Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, January 04, 1887, Image 2

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* NEWS SUMMARY. - r a General Booth, N of the York Salvation Eu¬ Army, sailed from ew to rope. Serious charges of the are St. made Louis of cruelty Insane to inmates Asylum. George J. West, counsel for “Doc" Wilson in the Moen suits, has with¬ drawn from the case. Rufus K. Garland, brother of the attorney 1'iescott, general, Arkansas. died Monday morn* ing at Mayor 0*Brien, fair of Boston, was re¬ elected Republican by and a labor plurality over the candidates. In a six-hour trial trip at Fortress Monroe, made Va., tlie fourteen United States steamer hour. Dolphin knots an The supreme court of Ohio has affirmed tlie constitutionality of the Dow liquor-tax law in all its features. Gratiot Washburne. a son of Elihu B. Washburne, of Chicago, dropped dead Friday in- the Galt house at Louis¬ ville. England lias decided to reduce the standing and tbe army of of occupation Egypt to 10 , 001 half ) inen that army to number. William Reed, ex-treasurer of the South lias Boston pleaded (Mass.) guilty of railroad embezzling com¬ pany, $160,000. The schools at Pittsfield, Ill., have been closed because of scarlet fever. There are twelve cases and two victims have died. Ida Baldridge, has of Greenburg, Penn¬ sylvania, bing the maiis been while arrested her father ior rob¬ was postmaster. grand The federal jury at St. Louis lias returned indictments against fifty citizens for frauds perpetrated at tlie late election. Hillsboro, Hugh McCiislin, Illinois, a pioneer settler of is 92 years of age, struggling with whooping-cough for the second time. , caned Congressman-elect Belleville (Ill.) Jehu Baker, who lias pleaded a guilty of assault and reporter, lias been fined ffcj and costs. I The dairy commissioner of Iowa states that he has thus far failed to find adulterations in samples of butter fresh from the farms. Marshall P. Wilder, one of the fore¬ most died Thursday nomologists Hoxbury, of the United States, at Massachu¬ setts, at the age of 86. * Eleven hundred coopers in Cincin¬ nati and Riverside quit work Tuesday because tiieir scale of prices was not signed by the proprietors. The domestic servants at Green ville, advancement Pa., have of formed a Objectionable union tor the employers will be wages. boycotted. The re-election of T. J. Vail as Sec¬ retary of the National Trotting Asso¬ ciation lias been received with con¬ siderable dissatisfaction. One of the district largest iron mines in tbe Negaunee three hundred tons is arranging of daily to ship to ore Cleveland by rail during tlie winter. Mgr. Capel proposes to bring suit for damages against the San Francisco Aryonaut and certain eastern papers for' the slanders circulated with regard to him. governor C. M. Cros ©c , twice of Michigan, ex. of *Vor .M-Mie age 61. many ’ ida r! T . 51. The agriculii.ial department has telegraphed Dr Texas Paaren, of Chicago, to proceed to and investigate the cases alleged to be pleuro-pueu monia. G. J. Foreacre, one of (lie division superintendents of the Baltimore and Ohio road, formerly major of tlie 7th Georgia regiment, died at Newark, Ohio. By the explosion of a boiler in the saw-mill of Charles Iiogenberth, at Evansville, Indiana, received one man was killed and seven others severe injuries. stock Delegates from the live ex¬ change of Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha met ai St. Louis and decided to form a National Live Stock Exchange. with the Terms having been made knitting Knights of Labor, eleven Monday at mills Cohoes resumed New York, operations after lockout of a nine weeks. The eushion-cavrotn billiard-match “Friday of 560 points, evening for in Chicago $2,000 a side, by Schaefer played and Slosson, was won by the former, by 70 points. sale of thoroughbreds in At the the progress at Lexington, 1880. Ky., brought Fonso, $7,800, Derby winner of and Grimaldi was taken by a Chica¬ goan at$3 6 (0. . , Andrew J. Wightman. the couvicted private detective at New York who of was blackmail recently in the Sears divorce case, was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment. Friends of tlie late General Hancock contributed sufficient money to pur¬ chase a home for his widow. At her desire a residence in Washington will be placed in her name. William Ried. treasurer of the South Boston railroad, who embezzled $80,- 718 and issued 1.263 shares of fraudu¬ lent stock, has beeu sentenced to state prison for seven years. Charles