Newspaper Page Text
tmt NOTES.
Ordinary's Qfee, Aug. 26, l«5a.-PreseBt his
Honor Thoms* A, Wort, Ordinary of
i .T appearing to lk» court, by petition of
ThdlM unUleit, Mfgnn, tint hereto-
lo-wit; on the twenty ■second day of October,
in tbewrerof our Lord, one thousand eight
hnndred aM)<fiftj'-6ne, that Thomas J. Alex
ander, «s principal, and Jonathan McDow,
as seettrity. made and executed to Lather D.
Sen find Cfaurlahh. Hamilton, using their
•inn name of Burr-4 Hamilton, indue form
of tow ;theirhrtBd, (Ufa original of which is
now on lie in dfy office, I bindingthem selves
da the sum of twelre hundred dollars, con.
ditiooed to be void If the Said Tbdnms J.
Alexander, or said Jonathan McDow for him,
'horrid make or cause tofee’inafle utoeod ami
MtOeient title In fee-simpie'to -said Barr ft
Hamiltonor-their assigns, to-half of town
4ot in the town df Adairsvilitvin coonty,
litnown as the North half of tot number six,
tn the plan of said -town, and lot diumber
seven, in the plan -of raid town, fforty feet
tfront and running righ^' f«-ct uni>k from
street; and it appeasim; that TMmcs-tl. Al
exander departed this life some time in the
year 1851, without making titles to said town
lots above described ; and it nppearingto the
court that Bnrr’fc'Huinilton. on the tidy
■Of ,eighteen hundred and fifty-two, da
ily assigned anti transferred said Itorid to pe-
nioner/ior TtrincTeccivcd; and -it -appearing
also to the court that said Thomas Hamilton
is ready and willing,at any lime, to pay any
balance that may l»c doc upon scttjeinent of
the purchase money tor said town lots that
may-remain unpaid:
VVhtrcujmn it is ordered by the court, that
all persons concerned.'do tile their objections
in writing to- the Ordinary, on or before the
first Monday in December next, if any they
have, why Jonathan McDow, executor of the
said Thomas J. Alexander, deceased, should
not make, or cause to be made, good cud
sufficient titles as aforesaid, to said Thomas
umilton,assignee of sttill bond; and upon
(ailure to do so, the said prayer of petition
will be granted
A true transcript from the. minutes of the
court of Ordinary, this 26ih dav of August,
1852. T. A. WOflD. OrilV.
Sept. 2—!iC—3m 'lb 's fee 'ST5
\\ HEREAS, W. C. Wvly; executor on
” the estate of .James Talbot, late of
Cass county, deeeased, applies to me lor let
ters of dismission from said estate::
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all, and singular the kindred and creditors
of aaid deceased, to be and appear at niy
office, within the time prescribed by law, to
show 'cause, if any they have, why said let
ters should not be grunted.
Given under my hand at office, this. 2d
August, 1852. * T A. WORD, o.c. c.
Aug. 5 ■ 26 Gim
TOOLLED before mu fo Wmu G Wyly of
1 the 938th distort. G. M. ftbfadk wn
mule, about four or five years oHL about
four feet, five or six baches high, no
This .
G. Denman to be worth
Aug. 5th, 1852.
A trae. extract from the EstnybotL Oc
tober 22d, 1852. m
J. D. PKILUEg, c. i.«.
Oct. 28. , '
ALL persons concerned are hereby notified
iytlih, sixty days after date, I shall apply
to Thomas A. Word, Ordinary of ssid conn-
iyH«tS*o to tell Hie land and negroes' he
longing to the estate of the late Jobe Vaugfi-
au. deceased, for die benefit of the heirs of
said deceased, dAS. VAUGHAN. Adm’r
Sspt 9 "SI 2m
A '{JREE AB LY^osn order of the Jtonor-
Zjl able OrBipary of Cass co.. wig 'be sold
on the 1st Titesdsfy in. December, at Cass,
vide, Geo., between fi e usual hours of sale,
the following negroes: Elisha; a man, 22
year? old; iorti, 2"; Jim. 19; Peter, 25 :
Henry, 15; Solomon, 63: Jinny, a woman,
40: Susan, 50; Litha, 38, and her boy, 3;
Martha, 26, and her child, foutethontis old-;,
Adalinc, 14; Jerry. 12; Polk,9; Allen, 8;
Caroline, 5 . Ophelia, 4; also, the follow
ing lands.- Lots >'os. 288, ?tl, forty-eight
acres of '254, half acre of 255. forty acres,
more or less of the north line of 278, all in
the 5th district and 3d section of Cass coun
ty. Sold as the property of Sinclair Me-
Multen. for the benefit of the heirs. Terms
on tire dav.
Oct. 21— :fr--tds.
QN the fine Turedsy fa December next,
_ wUI he sold before the court hoeae doer
in the towwof GaarviDe, the following pup-
“Lou** land Nm.281, In foe l«h die-
and 3d section. 24, 26 and 29, in the
district *and 3d section of Caa# county
Sfijoa at the property uf Ptolfitey O'
Brien ; also two kite of land ia the 21st dis
trict and Hkeeetion of Care meaty, known
as AlpMas Wtiber s, a niece now owned by
John T. StcphAiaa—the above levied on
to satisfy a fLfoSjsaiied from Casa Safe#
Court, in fitvoror J D. Phillips vs. Ptei
mey O'Brien, Ridtel O’Brien, JohnT- Ste
in the 5th dis-
Leak Ts.
of G.
out by
-Georgia, Dade County.
