Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, July 12, 1887, Image 1

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THE FRANKLIN COUNTY REGISTER BV ELLEN J. DORTCH VOL. XVI. NO. 23 OLD FRANKLIN. Our County as it was Before and Soon after (he Beginning of Nineteenth Century. Prominent -den who Controlled Af¬ fairs in Old Times. la my first article I wrote of the Wofford family, but could not give the Christian name of tne old man Wofford, who had an active agency in the purchase ot the strip of land oj the upper side of Franklin some¬ times called YVofford's purchase and sometimes the four mile purchase and bounded northward by Wtffords trial. Recently I have bad an in¬ terview with Senator Absalom P. Wofford of Banks county. He, har¬ ing recently obtained from Washing¬ ton city copies of the official records kindly ga^e me the information de sired, aud which I will now give to tiio public, Wiliiam YVoft'.o d ivis the oldest, and the father of all the Wofford’s, w ho settled in Frank iiu county, and was a native of Alary land. His son Nathaniel Wofford came with him ami was a man in mature life, when he immigrated to this county. Sometime after his settlement in Fiauklin as he suppos jiosed, he found that lie and others were focated m the Cherokee nation on the upper waters of T ugola, Broatl atud Oeo..ce rivers. Upon the discovery of this fa**t Nathaniel YY'offord mounted liis horse and rode oy horse—back ail the distance from this county to YVashmgtou chy to urge PiCiideuf Jefferson to appoint 'agvn<.-! or"moiDiiri.-■m«.— with the Cherokees for a purchas- oi tenilory, llis nut'biun \sss success ful. Commissioners weie appointed by President Jefferson, and the Aur mile pmchasj was added to Frank¬ lin county; but Nathaniel YVoffom was not one of the Commissioners as I had tormer'y been told. His only age ucy in the matter was his request ing and wging of the President to move in the inani tr already indica ted. Natlianiei Wofford was the father of old Gen. William B Wof¬ ford, general of Alalitia. member of the Legislature and an unsuccess! ul Democratic candidate for GongrccS when congressmen in Georgia yyeie tlectcd under U-egeneiid ticket rule befojce the dis/ricting of the State. Aiy reccolli clion is that General YY’offord was a candidate for Con gres» in 18 to, the last time Congress¬ men iu Georgii were elected flu the general ticket plan; and that at that time the entire Whig ticket was elec¬ ted, ai d Alexander U Stephens was elected on the Whig ticket io his first seat in the House of Lepiesei. tativis. Bcfore the next election in 1845 the Slates were divided ime Congressional districts, Senator Ab salom P Wofford is a son of oid Gen. AYro. B. AY’offord, a gisrt’&on of Nat AYofford, and a great grandson of WiUiam Wofford, and he now owns aud resides on a pait of the laud his gian ifather first si tiled on. Col. James Little a North Carolina regiment iu tne war of the Revolution 0,1 tljt ‘ S ' L ‘ C ol freedom and against the fool-hardy U„ e G,« s . U. I'uJtr lh. I... UoosU. »»<!- ■» ' n. settlers tnd . rev.ard • i rev .. attract lionary soldiers nod officers, C ol tie came to Frauklin count}' among tbe earlii-st si*i tlerr, .i aud t.