Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, January 05, 1884, Image 2

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THE REG 1 ST El , PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. CARNESV1LLE, - - GEORGIA, JANUARY 5, 1884. r« Catered St second rlsu wetter is tbs Post OSes si Careearttle. 'Is. Tmm of Subecrtptoa. Ot»« copy, one year • MlMHH $1.25 One oony, six montha. • •eeeaeaeoeeeo 60 Vneoopf, three months. nniM ... 80 ALVKKTIAI.VO RATES. Oae Square, on* week.. • a.eeea eaeeee .ewesaas. 80 ce is Kerb aubaequeei Inaerliee .yr.MM aasaaaaa 40 seats And by speriel mot fer longer time ur mere One apace. ie lech depth of column. eea la Aeeoauocmenta, PrufeesiuBel Cards, 84.00 per year. I* Decal CoIubo, lOeenii a line es.-h time. jW* the Lroal prescribed AdvxrtiscukSts law. will Bills be for loreri- tbs «d at rale by same ate dae, and must ba p> id, afitt 4r»t in a-rtiuD oj ef, or tbay will be diseee iaued. Basil.*.* wl.k iba offle* meal be addressed to w. o. nu click, Carr**tii.i.«, Urorci*. Anton O. McCook, the new Secretary ol the Senate, i* the first New Yorker who tv er filled that position. John W. Garrett, ot Baltimore, has sent Ideebevk for $4,000 ns a Christmas gift to the Poor Association of that city. The Public Printer of the United Slates Is at the head ot the biggest printing estab tsahmeut in the world, eyiploy ng over 2.200 mee end , u »» »g out annually about . „ 200 000,0*0 , blanks, envelopes, etc., 325,000 bleak books end 12,000,000 bnmplil- is nnd bonks. lie uses up every_y«-»r ubuui $2, 400 , 000 . A man or woman in high health, with good spirits and full of energy, in An immediate source of happiness to those with whom he or she associates; they cannot resist the infection; they are cheered, animated, encouraged, thier energies are called forth, and a positive good is conferred upon them Without ei¬ ther effort or self denial upon the part of the giver. Another dentb Irom ruling cunncil pi n* it reported from South Morwnld, Conn On left Thursday Mr. 0<-o. W. Day nte heartily of a disk of canned pms. A few minute* later he complained of a freling, and look some peppermint water m relieve him. Be )md tvarcrly finished drinking it whrn he fell to the flour dead Bttauge to awj, the Coroner granted a Luri al permit without an autopsy, bat the re¬ maining peas„»re to be chemically ex*m- * iaed. Meeting of. Prohibition Committee w In response to > call of Rev. G H Cartledge, Chairman of the Prohibition Campaign Committee of Franklin conn ty, the following members of the coin mittoe met in the Court House at Carnes ville, Januaty 1st, 1834: Rev G H Cartledge, Chairman; II Aderhold, Robert I* Martyn, B 1* Van diver, W C McEnlirc, N J Holbrook. This number constituting a quorum, the chairman called the committee to order, and Kev’d Kobt I’ Martyn led the (Committee in prayer, whowasappointed Secretary. On motion it was resolved to sub-committees consisting of five each in each District, and the following com uutteea were appointed: Gvnxxll's Distbibt.—J ohn II Shan¬ non, kev’d Lewis Shelton, Dr J T Hol¬ brooks, George L Carson, Thomas D Alexander. Htbvnobs Distkict.—M W Gillispie, W B Seaae, V t. Jolly, Ritaaeli Kesier, B D McFarland. Doolkt's District.—W C Hall, A P (Corson, Wilburn Phillips, Jos M Little, E H Crow - .Maklby'* District.