Newspaper Page Text
3 ^amilq JQtmspaper—Deontrb to jfifltimml anil ifate ^alitirs, literature, flmnsmrnts, Markets, J'nreigtt anil Fomrstir }'.ms> &r.
W. T. WOFFORD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS—$2 CO a-year crifctlv fn advance.
NO. 42.
-Office.—S. W. Corner of the Public Square.
Daniel Webster.
’Twas morning, and the booming minnte 1
Told of the fearful work that l)eath had
Terms.—Two dollars a-year, in advance,
or three dollars if delayed.
No paper discontinued, except at the op-
tion of the editor, until all arrearages are ; And to a nation roused from slumber broke
p a jd. ; The awful tidings of his fatal stroke;
Miscellaneous advertisements inserted at i On every ear the sad announcement fell,
$1 per square, for the first insertion, and 50 . o ans j n g cfic h heart with softened grief to
'Cents for each weekly continuance. j „
Legal advertisements published at the !
, . | Each eye the bitter tear unchecked to shed
usual rates. ! '
Advertisements not marked, will be pub-
dished until forbid, and charged accordingly.
Letters on business must be addressed,
post paid, to the editor.
Will practice in the counties of the Cher
okee circuit.
April 24. 12—ly.
Bosixess entrusted to his care in any of
the Counties of the Cherokee Circuit, will
meet with prompt attention.
Nov. 21. 43—tf
For him now numbered with the mighty
For him, the Statesman, Orator and Sage,
Pride'of our Country, Glory of o'ur Age ;
Whose words of wisdom, with resistless pow
Have graced out brightest, cheered our
gloomiest hour;
Whose councils wise on history’s page will
And speak his praise in this and every land;
Whose deeds no marble needs to give to fame,
When marble moulder bright will be bis
Recorded now with Washington’s will rise
The name of Webster, towering to the skies!
mXT.3XT3BDa. fc GX3S3XTST,
March. 4, 1852. _ 4—tf.
Will attend promptly to all business con
fided to his care.
May 29, 1852. 17—tf.*
£. D. Chisolm,
Cedar Town.
Sept. 2.
T. "Wofford,
Sipring Place, <>co.
Refers to Kerrs &. Hope, Augusta, Ga.,
Wiley, Banks, &, ci>., Charleston, S. C.
A. Wells & co., Savannah, Ga.
April 24. 12— I y.
April 24. 12-ly.
Business entrusted to their cafe in any of
the counties of the Cherokee circuit, will
meet with faithful attention. April 8.
mo, ©iio
March 11. 5—ly.
Is engaged in the practice of the Law in
the counties of Cass, Floyd, Gordon, Whit
field and Walker, in the Cherokee Circuit,
and in Cobb. Cherokee and Gilmer of the
Blue Ridge Circuit.
Particular attention given tc the collecting
business. [May 6, 1852.
Office,—N. East l.of the Court llonsc.
Ian 5, 185- 50 -ly.
JPior" into fjje /titurc.
« Coming events cast thieir shadows before.”
<i I would recall a vision, which I dreamed,
Perchance in sleep—for in itself a thought,
A slumbering thdught, is capable of years,
Abd curdles a long life into one honr.”
particularly to survey what I shall now at- this point a Christian Minister, accompanist
tempt to describe. ; by the President and Secretary of State
The terminus of the railway was a double with heads uncovered, proceeded from the
track, laid some twenty feet apart, extend- j extreme rear, through the long avenue of
ing entirely through the city, from the south ; young women, representing their several
to the north, and passing over the spot where I States; as they passed along, each nieces
‘ Telegraph Hill once stood, extended (for the sive State stood with head uncovered, in to
time being) from the Battery far into and ken at once of their respect tor Religion and
i over the waters of the hay. fidelity to the General Government. Th's
Supported, on each hand, by an immense movement served also, as a signal for the verv best i
escort composed of an entire population, multitude of spectators to follow suit, and TlllI
came the «< first train from the city of New who accordingly acquiesced during the lot
dork;"’the departure of which, from that lowing ceremonies.
A fir lojIHT ^Others. ! different spheres, constructed in conformity
It has Seen so; i that one half of the drahs t0 ves|*otive d.-*tt> .tionj, by nim who
b'.ts the o fc hr *ve the fury of the tempeste
and the \ Ip'no ffw.-r lean its check uponths
teiSnoi of e'ern .1 snows But disparity does
not io pdy mferiority. Tiie high places of
the earth, with all their pomp and glory. dur'ng the first two years of <nfan-
cy. may i.e aji-rtbod to tn>sm. nagemeat of
the fragile laxly, an I m as to its food
Flow very important, f:<-n. that young moth
ers shottl 1 git all the in format icn they c
on the
first few
city, had l>een announced here by telegraph
a few days previous.
