Franklin County register. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1875-18??, July 10, 1888, Image 1

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FRANKLIN zr COUNT! REGISTER J. S. DORTCH & Ed. T. McGOWAN, Editors and Proprietors. VOL. XV 4 announcements. FOR SEN ATP Wc are authorized to announce X (J. Underwood as a c mdidate foi Senator from the 31st Senatorial trict of Georgia, at the en&uing tion. yon representative. 1 hereby ‘Representative announce myself of a Franklin candi¬ date for election. If county at the ensuing elected I will guard and protect the interests of the people to the best of my ability. Geo. W. Sewell. WOOL HAT. At the solicitation of many voters I hareby announce myself a candidate for re-election to represent Franklin county in the Houso obligations of Representatives to the I feel under many people of this county for foimer favors and if snccessful m the ensuing elec¬ tion I will guard and protect their interest to the best of my AHmison. ability. Respec’t Jas. FOR ORDINARY. Frankliu county at the ansueing elec tion in January next. Should the peo¬ ple deem him worthy and manifest it L electing him to such and position, will he will feel truly thankful, the duties of the en deavor to discharge fidelity and to the best of same with flg ability. Daniel MeKenzie. Fellow Citizens: I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for Oral narv of Franklin county at the en*ne ing election in January next. Being a cripple and afflicted so that I am un¬ able to make a support for myself and family by hard labor, I very earnestly fellow solicit ths kind support of my citizens in this race. If elected I will use my every effort to fill the office with credit to myself and with lion or to the county. Respectfully. T. J. Harrison. FeEo\ ‘- v Citizens — I hereby Ordi- an nounoe self a candidate for Frau'klm county t at , the .* en- _ nary of in January next. Re sueing election afflicted that I ing a cripplo and for am unable to make a support rd labor I mj * self and family by ba , very earnestly solicit thjrkintf suppw -01 my fellow citizens in W™ r *£ e - " elected I will use credit my /very myself effort and to fill the office with to honor to tho county. Respectfully Stovall. T. A, FOR RECEIVER At the solicitation of many friends I announce myself a cadidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns of Franklin county at the ensueing elec¬ tion. Being a cripple and uuablo to perform mannel labor by which I can make a reasonable support for the myself and family, I very humbly ask vo¬ ters of the county for their aid. Jesse R. Lecroy. Having become unable to make a trying for myself and family on the farm 'because of my decrepitude, candidate I respectfully for announce my name as a the elec¬ the .office or Tax Receiver, at tion in Juauary next, As to my veracity, I would responsibility responsible and qualification man refer to *ny district [raj in Gunnels or Stranges may know me. I respectfully solicit ffie support oj tne peopto at H. this Smith time W, 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for Tax Receiver, and hope enough of my friends will vote for me eicEt jne. J. P. Ledbetter. I hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for Tax Receiver of Franklin county at the ensueing election. If elected, I will discharge the duties of the office promptly and faithfully. T. W. Aaron. didate I hereby announce myself A*f a * can- D *: for Tax Receiver f r lin county at the Januaf^cuon. If elected, I will discharge tfife- duties •of the office promptly and faithfully. S. A. Porter. JTrK "r3v,.s • d i 2 FOR SHERIFF, We are authorized to announce the name of J, C. McCarter as a candidate for Sheriff of Franklin county at the Jnmuwy e ection. With many thanks to tho citizens of Franklin county tonheii hearty support in the past, I again annouce my name as a candidate for sheriff. I hear of some who obj eet to me because I nriest men and put them in jail. If a man com mits*a crime and is so low in the estima¬ tion of his neighbors and fellow men lie cannot give bond, is i* right to man run have HwnnUn taken my'pocket ostli and for'hte huve arrest)mid faithftdy^xemffe an placed"!!! given a at'i warrants my hands? Some 01 hers object to mo he cause I collect my cost. Where i* I he mun who can suppoit a family amt attend to the sheriffs office as it ought to la, and give away his cnsiy I cannot, in is a good officer who will fnithfuly SiriurrSd us an °5«r, P 'and if it is not a good one d <n’t vote for nio as I make tho rate on inv record as an officer. I am better qualified to fill the office, than when first elected, and ii re-electod, better officer I hope the to be future able to than make a m m the pusl • J. Respectfully Cf. McConnell. ------- FOR TAX COLLECTOR. 