—J ohn W (Inborn, W A Koyston, Allen Turner, Daniel Joiins.> h, Joseph Manley. Gum Loo Distkict — M A Adams, John W Harrison, W A Co©|*r. II 8 Whit¬ worth, Ira W Randall. Wirt Bowhhkvillk Dirtiut-—Q C Jordan, 8 J Stone, H P Osborn, Alex White, John M Bagwell La von* District—T A McFarland, J A Sewell, W J Patrick, T J Blackwell, B H Burton * Brax ms District— G L King J C Akins, D B Eskew, W A McWhorter, W M Ter tell Bia Smith District—R D Y«w, R M Wheeler, M M McMurray, W E Bowers, P G Clark Wolf Fit Dirtrict—W L McButli, S A Porter,M B Crawford,T J Stonecypher, John H Hayes ELtimriixx Dihirict— W J Purcell, J W Williams, R J Crump. C L Mixe, J M Amlrewa it wm iuove>l aud afioptesl that it. gauie any of those ap|>oi!itcilon gulr-com mitteee refuse to Rerve, the remainder of the committee be authorised to fiil their places; also that the editor he requested to publiah the proceedings of this meet¬ ing the in Krmiwtxr. On motion it was resolved to name Slat of July, of the present year, ur the <jay for the election on the queaiion of Prohibition The committee resolved to meet again on Thnnalay, the ?7th of March, at half post twelve o'clock in Methodist Church jn CarnerviOr, ami requeata nil the mili fommittea to meet with them at that <jmo. (i II Csnri KnoB, Cli'ruian. jl I* Maktyk, Secretary. THE 3AJI E OLD DKVIX*. At.llie dinner of the New England So. ciety, in New York on Saturday, George William Curtis related the following an¬ ecdote : “I remember many years ago, when I was one of a group of young writ¬ ers upon the Tribune, and Mr. Greeley was an anient tein|»erance reformer, th.t a vigor us nrtic e appeared one morning urging young men to avoid the tempter in whatever form he might appear, whether as p inch or bitters, asaherry or Madeira, ns hock or claret, as Heidsieck or champagne- The young writers, who were not ardent temperance reformers, greeted Mr. Greeley uproariously when he appeared at the office and with infi¬ nite glee pointed out to him that Heid-. sieck was not a different wine, but^only a particular brand of champagne, As the laugh rang round tiie room. Mr. Greeley, who, as his opponents usually found, was quite able to hold his own, ieaned with his shoulder against the wall looking benignly at the laughing chorus' said, ’ anil when it became quiet he ‘Wal, boys, I guess I’m the only man in this office that could have made ihat mistake,' and then added. ‘It don’t mutter what you call him,champagne, or Heidsieck , or ubbiiitlie, he’s the same old devil.’ ” A “drummer” for u whiskey Ann, said to a Ciiaistian merchant, “Why don’t you aell brandy bitters? you can make thou¬ sands “I would utjit, as you have in such a good traffic stand.” if I not engage u could make million*. To be lhe instru¬ ment in debauching this community, wretched and in bringing poverty and ness on my neighbors and countrymen i "», hi ' 1 ' 1 M !