Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, March 08, 1887, Image 1

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+-T >M sr ■ ■‘Stiff I e U fi 1 I * ■% ll T ——Uft BY ELLEN J. DORTCH. YOL. XI. Nil. &. the taxable property , OF FEAMKLIN COUNTY FEOJI 1815 to 18S6. Hlff l^w ircT a a $mm te:fe<Sce yfe '30 IcSa! teveifllef fli-T year., Asa Payne was Tax Receiver in the year 1838, and the taxable pro' perty was given in at 11.008.018. The falling off since 1815 was pro¬ bably owing to a loss of territory in the formation of uew counties. Christopher Addison was Tax Receiver ^ m the year 184o and „ the J properly that year was assessed at $1,478,693. n 1852 the property returned ag credited. $2,035,778. Nelson. tf,W ( Ds $2,591,345. Nelsong^yn , Receiver. In 1858 the returns aggregated $3,148,239. Pleasant Holbrooks was Tax Receiver. In that year there were 1345 poll tax payers and 20 men payed professional tax. The land in the county was valued at $1,158,388, and 1990 slaves were $22-354. Tawn property $24,400. Household and kitchen furniture over $300 worth for each tax payer * $2,350. Personal property$308,784. Tho falling off in the tax of the fol owing year (1859) was caused by entting off part of the teritory of Franklin to from Banks county. ! -''isetta'tedr“-ia.is4^'50 wawyaduuct. ato$a , 34$,85& was' valued numfiering 1360 wero valued at $72t>, tax. Pleasent Holbrooks was again a 'J $902,614,50. The laud was valued at $594,148. Thos. Crymes was Tax Receiver. The returns for 1S67 aggregate $792,786. The land was valued at $498,012. Thos Crymes was again Tax Receiver. The returns for 1869 aggregate $9&7,4l$> l&ilt Hlteft* i»t« #180291: Thos. Crymes Tax Receiver. In 1875 the returns reached $1, 226;087 land valued at $754,385. T. J. Hansen Tax Receiver. The segregate in 1881 was $1,320, 491. Land valued at $919,502. M. M.McMuv 7 Tax Receiver. ‘ The aggregate in 1885 was $1,008, ' 11 (I. Land $H| V?| 2 Wi! «, 7 G : Millor Tax Rec#vhrfl V J * » / There bad been forty murders cemmitted in the country to which Mis. Druse belonged and no one liad been bung: but when the law laid hands upon a kslf crazy and greatly v rouged woman, ‘ts vengeance was sw-itt and complete. Theie ars some features of this Nineteenth century civilization, grand though it be, that il is difficult for a white man to ad r<W .© 4 * li.UT Fhey have trouble in Atlanta with the wiee i-ooms. It seems that some of the wine merchants pa»s some¬ thing stronger than domestic wine over their counters. Public senti¬ ment in favor of prohibition in At* $HtU;#I Inula ie not s^iig'^ou^ff^ifv •ft'* * ‘ ^ During <h» put nine year* 33,060 physic tan* lray« gr»dn»t«d fwm the mvi cat colleges iu tbie country. THE CHANGING STARK. - * m.en „rim,liv. ,l««r ce d 'nth the lapsing > oars Ihe oak s lid the very rock decayed, more **&»*&& lf| f ti|r ^ * > SB tars as ^ 'I p fi c iai ®H ie IJl ed thenK^fi chitdisii r md «J 8 lP Sr 1 } 1 ^* -if. ably to?, the star «f»s clusters'and the m if clouds of sun and worlds, .xed only by comparison with ourjwn nioif net years, and. tried by rlie tei tlieir { -U own long existence, or fleeting like ourselves. i > i:; | I have read somewhere a story aboflt' a race of ephemeral