Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, June 05, 1888, Image 1

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FRANKUN COUNTY REGISTER j g, DORTCH & Ed. F. McGOWAN, l’ubliiliers yOL) NV ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOB SENATI Dr. Wc arc authorized to announce candidate m (i Underwood the as 81st a Senatorial dis £ $ from the ensuing clcc Georgia, at tion. WOOL IIAT. • ■ ssea. IH O gSSSpS ffifsncccssfulin the ensuing elcc Sl will guard and protect their fob OBD1NAKT. m with fidelity and to the best of same Daniel MeKenzie. Jus anility. fob beckiveb |-4 At, the solicnauon. mvsclf cadidat m for O annnwicc a e of office of Receiver of Tax Returns franklin county at the ensueing elec * Being a cripple and uuable to lion. manue! labor by which I can ffia perform reasonable support for myseff idfamily, I very humbly ask the vo Raving befeome unable to make a e ff-TiiaWvri FOR SHEUlEFi We are authorized to announce the name of 3. C. MeOrter as a candidate /or Sheriff of Franklin /county at the January c-ection. PROFESSIONAL NOTICES A. G, McCnrry } • Proffitt Hartwell, Ga O McCURRY & PROFFITT. Attorneys at Law. ssfisajSsA#? sssftftSsssigg and Office elsewhere in the court by special house at contract.^" Curnesulle and Hartwell. PHILLIP W- DAVIS. Attorney at Law, Elberton, Ga. Will practice ih all 'he couits ot th ara Northern circuit and in Franklin an adjoining counties in the Westein circuit and also in the Supreme and United States couafs. Prompt attention iven to all business entrusted with im. A. N. KING. Attorney at Law, t aruesviUe, Ga. Office in the Court House. J. S* DORTCH. Attorney at Law, Carnesville, G ?-• Office in the Court House. J. B. PARKS. Attorney at Law, Carnesville, Fa. Prompj attention given to all business entrusted with him, B. F. CAMP. Attorney at Law, Carnesville, <«a. W ill practice in all the coaris of ri ,e Western circuit and elsewhere. w. i. puck Attorney at Law, Jefferson, Ga. Will practice in all the courts of the Western circuit and elsewhere by P 1 rial contract. ♦ MEDICAL CARD. tention to the sick. Georgia Franklin County Whereas JJ Haley ! Guai dim of e - court ,g isniasvv vs.. - ^ irtsS.'a |^en nf ai.mi»o.. FRANKLIN COUNTY REGISTER J. S. DORTCH, ) Editors A Eiw. F. McGOWAN, j Propri’tors LOCAL NEWS. The tax on pool tables is near enough in sight to give some trouble to be boys who fitted a ta¬ ble in the Crump bouse a fciv weeks ago. Cheap clocks at McConnell & Brrs. « -v‘ W C & J B McEntire’ss is tli place to go to get straw hats and fine shoes. Thirty-one or two teachers were examined on the 29th and 30th days of May. Rev. T. J. Stoneeyplicr bad a valuable milch cow killed by light¬ ning on the 29th of May. «-"~ Ladies Misses & cbildieu opera shippers at McConnell J?ro’s. There was a heavy rainfall at Carnesville on the 29th of May, ac¬ companied by a strong wind from the south Mid toulli irif. 1 few iles south of here the fall of rain was un. precedcnted. Farms were badly washed and crops were injurad. Had the lands that suffered so severely, been properly terraced and iaid ofr, the damage would have oeen slight. Lands that are well terraced, and well cared ior will not wash at all, ana it cost very little to do the ter¬ racing. Don’t forget- that McConnell ’& Bro’s carry the best stock of shoes in the place. We were fnrmehed with a «„ report of the picnic at Carson * i ur MiUs , but . it was misplaced. We 0 hope the writer wii. favor ns with other news in the near future. When you want rock bottom price* on goods always go to W C & J B McEntire’s. Messers A. W. A L. J. McCon nell spent several days in Atlanta last week _ Dr. ,, W r L - McBath n . has i . been „ praM tieing hair cutting for some weeks past, and now hrs the reputation of being the champion barber in Carnesville. Arbuckles parched coffee is the est. For sale by G S Phillips. a very interesting communication from Bold Spring will be found in another column. We would like to to havp a correspondent from every district in the county. Try a package of Comers Guaran teed Chicken Cholera Cure. Sold by McConnell Bro. J, B. Vaugh' 1 ’ 8 new music book, entitled “Our New Book” is just 30cts per copy; $3.25cts per dozen. Address. J- B‘Vaughn, Bornan, Ga. W C & i B McEutire haye the best line of tobaccos than any house in town. They have a splendid tos baeeo at 30ctsper pound. Money for Farmers. 