Arrived in front of the .. Triumphal
Arch” the minister breifly invoke! the hies
ply. nothing
in mind the
food which tj
An it
reg iT ts
. ID
n 1 *ed
uf y
ur inf;
nf 8
t.’-n i
which n
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0 i.i
f Vi:
R fiav, i
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tr v.
n :
no; Hfin
s» p.
rt ion id
■yo '
IO 1
ah- r
wiv> frt
T>l ft
im't'l |
*'■ Ml :
:1e st'.r
ibh* rio
•** w'th faithful and unappland-
t humble round of duty,
•ti,-el by the . great task mas-
:,nd their endowments, though
Metliought that time had shot suddenly First, came an open car, or platform, ex- sings of Jehovah upon the great enterprise e ls—there offi-n a gr in ! n i«iak-- mndi
forward some twenty years and odd ; and in tending across, from ofte track to the orber, before them, and for the welfare of the coun p pre If „ mother can but j nly n-urish
manhood’s prime, and life and health, I richly draped and ornamented with banners, try at large. He stepped aside, and the her little one, a small portion of thin cruel
stood upon a lofty eminence, overlooking the and containing a band of fifty musicians, Chief Magistrate of the Nation, having dis-
great and populous city of San Francisco, who played « Hail Columbia.” Next came closed the disclosive part of the ceremonies
Beneath and around me, on every side, a two splendid locomotives, o'nc on either with a few apprrojTiate remarks, n s:gn.ti j,j eas . mt . „ n j
thousand lofty spires and towering edifices track, moving abreast. ~ * ~
glittered in the morning's sunlight, and fur upon the right, I read
may he g ven. two nr three time- a day.
king rare to have it merely made—clean
On the one upon was given, whareupon the sisters - Peace
Atlantic.” on that and <. Commerce" gracefully inverted the
mother that the stomach of yonr infant
very feeble ; It is unaccustimcd ft. food, irivc
Home is Where there's one to Love us.
Home’s not merely four square walls,
Though with pictures hung and guilted ;
Home is where Affection—
Filled with shrines the heart hath build-
cd !
Home!—go watch the faithful dove
Sailing ’ncatli the heaven above us—
Home is where there’s one to love!
Home is where there’s one to love us !
Home’s not merely roof and room,
It needs something to endear it;
Home is where the heart can bloom :
Where there’s some kind lip to cheer it!
What is home with none to meet?
None to welcome, none to greet us ?
Home is sweet—and only sweet —
Where there's one we love to meet us !
Drags, Medicines,
Jiiiifc not in Haste.
Ne’er be hasty in your judgmcht—^
Never foremost to extend
Evil mention of a neighbor*
Or of one you've call’d a friend!
Of two reasons for an action
Choose the better, hot the Worst;
Oft—with some—the meaner motive
Ever strikes the fancy first!
Then be gentle with DliSfortuhe—
NeVet foremost to extend
Evil mention of a neighbor,
Or of one you've call’d a frietid!
Judge not with detracting spirit,
Speak not with disdainful tongue;
Nor, with hard and hasty feeling.
Do one human creature wrong!
Words there are that, sharp as winter,
Strip the little left to cheer:
t)h, be yours the kinder mission.
Prone to soothe, not cause a tear!
Then be gentle with misfortune—
Never foremost to extend
Evil mention of a neighbor,
Or of one you’Te call'd a friend!
Mechanic’& Wives.
Speaking of the middle ranks of life, *
good writer observes—There we behold wo-
fur.jucal HcniiCEy.