Robinson, one of the earliest governors of Kansas, has been industrial appoint¬ ed school superintendent for Indians at of Lawrence, the Arthur Grobouaks having resigned. London, Sir John founded Lister Kaye, of with having a cattle company a capital of $5,500,000, Pacific is negotiating road for •with the Canadian large blocks of laud near Calgary. Bobu, the only two-horned rhinoc¬ eros in tbe in New United Orleans States, for the lately Central pur¬ chased menagerie ia New York, has park installed in his new quarters. heen state committee of The democratic the resignation of J udge Iowa accepted him gold-headed Kinne, gave a L. cane, IL and elected as his successor Hunter, treasurer of Adams county. ‘ Carl Mussfeldt, one of the Milwau¬ kee rioters whose sentence was recent¬ ly suspended behavior, by Judge has Sloan been on arrested prom¬ ise of brutal good assault upon his father, dor a Standard Oil has voted i The company new works will be larger than the Eelinee works, which employ 40G men. : on an order from the California ■ on society, large numbers of and “Bob White" quails to i from San Antonio where they are unknown. lion of the Chicago and n road to Deadwood may om tbe Introduction of a ess to grant Meade a right of way Fort military re- won City Derrick of Pittsburg, have bee^written bv the notoriouanex EyaftSfr press robber, “Jim" Cummings, ww-A»* dated - On M«owt of U* delay In equip ping tugs foi the purpose, the harbor wH or 'the* sraaLm the* pro ject rftoS ing the St. Lawrence river open to navigation. Six theaters in operation in New the"worirsi.^^ce'tlie tne worst since the wir war. C- Audfences Auaiences of less than one hundred are frequent ly seen in a house with capacity for two Uiousana. The jury in the second trial of ex Alderman McQuade, charged with re ceiving a lirfiie m connection with the verdict SSSi“3“5S" of miiltv veroict or guilty 1 lie people of Worcester, Massachu setts, voted m favor or liquor licenses, and elected Samuel John Winslow, It. lhayer. repub Itcan, mayor, over each poll for IV omen worked all day at til. ce.„pe,»„»»„»,. 1 he extradition of J. J. Hoke, the defaultmg book-keeper of Peoria, III mom was ordered Wednesday at Montreal by Judge Dugas. Ilokes counsel gave notice of application for awritol habeas corpus. The official canvass of the vote cast in Iowa at the recent election give the ltepubiiean candidates Pray, majorities clerk of rang- the ing from H.342 for Supreme court, to 16.0)1 for Lbersole, Supreme court reporter. by Payment has been suspended Asli ham, Charles Winchester, of burn Massachusetts, who lumber lias been investing south lieavily in western and eni pine lands. He hopes to resume through an extension. Willie Arnold, the young son of a leading Citizen of Reading, home Pennsyl- Last vania, is oil his way from Stroiisburg. He disappeared some weeks ago, and it was thought he had been kidnaped for ransom. The Floyd County Savings bank at Charles City, Iowa has been seized by tlie sheriff on an attachment sued out bv the directors against Cashier Ros tine, who is charged With taking $20, 000 and absconding to Europe. connected A swindler, with representing the geological himself as been operating survey at Washington, has for throughout the western country four years, generally using the name of Captain Clarence E. Dutton. Tim circuit court at Indiananolia ES» ernorship. t ^SftSi Tlie case will immediately 8 ft'. be taken before the supreme court. A iiirv in Si Louis awarded S‘2.5 000 damages “ V to stfee Mrs Juliet Cunningham 1C against a suee. .car cai comDanv company 101 for in juries received of colliding by jumping with Horn a car at ill danger a tram tlie Fourth and Poplar streets cross iug. After the appointment tlieVabash hv Judge Gresham of a receiver for road, the bondholders who recently scored a victory at Chicago will bring suit against the Missouri Pacific com panv to compel a settlement with the Wabash Inmill’ Jacob Twinimf 1 Wining, who wlio poi.foaaod confessed that tliat lie qnd two other men had formed * has plot ; to burn held the for City true. of iindlaw Pf illiain 'been a' to® '' •’ *>ave >eeu atacuargea. A letter written to a New lork family his gratitude by Jeff tor Davis, attentions expressing to his daughter, confederate called out an invitation to the chieftain to come norfli and get some new new ideas iueas about auoui OIU enemies. I lie will of Mrs. \V lieller, of Cleve* land, with whose murder her husband is charged, gives 1he greater part of $175 000 to Thomas E Shaw, of