Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, July 03, 1888, Image 1

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FRANKLIN COUNTY REGISTER. J. &• DORTCH & Ed, F. McGOVVAN, Editors and Proprietors. VOL. XV, Anno uncements. uthoriMdto announce Dr, ^Georgia, rt the en.<.mgW {ion. FOB REPRESENTATIVE. gisssAJS fp«‘« my ability • Geo. W. Sewell. WOOL HAT. ^ SSps or nf« in the JIouso obligation! or Representatives- many fdttXtfavors to the Loplc ffi successful of this county in the for ensuing'elec¬ tion I will guard and protect then merest to the best ot Jas. my/Mitj;. A Hrrnson. FOR ORDINARY. jrfiiaRafSW* wIuStmFy'llilnifSl, andf-iB'WJ 1 , he same Daniel MeKenzie. bis ability. J2*mysK*indidate I hereby Ordi- au for nary of Franklin county at the ensue ing election in January next. B o a cnpple and afflicted so that I am u - able to make a support for myseit earnestly anu family by hard labor, I very solicit the kind support .ofimy fellow with credit to myself and with honoi lothe county. Respectfully: T. J. Harrison FOR RECEIVER friends , . I At die solicitation of many announce myself a cadidat e for tne office of Receiver of Tax\ Returns elec¬ of Franklin county at the uftaaift in g tion. Being a cripple ancl uuablj to perform manue! labor support by yihicn tor myseit I can make a reasonable ask the and family, I very humbly for their aid. vo¬ ters of the county Lecroy. Jesse R. Having myself become and unable familyipn \to the make farm a because living for of demepitudfcJWjWftctful/y my cakoiuate ior announce my name as a the office of Tax Receiver, the elec¬ tion in Jnauary next. As to my veracity, responsibility lespousible and qualification man I would refer to any district t*at in Gunnels or Stranges i^spectfuUy solicit may know me. I this the support ojthe peoplo at time W, H. Smith date I hereby for Tax announce BeceiverM^wL-hope mVs|lf a candi enough to elect of my friends J. will T, I vjbte edbetter. for me me. I hereby announce myeelf a candi¬ date for Tax Receiver y Fra nklin county at the discharge entiueing 1| eT©tT6'\i._ the duties of If elected, 1 will and faithfully. the office promptly T. W. Aaron. FOR SHERIEii We are authorized to TTflp the name of J. C. MeCsrter a#acandidate for Shexiff of Franklin county at the January e.ectlon. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. candi¬ 1 hereby announce myse$ a date for re-election to t he ipffico of Tax Collector of Frankltfi Go Jit t L. J. USEEN. PROFESSIONAL NOTICES A. G, McCnrry | P. P.Proffitt. Iiartwell, Ga . )-CarnesyillejG McCrURRY & PROFFITT. Attorneys at Law. Wffl'give prompt attention to coUcc tions and litisated causes both civil and ciiminal, in the counsies of Franklin, Hart, Habershai n, Madison, and Banks and Office elsewhere in the cob b >y special at contract.J^^ Cerncsville rt house and Hartwell. PHILLIP W. DAVIS. Attorney at Law, Eiberton, of the . Will practice ih afl the courts and Northern circuit and in FranMin Western adjoining counties in the osxa tailed circuit and also in the Supreme attention States courts. Prompt entrusted wun jfirc a to ail business DAVENPORT SISTERS. Recollection of Some of the Most Mysterious and Convincing Exhibitions of Sleight of Hand frick8. NEW YORK EVENING TELEGRAM. The recent peiforinance of Rn l. Hermann, in which he exposed some Spiritualistic (so-called) mar.iftsta tions-T-includmg the Diss Debt r spirit-painting deception avrepalf* i h< performance of the Davenport sisters in this city a quarter of a century ago. As clever as Prof, llermami’s performances were, they fell fai sliort of the sleight of hand .nchhve mentfl of the Bister.--Mt s. Colie and and Mis. Lamb, The first seance, in New York was a private parlor entertainment, to which a few members of the press were invited, ar.d the writer was among the number. The company fonued a semirclrelc around the ta¬ ble, f.l which sat tho ststoi'^ono at each cr.cb They were firmly tied in such a way that it seemed urtertly impossible for them so extricate their hands or to rise from the chairs in which they wore sifting. Then all the semi circle joined hands artd the lights were extinguished. Immedi¬ ately some musical instruments, con sisting of two guitars, an accordion, 4 hnimojncor, a tambonne, a violin, a hell and two tr»inphoty ; were sim ultancouly played upon, and while the manifestations were progresing the lights were struck and tho modi as they professed to be, were, found tied precisely as when the room was darkened. What do you think of that?” said an elderly lady, a wet! khown spirit alist, with whom the writer had long been acquainted, and whose left hand he held during the derformance. “A re you skeptic any longer? Sure¬ ly somebody must baye played upon the instrument, and it would certain¬ ly bo unreasonable in you to suppose that these ladies, bound as they are, could have done so.”