i A man in Germany advert ised that h« had
an (irean that would piny any tune out of hn
[ ennnieratwl set, at the command of any one
l • • ■ , ot the auuif-Tice. This m- !e a great noise at
j the time, an.) puzzled all the conjurors and
to the south and west countless habitations upon the left ..Pacific,” Over these, extend- .. Golden Vase” and the waters of the At- jt tiier-efove sparingly.'" Some "little "«nes j • A,k * w l' k * TB ®* **• T ’’ e or ** n W “
of humble pretensions, suburban cottages ing across from track to track, and for three lantic were mingled With waters of the Pa- hftTp sJ<(W dj r<*ti»n.°othcrs quick : wisdom ■ Wlth 1,3 * iack a ** in3t * h#
and lovely gardens seemed vieing in a com- | hundred feet m the rear, was a continuous cific. The bay of New Fork was wedded to is „ to t|w f requpncT fet-elin - hat I W * !i : C0 “ I ' H "- V W#T ’ 5 "‘ nT! '* d to
mon race to cover all the plains, and from platform, supported on wheels, covered with the bay of San Francisco, and the bright never lose sight of the tact' that the t mv ' f “ r * wl “ cil WM 1Iuni *d , » t «-
grassy vale and shady nook looked cheer- rich and gorgeous tapestry, forming upon drops of the Hudson, mingled and flowed st<m ia< h can"e..nta-ii but a mrgemai: qit.n.-
ingly up, or from gentle hill slope, or cling- the most magnificent scale, .. a gl and Tri- 1 with those of tlie Sacramento. , ily Nor Vil|I ; m .,. r : II0 e ^.,. rv e ,
ing to the mountain's steeper side, looked umphant Car.” Immediately in front, on At that instant, amid the roll of drums p ress ^, n unHa^ness a call f.-r food • luanv
down and smiled. On the north, from North the right and left of this platform, arose ' and the clang of martial music, the dis
Beach to Clark's Point, and thence far away j two columns of beautiful proportions, about charge of musketry, the roar of artillery
to the south, stretched the unbroken front - thirty feet in height, and of alabaster white-• and the deafening huzzas of a countless
of a great Commercial Emporium. At the ness. On the one I read, .. The Union,' on multitude on the land and on the wafer, I
very door's of her merchant princes a thou- the other ** The Constitution.” From the . awoke from a dream.—California Times.
sand richly laden keels road proudly at an- i tops of these columns, the intervening space ! ■ i n i ■■ i ■ ... i. i ...i... .
chor, or passing to amt fro did crowd the was spanned by an arch, composed of the \ » . . .
Golden Gate, and whiten every ocean with ^ .. Coat of Arms ’ of the several States of the | jjc’OIIIf (IP 0111(1111111.
her commerce. Steamers and sailing craft, j Union, in bass-relief, on separate blocks of; __
of every class and size were crossing and re- ! marble; and upon the key stone of the arch, |
crossing, and moving in every direction up- ] I read the familiar motto, .. E Pluribus li
on the Bay. [ num.” On this point perched an immense
On Contra Costa the city of Oakland ‘ spread eagle, glittering with gold, and hold-
stretched her snow front; and thence, both ing in his beak a likeness of.. The father of
north and south, as far as the eye could j his country,” in a plain gold setting, en-
wreatbed with laurel; white, high above,
and over all, floated the « Star Spangled
reach, villages of lesser note, the rural pal
ace and princely mansion, with here and
there a single cottage, with lavish and lux
uriant hand were strewn along the shore.
City, town and hamlet, the hill, the valley,
the mountain and the plain, this magnificent
foolishly act upon this plall: and do a va i
deal of mischief to the babe's health an !
Allow us to press on your attention, at
this season of vour child's life, the necessity
for being careful of your own health. It
! you take cold, the infant will sufier; and
' your mind, as well as h dy. shenhT lie care
fully watched, if you wish your child to he
] healthful and happy. Irritability and fret-
i fulnes, anxiety and fear, will cause your
| child to suffer, and act ns a blight on its
I happiness, ns well as your own When in
And this leads me, gentlemen, to another danger from any of these, fly to your j ri
remark, to which 1 invite your attention. It " Tate chamber, nn-l ask for strength and w.n
is this: the education of entry individual, dom to l>e kept calm and tranquil. Wehav-
„ , , 4 . . moral and intellectual, must be chiefly his heard of some who have found singing an ex-
Banner.- Immediately under the arch, wad ^ ^ a a ceileht remedy i<k irritability; try to sine
an altar of pure white upon which I read , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ one of the songs of Zion, young mother, and
reedom, and from the top of a ir i >c SU ppi )9e d that if a young man be first sent l pf hs know if it succeeds. When the little
, . , rt| . l T0B * a Squ r re i f haft f *i ltC ’ ^ fc “ r I to a grammar school, and then to a college, i system of yonr infant has become more de
bay, and the deep blue o the boundless five feet u, bight and on he several sides of ^ ^ ^ be a . and tUe ^ ; vcloped. and the stomach accustomed to tin
The sky above me , which I read .. Peace, Prosperity, Ilappi- j ^ ! exercise of its functions, it will be well to
j ly played, and it any one desired it to stop it
i was ui-iundr silent. This went on for a
I iong time, and toe ingenius inventor w«»
: ai.aking a rapid for'.uue, and the secret
| weald have beta buried nith him, had he
not behaved most unhnrmouiously towards
| h:s io«ing wife ona -ley, jusi before the per
formance was a about to commence. The
; room w;is crowded, as usual, and a tune was
I called lor, but net a aole was heard; the
| owner became uneasy, anu said, in a sooth-
j mg, coax ng tone, .Bo play, r.iy coot organs.’