* i,rc for a continent. So K replied Kobt- lav ,„ r< of p* aMl Tennessee -Dr. li. (i Ma ia rd, in Central Hapliil. We hope to see the lime when the con science of every Baptist will be educated to^tliis jHiint. Or. if not/wp hope to K*e the time when^thc conscience of e ery Baptist church will be so educated that individuals capablcof selling liquor shall not lie able to find a place in its mem¬ bership, The disgrace of the traffic in strong drink i* one which no self re siting eburd. ought to bear; and-sure ly the day i* at band when none will bear it. There are limes when a church with liquor sellers in it recalls to our mind the .Saxon king who erected in his chapel-cave one altar to Christ and another to the dev.l. Such churches 11 re destined to become extinct, And when they arc indeed things of the past, .will be found to maintain that they were “evangelical," whether I’edohaptist or Baptist.— Christian Index. Young Men, Attention.- Did young ineu v’to are in the habit of intoxicating liquors ever stop to think It wjiat such a tlkeutens practice is doing for them, not only tw destroy' health and I manhood, hot it* shuts thV.n out from the better positions in the employ mwnt of tiio c who conduct Hit* of the country. No drinking man ran secure a position as teacher in a college, as hank cashier; as superintendent ,.: any railmuil; as lirket agent ie ai >■ important city in the country. In fact there is scarcely any place of mist that will, in tlie.-e <1.ivm, he intrusted in a drinking man - Not because a drinking man is more dishonest at heart than others, hut because lie cannot be trusted, He is more liable to neglect bis lnmi- H’SS than is u sebor man, aivd the lempta tior.s to use his employer’s money is much greutcr. Young men who arc just starting out in life should rciiu-inl er this. The Supreme Court of Iowa has de¬ cided that where the ordinances of a town provide that license to sell liquor may he issued by the proper authorities, the repeal of such ordinances operates also to revoke the license granted under it. The license to sell liquor, says the Court, is not a contract between the State ami the |>crson licensed, clothing such person with vested rights which would he unconstitutional afterward to divest him of, hut it is merely a permis sion to do that which, under other cir cumstances, would he a public ... offense; and such |iennission may he withdrawn at the pleasure of the authorities nally granting it. Since the orgsnizsiion of the lepuhUi-an pnriy it bus held seven nnliooul nmiiillalir g vooventiocs, I vested Mini rrsaltiig us f:,l • low,: ,w «’ ,,hil "' , - lf ' hirt >’"*"’»« *""• 1860, Chicago, Lincoln mid (Linilin 1864 Baltimore. Lincoln nnd Jthtmon 1868. Chicago, (« ami Colfax. 1872. Philadelphia, Grant and Wilson. 1876, CincinnAtli Hayes and Wheeler. 1880 Chicago, Garfield and Arthur* 1884, Cuicago, and Bob Lincoln. —Chicago Tribune Colquitt Foa Vick Pbrsiurnt.—A pro |m.i of Ibis subject we dinppnl into the of¬ fice of a Wall street lawyer who,e fm.e is nmionnl end whose floqilvnco line l-Hped lo win more thun one lL‘f>ub)ic:*n victory, a few days since, and in ihe course ol courcr •ation l.e said; ”Tb*r« is no mistake about it. The Democrat* will have io nominate a .Southern man l»r Vice President, and Ihat man will he Colquitt, of Georgia, lie will give more sire-igib In their tickefal the North, too, Ilian any other man they cuuld name I”—The Comment. Congressman Turner Ims been rnpidly pu.bed IO the from by bring made head of ibe on pr.vilege, and elections at the beginning ol hi. second term in con gie*t Mr. Turner in a brilliant, bat pains, taking man and will not Ml lo sustain biinseit io whatever position lie may be plated’ Juno* Jam»» 8. Hoog.