insect who live but f n hour - To those who are born in the early morning ihe sunrise is the time cf. youth. ,, Thty die of old age wlifle |n)y, his . beams are yet gathering iorce, and their descendants live on to mid laji! while it is another race that sees the Wdecline, W^hWBMiWWlJfSWliSr. from thatwbicb sawlymjpie Under tue shadow of some mushrboik lfear sun itself) toj i what their wise philosopher to sav of the gloomy prospect. If 4 re¬ member aright, he first told them that ■ as incredible as it might Seem, there wa'S a time in the world's yautb when th c mushroom itself was young, the bu 1 in those eaily ages was in the eastern not hot in the western sky. .Since ilien tr • fcxpiaiiiol, the eyes of scientific epbelriha -had fowowed h and *stalpi?licd by c^pjiie[ice tlie gjrcat law of nature, tLiac it mov'«J only West-. Ward; and lie shewed that since it wa£‘ now nearing the western horizon it about to disappear forever, with it the great race of ephemera for whom it was created. fVliat his hearers thought of t this discourse I do not remember, bi t 1. hayo heard that the sun rose again the, !n*xt morniug. asf 1 lo o«o -AW jif T.‘.hiiMu»! ViiT ——-— - L-rrtjndi; mi .•liidftq l^P iff airiwng « //<■ % F UP HIGHER, i An editor died rind Went to % i.u Worlds creamatory. The devil met ’^-h| ion W and 4 tlij*,^t-nd^i' thus shot fm|ile off of his comp iss nh ‘For one long year thou has n.eqk]y,' homo the blame of bad sjiell ing' that ths printsr has gotten off in the kii) pap«r; Thy paper has gon# out for, one dollar and a half, but alas! jthfh pne dollar and a half has often fa led to come ir for thy paper. Tho prin i e i fe Saturday bWMMr night, when wage3 thou Mast j cv - ery not a darn farthing t* thy nalme. Men hath taken thy paper without paying thee for it, then cursed she ® (for nof sending out a better pipe -S Thou hast been called deadhead -bv the freight conductors, and dead I 5 ' ' ' |eat by passenger conductors, when thorfTiajft’sJo.'wii ^-tlieV tby ‘annual 1 pass fo gaze- Ajl these things thou has borne in silence. Iffhy contest thou here? Go up I igher thou poor man, an eternity of (rest can hardly requite thee.’—Ex, i»-«o *i ■lam •‘Il 1 wanted good judge nie-it on sonieiting I had doUe. .1 would lather go to a newspaper of g ce f or ; t t g an t 0 any other court of justice..I knovy .that the newspa pirs ^rolie into’'' men's characters, and th# pure need not fear all the. presses in America. The way t » h# safe from so,called ncwspapei at¬ tack# it to be a Christian. The re¬ porters are the' best detective force in the country. They hevc brought more criminals to jnatire aid puuc tured more ihame than all other ^ For tnc best sewing machine on the market aUikcse,. FA. Maliiy. at h'occos, Gw. ■ £ ....... 9,„i;,@87 i CARNESYILLE ,QA; TUESDAY MARCH >h A WOMAN’S EXPERIENCE! .«....... -.,,, VI I ; ,?&W>triiklLEp A . ...... : J s «*>. J>\j mtf 11 i ;.;.‘(_|{ >7 i’l 4 ) , jj'i - ! •• ...... ■■■! *U Ahioll i r all'tKh j^d earthquake jiqjis moi*e d v amadc expect r ^ enc ^., t 9 relate,than Mrs .Robert Ousting , 1 jr.c:who has -am vod front » 4 „?t ,.. v rt, t^^aml 7r ; Mw-en-the., tlii-rd dloor, .hordnooms ^biltihgf'tlr^Mt'' ; ind‘Sc(n«lL ! 1 . i 'lvir^ Cirtting haf.