W HEREAS Joel Halsey, administrator
of the Estate of Richard Chitwood,
date of said county, deceased, m ikes applica
tion to me for Lotteis of Dismission from
.said Estate:
These ure therefore to cite and admonish
-all and singular,the kindred and creditors of
•said deceased, to be and appear at my Office
within the time prescribed by law, to show
•cause (if any they have) wjiy said letters
.-should not be granted.
Given under tny hand and official .signa
ture at Office in Trenton. April 15th, 1852.
May 18,1852,—6m.
Gilmer Superior court, April Term, 1852,
Present the Honorable liavid Irwin,Judge
of said court.
? Libel for divorce in Gilmer
ihn Caliban, $ Superior Court.
pearing to the court l»y the return of
.- nerifF, tiiat the defendant resides out
. • umv, audit farther appearing to
i ■ that the defendant resides out of
- is,on morion, ordered tiiat said
.. let- lant appear and answer at the next
; ’:-ni of this court, or that the case he consul-
et -d ai Jofsult. and the plaintiff allowed fo
n. : .ecd :_ and it is further ordered,-, that this
rule be published once a mouth, for four
mouths, in the Cassvillc Standard, previous
to the next term of this court. This Mav
5th, 1852. DAV1I) IRWIN.*, s. C.
Chastain - ft Young. -pl’ff'k-uif’ys.
A true extract from the minutes of conn,
this May 5th, 1852.
R. B. PERRY, Clerk.
July 15—23—4m [ Pr’s tee. $10 *
Georght, Cass County.
YD11EREAS James Strain, administrator
*» of tlie Estate of Jacob Stroup, di*c’d,
applies to me for Letters Disntissory from
said administration.
These arc therefore fo cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to he and appear at
my office within the time prescribed by law
to show cause (if any exist) why said Letters
should not be granted. Given under mv
hand at office, this 21st of September. 1852.
THOMAS A. WORD, Ordinary.
Sept. 23—6m—*
W HEREAS Lewis Tumlin, administra
tor of the Estate ofTtnri Tumlin,late
of said county, deceased, applies to me for
Letters Dismissory Rom said administra
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all and singular the kindred and creditors
of said deceased, to be and appear at my of
fice, within the time prescribed by law, to
show cause, (if any exist) why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 16th
Sept. 18-52.
THOMAS A. WORD, Ordinary.
Sept. 23—6m.
O N Wednesday, the first day of December
next, will be sold, st the late -residence
of Sinclair McMullen .‘deceased, near Cass
villc, the following property, to-wit: Stock
of all kinds, Huclt as, horse*, *wrtv«, mules,
hogs, sheep, ; also the household and
kitchen furniture; atso,a large lot of corn,
wheat, cotton,oats, fodder, and the plan
tation tools ’SoIS as (he 'property of the
said dtxased, for the hem-fit of his heirs.—
Sale to continue from day to day until all
is sold. Terms on '(he -flan-.
Oet. 21—37—tds "
W ILL be sold on (tie first Tuesday in
December next, More the court-house
door in Cassvillc, the following negroes, to-
wit: Seaborn, a man ; Charlotte.a women*;
Minerva, a woman ; Rosilla, a girl; Bill, a
boy; Perry, a l>oy ; George, a l>oy, and a girl
ehiId of Miucrva. Sold as tlie property of
iriliintn Gordon, deceased, under his last
wiir -Hid testament; for the benefit of tbc
heirs and creditors of -said estate. Terms on
the day of sale.
W. C. WYEY, Ex r.
Oct. 21—37- t«Ts
T WO months after date, application wM
be made to Thomas A. Word, Ordi
nary for said county , for leave to Rcfi one
house and k>t In the town of Cassvillc, be
longing .to the estate of Williamson Earp,
late of Cass countv, deceased. This 17th
Sci*t-1-854*. ' WM. EARP, Adm’r.
Sept. 23—2m
tiff in fi. fo.
South half of lot No,
trict and 3d section of
on tosat&fy • 0. fo. issued
nor court, in fovor of
Jonathan D. Philipa, adau
W. Underwood. Property
J. I), Philips,
Lot^iiu. 1290 and 1291, R- thir 21st dis
trict rad 2d section—Levied cm to satisfy
five Justice*’ court fi. las. all in favor of
Moon A Thomas'vs. ll'm. J- Chastain.—t
Property pointed -out by defendantin fi. fa-
Levies madetmUAeturned to me by a boil*
Part of i.ot"No. 24o, m the 5th district
and 3tl section of Cass county, being one
hundred acres of Ahe east JuJf of
Levied on by threeytRticete-cotift fi.