—Jodge gPrskin will soon resign bis position aacirett $ Judge jo Georgia. There are several applicants tor the place. Judge Hook's friend* are anx¬ ious for him to fill it. No man evri occu¬ pied a p)aoe on the bench in Georgia who filled it Witb more graceful dignity nod bility than Judge Book- Be is a ripe schnl sr, a learned jurist and a pure and good man . No act of injustice would evW sully the ermin in which he would be clothed' That’s the kind of mail the people of Geor¬ gia should desire to occupy the position of circuit judge. No «*o« is more cap^fb*tban Judge Hook and hie appoiDt^oi, would bailed with pleasure by all wtO know him.—MilleAgeville Recorder Ir Prohibition is likely topiokiblt oita watomie county, Kansas, They base begun to lodge offending liquor dealers in jgiP Defendant Hulen, having been convicted upon twenty counts, was fined $100 ou each count, and on the twenty iral count the court committed him to jail to stay un¬ til all the money is p«id % Salodb keeper Sbnw, also, having been convicted on thir¬ teen counts, tvas 'sentenced io~^»«y $100 and cost on each count, and to spAnd thir¬ ty day. in jail, and stay there u,n£j be pays up. Saloon keeper Pitunan gey ft 00 fi le and a month in .nil- Upon iw, the court iinpo-ed lines aggregmjug $7 000, wilh $3 000 costs and ninety days io jail. TOCCOA, GEORGIA. Our Royston correspo nde nt, writes as follows on matters and things pri¬ or to the holidays: “The Supreme Court of Georgia has decided that all future contracts are void, and that a note givejtfjr such consideration cannot be collected by law.”-—Hartwell Sun. We knew that the Supreme Court had decided futures that a void, note becJ*i gifjp f° r such cot¬ ton was se transactions were hold to be gambling, hence could not be collect^ thit by law, but we never knew before all fu ture contracts or contracts lfiLdc in the were voi(L I don ' t ^ ieS8 the gun ^ d(J moro w?rk on a credit. I believe the citizens of Franklin county would endorse CapLJ. F. Craft, of Hartwell, for Senator, paptain C. is a line man and has dote a groat deal to improve the interest of Hart county. Your correspondent aWon a visit to Toccoa City last week. '"Toccoa is on a boom. Tito sound of the in ocbii lie’s hain mer can lie heard from fine side of town to the other. ( fJflows The merchants doing are a gijtliiusiness. fively sot of and are a affikK (The people are wide in the intwstof 8chools . The bond bill was psssed by an overwhelming majority. We learn that they ha^e J« ■ n ute l and will ■ t< >n mai’kof: ' (S; * ( already > them. f i • !) >•);>' complete it by Ju-y h' when completed, they willjiavc a first class college building. l - ’ - . - erv citi—'-it of Toccoa short) 1 put hi -honltio.- f tho wheel an 1 as -id in till t n‘ - ■ n - : Organizo your school forces in tho old academy, so that when the now one is complete, y° u can march thorn over en masse. Then she will lie second to none in North Georgia. Aew 1 dvertisem tits. BAGWELL & GOWER,, —OF— A FLOWERY BRANCH, GA., STILL . IHlCil). j HEY „,e best material.make best work, best proportion , best finished, lightest rum big and neatest in appear of any Carriages. all Buggiesund W„ K - ons on the market, as who have used them will lt . 