1 to. 12 per cent, with interest at o p cent., payable once a year to-wit: December 1st. J. L. I arks - on Carnesville, Ga. t oc 1 . t , . s - ub >' J R , 0 J A U Jooes tovou. a. ISSUED EVERY WEEK CARNESVILLE, TUESDAY JUNE 5 1868 SUCH IS LIFE. The Accidents of To-day and Yesterday. Yesterday evening Col. DeSnipe fell from bis trout steps and sprain¬ ed bis ankle severely Tho hurt though comparatively trivial, was very painfn 1 at first and a doctor was senf tor. He found the Colonel suffering much pain and Mis. De Snipe greatly alarmed. The acci¬ dent was soon known over the vil¬ lage and for an hour or more a strea of visitors were going in and out of the De Snipe mansion, . The Colonel was commiserated and also consoled because It was not woise. Many remedies were suggested, such as to¬ bacco poultices, poultices of lyc, slippery elm, brown paper and vin¬ egar &etc. Many offers of assis¬ tance were Miadc; and most of the visitors took occasion to assure Mis DeSnipe that the Col would »oon be on foot again. When the last lingering visitor had departed leaving Col. DeSnipe comfortable and free from pain, he and Lis good lady with grateful hearts spoke of the kind interest of their neighbors and congratulated themselves that they were so blessed in their friends. Such tyidenccs of disinterested goodness of heart go far toward redeeming tho dark phases of human nature and make the world look brighter and better, and fall like gleams of sunshine through the rifts iu the clouds. Business is dull at this season and and there is but little to do, and this morning a crowd assemble on the square, as is the custom, and were discussing the tariff and the accident y e 5 pC uay evening, when an old col ored woman came by with an armful of r«l o* tark. answer te a to '»" be sb used » “f*> making “ th poultices * ** was in v » accident tho early , morning. . an in ip om ^ k nown as a g 00 d boy, his jj lg mo tber is a worthy widow and he is her mam stay. As good, hu* inane and Christian people. wo were shocked to hear of the accident, our sympathies were actively aroused, and w'ith ono accord we a'l exclaim* ’ 1 y DECORATION DAY. i *l« % The years that haye elapsed since the close of the civil war have served to obliterate all sectional feeling, and a united a prosperous nation joins in keeping green the graves of all its beloved dead. It is in this spirit that the publisher of the New York Family Story Paper has writ tena thrilling and pathetic to this romance, nation¬ peculiarly appropriate entitled “Faithful al holiday, His Grave Kept Green.” Leonore; or, will also be found In the same paper a weekly instalment of the “Life and Adventures as a Showman of P. T. Barnurr.,” written by himself, and equally interesting to the youug folks as well as beads of families. These are rare literary treats, aDd those of our readers who are not already obtain en¬ joying them will do well to No. 7*36 of the New York amily send Sto ry PflpGt of their news dealer or direct to the publisher, Monro's Pub¬ lishing House, Nos. 24 and 26 Vandewater Street, New York, and r eceive the paper four months tor One dollar, postage free. Go to McConnell & B ros to ge your fine shes; c/othing, hats, shirts neckwear, etc. That hacking cough can be quickly curedby Shiloh’s enre. guarantee it. Sold by J. R. 7 u< Came%ville and A. R. Jones Lav< WE PASS INTO OBLIVION. • But few inon can hope to live in life memory of their fellows. Men who fill a largo spsco in’fhe commit, nity, state and'coiintry a few years ago, and whoso names were on ev¬ ery lip n few years ago, have passed into the silent shades and are for¬ gotten. A good and useful man man fails by the way and wc say there is no one to fill his place, but as timo sweeps on wo look m vain for his place. He has left tho great ebbing, flowing tide of life nnd there is r.ot a ripple * upon its surface to show that he was ever here. Ilis ambitions, hopes and fears have per¬ ished,and there is no ono to tell of his triumphs or failures, joys or sorrows. Men pass out of our lives even while they live, and soon have no placo in our memories. Wo were forcibly impressed with the transitory hold that men havo upon tho memory of tnoir fellows, and the faintness of tho impress that they leave behind them, from reading a letter handed us tho other day bj Rev. T. J. Stoncevyhcr, It was written to Mr Stonecyphor