one in fovor of Danlap & Mitchell, controK
fd by Gillilands ft Howell; one in fovot -«f
John L. Lewis, and one in fovrtr of ’Sfoenri
Smith and U. Cannon; administrators of
N. H. Bullock, deceased, vs. Woodford
Bumgarner, as the property of said Bum
garner. Tferfed mid fotiittied'to mc hyUt
Also the same above described part of
lot of land, will be sold und£rthree- o.dcro
ot sale issued foom the Superior court of
Csss tonnty, founded on attachments, one
in favor of Lemuel Dillard, one in fovor of
Sullivan ft Erwin, and one John A. Erwitt.
vs. said Woodford BnasgantA, as the prop
erty of said Bumgarner
Lot No. 828, in the 4th disk and Sd sec
tion—^Levied on to satisfy k fi. "fo. issued
from Cass Superior court, in fovor of Town*
send, Arnold & Co. vs. Moses M. Km. -
Projierty pointed out by plaintiff's attor
Lot of household and HtShta furniture,
consisting of tables, chairs, beds, and bed-
"teads, mattrassea. table disbes L .forcing
glasses, and other property of like charac
ter; also a double-barrel idiot gun, two
-eoWE-Stnd calves, and one sow. Levied on
to satisfy three A. fits, issued from Cass Su
perior court; One in fovor of Townsend,
Arnold & Co. rs. Win. U. Massengale ; one
in favor cf Win. Parrish, vs. Wm. IL >1 as
semble ; the other in fovorof Howard and
Gardner vs. Wm. H. Mnsseugale. Proper
ty pointed qfit by defendantin fi. fa.
„ thwr imweMitt,
. .. -»he prapriMWs ef the above unit
tahUsbmem.aie now pteuated to exeeote all
eafcvxlbtr rverwdeSeripMOBefcastioBi at tha
-shortest 6otfeettd*ihTIte hwt%htdn£.
to&- *8. Co’s 4 Car Builders.
We are prepared to munufocMre CbiOeo
niiroad ear and engine wheels of every kind
equal to any wheels mauafeetured at the
Northern audlfopgrior to *ny thankfocthicd
at trtfy Southern FofitWfy, end fit prices as
lour as iny I fii« can be dtlivtKd THjffi arty
other establishment. J -* r ,
Also, trd Other descriptions of enghih and
ear eastings, WfMtou^ertrucks, also,caft intis
water pipes, Water wheels,&larans, Lamp
s, cemetery and <*her railings, bridge
> of every description, palRt» v sf * J "
hangers of all kinds. _ "" .
fflrafDRR ft SHEAR
received tbetr fall suppBea ef Sta-
and fancy Dry Goods, sfiitable for
' Non, emmeing one of the lar-
ats averafihrefito 4he ttskfir,
uawpc wluch afd— *
'Rich fancy dross silks <wf qew and degapt
Superiorplafii add figured black sUks, in *
a sHat variety of styles: -
White Glaro, Brocade and White
black watered silks'; ,. j
. Paris pfititifi'BeLalhcs, foe ladies' dresses,
fifHehandfi«?hiiftT*fylee;"- ^
EmMlffigared detunes, fall wod^ *fcr'
- ... -.
Fartimlar attention paX to the m^nafac-
tart of frogs,sir itches, etc.
Mill and gin gearing of owri description,
furnislted of the best material and workman-
ship at tbe tawest piictik-' * vU Ve
Particular attention paid to- the manufee-
tpre of ploaglis and plough castings of all
kinds ha ring purchased the patterns af the
late firm of Taliaferro ft- Torbett, a supply
will lie constantly oa baud.
ill uc constantly on ummi. • j#wt styles •
Tbe proprietors of the “ American Iron Ladies’ niain
OJUiJrv w Katniv mantioat *
Foundrybeing piectical mechanics, and
having tbc establishment auder their owa
superintendence, an 1 employing none but the
best workmen, confidenrir assert that they
can manufacture all descriptions of castings
and ear work, equal in quality and at as low
prices as can be furnished by any other es-
-tabiislinicnt North or South. They hope,
Ut£t&bt'e, by strict attention to business and
punctuality in fulfilling their contracts, to
merit the patronage and encouragement of
^>lroad companies, and all other
parties requiring castings,or car work done
Of .new tfld «nwm v4K?) ,
Superior plain'colored French merinoes,
find plain roIorcd'dcLaincs, *of beautiful
shadcV; ■-'* * ■ >-'
Superior plam white add bfock daLaiucs,
and shite and black tueriqocs;
French, English, and American prints, of
rar and beautiful style*; - '
Supefltfr^gBcy and Mourning Ginghams
and Mounting prints', ,
Plain colored flannels for iaSletfiMb;
Superior Welch gauze and silk warp flan
nels ;
Rich white, black and faaaycolored crape
N otice.—All persons indebted to the es
tate ot Wm. Gordon, deceased, are re
quested to come forward *ni make payment,
& all persons having claims against said es
tate, areqrcttircd to present them in terms of
the law.
W. C. WYLY, Ex’r.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of R.',
M. Baanwell, deceased, are requested to
come forward and make payment, and all
those having demands against said deceased,
are required to present them in terms of the
Oct 7 35 dfld.
T WO months after date application will
be made to tlie Ordinary of Pass coun
ty, for foai c to sell the real estate rtf John S.