„M “ a d * , Icunty wsrruit ui on a , larg* ,,. of land ou Nail* creek, including tbc mouth ol LRtk. c m/', ahkh took U* u*mo from him IE*ii somewhat ad vanned in life when lie came to ibis State, with children grown and married, and with a coir stituti j.i shattered by the hardships of the long war tl rough which lie had recently passed, ne did not long survive his settlement in the county His ashes repone peacefully m the bosom of the earth which Georgia gave him ... reward , of Ins t>ailn»t , in ser vices . , .. - A.,,™ » liberty. ins only children of whom I know anything were Aim Westbrooks, the mother of our a-*ed fellow citizen Bartly Westlrmks, andVYomm aud II Little Col, Little dundid hu land between his tr.o sons William and Jsnies II. About 1820 William Little sold his place and removed west; ar.-J niter T? '*"* ,, , S1, ‘ CJ his i.,acoi. n,.» ownedcccup.cj by William Y. Holbrooks. James II.Litile, esq., Lvud and died inol ISob on tlm place inherited from bis Duller, Col. Little, C II Lillie, esq. now owns aud oc cupies the jlaee. James II Li-t.i was a young maa, wuen, with h.s lather, be settled m tins eouu'.y. lie was a man oi more limn ordinary in lelligeuue and ot great exe lienee of ciiaractej; be extrad great influence for good. in ii.e tar.y j aitoi this century previous to Iboll he olte-i represented the eeiuuly luthe l.egis latuiv. His greatest aval was C;].t. afterwards Gen. Thomas Anderson, a mm of like intelligence and charac¬ ter, of whom 1 shall wri.e, more iater. luthe days of their ptiblie j life, the political parties in Georgia were the Clarke party and the party at firstcdied the Crawford par,y ■.■.ft.* *. .-! __t he Trou p party.. Andersen was a C'iarke man, Let Litile was a Troup man, and as these parties were nearly equally divided in strength in the eourty iu those days,and as both the men weie equal ly coaipcteax «uiU ot c\cui*ou t chin acter iheir races were oti cn t ie sc anti hotly eontesieo, ami success usually fell to the lot ef him who controlled most of tbc* floating V0i.CS. The election of k-gisia/ors was then an¬ nual on the first Alormay in Ocio ter. 'Of the Cl ike aud T-oap par.ies I will write more later. Robert R. Little was one if the several sons ot James 11. Little, esq. and like i is father, sciw-d tl.eeonn ty ill seveta! offices. For many yeais he w.-s tcuniy surveyor; a:.<i tne re are not many I i acts ot lauu in whi.t was tlieu Franklin county, which he tins'u .t surveyed or ltsuc veyed. Iu surveying I have never followed a mine accurate surveyor. I have louud only one muteual mis¬ take it his work. In passing from i,m* station tree lo another in run nmg a new line where there vvere no marked trees, he took his eye from the pine ;o which he v-as go¬ ing, and fixed them <>'* another very it in s.ze and ap pemance, wmch was lit ty yards ro the light of his line. J tobert 11 Little several times lepiesciited the county in the Ntate Legislalu-e. JL : never married, and died lie lore Lis father about the middle of this ten. tuiy, wild Ins-in the grave yard hue the lerm.ine of his lather and w »s- llis Lrothor “ i in ls;ol LMK was elected 7 to * tne Ntute I a - from tli« mstrict then , mm jKKi d of Franklin aud Aisdh.m .niiutios. w0 Hii defeated competitor i A«h tbe father . , ol Col. WJ.iam ....... “mm -si. t i. j DOr IcUu^ eitixcu John Jl. L»WJe, «» «celknt m«n having pasted away recently, C. H. CAliNESVILLE,GA., TUESDAY JULY 12. 1837. LiUe is the o» y survivor of the ehillreu of James II. Little, esq. Gkovhs IT. C.vmi.KDOE. (To he Continued.) \ CON E BACK TO THE RULE OF 1 OUR FATHERS. ~ — | i j 0, ■ Uniicc, ere ....... .... 