1 hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for re-election to tbp County. office of Tax Collector of Frankltn L. J. Green. Four Hundred Titled Americans The mat riiigo of Mrs. Ham merely, a wealthy .New York widow, to the duke of Marlbayough, an Eng¬ lish nobleman, calls attention anew to the marriages of A merman wo¬ men to titled foreigners. A news paper conespmidenti who has given some attention to tho subject, said recently that 400 American women, con quered by coats of aims, have brought wealth to titled husbands. This estimate as to number is pro¬ bably about correct for marriages of the sort alluded to have been quite frequent, Among tfio more notable may be mentioned that of Miss Jerome, of New York, to Lord Randolph Churchill. Ludv Churchill subsequently createdcquiie considerable a sionsa tion in England and gossip in this country by entering actively into nor husband’s canvas for parliament. Miss Eva Mackny married Fyippp Coloima, and her aunt Miss Hnngerford, had previously be¬ come Countess Telfner. A daughter of ex-Senalor Sharon married Lord Thomas Hesketh, and a daughter of David Dudley Weld married W Anthony Musgrave,. JUl®* Kltt y Mo ‘ Vickers, of Hew yorlr, became Lady Grautley; Miae Motley. Lady Ilarceurt, and Miss Polk. came married Italian of Tennessee, baron. Vary lov. aoatharu «o»m> kave married titled tiUad foreigners. perhaps because they were not able to bid as high for titles as their wealthier northern sisters, or because they found in American young men all the characteristics of nature s no¬ blemen. Princess Kuspoli and Vis¬ countess de Boys of Italy, are roar New Orleans, and Baroness de Rivi«ro o, r 0 r"^,i™,b«t»o of money on the other entered into. 400 marriages, but in most of these indications are them the surface matches. against the theory of love iT is at least significant that wealthy nobleman has yet married a American girl. However, the poor *to regard the exchange women seem of wealth for titles as a very fair one, and notwitiatanding the ot press, it is probable that foreigners with titles will continue to commond high prices in this country. W C & J B McEnfre bav« the m town. I hey nave asp. bwcortSOctsperponoi. ISSUED WEEKLY. CARNESVILLE, GA., TUESDAV, JULY 10, 1888. OUR COUNTY FAIR. K very body taking an Interest the Preparations and Plana for a Successful Coun to Fair to be Held at Garnisvilce this faia* It is now a settled conclusion fhat an exhibition of the agricultural pro ,hu,ts > otl,er l )roducts > stook whatever else be found . in the may ,hc 00untV worth exhibiting, will be made , m the county in the in the ter part 1 of October next* . that . a county . exhibit, ,.,.. will be made in Athens in November, * **•«»' i«. pointed fur t|ip county, composed of ono m * n ,rom ° ,,oh mn,U5ft These committeemen will organize working committees in their respec¬ tive disu iota, No project of such magnitude can suooeed without thorough organization, and hence tl.e the appointment and organization of said committee*. Tho immediate work of the mem¬ bers of tins ‘committee will be, to talk up tho project, interest tho peo¬ ple, and especially tho ladles, in it, to discuss with the citizens of thetr respective districts, the extent and variety of the exhibition, that can, and ought to be fpade, and to organ* ire working committees in their dis¬ tricts at once. The general comruitte, which was appointed the first Tuesday in June, met at ifio pourfi House on th > first. Tuesday in this month, tho proceed¬ ings of which meeting are published elsewhere. As will be seen they ap¬ pointed n subioommitte of live,which ,committee is pennired to draft a plan for conducting tin* on tiro proceeding, which plan will be submitted to tho general committee at Carnesvillo Oil the first Tuesday in August. W« cannot anticipate wlmt the general plan of conduct will he, but venture to any, tbit* it will probably consist of a collection of tho timbers of the county of all kinds, agricultu¬ ral products of eveiy .description, stock of all sorts, household and dairy products, all sortw of usefql *nd fancy articles made by the ladies, ores, if any can be found, such *rlU clcs of manufacture as are made in tho county, and in *hort, everything ruie, useful atu| ornamental. It is probable that many premiums of small intrinsic value will be offered, that a small envranpe fep wPl bo charged for such things ns compote lor premiums apfi a nn® 9 " on * trance fee will be charged. Allthis' however, is only conjecture. So far a* wo have heard, tho peo pie of the