Randle, deeeased.
Sept 9
„ Gordon County.—Whereas,
Hiram Montgomery applies to me for
letters 'of administration on the estate of
Thomas Montgomery, late of said county,
These ate therefore to cite and admonish
all, and singular the kindred and creditors
of saiddeoeased, to _be and appear at my
office, within the time prescribed by law, to
■how cause, if any thev have, why said let-
ten should not be granted.
Given under my bund at office, this 15th
October. 1852. A. STROUP, o. c. c.
<**•21 37 30d
G ejfyiA Gordon County.—Whereas,
James E. dfolock and Nancy McClure
apply to me for letters of administration on
Hfo rafofo of John McClure, late of sffid
county, deceased—
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all, and singular the kindred and creditors
of saiddeoeased, to be and appear at my
office, within the tints prescribed by law, to
show erase. If any tig have, why said let-
ten should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 12th
1852. A. Stroup, o. o. c.
Georgia. Gilmer County.
TT7JIEREAS Sherod James and John S.
** Ann, make application to me for
i of Administration on the estate of
, ten. late of said eoonty, de-
These are therefore to rite and
II aad ringnlar the kindred and crpditots
NEATLY executed at
The Mandard Office,
Such as Paniplilcts, Handbills, Business
and Professional Cards, Visiting ami Ad
dress Cards, Legal blanks,' Posters, Blank
Notes, Bill heads Clrculai s. Catalogues,^La
bels, Horse bills, &c. ftc.
We think we can give satisfaction both fn
die execution and prices' of our work, and
solicit a share of the public patronage.
One lit of l)tnd, number not known, lying
in the 5th tlisirict and 3d section, known as
the place thiit Alexander Williams now
lives on; alsdone buggy and harness. The
above property levied on to satisfy a fi. fo,
in fovor of John A. Erwin vs. Alexander
Williams. -Pfoperty pointed out by plain
tiff in fi. fa.
Lot No. 5J{, in the 5th district and Sd
section of Cass county. Levied on to sat
isfy two fi. fax from the Inferior court of the
828th district G. M. one in fovor of John
A. Stuart vs. Jonathan White; the other
in favor of Thomas G. Dunlap vs.JJonathan
White. Levied on and returned to me by
a BaiKR
All that portion of lots of land Nos; 866,
861, and^862, which lies on the north side
of tho Etowah river, commencing at the
centre of said stream. Levied on as the
property of Vincent Brown, by virtue of a
fi. fo. from Cass Suporior court, in favor ol
Jeffers Cothran ft Co. against the said Vin
cent Brown, and other fi. few, from said
court, in favor of its officers. ,
• * £■ A. BROWN'D. Sh’&
Nov. 4, 1751
cheaply and expeditieaslv.
Augusta, Ga.
Wc are chained to rdfer 'to 'the 'following
named gentleman:
Hon. John P. King, President Geo. R.K
F C. Anns, Esq., Supk Otto. R. R.
■Wtt. Hrtrffih •Esq .’SUp’t Motive Power
Hon. Wm. E. Hearing, Angu-ta.
Wm. K. Kitchen, “
Hugh O’Neil. ’“
Wtt. H GeodJit-'li, v , i “
Wm. Ualihrin, Sup’t^flotivc Power. W &
A. R. R , Atlautc.
Richard Peters, Atlanta.
George Robinson, Hnmliarg.% 0.
G. T. Oglesby, <5ffr Mannfaetnrer,' Angus
to- * [duly 29—25—6ms
black eaestmere, Thibet wool
and cashmere shawls, for mourning;
Ladies’ black bombasines, black ebally,
black alpacas, and black canton cloths;
Superior 12-4 linen and cotton sheetings;
Superior 9-4 and 10-4 damask diapers, and
damask table doths and napkins;
Huckabacks and Scotch diapers far towels;
Furniture dimities and cotton fringes', a
large scpply;
A fail supply of ladies’, "cnHlnens , youths’
and misses’ hosiery ;
Ladies’ silk and'velvet mantillas, of new
and beautiful styles;
Ladies' silk and velvet cloaks, of the lates t
Paris styles;
Tapestry, velvet brussels, three ply, In
grain and Veuitian carpets, of rich and ele
gant styles: '
With almost every article usually kept in
dry goods stores, required for family or plan
tation use, and to all of which thev respect
fully Invite the attention of the public.
A'ttgusta, Ga. Oct. 21—37
Cass Mortgage Sale.
Lots of land Nos, 225, 226, 278, and 280,
in the 21st district and 2d section. Levied
on to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from.
Cass Superior courVin favor of Jas. Strain v«
and Alexander Stroup, administrator* of think thev can
One brick Wise and lot in the town of
Cassvillc, situated And lying immediately
cast of the storehouse, and by Hankin? F.
