Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, June 12, 1888, Image 1

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FRANKLIN COUNTY REGISTER. J. S. DORTCH & Ed. F. McGOWAN, Publishers VOL. XV, announcements. FOR SENATE \Ve are authorized to announce Dr. rr (4 Underwood as a candidate for senator from the 31st Seuai orial dis¬ trict of Georgia, at the ensuing elec tion. WOOL HAT. At the solicitation of many voters I hareby announce myself a candidate for re-election to represent Franklin county in the Houso of Representatives Tfeel under many obligations to the neople of this county for foimer favors andif successful in the eusuing elec¬ tion I will guard and protect their interest to the best of Jas. my ability. Hmison. Rcspec’t A FOR ORDINARY. The undersigned hereby announces Frankliu county at llie ansueing elec¬ tion in January next. Should the peo ole deem him woithy and manifest it L electing him to such position, will he will feel truly thankful, and en¬ deavor to discharge the duties of the same with fidelity and to the best ox his ability. Daniel McKenzie. FOR RECEIVER I At the solicitation of many friends announce myself a cadidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Re turns of Fianklin county at the ensueing elec¬ tion. Being a cripple and uuable to perform mauue! labor by which I can make a reasonable support for the myself and family, I very humbly ask vo ter 3 of the county for their aid. * Jesse R. Lecroy. Having become unable to make a ■living for myself and family on the farm because of my decrepitude, I respectfully lor announce my name os a candidate the office of Tax Receiver, at the elec¬ tion in Jnauary next. As to my veracity, responsibility responsible and qualification I would refer to any man in Gunnels or St ranges district t aat may know me. I iespeetfuBv solicit the support oj tne peoplo at this time W, B. Smith --- 4*i FOR SIIERIEfV Wa authorized to announce the are candidate name of J. C. MeCarter as a for Sheiiff of Franklin county at * ne January eeetion. PROFESSIONAL NOTICES A. G, MoCnrry ip, \ p, Proffitt Hartwell, Ga P.rncsyiUc, G. McCURRY & PROFFITT. Attorneys at Law. Will give litigated prompt causes attenticn bo % to c ^ c ol icc^ Rons and klill isfeasi&ssfssssc and Hartwell. PHILLIP W. DAVIS. Attorney at Law, Elberton, Ga. Will practice in ail ' he FranUin and Northern circuit and in •Western ' -' A. N. KING. Attorney at Law, CAruesviUe, Ga. Office in the Court House. J. S' DORTCH. Attorney at Law, Carnesville, Office in the Court House. J. B. PARKS. Attorney at Law, Carnesville, 1 - a Promp; attention given to all busme entrusted with him, B. F. CAMP. Attorney at Law, Carnesville, of the Will practice in - all the courts Western circuit and elsewhere. w. i. tike. Attorney at Law, Jefferson, Ga Wi 11 practice in all the c ° u ^ s and elsewhere l>y ( 61> 1 c- Western circuit cial contract. MEDICAL CAED-1 Dr. fiorn L. Carnesville K. Burruw, ou tho locatc At>» f c °,“ e roa ^ d. when called upon, wiUg‘'° 1 1 tcalign tg the sick. TO MAKE AN EXHIBIT. At the N*East Georgia Fair. Tho Agricultural Meeting on tho First Tuesday—What it Decided to do. Tho attendance upon the Agricul¬ tural meeting at Carnesville on the the first Tuesday was not very full, but every district in the county was represented, unless it may have been Big Smiths. The sentiment of the people of the county as far as col¬ lected by the committee appointed a month ago, is almost unanimously in favor of making an exhibit at the North-east Georgia Fair. James A, Mosely, was elected chairman ot the meeting, and W. R. Little was elected secretary, The committee, appointed on the first Tuesday in May submitted the fol¬ lowing report. The Committee appointed at the Agricultural meeting on the first Tuesday in May las., find that tho citizens of this county favor the movement to make an exhibit at the Northeast Georgia Fair to be lieZd in Athens next fall, and believing the movement to be practical and advis¬ able, they lespittfully submit the following resolutions: Resolved, That Franklin county make an exhibit at the Northeast Georgia Fair to be held in Athens rhe ensueing fall. That there be an exhibit at Car* nesville for one or two days just t o the time of holding said That tho chairman of this meeting appoint a committee of one from each Malitia District in the county, for tile purpose of haying an out look over, and of directing such pro ceedings as may be neecossary r o se cuv .3 the success of said exhibit. That the members from each dis trict organize a worlcing committee their respective districts for the in project. of furthering the After some discussion change of opinion, the report was unanimously adopted. The follow ing persons were oppointed mem jjersof the committee for toe county. I r M Wheeler, Big Smiths District, S A Porter, Wolf Pit Landrum Flintsville “ W A “ A W McConnell Stranges » G L Carson Gunnells T 0 Buiruss Dooleys, j \\ R Ra ey Middle River “ Manleys “ WM Bowers «r F Bowers Briants 1WJ- Slollow •< J1W Si : S K Cannon meeting adjourned