Bir mincliam *obnmVnc« England l’ronertv valued at «♦ $A).000goes to in the tlie Western VYestera Iteseive Reserve acliool of Design. The Mexican consul at New lork lias called the attention of the United era for Cutting’s Mexican expedition. Boyton lias sailed for New Orleans eu route for \ era Cruz. A railway collision in Dayton, through Ohio,, sent alocoruoiive running mile wild minute. the city at the rate of a a at lt passed through the union depot the exhausted highest known rate of speed, and itself at a point on tlie track ten miles in the country. Judge Gresham's decision in the Wabash litigation and the scathing receiv rebuke he administered to the ers have given intense satisfaction at St. Louis, where monopoiv Gould and bis agents trans hold a complete of the portatiou business on both sides of the river. Judge Gresham has appointed Judge Thomas M. Coolev ot Michigan, re November. XSrfwSS.'n.SVib.SS Jay Gould refuses to ex press an opinion in regard to the new appointee. the in The Sweeney law. compelling corporations in corporation of foreign Wednesday by lowa was sustained body, tlie htnveverfdeclarhm Iowa Supreme 6 court that of magnitude thatthe that it ought qitestion to be is such Su considered court. by the United States preme renresenting tlie Ghicatro attornevR International Carbenters’ Workbiamen^ijauevol- union and «! the Bohemian W r5raSfy!i state’s attorney, r .„a ed from the mayor, the of and the chief of police the return certam red flags and books seized last -Mav ? hv the police 1 xPast 1 ^ RniUninre that General Master fiVknrn Workman Iowdeiiy Powdedv has ordered all Knights of Labor as semblies to withdraw their delegates trades from federation of trades or be assemblies. This action is said to 1 he Calumet Hotel, P*im. Minn., Chicago, owned by burned Mr. Wednesday was morning. The Rev. A. S. Orcutt, a Baptist clergyman, was killed by fall ing walls, and David McCullough and ?£SssioSr»na ,reund “ L Ihe linaucial lossis $45.U00. l workers A convention of the <, uMSL“SA“ January held at Pittsburg, Pa., throughout 4, to establish uniform wages the country disbanding and to complete their national arrange¬ ments for or¬ ganization prior to going into the Knights of Labor as a body. 1 A minority of the bondholders of the Wabash system applied to the federal court at Toledo property for an in order Ohio placing in the the hands company’s of T. M. Cooley, who has accept¬ ed the receivership for the Chicago division. As objection was made, tbe «££ took lhe under ad * iae ' At Greenyille, Alabama, Tuesday morning. Mayor l erry anu SSSSf^SS gSJJ, WUPMS w jth brass knuckles; the other was in *** “ ay °‘' ^ ^ JiLfiila Tll „ r«ii«f mmmittPB of rimrleaton V ,‘,24 o^ ^ „ 0 k ”°tT.JXralpufflB , „t the of SB ers ' rom .J?««W ake * Al i er T complete garving $86,169 of ilie remainder to the repairing of houses, the gum of $100,000 will be aid deposited in rebuilding wi,h the city treasurer to charitable insiitutions. G f Rice, au exte usive oil refiner #t Mar etta q 110 , )ias brougit suit for vine SSKS anu-Xasiiviiie t?ffiSi.*SShS. i anway U roi for L nin , 5 shut out ot tne southern markets by aii unlsiwftil conspiracy beiween the road named and tlie Standard Oi com j„ my . He asks discrimination for an injunction steadily Uie nraetieed ‘T W V«d«Mlt. for the Nickel Plate railway, lias filed at Erie an an swe r to the bill of the Central Trust cornpa „ y 0 f New York, in which he repudiates the bond issue of $14,66 ).66d a s made without adequate consilient tion. He also alleges that there been no lawful consolidation of th* various state corporations forming the Nickel-Plate company. Paul Grottkau was arraigned before the municipal court at Milwaukee tf Monday German for contempt in publishing libel- in ing Judge paper Sloan. a poem Edward grossly Loew, pri vaie secretary of the accused, sent to the court a letter avowing Ins sole responsibility for the poem, and when the sheriff endeavored to arrest him it was found that he had gone to Chi :ago. 3en. Ebenezer Grant’s Holmes, funeral, the has undertaker brought at a Jamage suit for $25,000 against the New York 2\mes, the based upon an arti ;le published in issue of Nov. 22, In which his bill is referred to as un |ust and baseless, and charges are made that he was dr unk and in an un fit condition tlie to perform during professional which hiS— services for time! claims he was rendering service. In consequence (of disagreements having arisen between district assern bly No. 49, Kniglus Uf Labor, and the Central Labor unions, of New York, the leaders of the former body sent out a proposition to withdraw tlie knights’ in tio/of withdraw mg, torty-uve non-committall opposted and it, that ana the twenty were movement will op ponents of the refuse to withdraw'their general delegates and will appeal to the iut<initnhsi. executive board. ?i 9 ™L fc ^^4,?aion rnad hnvA located the western \extensiou at ioic Assinibom. 