by John A. Williamson of Locksburg, Sevin county, Arkansas. Mr. Williamson was raised in Carnesvillo, a member of a prominent and influential family, and left hero when a yogng man 87 years ago. Hu kinsfolk swarm nil over the country now. Ho ^jas a grandson of Maxwell II Payne, his father was a half brother of James W Payne, of Toccoa, and has moth¬ er was a sister ot John II. Payne re¬ cently deceased. He was brought up by his grandmother, tlio widow of MjpewpH II. Payne, in tho house where J. M. Little now lives, lie remernbcis the doctors, lawyer* and merchants of Carnesvillo in 1851, and who they married and more of them as they wore then than any nun in Carnesville, yet wo lmvo boon unable to find a single m*n who has faintest reccollection ot John A Williamson. Bagwell, Neal, T. F. Stribbling, Lum Stribbling, Milluer, and oth¬ er merchants that he mentions, a 11 died long ago, and most of them wore never seen, hardly hoard of by many of our present citizens, The doctors and lawyers, except Dr. II. E. Aderhold are all dead, o< gone to other fields. A few short years make wonderful changes. PERSONAL, Mr. N. B. Frohltchsteiu, of Mobile ,Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in recommending Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption, attack having used it for a severe of Brouchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured me anil I have not oeen afflicted ince: I also beg to state that [hail vied other remedies with Electric no good Bit result Have also used icrs and Dr King’s New Life Pills, both of which I can recommend. Dr King’s New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and colds, is sold on a bottles positive free guarantee. H. M. Free¬ Trial at mans Drug Store. Sleepless nights, made miseralileby that terrible cough, Shiloh’s Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by R Tncker Carnesville and A R Jones at Lavonin Itch, Mange, and Scratches of every Kind on human or animals cured in 80 minutes by Woolfords Sanitary Lotion. This never fails, sale by Dr J. R. Tucder Carnes Ga. For lauie back, side or chest, ue Shiloh’s Porous Plaster Price 25 cents Sold by J R Tucker Carnes* ville and A It Jones Lavonia ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. PROM BOLD SPRING. Items From Gunnels and What the •S TJT3* People are Dolna. NW< Colton chopping is* the order of tho day. The recent wet weaJier has retar¬ ded work on the farm. Political confabulations are golfing to be quite connnou. Mr. W. Y.’Holbrook has the best crop of whont wq have seen. Mr. L. C. Brown has the brag cot¬ ton of tins seotioRon bis farm. Mrs. Nancy Holbrook is or. a visit to friends nnd relatives in Elbert county. Wo wish he. a most pleas¬ ant stay. Mr. J. A. Hairston of Elborton, Ga., was visiting friends in this seo tion tho past week. Miss Siillio Turner n winsome and bonny young lady of Royston, was in this section last week visiting her sister Mrs Neal Little. Misses Alice, Ida and Ada Miller, and Miss Fannie Hairston wero in Harmony Grove last week on a shopping expedition. They report a nice trip. Free trade This is what tho com¬ mon people want. Wo spent Sunday night with our urbane friend Mr. Walton Ginn and was sumptuously entertained. The host and hostess were as clover as they cou/d be, Mr. Ginn is ono of Franklin county’s most progressive and methodical farmers, t and for proof or demonstration ot this fact wo will add that he is suppori/ef of tiis county paper. Everything about bis farm has a systematic air. Wiley and Jioberf, Mr Ginns two oldest buys ni'O model young men. Our friond Gol. M. J. Webb of Elbertou Leader remembers us by sending u copy of his sprightly paper Mr. Webb is forciblo and logical writer and ranks among the foremost editors of the State. (Stood luck to you Michel. It is diaphanous than we will have more than one candidate for tho legb'ature. That’s right gentle men walk out. To argue with-a man who has res nounced the use and authority ot reason is somewhat like administer¬ ing medicine to a dead man. Miss Sallio Smith has the largest lot of com we have seen. It is "cry near waist high. She nas cultivated it so far herself and deserves as much commendation as if she had loamed how to play on a piano. For us, or for that matter, tor any man to appoar as the defender of IIon.H. H. Carlton would bo like a (, a u ow _dip offering its