1™, coV | ton aid cL, tobacco,more gram sod glass «nd This road if lotlowec. i wiJ1 I T 1 bf ‘ ck 10 lije S 03 ' 1 okl (li1 . vs |'f* ers. Lit them d lo.low ‘ nn ^°f wtiaoul 0U1 ‘ de i ' atb via- - I tio»-t,roing ( neither to the right nor the ett, until they shall be able to pay cash for what they buy. Pav i the ,,K, '4 a,it cash—1bo can then buy j Lis Let ' ket T 1 only ins <4sh book, and lie will not ...... lony a».l .uic.u, p-ofH on »u„t you huy, in oroer that lie may save himself in bad i recounts te had made with your ! •^•iglihor, rt ho cannot, r who i ill ; i not pay bin. l’ay cash anj keep your neck ml from uude.t the galling, avish yoke of liens and mortgages —pay cash and save the cnormoti* ; interest uh;Vh y-. it pay m j*rof.ts- - 1 !'»/ cush f» 1 ’ ^ mdepmi lent.—Pro- 1 fJMV'i.KI Vi' r G It Iff*1* ° UO u LEL’LY MIGHT. In an ariiile ui the Journal ot United Laboi^eiier-.l Alaster Work man Povvderly aiyson „he subject ol temperance: U know I am right. I know that, ii rei'ising to even t jueh a druji of Armig dtink, 1 was and am right, ii rclusing to treat another to that which I do net be be-, o to be good tor myself to drink I kilo iv tliat i ail right. In not al¬ lowing a _ nuus'd er to gain admit advising , our , asseuit|ies not to rent or meeting roohs.ov*r drinking p.uces, I know that Jam right.” GLOD LEblLTS D. A , 1 Bradfsjid, vvlolesjle piq ei dealer of C'bnUanoogs,Tei*n., writes that he was sericKsIy ailititd with a severe cold that settled m his lungs had tried many remelies without benefit.Being induced io try Dr Kings New Discovery f>r Consuinji tion, did so and vvi/s enirely cured by the use of a few bott , s. Since winch time lie uaskef t it m Lis house for all coughs utd colds with best resnils. This is tl.e cxjciiciicC oi thousands whose lives ave been fayed by this wonderful discovery. Trial bottles free at I*. II. AL TVediian’s drug store. I ADI IN OF 'll E AY HIT E HOUSE. have found that uur na r, it e>. cessivt* ilutus produce a lov. weak tired and tun ulcns state oitl.t sys tem, and'that iron restores iehness anel color to the blood, calisa a hark a n aliual healthful tone to th* diges¬ tive organ, and j.hosphorous mildly stimulates the brain,— all i • at iued IIartcr's iion Tonic. ALL MEN ABE NOTH D. Neither aie all prepared mueUs 'ilia is I'd"n I , lhe j rosuha followine Urn »•« .f Dr it art ms Inti Hi;v bl M * K mlnlr, liVi.dic*, u*r p»d liyir and general we»lnc«, ■ FRANKLIN COUNTY'. Soil, Health, 'V.itcr Power, Schools, Churches, R |lmads, etc, I SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION. ' YY r e have freuarntlv, through the columns of the Rvcustkk, urged the * We have urged teachers to at ten 1 St ' ll,,ols ’ ov «, onn u uisl tutes » ^'d if that eoald no. be done, to buy books tbit c.i'rflnin :ind elucidate the ,, onusi methods of teaching. It has . , ) bt-n upun m^oious inuu «'e Knew the nccoss.ty. Our teaeu ers have been in her slow to take bo.d ot improvements in their own voca ti „,„.rfi„o S8 io U.i« t0 ,. is ,, m :,. c o„„t„l,|o. The teacher who , ,, has not felt , aud the . „ . ot . , I . inabihtv, n.enu-ieney is methods, , anJ , the , necessity . own o. knowledge , about how , to to ten, more has mistaken , , Ins .. and , . ciuling, is siiungelj out of p uce m a ichool teacher. . roi'm iu the capacity I,. ot Ihe teacher , who , . the . tin metlious , , of . teaching, , place.