8tifv , at vfry Utw Give ,| iem a trial and he comment that what they say is true. I r. 8. W. Lester is their Agent ,.t Uvonia, Ga , who will fill all orders ml rusted to nun amt give prices promptly, ^ DM INI>TKATOIt'N -Ai.K. us »oiA. Frankmn Oountt. Hy viriue ef .(• der fioin ibe Court of 0rdinv> „f Frauklin 7. ,0 Carncsvil e, said cooniy. beiw.m me ga 1 h'.ursof Side, a I Ihat hot «r ,•*. el of I, situ., ed I) lag and being In lhe «(j vn ot L»V„. tiia, said e- unty, on ‘be K.b*n »h An-Ln e Railroad, known mb Lot No. '.3 f 1 $k 10, on the west tode of said r, n*.»inl > »n li.g .0 feet on the Augusta i\o».d„und < nth a depth **f -424 aim f*ur fil hF fv*$. Also one Store HuUfie and L *t m ‘he t«.w- of L .voni.i, said couuty. frontii g sold Her • u<i feet, running uack Mi f e t an-, kn wo i, ho pL f said town a a Lot No. i3. in Blook 8. Also, at the SMine time and place iraeioi parce. -.1 land, i uared. Ling and being it gal l Couuu, withiu he o rporeie limits > f ;hE^-'wu * 1 • « - i | -luis, on the went m<1u of ;bo He «%».* ». auj<«u.. j (1 g l ulj de of Flees Ku..x ni.d muer l«tnia fur ! men> be.ot giog u» Abu^r Bu ge<o, ti«o n<td, | euU uuutwiuiug 28 mid tuiee •^.h-D- acred, ui re or lc»e Al«u, at ihu »..Le turn ai.u j. *ce, nit mat tr<c« wr ffttrcti t-f Lnu, muati, ijiugana bei g iu sa:d titiuui^, Itiritwii a» Lut Niu th« uiuiliiu o i the u; Abuvr Bulaevs, d ceupcii, „i e line tuf.h we i vf Levuiiia, a j duit.g ialG* of Mtt. Dtu|iLri.» umt uibvr.T, Mud t)uu<a>niiig lu5 ttu« mre-eigu »h eerrifi, moie « r ie»« ALu, at th« earn* tiuiu autl place, one Buuse and Lut iu the tuwu ul LavuDta, said cuuuty, coniainiug one a re, mure ur Je*e, aud temg the lut wfcereu'* J X. Burgees lived at she lime f hie d*Aih, Bud wnei* bis widow ouw Uvea. All R*(fi Iba propany of J. t. Burga.., j TS “..“rekeu lU balaoee, au. Ueirirer 14. W*4, »nb miaraai irum date at H par cast A »%r autiUiu, “•} wiimss tire Jauuary 2d, i#»4. A. JahErtL, AUiaiuiatra.or ol J. A Burga**. PARSONSSPILLS MAKE NEW RICH BLOOD, And will completely change the blood In the entire system In three months. Any per¬ son who will take X PHI ench night (Tom 1 to IS weeks, may he restored to sound health, If such a thing be possible. For curing Female Complaints these Pills bars no equal. Physicians nse them tn thelr'practloe. Sold everywhere, or sent by mall for eight letter-stamps. Send for circular. I. S. JOHNSON & CO., BOSTON, MASS. DIPHTHERIA CROUP, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. JOHNSON’S ANODYNE LINIMENT will install Uneously relieve thfcje terrible difteasp*, end will positively cure nine canoe out of ten. Information that will cave many live* sent free than by mail. Bon't delay a moment. I*reventlan is better cure. JOHNSON’S ANODYNE UNIMENT Spine and Lame Back. Sold er*ryw.sero. Send .or pampb et ro I. 8. Johnson A Co., Boston. Mass. II Ella LEI imimnNlv fitol valuable. Nothing on earrh win* 1 make hen* lay like Sheridan** L Condition S. rowdere- I>o**, Boston, 1 teasp’n- Ma*» pint food. Sold everywhere, or sent by d ill for 8 letter-stamp*. Johnson k Co*. *50 PON TRIAL idOX Read What a Patient says of it: ••The PuettlU* I pnrcliased from you In August prove life to me most conclusively that '‘while there is there is hope.” They did tteir work tsr be A :,rv.