j Still, not a sou:.d was heard : he got out of
I ['.".deuce, and threatened to smash the in
strument to pieces, when a hoarse female
voice was heard to growl out—. Ay, do yoil
tyvil, break de orgauts as you broke my
head dis morning.’ This was too much for
the choleric German; he took a chair, and
gave the instrument such a whack, that it
drove u through a paper partition in the
wall, carrying with it another organ which
nad been placed cinso at the back of the
sham one, at which eat the obstinate grin
der—his wife.
Pacific, were before me,
was unobscured by a vapor :
< So cloudless, clear, and purely beautiful,
.That God, alone, was to be seen in heaven!”
ness ;” «< Truth, Justice, Equality ;” <> Edu- j
pil himself is apt to imagine that he is to be
the mere passive recipient of instruction, as
And from the crest of the ocean wave, on
zepbyrous footsteps, wandered to my tips a
breeze ri freshing and sweet.
It was morning. The sun had scarcely
cleared the horizon, and already every street
and avenue ol the city was crowded with a
joyous and excited population. Men, wo- j proprinte emblems, typical of the genius of
men and children, in gaudy apparel; the - peace” and ..Commerce.” Immediately
aged aud the youthful; all classes, states, j [ n the rear of these, a figure representing
cation, Arts, Commerce.. Agriculture, , , . „ .
.. . „ . ’ , ° , . . i he is ol the light and atmosphere that sur-
Manulactnrcs, Mines.” On the top of this; , “ . , , . , ,
, ’ . „ , , • , i round him. But tins dream of indolence
shaft, rested a vase of pure gold, without; , . .
f ! must be dissipated, and you must be nwa-
ornament or inscription. In this was con-; , . ... , , . ..
r t ; kened to tue important truth, that, if you
tamed water from the Atlantic ocean. On j , . .
, , , ; aspire to excellence, you must become active
cither side ol this, stood a beautiful young ■ ... . ,
’ , ,, , I and vigorous co-partners with your teachers,
woman, in the bloom of health, dressed m , , .
I and work out your own distinction with an
muslin robes of snowy whiteness, trimmed , . . . . ,
! ardor tuat cannot be quenched, a porsever
with gold and evergreens, and bearing ap- 1
observe regularity in the distribution of it?
meals.—Mother's friend.
conditions and complexions were mingling
in the utmost confusion. And thore was the
passing to and fro of squads of military in
full uniform, firemen in gay shirts and caps,
members of benevolent and civic societies in
rich regalia and insignia of their several or
ders, officers of the army and navy, soldiers
and marines, policemen with badges and
maces, marshals on horseback, in gaudy
sashes and rosettes; while squads of mount
ed cavalry and lancers were charging hither
and thither. Ten thousand banners, of ev
ery nation, floated over the city and from
the shipping in the harbor, and the flashing
of tinseled uniforms, of bayonet, of sword
and lance, of fire engines, and gay equip; -
ges of every kind, threw back the sunlight.