1 ! The complaint for in the suit of George H. Tilden the construction of cer tain clauses in the will of his uncle, btniuel J. Tiiden, has Cartel & Ledy aid. tii e attorneys rot the executors and tri siees unaei me will The clauses cal ed in question ar& those providing for the establish tnenfc of libraries and free reading to rn „ n m ,u " Vow Lebanon diansioivNe|\ Yonkers, ami ^lr ^ r»ark WmtlJll .|A r a- IheUomtisasKeu isasked losav lo.av . (j® I a to the lieirs-at-law for the property re maining after tlie special trusts are provided for. Tlie document estimates the estate at $15,000,000. r wn 11 'ii>Im f..,., nfir vJ lv assistant postmaster of f Ilamburg. Ia., I i was was brought before Comuiissionei Shields, indict meut 0 f New found York, against Monday, him on about an two years ago. charging him with convert j „Jot, ... own use about $200 of the -office huSnfcrlnibecame^known monev Brown left Ham burg when shipped his Pilfering boaid ueca of sailing and lie on lie visited a Liver vease i as seaman, filial pool, t then xveut to Australia, China. and Hear v managed to reach rived on the ship Ropes, which is dis SS^raoST udwiien He Commissioner was arrested, a taken before shields made a confessiou. lie was handed over to tlie officers from Iowa and will be taken there for trial. Jt is now stated that the real cause for the summoning of Dr. McGlynn lias to Rome is the attitude which lie maintained on the school question for nearly twenty years, in opposition to the wishes and teachings ot the bovei ign the l’ontiff and Catholic the recommendation episcopacy of of whole only, it said, America. He has not is refused to build a parish school where the matter was optional, but since the denary Comicil of Baltimore decide that this duty was to be incumbent t upon every pastor, lias stood alone in opposing tlie injunction. several Complaints were sent to the pope years ago dSTmhl." promise fiovemeuts never of the to kind. meudle in any Henry M. Stanley, the African ex plorer, now in New York, lias received a cablegram irom the King of Belgium ordering him to return at once. Mr. Stanley was also further advised that this unexpected P summons is occasion ed bv the Uxmble with the predatory A Arabs m the i iee Congo State,. band of Ai-abs undw Ben Mohammed, emboldened by the absence ot fetan ev have entered the x ree Congo otate Stanley ai.u massacred the garrison at Falls. At every village where they gjgj killed and the „fr;Se»"and‘c"uS \ b cwned^away. Ihe Arabs , number mim e r to check their advance, nut without vviwiqut success. “1 am well acquainted with Beu Mohammed,” said Stanley, hav ; *7 known him since 1875, when x de a contract ® with him to accom uh a o{ men f or I fifty \Ve are a good friends, and pie v r Aprvnid wants me to co Just What He Wanted. -—— “Say, mister, ain’t you the orator 4 man w fi a t made a speech bumpkin to us yister d . v? >> as ked a country of a “I have that honor,” was the reply. :% , s=s5 r r„ h “jfbS ld j.. ub . you ask?” “Whv, you said that you made the finger, SSlA^g&SLBS and there ain’t any big enough, and 1 thought as how I would come to ner, and it’ll take lots of welkin to make one big enough fur tier.”— Nete mon lndcpendoti. _ WASHINGTON NEWS. ixmis K Church, of the supreme court of Dakota, has been nominated governor of *%S£SZ »»» — New Mexico, ill * price to be $2.50 per acre. Site? of tef friends as a being strongly urged by ins candidate for the vacant Turkish mis D .£« <riie siiipmeuts of fraction»l silver coin since Dec. l amount to $2 8,328. A statement was published to the effect that Secrectary Maiming and Attnriiey General Garland will shortly retire from cUm4 hi Jv‘«,%£!? ot afv* nroblbie P cvbmet Tin, M ot tin, Hnnn.oln c,n»l r, cognize the fact that the board ofen e r.s' renorf while favorable to the canal in some form, is so opposed to tne canal that lias been talked about that it is an obstacle to their success but Senator'Gill- at present.. They are not discouraged, ill have hopes Join and Gen. Hen lerson s gS»WtUrSi.