- DURATION exceedingly could be completely gotten under montha con¬ trol In the short time of two I I can aaaure von that no (Mae modesty will keep me from doimr all that I can In adding to the tnccese %nl. which win surely crown so benedawl a remedy. ” Above extract from a letter dated—W.Va, ™ The Pastilles are prepared and sold only by Ska , HARRIS REMEDY OO. MFC CHEMISTS, MmnMp^tjSoKS^Mtrm Ou 30SX Ewtt’i N. trottmnt 10th. at 88, On statu ST. tb, LOUI8, tkne amtu MO. » MOTttEB 9 c> WOStiE'S W ^ HEALING SYRUP. 20 million Bottles sold in 10 years. A certain Cure for Dyspepsia, all Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Stomach, Blood, Skin and Bowels. Can Produce Thousands of Letters proving its Curative Powers. AN OLD AND LONG TRIED REMEDY. Labobatoby 77 Amity Stbket, new yoke city. muon marx. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. »The King of Corn Killers. The most desperate Corns, Bunions, Wjuct3 Ac., Spkkdi vxcured. Price 25 Cents. '-An Unfailing Remedy for Hot, Swollen and Tender Feet,Chilblains,Ac, Price 25 Cents. Cornease Hanuf’g Co., 236, 5th Ave. Place, N. Y. City For Balt by Agents, Druggists and Shoe Dealers. KJSItJS? Cheap. tural Paper ’V ■ 'wok li MR \ \ \.\--v j' ^ H6= AMERICAN FARMER - AND THETT p'jc v ■KLi N i.:< > L’N'I > hlAUXTl.U von sl.vj a yew , Kh’ve pCTf-*cfeu »**•---* 1 :ere-s*.•»■**$i w• i 1(6 ^ j ti‘‘ M'f h„* Xutrl’Ci' F -4 ('.•*•! ! <•' Wrtvne. 1 < 1 . th-if uiPih'B .!• f( I’ f.-.r h‘. r« .» v'.'i. • A jjfrtouiHir A M ; /.■ flic 1»;» J ^ '« t>iC VY tit n»» T : il Jirirrtfefi. Hi- Am.Tirin K r; :} . r \* » A .Honiiuv ifi'ti; 7/ "■ '.vhicli i -4 r«r*lf»I * n» k HF *i»*« t th'v ! -’lif ifTit'UMur, p % ■ i 2 - ( f ‘ lit: <• .U»i» K.u’h "'.m-b-r' •' iii “ cf« f’ b>) f. r : er hi> stuns u ir. c 8. n» Ik I, "4'!’ -- {^yssium, * Throat, Luu,,a, tuinuea, riute. cos., >™. MARRIAGE^n (>0 ctjMMiper f>c- e Ikn frisKe w, (Doth nnd quilt bind a»"lod.mon«w n strj. Guide. 144p 15c, sent or SESSw or. WHITTIER i I NO mEWTHKN®. »|h]].L SsIaflB.I ips, a IV^* F4I! " WWIIIUH4J \ W •SJiiSl. -1 s l" U*rid throughout- fconut-r? JTOOK. O-V ^XIL y: ** . And tiiur..fjrovod To? Bast Ursr UsilNr. s NoGriping, nd -tiablv. t -r*. yi • \ « r i i .-era-- - • • ’ onre fov I v t.** Vurifyir ; ir.«» . ^ j ;»•»**-« ,5 > ns? J • $ .v « iti Dro•»«*«*. -. V • •*. Ai. r-^,. linn onus mimms | Secure Healthy ‘a- action to the Id ver d relieve all bll __________.iou. troubles. Tarelj VtgttaUt; Its Sh,lag. Frits tSs. AU Oicfi 's‘.L PATEN fir,'** t o ^ _ r.rit’\ v. < •» n ., K In , *KTjS?.r3SJR5a tiie lhefcriu.vnnc Ahkhicak. 14r«c*». t cm. and uioei K mtlclf feplfD-UJ (•frrclntid BCicr tSflo pniM r. $8.20 a youf. "—-|v. encravlnps and HcfMitlflr! lnti»r**Htin« In. tlon. rpertnipn of thn A »»mr w*nt fr«»f». Aftdn*iu* MuNN A CO., 8< ijcmifig CAIf OflSco, M Broadway, New York. L. C. BOYINCTON’8 PATENT AUTOMATIO CABINET FOLDING BEDS *° Si ^ ” S3 s cu o» 3 v j33Is <TD oo the PETS, keeps the BEDDING CLEAN FROM DUST, and is rnpidly superseding all other beds In the families of the rich and poor alike In all section* of .ISMiffBtk'hanirtsgft DRNK Style* BOARD, and WK1TIHG Send for Descriptive end Illustrated Circular. Factory & Office, H6§ State St. Chicago.' jar "E* In scndiTig for circular with prices, please same paper. Utt0RJ>OR«.T a " < i VMOrfT Th* law* OF M.5S0UIU. GfjggM 5J Of &T a XjO’UX&, MO. successors to GKFiCE & Locust room3, Dr. BUTTS' DISP.KSABY. Ho. 820 CT. CSAflwJU IjBAB ;R, ILp., factf. fru 18 Bttbeit C||f;f, KIL80N CEESkAN. * luug.,. Thle Inetftnte has empio fac.Illtfee and an ex perlcnced Faculty. 