snp’t Motive Power, W & A. R. R., Atlanta. Richard Peters, Atlanta. George Robinson, Hamhnrg. 8- C. G. T. Oglesbv, Gin Manufacturer, Angus ta. * [July 29—25—6ms CALHOUN FOREVER! WM. M. PEEPLES, I S now receiving direct from Xcw York Philadelphia, &c., the most beautiful stock of staple and fancy goods ever opened in this market The following, in part com pose his stock:—Dry goods of almost every variety, hard ware,boots and shoes, saddlery, ready made clothing, hat* and caps, straw goods umbrellas and parasols, books and stationary, fancy goods, toys, jewelry, crock ery, glass ware, sugar and coffee, molasses, salt, iron, nails, medicine, oils paints, Ac., which he will sell on reasonable terms.— Feeling grateful for past favors, he hopes that his old friends will continue their pat ronage, and that the public generally will call and examine his stock, before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce taken for goods, at market prices. Store on R. Road street fonaerlv occupied by J. R. Knott. Sepj.'23—33—3m NEW FALL GOODS. SNOWDEN * SHEAR H AVE teedved their fen »SPP»* ofSti pie and F**7 Dfj (W»,«rttoMe for the present sesron. embracing oati rf lha lar- gM ertr offered *o tme pmouc, ftmeftg iHiH’b ore^*~ RiS fancy dress silks ©f new and elegant S, ’s^«ri©r plain and figured black silks, in a great variety of stylus • White Glare, Brocade and White and black watered rilks; Paris primed deLaines, Ibr ladies dresses, of rich and beaatiftri style*; Small figured deLaines, (ell wool,) far childrens’ dresses; , , Superior Mosmmg dcLoincs, (all woo»>) of new and heautiful styles; Superior plain colored french mennoee, and plain colored deLaines, <d beantiftil shades; . > Superior plain white and black deLaines, and white end black merinoes; French, English, and American prints, of new and beautiful styles; Superior Fancy and Mourning Ginghams and Mourning prints; Plain colored flannels for ladies’ sacks ; Superior Welch gauze and silk warp flan nels ; Rich white, Mack nnd fancy colored crape shawls; Bay State and Scotch long shawls of beau tiful styles; Ladies’ plain black cassimere, Thibet wool and cashmere shawls, for mourning; Ladies’ black bombazines, black cbally, black alpacas, and black canton cloths; Superior 12 4 linen and cotton sheeting' ; Superior 8-4 and 10-4 damask diapers, and damask table cloths and napkins ; Huckabacks and Scotch diapers for towels; Furniture dimities and cotton fringes; large supply; A fall supply of ladies’, gcntlmens youths and misses’ hosiery; Ladies’ silk and velvet mantillas, of new and beautiful styles; Ladies' silk and velvet cloaks, of the latest Paris styles; Tapestry,velvet brussels, three ply, In grain and VenitiaU carpets, of rich and ele gant styles: With almost every article usually kept in dry goods stores, required for family or plan tation nse, and to all of which they respect fully invite the attention of the public. Augusta, Ga. Oct. 21—37 mm ANfi LBMWOKT, roa thk cot or CMgkfi, CM, (TBM. Urn CONSUMPTION. Do not neglect it. C ONSUMPTION can and has been cured ] in thousands of cases by this mtvre’s mm remedy. . Jniaont Chemical Extract of Cherry and : Lungwort.—This medicine unlike most of; he patent remedies of the day, is the result • of the careful study and experiments of a sci- 1 entitic and experienced PKysidan. The tfro ! principal ingredients, have long been known • and celebrated. Wild Cherry Bark.—When the strength of j this is properly extrarfed, is the best medicine known for euring the worst coughs and oth- i er pulmonary diseases, it loosens the plilegm i and enables the sufferer to expectorate ea sily, and alone will cure the worst cold or cough, which if neglected always lead to ; Consumption. Lungwort.