- , proven himself iu the ridiculous ..ttiludeof a man, who denies the necessity of a practical know ledge of his own call¬ ing. IK is in the attitude >*f a lawyer who ridicules the idea of str.dymg pleadings and practice, and one is about its 'well qualfiod for his )>rofes sion as the other. The attorney's knowledge oi law might be profound but’f he knew no bing if practice, he could accomplish but little m the courthouse. The teacher may be learned, but if.he knows nothing ol which (iiiIkmiics tUc accium* »»a*u expelience an. 1 v», Gitmi of thoi .itIuI education of dm present and sst, ho can accomplish hu' little in the school room. As indicated above, all thoughtful teachers have felt their weakness, and (he inappropmtjness of their own methods, and it is tins feeling that has led ihinking educators study die best aud most natural means of appoa.hing, interesting, and imjiarting inow.edge to the juvenile mind, and has evok'd /be nict tods used in the normal schools. Did the reader ever think of the folly of t ,c oid way of teaching -be¬ ginners? The e i <1 is givt-n a .-pull¬ ing book opinrd at the iiljihiihet; icacber points >ut each letter, c-.i/l the name and the child repeats the names as/er him. The child is sent to his seat and odd to get his lesso , but what is llu-re io: hint o gel? flow can he study the alphabet? Before bun are a i«>t of strange clunacteis o. marks, r.d lie lias beard tluir a. lues Liu cannot icm mber them. There is nothing ilia’, he uni do and lie seems to realize it bolter tliati tcaeiier does. He has been required In do an unnatuial aud possible thing, and lie knows it, instead, he engages iu conversation or play which is natural, and the teacher storms at him to get his ies s >u. lie quits th..- natuial and tries to do the ifiijHi: sibli*. He stares at the strange charnel ers with all his might, and might siar • at »Lcin ten years qud Le m ne the Wntr. lie might a« wi ll be I* i king down into a botuHili-M* abyss, and far Litter might Le !.*• k out upon urn gieeu trees and I .lie sky; nr better slid, be rmmiiig ni.d piuv i»g I en.uth them That would be ii.Miiul, Jly dint ol many rcpe'.itio s tin* loiter* u-art,<u), but bo bus only kerned a mm, II m. ro sound, w ithout a j thought or idea oanneelon with it. (Ic learns to spell “! i m.t nil p*f ail.” The words me n nii'hmg and he \\i*il n.-w-r meet wish them e sew lore while he lives.- Not a singl.- though or idea has been developed, udo<s his sal experience leads him to tilin' of the foolishness if the an ! the impossibility of learning, or per¬ il ips a hatred of hooks and study h is been deve'op d. He Is e.edinad in thescLo*! room from six to o ght hours per day, and during all that time, receives levs thmi o te half hours instruction, and studies none at. all. When finther advanced hard difli - cult lessons are given, with hut li/tie any preliminary instruction, ami but little that is learned is und irstoo I. Lessons, when learned nro m* an ng less, iho powers ot the min i arc u >t developed, the c.-i| ueity to tlrni; and investigate - is not quickness. Children are turn'll I v tan -lit. to «•«•!!, pracucnllv, by hnv nthem a in row Mini spdl words as they are proiiouiicvd hv the teacher. Some Lung , . . learn d this and it is m way, is .ot to be discarded, hilt Die true wav to teai h snellin r is to havetho spe I mg exercises in writing. Alain ' children who spell well in the elass when . words , , bv the , ire given out teacher, are very poor s - oilers when they write; and spell mu v of the most common words wrong. It is uo< the purpose, however, to discus methods if teaching, or to suggest methods, but r-tlur to induce teach.. ers to study them. Tile time is iie.n at hand when teachers will lie requir¬ ed to understand their bus im-s, auo those who do not qualify tliemse.ves will lie driven into other fields o labor, or wilt nave to retire to /lit There is one rule Dial has pievuif d m most schools the policy ani ] wisdom