* ‘ < Wbb or what did it, then?” she was asked. “Why,” answered the old Iadv, there i» only or.e answer to that ques¬ tion. It was done by some supernas tural power, the spirits, I believe be¬ yond a doubt.” Phosphorous was then sprinkled upon the guitars, and the lights were again extinguished. In an instant guitars and violin were lifted, and while they played upon, appear¬ the ed to float over the heads of company, the shifting light serving as a test to show that the manipulatiion and movement of musical instruments were not produc¬ ed by any physical action of the me diums. When a moment later, the gas was again turned on, Mrs. Lamb, still tied, sitting in her chair, on the and Mrs. Colic’s position had been changed to a place immediately in front of the circle. “Now,” said the old lady what do think of that? Conld these two ladies place one of themselves upon the while they were both engaged in playing upon the instruments and passing them over our-, heads, and that, too, while they were still firmly bound and tied to the chairs." And if they did not do it, who did a They have got confederates, nwy be,” suggested the writer. i “Oh, yon’re an awful skeptic,” _ sau the old lady, giving a writer a look which seemed to bo one of pity f 01 mcredulousness. Sim¬ AmoDg those present was mons, who, like Robert Heller, was distinguished prcbtidditateur of the urne. He was permitted to sit ISSUED WEEKLY. CAENESVILLE, QA., TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1 888. <,ween tlic mediums after ho loosened the cords that bound them and then retied then). He bound their hands necks, waists and feet; and they sat there as apparently unable to move as if they were in iron chains. No sooner was lights put out than the Veil wag ringing over the heads of the circle, while the air of ‘‘Lilly Dale” was played upon the accordion “It is wonderful.—-wonderful!” said the astonished wizard, when the liglRij were turned on, “If it is a fick, which I believe it is, it Ip ypt a puzzler to me I to t Six distmtl hands all at one time on different parts of my 'Phis statement wag the qaqse of much to a gentleman m tho circle, who said that bis skepticism wsib as si rong as the rock of Gibraltar. lie asked permission to take a seat be¬ tween the mediums. “I want he to said see with if the chuckle. spirits can fool me,*’ a This request was granted' T1 c room was again darkened, the inslru, ments were again played upon, and when the gas was again turned on the man was standing facing the sisters with a half dazed expression upon his face and bis hair pukeuipt, “Tell us all about it?" said the manager of the stance. “Well, I must say tnis has knocked me a little dizzv,“ said tho gentle man; “but skeptic though l be, I will toll fuithfull jus) lyhat occurred. As soon as the lights were extinguished l felt the tambonne tup mo lightly on the head. At the same instant the guitar struck roe on the breast. ^Vbile these instruments were ring, strik¬ and ing me the bell bp^ap I felt to number of at the same time a hands slap me on my forehead a*.d temples and puii my hair. It seemed as if a dojse}) hfitids were operating on me all at once. The most d-ton idling feature of the manipulation, however was the size of the fingeis. They seem cd to be twice as long and twice as thick as the average size hand, and they felt us if they could have crushed my skull bad tj}cy been so disposed.” the This statement relative to size ot the hand was corroborated by Simmons S and two other gentlemen w . ho were subsequently siibseauently operated V upon. entered cabinet, . , Mrs. Colic then a which *. • U '^na was rdacei P lacei m *" front of the circle. Sbo was tin , , he held rice in her hands, but in a mo or two the door of tho cabinet * she sat, her and there arms and wrists bound with ropes and the rice still in bei hands. “I can’t find n grain os rice on the tfoor, and therms no give to any per tion of the rope with which sho is tiod,“ said fn investigntor who diad been selected to make an examina tion of the situation inside the cabin ot. afforded much sa.isfac This test to tion, but it was not sufficient 6i» the skeptics, some of whom de lence “thing a humbug dared that the was ceremomed. “Would jo 1 having it tied around the fn.gei A o the lady before her feot are lied. • ‘ ’ “ said the obliging x manager. added the gentleman “I think, Interesting to that it would be very of if the the tying of