—This is a plant the virtues of which are known to but few, it has been said of the most learned men of all times, that “nature has provided a remedy for l^.vswSff each and every disease,’’ and thcdiscovc- , or^NDsOEOTiOft, RHtir ries that are daily made, go to prove its : ACUTE and CHRONIC, GOBI, (ft truth. Lungwort is doubtless the remedy de- j LWJW. LUMBAGO, DEAFNESRNElWOUff signed by nature for Consumption■■. Ifc! heal- J J*EMORR PALPIT AT^O^ pAIf(a |n the guHl ing properties are truly wonderful, and the j ^ CHEST. LIVER CO.MFLAINT, SFIN AL COM ■’ *■ PLAINT, sad CURVATURE rf tha SPINE. HIP COMPLAINT, DISEASES of tW K!DNESW, DE F1CIENCY of NERVOUS and PHYSICAL EN- ERGY and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which arise ftwa one simple cause -namely, i In nig- at tbe Serve* System. arm. | a NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Dms and MtootaM tacrecte the disease, for they ****** vital a Darcies of the already prastrated eyetam i asrSv*sass?-.*«ssY;& f*;. T. S. Denny’s Drug Store, ASSAltVA. 'BSD. I S constantly receiving a fresh supply of the best and purest quality of Drugs, Medicines, 1’erfumery, Combs, Brushes, Fancy Articles, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Pu’.y, Glass, and every article usually kept in the line, from the best houses in New York and Philadelphia, and on accommo dating terms. Call and give us a trial, or send with good references, and we will satisfy that our ar ticles and prices cannot be obtained else where, superior or lower than at our estab lishment. Our sign is the Mammoth Mortar, under Council Hall, next to Gunhy & Roberts, and directly opposite to Mr. U. L. Wright’s, Whitehall Street. N. B. Physicians will find it to their ad vantage to send to a member of the Profes sion, who pledges himself to furnish them with the purest chemicals, &c., &c. Atlanta, Geo. May 6, 1852. The Manila rd Office, CAS8VXLLE. GEO. Such as Pamphlets, Handbills, Business and Professional Cards, Visiting and Ad dress Cards, Legal blanks, Posters, Blank Notes, Bill heads Circulais, Catalogues, La bels, Horse bills, Ac. Ae. Wc think we can give satisfaction both in the execution and prices of onr work, and solicit a share of the public patronage. G Rental, Gordon County.- Hi! - _ -Whereas, Hiram Montgomery applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Montgomery, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceasetC to be and appear at my offioe, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let- lets should not be granted. Given nnder mv hand at office, this 16th October, Iff52. ‘ A. STROUP, o. o. c. Oct. 21 37 30d G targla, Gordon County.—Whereas, James E. dialect and Nancy McClure apply to me for letters of a dmhiistration on the ostate of John McClure, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all. and singe lar ihe kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to rirnw cause, if any they have, why said let ten should not ha granted. Given under my hand at office, this 12th October, 1862. A. Stroup, o. o. c. oct 21—27—30d Georgia. Gilmer County. YTTHEJHBA8 Sherod James and John 8. W James, make application to aoe for letters of Administration on the estate of Bhearoff James, acn. late of said county, de- to cite and kindred mid he and Appear at my«f- eacribed by law, to any they have, vrhy said tet- my^haadat office, this20th Ordinary. Spring and Summer Goods!! L. J. PARR, Atlanta, Ga. R ESPECTFULLY informs his old custo mers and the public generally, that he has just received a large and well selected stock of Bn, Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Farmer and Meehan- teg's Tools, which lie will sell on the most accommoda ting terms His stock which is very exten sive, ami