* canal, have not ,, ArSSa yet deter of the however, mined on au v course of action. Thomas E. Benedict, of New Voik, has be been nominated by the President t> Public Printer, Dabney R.Maury, of Vir gima, to he envov extr.ior.hnary and lain ]>Jen i po,,eiit,iaiy^ to the l. tHi i ic it . a,!?™ WiMnikd i „.i™,; v-m ">r Iloorheke Soutl.era of n the District Illinois. George W. Surveym’-Geii- Julian, of in dlana. was nominated to be eral of New Mexico. Robert W. Ross, of Illinois, was nominated to be recorder of the general land off! e. the national drill and encampment. The executive committee gives notice that the national drill ami May encampment will take place in this city 33■ to sa Yf ^ *-Ji'i'oi expeL-s.' tl. insm- Vim paymont of prizes and Entries will be open for the regular army and the organized volunteer militia of the United States for competition as regiments, bat tations, or companies, in infantry,artillery, cavalry, and zoinve tactics, and also to schools. The prizes aggregate $26 500 of which «10.500 will be distributed among follows: the live First best prize. companies $5,000; of infantry as third, $1,5JO; fourth, $1, second, Ooo; fifth, $3,.50i); fcoo. _ congressional. - senate. dec. 13.—Mr. Morrill’s resolution declar ing it impracticable to make a proper re vision of the tariff at the present session (5?Mi?Sf materials not the free list such raw as were produced in this country. The Senator criticised tlie Secretary of and the taking Treasury for coming into the field an ad vanced position on the tariff, thus causing increased apprehension and alarm in all the great industries of the country. The prop osition for removing said, the duty on raw ina terial, Mr. Dawes did not even meet the approval of manufacturers for whose benefit it was suggested. Mr. McPherson on sugar, and predicteU that, with Unit duty retained, nine-tenths of the sugar consumed in tliis country wouid be i>ro dueed here. He favored a fair revision of tlie lariff and an immediate one. Mr. Mor nil moved the reference of his resolution to the finance committee. 1 his Mr. Reek opposed, and hoped the House would pass some tariff measure so as to bring the ques before tlie Senate in some practical question and show that protectionists m-rl merely robbing the laborers whom they were pretending to befriend, 1 he resolu tion was then laid over. Dec. 1L—Hie benate took up the tenure ofiollloe bill, whicli was attacked by Mr. Edmunds, tlie Senator declaring that tlie measure had been brought forward in ap pu rent aid of the Democratic party and to relieve the President of tlie difficulties now attending removals and suspensions. It was an invitation to linn to make short work of the whole civil service business, al L »" ,J to ex ' ,el trom at 0l ‘ ce 10 officers who were within , the purview of the statute. If the Senate voted to repeal that statute it would make a mistake which it would long regret. Mr. Hoar supported tne hill. It seemed to him to betotally in consistent witu the constitutional theory of 8we4 e to°tlm4responsib%t4 11 w4'n d ' iimtru , a euts wore forced upon him against his wil | t 0 rlu whom he had no confidence, At 3 p. m. without action on the bill, the doors were closed, and tlie Senate lu secret executive session 'large referred numbers to appropriate of nomina committees the res <lei,t ' andsUort * y Tlie Senate committee finance ordered on favorable report on the bill for tiie re demption and coinage providing of tlie trade that dollar, tlie V ith amendments amounts redeemed shall not exceed $500,000 monthly, ami that it shall be counted as a part,of the monthly purchase ot bullion for Among the memorials presented from to the the « onate was one by Mr. Spooner r (j erman Aid Society of Wisconsin ex p ress mg the idea that there was no further necessity for stimulating immigration to gug(?es ti nE: f| l0 enactment of laws making * a iuralizatiou and suffrage conform to a uniform standard. D ec. 15.-Mr. Platt called up his resolu tj oa tiiat executive nominations shall here after be considered in open sessioii, except the wheu otherwise ordered by a vote of ufapons.i^anTinsertiug ‘ ‘•'reciprocity treaties, in lieu so-called.” thereof the He vort i s objection change. Mr. no to that c fi arac terized the amendment Hoar as a case moved ot - “Greeks lay bearing resolution gifts.’* the Mr. table. to the 'lUu on <r«m tw Bath ^ board °f^. of trade against the admission r built sllipa t0 registry. Mr. Cul iom offered the conference and report on notice the }, interstate commerce bill gave jat would call it up next Tuesday, adjouru , V hen it mieht go over the holiday ment tor discussion. utii bill prohibiting Mr. Beck called up the senators or Representatives from actmg cs attomeys for subsidized railroad coin panics, the question being on the substitute ^) KC i6.