} been one of the lenders of,fashion during, the- carnival,- an'd her carriage was one of the'most mired.during, the.cava Icade on ifon day. I fowpd her to-day lying oa a sofa iq a crimson dressing gown 'Of siljr and wool.' She A'as very' bj'ight ■ »ik^ cheerful.but iatill, -in a state! ttf nttrVOuS'bScltienrOnt, having sutfejred grpatly frornTdecplessuess, which, ivas MHtthrelieved by ddodyne.. She states that she was awakened ..... by a great-shock. The first thing of 'Vluch she became i .conscious Was the • failing.of a, large screen ot.sight .pan-’ rreh, ciosely followed by a'fall of plaster and woo4 from the coiling.. Luckily the mosquito net, over the bed was strong enough to’ pr’otect her. Slis was tossed-frona ope side of her bed,’against the wall and then 'thrown On the floor. To use' her * G own words she “thought the russur rection was efimed*...... ’ 'Rushing to the door of her rcjdm she the hanclie,, hut, the, door was juinmod. Shed next tried her sitting loom dopr, climhmg.oyer, jthe ‘furniture -oh the toeni, whieh was iii kll dir'ections.That being qli.o, jummqd ,and re,aji.?}ng,her tdrri •blc imprisonment, she screamed with I ailf hef might antil she hcaid a ’gicn ilgman next door say: “For. ,G(|d’s sakeu'eome- out! There’s becnian earthquake and house is falling down.” .Shortly after some gentle-, men in the corrid or broke in, the door and she escaped in the corridor .with wllli nothflig on hut her night dPe , not ..even Taking ..time to put ion her' stockings. .„t>n .theiirst fiopr j,in,<Ifi>g she.toUnc' about a hundned persons in a ,sijni Iki" state of ' undress' crowding the She was.assisted dow* by «■ gentleman who complimented her on her courage, 'but on reaching the square she fainted. On recovery she remained in ttie open air until eight o’clock, when,, being somewhat irecov#! ed, shewent up to her room to obtain clothing, Klie dressed herself hurriedly and then -remcm ed Her Iiamonds, which on her first hurried exit she had forgotten. Just as she grasped them in her hand, ' an¬ other shock came. She dropped the hag containing the diamonds and rushed down stairs, leaving the jew dry behind her. She was fortunate !y ubie to hire a closed carriage, in which she bivcuacked until she got away from Nice....... " On-arriving in Paris she secured medical advice »nd was warned that there was great danger of paralysis During the whole time of her narra¬ tive her nervous twitchhigs showed clearly that her danger was anything but imaginary. Assooii as she is able she intends to go to Loudon and take other advice. In any case it will be ( long before she is entirely restored to health. | j For the best sewing machine on Lj^ market additis, F. A. Mabry a Tbcfoa, Ga. I •f * McConnell A Bro, keep ‘a dose line of lino ihoes, both I miles gents' I 5 V . —' Ty-A7.^(w4i uVRiira . I , , . :u; ,;ps^^;';E^u drawn a |>y 8 -Win, wlndi. was, up, Alderman Hartman, Ambrose I^etjh ai #> aged 32,. after dicing oUl,) »' a Jlmliael^ elmvdi, and aftei- tlid' Jiro. pet iWifeiotm‘servicest arw. performed (Erth,®*. i»<■!•%* St h turn ainl'ihcn have- it to-.ashejstlig battle gfytfn bo ill charge jm't'.m df- a! small' aacl tlio.German consul iujbis.'oity, J.