selected to srit the market, consists as follows: Rich muslin de Inines. Cashmere,merino, black watered and colored Alpaca, Jarkonet and cross-barred muslin, a fine se lection of ladies’ mitts, a general assort ment of ENGLISH PRINTS and CALICOES, French ginghams. Cashmeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Ket scys, Negro blankets, white and red Flan nels, a general assortment of Domestics. Syrnp, molasses, sugars, coffee, ten. macker el, Tobacco, Negara, Shot, Lead, Powder. Sniff. Indigo, madder, and all kinds.of Dye staffs. Swede and English roll ed Iron. Cast. German and Blistered Steel, Blacksmith Aavil*. Hammers, Vicesand Bellows. Planes, Plane Iieua, Cross, Hand and Mill saws. Nails, assort ed sises.and horse nails and shoes. K. B. Cows tut Produce bought at ff» highest matfcet prices* and goods said as lot. as can he afforded. Call and sea Ibr your selves KPAll orders promptly attended to 3 story Brick boildieg, corner of Whitehall and Alabama streets, ATLANTA, GA. i for Family Supplies, Bagging, Ac., r and carefully filled at the lowest NEW GOODS. PATTON A TRIMBLE, ADAIRSVILLE GA. H AVE the pleasure of announcing to their customers and the public generally, that they are now receiving a large and handsome stock of Spring and Summer Goods, selected with great care by one of the firm in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, which they are offering at unu sually low prices. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them, they would ask a continuance of the same, and,It they can make it the interest of all to give them a call before buying elsewhere. We still continue to take in exchange for Goods, Corn, Wheat, Peas, Bacon, Lard, Feathers, Beeswax, Tallow rad Rags. Adairsville, April 14th, 1W> A. ALEXANDER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 0RU6G1ST Atlanta, Georgia. DEALER III DRUGS, MEDICINES, English, French ami American Chemicals, Sur gical and Dented Instruments, PAINTS, Oils, Dye Stuffs and Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Brushes of all kinds. Bronzes, Fancy Soaps, Trusses. Tanners’ Tools, Druggists’ Glass Ware, Ex trace, Dentists’ Gold and Tin Foil, Porce lean Teeth, Patent Medicines, Ac. Together with a full supply of every arti cle usually found in the line, which I offer at the lowest market {.rices for cash or approv ed credit My arrangements with established houses in New Yotk, give me facilities enjoyed by few, for selling pure articles, and at the low est prices. February 12,1852. First in Market! COME IN—ONE AND ALL!—AND EXAMINE!! J. D. CARPENTER, W OULD respectfully inform his old cus tomers rad tite public generally, that he is now receiving his supplies of Fall and Winter Gooda! Consisting in pert of the following Dry Goods: Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Ken tucky Jeans, Tweeds, Winter Shawls, Ma- renos. Brocades, Delains, Alpaccas, Flan nels, Prints, Jarkonet, Swiss, Cross hawed, and dotted Muslins and Cambrics, Irish Linens, Table diapers, toweling, bed tacks sheeting, shirting rad osnaburgs, kerseys, linoeys, bed blankets, negro do. A good assortment of Rbabt-msdb Clothing, consisting of: Vests. Prate, frock, sacks, and overcoats—neat styles and well make. ROOTS fife SHOES, HATS ta OATS. Gentlemen and Ladies' Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Buggy and Wagon whips. Groceries.—Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Molai Me., fro. Hardware mad Cutlery—Nails, iron, wood HOWARD HOUSE, MARIETTA. GA. J OHN F. ARNOLD, formerly of the Ma rietta Hotel, is now at the Howard House, where he will be glad to entertain his former friends and patrons, and as many new friends as may favor him with-a call. Breakfast always ready for the up train of Cara on arrival. Marietta, Geo., May 6th, 1852. R. R. R.