'Wtolc It succeede to a large tlce, giving skilful and scion tide treatment to CHROHIC Llrer.Storaaehlin^Bowcis,Rheum- DiS-ASuS Lu up* aifdir^l’as’ sajres.Heart. atism. Dyspepsia, Consumption and Asthma. BLOOD IMPURITIES, l^^nSSJ tion. Scrofula, Fever Sores, I Jeers, etc. UCrUnirlllCd flCCftDfMTi£Q oftlio \V»*y-Neck, Limbs, MdnalCnrva tore, Diseases of WE the IIVU'CQQ Jo tuts, Piles. and Vistula,lirpture. wasti'iu: etc. in old and if Clir iisrevO youinf men, aiho all diseases of caua ml/J t |, efn j„ makinK a full statement of their cases and If not requiring a operation they cun s?vr. u fi^r»*£«r.7?i5irr “ j Chenmnn This Treasurer * Oo.. Adver of the Ibiug corpuratiou A wonts, and is..’ refer* Nelsouy to \ m I fl I he publisher of this or any other newspaper in the ' TTrtHed «»-nt»«o#f 1 .»nHdaereKnr<W*«« reepcneibilltjr. W Consultation at Office or ty mail free and invited. TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, M V E R DISORD ERED * r foarths of From these sonrees arise three the diseases of the human race. These symptoms Indicate their existence: Jkoaa of Appetite, Bowels coatlve, Blek Bead, ube, follneas after eating, awiloa to exertion of body or mind, Eructation lew of food, Irritability of temper, spirits. A feeling of haying neglected at the •ome duty, I»liaino»«, Flattering highly jaieirt, Kota before the eyea, col¬ ored Brine, t O.VSTI PATIO.V, and <3e mand the use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. As aLiver medicine TtJTT’S PILLS ha ve no equal. Their action on tho Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing “scav¬ all impurities through these three engers sound of digestion, the system,” regular producing stools, appe¬ olenr tite, a akin ami a vigorous body. t'OTT’S PILLS cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere with daily work and are a perfect TUTTS HAIR changed DYE. In Gray IIaiS or Whiskers sna»sffwawfi** sent by express receipt of or on SrwYo*. _ Oflior, 4k Murray Strcot, REGUPT8 FSES. TOn’fi M.XH’JM 0? llStniL Professional Cards, > LEXANDKR 4 OKKI.LY, , E US ID K N T I)E N FI3T3, CaRNEsVILLB, Georgia j B. BARKS, ATTORN EY AT LAW*, CARNE8VII.I.E, Ga Prompt sttontlou will ba given to all busi¬ ness intrusted to bis cars. Mav 10—|y R B. HAROS* A. H. STAS'LKR DltS. HARDEN A STAPLER, CHRONIC DISEASES a specialty. Htirmony G-rove, Ga Office first door Wluw Solomon Heegar 1 ' St>n A. O. McCurry, P. P. Proffitt, Hartwell, (la Cain.-sville, Ha. JC CUKRY 4 PROFFITT, attorneys at law, Will give prompt intention to colteotiorre'ancf I iugnte-l Onuses, i oth^Civil'and Franklin* Criminal, in fh-i cuunhos of Hart, Habersham, MadU«m and linn us. and eUewbere bv special contract. v/r-^rOifi<es in Court Louse at Hart* wolf and Ciiri O'ViHe. *2-83 12m* FOR SAxah. CELEBRATED « EOMFSE, ENGINES, SEPARATORS. . SAW MILLS, COT I ON GINS, ETC. Manufactured »t Wj»yegbt)ro, Pa. App.v to T. J BLU’KWELL, Lavonid, Friti>kUnfi.