—Mr. Edmunds addressed, the . opposition to the bill to Vnate to-day in of t s,>en }J the tenure office act and r . George made a constitutional historical argument in favor of the bill, Mr. Evarts said that he would vote for tss^si wxws.hs; judgments, where the an srgswwa^ss'&ssss t wo concurrent „enso witli, and by wnose action the presi- 2snt could not accomplish his duty. ^ permit their the owners to of American the government vessels IssSSEF*® ana cargoes sue eaUiius *®Mr. Van Wyck tccretarvof called up War his resolution for inter on dm psszssg the improvement of Van the V\yek Missouri thereo- Tivr. Alter remarks by Mr. ation was adopted. made special order for . _ hB «« The Senate January a of the bid " second relief Tuesday of settlers in and purchaseoot the and Kansas adjoitng lands in Nebraika Joseph Kaitroad, tin. Denver & St. upthe Dec. 17.—The Senate to-day took MU to repeal tlie tenure-ot-omce act,ma without further discussion the bill vas passed-yeas 30, nays 32. Messrs. Chce, Iloar, Mitchell (Ore.) and Ingalls, ofthe tiepublicans, voting With the Democats tor its repeal. Among the House the bil hilhexteneng s passe'hy the Senate were cities, vili ares the free boroughs delivery containing system to lx»I>uUtttoi oi and a $ ( 1 000 >en '.0,000or postoffiee revenue ot 1 , mutey ; ___bill ate authorizing the issue of orders or postal notes at a tee ot 3 cnits, House bill authorizing the einp oyineit or mail Adjourned messengers in the postal service. to Monday. House. Dec. 10 .—The House was not in session to-day. :1L n —The 10 House passed without division, . fO rteiture bill^storing TM^iiigan to &SSSTS& Mfffl, ^ j n Line Railroad. Hie la Ralto^d’cotty. t*ds hv^.p'L'ton K waiTm^ tileroad which that i,ad I eot the laud-grant expired in 1S96, and stroke of work lias been Idoue. formed In 18 ^, present made corporation confer was it the an< i attempt The to public lands upon com forfeited grant. based^fu recommendation ^ittee, tp|^tate‘after'“the however, expnXfof'the‘ten py ^a nwfessarily^iave been subject v rs would tuiy t 0 the right of the United States at ti me to declare a forfeiture. Dec. ia—The time of the House was al most entirely taken up to-day with the D troduction of bids, only one being d> cussed—that providing for the appointment constitute of twenty-four school trustees to fc board of education._ 1 he cadin„ up the was the signal for a display of parliamentary tactics on both sides, apu without reaching the point, of .action dm House adjourned. Among the resoluticfis I' Hi 1 *™*'/®® re Jg 1 * ^ ( 'i!® ^^rfi^SlumuiattnK j ieasU rv is in excess of the needs ot ffie government for itnsuppprl and the discharge of the bonded debt; that the coast defenses are inadequate to protect the lake and seacoast cities, and that nearly one million men are unemployed, iurJfd“ and u«r th‘ through in treasury appropriations should be expended for repairing mud liberal defenses h»d properly equipping the coast Hewitt for die construction of ships. Mr. introduced a bill authorizing the ^ cietiary of die Treasury to anticipate the I’aynr® 1 Into pi tee of the whole on the sundry-civil Kansas andlMr. a pro¬ imutiou bill. Mr. Ryan criticised of the bil as Long of Massachusetts being inadequate. and diplomatic . approp^ia- ,. Tne consumr commitjw 5 ® tion bill was reported from the the on foreign affairs. It appropriates officers and niiscjel- for siiaries of diplomatic iutercoiuj^c j.menus expenses of foreign $6L’,345; for salaries ami contingent a|f ia 0 miscellaneous ^f expenses of consul#seryF <SS, u, l i "KraKn" $1,029%, 1 vuik officers total now appropriation paid by fees), of $1,571,905. T 16 ing total a appropriation fur tlie current y«* r was $1,356,065. Tlie committee earneijs *y recmnmends tlie passage of tlie bill, if ia service says that lias an convinced examination the of membejrs the consu ot ^ 116 committee cmml only that be secured tlie improvements by increasing accessary salai5 e8 and abolishing tlie fee system. J Yellowstone Nniioual park, alleged to bl needed as an outlet for a mining district Dec. 15.