of which I have aiwi.y. doubled. I refer t" t ie prohibition coiiversaDon a'nJ all eomniutumlioi 1 (he girls and bovn. Noe. wten a rule imp.ies si suspicion, and it lack o F conflilence, that is an insult wd) b .. cJ ^ . ini] bov8 . T |, c (;re0t le;) ,. hei . tv l, ose scholars lm**c ^ ^ rM at](] Wi] , fauffht ui home, need haye no fears in allowing reasonblc associalion between the sexes. During my own experience teicher for more than six perns with large schools and many grow u jvirls mid bo*, s, e u ept. a very sh'i. v tiin<?, flie girls and b. ys ctmveiseu anil played together at will,inn bwdv but wer - pr«>hi atefl pri'ii.e coaver satiou, letter writing or love making all that time -here was not i. 1,1 eath ofsc-iitml, iu»r tbe -lightest trouble JI propci ly ectun dbytlo i.eacheivpui upon ;li -ii metal us.mih- and ms Ic to fee) that confidence is reposed in their disciv t.on and *■. ns of propriety, (here i» not one wen bjed gii. iu iu.imieds win . wm toier. ale love i„a.,tog or mq. nmvsci^tion in nvl ool. In n>any ot best schojis in tut worid the gh'i» an j buy s associate liee.y, and are seat- U logetbe;, a girl and hoy at <iesk The testimony is strongly in lavur of the practice, the boys are more gi n teji, more /ruity, Letter in. i nered and iron easily oiiitro.til, ai.d the gills a i! n.ore lady Lke. 'J b iiiurai of the sel.ools are iiup.ond, the sc. olars attend more prouip.y, the ocl.iio.a are more imerwHlng ajiu the student* a*.vuuce uioie rapWJjr. Toe people e* Cambrnlgo, ill., auo \HUHh * * ik.ti homing lot mg» t*<r ram. iuu mow to *» without preeodoir. < A ' ' $ 1.00 rat ) ■ - > IRELAND ALONE Ireland H the only civilized conn - try in the world widen did not share in l’ic celebratio i of Queen Vic o ta’s jubilee. Unite l Ireland Air. A'm. O Itrivu's p per says of the fa t; “She stood st.-M'ii;. and sorro vfn |y aloof, Ireland's place ought, lo have been b-side Engl ind at the throue. Irish blood ami own help *,! t > build the fill p re. l'ove tv, misery an 1 shivery are lurre-vari She shared Eng¬ land's labors, but she may not share nor iriu nplis. Knglaim’s joys is for dfry years of liberty, prosperity and progress. Tuc Iris i g iyf m-l wrath ti'o for fifty yea;s of misery f.inline and oppro isio i. K igland is Clllll bere.l oy the st'tigglas of a sulle captive, when she might pivcli se.hv justica iln* aid utul comfo. l of i. trteiM.” FRANKNESS. I'heiv is a vividness mnl it fr. nk ntsH about wystef.i pnii nausin t in is uasoiuteiy captivating. A New Alexico paper telling of the (>misc ■if Jim says,“nis spirit was re¬ mits »d f.inn his pa.ii ricked body and soared u'uft at I bid Denver time. ' Tins might uuvcbeeu stat tod in other m' bu 0 not in terms that woit.d have expressed the facts so clearly. A id the closing lines are iibiolati ly Guiltless m express mils! “Dc.itti loves a sh' murk, .md sue hit a dandy when sue turn •d loose t n J im.” v- W AV PAX UK DU NK. -...■ My trying again and k.epmg u» ■oarage ic.ti.y things seemingly nn m.' may be aecoiupl.sbed. Hiti, i iicds ot- liiij ciesa eases of kieiney liver complaint Lave bvtneiuei. oy Eiectnc J*ittvi> after every i/ else hill, failed. S don’t think ilid'e is i o iim-fo, you out iiy Eucti t Bitters. There ik no iiitdu.ueso side, so j me ami so j erltct a biota, purilici. Electric Bnu-rs will tun dy spepsia. Dial ties and ad tliseas*.