Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, September 21, 1878, Image 4

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-8. M. AYEES Mamiiacturer ot • ttih 1£ And Wholesale and Retail DEALER I JV 0 *-.W. —«• - Boots, slioes, harness, bridles, col¬ lars, saddles, &c •OttBtia#, that I have a large stock of LEATHER ™ GOODS which ... HarVElbert, I - Banks, Madison and adjoining ‘ offer LOWEST TERMS. Call and upon ___________ the * see WORDER3 my prices at once. Special attention given to MANUFACTURING HARNESS. PROMPTLY FILLED REDUCTION IN PRICES -3©a Read, What Folks Say! After all has Been said or done' that; can be, the fact remains the same that the only true proof of the pudding is in the eating, and every housekeeper must he her own judge of the merits or de¬ ments of the various preparations offered for her u;;e in cooking. To form any * intelligent judgment,, a Mr trial, how eter, is neoess ay, end this is all that we ask for S.UA Format. It has stood the test 9>t m.u,Lai analysis as well as practical use, ar.d notwithstanding the fact that some jrcu;;y insist on handling inferior article* that offer larger profits, it has attained a.y .alt, and wherever once fairly introduced lut j since had a we select fro-.-a the va&t Humber received »/<w> UstfrwmaUto Iht merit* of Site. Foam. %!SH® geby 'OXtSAT CHEMIST. • Sire lirb* Sea certify Foam, to and the purity and great for .ns^—W, reear.untnd it ft M. IlAnnisaAw, JLnz 'TkemktfovJS’eis York Chemical Trade, _ vjastr good. trLd Sea Fo:-m, and find it very 9«od.~ Bsau,£qch & Co.,N.'o».burg f Md. - : FCTTLY TESTED. I luivo fully tested vour Sea Foam, and And It all that you have represented.—; S. HtrBfit, Memphis, Term. ^We mnsminfagpet. like the Sea Foam.—J. likes H. it. Gu> A£L ’SEAY IT 18 EECOJIKSNDEB. I use, your Seu Foam, and find it nil that is recommended, to be.—1\ M. DojfatEix.Y, Terre Haute, Ind. •». VBXFZ& IT TO ANT OTHER. Harks j used your Sea Foam, I prefer If to any other yeast ponder that I have ? aeen.—fire. G.W:FuRma.ij r lnvomar,Miss. CAN NOT EE BEATEN. Weare satisfied that it can not be beaten. John K; Rbnaud & Co., New Orleans. Oim B33T CffSTOJffiS® ASK ECS IT. Our best customers desire that we thould keen your Sea Foam for sale. Please senu two cases en best terms.— E* G. &, Co,,.J3alOtu>re. SN1KR3 SATiK?Acno:r. I distributed t'.vo dozen cans among my friends for trial, and it has given entire satisfaction.—F. He.nbx, New Orleans. A No. 1. ~ From , by lady samples friends, o' eake returned to ns our we must pronounce your Sea Foatu A No. 2, end cheerfully recommend it to all.-— H. Fttzomiald St Co., V/holesale Grocers, Memphis, Term . Sea Foam U universally ccfrr.nended, and you will like it if ycu try it. Ope tan of it is worth three of any other baking compound. Il saves time. It saves trouble. It drues nrnxj. It saves time, because »o delay is necessary for fhe dough tq raise. It saves trouble, because very little kneaixg io required, it saves money, beccrss in th> a? mondisf use the saving in milk, eggs. ;.nd other ingredi ents will moie than pay its cost, and then ft wifinmaKO for Ut pound* more bread from m barrel of 2our tliluTcan lii'"eny other way be got out of it. Aik your grocer for it; end lih eyrill not supply it,send for circular and price-list to Ga&is, Jen® & Co. JtASTJFACTJE^aS aad PROPRIEXOSS, 176 Duano St, New York. NOTICE. A hL persons are hereby warned no* to A trenpa*# on our forms by hnntiag, ftr in ftnv other manper, a we have h<-ea troubled *« 1 it tie b hnvin g our fence* loft down and OUT red MRS.,?WARY' hy Rtook D. MAYFIELD. JWU* K LIITLL. August 24tb-4t NINTH DISTRICT! g — . ..... ....... ' - IP — ■ - I N® matter who is elected to Congress from this Distri ci CHEEK & 1PENTIRE HSS 1 DRY G00DS - AS CLOTHING, CHEAP GROCERIES AS CAN BE STOP ?!e7 — * ■ ■■■■— Q „ — ___ ay ® flaavin « your county town to buy your goods, but go them witla the ^ vABH T and you can get them as cheap buy them ANY WHERE. as you can *@~CALL AND HEAR THEIR TERMS.