—The principal business before the House to-day was the 9undry civil bill, tbe wliicn was considered in committee of W lioie. After some Pacific di-cusston—mainly political—on lions, tlie an.endment the coast rejected anpropria- and th e was committee rose. national A pm W1S passed requiring banks in (lie cities of Atlanta, Galveston, Kan Paul, Minueapohs, Omaha Indianapolis, keep hand in 8a3 City, of amt the United States to on equal money a sum to as per considering cent of their circulation appropriations and deposit. harbor^improvements the for r House ] V et and committee pursued the policy to-day of the al i oW in g about 25 per cent of tne amounts which tne chief of engineers reports can be tion of''between $7 l OxfteO reeommendwl’a g and Tsoafow* The setrebiry of war gross appropriation The bill of $io,ooo.000. providing for the admis Senate sion nmended of Washington House territory committee as a state was ter by the on ritories so as to include Montana territory. colfneMb tfie i"were a^Dointed af wmferrbes on eieaoral count billon the part of tlie House. Comptroller of the Currency Trenholm was before the House committee on bank jug and currency and submitted ins views on needed legislation affecting the ua.ionai banking system. agriculture has adopt ed tlie resolution of Mr. Swiiieburn. mtro dueed Commissioner t at tlie last of Agriculture session, calling foriuforma- on the tion concerning pleuro-pneumouia. of the Deo. 16,—'Tne House, iu committee whole, resumed consideration of the suu exempUug UnitetTlstates'wnimfteionereln. population from the cities haviiitf 100,000 IsOO provision limiting to ner annum the fees and comiiensatiou of commissioners, United[States and prohibiting payments to the internal-revenue laws, unless the prose cution has been approved by the United States district attorney and the collector oi theprf«Son e o4 0 ^ r,ct,n Wlu< ms tlie bill for tU The House passed Senate allotment of land iu severalty to the Indians, upon sLrirtibe/?; whom are to be conferred (as rights "sss the tirement Another Senate of Admirals bill was Rowan passed and tor Worden, re on their own application, with the highest pay of their grade. Dec. In— The House to-day passed thtihole the Im^’Lentso?tee 0 co f mmUte e oi taken were agreed to, separate votes being on “ZX™b&“b!!Sda'fe the propositions increasing tbe , appro P mo the N. Y., ana maxing an appropriation for construction of amendments a lighthouse supply 6teamer. These were con ““UwuTmw yeas issas byeblab session the House eiguteen private pension bills. Tbe late William H. Vanderbilt, for some years after lie inherited his great fortune, paid no taxes on his personal estate. He “swore off” his taxation on personalty. That is to say, he main¬ tained, when applied to lor an in¬ ventory, that his debts exceeded the value of his perssnal estate. This be¬ came such a scandal that in 1880 in confessed to of owning his debts personal the property value of in excess to $1,000,000, and on that amount he and paid taxes each year until bis death, oh that amount only. It is low known than he left at least $38,000,000 in taxabk securities, of which all but $8,000,000 has escaped taxation. ,; The Biel Rebellion. j A Vinnipeg letter says: Tie 1 ire tofors unwritten chapter of histp is just riven regarding the presidency provisibnai government under the ot Louifc BieL After the rehelhdh of 1869 ind 1870 Biel, Le Pine and 0 Do. noghie, with and a the few Hudson followers, Bay.,Com¬ sawed Fort f arry and established an al¬ pany! stores, nearly leged? government, by the which loyalist was settlers overthrown leadership of Dr. Schultz, the and Mr. Dr. Brown, Major Wallace Scott. Riel and his companions deter¬ mined to make an example of the lead¬ ers, and Schultz, now a member of the Dominion parliament^ would have been shot bad he not escaped to the United States. Scott was a man of ungovern¬ able temper, and this furnished a pre¬ text for his taking-off- The prisoners freezing and starving process the were subjected to did not improve his temper, and one day, in :v tit of pas¬ sion, he crowned his acts of insubordi¬ nation by a violent assault upon a sen¬ try who came within his reach. This sealed his doom. A court-martial was hastiiv summoned, at which Adj. Gen. Le Pine presided, and -the prisoner, who could not comprehend a word of the proceedings, was condemned to be shot forthwith. All efforts of the Hon. D. A. Smith Bannatyne and the Rev. Mr. Young to procure even a respite proved unavailing. Riel and Le Pine, inflamed by rum and resentment and incited by O’Donoghue, determined to carry out the programme. The doomed man was led out into the barrack-yard, and, after two volleys from the clumsy and inexperienced firing party, fell back on tbe rude box which