The ceaseless roll of drtirns, and the clang
or of martial music were mingled with the
roar of artillery, which from early dawn
continued to peal from one end ot the city to
the other; and on the bay, and from Contra
Costa, cannon answered cannon, and in
tones of thunder reverberated from shore to
It was the « Fourth of July, Eighteen
Hundred and Seventy-Six,” and on that day
representatives from the several States of
the Pacific, as well as the people of Califor
nia at large, had congregated in San Fran
cisco, for the two fold purpose of celebrating
the .• Centennial Anniversary of American
Independence,” and to witness as well the \ Upon each ol these pedestals I read the name j ^ a|Sg ,, rm ]_i ^ i rum 0 bservaii.,u, a cei -
of a State, and on the tops standing erect,
were fifty beautiful young women, between
the ages of eighteen and twenty years, in
Neptune with his trident, was standing in a
rieh and gorgeous chariot, drawn by dol
phins ; and failing from the rear of the cha
riot, strewn the entire length of the great
platform with shells and precious stones,
and gold and silver ores. This was to ty
pify, that our advancement in the arts and
Sciences had induced even the .« God of the
Ocean” to forsake his native element, aud
availing himself of human skill, to take the
over-land mute from one part of his domin
ions to another; and, further that the com
merce of the seas wouid henceforward, take
this route; while the shells aud precious
stones falling from his chariot, seemed to
remind U3 that this great undertaking was
destined to be literally paved with the rich
es of the deep. Immediately in the rear ol
this group, arranged on either side of the
platform, Were separate pedestals, four feet
six inches in height, by three feet square,
placed at a distance of nearly six feet apart,
and extending in parallel rows over two
hundred feet in the rear. These pedestals
were fifty in number; twenty-five on either
hand, and were emblamatical of the .. fifty
free and independent States of the American
Union,” which included the Canadas on the
North to the Isthmus ol Darien on the South,
ana from Cuba in the South East to the
To Fnroll'll IW—A Hint.
The writer of these remarks, says the Al
bany Cultivator, was once a farmer's boy
and speaks from experience when he recoin
mentis all farmer's sons to keep a register
of everything interesting coming under
anee that considers nothing done, while any- j tl|e;r oKs erv. tion relative to their ‘business
thing remains yet to be dune. Rely upon it
that the ancients were right—(yuUqur sum
flie time of planting or sowing crops, with
the results of late or airly planting append
fortune* fuber— both in morals and intellect, ed . th ,. cf p ct3 0 f an> . peculiar mode of rna
we give their final shape to our own charac- ! nur ; n? tllC benofit or nt from tlici
ters, and thus become, emphatically, the ar- ! or thin S0Tr :, n! _ r . t!lfi k ; nd „f 9 , t , d , the tin.
chitects of our own fortunes. How else should or mnnnor r , f I mrTest i r .^ . .;. e result c
it happen, gentlemen, that young men, who { dl . a . ;ning „ fdi?t . p OP «•„,[[. .. j u.ugh ng, an
have had precisely the same opportunities, l w nnme Vi,„ s W ftite,- u i , qec a ...
should be continually presenting us with j lnu [ ud ; a «. *j 1( , ^„ st 1 (>! ,fl-^ *i o..on c.i '.,
such different results, aud to such 1 f accu ^ a u!y '"recos .cd, a-Unl not i tii
opposite destinies ? B.llereiice ol talent J ^ Jtu micres<. is aeli
not Solve it, because that diflbrence :s very
often in favor of the disappointed candidate
You shall see issuing from the wails of the
same school—nay, sometimes from the bosom
of tlie same family—two young men, ol
whom one shall be admitted to oe a genius
of high order, the other scarcely above toe
point of mediocrity; yet, you shall see the
genius perishing in poverty, obscurity and
wretchedness; while, on tne other hand, you
shall oliservc the uudtocre n»s slow
tile Ilu X
Russian Settlements in the North West, j w jjj ^ instructed or not, or to wnat po>u;
trom the Equator to the Frozen regions. ; y 0U w [jj your instruction. Anu «i tu..
opening of the « Great Atlantic and Pacific
Railway from New York to San Francisco,’
in connection with the <> Great Britain Sub
marine and North American Telegraph Line ■ the full bloom of health and womanhood
from London.” The full time tor the con- j These were dressed in flowing drapery of
summation of a mighty and glorious event j white, adorned with roses, and «n the head j to deat j,. if gemus be desirable it all, it is
; - . .. , j . » „ do ji carrT " had finally arrived; which for more than 20, each wore a crimson velvet cap. ornamen.ed on j„ o{ - tbat g rea t and magn-iuiiuoas k u
" 1 U S ® i T *“ nltlnof a ! Tears had been anxiously looked for, hoped | with a s.ngle star of go.d. Each bore an j w J cll> Iike t L Ct , nJur ol ^ utll Amenc.i
PAINTS, OILS, 4 ^ ° f an id»l for profane adoration; rev- f° r , sighed, for, yea, died for! The hour emblem, vegitable, mineral or artificial ol j p,^.^ from the summit of Guuatioraz>
July22-2f-3*L ’ j erenced to-day, discarded to-morrow, always j was near at hand in which the most san-
! jostled out of the place which nature and gume expecUtions and long-chenshed de-
... ,, v.. c.nin.iitT nr sires of the civihxed world were about to be
Commission Jllcrcfyants,
McIntosh St., Avgusta, Ga.
