Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, June 24, 1882, Image 2

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ths itiiuisriiit W. F. BORERS, Editor. Amo Proprietor. J & 0tr,bling Publisher Meta Bewererille Georgia JUNE 24, 1882. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. One o n,y, one year.., • 1,00 One copy, six months. 50 One o«py, thros months..-. ... 80 To scluo «»f ten ws will send the RkgisTer tor 76 csnts in sdvsnoe with extra copy to getter up of club. Our terms, strictly in sdvsno. ADVERTISING RATES. Oaa Square on# waak. SO eanta. Qoa Sqnara two waakt, TO oaats. Oaa Sqnara thraa waakt, $1,00. Ona Sqnara foar waak# $ljS3. And by tpaeial contract far longer lima ar am tpaaa. Oaa aqaara D aaa look la dapth af eolaan. AH edvertmemehit daa a fur tha drat la tartian. For tbo Nsst Houto of lUprototatlvtt from Hart, HON. A. G. McCUKRY. Blaotlaa Itt Wadaatday in Oolobar next. NOTICE. * Tbe Democrats ot Franklin coun¬ ty, are requested to meet in tbe Court House ia Caruesville on tbe first Tuesday io July next to elect delegates to the Convention to meat ia Atlanta Go., on the ninteenth day of July next, for tbe purpose ot nominating candidates for Governor, and other State oflloere,and Coogres Oman at large tor the State of Ga. A full attaadanoa ia requested. W C MoEntire, - Chairman of Exr. Com Franklin Co. It ia now stated that Congress will adjourn aarly in July. Twenty oar loads of Wateraieloos were received in Savannah last Wednesday. Judge Cuningbam of GnfBn,ohip ped last week from hie peeeh orchard, 118,000 worth of peaobee. D H Ponder, a Henry county far¬ mer, threshed ninely-eix bushels ef wheat from three acres. Doyal, tho murder ooon to be ox eouted in Griffin, is relatod to Ex Governor Smith, and wool to sohool to Judge Stewart, who sentenced him to death. A gold briok weighing twenty five poundei or 16,800, io one chunk f passed through Gainesville a few daye ago or. ite way io tbe mint. It woe from tbe mine of Captain Im* bodon. The grapes growu by tbe stock¬ holders of the Georgia Wine Compa¬ ny, located in Calhberl, will this year make 20,000 gallons of wine, which is tho present capacity of tho •ompany. TO THE SUNDAY SCHOOLS. On the first Tuesday in Jane tbe officers and Sunday School workers ot the^F. C. S. S. A. met according to request of our worthy President. Present. Vice President T A Lit¬ tle, W O Buttler, P C Uaulbrook, James c R<tndal, John F Shannon, John F Goode, J C C Miller, John W Osborn, L K Burruss, S M Ayers and W Jj MoBath. Vice Pres. T A Littlo called to the chair. Object of meeting explained by Rev, W O Buttler. On motion committee No. 1 were appointed, to correspond with tbe speaker of the day, which is as fol¬ lows. L K Burruss, J C C Miller, Rev. John F Goode and Rev. W O Butt. ier. On motioo tbe following commit tea woe appointed as committee on prizes. S M Ayers, J W Osborn, John F Shannon, W L MoBath and P C Uaulbrook We propose to offer tho prizes as followers. One for tbe largest school represented in the Sunday School Association. Ono for the school choir that makes tbe best music, (disinter ested parties as judges,) third and last prize, to the scholar who mem orizes sod recites the most verses of Scripture, oon»aae«oaing the firs’. Sunday in July and lowing the first Sunday in August, Kant here of versos to be kept by ■-oreti.ry of eoheol, nod handed to S M A yore, chairman of committee on prise*. We have not determined »s to wfcat tht^prisee repreeented, will be, bn for there the largest School offered, end the will be » Banner victorious eohoal will be oelled the Benner School, Now the question riiw, what school will be the bon nor