Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, October 12, 1878, Image 1

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in c OtTNTj 0 State n [ O % ■NS 4 t, -25? *C BY T. W. AYERS, TBIEIi T i a i * ■,r i. . .|to * - •«»-■< £■* 4- - ■ M. Gr. & J. COHEN, >■ LEADERS, DICTATORS AND COMMANDERS l OP LOW PRICES, 7 / ♦ *W*i Open, this iFjlLti SEASON wit/fa th& LoJr^eSt Stochof X)rv O-oodsl and Notions, TVTen’s "NT out la’s &t Boy’s OlotKing* Siloes, Hats, Carpets <Sco. AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN NORTH EAST GEORGIA; THE REGISTER. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY T. W. A YEBS, ' And Proprietor. m CO M MUNICATED. .< 4 a. FOR, THE REGISTER. EFFECTS OF KINDNESS* "SfmSSSXJSt* Two men Jonesand Johnston, hved some miles apart, and they both being public men, through the entetfotence of evil-disposed people, became very touch estranged. Jones tOt tolainly that Johnston was more distant to wards Mm than common, and asked him the cause. Be did not explain. but he said that donee bad been band^ liBg m name in quite an ungentle. manly manner s though bo refused to telt brs author, J ones utterly denied basing ever said anything in dispar. agement of Johnston’s character to any person; for he said he knew toothing against him aoy way. Johns ton was incorrigible, and all familUar Uy between the two men and their families ceased. Mven the neighbors took sides, and the difficulty WAS ai ways the topic of the day. A year or more pasaed -oT, and no signs of friendship werovifible. They always spoke when they met, though very •oddly, andirife Qoe ehltry afternoon Johns. and a small daughter! were going home from a long hot drive.’ The rokd ran some distance a long Jones' fence. Now, Jones was a .neat farmer, and took a great delight In raisihg fine delicious fruits of varU ©** sorts, melons, &c: ttis orchard Was right on that part of the road or^ and ho and bis wife were in the ch m near the fence as Joiltton Came up. A cold nod was all he did or would allow bis wife to do, aN though she and Mrs. Jobes were fors tnerly schoolmates, and were always On ‘ the very best df terms, and the bold nes%Mjth eir husbands cut them to 5 fhe buggy drove by, m i passed little Sallie hat nice, large, red l c on0 V ver J gruff ' to hush ; but there was one near by f bat he could not control ? add thatwas Mrs. Jones. “Stop the buggy” said she, “Sallie must have a ant Ralf nothing you have on or family,” said J< P Johnston then took pkf for all a fond moths *e stirred in her heart whan JHAWW how kindly Mra. Jones had noted, and also many of their romps and plays loomed np in her like a living panorama. “Mr. said she, “it is useless to m bo foolish. Let the child have a CARNESV1LLE, GA. OCTOBER 12, 1878-. peach.” By this t!ime Mrs. Jon'eS was there with a dozen of the finest kind. When she shoos: bands with her for* mer playmate they burst into tears. Silence reigned for some moments. At length they began to talk. Johns** ton was Astonished. All he could he could not feel angry. Jones saw the situation in a moment, and hfr termined to make capital of it. He disappeared for a lew moments, and returned with an exceedingly melon. Mr. Johnston,” said he, let us be friendly and as we used to be.’> Johnston, then and there surrendered “Agreed,” said Johnston, they hMd, . . *- a f •“*.•■ -.J Hw ■■ Mw Mi ? a ", lh ' s ’ tlwir J 8 ? fen ® w ftdS - They aUeroatel y Ia °g h « d . d <or ’ ettWe J""® cr ‘? 80m - 8 cat U>® “®' on > and 88 they ate it and J ° hn6t0D declared it to be the beat e ?? T ta8ted- ® ot there was a th "“ s than that-peace. While Were talkln g » bhsty thunder storm ° am0 np antl droro thom a11 t0 Jone6 , dwellin g> where they agreed next morD ‘"g tbat they 8 P ent a more P ,easant evening. Prom d,sturbance V? at time the afterward family visited and no marred their P e Now, ^* J 0ar 1<eatier whenever yoh J i . # calculated coIdn , f an between in S to create a c* s yod And P erson » bo oal W» and bo certain before ^ beC ? m6 ^ 6l l ° Weigh We ** the evidenc e> taking the source it ^om, the promptings