Price; also the dwelling house, with two
Wtes more or less, known as the dwelling
house of Thomas G. Dnulap. Levied on
to satisfy a mortgage fi. fo. issued from Cass
Superior court, in fovot of Chamberlain
& Bancroft vs. Thomas G. Dunlap, l^roper-
ty pointed out in said fi. fr,
Lot No. 282, in tic 4th district and 3d
section; also twenty-five hundred pounds,
3»ore or less, of seed cotton jAlso six barrels
moreorles^ ol corn. Leyied on to sifiisfS
twdfi. fas. 1 — a ‘ J “—
WM, Jl.
now receiving direct from New- York',
Philadelphia, &c., the most beautiful
stock of staple and fancy goods ever 6petted
in this market. The following, in part com
pose his stock:—Dry goods of almost every
variety, hard warc,boots and shoes, saddlery,
ready made clothing, hats and caps, straw
goods umbrellas -and parasols, books and
stationary, fancy g6odS, t6ya,'j£'w‘t Iry. crock -
err, glass ware, sugar and coffee, molasses,
salt, iron, nails, medicine, oils points, &e.,
which he will sell on reasonable terms.—
Feeling grateful for past favors, he hopes
that his old friends will continue their pat
ronage, and that-the public generally -wiH
call and examine his stock, before purchas
ing elsewhere. Produce taken fok goods, at
market pricea. Store on K. Road street
formerly occupied by J. R. Knott,
Sep*. 23—33—3m
customers and the public generally,
that they are now receiving a large aiid
handsome stock of Spring and Summer
Goods, selected with great care by one of
the firm in New York, Philadelphia and
Baltimore, which they are offering at unu
sually low prices. Thankful for the liberal
patronage heretofore extended to them, they
would askn eontinuance of the same, and
* ' ~ an make it the interest Of all to
give them a call before baying elsewhere.
We still continue to take in exchange for
Goods, Corn, Wheat. Peas, Bacon,
Feathers, Beeswax, Tallow and Rags.
AdairsYiUe, April 14th, 1852.
u,-. T. S. Denny’s Drug
AlTjUAUffA, ©B0.
I S constantly receiving a fresh supply of
the best find purest qufelify of Drugs,
Medicines, Perfumery, Combs, Brushes,
Fancy Articles, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs,
Po*..y, Glass, anfiTT^ry article usuaUykcpt
in the line, from the best houses in New
.York and Philadelphia, and oa accommo
dating terms.
Ctdl and give us a trial, or send with
references, and we will satisfy ’that off
ticles and prices cannot be obtained else
.Where, superior or lower than at our estab
Owe sign is the Mammoth Aortdr, Under
Council Hall, next to Gunby ft Roberts, and
directly opposite to Mr. U. L. Wright’s,
Whitehall Street.
N. B. Physicians will find It to their ad
vantage to send to a member of the Profes
sion, who pledges himself to furnish fRem
with the purest chemicals, Ac., ftc.
Atlanta, Geo. May 6, 1852/
IXSSUMPTOOX ban and hs* been etirtd
thousands of eases by this natut* '*
JtA6w» Chmiedl Extract of Cherry untt.
laafyuork—Tfafa. medicine unlike post of
he patent remedies pi the day, is the result
of the careful study and experiments of a sci-
entific and experienced Phyttiian. The two ^
principal ingredients, have long been known!
*nd celebrated. ^
Wild dterry Hfrk —When the a
this Jut properly ext) acted, jj*. the beet j
rat of t
-Tiiit UrtMlWaM eraveaiww
nary diseases, it Ibosens tRe pldegmj {
enables the sufferer to expectorate ea-
say,rad «lm.e will enre the^orotcoMor fjUMmf
cough, hfl^i ff Tieglectod always.lead to . t-^ - * ■*—-*■-
Consumption. .. . iV ,
Lungwort.—This, is a plant the virtues of
which are known to but few, it has been
said of tlte 'Tnost learned men of airtimes,
that »nature-has jfrovitted «. remedy for’
each and every disease,’’ and the discove
ries . that are daily. made, go to prove its
truth. Lungwort is doubtless the remedy de
signed by nature for Consumption. Its heal
ing properties are truly wonderful; and the
rapidity with which it cures the worst eases
of ulceratqd lungs, soothing and. subduing
all irritation, almost immediately, is a proof
of its adaption to this disease.
Atlanta, Georgia
drug's, ftEDIClNES,
English, French ana American Chemicals, «SW-
ificnl and Dental Instruments,
PAINTS, Gils, Dye Stuff* afrd Window
Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Article's, Brushes
of all kinds, Bronzes, Fancy Soaps, Trusses,
Tanners’ Tpols, Drnggists' Glass Ware, Ex
tracts, Dentists Gold and Tin Foil, Force-
lean Teeth,Patent Medi'-ines, ftc.
Together with a full supply rtf every arti
cle usually found in the line, which T offer at
:the lowest market j rices lor cash dr approv
ed credit
My arrangements with established houses
in New Yoik’, ’give me facilities enjoyed kv
few, for selling pure artfcles, and at the low
est prices,
February 12,1852.
rietta Hotel, is now at the
Spring and Summer Goods !J
Atlanta, Ga*
R espectfully informs his aid custo
mers and the public generally, that he
has jnst received a large and Well selected
stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Cutlery, Farmer and Mechan
ics' s Tools,
which lie.will sell bn the most accommoda
ting terms His stock which ia tefy exten
sive, and selected to srit the mfirket‘consists
as follows:
Rich muslin de lames, Cashmcre,*Tjicrino,
black watered add colored Alpaca,
Jackonet and cross-batted touslin, a fitte st
lection of ladies’ mitts, a generaLassort-
ment of ENGLISH PRINTS and
CALICOES. Frettch ginghams.
Cashmeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jearts, Iter-
seys, Negre> blankets, withe and red Flan
nels, a generarassorttnem of Domestics.
Syrup, molasses, sugars, coffee, tea, mackef-
*1, Tobacco, Segars, Shot, Lead,
Powdef. Sncff. Indlgrt, madder, aM all
kinds of DyewuffiS; Swede and English roll
ed Iron, Cast, Gefmau and Blistered
-Steel, Blacksmith Auviht, Hammero,
Vices and Bellows, Planet, Pine Irons,
Cross, Hand ami Mill saws. Kails, assort
ed sites, and horse nails and sltbaft
X-B. Cocxffit PjtoiMJcn bought at ftr
highest market prices, and godfls told as fail*
as can be afforded. Call and sc o’ fiar. your
selves. E7"A11 orders promptly attended fit.
3 story Brick building, corner of WhitdMll
and Alabama streets, ATLANTA, GA.
onein favor of Howell Cobb, Governor, va.
Enos Sneat ft Jiemnel Philips; the other in
fovor of Charles M. Griffin, vs. Lemuel
Phillips & William Headen.
Nov. 4,1852.
Administrator’s Sato
A GREEABLY to an order of tie Ordi-
XX nary of Gwinnett county, will be raid
on the first Tuesday in January next, bc-
fofe.thfe court-house door in CasstOfa, the
following: Lotof land; Ne»98 s ih the 16th
district and 3d section of Cass eo, contain
ing 163acres, more ot,Iess. Sold as the
property trf Jaarasl^ekridge, deceased, for
tie benefit of the heir*. Terms on the day
Paulding Sheriff Sales.
O N the first Tuesday fai Deee^ber .
will be sold, before 1 the cbdft-housedaor
in the town «t Dffiias,’ l**ui0i-'g county,
within the usual hours of sale, the folio wing
property to wit:
One Lot of Land No. lflft, in tie I9ti
disttfat And 3d Section; R*ritd on astis
property rtf Wn. Y. Moore to satisfy one fi.
fib in fovor of 11. T. Mcdnrdy vk W«a. -Y.
Moore, issued from a Justfae’s coi
on'and returned to aae bv d '
of Octobe-; 1852.
■4* - ^ ^ 17 WHITE, EL ShV.
IwOT. 2j iWs.
tie Mar-
- . . . Howard
House, where he will he glad to entertain
his former friends and patrons, and as many
new friends as m^y fovor him with a caU.
Breakfast always ready for thp up train of
Cars on arrival.
Marietta, Geo., May 6th, 18-52:
Confer Loyd and Decatur Sts
(A boat 100 yards from the Depot. )
T HIS establishment ba$ Heeii reverttlb fhr-
nished from the best houses in New York
city, and no pains will be spared ok mv pari
to make it one of the hast houses South.
Time and patronage will test the aboveas
tertian. A liberal patronage is solicited.
L R BUTLER, Proprietor.
Feb 13,1852. - - -
rfUIE undersigned wbalfl in 11
A Wnh the plfblle that fib has
tafePh clisWgb Of tl.lS large and
commodious House, situated on
the south-east renter of;tie pub
lic square, and by hU 'aK6ntfon
aid care hoirt fo Uteirtt rt ltberfi pa
Pufaib' Hb tdhi
fry the
that the c
spared (a
will tie tie best
JLl stop the most severe pains in a few min
utes. In Xcw York, hundreds who are af
flicted, call at the Medical office of Rad wav
ft Co. and ha/e the-Ready Relief applied
gratis. It never foils in relieving this most
painful parexirSms infee minutes or le*(.
If yju will call upon oar Agents and try
the Relief we will guarantee your instant
relief from Pain, and a quick cure, of its
■ Bear in mind.
Sadvat’s Beast Keuef wiu, stop the
And cure the most Obstinate Bheuekutiet, Hew
ralgic and Nervous Complaints in a few Hours,
Internal and External. It will stop the burnt
Excruciating Painsfrifmut three hfre Min-
«te*. uud bo* mired—
In Four Hours,
In One Hour,
In Ten minutes,
In fifteen mhmtort
fo Qnb rertdhd;
In Three ifiindtee;
In Three minutes.
In Fifteen minutes,
In Fifteen minutes’
In Ten minutes,
In Four hours.
In Twenty hours,
-Sp!hSl Cahtplaints, Stiff Joints, Strains,
raises. Cute, Wounds, Eroat Bites, Chole
ra Morbus, UrtDahwenx, and au other eom-
plaiuts where there are severe pains, Rad-
way s Ready Relief will instantly stop tie
pin, and ([metijr cure tie iiieale.
Principal Office 162 Fulton St, N. Y-
Sick : _
Sore Throat
0m r **7)mw
all ecmfortable that may call.
Car svi!!e,Oe0. Sept. 35,1851.34-tt
Dae^ess making
I now jEepmed to do all
No nrtins will he .^^Radwa^a Renovating Resolvent, fl per
R*dway# Ready Relief, 25eent»,5«eents
and $1.