school. All persons interested in our San day Sohool work nre requested to meet st Csrnesville the first Taes d»y in July, to oomplete the pro* grsai. W L MoBath, F. C. S. S. A. THOUGHTS UPON THE DEATH OP A FRIEND. Thomas G. Underwood Jr., son ol Dr. T. G. Underwood died in his ,22nd y*r, at his latber'^Pestdence dost Csrnesville, on Sunday tbe 6th inst. He wee afflioted with Pneu¬ monia, sad bis illness was very brief, the attack having eet in on the Monday proceeding his death. His condition was not thought to be crit¬ ical until a few hours before bis life terminated, and he was probably among tbs first to realise his own danger, flis last utterances were <Arty I am all right now* to his sis¬ ter, who was ever by his bod side, and his life was breathed away as calmly and peacefully, aa a tired ohild passes into pleasant, healtbfut sleep. The funeral and interment, at Csrnesville Baptist oburob on the 'Monday following, was attended by an immense concourse of sjmpatbiz* ing and weeping friends. His school comrades acted as pall bearers, per¬ formed the last ead burial rights, and the little hillock that marks the spot, where alt the hopes and plans of his life ended, beneath which bis bands are now folded in dreamless sleep, was bedewed with tears of ainoore affection. It not unfrequently ocoura that the dead are extolled beyond their merit, bat it would be difficult to be etow undue praise upon the subject of this sketch. The writer knew him long and iutimate'y, and their associations ware such as draw out and reveal tbe true character. Ue was gonerous and manly almost to a fault, and a true and sympathizing friend. Ready to forgive, and quick to acknowledge & fault or atone for an error—as lauUless perhaps as the frailties of human nature, vigorous health, and buoyant youth, permit to fall lo the lot of any one. ilia ed - uoation was still unfinished, but he showed evidence of far more than usual intelligence and mental vigor— his surroundings were favorable, bis heart boat high with hope, and his prospects were unusually bright, for a long, useful and honorable life. For reasons and purposes beyond the ken of tbe human mind, tbo work and preperalions for the great battle of life were cut short. The grand and beautiful Sabbath eve¬ ning rolled u.o, when ho must look oat for the last timo, upon tbe beau¬ ties and glories of this world: Tire visible and solemn ties that bound him to the Liberty Hill Baptist Church, of which he was an exem¬ plary raembor, were severed. The relationship existing betwoen him and his purents, brothers, sisters, teacher and clussiuatos was widely sundered. Death knocked loudly at tbe door, and bis hand would not be TJSXJTZ guish, or lighten the neavy burden, that has been laid upon the afflicted family, but in jommon with others, wo lender to them our sympathy, heart felt and sincere. There ars many reasons why the calami.y should not be mourned too keenly. The path-way ot life is beset with so many pitfalls, is so dark and gloomy, the flocks of sun-shine so few and tar between, that it is not a great loss to die young. T. G. Un¬ derwood Jr. has gone down to his early grave, with a spotless record and an untarnished name, in his past life thore was little to regret, and in the future there was nothing to alarm. Time the great alleviator of human sorrow, will tone down the bitter angmsh ot to-day, and his faroi'y and friends will hold him in rememhorance, as a sad but pleatfant dream. His memory will be a re- -.fe:. • DANIEL; PRATT Nt COTTON GIN! THE BEST I)! USE. EVERY GDI FEED® AND CONDENSER Guaranteed to Give perfect Satisfaction: AGENTS. T. Fleming &c Sons, HARDWARE MERCHANTS,' ATHENS, GEORGIA. WRITE