thereto, and ^ de8,gn ° f the per80n aI1 iat0 ® on / ,deratlon > and you will very often find Jt t0 be the ba8d tbat the ^ is 110 rea S round for a difficulty. People WlU tatt,e ’ wlU g &nera lly also ^ 16; &nd b 7 P a J in 5 ^°<>d attention, they Cau often be det0cted - If a diffi C “ lty D0ES abtaa,, J occar » tben ^ b ° 8pokeQ of as aa possible As LITTLE “ poBsibl0J and as favorably as possible. We all have felings^ and one has his Ot her own weakness J And such being the ease we ought to bear with one another. If we have been wronged, it will not mend the matter to often speak of it j but we will for get it the sooner, the less we speak of it® if others have trouble with each other, let Us by all moans endeavor as far as we Can to reconcile the par¬ ties ) and on no account let as stir up old h heartburnings and bickerings, Let us Jpeak right and act right ward God and toward man, and it is our opinion that it will be very dom that we will get into any diffi¬ culty. When a fuss occurs we often think of the copy; “Be kind to and you may expect the same; Elbert Co. CttAFTSYiLLE. HuM l5g district. Editor Eegister Allow us a small space in the colnms of your wide spread Journal. Weather ignite cool’. —Politics hot.—Think some of the Independents will melt before the fifth of November.—Muscadines and Opossums are ripe, and the hunter's horn is now hoArd.—Cotton piclung is the order of the day, and a brake down at fright, of course.—It's a girl and Buss Walters is called dad.—We read the Toccoa Herald, and are glad to see the improvement made by Mess Wilson & Stribiing, but sorry to seb t h t ltt esent occasion inff ents ought to move the trash from before them and probably they would find a snake.—Mess. Charles Bruce and G-. & Whitworth have been on visit to their brother and^^ brother-in law in Hanks county, in the neigh¬ borhood of Burns Mill, and say all in that section are for Billups.—Bill Barker, a colored preacherand sttimp speaker for the Bepublican party of South Carolina, says that every negro and Bepublican in Georgia that don't vote for the Independent candidate Ought to be hofse whipped. NoW do you hear what Bill baB to say, Dem¬ ocrats?—We ask some of t|ie Inde¬ pendents to tell Us why nearly every leading Badical in the Stave is Work ing so hard for the Independent can¬ didate ?—Away with yofir Badicals and Independents and ic| f end a man to Congress from tb. i Ninth with a Clean shirt and a cro an con scieoce»—Hurrah for Billups; Shall the CdUnty Site be Moved? For lo, these many year* the citi¬ zens of “CarnesrilW'aUd their neigh¬ bors have done all in their power to build a railroad to their town; First, They worked hard And subscribed liberally towards bringing the “El berton Air Line” by their town. Secondly, They agitated the question of building A branch rOad to connect with the “Northeastern." But alas, it has all been in vain; The bills on the one side; and the distance and rivulets on the other side, all con¬ spired against them. ’ And it really seems that after all, their tidble and generous efforts must fail; that they must be cut off from the world and doomed as it seems to be a lonely .City on the hill. Wbat then must they do ? I would suggest that, as they Cannot get a railroad, tbat they consider tbe question of moving their county site to some eligible point on the “Blberton Air Line.” I am in¬ formed that a place could be selected that would be equally as near the center of tbe county as the present location, and to say nothing dispar¬ aging of the ancient and honored site, lam sure a place much more at' tractive As to beafity and symmetry could be very easily selected. I am aware tb&t it Will be bard for some i of th6 citizens to give np their material prejudices—besides it will militate against thqjr pecuniary in terests, but that will only be tempo** ary. Let us then for the futhte good of the county and for the county J pride tbat beats in every brbast* do away with these ideas and consider 1 calmly and dispassionately this im~ jportaut question, From what I can gather, the expenses of the move county, will be cp^par|tiv^ly it has afrefrdy light 'Wf*®** on as new jail, and very soon theCottrt House will he in a very dilapidated condition. With these ideAB I l$are the issue with you, hoping that 1 may hear from some other pen that iB inore deeply interested thru your humble servant. Pro Bono PubticOi “Martha, does thee love me? J ' asked a Quaker youth of one at whose Shrine his heart's holy feeling had been offer¬ ed up. “Why, Seth,” answerd She,“we are commanded to love One another) are we not?'