her feet ail us bouod i bo Annp done while w h i« her ner finger* b are with this silk. wrists Mis. Colic’s fingers and then intricately tied with silk, were wound tiglnly Tr which was also very iSSbV .nnd her arms and waist, and in -»»-»■ l.gbta weru ,gai» t«rno3 do.n very bell, which it rang vigorously, and while tho singing was going on door flew open. J'ho light word stantly turned up and the of knots and silk weio precisely the same ns when the cabinet, p’oeed Iffs, Polio’s feet were found to be tightly bound and tied to the seat upon which she sitting, Judge Williams a well-known known skeptical investigator of spiritual phenomena, then tied Mrs Land), who had up to this time not been iu tiio cabinet l “I haye tied this lady as strouly as lean,” he said, I have tied her hands together with the cor 3s and silk, and I odn’t see how it is pogsj blc for her to slip out of their fast en¬ ings, I ha ve passed tho cord sevol - »1 times around her body and run it to staple fastened in the back of tho cabinet, and he Bcaled the knots with sealing wax. Sho cannot pp.f, move |lpr hapds up or down, or ar.y direo* lion. The knots I liavo tied she cannot possibly reach with hoi fin¬ gers, and I liavo placed flour in her hands. While Judge Williams was clos¬ ing the door, of the cabinet he was slapped enclosure, on check by a hand manifes¬ t’rom tho and then tho tations wore repeated amid applause from the audience. When the bnb j ne t W!)8 0 p G ned the flour was still in Mrs. Lambs hands and the scaling wax \vas still unbroken, “That’s the nicest and ii|o%t aston? i 8 hi n g t r jck I eyer saw done.” said Wizard Simmons at the close of the seance. Ilo was’givmg a seriesof entertain¬ ments in this city at the time, and a day or two after |ie announced tnjrt. he would do all that tho sisters had done. On that night tie house was crowded with a disappointed audi¬ ence, for 1 ho *Yisavd’s efforts proved an utter failuro; and thereaf/er lo contented himself with delighting Us lookers on by chasing Cnines# jutterflicB and cutting off his own head,—a feat which he accomplished many with neatness and dispatch. DECORATION DAY. The years that hay© elapsed served since tho close of the civil war have fco obliter , lte a |i sectional feeling* and a united a prosperous nation j 0 j 1]g j n Pepping green the graves of all its beloved dead It is m this spirit that tho publisher of the New York Family Slory Paper has writ ten tbr ijii appropriate n g an d pathetic to this romance, nation peculiarly nl holiday, entitled Faithful Leonore; or, His Grave also Kept. Greene, found n the same paper will bo a weekly instalment of tho “Life and Adventures as a Showman of P. T. Barnuir.,“ writteu by himself, folks and equally interesting to the young as well as heads of families. Th ese are rare literary treats, and those of our readers who are not well already obtain en oying them will do to 'n t o. 706 of the New York dealer family send Sto rp Paper of their nows or direct to tho publisher, Monro's Pub¬ lishing IIouso, Nos. 24 and 26 Vandowater Street, New York, and recoive tho paper four months ono dollar, postage free. Mybilc Ala ., writes: I take great , nHJ in reconlim .,idnig Dr Kings Npw Discovery for Consumption, attack having Used it for a severe of Brouchitis and Catarrh. It gave me me ^ instant relic! and entirely curwl ? ^ nofc <wn af Hi c M ^ j als0 bpf r to slate that lried other remedies with «o reBu it Have also used Ktectnc Bit ^ aQ<1 Dr King’s New Life Pills both of which I can recommend. Nw Discovery for Cou8umpt j OD . Coughs and colds, is 8old 0ll a positive free giurantee- H. M. V ,ec Trial bottles at — DrogSloro. aim of son.) in t^wn for Sets at Ml*,- ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. THE BAPTISTS Programme of tho Union District Meeting to bo neld with Hun¬ ter’s Creek Baptist Churoh Friday, July 27th. FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY. Thy 'Union Meeting ot tho Second district of tho Tuirolo Association to bo hold with Hunter's creek Bap*, tiet church, five miles N«,VV. of C:tr nesvilltq beginning on Friday before 5th Sunday in July ami trout through Saturday nrnl Sunday. f Friday HHHI 11. a. m: Introductory sormunby liev. Andrew Cobb, fcJW. "C. T. Burgoss, alternate. ■VENIWO SESSION. 