J. T. GARDINER "g^ty ^ OB y d asgign her, by sensuality or
by contempt; admired, but not respected;
desired, but not esteemed; ruling by pas
sion, not affection; imparting her weakness,
not her constancy, to the sex which die
should exalt, the source and mirror of her
; vanity; we see her as a wife partaking the
W ILL continue the M arehouse and Com- eares, amt cheering the anxiety of a hus-
unission Business in their Fire Proof ^ diTldm the uborg of her domes uc
Building on M Intosh Street, m all its j. . . ,
branches, and hope by strict personal atten- diligence spreading cheerfulness around her,
tion to the interests of all who place business for his sake sharing the decent refinements
her particular star, while an endless chain j above (be clouds. anJ sustains Itsell a: pica-
of roses and orange flowers, iu graceful fes- j sur£( m tUtt . em py- rea i region, w.ih an eu
i toons, extended from hand to hand, and >lis | er gy that rather invigorated man weakeueu
completely realized, and a great«. National; ei»tlcmatical of the common interests which ! by the e g- ort . m mis c-ap.ieity mr hign
Highway,” for travel and commerce, as well unite us as a people. The blue eyes aud and long continued exertion—tins v.goruuo
as for thought and intelligence, opened and fair complexions of the North in Union, : pQ Wer f or profound and searching iuvestig.
if accurately
| yiei-l a great
tnrd.-> ; ,n.-jels,
lives, or uii> lu.u^ c-iSk- .u x‘> t.ii ill io li-B.ur
and an ^roduotiocup, woaiu
i tue iAomiAi'eojjui o* kuot% ou iltci*u •
jects, il iuuue a uia.tcr ei rect»id. 1 ui-
sure it wuiitd de ii ticL&iiuui »tien.
both at tue time, aua us oxaui.u twt.u ax
ter wards.
ail tu^.1 is necessary u to get asuiai.
blank Oook. Willi a ilcXioie ieaulex* cove,
but sure way up the hill ol lue, wlucU tt ..d lor at auy Uoik-o.
station-.*!’} s.iiti, iiua ru*e eacn p ige in
t »Yo cuium.-., tne lit'si ioi* me record oi p:»n
jng 5 sow.ana alt vpcrat.oils during lu
earner and Lue seeonu co.uuin ioi* tu
register oi me resnus, aireet-xy opposite oi*
the s;One page. 1>^ couip irau- luea resa.
wiin me op^i*a.:on^ »hiu produce lacii.,
great deai ot v.iiu.AH- t i nUbiiu*'i e
WoUld Out.riliJu.
Auliliu;!’ auw.iUi iC-Uit a.m L
^laCdiCe *Uj W aU
• ill loo late, ul.«j .os* ocl.aci. wt-tti -o,
ui.ikc a -a **t.
| i-cc ..U tUc secoud o», Ijj
ejL.iuiiii.uion oi■ cue * j*-*- 4 * *■**
•LiiLUi.^ di^iu .id .K.ttd M.iAbj .^.*Ui
oCwtit* irons a wnu* o* »c.ta *a.*oie
aUca a J u lid. WoUiU fCiulv* icaVc kU ^
CdixlU’. ifj-.xfu'lifu tlLu »< Oik tO IOiCl co
,^e« u • ,i«'i,(/i -tael y r n-i-r
Wariis w itJi.ini na u. »...i uiua o- m«.
a* ilie t,mc.
vVouiU U't !a.a ix Avrlu a “d -li—;
.is cost •vi iai.a.uni-.', iu-^.ii
gcui, pmeuea., aa i sucvt-aln. iwunn, 6.