FOR PRICES & PAR flCULARS. minder of the uncertainty and brevi¬ ty ol life, and serve as another round ic the ladder, that leade from earth up to heaven, and anite the parents with those who have gone before. Had be lived to tho full period of life allotted to man, at no time would be ever have bed so little to Wind him to life as now, and who can tell bow muoh suffering he has oscaped by death, or by wbat storms and tempests bis life might have wrecked. As it is, all is well and is at rest, safe from nsiomny temp¬ tation and psin. The strange and terrible messenger of death brought him s summons from another world, his spirit has leaped the dark biatnu that divides lime from eternity, the last and saddest sceno in tho drama of life has been enacted and tbe grave has closed over bis body. The mound above him will be neatly kept for a while, but by and by thoso to whom he was most dear will bo scattoifi far and wide, the birds alone will keep his vigils, and tho winds alone will sound his iu neral dirgo—bis humble bed of clay will be forgotten. While the unbid¬ den tear swells now with momories green, lot us remomber that our doad friend is infinitely bettor off than we. Lot os remember him i not as one dead, but as one called » little in advance, to a higher and grander life. Lot us lorget his boy¬ ish foibles, and keep the memory of bis virtues green, and so live ad to meet him amid the scenes of surpas K ing beauty grffbdeur and glory to which bo has already J. gone. F. Goods. (Baptist Banner please copy.) A VARIED PERFORMANCE. Maoy wonder how Parkers' Gin¬ ger Tonic can por form rnch varied ouros, thinking it e-sonce of ginger, when in faot it i* made from many valuable medicines which act bene.; ficially on overy diseased organ. June 9ib, ltu. mmdlU Danville R. R. Passenger Department. On and after Febr. 19thlS82, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Cnar otu Air-Line division will b • as follows: Mail A Kxp’e- MAIL. EASTWARD. No. 61. No. 53 Leave Atlanta, 4,64 •tJ*!3 aaaafisaiiB ® Arrive Gainesv |e 7,65 a m - Lul *»*• * “ 4 0 Toccoa, 7,00 •’•« ** <8 Seneca. 8 24 • 11,20 pm Oreenviile, t,25 pm “ Spartanburg, 11,40 3,68 p m •> Gtetooia, 2,00 J’P “ 40 Charlotte, 3,16 Mail A Kxp’e. MAtL. . WESTWARD. No. 60. No. 52. Leave Charlotte, 13.40 a 11,05 a m Arrive Geetonia, 1,35 a 12,02 p m “ Spertanburg, 4 04 a 2,34 p m 48 Greenville, 5.32 a 4,09 p m «< Seneca, 7.15 a 5.64 p m el Tooooa, 8.28 a 8,00 p m <8 Lula, 10.18 a 8.43 p m “ Gainesv i! ,e, 10.61 a 9., 5 p m ■ 4 4 Atlanta, . 1.04 p 12,06 a m T. M. H. TALCGTT, I T. SAiR, Gen. Manager, Snp’t. A. POPE, Gen’l. Pat’. A Tk’t Ag t. X Schedule On Etberton Air^Llne Railroad. DOWN TRAU tun Toccoa ............... 8.30 a a Arrive at Martin.10.13 a a Laavt Martin................ 10.18 a si Leave Arrive at Laronla ......... 10,40 a a Levonia............ 10,43 a a Arrive at Bowenrilla..... 11,07 p a Leave Boweriville, 11,18 a Arrive at W p u, Lca-a W. Bowtrtv’Uc...., 11,3! p a Arrive Leave at Roy iton «#• aa ••••»• 11,40 p a Koytton tneena-na aaaae ll,44 p a Arrive at Bownan 13.08 p a Le. va Bowaaa •eeeeeea aeeeea 13.14 p a Arrlvo at Kiborton .tee eves 1,88 p a vp TRAr1 '' • Blberton et....„...... 3.83 p a Arrive at Bowman aaaeea eeeete 8.30 p a Leave Newman a #•••••#•••*•• 3,34 p a \ Arrive at Royatorf- 3.30 p a Leave Royitvn.. eeeeeea eeeeeea 3,33 pa l Arrix at W. Boweriville, 4,14 p a Liava W. Bowertvilla. 4,17 p a Arrlvo at BowariviRa. 4.33 p n Leave Buweitville •••*•■...... 4,35 p a Arrive at Livonia.. 4,50 p a Leavo Livonia. iietiH) eeeeeeeei 3.05 p a Arriva at Martin . ........