£kl» 'gentleman' ° 'tvill"then fcrtmtf'-iny consul • “*•'* • V- tovk, i. ashes to the m A.W; ‘Y-lipYtiH'givb thenv in charge ol the •o* 2 »tainiof the,German steaniev.jjljbe, who'tvill place them securely inr'his ship, for the ocptm voyage. AYhcn at micl-occan l direct the captani to request otic of the passengers to dress in a seafaring suit and ascend wjin of my ashes in his hand to the top the top .mast, and after pronouncing* iast -benedition to ex,tract the ecjii' 1 'tents frdhii the bottle and -effet Its contents tp thf> .fpiu 1 vviuds of lleitv . eu. I direct also while this ceremony is being performed that it be witutbs ed, by ajl' tjie passeiigers on lioard. After the Elbe has completed her t tip and returned again to'JTefV YelY, I want a full statement of my death and the‘scattering of my ashes in miclocean published in the Pittshdr" papers, so that my friends in this, e: ly shall 1 knW ’my bullal place.” l 'Rethafge, , ’whb has nbt be oh cc n .sideved .eccentric, and about twenty five friend^ were present in the aldennau’s 0 #ice while ifie doeuin< nt w r as being drawn up.—New York Tribune. : > T I'M J Oil I / i 4 .( t i . rf ; •• DR. AliMSTRGNG-RENOUNCifK l. V ••• THE M1NIKTILYv \j\! •-The trial of Di*. Armstrong, ihe eloquent episcopal mint,ster,, .is - isjtill tla fresh in the minds of readers, charged -, with ME -i intoxication ! J -.- «t Ji -1 ‘and, •; was 4> . t hi *i / -il inn < j " other misconduct,and was suspense Not the long’sinCe minis,ti-yfoy he"attended nyc ,Year^ ban- j -• a quent in Augusta, and it was report-' edthat. lie was intoxicated tliofc lie denied th# charge, hut a feft days ago n numoer qf.ailidavit,^jverc authbntjica. filed .with- the s chunch alleging that he was; intoxicated,then or on tlic following day. To. avoid' scandal and fsrthcr trouble with tho church, Dr. Armstrong has formally renounced the .ministry. t ! i 4, * tn »i.; j y ONE HUNDRED DOLL ARK - RKs W ARD. • Th r readers iff life Register .vjiU be pleased to learn tbat-there is at least, one dreaded nisease tlr,it science 1 ms been aide to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh cure is the o«ly positive pury now known dn., tlm.,'.medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re'quires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh cut e* is'taken'internal: ly, acting directly upon the bipod and mucus surfaces'‘of the system, thereby destroying-(he foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength, Ivy building up the constitu¬ tion and assisting nature in doing its work. The Proprietors hay# so much faith- iu.. its, curative powers that they offer one hundred Hollers for any ease it rails th cure, Solid for list of testimonials. AddsTss CHENEY & Co., Toledo’ O. . hold! bvDniggistF, 75 cts. | J Ui jdoooilH at tow jiricf* at Mies s u RauiUfl’f 1 H . . . : • • '(a‘N vdaraw nrxG. 5( | Ami , pi iWo > 7 ■ .MMlfeei , I-.-, • 1 i .‘Sent . fo a , The Penitentiary. • I,,. ! - / - . ,:ji ;o . .v, L, y ; ' , a J?; ......._ 'teK r I,<•[.Ji.iij r SV . 1 ® _____ j!■’i.ced.jti'! The crinft was i.i i 'a '"■j,,pit teriible ,it»-.?d one.’ avj.iTwiainijmi, Tlu-y shot liim no) wi h ,, a}>jsf pf, straijgled 1 iy" ,, ,,» ,v W* M'to.;.;^9 w-M ^?x ,}?