—PAIN. R ADWAY’S READY RELIEF will atop the most severe pains in a few min utes. In New York, hundreds who are af flicted, call at the Medical office of Rad way A Co. and hare the Ready Reliefapplied gratis. It never fails in relieving the most painful paroxysms ih fuee minutes or less. TO THK SICK OF THIS IHSTKICT If yon will call upon onr Agents and try the Relief we will guarantee your instant relief from Pun, rad a quick cure of its CITY HOTEL, ATLANTA, GEO. Corner Loyd and Decatur 8ta (About 100 yards from tbe Depot ) T aiS establishment has been recentlvfbr- nished from Ihe best houses in New York dty, rod no pains will be spared on my pan to make it one of the best houses South Time and patronage will test the above as rtion. A liberal patronage is solicited. L R BUTLER, Proprietor. Feb 12,1852. brass bound buckets. Crockery mad Glass ware, Bagging, Rnpe and Twine. All of which are offered on as n be purchased in this Cassville, Sept. 23, 1825. MUSIC BOOKS. A SUPPLY of tee Southern Harp of Columbia, Seared Ha Store, Caa [April If. NEW Plain ud OniHmtai BUGGIES FUR SALE I nriHK I cated himself in the services of Mr. Robert Meiaan, who is well known as a fine rote wood nmkman ted halving procured a mud stock of well > « . - « 9HWOW1 BBDCs, Ron ^OonOHBHBSDRroBS* min*, he is prepared to make errepeir all : will for I* 1 - Memo N< ly be lea in and judge for yenraeife*. WM. B&ADLKT N.B. Ha kales ufonmteUri rack as Gilding, tea squate, where he will 4n work be fim cash; and produce wiM be token ut 1 price*- lk* 6,1352 “ THE GLOBE HOTEL.” CASSVILLE, GA. T HE undersigned would in form the public that he 1ms taken charge of this large and commodious House, situated on the south-east corner of the pub lic square, and by his attention hope to merit a liberal patronage by the Public. His Table will he the hem that the country affords No nstns will he »,**,.11 Cassville, Geo. Sept», 1851.34-tf. 1 HARNESS MAKING. fpHE subscriber is now prepared to do aB I kinds of hanesa making rad npail ■thk shop, at the reridcnce of Bee. I"<Lw£ where he would be gtedto see s friends, and promises to execute aQ er- UtUMMVm. Aug. 26, IMS. KSW BOOK BIKBKBY IN ATLANTA. rmianbRriber bega mom itodmIMI) I Inf-1 - the eitiaens of Caurriileaad • ing country, that he haa drily iefint rate workmen and If tent work era far done in G to tea Norte, rad wiM romjmre Store, by ' WILLIAM Aug. 28, 1852. hr the RoMYtl fffid remuBent One fff aft NERVOUS DISEASE*. tad rf *ho»e Complaint, wbicfc «rt c»a«4 by ■> impaired, weakenrd or nnhe:.tby cowls tkm thff KBRVOUSSY8TKM. Thia beaatifnl and convenient application of «*>• nystarioos powers of *»ALVANIS.M andMAO JVETISM, ha» been pronounced, by ‘li»tinxawaed pbyricl*"* both in Komj,# and tbe United SUtau |0 Mm (ht Mfit rmluahit mrdicinml disetttf y •§ l»# Dr. CHRISTIE’S GALVANIC BELT and MAGNETIC FLUID, ta nad with the moat perfect and certain .areata iu aU eaaaaof fflll'BAL DS BILITY. mrangthening the weakened body, girb'it tone to BEAR IN MIND. R a a XLa Radwat’s Ready Relief will stop the MOST SEVEEE PAINS Ilf A PEW XltftTTES. And cure the most Obstinate Rheumatic, Xeu- rulgieand Nervous Complaints mfew HtUrs, Internal and External. It will stop the nu>st zcruciating Pains in from Three to fretting Sea, and hoe cured— T V Rheumatism In Four Hours,’ ; . Neuralgia In One Hbuf, Croop •< In Ten minutes, Diarrhoea ’ In fifteen minutes Toothache In One second, Spesams In Three minutes. Cramps In Three minutes, ScA Headache In fifteen minutes. Chill Fever In Fifteen minutes 1 Chill Blains / n Ten minutes, Sore Throat ^ 4!n Four hoars, Influenza In Twenty hours, Spinal Complaints, Stiff Joints, Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Wounds, Frost Bites, Chole ra Morbus, Tic Doloreux, and all other com plaints where there are severe paint, Rad way a Ready Relief will instantly stop the pain, and quickly cure the disease. Principal Office 182 Fulton St, N. Y* PRICES OF RADWAY’S REMEDIES: Radway’s Renovating Resolvent, 01 per rapidity with which it cures the worst of ulcerated lungs, soothing and subduing all irritation, almost immediately, is a proof of it3 adaption to this disease. Caution.