* e oi tiie kidneys, invaluable hi affeo itiiis oi siomach ami iimi. ami tn< i cotne all lu.iary difilcuilie--—La ge oidy fifty cents at ii Al Fi et iiiiii.s. YVOR i’ll ITS WEIGHT IN GOLI Oi. Penn njfon, ol i'.dn.ettj, •« t a wt-llkno n i-iid prom.cent piiy- ccimi siiya. Dni.ig in* e^ietr it, ■ in: practice of medteine, I us d i> gr< iit deai of u.e prep lution known ,tS Al « I lo i Fi ui, 1 d Wat l ti o comm end i lo iveiy uu to my brother physicians. It maker .ala r easy, hastens delivery and te cowry, '-n*.l iusjres subtly to both, mother ami child. No woman cm. oe induced to g < tluougli the oruea. vvitho'it it afterome using it. 1 have also 8ohl it 1.S a diuggNt, wilb tin best ol mtiHi.ili* n. it is eertaiuly worth its weight ill gold.” All urusrgJ* •* sell if. Forparticu lars and lull directions aihiiess. Bra.llield Regulatei Co^ Atlanta Ga. - W hen you waul the best article of tobacco, don’t forget to call on YV. C. & B. M'Entire. \V. C. A J. U. Ali Eu.iro amimt Ik* uiidersol 1 mi flour. Hyrup at McConuull A, Hro. itoets |>.r gnllou. TJO GOOD TO LIVE. Hi n. N- .M. AL Council, of TVn ness-v, recoil. Iv app diit. -d Chief j Usli ,. e of M mourn, is not popular iniong the free mi 1 eu-y people of tiie T. iTili.ry. IIi has coiiscieuti • oils scruples ugiiuisf listening to the music ol violin, cuils the w d*z u “.oiitlisnnie him! ol dance,'’ says tail'd p.i.iiog is “an inetM.lion of ,iu* devil, ’ and r'-c'-utly leftt-pd to iilijiouit a young m u as Cfcrk of Court, beeau e he e-eusionally play- * ed wins!. Tim )•« op> speak of him as -that Eastern sh u p wli.i’s loo go’ou to live," VWmieii coutium- to *-<m»u “ o the front” A id why t«»i An- they not as capable of adorning too ImiiI as hum? Jp-cotilly a lady was installed deaconess iu an Episcopal eliurch in New York by LJisliop Bolter. Sim is ’lie first (leuc ines., mlmitt d to dm cliurcii in tour Inin Ired »e,i»s and tlm lit* i creel* d in An erica. ■ . An -.voiii.ui isaooit lo c» (Uwlt It **A aciiool ior iv'iies.’’ a>to proposes ui instruct lor pupim hi cooKcry, dressmaking, plty».ology, ; oooKkccpmg, eiocCl.loll -ud, L in dnimuiil <t ibvro i-« **uy need ,«■ teuvti w *v eo Uic an o, deoaliog. Tucy leam m m qitiChiy c.a/ugil lit die.r IP v(c Ulsplites WUIl a.elt iiusj.uMo. The teimiui. al Gettysburg between die i n.iaueildiiu iir.g.ide hint Pica* c'. i, l>i\ .sum oaglit to cause the peo¬ ple ui this country io re.uemner lor «iit nine to Ct tUv* lUul iio.iCf beilcr ' ’ • tii.ui • «a . ' SH IL'UKLg N ARNICA salve m Tuc best s.nv*- hi Ibe world for t ins, ni'uisi-s. so.ti',mccr.., sail rheum , Vi /.», COi'lls, s »ies, teller, chipped mi-ids, cut bU ns, and ml skin erup t i,,ns; ami |.o».tivc»V euivs plies, of pay leqM’ied. it is guarantee* t o give siitijlactioi. o, money lx*.unti¬ Knee a box. Util Sale A Freeman. M TO LKBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persona having il.-inand* ilga* . si tin- (*-t«/f of Jits A C Wad* 1 lab- of Franklin c<mll! V, ih*l-rx*e«L wra i-r bv ii. rifled to render lu tlidnle* iii-iii I.- lo the limb rsigned according lo law, and ah persons, iiuii'liled to said eoati* are required Jo make im nicdur.c payineiii. This June ^Nth *8 7 . J. \V. ()«h*iru. Adm’tor. 'V'*!gjj NOTICE. The public whereby u -tiiiei lint my wife, AC irgarel Niuiit*, <*ol f ha KM my bed ami at LiT.mi.-i, G-i m with-int cause. Any pirson* liarboring oi employ mg tier, will b; dc:ffi in term* of the law. Frank Smith, col. ' July 4th 1897. - If you want a g*md article of P,u^ Tobacco ask your Deder for ‘*OLD RIP h*C.A J. II, AIcKntire »ib sc J vuu the very best straw hat at a v ry low priii*. Ali-Gonn II Jfc Rriarestil/ in the lt*«d on tobacco. A hi *e line «»l la be* •id gold a ainiuor »h«s>« at „ t Hi J U Mv * kiiiirti.