$ h}f ,fpd ln M ’fed ( the. reiujiindei,^. . M.;s 7 Pntj^ and her daughter claimed thiuj - sdlY killed tlio husband and father in defense, lie was abusing them pt til# time,'mid fiildSlMifeikl 11 .iitA ’ hiql treated them fcaifully for years. The daughter is-iiftwiserviug aThSei sc|i Tbnte in the pOnhlurtlnry. ‘fh-wqr 'fuleffbris 1 wer’e ’maiffr’ ‘t</tt eomniutation •i;l of 1 'seiit'enee lo life Ml k ii q . MV i»tf ^ * t-{ U* !:•>< ) i ll • l; • (tyt ^l^ ^htoyeriior^j Sl * iioaf to appeal,, ■ ‘ .every , •'ll tilt! »'» ) t « ) i ‘Net long «ir*oD|Ui niiuiniamedniE K whivl W'Ugorpiu .the siime state'UUH'd iris friend,-packeddiis' 1 body ( im ft• b )X ■and-'shipped ib ii tto Baltimore!wT >e 'ki'fi'in'g lri his'case'whs dhime tl tw - ,c hr'keif defense^ ‘and widleTh^-cirym ‘1. Stances ii\■ his ••faVor wore- ■wSt! so strung 1 in his favor aH-iu tfm -daso 1 HI rs.‘ HrMscvlMS ’escaped 1 withi. a 1 • - sou-, tt'noo , of*20 'yeurH ! 'iit- Hie' pamten-' Tiftry: j.M t|! jr' ,t - *1 »V»'» *1‘ In* i I mi. ,u.l(i ’ll ' ‘Thdhhrd-fstto'df u Mm! lJWrfs* ,; 4vaE probably owing tcrtlm inliumah w iy she Vuulb'ml. up Hite b<)dy,,al'!tyr t murder^ Witness ttslilicd lo h; 1 / S?.C<1 ciiaractssir qnd ajm^lo d'^h; '.tjen.-t r /iUu. wfiumuUhtioJY.wigS) 4 lyoaiu.-pi obably- .surge-btlluough' nil- it 'miiirlj'and'fof fhb‘Time- tfhiwed ti, off its balance, and lj 6 ffip<f>rtihlyl"Ph p god her wiiofc liail lire. •tt i *■ .ij• * Uait •»()••/ i - i I •? •(! * / ' I tu. 4-L M . yU .-U. .)i fill t**! • i 1 Hi t f LETTER,FRGM^.GGfv, .MAT'/Ti FC - i ■> -■ ,,; i 0 _ a _/ x - u --' -i . Ti *i • I ***.! 1 iIk a’ud uK x t., 0A., 'l''ebrflfiiry,”I18 i 7 I’M J-Sliill^^mpiU ( y -r -1 Gen-l»irrYn.u,atTrite f (V tb« uftvots of-gun no lafetyear«vwd-t*i)eeialjytes tc ill)illIdif After a'fl Other■ yMDM x • pefi'ence*wit'll y^’ur gboclT' lii'i'bpiy I liHve to s*y;—tV M itli itn ( ex per ietiep, of.. Gyviijy-fi ye, years l ceg«rd -last ywovas tho, most apn ift V( y r! jfii ( yy rwr I leyersa'.v for n-l-E'kinds ' 6 { 1 vtt ' nms yAt- diWbfisWteS' to' no most satisfactorily tliat'Dr.-JoiiFs is correct in his advice to farmers: To vary .tlic your man ire as-your'lands in character,when 1 used you t Gotton Seed (Jompot till fast fiat a’rtd put it in dose to ihb se 4 d the benefits were'jiayih'fi; w icn 1 di<\ otherwise the advantages \v (!« Jeas^,.. i ...1 / On light lands I Jdiove. wc.-OTpli’t' to uke' 7.Ah 'immediately trader i«d close to theseed, and about"tha ’ ivst or second working about 75th n otd m’o;)iid,the crop.. 1 believe tljisj>Ian would insure jm.c.eess any ypar. wtt-oT' •*ry, eml-tbo additional .-.labor, would uOt be veryeonsidernble, '4dvant4g6"’tlirt*M -.notliifg compared'vfttll the ed and tile insurance secured. Urjp’ this, upon your tip country pat •ttrtk who use, youp goods, and I feel siird .they will, sti£l, bold,your. goo-T-g |i f‘i •lo. ill the very - highest eatiinn ion! It is the' ycty food vep iir«i but like nil maiiurcv, when btilkei 'e.V eeseive rains'’li-at-li'it'o’fit "Is iMftf the crop consunie* *il, t or excedlvc anj hot weather t. ill clause ( to .fir. T KR.pui ikhlUP..^, o»e. (,jpi,d w« take that risk. 1 «m„. sAtieflml ‘.hat there, better jniiHnr,e..f«r c 4 , ** rt ' i 1 !ns-l*t„thait yqut fttWi&M 'noinid. -*Wds|i«e fullv.., .......... *•• \V.