-—To protect onr own as well as tite interest of the Consumptive sufferer, wC are obliged to caution all to find the signa ture of Coxstoce Sc Brother on tee wrap per, without this it is a worthless counter feit. Remember this. [April 1. Bast India Hair Dye. Colours the Hair and not the Skin. The dye may he applied to the hair over night, the first night turning the brightest RED oa GREY HAIR to a dark brown, and by repeating a second night, to a bright j jet black. Any person,may, therefore, with i the least possible trouble keep his hair any j dark shade or perfect black; with a ' ositive j assnranca that the dvc, if applied.© : -e skin j will not colour it. By an occasional applica- j tion, a person turning grey will never be j known to have Jirey hair. Directions com plete with the article. There is no colouring in this one can easi'y test. FOR HALE AND FEMALE.,. “ Be ye Fruitful and Multiply,” I S a command that should bt cheerfnlly obeyed by thechi.dren of men Dr. Lar- zette’s Juno Cordial, or Procreative Elixir, prescribed as aneflfectnal restorative in ca ses of Debility, Impotency, or Barrennesc, and all irregularities of nature, it is alt ttuu it professes to be, viz: Nature’s Great Resto rative, aad remedy for those in the married state without offspring. It is a certain cure for Seminal Emissions, General Debility. Gleet, weakness of the genital organs, ner vous affections, Lucorrhoca or Whites. A*- an invigorating medicine it is unequalled. Also, a certain remedy for lusipient Con sumption, Indigestion, loss of Muscular En ergy, Physical Lassitude, Females Weakness, Debility, &c. It is warranted to please the user in any of the above complaints, and is of priceless value to those without offspring. Caution.—Find the name of Comstock & Brother on the wrapper, and never buy it unless yon find the above name as it has been extensively counterfeited of late, Avoid the counterfeit as you would poison. April 8,1852. Carlton's Liniment for the Piles! I T is now used in the principal hospitals, and in the private practice in onr conn- try by an immense number of individuals and families, first and most certainly for the cure of the Piles, ami also extensively and effectually as to baffle credulity unless w) ere its effects are witnessed eternally in the fol lowing complaints: Dropsy stvelllings, rheu matism, Acute or Chronic, giving immediate ease, sore throat, bruises, sprains, burns. Ac. Sores and Uleere, whether fresh or of long standing, and fever sores. Its operation up on adults apd children in reducing rheuma tic swellings, nnd loosening coughs and tightness of the chest by relaxation of the parts,i has been surprising beyond concep tion. The common remark of those who have nsed it in the Piles, is 11 It acts like a charm.” It is warranted to please any per son that will try it. Caution.—Never bay it unless yon find the fac simile signatnre cf Comstock & Bro ther, proprietors, on the wrapper. ..-'April 8, 1852 toaatiftll te wonderful discovery, the eshemtaff roftiaat and weakened suflerer » roetoradT la tars leer health, strength, elasticity end vigor. The great peculiarity end excellence of Br. CferMteH Cakaak Cvattaro, miII-r- in the tact that they arreat and enre Me. •eM by eotwerd mpplicalion. in place of the nansl to X* Store fimffiff nt»|teiwiy rawi 4ra w TV* strengthen Ihe whale system, cfaatize the rvr- enletren sf the Mood, promote the oer.ntiims.