“^g NEW MERCHANT TAILORS ESTABLISHMENT. NT. 3E. Youno' [Late with Lucas A Ware.] ATHENS, GA. IS now opening an elegant stock of Imported Cloths, Cassimeres'and which he will make up to order as low as can be bought in any market. He will also keep Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Suspenders, and all such art«4 cles as aro wanted. Special attention paid to catting, and work guaran teed. Call and examine my stock on Broad street, i ext door to C. W. Long's drug store. TO THE POJBIilC We take pleasure in recommending Mr. Young as a reliable man and first class tailor in every respect. -6m, L UCAS Sr WARE. gP TO A VALUABLE INVENTION. d* ly Mijl THE WORLD RglinwiMPn WILSON SEWING MACHINE In workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and ?« the e I®santl* highest awards finished at as the a Vienna first-class and Piano. Centennial It received sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than Expo¬ njapl^ss***® capacity is other WILSON MACHINES unlimited. There are more i52JS?S£ sold in the United States than l, I?jL® a,es of al1 the others. The WILSON Sufvulnw WITHOUT ATTACHMENT PATCHING, given for doing FREE all with kinds each of repairing! machine! iSKS ! WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. i* Cor. ®? State 7 * * & Madison ®2? Broadway, Sts. Chicago, New Ills.; York; and New Orleans, La.; f San Francisco, Cal. For Sale by all First-Class Dealers. BESI Ibusints* worker to $20 of per yon either day can engage made sex, right by in. any $5 in their own localities. Particu ars and samples worth $5 free. Improve your pare time at this Wsiness. AddreBs STINSON & CO*, Portland, Maine. fTi CO CO a want ut week mhmiuf a in No your risk. own »t Reader, vi town. !(h j< if 1M $5 youee 1 out- f of ti> r « ffi wsl c gf«Bt pry all the time they work, write for particulars to H. HALLET & CO., Portland, Maine. A 37 Court Rice, LOUISVILLE, KY., A mpilulf «toca»e3 and legally qnalifted physician and th* ».0>ts;-,c«5ftal 1 C.J hid pratu -.e will prove. Cures aliform, ef private, chronic and sexual diseases, Sv»erxnwtoV» rhoa abuse in youth, and aexoat Inpolency. in -or«eif excess's matorer ' - 'C. r other Wusea. and producing some of the following " x:c8: ffervoua* Bass . Seminal Emissions, Dimness of Sight. Defective llem «y, Females, FhjrsicaJDeeay.Pimnles Confusion ou Loss Face, Aversion Sexual to Posrer, Society kc., of dering marHase of Ideas, of thoroughly resd n permanently eared. fmproper SVP er nahappv, HtT.Tfs are positively *at* diseases quietly cured. Patients treated by urulorn*. press. Consultation free and invited, charges r a M 0 B» b >» and correspondence strictly confidential. A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of *» pages, sent to any address, securely sealed, for thirty OiWre t*" eretts. Should be read by aii. Address a. shore. Iwm from ft A. IL »i P. M. gundai^.atoiP.Jt' THE SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS. In thei8sne of Jnly 6,1878, will be comnxenc ced new serial by the popular Geor¬ gia authoress, Mr§- Ophela Nisbet Reid »ENTITLEO IVErs. Dare. The Weekly News is not only The Largest bat the Best Weekly Published in the Southern Slates. It is well edited and contains an immense amount of reading matter, and its typographi¬ cal execution is ur surpassed. Printed on new type, with a clear, clean impression, it is a pleasure to read the Weekly News. It is a newspaper in every sense of word, and contains the latest Telegraphic and State News, Markets, etc., a Literary Department, and is suited to the taste of all who desire to keep up with wbst is going os in the busy world at home or abroad. 