assistance to the sun to help 1 light a continent, No man was ever , bom more caoa bio of taking care of and defendi ng himself than Capt. Carlton, This hoax gottenap by his opponents to mislead the people in regard to Mr Carltons position on Ibe tariff ques¬ tion will not work worth a cent. Capt. Carlton will be his own suc cess«r in Congress for good while to come. Co-MMENSKNSE. UUCK'LEN’S ARNICA SALVF. The Best Salve in the work forf Cu:s Bruise Sores, Ulcers, San Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Clap, pedgllands, Bhiiblaids Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and required. postively cures Piles, or no pay It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac¬ tion, or money fetunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by II. M. Freeman. Sardines, potted ham and caned peaches at G S Phillips^ NO 25 NEXT DOOR TO IT. “Well, what is it?” queried the sergeant ns a colored man stood before him, hnt in hand yesterday. ‘‘I wants a pusson ’rested, snh.” “Who is it?” “An incendiary, sail.” “An incendiary, eh. Did lie sot your house afire?” “No, sail.” “Someono else’s house or born?” “No sah, He libs next doah, an, belcast 1 stopped do faui’ly from getting water at oui penstock lie’s down on me me. He gets out in de yard an’ calls me a hog, an dares mo me ober de fence, an’ he’s tolo lots of folks dat he- 'means to do mo up.” “Bathe’s no incendiary.” “Why?” “An incendiary is a parson who sets lire to a building. This is a case of threat*. “Ar’it? Well, its next douli to bein’ an incendiary, an’ I waut de law step an’ stop hit. If it dban’ do it I sliant rcconsile the couse quonces! 1 * ‘‘IIow? “IIoW? Why. if ho keeps on I shall designate myself to elevate ober dat fence some day an’ perco¬ late dat pusson with a club till mo¬ rality sets in! Ize a worm sail, and arter about so long de worm turns. —Free Press. WONDERFUL CURES, W. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale uud aud Retail Druggist have been of soiling Romo Ga, Dr says: We King’s Now Discovery, Have neve, handled remedies that sell us nyilJ, or give such universal satisfacton. Thuro havo boon some wondoful cures affected by those Medicine lu this city. Several cases of pronounc¬ ed Consumption have boon ontirely of Dr cured withtho use few bottles King’i Few Disisoovcry, taken in connection with our Electric Bitters Dr. IL M. Freeman. The Queen of England's grand¬ son. George “Collars and Guffs” is irreverent. He was dancing at a ball recently with a pretty but pie mai partner when his brother call ed.him to account. “You can go and hum God save grandmother,” was his retort, “I’ll*dance with who I please. ” Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption Cure is sold bp us on gunvontced It cures Consumption Sold by J R Tucker Carnesville and A R Jotics, Lavonia Shiloh’s Vilelizer is wliaf yon eed for Constipation, Loss of appe¬ tite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia Price 10 and 76 cents per bottle /Sold by J R Tucker Carnesville A 11 Jones Layonia. FACTS YOU larcett CAN tobseco BET factory OH^ t nlUj TbU the eldttt and , world 1* in Jeney City, N, J. TU»t k tbli fsetory Climax make* Plug, the lb« acknowledged popular aa<l •orlfrj etaafr 1 ji lamed M d lor firtt-ciau chewing tobacco, That this factory waa eetabliahed a* long Up H 1760. That last year (1886) it made and (old the enoROMS ■ quantity of 97,981,180 lb*. or fourteen tkM* sand tons ot tobacco. That this waa more than one-eeventh of all the to¬ bacco made in the United States notwith¬ standing that there were 966 factories at work, ‘ That In the last it yean this factory has helped . support the United State, Government to the fif W _ extent thousand of over Forty-four dollar* ($44,700,000.00) million seven bun- paid dred ■, into the U. S. Treasury in Internal Revenue ' Taxe*. / That the pay-roll of this factory it about $,,oo<v 000.00 per year or $30,000.00 per week. That this factory employ* about 3,500 operative*. > That this factory make, luch a wonderfully good chew In Climax Plug that many other factories have tried to imitate it iu vain, and in de*pa!r now tty to attract cu.tora by offering larger piece* of inferior good* for the seme price. That this factory neverthele** continue* to increase its burioei* every year. That Ibia factory Iielong* to and is operated by i Yours, very truly. P. LORILLARD * CO,