was to serve as his coffin. Riel refused to give up the body, and what became of it is a mystery to this day. A man who was at that time con¬ nected with the Fort Garry New Na¬ tion, ernment, the organ of the provisional time gov¬ the relates for the first partic liars of the murder of Scott, showi ig that he was thrust into his coffin, and lay there five hours terribly wount ed, with the mercury below zero, before receiving his death shot. The editor of the New Nation was an old count! yman. Maj. H. M. Robinson. On the a ternoon of the death of Scott, Maj. Bobinson was, dent] for from the fort bi Scott. He returned some two hours afterward utterly unnerved and horror stricken, and in an intense state of nervousness. He said th *t Riel had desired him to defend in th > New Na¬ tion the shooting of Scott as an act of necessity to the, provisional could govern- credit ment. Major Rolinson not that tlie deed blood had actually been dime, and expressed his incredul¬ ity. Steeing thi.j. Riel led the major into the court, atd to one of the sheds which lined sentryj th t interior walls, where stood h As they approached Riel threw opm the door, exposing dripping a box, from whip blood was into the snow. gf-irn Harcjlly had before the he major realized the hearing fact was horrified by ja voice proceeding from within the box, 1 exclaiming in dis¬ tinct tones: God, “Oh, let me out of this! My how I suffer!” ” trie inajoir blood retreated curdling from in the his vein* calieA and the spot. Riel tba ccaitry twu en¬ tered the shed and closed the door. A moment later there was a sound of a shot within, and Scott was probably released from torture. Riel returned with the major to the fort, where he dismissed him with a significant warn* ing to sicresy. To comprehend the full horror of this tragedy, it must bo remembered that this occurred fire hours afier Scott had been shot and coffined, and with the thermometer many degrees below zero. Majo» Robinson left immediately for England. American Politeness. It must be admitted by all just peo¬ ple that the average of politeness in every-day in the contact soufi. is lower Iii southern in the north city, than a if you ask a passer-liy will to direct of you his te a certain street he go out way to guide you. Saleswomen will treat /and you with an admirable patience good nature. In tee north in stores of the better class employers exact that their employes shall be civil to custom¬ ers. But go into the side streets to the smaller shops ;.nd with wliat insolence and inattention the would-be purchaser li is treated. Tin librarian of a free brary will oftei aet as though you were doing & him a personal re injury J if you •’, ask him , . tq take d^vn a , book. , w Hotel cieiks , k will insult yoij lostoihce officers will snub you or glare speechlessly at you if you venture upon a timid question. visiting New f “orthem wpman wmi Orleans for the fust time. $he ame from the land where politeness has its market value, like everything else, and this lavish col , rte sv, ‘given without mmm «* wilder her. “V\ ell, she said after pomlerino' these things, “tlie city is not the cleanest in the world, and the st*.are not well paved or drained. but the pcepte are simply lovely. Why, little if y.u ask (tie driver of one of your bob-tailed bars (A a question he will an •-«?»» •• »* home I have often been insulted for re¬ fusing to takte in change silver pieces worn as hawjfh&iled as p aper . And often, when I a car at a distance, the driver ids called out in the rudest way: ‘Come.hurry up! Can’t wait all day for you" I never realized how dreadful »I4fotoow it was until I came south. H. w l hb«»rtl»«sht myself 1° get out at I just throw upon the mercy ot the other passengers, and take no “““f tholight for the morrow. I’m 1 *> Is the no tb ield I hare frequently old sent and a young feeble girl in her place full to an of seated woman a car men. inhumanity Mr.) Howells’ protest against man’s to woman, as shown in the street-car, will be remembered; and his pl«i for them to have mercy on the sex that [think was “born tired.” t I do not vtemen it will be found that iSouthem are less polite because (outhern Ben treat them with consid (ration. In fact, it is to be feared that the masculinity and independence of too many northern women nave reacted unfortunately upon the manners of tiieir men. To lend a helping hand to strangers, to assist the weak, to be always cqurte ous to women—canjthe highest civiliza¬ tion The produce Comopoltian. a tiuefj ilower than this?--