Lids and yoaiqj Inea .u .be euitii.r^, i4» tu.s
improving vucii kui wtedge ol »riuug
steadfast footing at every step, aud mount
ing, at length, to eminence aud distinotmn,
an ornament to his lani.iy, a blessing to h.s
country: Now whose work is tins: Mau.-
festly their own. Titry are the architects
of their respective fortunes. Tuc best semi
nary of learning .hat can up-n its portals to
yon, can do no mure than io afford you me
opportunity of instruction; but it must im
pend, at last, on yourseives, wuether you
tain truth: There is :o excellence, wuitan.
great labor. It is the fiat of Fate, from
which no power of genius can absolve yvu, uuexerted, is tike the poor ninth mai
flutters around a candle till it scorches itseii
established from the rising to the setting
Since the incorporation of the Republic of i
rile loL - .ViUg c .1 ( j p.- .s.:ge m
pen Cl Mrs. 3 gou. i»ejf .
l oe m;u.rled .uvo
though in contrast with the dark eyes and . lum — t j, ls career i n g a ud com
olive complexions of ihe South. Immediate- ; p^peus^n of m.nd—these long reacues oi
ly in the rear of these, and occupying the mooght, that
Mexico into the American Union, some ten ; remaining portion of the w ear triumphal, j-u bright honor from the pale-luce mooi. .
years previous, or the annexation of ..Can-; W4S the President of the United States, 0r drive into the bottom ol ihe deep, “ * ““ _ . .... , Lt
La and Cuba” which happened some five Members of the Cabinet and Heads of De- Where fathom line conld never tomh the «•«. auu : s o. ueedie k- o
. f s„ Fnmrimi had kiw 9een 1 partments, depntations of members from ground, , nave paucuce a.t.i mv .e.cieucjo
- ***** before ’ fcan Frw ‘ c * aco toad ***** L..u Hoilses uf Cou-ress Forei-n Ministers, And dvang up diowneu honor by the lock, j wanllM as of imam j
in their hands, to merit public favor. j of the world without being vain of them;: such a day of rqjoiciug. . both Houses ' ° ' ° - f j ■
OT Orders for Baggiug, Rope andFami- ^ ber prlde> * U ^ jo,, all Uer j Ilie 8an bad 8C ^ely reached the zenith, etc., resident at 4. ashingfon, ^ j This is the prowess and these the hardy ^ _
ly supplies filled at the lowest market wtee. h iuess in tb , ^mb.tton of the 1 when the roar of cannon, the sounds of mar- , faew of several of the At.-nt.c S ates, dep- achievements, which are to enroll yonr ; and tue worn,^
Cash advances made when required an ^ A9 ^ ^ n ^ ker i ^ mualc , and Uie approaeh ol an immense u^tiors from all. and lastly a of. among the great men of the earth. i tend i«r .m pal.
Fin ances of G eorcia.—T’.ie money ar
ticle of the N. Y £vetit!" Fast ba3 the fol
lowing ;
The debt of the State of Georgia is about
or under i. three millions of dollars,” con
tracted for a railroad 140 miles long,
through tlie only gap in the mountains
from Maryland to Alabama,) running to the
l’euneesee river. The Western and Atlantic
Railroad .a ownel exclusively by the State
of Georgia It i* the only connecting link
hi tho railroads on the Western side of the
mountains with the South and South-west;
and. ot course, ni ne others can be built to
compete w th it with-ut a chapter from the
Sta'e Tne income ot lha railroad has in
crease d 100 per cent, w.iiiin this year, and a
louhle track will be absolutely necessacy
to aceomuuiUate the freight anil travel.
R il.r a l* re nm ! « aud being constructed,
bi.ih on the an i Wi*, to connect with
in i : i.e U.*r sla'ure u is provideil by tax
t',r al! the ni-i'cat on the debt and cl pen-
s •> uh S ate. an i appropriated the inter-
o: tn.i rial to redeem the bonds,
li c in be sold tor four m llicns cash ; and
i n el sjuperiuisu leu. tu cks that the in-
,.ie will b« net f.jta a to 15 per cent, on
,three millions ; and. if the State be not
[ iidtjun a doulfie track to ascom-
„„ii e 'he increab ug businesa of the road,
die t'l iu; iroller w.ti tc a purchaser of the
jiu ie u iess tuna two yenj'8.
The .liter- si and eoapoqa on all Georgia
tuck nave been regular iy paid, and no State
-r St tea can make better bi'iids than her?
i-.e Yours, me ,
;er] G. B. LAMAS.
produce instore.