On motion the sine die. A, Mosely, Jas. W- R- Little, Chairman, Secretary. ^Sdve your spring chickens a pack, g -X m ot cost z 25cts & Bvo. Carnesville, Ga-, « package. jy[oney for Farmers. cent, with interest at 8 P<* 1 “ F er cebt^ December payable 1st. once a yeayo-w’ • • . on Carnesville,Ua Arbuckles parched G S 1 blll,p8 For sale by • bjit, ISSUED EVERY WEEK CARNESVILLE, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1888 For the Register. SUICIDE IN ATHENS. The Act of a Love Sick Young Man in the Classic Citv. This evening a young man by the name of Osborn, committed suicide in this city. lie had been unsuc successfnl in getting a young iady ’s consent to take a tide with him, al¬ though he had been quite intimate with “her until recently. It is said, but denied, that they were engaged to bo married. This evening lie hired a hack, drove to her nouse, went m and called for the young lady to take a ride with him. She re¬ fused, giving him no reason for so doing. He then sent foi her to come to the room where lie was that lie might speak with her, but she re¬ fused to meet hun, Osborn drew a revolver from his uocket and shot himself through the heart. He died in a few nnnutes without speaking. Mr. Osborn came >,o this city six years ago from Anderson, S. 0., and has been clerking in Di. Lyndon's drug store. Both parties arc highly respected in society. A. New Weather Signs. Red clouds at s utilise indicate storm. Foxes barking at night indicate storm. The weather usually moderates be¬ fore a storm. Soot burning on back ot chimney indicate storm. The aurorg, when very bright, m clicate storm. tmenng iwi itnu witic sounds will betide. A stormy day Peafowl utters low cries before a a storm and select a low perch. , Domestic animals head from tho coming storm. Distant sounds heard with distinct ness during the day indicate rain.— Chicago Mail. One ot the human footprints found in volcanic rock is described in Nicaragua ny Dr. sever¬ 1 . al years ago nine £ inches £ Bnnton as being long three inches wide at and four and a half at the toe. \ e itself ^ _ apparent length of the foot is effrht inches. Dr. Brmton considers ffie footprints genuine but is uncer¬ tain whether they are so ancient as has been supposed. decoration day. ^c:xf£:ri , . T the sectional feeling, to Obliterate all and united a prosperous nation a the joins in keeping green graves o all its beloved dead. It is m this spirit that the publisher of the New York Family Story Paper has writ ten thrilling and pathetic romance, a peculiarly appropriate to al holiday, „ Leonore; or, algo be f oun d ^y^ment of the “Hfe and equa lly interesting to the youu 0 “S i«ri?e„ readors wbo are d V*lily not already S en ~SSS= ishing York, and - - one Iu . hj Mangc and every din Kind 30 minutes on by Voolfords ^O’ cuve Lotion. Samary rarnes _ Ga. » LOCAL NEWS. Items of Interest Gathered up for our Readers. The question of school books not brought befoie the Hoard of uoation on tho first Tuesday. Manly & Bro have two bfaok duck eggs on exhibition at their store. Theyaro the product of Hock of ducks owned by Mr. Dennis Phillips. Mr. Phillips says that thev have found many such recently. JtJgPF, A. Mabry, of Toco a, is selling the famous ‘‘Now Home” sewing machine. See him buying. Most of thg wheat \crop lias been harvested and is very poor, The rust was the chief cause of the fail lire, but the crop was not in a healthy condition before attacked by the rust. 03 If your chickens have ih c cholera, go to to McConnell & B ro and get a package of Comers Guar ant ed C uc eu lioci.i uh. t nmiei -us. The Farmers Alliance is getting to bo a power in Georgia. If it runs off into the idea of grange stores and cheap guano, it will become worlks less. (3 ’McConnell & Bros. Fiue Shoos cannot be equaled in the place. Grover Cleveland , , will .,, bg , the , next President of the United States. has more back-bone and capacity as an executive officer than any 1 dent within a third of a century. Sardines, potted ham and canned ttS a candidate for Tax Receiver, Ilis announcement went in the paper a week or so ago, but the usual umntcntionally omitted. Mi. 8 bmiU hois a very conscientious and up s | riffht man. If ho should bo excellent elected,, lie 1,0 will W doubtless make an officer. Go to McConnell & Bros to get . your fine shoes; clothing, hats, shirts neckwear, etc. In another column in this pa will be found (he announcement of J P Ledbetter as a candidate for lax Receiver. Mr. citizen, and is well known to ma " Y of our people, and lias the con 1 dence of all to whom lie is When you want rock prices on goods always go to W C& 4 * ****••- • g ally Fuller, an inmate of the auporB home, died on the 4th mst. She was in a most wretched condi¬ tion at the time of her death, and had been for some time prior to that event. PEHSONAU Mr N „ p ro hltchsteln, of Mobile ,Ala., writes: I take great instant relief and entirely cui ed 'result , b . remcJl| . g ,,1, n0 good "»P K l“S” Cough, and colds, n ry d - hr » Co^nmplion. That hackill g cough can be ro quickly