-nna maer do the slightest injury under any cireumstontzs. Mnce their introduction in the United States, only three years since, taote then 75,000 Person* including all ages, closes and comistsosn, wiwg which were s Urge number of ladies, who are |*-eu- lierly subject to Nervous i osnplsints, have been BHTIRBIsT AND PERMANENTLY CURED,, when all hope of relief had been given op, and< •very thing else boesmtried in vain! Ta illustrate the nse of the Gulwanle Brit., suppose the case ot a pervnsi adicted with that: tame of civilisation. DYSPEPSIA, or any other Ckrone or Nervuna Disorder. In ordinary eases, stimulants are taken, which, by their action on the- ' nerves and muscles of the stomach, afford tempo- rare relief bnt which leave the patient in a lower state, end with injured faculties, after the actio* that excited has ceased. Now compare this wsth tee effect resulting from the application of the OAL- ▼ANIC BELT. Take s Dyspeptic sufferer, even, in the worst symptoms of an attack, aad simply tie the Balt around the Body, using the Magnetic plaid ae directed, la a short period tee snsen-s- bie perspiration wilt set on the positive element at thfe Belt, thereby causing a tial ramc circulation roeem, msi Imy Dys^ avineunr sth each. Radway’s Ready Relief, 25 cents, 60 cents rad 01. The Dollar Bottles contain five times tee quantify of the twenty-fire era TO PLANTERS. Thk k tl pearibly keep, aa it era be ont tester aU cir For sale at Camilla, by Jen W. Brnxn, Bole agent for Caas County: SepC 2,1833. E hart MOTS PAPER fife have jnst received a rich assortment of tbe above, at tha Cherokee . t, 1852. Comstock's Great Pain-Killer. M medicine has been discovered that is _ p happily adapted to Hse internally as taken, and yet perform sueh won- applicd externally as a wash or .friction. cents is all yon have to risk to try •it:" and as that snm e'an be no object to the proprietor, it is hoped that sneh a price can be no o'«tacle to any family, and will never prevent its trial. This u Pain-Killer” may be nsed with a success that wil] astonish the beholder, in sneh cases as the following: Cuolera mot bos. Distressing Dysentery, pain in the Side and Stomach, corns, cuts and bruises,cholera in fantum, bronchitis, healing sores on man or beast, children teething, raising blood, hoarseness, quinsy in a few hears, chilblains and frosted feet, 'spasms, prevent a blister from burns, broken breasts, measels, cramps, hurts; scratches, or torn flesh, bites or stings. Certificates to fill a volume might he pub lished, showing the wonderful effects of Comstock’s Pain Killer,” bnt they are too common,and nsed for articles of no merit; and the fifteen cent bottle wil 1 do more than a thousand unknown names to convince the' user Beware of worthless articles called Pam Killers, and never buy any bnt Comstock's. Caution.—All of the above named attic Ies are slod only by Comstock k Brother, 9 John st-, New York, to whom all orders most be directed. [April 8,1852. All the above named articles sold on- lyby JOHN W. BURKE. Cassville, Geo.— M.Matin,Trenton; E. R. Sasseen A Co, Lafayfette; Crook & Grogan, Summerville April 8. 1852. ML MILES J. MBftWY, Phtnomdical or Bsum Pamela*, Carriage Mamilaciory. BOMB. GEO. WE desire to rail the atten- £Sai tion oi the Public to the new Carriage Manufactory, located at Bone’s old stand, on Broad street, opposite tee Depot and just Mow the Hillborn House, where •ns Galvanic eircnSntion through-ml 1 Thus ft* Most severe ernes of DYSPEPSIA PERMANENTLY CURED. A FEW DAYS l*■ AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE- DISEASE OF YEARS CEIT1FICATEX AM TESTISOMAL* or Stan nwt Undeabtcd Chtrarter, Eroni all parts of the country could he given, «•*> eicnt to fill ertry colQim in thift p*p*r • AH EXTKAfRMHAftT CASE, which conclusively prove* that “Trath is itraager than Fiction.?’ curb or ■>f fl ta Bronchitis, mad By»<p»Uv REV DR. LANDIS, A CLERGYMAN ef New Jetaey, rf d»tingni*hed sttaimaenl* nil eaatted reputation:— Sidkct, New Jeriey, July Iff, I**- Da. A H CHaievic—Dear Sir: Yon wuh to kaewr St tae whs* ha* been the revolt in wj oan.cete^, ef the application of THE GALVANIC BELT: A NO* NECKLACE. My reply is ** follow*: _ For about twenty years I had heanii reffbriftf- froai Dyspepsia. Every year tha •Jinpf'ua* be- cane worse, nor could I obtain pcriaaneet relief {nm any course of medical treatment whatever*. About fourteen year* since, in conseqnencerof-dta.-. enent eaposore to the weather, in rite dischargs-ef t my pastoral dnties, 1 became subject to a setose Chronic Rheumatism, which for > 7**^- caused me indescribable anguish. Farita*: »*•' winter of ’4* and ’46, in consequence er preactWey • neat deal in my own and rations otherennrens* fatitti rreton, I was attacked by the ffrasmhto**. which soon berime sc. tevere as to require an inri mediate suspension of my pastoral mhos*. Ms* nervous system wot now thoroughly proelroted.tadl as my Bronchitis became worse, so also did my V pepsta and Rheumatic affection—thus e*mo that these diiorden were connected other throngh the medi am of the X«rwm» tern. In the whole pburnmcopa-* there ffiffiemee ti, be no remedial agent which txold rtaeh iredr recuperate my Nervour System ; every thing tera I bad tried for this parpose had completely tatted- At last I was led by my friend* to easmtne your- inventions, and (though with no venr sanguine hopes of their efficiency,) I determined to try tee effect of the application of the « A LVAKlC. Stk.T~ AND NECKLACE, with the MAGNETIC FLU It). This was in Jane, 1S4S. To wv intra*-. UKWT, «J> TWO DiTI MT DtlFhWA MAD Sfi^ly **» EIGHT PAT* I WAf KRAfll-KD TO ****** *** TAMT+- . BEL LAftOIS, *OR HAVE 1 fil.TCK OMITTK0 M «**«' irJTICK ON ACCOflflT OF THF. BtORCHITII} *** *** Rhcc mstic irrictios si* avTiaV'-y evssen to. TffiOfTBLE ml Such m the wowwnBl *** **Pn' result* of the eapeiiment I hare recommended tbe BELT rad FLUID to. manv who have been likewise suffering fimto Neu ralgic affection*. They hare tried theta, with. MATTY IMJLTfl. I IFUKYfl, IK EVEffiV CABS. , am, deer sit. ’^^^^'VaND- DR. CHRISTIE’* galvanic necklace tensed for eU eempiaints affecting the Threat# Heed, inch as Bronriuti*. ihflsmmsMra af tee Threat. Nerven* and ftsefc Headache, Dtazhsam ef, the Head. Neuralgia in tee Face, Bnxyng er Bewr- . M a tfe Ear*, Deafness,, which w psnjfe OR. CHRISTIE’S GALVANIC BRACELETS Ase found «f *»>t service in case* ef CaavaWera a- r”. Spasmodic Comptrint. end gerarelNevvra Affections Of the Heed and upper ewtseHtas Atan in Palsv and Paralysis, and ail dmdtass Mara* by s deficiency of po**' tMm *F""’ Itata er usher ervans of the *ut*u (Er- No trouble or inconvenience attenffife the nse of these articles They can he sent to* any part of the country PRICES. The Gal vanic Belt, Three Dollars . The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollars The Galvanic Bracelets, One Dollar earl The Magnetic Flnifi, One Dollar tty The articles ate scrotapeaiefi by Ml and plain directions Pamphlets trite Ml particulars may he had of the agents UpBewsre of counterfeits and viltii imitations D. C. MOREHEAD, M.D. General Agent for tee United BfiMts, 183 Broadway. New lik 8#H by John A. Erwib, CtfiriRi. Jan 22—ly tion paid to diseases of femalas.. OfHoeat B. M. Mergm't Store, appetite the OrrtererilteMrel