county am alpiott » unit in favoring the movement, bat as a matter of course there will be crowl ers, who will discourage it, and point out many obstacles in tho way of suocess. It may bo said that we arc not prepared to haye a fair of our own, nor to make an exhibit at Athens, that we are not ready. But if any one says we are not ready will toll us of a better time to com -r. i tl8 tube hoped tuat etcrj good an q WO rlhv man and woman m the coun t V| everybody that is awake, will . e a v j fi0r0U8 helping hand. Let g raake tfce exhibit * success at llomc an d in Athens- It will stim ^ ^ to greater effort hereafter> and wiI1 be worth many g of do!Ura u> the county, CL Mize will deli ver the Domos tic Sewing Machine to parlies wish i g to buy, at any point in this n coun,I ‘. want the strongest and tni * Domestic. F. A. WESTBROOK DEAD. Franklin A. .\Vostbrook, a wcl known citizen ot ’his county died on the 80th ult. Mr. Westbrook has uot had good health tor several years, but was able to work most of his time. On the day proceeding his death ho did an unusual hard days plowing, and at the close of the day ho ate a h?arty supper, and went to bed in as good health, apparently, as usual, ho rested well all night, sleep¬ ing soundly. Ho awoke early as he usually did, but uo sooner was he upon his feet than he was seen to fall, by his family, it was soon discov¬ ered that ho was speechless. The morning that he could not swallow There was no pain in the region of the throat and no enlargement, The throat, from some unacouutahle cause, was closed up, Shan began at once to loose flesh, and a surgeon in Fort Wuyne determined to per¬ form a delicate and difficult opera¬ tion. lie made au incision in the stomach, and the peritoneal cavity W*s perforated and a tube inserted. Inflammation did not set in, end since that time Shau has received all nourishment through this tube, to the end of which is attached a rubber hose, and the food is poo red into a funnel, The unfortunate fellow has no taste whatever and can take no solid food. He con¬ sumes a great deal of beer, whioli seems to give him strength. Occa* sionally the sufferer masticates meat or oread, which is put into the funs nel and washed into the stomach by milk or bear. Shan was in the Cin¬ cinnati haapUal for several days sufferiu-r from debility. His weight formerly was 150 pound*, which had been reduced to 98 pounds. He has a strong but somewhat hoarse voice, and his attenuated condition, young maa has no relatives in this country, and the physicians sav he will probably live only a short time. The case his uo parallel in the medi¬ cal annals of Cincinnati. An interesting experiment was recently in .do by Dr. Durand in reference to the relative power of inimaginution tu the two stsxos. He gave to 100 of his hospital patients a dose of sweetenisl water, and short¬ ly afterward entered the room, ups pnruntly greatly agitated, saving he mistake admipis ored a pow¬ erful omoiio, In a few minutes four fifths of the subjects were alfectffd by the supposed em-tic, and were mainly men, while every one of those not affected were women. neighbors were called in and did all they could to relievo him, but to no purpose. Ho was in some respects a remarkable man, being near fifty, live \ ears of ago, bo has always lived and died in the same house in which he was born. Ho was known as an unusually good neighor, olton incon¬ veniencing himself to aocommodn|o others. Mr. Wostbrcol- went through tho entire late war, and was noted for his daaing and conragaous deeds Ho was at all times lull of life, when ho was angry he had tho habit of appearing .11 a good humor. Tho writer having known him fqr ton years, found him always ready to re. leive those in distressed circums'.an cos, if in his power to do so. Ho was a member of tho Methodist church, and lei us hope, as we do, that he is now resting in the pres enoo of his Heavenly Father, there to await the coming of loved oms left behind, A FpirjNn. NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS OF CARNESVILLE DIST. In pursuance of the authority ves» ted in mo, tib a member o f tho Gen¬ eral Agricultural Committee of Franklin county, appointed to rep¬ resent tho 264Ui distriot, G. M. 1 hereby call a meeting of the citizens of said district, to assoiqb)p at thy court house in Carnes villo at 2 o’clock, p. in., on Saturday the 21 si iuat. (third Saturday). The object of this meeting is to organize tuo distriot, for the purpose of making an exhibit ot the Agricultural, and other products of the county at Oar nosvillo about the last of October next, and for tho further purpose of making a pqtintv exhibit aftho North Bast Georgia