ictly curedby > Shiloh’s enre. >ve <iu cu it. Soiuuyj. * f guarantee ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. RED HILL NEWS. No nows this week. Blackberries aro'golfing ripe. Hod Hill is moving ou smoothly, except that Heniy Holly has a brior in his foot, John MeOay's noso is sun burned, and W.T. Huunicatt has quit growing. The farmers are greatly pushed on account of having their whoat to harvest and Gou, Green to contend with. Prof. J, It. DeuVors is spending his vacation at his fathers, and with the pretty girls of this community. “Ron Arai“ says he is troubled at times to find the post offleo. Wo ox poct it is some trouble to tho oouatry boys to dud tho P. O. when they cotno to town. Among I’ao numerous candidates of Rod Hill, Mr. David Akin is not in the roar, ns one vote will elect hnu to the oitieo to whioh he aspires, Wo hope ho will bo successful in obtain¬ ing that voto, then his face will beam with effulgence and not bo overcast wilb impervious clouds as it is at presont. Piofossors Vaughu and Mabry wii sing at Allens on the 17th. Tho joint debate botween tho Ru¬ ral Junto and Litorary Society and tho Homo Read Society will take ou (ho JOth of Juno. Ripstickb. TIMES GOOD. lliow are times in this neighbor- 1 lie jl?” asked a traveler of a native of 'Anderson county, Ky. “ftWt mte.” “Money plentiful, then 1 pre suniv- ?” THE ATHENS FAIR. WHAT IT TAKES TO MARI" A SUC¬ CESSFUL SHOW. -- Somo Items that Will be of Use to Persons Intending tomako an Exhibit. Wo make some statements ex planatory of the'rnporl adopted on the first Tuesday in reference to the exhibit at, Curnesyille, to be made before the fair at Athens. It does llot inean tlmt tllC anioll ' s to be at Athens, u'-e alone to be to Carnesvilh", or that the object is simply to get products to¬ gether simply for tne purpose of selecting art’cles to be put on exhi¬ bition at Athens. It means that we are to have a full exhibit of the best specimen of corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, pumpkins, vegetables, syrup, preserves, canned 00( ] bt pickles, butter, stock, timber etc., tho eouutv c.n produce, fm . theporposeo£ geeing what om , resource ' and capabilities are,and for thejiurpose of paving the way for better in the future, From among the articles put on ion exhibition here, I he county ox liibit for Athens will be seloeted. Premium lists of the Worth east Georgia Fair will bo distributed among our people as soon as they be obtained. We , 0 thllt every good citizen wiU ]enil u helping I»and, ami make e „ t l ig(? ft d suoces8 . There |U)t tt glo county in Wortheast ^ cau Burpag8 Franklin in mailing inako an nine exhibit but of ten Agrionlfctt* as .... I pickles, articles etc. as furnished Georgia by chi/ the {^er ladies- res The nt fairs, make up one of their most in- * something to put make it a success, *•-«►*»* Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption (hire is sold bp us on gitavontccd It Consumption Sold by J K cures Tucker Cavnesville and A R Jones, Lavouia yitelizer is wlia< you f ^ r ^stipauon, Loss of appe Dizziness, and all symptoms of dyspepsia Price 10 and 7-> cent C r' bottie Aohl by J R Tucker arncBV i 1 ]p and A It Jones Layoma. 0 uR NEW BOOK. u tsh avinga won ^ poT dozen. Address J. B. Vaughn, Boman, Ga. Sleepless nights, made miseraWeby that terrible cough. Shiloh’s Cure, is the Remedy, for you. Sold by J R Tneker Carnesville and AK Jones at Lavouiis. Catarrh cured, health and sweet Remedy. bvea th secured, Unco by 50 Shiloh cents. s Utan^ Injector free Sold by J R I uckcr Carnesville and A R Jones Lavoma. VVONUKBFUI, CUBES, Vt. 1 ,. Uoyt & Co., WhoWe!-»» "^ J’sell g2?J* as well. S S Consumption City. Several have cases been of pronoun©- enure y S ed withtho few ts ' cured use - in King ’i Few Disiscovery, D taken with our Electric Bitters Dr H. M. Freeman. NO, 25. “No, kuhi’t say that it ia ” “And yet you say that times are good ?” •‘That’s what I ’lowed-’’ “ W hen the farmers are not in good conditions'” -Yus.” Ah, liah.” “Well, at that rate I don’t see huw you can regard the times as good.” thar have been six still “I do, fur houses started in this county in four months,”—Arkansaw Traveler a Los Angeles minister, who was gwhn himself, one Sunday - u announced: “Dearly be ] vcd, you will find the words of 0 Maltew’s m y text this morning in addition to the New Testament, lot BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruise Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cl ap* ped Hands, Bluiblaids Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and required. postiv-ffy It cures piles, or no pay is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac¬ tion, or mone„ tetunded. II.M. cents per box. For bale by Freeman. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster Price 25 cents Sold by J R Tucker Carnes* and A R Jones Lavonia lion's forget that McConnell * Bro’a carry the beat ..lock of shoes W C & J B McEutire hayc the best , jj ne ui tobaccos than any house in towH They have a splendid to 1 . bacco at 30ets pel pound.