Urn Dollar Bottles contam five tuiaes tie
quantity of tie twenty-fire* cent bottles.
IBi is tie tfafatd Medicine yrtn j
Caution.—To protect our own. as wefl re
the interest of tie Consumptive sufferer, we
are obliged to caution all to find tie signa
ture of Comstock ft Brother on the wrap
per, without this it is a worthless counter-
frit. Remember this. [April 1.
Bast India HairPye,
Colours the Hair and not the Skin.
The dye may be applied to the hair over
night, the first night turning **’“ ’ ’ ’’ * ‘
and by repeating a second night,
jet black. Any person, r
the least possible tronble
dark shade or perfect bl
ussuraneo tiiat the dye, if applied;o be "skin
will not co’onr it. By an oeeasioual applica
tion, a person taming grev will never be
knbVti *to have Jfrey'hair. * Directions com
plete withthe article. There is no. colouring
in this one can easily test.
’ 1 ‘ Be Jfe Fruitful ail’d Multiply,”
I S a command that should b« cheerfully
obeyed by tltecbi dren of men. Dr. Lar-
zetie’s Juno. Cordial, or Procreative Elixir,
prescribed as ancfTectual restoratit’e 'in ca
ses of Debility, Impotcncy, or Barrenness,
and all irregularities of nature. It is all that
it professes to be, viz: Nature's Great Resto
rative, and remedy for those fn the married
stale without offspring. It Ys ‘i ec’rtatn cure
for Seminal Emissions, General Debility.
Gleet, weakness ef the genital organs, ner
vous affections, Lucorrhoca or Whites. As
an invigorating imdieinc it is unequalled,
Also, a certain remedy for Insipidit Q,n-
snmption, Indigestfon. loss of Musenlftr En-
e%y. Physical Lass/tffde, Females Weakness,
Debility, &c. It is warranted '^ please the
user |n any of the above complaints, and is
of priceless value to those without Offspring.
Caution.—Find the "name ot Comstock ft
Brother on tlie wrapjier, and never boy it
nnlcss yon find tire above name as it has
been extensively counterfcifed of late. Avoid
the counterfeit as you would poison.
April 8,1853.
Carlton's Liniment for the Piles!
I T is now used in the principal hospitals,
artd Hi tlie priVite practice-in our coun
try by an ini mease ndmbcr of iitdividaHls
and families, first and most certainly for the
cure o( tit Piles, and also extensively and
effectually at to baffle credulity unless where
its effects are witnessed etdWfttty in the fol
lowing complaints : Dro;»?y swelllings, rheu
matism, Acute or Cltronie,"giving immediate
ease, sore throat, bruises, s| rains, burns, ftc.
Sores and Cl-ers, whether fresh or of long
standing, and fever sores. Its operatkm^up-
on adults^ and children in rediietug rheuma
tic swellings, and loosening congbs and
tightness of the chest* by relaxation of the:
paris.> has been surprising beyond concept
tion. The common remark of those who.
have used it In the Piles, is u It acts like a
charm.” It is warranted to triease anv per
son that will try it. *
CactiON.—Never bay it nnlcss you find
tbe file simile siguatnre cf Comstock ft Bro
ther, proprietors, on the wrapper.
X April 8, 7852.
Comstock's Great Pain-Killer.
K O'medicine has been discovered that is
so happily adapted to use internally as
drops to be taken, and yet perform such won-
ders vflrcu applied externally as a wash or
hath, by friction. ... '
Fifteen cents is all yon have to risk to tnr
it: and as that snm can be no oi^ect to the
proprietor, it is hoped that Such a price can
be no obstacle to any family, and will never
prevent its trial.
ThisPain-Killer” mov be used with a
success that will astonish the beholder, in
such cases as the following: Cuoleramot bus,
Distressing Dysentery, pain in the fide and
Stomach, 'corns, cuts and braises,cholera in
fantum, bronchitis, healing sores on man. or
beast, children teething, raising blood,
hoarseness, quinsy in a few boars, chilblains
and frosted feet, spasms, prevent a blister
from boras, broken breasts, measets, cramps,
hurts, scratches, or torn flesh, bites or stings.
Certificates to fill a rolame might he pah.
lished, showing the wonderful effects of
“Comstock’s pain 'Killer,” buttheyare too
common, and used for articles rtf’ no ment: :
and the fifteen cent bottle iriP do' more than
• thousand unknown names tqfgavince the
famt'i . „
ia all emia af ‘
OfflKgtL BBIltltT, „
giving nra to
— m __J u«« mianar *' *
PA14T, 6IOTWA « l
DATUM, ACUTE and Cllk., ,
urn, iaJms AOOi DKAFSEsn; . _
psmplsisw urine ft— am simple tmnm ■tentety, " '- N
4 Rre—fpit sff dm fa
oa- U NfittadS COMPbAfo
umtudrrmtr the iiurn tort!