\*unty. Georgiar, G 2Mui-5 A'imnt tor ( \ j J \fr»r 'bn working elate, dond ten * V JLj i ^etSft fat p singe, and we will m»i I yon. free, a toy it I, valuanle box of sample goods ib»r w»:l put yon in the way o making more money in a days than yon ever thought ptrssiblo it a y business. Cupua| not required. ' c Will start you. Yracsn w irk all th-s time •>r in spare time only, ’lhe wor\ i* universally adapted lo bulb sexes, you tg and old. 'Y •!* can easily earn from 50 cents to $5 every eve nit g. 'iba all wbo want work may test the business, we make this unpttrieied offer;.to all who are n t well satisfied we will feud $i to pay for the trouble of writing us Full partio uli»rs, direction, eic., sent free. Furtiuoa will oe made by those who give their whtrle time to th« work. ( succe>8 absolutely sure Don’t delay. Start uow. Addess Sti.vson A Co. Portland, Maine. THE FRANKLIN JOB OFFlGE* JOB PRINTlMGj • K ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE? ~* d ' IjA LIS IT Eli HEADS, BLANK NOTES’, And other Job Printing tn N’ue Siy la -»mi >,i Reasontble Hi (es. No party in politicsn, or any sect in religion TIIU0KEATEST AND THE BEST, THE LA HU B D II ,LE WEKKt.Tf, RELIGIOUS AND SECULAIt, NEW YORE OBSERYKR (KBtablhbed 1823.) No paper id the country has a more export euced a»»d able .torps of Kditorh. Dr. S. Jren acu- Prime stands at the head of the editorial fra*ernity and hi« letters and editorials still enrich 'he Obskrvkr. Others among its edi¬ tors have had the training of a quarter of a f'uuiurv for their work. Tha Correspuiitlene of the Oberver is from u u lands; and tie news, carefully prepared from loiters uud telegrams, furnishes a com view tho 0 ««,dllion of the world each week, The Departments of Agriculture, Busin* 88. S»»8ay •ehnol T«»chi« B and RCglou, Work are conducted by experts, who write cleariy :,rn ' the point- Tho Observer does not fiil i'* 1 columns with lor g e-:says anS old sorinoos, hut aims to be A LIVE NEWSPAPER* giving every w» t*k a Religious 2>hbkt lull pf instruction, encouragement and trutk; and » So ulur Sheet, contaioiug all the news, vigo r us comiueuts unon current events, and a great variety of choice rending. The j.rioe is $.5 15 a year. For bona Tide new .-ubvurihers wo give One Dollar ooiniuission or a copy of the “Xrerieaus Letters,"an elegantly bound volume of 400 pages, coutaiuiug a por¬ trait of the author. Sample copies of the Ob~ server will be sent to a idreae free. Address, NKIV YOKK OBilSfiVER. 3t. 31 end 32 Park KoW, N. *. * i - \ 1 PPI7 x\ l/Jl-J#po8taue,and L' six receive contefor free, a costly box of of goods which will help you to irore money right away thao anything else iu this world. All, of either sex, succeed from firei hour. The broad roau to fortune opens be¬ fore the workers, absolutely sure* At once ad dress, TR< G 4 CO., Augusta, Main*. J. T. GATHRIGHT & CO., 237 Sixth Street, LOUISVILLE KENTUGKY MANUFACTURERS OF Saddles, Harness } Colars. \ \J E uuka a specially of Firnl class Hand t V made Work. Our bouse m beadquar'ers for OATflBI'inrS PATENT MJ5NS AND WOMENS SADDLES, 0ATB rigiit’s patent har¬ ness. saddles, dc. i 1 ASH DEALERS will find it torthoir inter¬ est to see our slock ana get prices before buying No*10 1883-1 y. • it 3J5 r FREil j RELIABLE SELF-CURE ■id a favorne preerriptlnn «f cn. of tbe most 11ft. d *od Mi.-oe.IUI .oeciallel' In the 0.8 I now retired i lor thfcnre ot 1 fareewa OrMlu*. hIp^u*’Ieal5?env»!o}»jSe5?Vru«t>>»-auflUtfc Mg, Addreca DR. WAR0 & CO.. laaWawi.