‘ If; Ma n Jr, M .00 ?m /bdiiieb'.noqqii-- (ijrifi .oR'jm'i; eifl ui Mtg h»;i'.ifir.ioa Jwi.l ,wtu> 1 £ . ° f !$ U tiiofani^ Ij''•“ostcilwja. t * J on fy of those engagedTn tWcke 1 - ■ . l feoM}fc‘’6 , f^iplictlrft^vHfcr^lT^ifo .. ., . 'is cfhi! gdud’'paying ’l^sitiU; r "’ ,<f Mijt'tboys raVsdlkPiGk’fiiiiii/tWtik that the profe^iionid'indiii eft tofaffeii aii ‘oAky J tiiik" >/ T^lk : % l ^f'e'l’t mistake', there' 1s' , li'St , ilIy"'li! any la f.v itimh tluut on thfi.furuGand inqhtifi -■ coniliubivota. ga»hheslh|i, and good n\0r.ils.' l|::l Rhkce&& :i, 4tt ia tli!c professions by men of ordinary *'C*q toil, self .deniali.av»4 - ill,.paid Tubin' The sttVilb labor, elii'igy 'rttii?‘>coii'A J i “ ,9-;;,ii pi avlpi-fM! i on i'ji« 7,':.nil 1 AFftW ,HPK« .rail Jr®. ftirnrpWovtld hi.mtist.olisea'nbo crftwii - ed i' with ■■ ifiiR: nnleli'grctilcf'siic'cb'iis. t.arl'yfo ‘/li»j;ir» to nitn».iU ' NVe . t 1 whidlrn Grvhn ‘aniOutA^I-c-lebbrpwlt h h"* '■ .wand,than,<farinu)gi.„'.,'-a .mum-id *i | 1 >■; 11, ; s il't/; 0 1 1 ''vf FROM KEN ATOM DAN I-kIjJ ; 11 • iitl’i.' I ti ■ -li.i'. l UiiuiTidl •MAhlHOir ®bt)Wt 3 SVOi' 8 *tj ‘# 8 l Gcnflemfn:Tiii;Vis,c(lyoAU , iiGtttlQ.»’9e(d) 'CbVupotrnd lasli iraSon lidtli' flol'be. it/ w w r i Mt liiai i I M dktkllb-'nririst gnolf Uit"rwm [,;% . .i.,,;..ii. uta.«,A.B3«i, •'ll., (/I4l hlt*h * >/ f J-UHtl .ft G! /-fitlyill 'j < 211m nbL'ui 'isi n-'leltion,fi«!»nii.iaen i' ,'(.ui : 'i),aiuei*‘fm jias )>jp :c«« h: fr.’Wv’.^ 1 Goro i )Oimd* does i hw 4 fow> lit iw*‘i ..WiH 1 4 :o? I • ‘ t mti A tilli -mi’ Tl*l j|| MM l iiJ/Vn *i|ir)i| h\ *A n » nl Hiitl i..y. . U.IH’ :>HliM ll»l. ••M.l.i il.tfff * '•t‘i i | . j i ( U ,i ,, m! O I KTNG OLA £i SL S. .-i.i \V r i , r r _ n n i -i »- i.r /] a. ui r(«jiil 4 iW • •I .V-.mE N Til ON.;,. 0 . MV A>DV pift pared to ft -all classes with e A . ploy incut at hpm«», the whole f f t lOj tunc, or for tuoir spare , morn^u y„ liikiirtso ligHt'Aifid- (profitable,, MUM* m i^«» aufi a.pvoport^imVsqrn. y bjf jleyoti iff all their time to tin* Inisinese. -Bcyev and girls earn hearty 1 Its mucfi'asmfeu, thbir That’bill Whb dee tluftYrtay;SeWd addrgai, anTatesIdTHo* I)ukihb*»y ve makothift offor.. .|, ftsfii dqivE ,i •*’. well,satisfied ths trouble , 7 ,g W.i)l,Sfin(l of writing. i <)nc i tltuW to pay ont'fil 1 paftfcalara'an <T' 'free 1 .' 'Atjdr Gebrg'- ' 1 Ktrrsorf'-kfe ' 1 Y'o.', -< Portlh id,-, 1 Hhl.lU • • I ’J'-*! (Mil “E n:- •• /;<* i!U,CIvU : :,N'S-ARNICA JSAL' r M" I 1 1 'ill *»»»• tijjili it fi uni ui L The beA -Kalv.e in the: world ft I *lll it <#•*!>/ 1,11 • II 1 ll*ll 1! /l ilL-l bruises, sores, ulcers, Balt rhcLiiiw fevers, cprns'tetter, cliaped Iia ids 'cuts “•/•'ii spriains l l«> ;Iii/M’l and all •t.ijitl Skin I -fcfupt: tin*I um and III positively cure paes, ..I or no iay ' r: Jt guaranteed t , I to . . required. 1 is '*»«// t *• satisfaction, | < t t Ini il i.Kl .« : 1(1 i perfect or money unde'l. J’rice 2 o cents per boxi For •». Dr. Jl. "tit'. Freeman. • ■/»• I . J ii X *•; - 0<ip»T«oui/ii C'oi/.i.v, Ga.,. ' H»l » UlM Fcbrua t * ry -IJ 1 9,1887. » I I l»(D ♦ 1 • Elbert Gopyty Fertjlizcr Cphi^iuij I used yotu- “Cotton Seed tlrtttr. Itirl w JcSo , ♦! «• I .