1 ts news is always fresh and entertaining. $1.00. Subscription, one year $2.06 j six months, Specimen copies sent free. J. II. L’ST.LL, Savannah, 6a. NEW ESTA BLISHMENtT J. F. WILSON [ TP-STA1RS, over Reaves & Nicholson, y Broad street, ATHENS, GA., has estab¬ lished a new business in his line, and is pre¬ pared to furnish all kinds of Furniture, Coffins, and Burial Cases, at reasonable prices. Repairing Large all kinds of Furniture a specialty. stock of picture frames at the lowest figures—guaranteed as low as any in town. Call aud see his goods when you oemo to Athens. N. B.—METALIC COFFINS always on and. BURKS BOOK STORE THE undersigned has purchased from bis brother, Major T. A. Burke, his entire interest in the’ B OOK AND STATIONERY BUSINES S And intends to run a JPIRST CLASS BOOK ST0RJ7 in which r&e best goods, latest and most popu¬ lar books, and indeed everything usually kept in a good, well appointed Book Store, will al¬ ways be found. Being connected with tho well knewn and extensive wholesale houge of J. W. BURKE & CO., MACON, GA., his facilities for keeping up his stock and buy ing everything at bottom prices, will give him a decided advantage in purchasing books, eu%, at lowest rates, and he intends t o give his eus turners tha full benefit of it by SELLING AT LOW PRU E . He asks his old friends to give him a share of their patronage. To all he extends a hearty mvitation to COMB AND BUY. Major T. A. BURKE will still be connected with the house, and will have charge of the business for me, and he asks his friends and the public to continue the patronage heretofore bestowed him. JOHN W. BURKE. Athens, June 20th. 3878. C. W. LONG C E. LONG C. W. LONG & CO., -DRUGGISTS, ATHENS, GA HAVE NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF Garden Seed Grass Seed Clover Seed Which are all fresh and the best is the place. We have also a large stock of PAINTS Oils, Turpentine, Var¬ nishes, Lead, Paint BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, PERFUMERY PATENT MEDIDINES, DRUGS, DYES, &c which they will sell at BOTjVM For FIGURES Cash. We ask the *-*a TO CALL and look at our STOCK February 2d, J 878- ly AGRICULTURAL STEAM Engines IMPROVED m\ k GIIIST MILLS MANUFACTURED BY RICH’D T0ZER, Columbia,’S |C ALSO AGENT FOR Threshers $• Cotton Gins. June 29-3m. STOP! STOP! IT 3. R- CRAWFORD’S w YARD AGO N 1J miles this side of Athens, wjhere you will find the best of accommodations otall timos.— Meals at 25 els and bedding at locts. Goods sold as cheap an any house in Athens, Give him a trial. February 2, 1878-ly MARRIED OR. j ' L IK E ; ; I 180.12 N. Eighth St. . .-----' St. Louis, Klo. J!? IH e 8 ff ESX l,V S5 ^T 2 E LOGY MEDICAL OF WIAHRIACE ADVISER glssasB •mu the many flU her eex is iiei iSINGlE to. —St. Loms Journal. t PGPCI/AB PRICES —(SO ct*. each lx^i Silt, 25ctg in one extra. volume, Sent *1; undei in cloth seal, am, LIFE receipt of twice in mosey stsmps. on 1 or Professional and Business Cards R. LITTLB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CARfoBSYILLE, GA: Wifi practice in the counties of the Western circuit, , and in Hart and Madison the Northern counties circuit. Prompt attention givw to all business in his hands. ia n-v* F. CAMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Caxrksvibsx,*Oa., Will praotice in all the eountlet comprising tbe Western Circuit, and in Bar* and Madisom of the Northern. Prompt attention given tw all business intrusted to his care. Office, North of the Court House- InovlO-lr WILSON HOUSE, . 49i PRIOR STRSBT; ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Transient, Single Meal or Lodging,.....^ ....... * Special Rates per day,....................... 1.W fer a longer time. J20-tf T. L. KEITH, Proprietor D R, S. W . LESTEB, Practicing Phy sician r AQUILLA, FRANKLIN COUNTY, GA. f AFRHRS his professional services to tb» I- * people of the OiOco—Rasidauoo surrounding couutry. of T«»Uu Mauldin. 421-1 f. S. DORTCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CARNESVILLE, GA. w ; | . r.ctioO *h* Franklin and th* -adjoin ‘ug.3on.u‘ies.» Wili give prompt attention to* ,*tli i>::s;ues^ ^ jaced u ills hands. Executor*. cdminiiirituYs and j.uardiam* will do well to aonao it tiir. and save the expense and trouble of of litigation., u g froia the mismanagemrrt estates ian-l,-lv. L/ CPENUER M. SMITH ? • Attorn©v at 1. .