^ “Ah, Martha, bht does tbee regard me with the feeling the world Calls love?” “I hardly know what to tell tbee, Seth. I have great¬ ly feAred that my heart was An erring one; I have tried to bestow my love on ail; but t may have sometimes thought, perhaps, that thee was get¬ ting rather more than thy share/’ Leisure, the highest happiness on earth, is Seldom eojoyed with perfoct satisfaction exbept in solitude, tndo* once and indiffereneb do not always afford leisure, for trne leisure is fre<« queutly found in tbat internal of re¬ laxation which divides a painful ditty from an agreeable—recreation; toil some business from the more agrees able occupations of litbraturd and philosophy. “Do not marry a rtidower," said the old lady; A ready-made family is like a plate of coldpotatoes," “(3h,I'll soon warm them over,” replied the damsel, and she did. • ' / V - . _ Occasionally we hear of a wise man making and bis Appearance in Wash¬ ington, then we scan the papers to see what lunatic asylum he escaped from. When Emerson recklessly rtfote ev¬ ery natural action is graceful bad he ever seen an angry woman throw a stone at a cow? Yeung Swell; “1 should like to have my mustache dyed.” Polite barber . “Certainly, did you bring it wit you?” VOL. 111—NO. 46 m Support YoHr Couftty Paper; The Louisville CourierKjoUraal “One of the first duties of a( 9 od citizen is to aid id sup* his SoUUty paper, for that pa* per can do more to promote the morn intellectual add Material, Interest* his county than any or all other agencies. Show us a county Which lib 1 erally supports’a good hewSpaper, and we will show you a county rtfao&’S people are intelligent,enterprisingadd prosperous. A good newspaper ffodr* ishes only where the people df thd county are known abroad fof thei?' prbhpefity in ail the pdrsdith of life About the best county to move Irod i8 one which does dot support indif= ’foifehtiy Us nei»*a*ir. Abdttt mml county to move into ih stippoHf and sustains its newspaper* Good folk, for gold or hiro, Uttt help mis to a crier, For riijr poor kdart is mil AJav, After two eyes that passed this rtay; It is a wounded heart, Wherein yet stioks the dart; Faith and truth writ round about it* It was a tame heart, and a dear, And never used to roam; Bat having got this li&unt, I fear *1 will hardly stay at hdme. For God's sake, walking by the way. If you niy hoartdo See*, Either impound it for a Strafo Or Sehd it back to iho: When ah artist climbs over a ienbd to get a nearer View of a handsome bulldog, he must take the chances of his sketching the dog or the Jog’S sketching him. r, Probably at the last artful day; when Gabriel sounds his tfhmpet; if he does not Stop onbe ot twice be¬ tween thd blasts, auJ Say!” shout “fteneral; General, Colonel, t not mord thah two%fifthsof the hlen in Amen** can Cemeteries will get np Mr. Bifell attempted to kids A V°hbg lady At a pic-nic last week, but Stum- 1 bling he fell dortu. The giHft now ball him blunder-bliss. Cucumber socials are in Order, ti ybii like to go to cramp meeting*; Thd agony is in tents. When an accordeon has wdrtfed its way into a pawn shop its redeem* et does not live. The label upon a bottle ol Sgdd remedy, requesting the patient td shake well before using, is SaperffuonS; Did yoh ever see a cow Slip?—tlx.— Yes, and we have seen a bull doze; tod. Did yoti ever see a btlck Saw? Hort to raise beets—take bold of tbe tops, and poll. A man who owes more tbati Be can pay Is naturally more-oeC. ----»- ■ ■ ■■ - 'fiA The Cincinnati Times wants to s£g tbe Bdft strike somebody of its siZe;