••earn 5,3U p m Leave Martin •eeeeeaoa •eeeaaaet 3.33 p a Arrive at Toecoa., eeeeeea eeeeae 6,30 p m H ulbert Bros. Wholesale Price List No. Pi icc. 4 Piano, 7 oct., square, rosewood carv¬ ed agraffe •*•••••• •••aaaeea $150.00 7 Piano, upr, 71 oet., cabinet grand, 174,00 13 Organ, 4 tata iceda, 9 stops i grand organ .................. 50,00 103 Organ 6 sets reeds, 13 atop*, coup¬ ler, sub-bast, 73,00 War Pianos and Organs warranted &nt class. 2 Violin outfit, box bow, strings, oom¬ plete, s,oc 3 Violin eremona media, eitr.i fine 9.00 4 Acoordeon, 6 keys, l ass box, fine tone 1,80 6 '• 10 keys, 1 step, 2 sets reeds, perfect, 3 00 7 Meutk Organ, vicuna conceit,24 holes 50 8 •• Genuine Riobter,19 holes,G.8. 24 II •< “ Cooeert double 24 boles,O.S. 1,09 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, 0 keys, bexwoud, 5,SO 17 Fife, etn ebony, German liver feruiet 30 16 Musio Box, 1 tone, crank, fine, 1.10 19 “ 8 tunes, wind with lever, large 23,00 20 Vioionoello, patent, machine bead, good, head 10,00 22 Double Bass, pst.nt 3 or 4 strings, machine head, 23,00 24 Guitar, mapla, fine finish, 4.00 if Banjo, If inch, 4 brass brackets 2.00 23 Coruot, brass corn' po.m style, caee ami crooks, 9.00 30 Drum, braes, Prussian, ornamental 9,00 Cold Vio.ia, Guitar aud Bmj DgS ’ll Bros.’ 15 Silver Violin Guitar and Banjo strings M Bros. 10 Steel Vi >ltn auitar and Banjo strings H Bros 3 Gat, Russian, German or Italian, belt quality, 15 Inetiuuti n Books, Howe’t or Winners, any instrument, 36 Having just mud* a good trade for TOO Sing er Hewing Machines, will tell them for $25 eacb while they last, Money ia quite safe in oommon letter if plainly Terms addressed. order/Will strictly cash with take stamps. and dealers Agents send for our 49 page Catalogue. On above net wholesale prises agents ean make 100 per oent orclit. Call en us when you coma to St. Loms. References any bank or wholesale hon.e in the city. Hullert Bros, is the only General Whole eale Muaic H nee i n St. Louise. HI!LBRRT, BROS. 923 Olive Street, Saint Louie, Me. January 24 h, ly. rrofersional and B i4aw Carte J. 8. DORTCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CARNKSVILLB, GA. Willjpraetice in Franklin and the adjoin ing eoonties. placed Will give prompt hands. attention Executor*, to all nueineaa in hie odminiatratora and guardian* will do well te cuuacot him and lava tha expense and trouble if litigatiou, ariiing from tbe miernsnagem*" aetatea. ian-l.-ly. THE BEST IN USE. T. R. CHKEK, H^S ON NAND THE FINEST ASSORTMENT -OF Shoes and. Hats EVER DISPLAYED IJi BOWERSYILLB. ALSO A GOOD STOCK OF HARDWARE, GROCERIES *»?,. And will have in new spring G-oods next week pfllLLIP W: DAVIS, ATTORNEY - AT LAW, Blberton, Ga. .. «1vm sIms sttaotlo* to hit practise la Franklin county. JOHN yr. OWEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Toccoa City, Ga. Will preetloe la lb* eountiee af Haber thaw, Baekt, Franklin aad Bart, and else whara whan specially ratained. rjplHOMAS CRTMEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Athens, Ga. OSes ovar Child* Nioktrton A Ca.'t Store. April 22ud, 1881. ly. JOHN P. SHANNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KLBKRTON, GA., Franklin Practice! in the Northern Circuit, county ot tbo Westorn circuit, and aitawbera w tan employed. fApr. 16-ly j^UCIUS J. GARTRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATLANTA, OA. PRACTICES W tbo United States Circuit IT and District Court! at Atlanta, and tha 8a prune and Superior Courts of the Stuto. J. B. PARKS , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Carnes vslle, Ga. Proapt attention will be fiven to ail bsti t ■ to bit cart. Mav 10—ly R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CARNB9VILLB, ga Will