July 22—24—6m
j the affectionate, the ardent instructreen of
. the children she has tended tram their in-
Datch Bolting Cloths. fancy; training them up to thought and
S NOWDEN & SHEAR have received virtue, to meditation and benevolence; ad-
firam New York, Dutch Bolting Cloths, dressing them as national beings, ami pre-
ef the best quality. Nos. 0,1,2, 3, 4,5,6, 7, paring Umn in twwimii men and women in
ft, 9 and 10, and to which the attention of their ffMghten make the
the public k respectfully ranted. j , ,
June 10,1852. I bo6t Wiw “ *“• *****
procession, with banners floating to ’the Aborigines, consisting of the chiefs and But how are you to gam tlie nerve and ; e o[Ueme
L. t attracted mv attention far to the head men of the nations of the plains. Then the courage for enterprises of this pith and , n i^» of =iaag..,-
I turned, ami hehehi a Scene which! “»*« detached car, similar to that mome nt ? I will teil you. As Milo gaineo ! •>« ^e aoiu w., •
for a moment rendered me almost deUr.ou. first stance, contmm^a timt koesingo vincco: for this must be ; ture, turn *
1UT 2k Ul'JUCUk ICUUCIXU UK Hiiuun* wiuzvwa , ' mi, •
with eamtement When I recorered myself, •»“<* uf fiSitJ musivians, ptayi^ •* The Star work , BO t that or your teaeners. Be you not j <«tf>
the paguant Usd ^wuached m mmr, pass- Spmqsle^mner.” . > jomndu*. uri y I
ing immediately in toll view ot the oaunenca j Thus appointed and arranged, the train p.ish al that your P areP **” nen ’ conclusion, uiav tue sexes are iuwuuou toi } way nwee to a neigiibcr- wh« hurried
on which I was standing as to enable me J arrived at th* terminus over the bay. A* country, have a nght to expect.
ni’-t to a.e^i rt *I**
. uu^r ol ,^e ;;•>-*
i oe os .o i-ai-
soieuce, to pour fu Y
.>I1.1IL, Or •• »*1« tola-gh
^ UtlvUtf. 1 «il rflJVtgil-J.JJ
CHA iti S i.oiciioe lJ u«fl-
Xia JUeitObiUdi
I amUl u*utl
• l ii.c ol e*Wl«- t
arnYc, i:xdi, b
ir u J
i*«r tx.iu,)
A L'oy S : o' by Lw F .iJifr.
W j Al am r-.-iuemtier w.i,-u our feelings
* r- ui'4'C t u-iiei wita an account of a cat-
o- i-j; ,ie tu u • n i.u.cuiug, a IVw days since,
o u.e leu; ou ol the C:ixum*lnfi'.e of Mr.
in u i*~iti .u.» ot Covingii.n township, in
t, . ,i c u t in «:tk . g ■ :» - ■» icr a Jj*r,and
. O. High m, inihe lilii uit. Mr. Williams
-i h.s ii u»e u company v..t:i Mr. James
,r j, !i-r h j u. jHAie of him thi»
w. k. *-g’. ii.e • oJp to a for wuich
I; P t ,y iiwi e ,44’lC‘l, "li'l t'.-jit W.iJl him S
.oijii ^an Aii*-r going ai-oui 400 yards
■ r.iii. b:a nouse, i,« thought he saw a deer,
.ioi i.A ng 4lose k in he fired. li.s horror
iu tie better .migiued Uian described, on
...■* .n;iy earing h.s little eon L-aac. a fine
\ o. ao* ut 12 > are ol age, cry out,-«Fath-
.-i. why dia y a 3‘n.ot uie ?” The father «Z-
m uifd to n s eompaBion, “ C’h : did ever a
.nan idmoi bis boy vetore -
tfo'h mi'll i uu and raet the boy apprcaihtag
. ... at u.y yard* lroia the place
:. •-,> si.ot It was otiverv d that the
ii * id :' i*t :he back, u ar the shoul-
i .u- ,. a . p •»<* ng u.iou^h the body,
,.*i ou .i i tir on oui: s It- of tim centre
.f . - ,.iB. t. So ii* pe w.'S entertained that
u. : • j o. iti t i.iif an nait facur. Mr. Par-
; j w i> -oo c i.Xu-ed aud contecndetl, that he
u- \i hi ie oi • &- p*-s."i, <w;ri only rscol-
. oi# tan* u w m» proposed t; c.rry the b^y
in:o the house atout 4W yards rf itsot, to
,a.cb lue little ioi;«w otjected, aad Baked
mi n.. might be d.-#r, With his father’d lor a nod. n;s re«a. si was granted, the i
e cast an atixifccs look at h e lraxtic parc_t,
.,n i TaHur you tvtll bury me on
),,rm tcort’t rout* Inline hatclj Mr.
Pari » hastened for a phys,c:an, and on his