1 p, m. Organization, attor which following queries will bo considered. Query No. 1. What course should bo pursued with those churches which claiming to be missionary ehujvl.os fai] to respond to the oallss of Missions. Rev. P. F. Crawford, Rev. J. F. Goode. Query No. 2. In what does the strength of a gospel charch consist. Rev. T. G. Underwood, Kev. 0. T. Burgess. Quory No. 8. What is tho best course for a church to pursue to de¬ velop the usefulness of her members. Rev. W. J. Purcell. Rev. Andrew Cobb. Query No. 4. What do the scrip¬ tures teach in reference to churches meeting every Sabbath. R#v,G. W, Cairoll. ‘‘ T. J. Btonecypher. Preaching each day at 11 o’olock, a m, and Sunday school mass meeting Sunday nt9 am*. Committee on Prooramuk. Money for Farmers. I am prepared to hegotiato loans for favtqcrg at a commission of 12 per cent, with ii/te^t at 8 per cent., payable once a ychv to-Wit; on December 1st. J. B. Parks. t oc 1 Onnusvitle, Ga BUCKLKNS ARNICA SALVE The Best, Salve in the worl.i for Cu.s Brwise Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tettor, Gl ap. ped llandi#. Bbiiblaids CoroB f and all skin Eruptions, and required. postiv-dy It cures Piles, or no pay is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac¬ tion, or money refunded. Price lo cents per box. For Sale by H.M. Freeman. C L Mize will deliver die Demos * tic Sowing Machine to parties wish¬ ing to buy, at any point in this county. Shiloh's Vitelizer is wbaf you need for Constipation, Loss of appe¬ tite, Dizziness, and nil symptoms of Dyspepsia Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle *S'old by J R Tucker Carncsville and A 11 Jones Ioiyonia. ---' O — «l wor'd. It will bo a battle between giants, and all things considered, the most wonderful and interesting conrqstthd world has ever witnessed Never before have the for most intellects athToriiforaof the earth engaged in an open contest involve ing the truth of revelation. No contest lias attracted such wido spread attention among thinking men iu every part of the world, and the debate will l>« read by eager millions in every enlightened land. Each side will claim tno victory; no defeat will be acknowledged, but it will be felt, and the debate will ro» tard or augment, the incoming tide of infidelity. THE REPUBLICAN NOMINEES. The Chicago convention nominat¬ ed Benjamin Harrison of Indiana for President and Levy P. Morton, o» New York for Vice-Pi esidont. Mr. Harrison belongs to a historic family. One of his ancestors sat in judgment on Charles the first of England and signed the judgment that seut him to the scaffold, aud w,hb himself beheaded after Charles the second ascended the throne. Ope of Ins ancestors was a signer of the declaration of independence, and lie is a grandson of William Henry Harrison, a former piesident of tho United States. He has had a term in the United Slates Senate and made himself unpopular on tho Pacific slopo hy his position on tho question of Chinees emigration. Al¬ together we think tho ticket is a strong one, and doubt if a nomina¬ tion could havo been made, more dangerous to the democratic success. We believe howevei, that the Demos crafcic banner will wave triumphant at the close of the campaign. — - WONDERFUL CURES, YV. i)/ Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and aild Retail Druggist of Rme Go, says: We have boon se ng Dr, fing’s New Discovery, Havo neve, lanaled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfacton. There have been gome wondoful cures affected by these Medicine in this cuy. Several cases of pronounc¬ ed Consumption have been entirely of Dr cured withthc nso few bottles ifing’i Few Disiscovcry, taken in connection with our Electric Bitters Dr. II. M. Freeman. |££ = F. A. Mabry, of Tocca, Ga., is selling tho famous “New Home” sewing machine. Sec him before buying CgTlf your chickens have the cholera, go to to McCoi.nell & Bro and get a package of Comer’s Guar¬ anteed Chicken Oholera Cure. It never fails. W C & J B McEutire have the «*» town. I y • P bacco at 30tt,, e- d. NO, 27. THE GLADSTONE-.1NGKRSOLL .. CONTROVERSY. .. A controversy on tho Christian Religion between W.E.GIudstone of England and R. G. Xngersoll of United Sates now being carried on in the North American Review. Gladstone is the foremost man of the, world, as combining the ele¬ ments of statesman, debater and orator. Ingersoll, as an orator has no superior living, and is tho most furiious infidel of the That {lacking cough c.m be ro quickly euredby Shiloh’s cure. W o guarantee it. Sold by J. R. Tucker Cainetvillc and A. R. JoneB Lavonia |&-’Save your opr ing chickens from the cholera, by paying 25cts for a package of Guaranteed Cure. If it docs not cure cholera it will not cost a cent. For sale by McConnell & Bro. Carncsville, Ga., at 25cts per package. Catarrh cured, health aud sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free Sold by J R Tucker. I Carncsvi lle and A li Jones Livonia 1 ,hc —r r d the simplest uJ„,,Uc. sewing machine buy tJ . c