practice ia tbe eountiet af the Wwtero eircait, aad in Mart aad Madiean nvun.lui he Northern oirenit. Prompt attention, fiv o ail butineta ia ait baadt. ien-v. F. CAMP, ATTORNEY AT;LAW, ^ CaiattviLLa, G*„ Will praotiee in all tbe couotie* uompriving tbe Western Circuit, and io Hart and Madiaon of the Northern. intrusted Prompt attention bit given Ofttov to all butineti te cure North of the Court House- fnovlSlv. NOTICE. Dr. H. M. FREEMAN CARNESVILLB, Ga. Tenders his Professional services to tbe citisens ef this and adjoining eonntiei. jna-Chronic Cases a Speciality, Thanks for former patronage, a oontinnance of tbe same solicited. SPENCER M. SMITH, Attorney at Law GLO^tJaber TOOL oountiet J A, 4 V» IT ILL praotiee iu the Praokjjg, of HSpe sham, Hall Banks and ^ ‘attent on given to collections, y- • ty. L M. FRANKS, Attorney and Counselor AT LaW AND SOLICITOR IN BQUI^Y, Caunksville, Ga. Will praotiee in Coarts, Stats and Federal. Collections promptly attended to. Btuiaos* from abroad solicited. i y~- Uge Lawrence & Wlartn^e 1 -TjjjjTJl ,r or COUCHS, COLD8, SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, PNEO MOM.A, CONSUMPT.OM, THROAT, CHEST AND LUNCH. H QAM OF Tfl II YE. Its .'oothiti^ Balsamic properties afford*a dimisiv'C stlmulnut I ricftl.oo. and tome to build up the .stem allcr tae cough lias Iwn mlloved. Qii&rt sii:6 hotnos, jimiUlttobeSeld by Dngglsts. flroeers snd Ornler-Everywhere, as- WITHOUT SPECIAL, TAX OS LICENSE. he TOLU, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietor, 41 River St, Chicago, liL WHOLESALE LIST TURNIP MERCHANTS! SEND US YOUR BUSI¬ NESS CARD FOR SEEDS! D. IANDRETH PHILADELPHIA. TRADE LIST. A SONS, yy i,. pike, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JEPFBBSOIf, Ga. Practises ib all theCoarte ef the Waitsra Clraait, and elsewhere b/ speoi, I eon tract. MARBLR A R ROBERSON, • Deader In Monuments and Tombstone, lotoflniihad work on hand far tala at vary low prices. A R ROBERSON, diktat Ob. October 16 th, 1881, ly GOODWIN’S LXNEMENT. Wa are happy to tar that thousands af tattimoniali hit bean furnished, testifying te tha afieaey o GOODWIN’S LINEMBNT for all dotaatot for raaa or boast requiring aa •xtenud remedy. Price 25o and 30e par bettla. J. H. GOODWIN, Proprietor, 138 Franklin SL, Baltimore, lid. 3m,20d,ly. GOODWIN’S Laree Bitter s, A BLOOD TONIC. Strictly *a French Freparaticc, FOR THE CUES OF Diseased Liver and Kidneys, ilflioss Diseases, Dyspepsia, Indigestion Constipation, Coolers, Coolers Mor¬ bus, Colic, Cramps, Rheumatism, Headache, Heartburn, Sour Stom¬ ach', Diarrhea, Djsentery, Chills and Fever, Gravel or Irregularities of the Urinary Organs, and all Dis¬ eases peculiar to Females. Thousands ot testimonials have. ■Seen furnwhed tor tiie Cure of tbe above Diseases. s> J H: GOODWIN, No. 130 Franklin Street Baltimore. THE HULL VAPOR COOK STOVE. jm A niiFIskttr _ a I / jMp in favorwhw x my * r ^ \ ||| Entie in lunnir worli pUf PandaroU easy eomfort • giv¬ ing davic#, Baud tor llluairaiad clrcnlar and prka Msfc Bpacial iaducacuafita Io agant» in unoccupied frrrllory, A44CEM, mVL VAPOR tTOVB Seneca Bt., cor. Champlain, CaveUnd, Ohto. THE HULL VAPOR COO K STOVE, THE OLDEST AND ONLY RELIABLE, is the only de¬ vice of its kind that baa atood THE TEST OF YEARS, and earned uni¬ versal nubile commendation Docs every description ol Cooking, Wash¬ iFrult ing, Canning, Ironing, or other domes¬ tic work her» tofore done Insuf¬ by the ordinary cook Btove, and without Us ferable heat, toot, ashen, etc. INDISPENSABLE. FOR SUMMER USE THEY ARE SW* Reliable Address, Agents wanted in unoccupied' territory. HULL VAPOR STOVE CO., Seneca Street, cor. Champlain, Cleveland, Ohio