* .v, T0CC3A, GEORGIA.. UTTILl practice in the coontie* of H bsr cial yf attention sham,. Hall, given Banks to collections! and ! Franklin ft.5-1 spe¬ v JOHN P. SHANNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Practices in the Northern ELBERTON, GA., of Circuit, Frankllm • county the Western .circuit, and elsewhere* , when employed. [Apr. 16-ly THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION FOR 1878 Will maintain the ropntationit has already won as THE LEADING SOUTHERN DAILY The particular features which have give popularity ciab that might almost be* tensed will not only be continued, fort taefo provements made as will give additional seat, vivacity and brilliancy to its colama. In th* EDITORIAL DEPASTMENT all the topic* ef tho time will candidly, oarefally and thor¬ oughly be do discussed, dnt not to the extent fo tediousness. The political “leader" will b» happily social relieved by light and pleasing essays upon and literary themes, and by piq nan* paragraphical THE comments upon current events . LATEST NEWft. The enter prise of Thk Cohstityviow in gathering and placing before its readers the latest and fresh¬ which est intelligence from all parts of the we rid, has been frequently illustrated of late* on public special occasions, when events of absorbing interest Were transpiring^ and which has been made the snbject of congratulatory comment by both press and people, will soffer no abatement- The natural advantages of th* location of Txe Cohshtotioh at the political, commercial and news eenter of the State, to¬ gether with the spaoial faeilite* that th* outgrowth of energy, experience and pie re somrocs will all be utilised for the benefit of its soaders. Its dispatchers aw superior to tho e of any daily newspaper south of Nash¬ ville, and its news is fiilier annd fresher. Ia this reespect Tbb ConsriTvnon* NO NIVAL IN GEORGIA. It will be the aha of ♦ he ed tors in future, as it has been in the past, to* make their paper in every respect a relax of Georgia's progress and Georgia's greatness, and a faithful, vigorous and unswerving cham¬ pion of Georgia’s Interests. No effort or expense will be spared to make Tbb Cossonnios indispensable to tie Law¬ yer, Merchant, Farmer and politician, and to render it equally welcome ia the Counting room and at the fireside. “Old Si" will con¬ tinue to air his quaint philosophy through it* column, and “Uncle Remus" will occasionally warble one of his plantation songs. Tho S preme Court decisions, matters pertreieing to the Executive business of the State, and th* their proceedings of the Legislature will all find amplest and earliest record in she col¬ umns of The Constitutio-Hv THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION, will b* a every respect as newsy send as entertaing aa he daily. It will comprise every feature of interest that experience can possibly suggest— a carefully edited resume ef the latest new* from all parts of the world and matters of po¬ litical, literary, scientific, agricultural aad commercial moment will find in its columns their completest emboeimect. TERMS FOR THE DAILY 1 month....... irerereewe $1 Off 3 months.. 2 00 6 months *••••••*• ••»•»***• *y*im * eeeeseee eeeeee eeeeee 5 0 12 months. J**»rereeeee ••••••••ree**eeeeeee stttss we eeee .. 10 OOp TERMS FOR THE WEEKLY. ^ ^ oni hs .............................................$1 00 Lm Ay f. IhS ... ...... .........M......... i i i . 11 ... _ 2 0* 'Money iukiy. bfe sent by postofice money ot me at our fc>:ren.-e. Address •niB'COSSTlTTJTION. Atlanta, Sa. vho Beraedjr *f th— 19th Ceatary. \ Bh, rham's Snfatliblsv wmmit ManufocUired cure. bj> tbe Barkis.PSs Cars Co., Serbia^ 9. (f. Ksf^i'fdfeto care HmnrlnM, or Pile.. wb» n A eure l, poMible. Prl» List a «c h-r i, fine *—f'—r-|,fr Zu! AUhvl aa &si ilaSta mamm