The gnat paeqli*ri>)i aart emsUriidnir^
IB MnurtlMUBf. -1
r !!\ '** mcrrljns, mud, >
slightest injvey rutier uni ciifanliun
wtrodrtcUsn m.the tnrtwl Stare. Miy ,
more than
Jt'ilsOOO Per.sonh
iBt'tnding an classes And cmwitsiu.. eisMsng
which ■WssjArfeusmbcrot Ume-. wDi.sre t«Tn- '
liarly satuSci tn Nervous t omplainu, have treu.
BBTIBELT and permanently cubed.
whea all hope ef nfief bad bees given fa sml
evetj thiag eUe beca tried is vain:
To fftah^fta tho use of the Gnlvaulc Nets,
sopfnee tho ease at i person' afflicted with Hint
baaa sf cWilixatira. DVSPEPStA, or. any ether
Chronic or Nerenns Disorder. In ordinary .
ttlwalasm am takes, ‘ which, by their action on tup '
serves and ■melee of the stomach, atfeni iesrpe, -
rary relief; bat which leave the poiieiit in a lower .
fasts, asd with injered {acsHies, after the adfien
thus excited has ceased. ' Now compare this woh ,
the effect malting from the appliStluOnf tbiltAb-
TANIQ BELT. Taka a Dyspeptic setferer. even
to the wont symptoms of an attack asd simply
fit the tilt errand the Body, using the Magnetic
rtnid as. directed. Is a short penud tho nwss-v-
hie perepirxtson will act oa the positive etemeu'
ef the holt, thereby eohsnsg e Uelveniccii
Or the nett tJndeebbd Ctusrwrter,
fns all parte of the coaotry coaid be given, eudt
crest to 6U every eotamo is Hus pepdr: ’
which eoselssively proves that r r-»xsi»
“ Truth 1* ftrangwr than fiction.’
cvti or ■: V ’ ■
UremUm, Broncbltb, and Pyiptpsfa,
rev dr. land#, i Clergyman
Sf New Jersey, of distingmrhaii attainmeets end
exalted repots torn
"ts Sisacv, New JerVey, Jnly H, IW9.
De. A. H CHBievre—Dear Sfri'Veo wtsktohiunr
sf me what has bees the revolt in an own cm.
ef me application of THK GALVANIC RKtT AND
Necklace. JMy reply is nlollowe :
For about twenty years. L hod here suffering
from Dyspepsia. Every year the fjratstnws be*
came worse mi. could 1 oMaiw parrthaasf relief
from any course of medical treatment whatever.
About Jourtnn year; sues. IB canseqeesce of fre-
. r.uent exposure to ft*, ia the discharge of .
my pastorai duties, I became subject An » serCr-
cSjri.mic Rlrenmatism. Which for year after year,
esuse'd meindeecribable snguisV Varthcr: ia tbe
winter of ’4o end ’46. w cneeiiueur
sgreat deal in my owu and yanoat
in this region. I war attacked fey Thai
;WcWsOHfi. ^n|e so. severe as to nmona Sh irt.,
msaiats sttspens;on of my partnral iabnra. Me
meTrout system esr naw thsroughly yrfanMsM
ah my Bronchitis became worse, so also iidjujgOfS..-
pepsin Slid JHienoiatic affection—tliss evraeing
that these disorders »fit Conxertad with aacC'
oibei through tbe mediiras of the .Nervoas too
tern. In the whole ph.rorScopae tbete hn
t« be no remedial agent which ,u. aid redd
tecuperste my Nervoas System ; every thim
I bad tried lor this purpose bad ssayltWy-l
At last 1 was led by my friends to tv/iwinti TSttr
inventions, and (though frith' no very 'sen{trine
Beware of worthless articles reltex) P«m
Killers, and never buy any but rootstock’s.
Cadtiox—All of tic above named artie
lev arefaod owly fry Comstock ft Brother, 9
John sti, New. York, to whom edh orders
most be directed. (A|iril 8,1859. ~
ITT* All the above named artMrisolidi
fy by JOHN W. BURKE. CaserJile, Caa—
This war in June, 1846. To wv ***** sjtisio. -
ss-vr, i. two osv, ay Dvsrrrsis si* ootrsyM
RtGMT osvei was easeun rr arisoam wrkskfa. ”
eat. usste »«» HAVE I ewes omitts* s.rmnis,,
starics oo accolst or THK BmosCaiTis; sir fa '
Rhlu hath: ATEACvies has srmsttr ceseye art -
TMuiss si. Such .is tha wonderM and haaev
reitiite of the rxpvimrnt ■ * *
mlgie sffectinas. They have triad faete, wrvs» -
aim iMitn I nuns, in ( na« cask.. .
on*. cHRtftie* '
to tie Cam, Dnfsrps, w>
DR. CHRlSTIfi'fi
Are fatal af latstnrar ia <
•jfrfo iMMddk CfH
AfcstS hf toe ]
Alee fa «dsy had B__,_
" " of power ee i
Atfenflen, Lavyen!
A GENERAL digest index fa Georgia*
Reports, including 4,9,» Krifasr, 4 to
10 Georgia Reports, CharitonV affi htier
by Thousax t. iL Cflftb
and \\ W Lumpkin.. A Smalt suphfy fast
iroeereedandforsaleat tie CheroSrte Kok
? OtQVC. „
Sept 9.1859.