Fair to bo hold in Athens in tho early part of November next. This July 9th 1888. * S. If. Cannon. Member of Cqmnpttco for 204th dis¬ trict. Money for Farmers. I am prepared to negotiate loans for farmers at a total commission 0 12 per cent, with interest at, 8 per, cent., payable once a year tb-wit; on December 1st, J. B. Parks. t oc 1 l’arn< sville, Ga BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the work, for Cu s Bruiao Sores, Ulcers, Sail Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cl ap* ped Hands, Bhiiblaids Corns, and all s in Eruptions, and required. postively It cures Piles, or ao pay give perfect satisfac¬ is guaranteed tion, to tetunded. Price 25 or money For Sale by II.M. cents per box. Freeman. C1PF. A. Mabry, of Tocca, Ga-, is selling the famous **New Home” sewing machine. See him before buying* “Everybody’s Friend,” the best ake of soap in fown for Sets at Phillips*. ONE])OLT.AR 1 ’EH ANNUM. A SURGICALOPRRATION. Gnstrotomy Performed Upon a ciuiialian Who Could Not Swallow. Ciuciunat 1 , June 27.—Charles Shan, a German boy 10 years of age, is exciting the wonder and compassion of Cincinnati by his un¬ fortunate condition. He came to this country thirteen months ago end locuted at Fort Wayne and pur¬ sued his trade es a onrber. About six months since he discovered ono While the most rapid cannon shots scarcely attain a velocity ot 000 yard* a second, ovey 1,500 knots per hour meteorites are known to leuctrate the air witn a velocity of 40,000 or even 00,-000 yards -per second a velocity which raises the air at once to a temperature ot 4,000 to 6,000 centigrade. OUR NEW BOOK. By J. B. Vaughn is having a won¬ derful sale. 30cts per copy; $3.25cts per dozen. Address J. B. Vauohn, Bomao, Ga. The reason why I^iike to sel! the Domestic Sewing machine, is be¬ cause it does its own talking, when examined, and never fails to give en¬ tire satisfaction. 0. L. MIZE. McConnell & Bro» lead the market on tobaccocs. Buy your flavoring, such as vanilla, lemon, clove*, *picc, ginger, etc., from Phillips NO, 28. COMMITTEE MEETING. Preparing for an Exhibit at Car nesville and atAthena-An Honest Effort to make Both Exhibits $uod(ssFui,. On Tuesday tho Coramitte on Ex¬ hibits for for Franklin county, mot in tho Court room and organized by eleoting W. F. Bowers chairman and W. A. Landrum secretary. The members of the committee discussed the project at some length and sooniod to be, for tho first tune, de¬ voting some solid thinking to tho . talked about means of transporting tho exhibits to Athens, about tho oxponso and how the money could bo raised and nbent offering premiums ut Carnes* villo and charging an eotranoo and admission foe. Upon tho whole the committee seemed to be fully in» pressed with the magnitude of the task before them, and also determin¬ ed to do their duty. Tho Secretary was directed to open correspondence with tho Sec*, of the North-oast Georgia Fair Association and pain such in* formation in reference to the exhibit as may bo neocssaiy to guide tho future action of the Committee. On motion a committee of five was appoints I, lor tty purpose of submitting a plan lor tho future guidance of the committee. J. 8. Dortch, J. II. Sligli, G. L. Carson, 8. A. Porter and J. W. Crump were appointed on the committee,and di¬ rected to report on the first Tuesday in August. On motion tho meeting adjourned to meet on tho first Tuesday in August W. A. Landrum. Bec rotary. TOO LATE. Tho sat on a bench m the West Circus Park, their inside hands tight¬ ly clasped—their outside ones tightly holding 011 to A yellow banana. A news boy crossed close to .them, and taking in the situation at a glance lie said: “Say, you want to peel them aforo 0 ; ting.” “It’s too late, simirty,” rep led tho young fellow “wc caught 011 to that over an hour ago.” ej CITATION. * Georgia Franklin County. To all whom it may concqrA, John Watkins andH. W. Hemphill admin¬ istrators of David G. Watkins, dee’ef, has in duo form applied to tho under* signed for leave to sell the lands be¬ longing to the estate of said dec’d and said application will be heard on the first Mondry in August next. This July 2nd 1888. L.N. Tribble Ord. 4t CITATION. Georgia Franklin Uafinty, To all whom it may Concern, A J. Neal, administrator of O Doan dec’d has in due form applied to the under¬ signed for leave to sell the Railroad stock heloogin to said dec,d, and said application will be hoard on the first Monday in August next. This July 2nd 1888. L. N. Tribble Old, 4t UfDried beef for sale at Phillips’ ^"Gold rings watch chains neck¬ laces etc at McConnell k Bio’s. Sewing machines at McConnell & Bro’s Call on McConnell & Bro’s for fruit Jars.