-*<• lH tlHf ((••IM #»•**#! l i»(* ‘(! pound”, last fj-M.wl year and the result • *»• t .11 . t , I hUt .•/«/ } 'fine. I, measured off one acp; -.1 hfp 1 -tm.f * laud 9 iul on this i put one jia.ek, .ftp' Inuidred pounds of your cattpii hffyj co ui pound—*nd tin? yield was 1 Ifegvy bales of lint cotton. Will it again. I .,1,1.1 lint Iff Yours luf.tni I{c*S|it *h •• llflii lulh^^ M««l ir mi if If Ifo'H **«*p I >itfull «MlOMitui fWW> * 1 ’ ■ 1 1 j TW iiiiiu jJ’flint hntW/hd t'imlieej hiit# at Milk, b R Han ldlV, roT^fSWtt’fSJJSY. Jizmsmx. of the day, and that receives aim :i,fmfU U Ts«! -ii fag «•>::»«!••rail/ gr ronte.’i " J A southern exchange says tJ cial gathering iq a SoutijCinilwt . and recoired th«,.fol l(j^ <1 g, )a ^ ] wers. m ioaok her that 100 cents make .tfpllajq btisJ^Wit »-m -nr.,, la' i;;ia.,;i W 1 w^i^fliUkwjrfY! <* a# rangecthc-b^ >71,-1 f.,m ,4« n; sqy “Nq’? ,andy bU ‘b 0?,' '‘ykaj”.qq{l.sftiqkUo't Teach lie.r caUco. drei and wear It like a qu*en. fliu-n.*t J. Tbkch her; bow fa# oh : ‘fcM,tonj 6 ckiilgs,.*imP '4|^ m^d glOv'eSP | ;i.'-/i’caeli tmrqi>tii a l M : lieMth tand eorafoRr as kppkflb mice. ;■ .lb,i rn-’ji mo-fi Teach her to makcl the neatest i;ooni,jH, Vlc housp ■! 1 pm h m i°i ■ ^‘-IWtOihjqye i 0 '. v ; 0 i :.f) iVdl* ^||g,|o !f la [ton] * ! ’•' 1 " mm i Hf'ds.' w am'fta, Ifelfauhir-sa'I Teach her that tight lacing j^ mi comely " as well, aj^ inquriou* : to her health. rndyai^ arn^nft, money,' i ^ ng J.) aS 80 6 ufl*? ? Hi! r 1 . j t> w i;.it i . i.i mi d i.p Rif| Hf.*>;.U')T; •y l e i n, 1 fwiEnTf I’vm nig aivgctl raeut * m the hom V,.and are not to mo'u yhl * , ,lieir !x Tea5hhofe;ltHe i jifapOilAdf l-truism : “That the more she lives within her .iaeomo 4iMfaicro^ke!wi||..l^f^& and ( tl|« further »beMfiU;ge|(Ha^v*|vi|bm The.qHIOP-koulsed’w ml :>aq . lo'IUachl ihes. ttotc ,a. ^qod/ljrt^idy f kiiioi^goyeg^.mftohaiwvj q^| or .Gfiikoqr.^Hcbw.w-ithduhrt. it worth) ujoyo,» ih»a t , ,£erty r -,. 4 <Mkfh«rf or jnDUrjwodjuseqitiii ht-padreiwfhfo 0 dViach!. hoi, .to -,<imbi^o 0 .je«i»^mp W»h'qpk*ia».jpll-.^ve i»ia 4 ^>' l ^ost ayad ipractiesl mfatmtijoBi in homuanf} Aclwl. 1 ^, 1 , t I « hiaaJ.’iiii^ ^g'ili V> ey ,'7d in ■ .,,1 i.i,, 11 r.iUrt No one can over plead that Iqfjhas no time for. self-culture, for id busiest hours' he ,>bu^ant means to elevate ' and’ itaprbvfi him fcelf. 1 But to do thlk ho ' xnuft work '• '* •* •"II *«|T , f*ff • he must strive fov ■ eyeOlien *' , i* dpparfraeut: lie must )«• iD^rih learn,.. tot *• '• fi * *f f ii a» well na in -that; ho is receiving. ■ ‘Toil' Ts tfie sbhddrfo^hTghM^nci pies:' Tlid niosi’ ffuftiUl f! *ouicj^ b^tftenee of tiuth' anti'' ‘ ‘‘ Mrckditibdi '. 1 M 'illftfjii si 4lT ? Ubc r demands HiteildetmabAetlViliy,* sod i carried-on best bj thos^ whb 'jitivig orate their minds s<y4hilfc tvfo'ftfter, ;Sts, toil and self culture, are friend of Educ*-» ii « • a • ••• a .ii <hi u-r.iilioimi -vrt I .of Tj 1 .. of kind cured as every in 30 minutes ' ’WW.TJHion. | 'U^'no^fie^.' A’h^ TMV 6 r , "fails Sidd-'byiDr;- J. W . 1 r | 3 HclW'!lkwtq , 'ist Uwiuasviile; CU. 1 )<t Mum S f *»fp ait ill ■ * I ir, 1:1 ■ , fdjflM * till l‘ii ff'Ml rTiUMi nit ? >Vf4 I 9 The Cotton Seed Cotnpoj^,!* h '.V,w v ij;uvUU l ,4J’v.y, -tin Af'vwti'Mm dtX .MiFwtyv' „i»